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Ramadan in Dubai
Islamic months 1 Muharram 2 Safar 3 Rabi Al Awwal 4 Rabi Al Thani 5 Jumada Al Ula 6 Jumada Al Akhira 7 Rajab 8 Sha’aban 9 Ramadan 10 Shawwal 11 Dhu Al Qa’da 12 Dhu Al Hijja
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is an Arabic word that comes from the Arabic word ‘Al Ramad’, which means intense heat and the dryness that follows. The word reflects the hardship felt by those fasting, as well as the burning off, as it were, of sins.
Ramadan is one of the “five pillars” of Islam. Adults who are able to fast are required to avoid all food and drink from dawn to sunset for the month.
Rules of fasting
The basic rule is no food or drink of any kind from dawn to
Muslims who are sick or travelling are exempted from observing the fast. They do
however have to make up the days they missed, which can be done any time before
the next Ramadan begins.
Pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding or menstruating are also exempted
from the fast. They must also make up for the missed days at another time.
The missed days of fasting to be made up don’t have to be consecutive; they can
be separated by break days in between.
Fasting also involves abstaining from sexual intercourse during
the fasting hours.
Most scholars agree smoking breaks the fast and so must be avoided during the
There are other things that technically don’t break the fast but “spoil” or
taint it, detracting from the spiritual reward. For example, cursing, lying,
backbiting or quarrelling is even more emphatically forbidden during Ramadan.
Contrary to what many people think, some things do not break the
fast. Using eye-drops or perfume, applying skin lotion, or brushing the teeth
are some habits that have no effect on the fast.
In fact, using the traditional toothbrush — the miswak, made from the twig of
the siwak tree — is highly recommended. But care must be taken to not swallow
anything while brushing the teeth
Ramadan guidelines for non-Muslims
In the UAE, and in many other Muslim countries, eating, drinking
or smoking in public, or in the car, is not recommended from dawn to sunset.
There are designated areas in many workplaces for lunch, as well as authorised
restaurants people who are not fasting can visit.
People can continue grocery shopping as normal. Many restaurants also continue
food deliveries to homes and offices as well as pick-up orders.
Modest clothing is recommended, day and night, in public. For example, shoulders
and knees should be covered.
Listening to loud music should also be avoided.
It is seen as a polite gesture to greet Muslims with the saying ‘Ramadan Kareem’
at the start of Ramadan, which means ‘Have a blessed Ramadan’.
Public displays of affection, such as kissing or hugging, should be avoided.
The boom of iftar
A long-cherished tradition of the UAE is the announcement of the
time for Iftar with the boom of cannons (the shells are empty, of course).
At sunset, a canon is fired to signal the time for iftar, the meal taken to end
the day's fast Image Credit: Supplied
Exactly at sunset, down to the minute listed in official Ramadan timings, the
canon’s firing at select locations marks the end of the day’s fast. National TV
channels broadcast the occasion live every day from location.
The practice has been sustained by police departments for almost six decades. It brings back found memories for long-time residents.
■ Each cannon is fired once to announce the start of Ramadan.
■ Once every day to announce iftar.
■ Twice in a row to announce Eid Al Fitr.
■ Twice on the morning of Eid Al Fitr, after Eid prayers.
Themes of Ramadan
Sharing: Muslims are keen to share food especially during Ramadan as they believe they also earn the reward of the fasting person whom they feed at sunset.
Charity: Being empathic to the needs of others is doubly
encouraged during Ramadan and the month sees an outpouring of charity, both
financial and in kind.
Worship: The sanctity of Ramadan follows Muslims’ belief that the Quran was
revealed in this month, in one of its last 10 days. That is why Ramadan is also
known as ‘The Month of the Quran’. Muslims read and memorise the Quran more
during Ramadan. The month is also marked by longer voluntary prayers at night.
Sweet tradition
■ Muslims typically end their fast by having a few dates and
some water, following the practice of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
Fresh dates are an ideal choice to end the fast Image Credit: Pixabay
■ Dates are loaded with fast-releasing sugar that the body needs for after a
long fast.
■ Dates are also preferred because they are tasty, affordable, readily available
and have a long shelf-life.
■ Having dates first restores some energy to the fasted body, which prepares the
digestive system to cope with the intake of a bigger meal afterwards.
■ These qualities make dates the most liked food to have at iftar, the name of
the first meal taken to end the day’s fast.
The Five Pillars of Islam
Islam is based on five pillars. These are the most basic acts of worship Muslims must perform.
1 Shahada (Affirmation)
The shahada, or testimony, is the belief and declaration that there is only
one God – Allah – and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah.
2 Salah (Praying)
The second pillar of Islam obligates five prayers a day facing the Kaaba in
Makkah. The times of the prayers are called by the mua’dhen over loudspeakers at
mosques, starting at dawn and ending at night.
3 Zakat (Giving of alms)
Muslims who have a certain amount of wealth, such as money or trade goods,
are required to give a small percentage to the poor and needy. Zakat means a
“purification” of the wealth
4 Sawm (Fasting)
Sawm means fasting and is practiced in Ramadan as an obligation. Muslims
avoid food and drink from dawn until sunset.
5 Haj (Pilgrimage)
Muslims who are able go to Makkah on pilgrimage at least once in their life
are required to undertake the Haj. Those who cannot afford it or cannot travel
because of health reasons are excused. Pilgrims wear the same clothes - two
white sheets of unstitched cloth – so all are on an equal footing.
The Qiblah
In Salah, all Muslims worldwide face the Kaaba in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The
Qiblah is the direction pointing to the Kaaba, a cube-shaped building that,
according to Islamic tradition, was originally built by Prophet Ebrahim (PBUH).
Muslims stand in neat rows behind the Imam, the prayer leader, all facing the
In the Islamic lunar calendar, known as the Hijri year, the first crescent sighting after the new moon marks the start of each month. Like the other Islamic months, Ramadan’s start is also tied to the crescent sighting. Moon sighting is a religious practise in Islam. Many countries, including the UAE, have a moon sighting committee that declares its findings on important occasions such as the start of Ramadan and the two festivals of Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha.
Islamic calendar
The lunar year is around 10 days shorter than the solar
Gregorian year. The Islamic calendar comprises 12 months based on the lunar
cycle, which is known as the Hijri (Migration) year of Mohammad (PBUH) from
Makkah to Madina. The Islamic year Hijri 1 corresponds to AD622. We are
currently in the Hijri year 1438.
Since the Hijri year is shorter, it arrives 10 days ‘earlier’ in relation to the
Gregorian calendar, through the seasons. That’s why Ramadan comes around 10 days
earlier than the previous year.
Islamic months
1 Muharram
2 Safar
3 Rabi Al Awwal
4 Rabi Al Thani
5 Jumada Al Ula
6 Jumada Al Akhira
7 Rajab
8 Sha’aban
9 Ramadan
10 Shawwal
11 Dhu Al Qa’da
12 Dhu Al Hijja
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