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Doing Business in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi is unique. You have all the conveniences of'bl9 city' life, but without the need for long com mutes, trafl'rCla’“S and crowded public transport. People work hard, but the'? is a far Qreater balance between work and home lli°€ than in man)! other cities around the world. Families do far m0'€‘ together and make the most of the many parks and beadles to relax and enjoy themselves, particularly during the wow winter months. investing in Abu Dhabi _ Private and overseas investment is actively encourageq 'n Abu Dhabi, with the emirate now allowing 100% forelgn ownership of businesses in various designated econo¤”¤i€Z°ne5' such as the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD). Expo¥T Of non oil related products has tripled since 1990 and continues to rise. In addition to various government departmenffi that are specifically responsible for providing commercial assistance to enterprises in Abu Dhabi, there are various chambéls 0 commerce and other business groups that help faclméss investments and Pfovide opportunities for netw0Fkl"g will n others in the community. Some groups provide information on trade with their respective country, as well as on business opportunities both in Abu Dhabi and the other emirates. Most atso arrange social and nemcrkmg ·2·i.·e-ms. Refer up rtw Mm Dha—bi‘i'el!0w Pages and Hawk Busmess Pages for cie1a¤L·,. Hum d}·r£C¥6i'ic5 are available Online {.www.y@ii¤s·: pagers m=r rua. wwwhawk pagesxumi. Another usefu|·.ve&1sitae¤a ThF:Emu.41_r;<. {www.thecmirate·snarw¤rk.c¤rm — an 0r=tnn4· f.4·;iii=·; that-allows yOu LD access the specialised business rjnrecmrar-··, in-the UAE.
Ras Al Akhdar
Tourist Club Area
Al Sharafat Area
Other Emirates
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Daily Desert Safaris
Enjoy the spirit of the Arabian desert Dune bashing in the sand and entertained by Belly dance over Dinner US.00 Per person More details and booking