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American Hospital Dubai

The American Hospital Dubai is a 143 bed, acute care, general medical/surgical hospital providing high quality American standard healthcare in the middle east. The American Hospital Dubai is planned, designed, built and equipped to meet American Standards of healthcare. All of American Hospital Dubai's physicians are North American Board Certified or are holding equivalent Western training programs, such as those in United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
The hospital is the first in the Middle East to get accredited by the Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCIA) which reassures our continued commitment to the highest quality American Standard of Healthcare in the region. In 2006 the hospital was reaccredited for the third time. The hospital’s Medical Laboratory is also accredited and re accredited in 2005 by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), making it the first private laboratory in the Middle East to be accredited by (CAP).
The hospital continues to expand its services in primary and secondary care, plus selective tertiary services, to include Centers of Excellence in - Joint Replacement, Heart, Cancer, and Diabetes.
American Hospital Dubai is confident that their treatment and facilities can
match any of those in the world, from - General Adult Surgical services,
Anesthesia, Orthopedics and Joint Replacement programs, Primary Care and
Internal medicine, Hematology and Cancer treatment, Cardiology, Interventional
Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Pulmonary, ENT, Ophthalmology, Neurology,
Neurosurgery, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Kidney disease, Dialysis and Urology,
GI Endoscopy and Hepatology, Dermatology, Rheumatology, Obstetrics and Women’s
health, Pediatrics, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, Physical therapy, to Dietary
counseling and support services group.
The state of the art Radiology Department including – 1.5 Tesla MRI, 64 Multi Slice CT, Colored Doppler Ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine - have created the most modern radiology service in the Middle East, with equipment that is faster and capable of conducting a wide range of examinations with a higher degree of detail. This is in addition to the EEG, EKG, Stress test, Sleep studies, Pulmonary function test, matched by the state of the art Laboratory services.
Services offered by The American Hospital Dubai
Allergy / Immunology
An allergist/immunologist is a physician certified in either internal medicine
or pediatrics, who has completed an additional two years of training in allergy
and immunology at an accredited training
Anesthesia for surgery, Acute and chronic pain consultation
Ante-Natal Classes
Parents are offered information to assist them when making choices in labor,
this makes them more confident and helps make the birth an enjoyable experience.
Back Care Specialist
Breast Clinic
One-stop shop solution to patients, from breast education to treatment and
Diagnosis and Management of Cardiovascular Disease (Non-Invasive).
Cardiology (Interventional Cathlab)
Angiogram for Coronary and Peripheral vessels, Interventions, PTCA, Stents,
Atherectom, Permanent pacemakers and AICID Implants.
Cardiopulmonary Department
Electrocardiogram, Treadmill Stress Test, 2-D Echocardiogram, Stress
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Minimally invasive adult Cardiothoracic Surgery, Beating Heart coronary artery
bypass grafting, Total arterial grafting, Mini-Incision for valve
repair/replacement, Complex mitral valve repair, Surger
Diagnosis and Treatment of Dermatological diseases
Dietary Counselling Clinic
Diabetes, Lipid Clinic, Weight Loss
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Audiology, Surgery of the Ear, Excluding Cochlear Transplants, Surgery of
the Nasal Cavity and the Paranasal Sinuses
Emergency Medicine
The Emergency Department provides high quality, efficient and compassionate
care, 24-hours per day, 7 days per week, for all medical and surgical problems,
including Pediatrics and Obstetrics.
Endocrinology / Diabetes
Comprehensive Diabetes Care, Short Stature, Hormone Disorders, Growth and
Puberty Disorders
Diagnosis and Management of Digestive Diseases, Diagnosis and Management of
Liver Diseases, Upper GI Endoscopy ( Diagnostic & Therapeutic)
General Surgery
Gastric Bypass, Gastric Banding, Gastroenterological Surgery, Medical and
Surgical Management of Breast Diseases, Oncological Surgery
Acute and Chronic old age Illness,Dementia,Adult Preventive Medicine / Adult
Immunizations,Travel Advice.
Home Healthcare Service
We are pleased to announce the introduction of the American Hospital Dubai Home
Health Care Service. This new service is being introduced as from October 2007
to serve the communities of Dubai and Sh
Infectious Disease
Sexual Transmitted Disease STD, Travel Recommendations & Immunizations, Fungal
Diseases, Infections Post Surgery
Medical Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (64 slice CT scan).
Nephrology / Kidney Dialysis
Management of acute renal failure, Management of chronic renal failure and ESRD,
Proteinuria and microscopic hematuria, Hypertension, essential and secondary
Diagnostic and Management of Neurological Disorders, Headaches, Epilepsy, Stroke
Neurosurgery / Brain & Spinal Surgery
Spinal Surgery, Cranial Surgery, Functional Neurosurgery
Obesity Clinic
Gastric Banding, Gastric Bypass
Obstetrics & Gynecology
General and High-Risk Obstetrics, General Gynecology, Colposcopy and Outpatient
and Inpatient Treatment of Pre-Invasive Lesions of the Cervix.
Oncology & Hematology
General Medical Oncology - screening, diagnosis, treatment of all forms of
cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies.
General Ophthalmic Services, Provides Comprehensive Service for Pediatric and
Adult Patients, Radial Keratotomy
Orthopedic / Knee Joint Replacement
Uni Knee – for partial erosion of the joint surface, Legacy LPS Flex – for joint
surface erosion but still have full flexion ability.
Orthopedic Trauma Management, Joint Replacement Surgery of the Hip and Knee
Joints, Acute and Reparative Management of Joint Dislocations
Pathology and Laboratory
This is a full service laboratory operating 24/7 to provide quality test results
to meet our patient’s needs.
General Pediatric clinic and in-patient services for acute and chronic illness,
Care of the sick newborn - Neonatal intensive Care, Routine infant growth,
development monitoring and immunisation advic
Pharmacy Department
The pharmacy Department of the American Hospital Dubai provides American
standard services to hospital inpatients and outpatients.
Physiotherapy Department
The Physiotherapy Department at the American Hospital Dubai provides treatment
to hospital inpatients and outpatients according to the highest standards.
Primary Care Clinic
General Practice - Adult and Pediatric - Male and Female, Acute and Chronic
Illness, Annual Check-Ups / Well Woman Check-Ups
Pulmonology / Respiratory Diseases
Full pulmonary function test ( including lung volume and airway resistance),
Respiratory muscle testing, Pulmonary exercise test
Rheumatism (Rheumatology) and Arthritis - (Bone & Joint)
Diagnosis and Management of Muscle and Joint Diseases
Special Nurse Education/Counselling
Breast Self-Examination, Pre and Post Operative Breast Surgery, Asthma
Speech Therapy
Urinary Tract Calculus Disease Surgery Including Intracorporeal Lithotripsy,
Male Infertility Procedures, Pediatric Urology
Vascular Surgery
Call the hospital directly +(971-4)-336-7777 or call us +971-56-495-4061 for a complete travel & treatment package. We organize for you Visa Air travel Hotel and the appointments and treatment at the American Hospital Dubai.
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