URANOMETRIA ARGENTINA by Benjamin Apthorp Gould Reprinted and Updated by Frederick Pilcher Benjamin Apthorp Gould was a giant of late 19th century astronomy, whose legacy extends into the 21st century. He set constellation boundaries for southern hemisphere constellations which with only a few small changes were accepted when they were permanently fixed by the International Astronomical Union in 1930. He was first to call attention to the belt of bright stars through the southern Milky Way which is still termed "Gould's belt." And he published a catalog of positions of southern stars, the Uranometria Argentina, of very high accuracy and completeness. Yet as a historical figure he has been undeservedly nearly forgotten. To restore his historical role in the consciousness of 21st century astronomers, and to provide a simple number identification scheme for all naked eye stars in southern hemisphere constellations, this writer presents a reprint and update of his Uranometria Argentina. In 1879 Benjamin Apthorp Gould published the Uranometria Argentina: Vol. 1 of Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba. It includes 7756 southern hemisphere stars within 100 degrees of the south pole whose positions he himself had measured at the Observatorio Nacional Argentino in Cordoba. This he intended to be complete to all naked eye stars to magnitude 7.0, although comparison of his magnitudes to modern photoelectric magnitudes shows his were systematically 0.2 to 0.6 magnitudes too faint, more so in some constellations than in others. This catalog is somewhat analogous to John Flamsteed's Catalogus Brittanicus prepared more than 150 years earlier for stars visible from Greenwich. Flamsteed's catalog omits a number of naked eye stars magnitudes 4.5 and fainter, and contains many errors which later stellar cartographers have largely corrected. Gould's Uranometria Argentina, however, is essentially complete to his stated magnitude limit. A very small number of errors were in subsequent decades published by himself and others. Gould, like Flamsteed, numbers his stars separately for each constellation and, except in some cases as explained in the next paragraph, in sequence of increasing right ascension in the coordinates of his epoch, 1875. Flamsteed's numbers have been included in most modern star catalogs, atlases, and planetarium-type programs, and are valuable to designate naked eye stars beyond the limits of Bayer letters. Regrettably Gould's star designations have disappeared from modern literature. Especially for observers of southern hemisphere stars the loss of this simple nomenclature is unfortunate, as without it many naked eye stars can only be identified with their awkward 5 or 6 digit numbers from the HD (Henry Draper), SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), or other catalogs. In the Uranometria Argentina Gould lists many instances of two or more close together stars. These include some stars which he considered fainter than magnitude 7.0 which were close to other stars and for which the combined light he considered magnitude 7.0 or brighter. To these Gould did not assign numbers. In the Uranometria Argentina these are connected by curly brackets, which are not easily represented on computer text files. In this updated listing stars associated with other stars the curly brackets are replaced with the symbol #. In some cases Gould's listing of stars in sequence of increasing right ascension is interrupted to allow two or more stars connected by curly brackets, or the symbol # in this updated version, to appear on consecutive lines. To follow the Uranometria Argentina faithfully they are included in this listing. Gould catalog star numbers are almost unknown in 20th and early 21st century popular star catalogs, atlases, and planetarium programs. Indeed, the Gould catalog might have vanished from modern astronomical consciousness except for the use of Gould catalog numbers in the Fundamental Katalog (FK) series by the Astronomische Rechen-Institute and in the Astronomical Almanac of the U. S. Naval Observatory prior to the year 1979 for extremely precise star positions of fundamental stars. These appeared with the letter G following the star number from the Gould Uranometria Argentina catalog, and should be contrasted with Flamsteed numbers which did not carry any letter following the Flamsteed number. For example in Orion the star Pi6 carries the Flamsteed number 10 and the Gould number 22G. The star o is Flamsteed 22 and Gould 61G. Any modern use of Gould star numbers should always be followed by the letter G to unambiguously distinguish Flamsteed unlettered numbers from Gould G numbers. This practice should be followed even for far southern constellations which have no Flamsteed numbers because they were permanently below the horizon at Flamsteed's Greenwich observatory. In the 21st century Gould's Uranometria Argentina can be found only in a few libraries with specialized collections. To make them available once more to star enthusiasts this author has laboriously copied all the tabulated information from the Uranometria Argentina into digital format with the capability of printout or digital manipulation for exporting elsewhere. This work is more than just a reprint of the Uranometria Argentina. For all the stars listed in this Catalog the author has included the modern J2000 coordinates, photoelectric magnitudes, spectral classes, and both their HD and SAO numbers. This is in addition to all the information in Gould's Uranometria Argentina including his designations from historic catalogs, coordinates in the equinox of 1875, and Gould's original magnitude estimates. Gould was very careful to determine magnitudes, and especially to look for variable stars. Compared with modern magnitudes his tend to be systematically 0.2 to 0.6 too faint, varying somewhat among different constellations, with an additional random error around 0.3 magnitudes rms. As in Gould's original catalog, each constellation is listed separately and within each constellation the stars are listed in the same sequence as in the Uranometria Argentina. The columns in the tabulation are from the left the Gould number, Flamsteed number and letter, if any, modern photoelectric magnitude, spectral class, right ascension in hours, minutes, and seconds, declination in hours, minutes, and seconds, both in J2000 coordinates, HD catalog number, SAO catalog number. For cases in which the full spectral class requires more than the eight character column width provided for spectral class, an abbreviated and usually less precise form written with the * symbol referrs to the complete form in the Notes following the star list for each constellation. An asterisk standing alone in this column indicates that no spectral class is available. The symbol v following the magnitude indicates a variable star with the stated magnitude in most cases the brightest observed, and the symbol v? indicates possibly variable. Because the degree symbol for declination is not represented in digital alphanumeric format, the h, m, s for right ascension and degree symbol, ', " for declination are omitted. The user should recognize the usual format of representation of these quantities and be able to correctly interpret their meaning without these symbols. Following these data shown in current catalogs are the original data from Gould's Uranometria Argentina. These are intended to be an exact duplication of the numerical data in the Uranometria Argentina except for error corrections identified by asterisks. In sequence from left to right these are: Gould's references to star designations from earlier catalogs, the right ascension in hours, minutes, and seconds, declination in degrees and minutes to the nearest 0.1 minute, both in the equator and equinox of 1875, magnitude as determined by Gould, and notes for some stars. Symbols in the Notes column include dpl. for double stars with the magnitudes of the components in sequence of increasing right ascension; var. for variable stars with the magnitude range of variation in some instances; var? for stars which Gould considered as possibly variable; r to denote red stars; rr to denote excessively red stars; and c to denote otherwise colored stars. It should be noted that Gould also stated Flamsteed numbers and letters along with other catalog references. As these are all given in earlier columns, there is no need to repeat them here. It should be noted that in Gould's Uranometria Argentina, the - sign was omitted without ambiguity from all declinations -10 degrees and farther south, as the catalog contained no stars north of +10 degrees declination. The + sign was omitted from declinations for stars in constellations lying enirely north of the celestial equator. For the convenience of 21st century users, in this work the + and - signs have been restored to Gould's 1875 declinations for all stars for which they were omitted. Except for some faint stars which Gould connected with braces to nearby stars and for many of which he did not assign numbers, within each constellation Gould arranged the stars in sequence of increasing right ascension in 1875 coordinates. Because precession in right ascension is dependent upon the tangent of the declination and is greater at greater angles from the celestial equator, the reader will note that the numerical sequence of Gould numbers is not strictly a sequence of increasing right ascension in J2000 coordinates. The reader will note many asterisks in the star tabulations for each of the separate constellations. Each of these is explained in another listing below the star tabulation. While many of these should be self-explanatory, the user should use special caution with the following. A * in the Gould number column indicates that Gould did not provide a number for this star, usually because he considered it fainter than magnitude 7.0, although he included all other information customarily provided for individual stars. A * following the letter indicated that Gould did NOT include it in the Uranometria Argentina, often because Gould did not approve of lettering stars fainter than magnitude 6.0. The letter has been restored here because it appears in some modern catalogs and star atlases, and its inclusion may be helpful to some modern users. In some other cases a variable star designation was assigned after the Uranometria Argentina was published and is included here although it does not appear in in Gould's original catalog. A * following the spectral class indicates that the spectral class has too many characters to fit in the 8 character column width and that the representation here is an abbreviation, or if no spectral class is provided here it is not available. A * following the right ascension or declination in 1875 coordinates indicates that a correction to the value in the Uranometria Argentina has been published. Here the corrected value is shown in the tabulation with a reference to the value in the original Uranometria Argentina from which it was corrected. A # following the magnitude indicates this star is one of two or more stars linked by a brace in the Uranometria Argentina. One page of errata was published with the original catalog. In addition, two publications supply further corrections to the printed work. These are by B. A. Gould, Astronomische Nachrichten 116, pp 379-382 (1887AN....116..379G), and by T. W. Backhouse, Astronomical Journal 12, 112 (1892AJ.....12Q.112B). To simplify use of this expansion of the original catalog, the corrected values are written into the tables with footnotes to the original values. All of these, and a few others, mostly typographical misprints found by the present author, are presented in this digital version. In the Uranometria Argentina Gould frequently used braces to associate two or more stars which were close together in the sky. Digital representation prevents the use of this original notation and is replaced here by # symbols. But all such associations are stated for each constellation in the footnotes following the star lists as "connected by braces." In some cases Gould assigned a combined magnitude for the set of brace-associated stars. Readers will note that in a majority of cases the combined magnitude is fainter than would be found by the modern formula for the addition of star magnitudes. As one purpose of this work is to reprint the Gould Uranometria Argentina catalog, these incorrect combined magnitudes have been allowed to stand. Readers wishing to make corrections should use the modern photoelectric magnitudes rather than Gould's original magnitudes. The preparation of this "Updated Uranometria Argentina" was all done by hand entry. Some errors of transcription are inevitable. While these will cause the user some inconvenience, there is enough redundancy in the tables in principle to correct them. Each star has a unique data set consisting of J2000 coordinates, magnitude, spectral class, HD and SAO numbers. A typographical error will usually cause one of these parameters to be inconsistent with all the others in the set and therefore be capable of identification. The modern J2000 coordinates and Gould 1875 coordinates should be consistent within a few arcseconds in most cases after applying precession and proper motion between these years. The Astronomical Almanac published annually by the U. S. Naval Observatory carried Gould number star designations for several stars in the "Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars" section until the year 1980. The reorganization of the Astronomical Almanac which occurred the next year eliminated these designations. The FK5 catalog of 1535 fundamental stars published annually by the Astronomisches Rechen-Institute, Heidelberg, Germany, continued the use of Gould number designations through the year 1999. It is noteworthy that Gould assigned letters to previously unlettered 5th magnitude stars which Gould considered worthy of having letters, and unlike his numbers these have survived in modern literature. In his Uranometria Argentina Gould dropped some previously assigned letters from stars which he considered fainter than magnitude 6. Those letters which still appear in some modern atlases and catalogs are restored, although denoted with asterisks, in this updated version. Very significant for the history of astronomy is that Gould defined constellation boundaries south of +10 degrees declination which with very few exceptions were those adopted and permanently fixed by the IAU in 1930. It would be a simple matter to add the Gould designations of stars from the digital version of this work to lists of other designations in planetarium programs, as modern precise magnitudes, spectral classes, coordinates for the year 2000, and identifications with other catalogues are included. The author encourages producers of these planetarium programs to do this. Once again, all Gould catalog numbers in such a presentation should always be followed by the letter G. In the Uranometria Argentina Gould arranged his constellations in sequence of increasing distance from the South Celestial Pole and provided a number for each constellation in this sequence. Thus there is published 1. - Octans; 2. - Mensa; 3. - Hydrus, and so forth. In this update of the original the constellations are rearrangeded to alphabetical sequence, but in each case the original constellation number assigned by Gould is included in the constellation name heading. Gould included 66 constellations all or part of which are south of +10 degrees declination. The left column list rearranges the original sequence alphabetically. The right column list retains Gould's original sequence in terms of increasing distance from the south celstial pole. 37. Antlia 1. Octans 5. Apus 2. Mensa 46. Aquarius 3. Hydrus 53. Aquila 4. Chamaeleon 15. Ara 5. Apus 66. Bootes 6. Pavo 29. Caelum 7. Indus 65. Cancer 8. Tucana 41. Canis Major 9. Volans 60. Canis Minor 10. Carina 44. Capricornus 11. Musca 10. Carina 12. Circinus 19. Centaurus 13. Triangulum Australe 47. Cetus 14. Dorado 4. Chamaeleon 15. Ara 12. Circinus 16. Horologium 34. Columba 17. Reticulum 31. Corona Australis 18. Pictor 49. Corvus 19. Centaurus 48. Crater 20. Crux 20. Crux 21. Norma 61. Delphinus 22. Phoenix 14. Dorado 23. Eridanus 62. Equuleus 24. Telescopium 23. Eridanus 25. Grus 36. Fornax 26. Vela 25. Grus 27. Lupus 64. Hercules 28. Puppis 16. Horologium 29. Caelum 40. Hydra 30. Scorpius 3. Hydrus 31. Corona Australis 7. Indus 32. Sagittarius 58. Leo 33. Microscopium 45. Lepus 34. Columba 43. Libra 35. Sculptor 27. Lupus 36. Fornax 2. Mensa 37. Antlia 33. Microscopium 38. Piscis Austrinus 55. Monoceros 39. Pyxis 11. Musca 40. Hydra 21. Norma 41. Canis Major 1. Octans 42. Ophiuchus 42. Ophiuchus 43. Libra 54. Orion 44. Capricornus 6. Pavo 45. Lepus 63. Pegasus 46. Aquarius 22. Phoenix 47. Cetus 18. Pictor 48. Crater 57. Pisces 49. Corvus 38. Piscus Austrinus 50. Virgo 28. Puppis 51. Serpens 39. Pyxis 52. Scutum 17. Reticulum 53. Aquila 32. Sagittarius 54. Orion 30. Scorpius 55. Monoceros 35. Sculptor 56. Sextans 52. Scutum 57. Pisces 51. Serpens 58. Leo 56. Sextans 59. Taurus 59. Taurus 60. Canis Minor 24. Telescopium 61. Delphinus 13. Triangulum Australe 62. Equuleus 8. Tucana 63. Pegasus 26. Vela 64. Hercules 50. Virgo 65. Cancer 9. Volans 66. Bootes Although the complete catalog of stellar data is reproduced here, the full text portion of the Uranometria Argentina is not. The scope of the catalog is explained in Chapter V, pp. 128-130. So that modern users may understand Gould's goals, this section of the text, and only this section, has been included here and is stated verbatim below: "The Catalog, which here follows, embraces that portion of the heavens which is situated south of the parallel of ten degrees of north declination. It is intended to include not only those fixed stars which are in themselves as bright as 7.0m, but likewise those pairs or groups of stars whose joint light produces, when seen by the unaided eye, or through a glass of low power, the effect of a single object of this degree of brightness. It has furthermore been my aim to include those stars which are situated so near to brighter ones as to affect estimates of their magnitude, made without the employment of a telescope. To carry out this plan with absolute completeness is of course out of the question, but no pains have been spared in the endeavor. Thus estimates of magnitude have been made for the components of double stars, and for those individual members of clusters which seem appreciably to contribute to the general effect when viewed by the naked eye, or through a hand-glass of low power. Such estimates must necessariy be crude, and no attempt has been made at securing greater precision than to the nearest quarter of a unit. In these cases, the combined or total effect is likewise given, as also for those pairs of stars which, although not too near to permit sharp estimates for each one, might not unfrequently give the impression of a single object. In the first column is the current number of the star in the constellation, for reference; no star being numbered whose intrinsic brightness falls below our limit. The second contains the distinguishing letters, adopted in conformity with the general principles or detailed statements given in the preceding chapter. The third contains references to other catalogues, to facilitate the identification of the star. Where such reference is wanting, the star has not been found in any catalogue. In general it has been deemed sufficient to cite one authority only; but Flamsteed's stars and those of Johnson's St. Helena Catalogue are given in addition to other references, as also Bradley's number, in most cases, where the star is not found in Flamsteed. The greater part of the stars south of the tropic are in Lacaille, and of those north of the tropic in Lalande; and near the tropic of Capricorn there is a narrow belt in which many stars occur in the zones of both these astronomers. For these stars references to each of the catalogues are given. The signification of the initial letters used in these references, and the order of preference in which the catalogues in question have generally been cited, are as follows: F. John Flamsteed. Historia Coelestis Britannica. (Ed. Halley.) Londini: 1818. By. Fundamenta Astronomiae, pro anno 1755 deducta, ex observationibus viri incomparabilis James Bradley. Auctore F. W Bessel. Regiomonti: 1818. L. A Catalogue of 9766 stars in the Southern Hemisphere, from the observations of Nicolas Louis Lacaille, made at the Cape of Good Hope in the years 1751 and 1752. Reduced at the expense of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, under the superintendence of Mr. Thomas Henderson; and printed under the direction of Mr. Francis Baily. London: 1847. Ll. A Catalogue of those stars in the Histoire Celeste Francaise of Jerome de LaLande, for which tables of reduction to the epoch 1800.0 have been published by Professor Schumacher. Reduced at the expense of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Francis Baily. London: 1847. B. A Catalogue of 7385 stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere, prepared from observations made in the years 1822-6 at the Observatory at Paramatta founded by Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane. The computations made and the catalogue constructed by Mr. William Richardson. London: 1835. J. A Catalogue of 606 principal fixed stars in the Southern Hemisphere, deduced from observations made at the Observatory, St. Helena, by Manuel J. Johnson. London: 1835. T. A General Catalogue of the principal fixed stars, from observations made at the Hon. East India Company's Observatory at Madras, in the years 1830-43 by Thomas Glanville Taylor, Astronomer to the Hon. Company. Madras: 1844. G. A Catalogue of 1963 stars, reduced to the beginning of the year 1850, from observations made at Santiago de Chile, during the years 1850-52, by the U. S. N. Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, Lt. James M. Gilliss, superintendent. Washington: 1870. (Appendix to Washington Observations of 1868.) WB. Positiones Mediae Stellarum Fixarum, in Zonis Regiomontanis a Besselio inter -15ø et +15ø declinationis observatarum, ad annum 1825 reductae, et in catalogum ordinatae. Auctore, Maximiliano Weisse. Jussu Academiae Imperalis Petropolitanae edi curavit et praefatus est F. G. W. Struve. Petropoli: 1846. OA. Argelander's Zonenbeobachtungen von 15. bis 31. Grade Sudlicher Declination in mittleren Positionen fur 1850.0, von Wilhelm Oeltzen. Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie: 1857-58. Y. Catalogue of stars, observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory during the years 1845-71, and prepared for publication, by Professor M. Yarnall. Washington: 1873. Although several of the stars were first observed by Piazzi, reference is not much made to his catalogue, on account of its great rarity, inasmuch as all of them were reobserved by Taylor. The very important and valuable catalogues recently published by Mr. Ellery at Melbourne and by Mr. Stone at the Cape of Good Hope, as also that of Dr. Moesta, containing the observations made by him at Santiago de Chile during the years 1856-60, were received after the conclusion of this work, but previous to the printing of the catalogue, so that it has been possible to search for our anonymous stars in these new authorities, which are designated by their respective initials. For some stars, the reference-number is enclosed in parentheses. This is to indicate that, although the place is wrongly given in the catalogue cited, the star is that one which really was observed, and of which the erroneous determination gave rise to the incorrect position, so that the magnitude then assigned it was unaffected by the error in question. In the fourth and fifth columns are the right-ascensions and declinations for the mean equinox of 1875.0, given respectively to the nearest second of time and the nearest tenth of a minute of arc. All these stars have been observed in Cordoba, and I believe that the positions as given for the date of the adopted equinox may be fully relied on. The seventh column contains such concise notes as seemed most properly to belong there, all detailed commentary being reserved for the following chapter. The letters r and c signify respectively that the star is red, or otherwise colored. Some excessively red stars are marked rr. Double stars are denoted by the abbreviation dpl., and the approximate magnitudes of their components are given in their order of right-ascension for 1875.0 For those variable stars whose limits of brightness have been determined, these are likewise given in the same column. A brace connects those stars which appear to the naked eye as a single object." The author wishes to thank Richard Pulley, whose proofreading enabled several errors to be corrected, and Sue French, who has access to Gould's original notes at the Dudley Observatory, for assistance in correcting some additional errors in the printed Uranometria Argentina. Interested users are invited to add these tables to their personal star data bases and planetarium programs, and to utilize the ease of digital manipulation in ways in which the author has not foreseen. Users are also invited to invent computer techniques for error checking. The author will appreciate learning of any errors thus found in order to correct them. 37. - ANTLIA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.65 A5III/IV 9 27 38.4 -35 00 28 81919 200392 L.3841 9 22 27 -34 27.8 7.0# * 7.4 B9.5V 9 28 14.6 -34 54 16 81985 200398 L.3848 9 23 3 -34 21.6 7.5# 2 Epsilon 4.51 K3III 9 29 14.7 -35 57 05 82150 200416 L.3861 9 24 5 -35 24.3 5.0 r * 6.7 G8III 9 29 40.4 -26 35 39 82161 177539 L.3859 9 24 9 -26 2.8 7.2# 3 5.48 K2IIICN* 9 29 54.5 -26 35 23 82205 177546 L.3860 9 24 22 -26 2.6 6.0# 4 6.18 A6V 9 29 16.3 -38 24 14 82165 200419 L.3865 9 24 15 -37 51.4 6.6 5 7.4 B9.5V 9 29 58.4 -28 14 38 82220 177552 L.3864 9 24 29 -27 41.7 7.0 6 7.1 F2IV 9 30 22.0 -31 33 02 82314 200436 L.3872 9 25 1 -31 0.2 7.0 7 6.7 K2III 9 30 40.3 -28 46 01 82363 177582 L.3873 9 25 12 -28 13.0 7.0 8 Zeta1 6.96 A1V 9 30 45.4 -31 53 29 82383 200444 L.3880 9 25 25 -31 20.4 6.1# dpl. 6 3/4, 6 1/2 9 Zeta1 6.19 A1V 9 30 46.1 -31 53 22 82384 200445 * 10 Zeta2 5.93 A9IV 9 31 32.2 -31 52 19 82513 200459 L.3884 9 26 12 -31 19.3 6.3# 11 5.87 K3III 9 31 32.8 -35 42 54 82514 200462 L.3889 9 26 20 -35 9.5 6.4 12 S* 6.46v F3V 9 32 18.5 -28 37 41 82610 177619 L.3892 9 26 50 -28 4.7 6.9 13 6.42 F2IV/V 9 33 07.7 -39 07 43 82785 200492 L.3903 9 28 6 -38 34.6 6.8 14 6.48 F5V 9 35 11.8 -35 49 26 83108 200531 L.3918 9 30 0 -35 16.0 6.8 15 6.54 F2 9 36 33.7 -24 42 10 83261 177738 L.3923 9 30 56 -24 8.7 6.8 16 5.70 K1III: 9 37 00.2 -25 17 48 83332 177748 L.3928 9 31 23 -24 44.3 6.4 r 17 5.63 K0III 9 37 09.9 -32 10 43 83380 200561 L.3939 9 31 47 -31 37.0 6.2 r 18 5.98 K2III 9 37 28.3 -36 05 45 83441 200573 L.3946 9 32 16 -35 32.1 6.4 r 19 6.70 F6V 9 38 40.7 -39 36 51 83610 200590 L.3959, B.2583 9 33 38 -39 2.9 7.0# * 7.7 G8/K0III 9 39 07.1 -39 31 46 83674 200597 B.2587 9 34 2 -38 57.9 8 # 20 6.9 A0/A1V 9 41 24.7 -33 23 48 84042 200635 L.3975 9 36 4 -32 49.7 7.0 21 6.6 K2III 9 41 52.3 -30 18 14 84085 200644 L.3976 9 36 24 -29 44.1 7.0 * 7.9 B9IV 9 42 29.3 -35 34 41 84201 200650 B.2612 9 37 13 -35 0.5 8 # 22 6.41 ApSi 9 42 41.3 -35 30 07 84224 200652 L.3983, B.2614 9 37 25 -34 55.9 6.5# 23 Theta 4.79 A8V+F7* 9 44 12.1 -27 46 10 84367 177908 L.3991 9 38 38 -27 11.9 5.1 24 6.82 F2IV/V 9 44 15.8 -39 34 16 84447 200681 L.3996 9 39 10 -38 59.9 7.0 25 6.40 B0IV 9 45 21.8 -30 12 11 84567 177939 L.3997 9 39 52 -29 37.7 6.7 26 6.9 F6V 9 45 24.2 -32 40 59 84580 200699 L.3999 9 40 1 -32 6.4 7.0 27 6.8 F3V 9 45 59.8 -35 51 51 84687 200710 L.4006 9 40 43 -35 17.1 7.0 28 7.0 A0III 9 46 16.0 -33 30 30 84727 200714 L.4007 9 40 54 -32 55.9 7.0 29 6.6 K0III 9 47 36.4 -33 14 39 84900 200736 L.4021 9 42 12 -32 39.8 7.0 30 6.7 F0 9 48 42.7 -26 24 51 85043 178027 L.4026 9 43 5 -25 50.1 6.9 31 5.97 K2III 9 49 28.1 -37 11 11 85206 200777 L.4036 9 44 14 -36 36.3 6.4 32 6.37 K0III 9 49 51.3 -36 16 07 85296 200784 L.4039, B.2681 9 44 34 -35 41.2 6.7# * 7.6 A6V 9 50 31.4 -36 15 42 85387 200795 B.2687 9 45 14 -35 40.7 7.6# 33 6.30 G1V 9 52 58.0 -27 19 56 85725 178130 L.4056 9 47 23 -26 44.9 6.6 34 7.0 B4V+B/A* 9 54 05.2 -27 59 56 85860 178157 L.4058 9 48 28 -27 24.6 7.0 35 7.1 A1III/IV 9 56 15.6 -31 05 30 86193 200880 L.4072 9 50 44 -30 29.9 6.9 36 5.84 K1III 9 56 35.5 -33 25 07 86267 200889 L.4077 9 51 8 -32 49.5 6.4 r 37 6.31 A4V 9 56 54.0 -27 28 30 86301 178216 L.4076 9 51 16 -26 52.9 6.7 38 Eta 5.23 A8IV 9 58 52.3 -35 53 28 86629 200926 L.4095 9 53 31 -35 17.6 5.6 39 6.54 K1III 10 02 49.3 -30 34 40 87199 200994 L.4115 9 57 14 -29 58.5 6.8 40 6.6 K2III 10 03 23.5 -33 14 19 87303 201005 L.4120 9 57 54 -32 38.0 6.9 * 7.28 F6V 10 04 17.9 -28 22 44 87416 178366 L.4128 9 58 38 -27 46.4 7.5# 41 6.8 A(pEuCr) 10 04 49.0 -28 11 20 87488 178378 L.4132 9 59 9 -27 35.0 6.9# 42 6.9 A0V 10 05 11.9 -28 11 50 87556 178385 L.4134 9 59 32 -27 35.4 6.9# 43 6.43 K1III 10 04 23.4 -39 58 33 87477 201020 L.4135 9 59 8 -39 22.2 6.9 44 6.27 K1III 10 05 15.2 -36 23 02 87606 201037 L.4140 9 59 51 -35 46.6 6.6 45 6.5 K0/K1III 10 05 26.4 -34 52 58 87639 201039 L.4141 9 59 59 -34 16.6 7.0 46 6.98 F0V 10 05 33.9 -33 23 35 87638 201040 L.4142 10 0 3 -32 47.1 6.9 47 6.6 G8III 10 05 45.3 -30 53 30 87660 201045 L.4143 10 0 10 -30 17.0 6.9 48 6.36 K0III 10 08 01.7 -37 20 01 88013 201081 L.4160 10 2 38 -36 43.4 6.6 49 6.13 F8V 10 09 31.8 -35 51 25 88218 201109 L.4167 10 4 9 -35 14.6 6.5 50 R 8.0 A0V 10 09 45.5 -37 43 58 88262 201114 L.4168 10 4 22 -37 7.1 var. 6 1/2 - 8 51 6.8 F0IV 10 10 41.6 -38 54 41 88398 201129 L.4177 10 5 21 -38 17.8 6.9 52 6.6 F5V 10 11 48.8 -34 20 02 88524 201152 L.4185 10 6 17 -33 43.0 6.9 53 6.28 A0V 10 12 02.9 -28 36 23 88522 178526 L.4183 10 6 21 -27 59.4 6.4 * 7.3 K2III 10 12 26.1 -32 41 24 88619 201167 L.4187 10 6 52 -32 4.4 7.1# * 7.1 K0III 10 12 50.6 -32 30 55 88670 201178 L.4192 10 7 15 -31 53.9 7.3# 54 6.35 G0V 10 13 24.8 -33 01 55 88742 201186 L.4196 10 7 54 -32 24.9 6.7 55 5.90 K1III 10 13 45.9 -40 20 45 88809 221877 L.4202 10 8 27 -39 43.6 6.4# r 56 6.35 G8III 10 13 56.6 -40 18 38 88836 221883 L.4204 10 8 37 -39 41.5 6.8# 57 6.5 G8III 10 14 13.7 -39 06 13 88872 201196 G.1206 10 8 51 -38 29.0 6.9 58 6.19 K0III 10 15 20.9 -36 31 05 89015 201211 L.4216 10 9 52 -35 53.8 6.6 59 5.34v B9.5Ib* 10 18 07.6 -28 59 31 89353 178644 L.4234 10 12 24 -28 22.1 5.8 60 6.30 K2.5III 10 18 37.7 -36 48 17 89442 201266 L.4242 10 13 8 -36 10.8 6.9 61 6.7 A1V 10 19 10.6 -34 36 58 89528 201275 L.4245 10 13 37 -33 59.5 6.8 62 6.6 F7V 10 20 33.9 -31 48 49 89709 201297 L.4252 10 14 56 -31 11.2 6.9 63 6.25 A9IV 10 23 13.1 -30 09 44 90071 178759 L.4273 10 17 29 -29 31.8 6.6 64 5.33 A8V 10 23 29.3 -38 00 36 90132 201346 L.4278 10 18 1 -37 22.6 5.7 65 7.1 A0IV 10 24 56.9 -38 18 13 90335 201369 L.4287 10 19 27 -37 40.1 7.0 66 6.8 K0/K1III 10 26 25.6 -39 21 43 90549 201391 L.4295 10 20 57 -38 43.6 6.9 67 Alpha 4.25 K4III 10 27 09.1 -31 04 04 90610 201405 L.4298, J.240 10 21 26 -30 25.9 4.4 c, var? 68 Delta 5.56v? B9.5V 10 29 35.4 -30 36 26 90972 201442 L.4309 10 23 50 -29 58.1 6.0 dpl. 10, 6 69 6.68 G8III 10 33 31.1 -40 14 19 91538 201512 L.4345 10 28 0 -39 35.6 7.0 70 6.90 A0IV 10 34 16.9 -37 23 12 91645 201523 L.4347 10 28 41 -36 44.5 6.9# * 7.2 A7V 10 35 27.4 -37 21 41 91804 201538 L.4359 10 29 51 -36 42.9 7.2# 71 U* 5.38v C 10 35 12.9 -39 33 46 91793 201533 L.4358 10 29 40 -38 55.0 5.9 rr, var? 72 7.13 A1V 10 36 36.0 -33 16 22 91965 201556 L.4365 10 30 52 -32 37.4 6.9 73 6.8 K3III 10 37 12.7 -31 45 47 92056 201566 L.4371 10 31 27 -31 6.9 7.0 74 7.01 B9IV 10 37 42.2 -35 43 13 92136 201576 L.4374 10 32 1 -35 4.3 7.0 75 6.7 G8III 10 39 16.1 -36 40 38 92363 201598 L.4387 10 33 37 -36 1.6 6.9 76 6.37 G9+F/G* 10 40 51.5 -35 44 29 92589 201631 L.4399 10 35 9 -35 5.4 6.5# 77 6.82 A0V 10 41 30.3 -35 43 53 92678 201641 L.4407 10 35 48 -35 4.7 6.9# 78 5.64 A0V 10 42 43.2 -32 42 57 92845 201665 L.4415 10 36 56 -32 3.7 5.9 79 6.7 F7V 10 44 39.4 -36 55 50 93105 201698 L.4437 10 38 56 -36 16.4 6.8 80 5.61 A1V 10 49 57.0 -34 03 29 93905 201805 L.4483 10 44 8 -33 23.8 5.8 81 6.77 B6III 10 53 01.1 -35 29 20 94366 201856 L.4498 10 47 13 -34 49.5 6.7 82 6.7 F6/F7IV 10 53 56.5 -36 27 26 94504 201873 B.3268 10 48 10 -35 47.5 6.9 83 7.02 B8III 10 54 35.5 -38 45 17 94565 201886 B.3278 10 48 51 -38 5.4 7 # * 8.6 * 10 54 37.0 -38 44 57 201887 * 10 48 52 -38 5.0 7 3/4# 84 Iota 4.60 K0III 10 56 43.1 -37 08 16 94890 201927 L.4527 10 50 54 -36 28.0 5.1 85 5.43 A0V 11 04 54.1 -35 48 17 96146 202067 L.4580 10 59 0 -35 7.9 5.8 Following 1 the star HD81985=SAO200398 is connected with a brace to 1 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 3 the star HD82161=SAO177539 is connected with a brace to 3 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 3 Spectrum K2IIICNII 8, 9 For the double star Zeta1 Antliae the Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two components but provides only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 8, 9, 10 These three stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.6. 12 The variable star designation S was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 19 the star HD83674=SAO200597 is connected with a brace to 19 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 22 the star HD84201=SAO200650 is connected with a brace to 22 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 23 Spectrum A8V+F7II-III Following 32 the star HD85387=SAO200795 is connected with a brace to 32 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 34 Spectrum B3/5V+B/A Preceding 41 the star HD87416=SAO178366 is connected with a brace to 41 and 42 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. Between 53 and 54 the stars HD88619=SAO201167 and HD88670=SAO201178 are connected with a brace with the notation cum. instead of a combined magnitude and without having numbers assigned to either. 55, 56 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 59 Spectrum B9.5Ib-II Following 70 the star HD91804=SAO201538 is connected with a brace to 70 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 71 The variable star designation U was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 76 Spectrum G8/K0III+F/G 76, 77 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 83 the star SAO201877 is connected with a brace to 83 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. The spectrum is not available. 5. - APUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.1 A9IV 13 51 26.9 -73 08 37 120230 257092 L.5666 13 41 0 -72 31.2 7.0# 2 7.0 A2V 13 53 06.0 -73 16 10 120508 257098 L.5677 13 42 36 -72 38.8 7.0# 3 6.09 B9III 14 00 35.1 -78 35 25 121439 257107 L.5694 13 47 44 -77 58.7 6.5 4 Theta 5.48 v M6.5III 14 05 19.8 -76 47 48 122250 257112 L.5757 13 53 13 -76 11.5 var. 5 1/2 - 6 1/2, r 5 6.02 G1V 14 08 27.1 -74 51 02 122862 257116 L.5781 13 57 2 -74 15.4 6.4 6 Eta 4.91 A2mA7-F2 14 18 13.8 -81 00 27 123998 258693 L.5792 14 2 40 -80 25.1 5.3 7 6.47 K2IIp 14 16 55.0 -77 39 50 124099 257131 L.5816 14 3 50 -77 4.6 6.9 8 6.41 B8V 14 24 23.4 -82 50 55 124639 258697 L.5801 14 6 7 -82 16.1 6.8 9 Epsilon 5.06 B4V 14 22 22.8 -80 06 32 124771 257142 L.5828 14 7 23 -79 31.7 5.5 10 6.58 B3III/IV 14 19 47.7 -73 58 06 124834 257140 L.5847 14 8 18 -73 23.3 6.7 11 6.07 K0/K1III 14 29 36.9 -76 43 45 126209 257163 L.5885 14 16 29 -76 9.8 6.5 12 6.3 B9III 14 41 59.8 -77 00 42 128294 257182 L.5957 14 28 13 -76 28.1 6.7 13 6.7 G5V 14 41 52.7 -75 08 21 128400 257183 L.5972 14 28 57 -74 35.8 6.9 14 Alpha 3.83 K5III 14 47 51.6 -79 02 41 129078 257193 L.5980, J.334 14 32 26 -78 30.6 4.0 15 6.44 ApSi4200 14 51 30.6 -77 10 33 129899 257202 L.6022 14 37 14 -76 39.0 6.7 16 6.7 B8V 14 51 30.3 -74 55 59 130081 257204 L.6044 14 38 24* -74 24.6 6.9 17 5.60 G7III+A* 14 53 13.9 -73 11 25 130458 257206 L.6066 14 40 46 -72 40.3 6.1 18 R* 5.34v? K4III 14 57 53.0 -76 39 46 131109 257212 L.6077 14 43 42 -76 9.0 var. 5 1/2 - 6 1/4, r 19 5.93 G8II 15 00 12.0 -77 09 38 131425 257218 L.6088 14 45 35 -76 39.2 6.4 20 6.20 B9V 14 59 56.2 -75 02 57 131551 257219 L.6105 14 46 31 -74 31.5 6.5 21 6.73 B5V 15 01 22.7 -71 29 30 132004 257225 L.6128 14 49 18 -70 59.3 6.8 22 6.8 B4III* 15 08 29.9 -80 18 48 132501 258719 L.(6108) 14 50 53 -79 49.2 7.0 * 7.3 G3III 15 05 10.6 -72 11 23 132675 257234 L.6150 14 52 47 -71 41.6 7.6# * 7.0 B8V 15 06 22.8 -72 10 13 132874 257237 L.6158 14 53 57 -71 40.6 7.1# 23 6.73 B2Vn 15 09 01.1 -72 18 28 133385 257241 L.6184 14 46 27 -71 49.2 6.8# 24 6.6 K1II* 15 15 27.5 -79 08 10 133921 257252 L.6174 14 58 44 -78 39.5 7.0 25 6.03 B8/B9III 15 12 33.9 -72 46 13 133981 257247 L.6196 14 59 44 -72 17.5 6.4 26 6.7 M2III 15 19 29.1 -71 47 33 135338 257264 L.6247 15 6 51 -71 19.7 6.8 27 6.6 A1/A2V 15 22 29.4 -74 23 58 135719 257268 L.6252 15 8 42 -73 56.5 6.7 28 7.0 A1III/IV 15 24 57.5 -72 02 47 136272 257273 L.6281 15 12 5 -71 35.7 6.9 29 Kappa1 5.49v B1npe 15 31 30.8 -73 23 22 137387 257289 L.6323 15 17 56 -72 57.1 5.8 30 6.5 B3V 15 30 49.4 -71 39 15 137366 257284 L.6331 15 17 58 -71 13.0 6.7 31 6.87 Ap* 15 31 26.7 -71 03 45 137509 257290 L.6340 15 18 48 -70 37.6 6.9 32 6.18 K2II 15 39 18.8 -77 55 05 138289 257303 L.6348 15 22 48 -77 29.5 6.7 33 Kappa2 5.65 B8IV 15 40 21.3 -73 26 49 138800 257307 L.6390 15 26 32 -73 1.8 6 # * 15 26 35 -73 3.3 7 3/4# 34 5.95 B9V 15 41 55.0 -76 04 55 138867 257310 L.6381 15 26 37 -75 40.0 6.3 35 6.3 F3IV 15 59 54.6 -78 01 36 141846 257341 L.6484 15 42 35 -77 39.2 6.7 36 6.5v? K3III 16 00 46.9 -72 27 49 142497 257347 L.6536 15 46 58 -72 5.9 7.0 var? 37 6.7 A6III 16 02 16.1 -73 30 55 142678 257350 L.6542 15 47 55 -73 9.1 6.8 38 5.70 K1IIICN* 16 05 55.9 -72 24 03 143346 257357 L.6573 15 52 2 -72 3.1 6.1 39 7.0 A7IV 16 07 57.7 -71 56 38 143720 257363 L.6591 15 54 14 -71 35.9 7.0 40 Delta1 4.68v M5III 16 20 20.8 -78 41 45 145366 257380 L.6623 16 1 45 -78 22.5 5.2# r 41 Delta2 5.27 K3III 16 20 26.9 -78 40 02 145388 257381 L.6628 16 1 52 -78 20.8* 5.5# r 42 6.61 B9V 16 18 23.4 -73 02 36 145619 257379 L.6675 16 3 57 -72 43.5 6.7 43 6.8 A0V 16 21 37.4 -71 52 27 146310 257389 L.6714 16 7 41 -71 33.8 7.0 44 Gamma 3.89 K0IV 16 33 27.0 -78 53 50 147675 257407 L.6727, J.397 16 14 21 -78 36.6 3.9 45 5.50 K1IIICN* 16 34 19.1 -70 59 19 148488 257409 L.6809 16 20 33 -70 42.8 5.9 46 6.6 A0V 16 35 49.8 -71 53 38 148650 257413 L.6814 16 21 39 -71 37.4 6.7 47 Beta 4.24 K0III 16 43 04.8 -77 31 03 149324 257424 L.6817 16 25 17 -77 15.0 4.5 r 48 6.7 G8III 16 40 47.1 -72 18 01 149392 257421 L.6847 16 26 20 -72 2.7 6.8 49 6.76 B8/B9V 16 51 45.3 -73 43 21 150995 257437 L.6901 16 36 25 -73 29.7 6.7 50 6.4 A5IV/V 16 57 01.5 -71 06 41 152010 257446 L.6961 16 42 54 -70 54.0 6.6 51 6.91 G0IV/V 17 00 54.6 -76 13 08 152260 257449 L.6948 16 43 46 -76 0.6 6.8 52 7.1 B6IV 17 09 51.9 -82 19 08 152565 258760 * 16 43 50 -82 7.7 7.0 53 6.9 B9III 16 59 55.1 -73 25 20 152339 257448 L.6969 16 44 37 -73 13.2 6.8 54 6.9 A2IV 17 07 19.0 -76 13 24 153298 257460 L.6992 16 50 2 -76 2.2 6.8 55 6.22 K1IVCN* 17 12 19.9 -70 43 16 154556 257472 L.7079 16 58 13 -70 33.2 6.6 56 6.25 A0V 17 16 35.9 -74 31 59 154972 257478 L.7081 17 0 27 -74 22.5 6.4 57 6.52 G2IV-V 17 20 12.8 -70 02 44 155875 253870 L.7146 17 6 21 -69 53.8 7.0# 58 Iota 5.41 B8/9V(n) 17 22 05.9 -70 07 24 156190 257491 L.7156 17 8 10 -69 59.2 5.8# r 59 5.88v? M3III 17 31 27.3 -80 51 33 156513 258769 L.7088 17 8 8 -80 44.2 6.4 60 Zeta 4.78 K1III 17 21 59.6 -67 46 13 156277 253882 L.7162 17 8 56 -67 38.1 5.4 61 6.7 G8III 17 40 44.8 -67 51 15 159558 253990 L.7316 17 27 34 -67 46.5 7.0 62 6.49 F8V 17 44 19.8 -72 13 15 159964 257525 L.7317 17 29 18 -72 9.3 6.6 63 6.07 K2III 17 57 41.9 -76 10 39 161988 257542 L.7372 17 40 0 -76 8.6 6.3 64 6.8 G8III/IV 17 59 20.5 -77 49 26 162049 257545 L.7361 17 40 4 -77 47.6 6.9 65 6.35 K3/K4III 18 05 26.3 -81 29 11 162337 258787 L.7327 17 40 27 -81 27.8 7.0 r 66 5.86 K3III 18 11 15.7 -75 53 29 164712 257569 L.7473 17 53 47 -75 53.3 6.0 67 5.85 F5V 18 12 34.6 -73 40 18 165259 257571 L.7507 17 56 42 -73 40.7 6.1 1, 2 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9. 16 Right ascension corrected from 14 38 24. 17 Spectrum G7IIIa+F9IV 18 The letter R is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina because although Gould recognized the variability of this star the letter was assigned later. 22 Spectrum B4/B5III/IV Preceding 23 the two stars HD132675=SAO257234 and HD132874=SAO257237 are connected with a brace to 23 and each other without being assigned numbers and with all three stars having a combined magnitude 6.7. 24 Spectrum K1II/III(+F) 31 Spectrum Ap(SiCrFe) 33 Following 33 a star not in the SAO catalog and with no designation from an earlier catalog is connected with a brace to 33 with combined magnitude 5.9. 38 Spectrum K1IIICNII 40, 41 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.6. 41 Declination corrected from -78 21.8. 45 Spectrum K1IIICNIa/b 52 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 55 Spectrum K1IVCNIII 57, 58 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 46. - AQUARIUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.5 K0 20 39 05.8 - 4 55 45 196676 144663 Ll.39827 20 32 30 - 5 22.1 6.8 2 6.22 B7IIIn 20 39 13.2 - 2 24 46 196712 144666 Ll.39836 20 32 43 - 2 51.1 6.5 3 1 5.16 K1III 20 39 24.9 + 0 29 11 196758 126062 Ll.39850 20 33 0 + 0 2.9 5.6 4 6.6 K0 20 40 12.5 - 2 39 18 196870 144681 Ll.39876 20 33 42 - 3 5.5 7.0 5 7.7 G0 20 41 45.8 -10 56 44 197089 163803 Ll.39925 20 34 55 -11 23.4 7.0 6 7.1 A2 20 42 27.5 - 2 19 36 197233 144726 Ll.39965 20 35 58 - 2 46.3 7.0 * 6.7 G5 20 43 35.1 -11 38 31 197364 163830 WB.908 20 36 44 -12 5.4 7.1# * 8.4 K2 20 44 9.1 -11 36 14 197454 163837 WB.921 20 37 18 -12 3.1 7.7# 7 6.27 K2 20 47 03.6 - 2 29 12 197954 144802 WB.1004 20 40 34 - 2 56.5 6.7 8 2 Epsilon 3.77 A1V 20 47 40.6 - 9 29 45 198001 144810 J.522 20 40 54 - 9 57.1 3.8 9 3 k 4.42v M3IIIvar 20 47 44.2 - 5 01 40 198026 144814 J.523 20 41 8 - 5 29.0 4.8 r 10 T 6.8v M3e 20 49 56.4 - 5 08 48 198373 144854 Ll.40196 20 43 21* - 5 36.5* var. r 6 2/3 - 12 1/2 11 5.88 K1III: 20 50 41.8 -12 32 42 198431 163924 Ll.40209 20 43 48 -13 0.4 6.2 12 4 5.99v? F5IV-V 20 51 25.7 - 5 37 35 198571 144877 T.9631 20 44 48 - 6 5.6 6.2 13 5 5.55v? B9III 20 52 08.7 - 5 30 25 198667 144889 T.9639 20 45 32 - 5 58.5 5.8 var? 14 7.1 K0 20 52 00.9 -11 26 22 198647 163940 Ll.40262 20 45 11 -11 54.3 7.0# 15 6.38 G1V 20 53 05.6 -11 34 25 198802 163953 Ll.40313 20 46 15 -12 2.7 6.8# 16 6 Mu 4.70 A3m 20 52 39.2 - 8 59 00 198743 144895 J.526 20 45 55 - 9 27.0 5.0 17 7.1 K0 20 54 03.1 -10 55 27 198951 163966 WB.1179 20 47 15 -11 23.7 7.0 18 6.44 F1IV 20 53 58.4 - 6 53 23 198949 144915 Ll.40345 20 47 19 - 7 21.6 6.7 19 6.7 A3 20 54 05.0 - 4 32 30 198962 144918 Ll.40356 20 47 30 - 5 0.9 6.9 20 7.0 K0 20 54 46.4 - 8 52 58 199035 144928 Ll.40371 20 48 3 - 9 21.3 6.9 21 6.55v A9Vn 20 55 08.2 - 1 22 25 199124 144941 Ll.40405 20 48 41 - 1 51.0 6.5 22 6.7 F2 20 55 08.5 + 1 48 48 199141 126364 Ll.40415 20 48 47 + 1 20.3 6.9 23 6.57 B8Vn 20 56 18.3 - 3 33 41 199280 144957 Ll.40450 20 49 46 - 4 2.4 6.5# * 7.3 K0 20 56 44.6 - 3 40 27 199363 144967 Ll.40468 20 50 12 - 4 9.1 7.3# 24 7 5.51v? K5III 20 56 54.0 - 9 41 51 199345 144968 Ll.40458 20 50 9 -10 10.5 5.9 var? 25 7.0 K0 20 56 47.5 + 1 42 56 199381 126391 Ll.40484 20 50 27 + 1 14.8 7.0 26 6.05 K2III 20 57 10.6 + 0 27 49 199442 126396 Ll.40496 20 50 47 - 0 0.6 6.2 27 DV* 6.01v F0IV 20 58 41.9 -14 28 58 199603 164027 Ll.40522 20 51 47 -14 57.8 6.1 28 6.8 A3 20 58 45.1 - 3 50 28 199651 144993 Ll.40551 20 52 13 - 4 19.5 7.0 29 8 6.6 A3 20 59 54.8 -13 03 06 199828 164046 Ll.40571 20 53 3 -13 32.2 6.8 30 10 6.6 A0 21 00 32.6 - 5 28 38 199944 145021 Ll.40633 20 53 57 - 5 57.9 6.4 31 11 6.21 G1V 21 00 33.8 - 4 43 49 199960 145022 Ll.40637 20 53 59 - 5 12.6 6.2 32 9 6.6 G5 21 01 08.3 -13 31 48 200004 164064 Ll.40642 20 54 15 -14 1.1 6.8 * 7.3 K5 21 01 04.1 + 1 02 05 200063 126464 Ll.40668 20 54 42 + 0 32.9 7.2# * 7.1 K5 21 01 22.2 + 1 04 11 200108 126469 Ll.40678 20 55 0 + 0 35.0 7.1# 33 7.1 F5 21 01 59.8 -11 41 47 200157 164074 Ll.40672 20 55 11 -12 11.0 7.0 34 6.49 B6V 21 02 59.6 - 0 55 29 200340 145050 Ll.40742 20 56 33 - 1 25.0 6.5 35 6.25 F5V 21 03 03.0 + 1 31 55 200375 126491 Ll.40749 20 56 43 + 1 02.7* 6.3# * 7.4 K0 21 03 04.2 + 1 41 39 200374 126492 Ll.40750 20 56 44 + 1 12.4 7.2# * 7.3v F2 21 03 07.6 - 1 18 31 200356 145052 Ll.40746 20 56 40 - 1 48.0 7.2# 36 6.78 F5 21 03 29.6 - 1 34 47 200433 145058 Ll.40759* 20 57 1 - 2 4.3 6.9# 37 12 5.9 G4III 21 04 04.7 - 5 49 23 200497 145065 T.9742 20 57 28 - 6 19.0 5.7 dpl. 7 1/2, 6 38 6.33 G5 21 04 45.1 + 2 16 15 200663 126522 Ll.40806 20 58 24 + 1 46.7 6.5 * 6.91v? K2 21 06 33.4 - 0 06 18 200932 145101 Ll.40869 21 0 9 - 0 36.2 7.2# 39 6.8 M3 21 07 32.9 - 0 09 50 201098 145121 Ll.40917 21 1 8 - 0 39.8 7.0# 40 6.9 A0 21 07 26.3 - 8 14 07 201038 145118 Ll.40892 21 0 45 - 8 44.1 6.7 41 6.4 K0 21 07 21.9 - 0 45 55 201066 145120 WB.1526 21 0 56 - 1 16.1 6.8 42 6.8 A3 21 07 42.5 - 2 03 08 201120 145126 Lamont 8058 21 1 13 - 2 33.2 6.9 43 6.8 K5 21 07 49.2 + 1 09 14 201159 126556 Ll.40926 21 1 27 + 0 39.2 7.0 44 6.8 A5 21 08 09.4 - 0 59 23 201222 145132 WB.1547 21 1 42 - 1 29.5 7.0 45 6.7 K0 21 08 57.5 - 5 34 55 201322 145145 Ll.40966 21 2 23 - 6 5.1 7.0 46 7.1 B9 21 08 51.6 + 1 47 16 201332 126571 Ll.40977 21 2 30 + 1 17.0 6.8 47 13 Nu 4.51 G8III 21 09 35.7 -11 22 18 201381 164182 J.528 21 2 47 -11 52.6 4.7 48 6.5 A3 21 09 16.0 - 0 14 06 201377 145152 Ll.40989 21 2 50 - 0 44.4 6.7 49 6.27 K0III 21 10 46.9 - 9 21 14 201567 145171 WB.27 21 4 2 - 9 51.6 6.5 50 EW* 6.48v D Del* 21 11 41.3 -14 28 20 201707 164204 Ll.41049 21 4 47 -14 58.9 6.5 51 6.77 B9pMn* 21 14 16.7 -10 36 19 202149 164240 Ll.41163 21 7 31 -11 7.2 6.8 52 6.38 M1III 21 14 37.1 + 0 05 32 202259 145229 Ll.41218 21 8 13 - 0 25.4 6.8 53 6.4 K0 21 15 59.7 -13 12 11 202407 164265 Ll.41246 21 9 9 -13 43.1 6.9 * 7.5 K0 21 15 49.0 - 9 07 15 202397 145246 Ll.41247 21 9 6 - 9 38.3 7.3# 54 14 6.7 M0 21 16 17.8 - 9 12 53 202466 145251 Ll.41268 21 9 35 - 9 44.0 6.5# * 7.4 A0 21 16 29.7 - 9 09 28 202494 145256 Ll.41271 21 9 47 - 9 40.6 7.5# 55 6.48 K0 21 16 39.5 - 1 36 28 202554 145259 Ll.41293 21 10 11 - 2 7.7 6.9 56 6.9 A0 21 16 58.2 -10 08 06 202577 164275 Ll.41287 21 10 14 -10 39.3 6.9 57 6.40 A2V 21 17 13.5 -13 16 44 202606 164279 Ll.41291 21 10 23 -13 48.0 6.5 58 15 5.82 B5V 21 18 11.1 - 4 31 10 202753 145278 T.9872 21 11 38 - 5 2.6 5.8 59 7.0 A0 21 19 48.8 -14 01 02 202990 164310 WB.252 21 12 57 -14 32.6 7.0 60 6.7 A3 21 19 20.5 -13 02 53 202929 164303 Ll.41393 21 13 12 -13 30.8 6.9 61 7.1 B9 21 20 09.2 -13 30 08 203054 164315 Ll.41400 21 13 18 -14 1.7 7.0 62 16 5.87 G7III: 21 21 04.3 - 4 33 36 203222 145317 Ll.41453 21 14 31 - 5 5.3 6.1 63 6.8 F2 21 21 50.3 + 1 21 42 203405 126733 Ll.41500 21 15 28 + 0 50.0 6.8 64 6.86 K2 21 21 58.7 - 9 19 40 203364 145333 By., Ll.41482 21 15 16 - 9 51.4 6.9# 65 17 5.99 M0III 21 22 56.2 - 9 19 10 203525 145351 Ll.41521 21 16 14 - 9 51.0 6.2# 66 6.68 F2 21 22 26.7 - 3 07 48 203458 145341 WB.334 21 15 57 - 3 39.7 6.9 67 18 5.49v? F1V 21 24 11.5 -12 52 41 203705 164364 Ll.41560 21 17 22 -13 24.8 5.7 68 19 5.70 F0IV 21 25 13.1 - 9 44 55 203875 145382 Ll.41605 21 18 30 -10 16.7 5.8 69 20 6.36 F0III 21 24 51.7 - 3 23 54 203843 145376 Ll.41603 21 18 21 - 3 55.9 6.5# 70 21 5.49 K4III 21 25 16.9 - 3 33 25 203926 145384 Ll.41625 21 18 46 - 4 5.4 5.7# 71 6.9 A0 21 25 25.0 -14 16 37 203893 164378 Ll.41601 21 18 33 -14 48.9 6.8 72 6.46 A1IV 21 25 51.5 + 0 32 04 204041 126789 Ll.41655 21 19 28 - 0 0.3 6.4 73 6.6 K0 21 26 25.1 -12 05 45 204073 164388 Ll.41651 21 19 38 -12 37.5 7.0 74 6.13 F5V 21 26 28.0 + 1 06 13 204121 126794 Ll.41685 21 20 5 + 0 34.3 6.2 75 22 Beta 2.91 G0Ib 21 31 33.5 - 5 34 16 204867 145457 J.535 21 24 59 - 6 7.2 2.6 r 76 M2* 6.50 F3 21 33.5 - 0 49 Ll.41928 21 27 1 - 1 22.6 6.8 neb. 77 6.9 A2 21 34 07.6 - 4 22 06 205244 145493 Ll.41947 21 27 35 - 4 55.3 6.7 78 6.9 K0 21 34 15.1 - 3 24 38 205260 145496 Ll.41961 21 27 45 - 3 57.8 6.8 79 6.7 M3 21 34 42.8 + 1 49 45 205358 126901 By., Ll.41991 21 28 21 + 1 16.5 6.7 80 5.77 G9III: 21 35 17.6 - 3 58 59 205423 145510 Ll.42016 21 28 46 - 4 32.3 6.2 81 23 Xi 4.70 A7V 21 37 45.1 - 7 51 15 205767 145537 J.537 21 31 6 - 8 24.8 5.0 82 6.25 A2V 21 37 33.8 - 0 23 25 205765 145533 WB.707 21 31 9 - 0 57.0 6.2 83 24 6.63 F7III 21 39 31.5 - 0 03 04 206058 145566 Ll.42179 21 33 5 - 0 37.0 6.7 84 25 d 5.10 K0III 21 39 33.3 + 2 14 37 206067 126965 Ll.42189 21 33 13 + 1 41.0 5.5 85 26 5.67 K4III 21 42 10.1 + 1 17 07 206445 126997 Ll.42283 21 35 48 + 0 43.0 6.0 86 6.7 A2 21 44 24.0 - 4 43 49 206766 145625 Ll.42355 21 37 52 - 5 18.1 6.7 87 6.65v M8IIIvar 21 46 31.8 - 2 12 46 207076 145652 Ll.42431 21 40 4 - 2 47.6 6.8# r * 7.6 F5 21 47 08.1 - 2 17 33 207150 145664 Ll.42445 21 40 38 - 2 51.9 7.5# 88 6.9 A2 21 47 24.8 - 4 36 31 207204 145668 Ll.42457 21 40 52 - 5 11.l 6.8 89 6.17 A7V 21 47 38.1 - 5 55 02 207235 145671 Ll.42463 21 41 4 - 6 29.7 6.5 90 6.75 K0 21 49 01.9 - 5 24 14 207435 145685 Ll.42512 21 42 29 - 5 58.9 6.9 * 7.7 K2 21 50 32.8 + 0 45 10 207653 127103 Ll.42567 21 44 9 + 0 10.3 7.5# 91 6.8 K0 21 51 33.7 + 0 46 14 207796 127114 Ll.42600 21 45 11 + 0 11.2 6.7# 92 6.6 A0 21 52 21.2 - 3 10 29 207888 145716 Ll.42616 21 45 51 - 3 45.6 6.7 93 6.68 G5 21 52 44.9 - 3 59 31 207920 145721 Ll.42638 21 46 14 - 4 34.7 7.0 94 5.71 K2III 21 54 10.4 - 4 16 34 208111 145731 Ll.42672 21 47 39 - 4 51.6 6.0 95 6.20 F5IV 21 54 35.9 - 3 18 04 208177 145735 Ll.42687 21 48 6 - 3 53.4 6.4 96 6.33 F5IV 21 58 13.3 - 5 25 29 208703 145778 By., Ll.42812 21 51 40 - 6 0.9 6.5 97 7.1 A0 21 59 17.8 -23 49 59 208793 190793 L.8982 21 52 14 -24 25.7 6.9 98 6.22 K2V 21 58 55.0 - 4 22 23 208801 145784 Ll.42846 21 52 24 - 4 57.6 6.4 99 28 5.58 K4III: 22 01 05.0 + 0 36 19 209128 127235 Ll.42913 21 54 41 + 0 0.3 5.9 100 6.28 G7III: 22 02 11.8 -17 54 12 209240 164827 Ll.42926 21 55 19 -18 30.1 6.6 101 29 6.37v A2V 22 02 26.5 -16 57 51 209278 164830 Ll.42935 21 55 36 -17 34.0 6.5 dpl. 7 1/4, 7 102 30 5.54 K0III 22 03 16.4 - 6 31 21 209396 145836 Ll.42978 21 56 42 - 7 7.5 5.8 103 31 Omicron 4.70v B7IVe 22 03 18.8 - 2 09 19 209409 145837 J.547 21 56 51 - 2 45.5 4.9 104 32 5.30 A5m 22 04 47.5 - 0 54 24 209625 145853 Ll.43031 21 58 22 - 1 30.6 5.7 105 34 Alpha 2.90 G2Ib 22 05 47.0 - 0 19 11 209750 145862 J.550 21 59 22 - 0 55.6 2.7 r 106 7.1 F5 22 06 13.2 -14 53 45 209767 164860 WB.1343 21 59 24 -15 30.2 7.0 107 33 Iota 4.28 B9IV-V 22 06 26.2 -13 52 11 209819 164861 J.551 21 59 41 -14 28.5 4.4 108 6.8 G5 22 07 15.1 -22 14 26 209925 190898 L.9026, Ll.43082 22 0 17 -22 51.0 7.0 109 6.52 B9 22 06 38.9 + 2 26 22 209905 127303 DM.4584 22 0 19 + 1 49.9 6.5 110 6.6 A0 22 07 35.3 -14 29 26 210000 164868 Ll.43108 22 0 49 -15 5.9 6.9 111 6.9 F5 22 08 47.5 -13 18 01 210172 164885 Ll.43155 22 2 3 -13 54.6 7.0 112 35 5.81 B2.5IV 22 08 59.0 -18 31 11 210191 164888 Ll.43156 22 2 8 -19 7.8 5.9 113 6.4 G5 22 09 29.1 -23 39 32 210244 190922 L.9038, Ll.43163 22 2 29 -24 16.3 6.6 114 6.63 G0 22 09 29.9 - 7 32 55 210277 145906 By., Ll.43186 22 2 54 - 8 8.7 6.9 115 6.27 A1Vnn 22 10 21.1 - 3 53 39 210419 145914 By., Ll.43226 22 3 50 - 4 30.3 6.5 116 37 6.70v? K0 22 10 31.8 -10 49 14 210422 164907 T.10280 22 3 52 -11 26.2 6.8 117 38 e 5.46 B7III 22 10 37.5 -11 33 54 210424 164910 T.10282 22 3 56 -12 10.7 5.6 118 6.01 K0III-IV 22 10 33.8 - 4 16 01 210434 145916 By., Ll.43239 22 4 2 - 4 52.8 6.3 119 6.09 F6V 22 11 02.4 -21 13 57 210464 190945 Ll.43225 22 4 6 -21 50.7 6.4 120 39 6.03v? F2V 22 12 25.7 -14 11 38 210705 164923 Ll.43289 22 5 41 -14 48.5 6.4 var? 121 6.39 F7V 22 12 43.8 - 4 43 15 210763 145940 By., Ll.43315 22 6 13 - 5 20.2 6.7 122 40 7.0 G5 22 13 26.4 -11 55 34 210845 164935 Ll.43324 22 6 45 -12 32.6 7.0 123 41 5.32 K0+F2* 22 14 18.0 -21 04 27 210960 190986 Ll.43343 22 7 24 -21 41.7 5.8 dpl. 6, 7 3/4 124 6.8 F5 22 14 47.3 -24 00 16 211024 190995 OA.22013 22 7 47 -24 37.4 6.9 125 6.54 G8V 22 14 38.2 -15 49 07 211038 164949 Ll.43363 22 7 52 -16 25.5 6.8 * 7.44 A3 22 16 07.2 -23 00 35 211236 191009 L.9078, Ll.43401 22 9 10 -23 37.9 7.1# 126 6.17 G5 22 16 59.9 -23 08 24 211364 191021 Ll.43434 22 10 2 -23 45.6 6.7# * 7.5 K0 22 17 31.3 -23 06 52 211450 191026 Ll.43459 22 10 35 -23 44.2 7.3# 127 42 5.34 K0III 22 16 48.1 -12 49 53 211361 164974 Ll.43447 22 10 6 -13 27.2 5.8 128 6.10 A5Vn 22 16 33.7 - 1 35 47 211356 145989 Ll.43452 22 10 7 - 2 13.1 6.4 129 43 Theta 4.16 G8III-IV 22 16 50.0 - 7 47 00 211391 145991 J.556 22 10 14 - 8 24.3 4.3 130 5.79v? K3III: 22 16 52.6 - 9 02 24 211392 145992 By., Ll.43454 22 10 17 - 9 39.7 6.4 131 44 5.75v? G6III 22 17 06.6 - 5 23 13 211434 145993 * 22 10 35 - 6 0.6 6.4 132 6.40 F3V 22 18 04.3 - 0 14 16 211575 146004 Ll.43518 22 11 40 - 0 51.6 6.6 133 45 5.95 G7III: 22 19 00.8 -13 18 18 211676 164996 T.10347 22 12 18 -13 55.8 6.3 134 46 Rho 5.36 B8IIIp* 22 20 11.9 - 7 49 16 211838 146023 T.10354 22 13 37 - 8 26.9 5.6 135 47 5.13 K2III 22 21 35.6 -21 35 54 212010 191083 J.557 22 14 43 -22 13.3 5.6 r 136 48 Gamma 3.84 A0V 22 21 39.4 - 1 23 14 212061 146044 J.558 22 15 12 - 2 1.0 3.9 137 49 5.53 G9III: 22 23 30.9 -24 45 45 212271 191105 L.9116 22 16 33 -25 23.6 5.9 138 5.93 G6V 22 23 32.1 - 7 11 40 212320 146062 Ll.43670 22 16 59 - 7 49.6 6.2 139 51 5.78 A0V 22 24 06.9 - 4 50 13 212404 146067 Ll.43699 22 17 36 - 5 28.1 5.8 140 50 5.76 G6.5III 22 24 27.0 -13 31 46 212430 165044 Ll.43701 22 17 45 -14 9.8 6.1 141 6.7 K0 22 24 35.9 - 1 11 12 212474 146074 Ll.43730 22 18 9 - 1 49.3 6.8 142 52 Pi 4.66v B1Ve 22 25 16.6 + 1 22 39 212571 127520 Ll.43752 22 18 54 + 0 44.6 4.9 143 6.7 F8 22 25 48.0 -20 14 13 212600 191131 Ll.43742 22 18 58 -20 52.2 7.0 dpl. 7. 8 1/2 144 6.30 A0V 22 26 10.7 -23 40 56 212643 191144 L.9132 22 19 16 -24 19.0 6.3 145 53 f 6.57 G2V 22 26 34.2 -16 44 29 212697 165077 Ll.43778 22 19 47 -17 22.6 5.8 c dpl. 6 3/4, 6 1/2 146* 53 f 6.35 G1V 22 26 34.4 -16 44 33 212698 165078 147 6.9 F0 22 26 34.7 - 7 22 39 212717 146087 WB.397 22 20 1 - 8 0.7 6.9 148 54 7.0 A3 22 26 41.7 -11 13 41 212741 165079 Ll.43790 22 20 3 -11 51.8 7.0 149 6.83 G0 22 27 06.7 - 1 18 35 212837 146092 Ll.43821 22 20 40 - 1 56.6 6.9 150 55 Zeta1* 4.5 F5IV 22 28 50.1 - 0 01 14 213051 146107 J.562 22 22 23 - 0 39.5 3.5 c dpl. 4 1/2, 4 1/4 151 55 Zeta2* 4.42 F1IV 22 28 50.1 - 0 01 12 213052 146108 152 6.40 F3IV 22 30 01.5 -12 54 54 213198 165123 By., Ll.43907 22 23 20 -13 33.3 6.5 153 56 6.37 B8Vs 22 30 17.4 -14 35 09 213236 165127 Ll.43917 22 23 35 -15 13.4 6.3 154 57 Sigma 4.82 A0IVs 22 30 38.8 -10 40 41 213320 165134 J.563 22 24 2 -11 19.0 5.1 155 6.16 K0 22 31 18.4 - 2 54 40 213428 146136 Ll.43981 22 24 51 - 3 33.0 6.6 156 58 6.38 A8III 22 31 41.3 -10 54 21 213464 165147 Ll.43983 22 25 4 -11 32.7 6.7 157 6.14 F7V 22 31 18.4 - 6 33 18 213429 146135 Ll.43974 22 24 45 - 7 11.5 6.2# 158 6.97 G0 22 32 34.1 - 6 28 02 213575 146142 Ll.44019 22 25 58 - 7 6.7 7.0# 159 6.7 K0 22 34 06.7 - 9 36 31 213780 146161 Ll.44067 22 27 32 -10 15.1 6.7 160 60 5.89 G6III 22 34 02.7 - 1 34 26 213789 146160 Ll.44074 22 27 36 - 2 13.0 6.2 161 59 Upsilon 5.20 F4IV 22 34 41.6 -20 42 30 213845 191235 J.565 22 27 51 -21 20.8 5.7 162 5.97 K0III: 22 35 26.5 -23 59 28 213986 191246 L.9180 22 28 44 -24 38.2 6.2 163 62 Eta 4.02 B9IV-Vn 22 35 21.4 - 0 07 03 213998 146181 J.566 22 28 56 - 0 45.7 4.1 164 61 6.7 K5 22 35 48.8 -17 27 37 214028 165178 Ll.44126 22 29 5 -18 6.3 6.7 165 6.83v? B1Ib 22 36 06.4 -16 23 16 214080 165181 Ll.44142 22 29 23 -17 1.9 6.7 166 63 Kappa 5.03 K2III 22 37 45.5 - 4 13 41 214376 146210 Ll.44203 22 31 17 - 4 52.3* 5.2 167 6.23 K0II+F* 22 38 22.2 - 7 53 52 214448 146216 Ll.44223 22 31 48 - 8 32.8 6.4 168 64 7.16 G0 22 39 16.1 -10 01 40 214572 165217 Ll.44267 22 32 42 -10 40.6 6.9 169 6.74 G0 22 40 08.0 - 9 21 34 214686 146230 Ll.44304 22 33 32 -10 0.8 6.8 170 7.0 F8 22 41 04.0 -23 31 15 214813 191323 L. 9208 22 34 14 -24 10.3 6.9 171 6.31 F6V 22 40 48.0 - 3 33 15 214810 146239 Ll.44338 22 34 20 - 4 12.2 6.4 172 6.9 M0 22 42 06.0 - 5 06 07 214983 146251 Ll.44382 22 35 36 - 5 45.1 6.7 * 7.0 F0 22 42 42.6 + 0 04 16 215077 146260 Ll.44416 22 36 18 - 0 34.9 7.3# 173 6.98 F0 22 42 49.1 + 0 13 55 215093 146261 Ll.44421 22 36 24 - 0 25.3 7.0# 174 6.45 A5V 22 43 03.4 - 8 18 42 215114 146271 WB.755 22 36 30 - 8 57.9 6.6 dpl. 8 1/4, 6 3/4 175 67 6.41 A0Vn 22 43 14.2 - 6 57 47 215143 146273 Ll.44433 22 36 43 - 7 37.0 6.4 176 66 g1* 4.69 K4III 22 43 35.3 -18 49 49 215167 165252 Ll.44436 22 36 52 -19 29.0 4.9 177 6.6 M0 22 46 14.2 -11 09 59 215553 165285 Ll.44525 22 39 39 -11 49.3* 7.0 178 6.8 F5 22 47 25.3 -17 33 00 215709 165290 Ll.44551 22 40 43 -18 12.5 6.9 179 68 g2* 5.26 G7III 22 47 33.1 -19 36 48 215721 165293 Ll.44557 22 40 51 -20 15.7 5.4 180 69 Tau1* 5.66 A0V 22 47 42.8 -14 03 23 215766 165298 Ll.44568 22 41 4 -14 42.9 5.8 r * 7.2: G5V 22 47 50.2 - 4 13 44 215812 146315 By., L1.44590 22 41 24 - 4 52.5 6.7 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 1/4 181 70 6.19v A9III-IV 22 48 30.2 -10 33 20 215874 165308 Ll.44609 22 41 56 -11 12.9 6.2 182 6.9 K2 22 49 17.2 -23 05 32 215981 191428 L.9269 22 42 30 -23 45.2 7.0 183 71 Tau2* 4.01 M0III 22 49 35.5 -13 35 33 216032 165321 Ll.44637 22 42 58 -14 15.1 4.2 r 184 6.9 F8 22 52 35.8 -19 02 16 216357 165351 Ll.44720 22 45 55 -19 42.0 6.8 185 73 Lambda 3.74v M2IIIvar 22 52 36.9 - 7 34 47 216386 146362 J.573 22 46 5 - 8 14.6 3.6 r 186 6.76 F8 22 52 46.5 -10 03 30 216402 165353 Ll.44734 22 46 10 -10 43.4 6.8 187 74 5.80v B9III 22 53 28.7 -11 37 00 216494 165359 Ll.44756 22 46 54 -12 16.8 6.0 188 6.8 A2 22 53 27.5 - 5 59 17 216503 146371 Ll.44763 22 46 59 - 6 38.9 6.9 189 6.5 K5 22 54 05.8 -19 10 33 216553 165365 Ll.44773 22 47 23 -19 50.4 7.0 190 75 7.1 K0 22 54 07.1 -12 11 26 216567 165366 Ll.44779 22 47 31 -12 51.2 7.0 191 76 Delta 3.27 A3V 22 54 39.0 -15 49 15 216627 165375 J.574 22 48 1 -16 29.1 3.2 192 78 6.19 K3III 22 54 34.1 - 7 12 17 216637 146382 Ll.44800 22 48 4 - 7 52.1 6.4 193 77 5.56v? K2IIIvar 22 54 45.5 -16 16 19 216640 165376 Ll.44799 22 48 9 -16 56.0 5.8 r 194 6.7 F5 22 54 54.8 -22 22 08 216664 191488 L.9299 22 48 9 -23 1.6 6.8 195 5.72 K0III-IV 22 55 11.0 - 4 59 16 216718 146388 Ll.44825 22 48 42 - 5 39.2 5.9 196 6.5 K2 22 55 30.7 -20 08 20 216727 191496 Ll.44823 22 48 48 -20 48.3 6.6 197 6.31 G9III 22 57 17.2 - 4 48 36 216953 146404 Ll.44880 22 50 49 - 5 28.6 6.6 198 6.07 K5III 22 59 35.7 -13 04 15 217251 165425 Ll.44937 22 53 1 -13 44.4 6.6 r 199 6.8 F2 23 00 19.9 - 8 52 50 217376 146438 Ll.44972 22 53 48 - 9 33.0 6.9 200 6.28 A5V 23 01 23.1 -22 47 27 217498 191585 L.9336, Ll.45000 22 54 39 -23 27.6 6.7 201 81 6.21 K5III 23 01 23.6 - 7 03 40 217531 146447 Ll.45017 22 54 54 - 7 43.9 6.6 202 5.94 K0 23 01 31.7 - 4 42 41 217563 146451 Ll.45022 22 55 3 - 5 23.0 6.1 203 6.5 A0 23 02 37.9 -18 32 30 217684 165456 Ll.45047 22 55 58 -19 12.8 7.0 204 82 6.15 M2III 23 02 32.6 - 6 34 27 217701 146465 Ll.45055 22 56 3 - 7 14.7 6.4 205 5.97 K0III-IV 23 02 44.3 -20 52 14 217703 191604 Ll.45049 22 56 4 -21 32.2 6.5 206 6.68 F8V 23 03 57.4 - 4 47 43 217877 146482 Ll.45102 22 57 27 - 5 28.1 6.9 207 6.14 K0 23 05 13.0 -17 04 45 218061 165481 Ll.45137 22 58 36 -17 45.1 6.3 r 208 83 h 5.43 F2V 23 05 09.8 - 7 41 37 218060 146498 Ll.45140 22 58 39 - 8 22.1 5.4# * 84 7.5 G8III 23 05 18.5 - 7 45 17 218081 146500 Ll.45156 22 58 48 - 8 25.7 7.4# 209 7.0 G5 23 05 22.0 -16 53 53 218071 165482 Ll.45145 22 58 44 -17 34.3 6.9 210 86 c1 4.47 G9III 23 06 40.9 -23 44 35 218240 191651 L. 9371 22 59 58 -24 25.1 4.4 211 88 c2 3.66 K2II 23 09 26.8 -21 10 21 218594 191683 J.579 23 2 47 -21 51.0 3.7 dpl. 10, 3 3/4 212 89 c3 4.69 G2+A2* 23 09 58.4 -22 27 27 218640 191687 L.9386, J.581 23 3 14 -23 8.1 4.9 213 6.43 A0Vn 23 09 49.9 -14 30 39 218639 165522 Ll.45311 23 3 15 -15 11.2 6.8 214 7.0 B8 23 10 39.6 - 5 57 38 218769 146543 Ll.45340 23 4 11 - 6 38.3 6.9 215 90 Phi 4.22 M2III 23 14 19.4 - 6 02 56 219215 146585 J.582 23 7 51 - 6 43.3 4.1 r 216 6.12 K5III 23 14 40.2 -10 41 19 219279 165578 Ll.45490 23 8 10 -11 22.1 6.5 r 217 5.55 A3V 23 15 34.2 - 3 29 47 219402 146593 Ll.45521 23 9 8 - 4 10.7 5.4 218 91 Psi1 4.21 K0III 23 15 53.5 - 9 05 16 219449 146598 Ll.45526 23 9 20 - 9 46.1 4.1 r 219 92 Chi 5.06v M3III 23 16 50.9 - 7 43 35 219576 146612 Ll.45558 23 10 22 - 8 24.5 5.3 r 220 6.7 F0 23 16 59.1 - 7 09 38 219592 146614 Ll.45562 23 10 29 - 7 50.7 6.8 221 6.34v? A1Vn 23 17 40.0 -11 42 47 219659 165609 Ll.45582 23 11 8 -12 23.7 6.6 222 93 Psi2 4.40 B5Vn 23 17 54.2 - 9 10 57 219688 146620 J.584 23 11 24 - 9 51.9 4.2 r 223 95 Psi3 4.98 A0V 23 18 57.7 - 9 36 39 219832 146635 Ll.45628*, J.586 23 12 27 -10 17.6 4.8 224 94 5.08 G5IV 23 19 06.7 -13 27 32 219834 165625 Ll.45630 23 12 31 -14 8.3 5.5 dpl. 5 1/2, 8 1/2 225 5.93 K3III: 23 19 24.0 -18 04 31 219879 165628 Ll.45647 23 12 50 -18 45.5 6.8 226 96 5.55 F3IV 23 19 24.0 - 5 07 28 219877 146639 Ll.45656 23 12 55 - 5 48.4 5.6 227 6.67 F2 23 20 15.9 - 3 55 08 219983 146645 Ll.45680 23 13 47 - 4 35.9 6.5 228 6.17 K0III 23 20 40.9 - 5 54 29 220035 146652 Ll.45698 23 14 14 - 6 35.4 6.4 229 6.7 A0 23 21 21.5 - 4 40 22 220134 146659 WB.280 23 14 55 - 5 21.3 6.7 230 97 5.20 A5Vn 23 22 39.2 -15 02 21 220278 165658 Ll.45761 23 16 6 -15 43.5 5.3 231 98 b1 3.97 K0III 23 22 58.2 -20 06 02 220321 191858 J.587 23 16 24* -20 46.9 3.9 232 6.70 K0 23 23 45.3 - 8 27 37 220436 146683 T.10744, WB.323 23 17 17 - 9 8.7 6.9 233 6.50 F5 23 24 04.0 -21 46 29 220466 191873 Ll.45807 23 17 29 -22 27.4 6.8 234 6.19 G8III 23 24 07.8 -18 41 15 220465 165672 OA.22814 23 17 32 -19 22.5 6.9 235 99 b2 4.39 K5III 23 26 02.8 -20 38 31 220704 191900 J.588 23 19 29 -21 19.6 4.4 r 236 6.6 K0 23 26 35.5 -21 44 26 220766 191907 L.9478 23 20 0 -22 25.7 7.0 237 6.38 G0V 23 28 05.2 -11 26 59 220957 165708 Ll.45937 23 21 35 -12 8.2 6.7 238 6.18 K0 23 29 00.6 - 9 15 58 221081 146729 Ll.45965 23 22 33 - 9 57.1 6.5 239 6.25v? K3IIIvar 23 29 32.1 - 4 31 58 221148 146736 Ll.45980 23 23 4 - 5 12.7 6.3 240 6.39 K0 23 31 01.1 - 6 17 18 221308 146748 Ll.46034 23 24 34 - 6 58.6 6.5 241 6.49 F8V 23 31 31.5 - 4 05 14 221356 146752 Ll.46058 23 25 4 - 4 46.0 6.3 242 100 6.29 A9III 23 31 42.0 -21 22 10 221357 191970 Ll.46059 23 25 9 -22 3.5 6.3# * 7.2 F0 23 31 48.2 -21 14 59 221385 191971 By.3127,Ll.46066 23 25 16 -21 56.3 7.3# 243 6.7 G5 23 32 25.8 -10 59 55 221472 165754 Ll.46090 23 25 57 -11 41.3 6.8 244 101 b3 4.71 A1n 23 33 16.6 -20 54 52 221565 191988 J.590 23 26 44 -21 36.3 4.5 245 7.05 F5 23 33 28.5 - 4 24 05 221600 146774 Ll.46137 23 27 2 - 5 5.5 6.8 246 5.96 K0 23 34 49.4 -15 14 45 221745 165780 Ll.46177 23 28 19 -15 56.0 6.6 247 7.5 F2 23 35 14.7 - 3 51 14 221801 146789 Ll.46194 23 28 48 - 4 32.8 6.9 248 6.39 G5III: 23 35 32.1 - 7 27 52 221835 146795 Ll.46210 23 29 5 - 8 9.4 6.5 249 7.3 F5 23 36 00.2 - 8 45 58 221890 146799 Ll.46229 23 29 34 - 9 27.4 7.0 250 5.65 G9III 23 37 39.6 -13 03 37 222093 165804 Ll.46271 23 31 11 -13 45.3 6.0 251 6.40 K0 23 38 03.1 -15 05 42 222125 165808 Ll.46286 23 31 33 -15 46.9 7.0 252 6.8 G5 23 38 12.4 - 8 37 40 222157 146815 WB.629 23 31 45 - 9 19.1 6.9 253 102 Omega1 5.00 F0IV 23 39 47.1 -14 13 18 222345 165818 J.593 23 33 18 -14 54.8 5.2 254 7.08 F8 23 40 48.7 - 7 54 51 222465 146842 Ll.46380 23 34 21 - 8 36.3 7.0 255 5.89 G9III 23 41 08.9 -11 40 50 222493 165828 Ll.46399 23 34 41 -12 22.4 6.2 256 103 A1 5.34 K5III 23 41 34.5 -18 01 38 222547 165834 J.594 23 35 6 -18 43.0 5.8 r 257 104 A2 4.82 G0II 23 41 45.8 -17 48 59 222574 165836 J.595 23 35 17 -18 30.6 5.0 258 5.28 K4III 23 42 27.9 -15 26 52 222643 165841 Ll.46451 23 35 59 -16 8.3 5.7 259 105 Omega2 4.49 B9.5V 23 42 43.3 -14 32 42 222661 165842 T.10856 23 36 14 -15 14.1 4.7 dpl. 4 3/4, 10 1/2 260 R 6.36v M7pevar 23 43 49.5 -15 17 04 222800 165849 Greenw. IV.2718 23 37 21 -15 58.6 var. rr 6 - 11 261 106 i1 5.25 B9Vn 23 44 12.1 -18 16 37 222847 165854 J.596 23 37 43 -18 58.2 5.2 262 107 i2 5.6 F0IV 23 46 00.9 -18 40 41 223024 165867 Ll.46555 23 39 31 -19 22.4 5.4 dpl. 5 1/2, 7 263*107 i2 7.0 A5 23 46 01.2 -18 40 46 165868 * 264 5.73 K1III: 23 47 15.9 -11 54 39 223170 165880 Ll.46596 23 40 50 -12 36.1 5.9 265 6.07v? K4III 23 48 32.5 - 6 22 50 223311 146919 Ll.46636 23 42 7 - 7 4.5 6.4 266 6.24 K2IIIb* 23 49 31.6 -15 51 40 223428 165905 Ll.46665 23 43 4 -16 33.3 6.8 267 6.7 F2 23 50 05.8 -11 06 10 223509 165909 Ll.46680 23 43 41 -11 47.8 6.9 268 5.94 K0IV 23 50 14.7 - 9 58 27 223524 165911 Ll.46684 23 43 48 -10 40.3* 5.8 * 6.69 K0 23 50 26.9 -14 34 46 223542 165912 T.10902 23 44 0 -15 16.5 7.1# 269 5.72 K5III 23 50 33.3 -14 24 07 223559 165915 T.10903 23 44 7 -15 5.7 6.0# 270 108 i3 5.18v B9p* 23 51 21.3 -18 54 32 223640 165918 Ll.46714 23 44 54 -19 36.2 5.1 271 5.87 K3III 23 52 29.9 -14 15 04 223774 165933 Ll.46761 23 46 4 -14 56.8 6.2 272 6.81 A2Vn 23 52 40.0 -18 33 41 223785 165934 Ll.46769 23 46 13 -19 15.4 7.0 273 5.75 K0III 23 52 50.5 - 8 59 48 223807 146953 Ll.46781 23 46 24 - 9 41.5 5.6 274 6.24 A3shell 23 53 20.8 -24 13 45 223884 192218 L.9633, Ll.46805 23 46 53 -24 55.4 6.3 275 6.8 A0 23 55 03.9 - 9 27 38 224093 146975 Ll.46866 23 48 38 -10 9.4 6.8 276 6.7 G5 23 55 45.6 -13 09 09 224172 165956 WB.985 23 49 21 -13 50.7 7.0 Between 6 and 7 the stars HD197364=SAO163830 and HD197454=SAO163837 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0. 10 Right ascension corrected from 20 43 45. Declination corrected from -5 34.8. 14, 15 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 23 the star HD199363=SAO144967 is connected with a brace to 23 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 27 The variable star designation DV was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 32 and 33 the stars HD200063=SAO126464 and HD200108=SAO126469 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 35 Declination corrected from + 1 12.7. Following 35 the star HD200374=SAO126492 is connected with a brace to 35 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 36 the star HD200356=SAO145052 is connected with a brace to 36 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 36 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from Ll.45759. Preceding 39 the star HD200932=SAO145101 is connected with a brace to 39 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 50 The variable star designation EW was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum Delta Del. 51 Spectrum B9pHg(Mn) Preceding 54 the star HD202397=SAO145246 and following 54 the star HD202494= SAO145256 are both connected with a brace to 54 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 64, 65 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 69, 70 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 76 This object is the globular cluster M2. The designation M2 is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. Following 87 the star HD207150=SAO145664 is connected with a brace to 87 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 91 the star HD207653=SAO127103 is connected with a brace to 91 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 123 Spectrum K0III+F2V Preceding 126 Gould the star HD211236=SAO191009 and following 126 the star HD211450=SAO191026 are both connected with a brace to 126 without a combined magnitude for the three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 131 Except for Flamsteed 44 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 134 Spectrum B8IIIp(MnHg) 145, 146 For the double star 53 f Aquarii the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 150 The letter Zeta1 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is used in many modern atlases and catalogs. 150, 151 For the double star Zeta Aquarii the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single letter Zeta, designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 151 The letter Zeta2 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is used in many modern atlases and catalogs. 157, 158 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 166 Declination corrected from - 4 51.3 167 Spectrum K0II-III+F Preceding 173 the star HD215077=SAO146260 is connected with a brace to 173 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 176 The letter g is assigned to this star in the Uranometria Argentina; however some modern atlases and catalogs use the designation g1. 177 Declination corrected from -11 41.3. 179 This star is unlettered in the Uranometria Argentina; however some modern atlases and catalogs use the designation g2. 180 This star is unlettered in the Uranometria Argentina; however some modern atlases and catalogs use the designation Tau1. Between 180 and 181 the double star SAO146314, HD215812=SAO146315 is listed without being assigned a number. 183 The letter Tau is assigned to this star in the Uranometria Argentina; however many modern atlases and catalogs use the designation Tau2. Following 208 the star 84 Aquarii is connected with a brace to 208 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a letter. 212 Spectrum G2III+A2V 223 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from 45628. 231 Right ascension corrected from 23 16 25. Following 242 the star HD221385=SAO191971 is connected with a brace to 242 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 262, 263 For the double star 107 i2 Aquarii the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 266 Spectrum K2IIIbCa0.5 268 Declination corrected from -10 41.3. Preceding 269 the star HD223542=SAO165912 is connected with a brace to 269 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 270 Spectrum B9pSiSrCr 53. - AQUILA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.88 B9III 18 44 55.9 - 0 22 24 173371 142582 Ll.34779 18 38 31 - 0 29.9 7.0 2 4 5.02 B9V 18 44 49.9 + 2 03 36 173370 123879 Ll.34782 18 38 31 + 1 56.2 5.5 3 5 5.90 A2m 18 46 28.6 - 0 57 43 173654 142606 Ll.34839 18 40 1 - 1 5.5 6.2 dpl. 6 1/4, 8 4 6.25 A1V 18 49 37.1 + 0 50 10 174240 123947 Ll.35005 18 43 15 + 0 41.8 6.6 * 7 6.9 A2 18 51 05.4 - 3 15 49 174532 142696 Ll.35054 18 44 32 - 3 24.2 7.5# 5 8 6.10 F2III 18 51 22.1 - 3 19 05 174589 142706 Ll.35059 18 44 48 - 3 27.6 6.5# 6 6.22 B9III 18 56 22.5 - 1 47 59 175640 142825 Ll.35281 18 49 53 - 1 57.5 6.6 7 6.21 F5IV 18 58 23.8 + 6 14 25 176095 124112 Ll.35395 18 52 17 + 6 4.8 6.6 8 6.75 B2Vp 18 59 17.5 +10 08 27 176304 104313 Ll.35434 18 53 22 + 9 58.3 6.8 9 12 i 4.02v? K1IIIvar 19 01 40.8 - 5 44 20 176678 142931 Ll.35482 18 55 0 - 5 54.8 3.8 r 10 6.66v B2V 19 02 34.0 -10 43 17 176853 162122 WB.1381 18 55 39 -10 53.9 6.8 11 14 g 5.42 A1V 19 02 54.5 - 3 41 56 176984 142959 Ll.35541 18 56 20 - 3 52.7 5.7 12 6.30 K2III 19 02 21.6 + 8 22 27 176981 124184 Ll.35562 18 56 21 + 8 11.6 6.8 13 5.83 A4V 19 03 32.2 + 1 49 08 177178 124203 Ll.35598 18 57 13 + 1 38.4 6.3 14 6.73 A5m 19 04 10.7 + 3 19 50 177332 124219 WB.1455 18 57 56 + 3 8.8 7.0 15 15 h 5.42 K1III 19 04 57.6 - 4 01 53 177463 142996 Ll.35642 18 58 22 - 4 12.6 5.6 r 16 6.53 F1V 19 05 18.6 - 1 30 46 177552 143003 Ll.35666 18 58 50 - 1 41.9 6.8 17* Ll.35697 18 59 11 - 9 27.3 6.9 18 6.68 G5 19 06 10.8 - 9 37 56 177706 143015 Ll.35682 18 59 19 - 9 49.2 6.8 19 16 Lambda 3.44 B9Vn 19 06 14.9 - 4 52 57 177756 143021 J.486 18 59 37 - 5 4.1 3.3 20 6.9 F5 19 05 47.6 + 6 32 49 177749 124257 Ll.35715 18 59 42 + 6 21.7 7.0 21 6.84 B5V 19 06 35.1 - 1 20 46 177880 143029 Ll.35719 19 0 7 - 1 32.1 7.0 dpl. 9 1/4, 7 22 R 6.09v M7IIIe* 19 06 22.2 + 8 13 47 177940 124266 Radcl.2,1825 19 0 21 + 8 2.5 var. rr 6 1/2 - 11 * 6.7 F2 19 06 23.1 + 7 09 22 177904 124265 Ll.35746 19 0 18 + 6 57.8 6.9 dpl. 7 3/4, 7 1/4 23 6.56 B9III 19 07 09.1 + 0 38 30 178065 124282 Ll.35758 19 0 47 + 0 27.0 6.7 24 19 5.22 F0III-IV 19 08 59.9 + 6 04 24 178596 124318 Ll.35860 19 2 53 + 5 52.7 5.7 25 6.34 B5Vn 19 09 51.6 - 0 25 41 178744 143087 Ll.35872 19 3 26 - 0 37.6 6.6 26 6.7 A0 19 10 58.2 - 6 37 16 178954 143104 Ll.35922 19 4 15 - 6 49.4 7.0 27 7.12 K0 19 11 05.4 + 5 10 47 179104 124356 Ll.35968 19 4 56 + 4 58.6 7.0# * 7.08 B9 19 11 06.4 + 5 16 29 179124 124358 Ll.35969 19 4 57 + 5 4.2 7.3# 28 20 5.34v? B3V 19 12 40.7 - 7 56 22 179406 143134 J.490 19 5 54 - 8 8.8 5.9 29 21 5.15v B8II-III 19 13 42.7 + 2 17 38 179761 124408 Ll.36086 19 7 25 + 2 5.0 5.7 30 6.49v? A3V 19 13 44.1 + 5 30 57 179791 124410 Ll.36099 19 7 35 + 5 18.3 6.8 31 6.5 F0 19 15 22.2 - 6 03 00 180086 143183 Ll.36137 19 8 41 - 6 15.9 6.8 32 22 5.59 A3IV 19 16 31.1 + 4 50 05 180482 124455 Ll.36225 19 10 20 + 4 36.9 6.1 33 6.5 A2 19 16 34.6 + 6 35 48 180504 124457 Ll.36241 19 10 29 + 6 22.7 6.8 34 6.19 A1Vn 19 17 48.2 + 2 01 54 180782 124478 Ll.36285 19 11 29 + 1 48.6 6.7 35 23 5.10 K2II* 19 18 32.5 + 1 05 06 180972 124487 Ll.36316 19 12 11 + 0 51.6 5.7 r * 6.7 F0 19 18 31.3 + 0 25 25 180973 124486 By., Ll.36313 19 12 8 + 0 11.8 7.1# 36 24 6.41 K0IIIa: 19 18 50.9 + 0 20 21 181053 124492 Ll.36326 19 12 27 + 0 6.8 6.8# 37 6.32 G9III 19 18 52.7 + 9 37 07 181122 124497 Ll.36356 19 12 55 + 9 23.7 6.8 38 26 f 5.01 G8III-IV 19 20 32.9 - 5 24 57 181391 143286 Ll.36373 19 13 52 - 5 38.9 5.6 39 6.6 F2 19 20 27.0 - 1 18 37 181420 143285 Ll.36385 19 13 58 - 1 32.6 6.8 40 27 5.46 B9III 19 20 35.7 - 0 53 32 181440 143292 Ll.36397 19 14 9 - 1 7.4 5.9 41 6.67 B2IVp 19 22 20.7 - 8 12 04 181858 143321 Ll.36511 19 15 34 - 8 26.1 6.9 42 5.83 G8III: 19 22 21.3 - 0 15 07 181907 143324 Ll.36489 19 15 56 - 0 29.2 6.3 r 43 6.32 K0 19 23 04.6 - 7 24 01 182038 143340 Ll.36502 19 16 20 - 7 38.2 6.7 r 44 6.35 F6V 19 22 48.4 + 9 54 46 182101 124564 Ll.36542 19 16 51 + 9 40.1 6.6 45 6.50 A9V 19 25 01.6 - 4 53 03 182475 143373 Ll.36594 19 18 23 - 5 7.7 6.8 46 30 Delta 3.40v F0IV 19 25 29.9 + 3 06 53 182640 124603 Ll.36646 19 19 11 + 2 52.0 3.4 47 32 Nu 4.66 F2Ib 19 26 31.1 + 0 20 19 182835 124628 Ll.36679 19 20 8 + 0 5.5 5.4 48 6.6 F0 19 27 41.2 + 4 42 35 183085 124646 WB.495 19 21 30 + 4 27.5 7.0 49 5.84 B6III 19 28 20.8 + 2 55 49 183227 124661 T.8953 19 22 4 + 2 40.6 6.3 50 U* 6.61v F8Ib-II* 19 29 21.5 - 7 02 38 183344 143454 Ll.36791 19 22 38 - 7 17.9 7.0 51 35 c 5.80 A0V 19 29 01.0 + 1 57 01 183324 124675 Ll.36803 19 22 42 + 1 41.9 6.1 52 6.25 K2 19 29 18.0 + 0 14 46 183387 124681 Ll.36813 19 22 54 - 0 0.5 6.8 53 6.09 K5Ib 19 30 10.5 + 2 54 15 183589 124698 Ll.36863 19 23 54 + 2 38.8 6.5 r, var 54 36 e 5.03 M1III 19 30 39.8 - 2 47 20 183630 143482 Ll.36870 19 24 8 - 3 2.8 5.6 r 55 6.05v A0sh 19 30 33.1 + 3 26 40 183656 124704 Ll.36890 19 24 18 + 3 11.1 6.3 56 7.03v B8 19 31 15.8 - 2 06 36 183794 143494 Ll.36902 19 24 46 - 2 22.2 7.0 57 6.94v B0.5IV 19 33 37.1 + 3 45 41 184279 124788 WB.661 19 27 23 + 3 29.6 7.0 * 7.6 A0 19 33 12.1 + 7 46 22 184244 124782 Ll.37010 19 27 9 + 7 30.2 8 # * 7.9 A0 19 33 44.8 + 7 49 46 184336 124790 Ll.37024 19 27 42 + 7 33.6 8 1/2# * 7.3 A0 19 33 46.5 + 7 55 05 184362 124792 Ll.37027 19 27 44 + 7 39.0 7.7# * 6.9 A0 19 34 11.0 + 7 47 10 184451 124801 Ll.37050 19 28 8 + 7 31.0 7.2# 58 38 Mu 4.45 K3III 19 34 05.4 + 7 22 44 184406 124799 Ll.37044 19 27 59 + 7 7.0 5.3 var 59 37 k* 5.12 G8III 19 35 07.3 -10 33 38 184492 162792 J.495 19 28 14 -10 49.9 5.8 r 60 6.34 K0 19 35 29.8 - 7 27 37 184573 143564 Ll.37057 19 28 45 - 7 43.9 6.7 61 6.38 F6IV 19 35 25.5 + 2 54 48 184663 124823 Ll.37085 19 29 8 + 2 38.2 6.6 62 6.6 G8III 19 36 12.6 + 6 00 28 184853 124835 Ll.37144 19 30 4 + 5 44.0 7.0 63 39 Kappa 4.95 B0.5III 19 36 53.5 - 7 01 39 184915 143600 J.498 19 30 10 - 7 18.2 5.4 64 41 Iota 4.36 B5III 19 36 43.3 - 1 17 11 184930 143597 J.499 19 30 15 - 1 33.7 4.6 var? 65 42 5.68 F3IV 19 37 47.3 - 4 38 51 185124 143621 Ll.37178 19 31 9 - 4 55.4 5.8 66 6.6 A5 19 38 43.4 -10 09 23 185298 162843 Ll.37207 19 31 51 -10 26.2 6.8 dpl. 7, 8 67 6.36 B3III 19 38 49.0 + 3 22 54 185423 124892 Ll.37262 19 32 34 + 3 6.0 6.4 68 44 Sigma 5.17v B3V+B3V 19 39 11.6 + 5 23 51 185507 124903 Ll.37279 19 33 1 + 5 6.9 5.8 69 6.7 K2 19 40 21.3 - 5 26 51 185639 143669 Ll.37292 19 33 42 - 5 44.0 6.9 70 45 5.67 A3IV 19 40 43.3 - 0 37 17 185762 143678 Ll.37333 19 34 17 - 0 54.5 5.9 71 6.5 K2 19 42 03.0 - 9 11 35 185966 143705 Ll.37363 19 35 14 - 9 28.8 6.7 72 6.9 F5 19 43 03.2 - 8 18 26 186158 143722 WB.903 19 36 16 - 8 35.9 6.7 73 6.83 F5 19 42 45.9 + 8 22 57 186226 124969 Ll.37449 19 36 43 + 8 5.2 7.0 74 6.52 K0 19 44 01.7 + 9 31 04 186442 125000 Ll.37497 19 38 3 + 9 13.2 6.9 75 6.41 K0 19 44 41.3 + 8 43 35 186535 125011 Ll.37526 19 38 39 + 8 25.8 6.8 76 7.3 K0 19 45 41.3 - 0 41 48 186641 143775 Ll.37541 19 39 14 - 0 59.6 7.0 77 6.48 B3III 19 45 52.3 - 2 53 00 186660 143776 Ll.37546 19 39 20 - 3 11.1 6.5 78 49 Upsilon* 5.91 A3IV 19 45 39.9 + 7 36 48 186689 125032 Ll.37569 19 39 35 + 7 18.8 6.2 79 6.80 G5 19 47 33.4 + 1 05 19 187003 125069 Ll.37626 19 41 12 + 0 47.6 7.0 80 6.04 K5III 19 49 02.2 -10 52 15 187195 163012 By., Ll.37649 19 42 9 -11 10.7 6.4 r 81 6.8 G5 19 50 09.8 -10 00 24 187410 163026 Ll.37701 19 43 19 -10 19.2 7.0 82 51 5.39 F0V 19 50 46.8 -10 45 49 187532 163036 Ll.37724 19 43 54 -11 4.8 5.8 83 6.8 A2 19 50 48.7 - 4 41 37 187570 143839 Ll.37745 19 44 12 - 5 0.5 6.8 84 6.51v B2.5IVe 19 50 17.6 + 7 54 08 187567 125116 Ll.37758 19 44 14 + 7 35.4 6.6 85 6.13 K5III 19 51 11.1 - 2 27 39 187660 143853 Ll.37763 19 44 41 - 2 46.5 6.5 r 86 53 Alpha 0.77 A7IV-V 19 50 47.0 + 8 52 06 187642 125122 Ll.37771 19 44 41 + 8 32.4 1.1 87 6.7 K0 19 51 26.8 + 4 05 18 187734 125141 Ll.37791 19 45 13 + 3 46.1 7.0 * 7.2 F5 19 51 42.9 -10 57 00 187696 163054 Ll.37759 19 44 49 -11 16.0 7.5# * 6.9 K0 19 52 07.3 -10 53 31 187775 163064 Ll.37781 19 45 14 -11 12.7 7.1# * 7.8 K2 19 52 26.0 -10 57 21 187840 163070 Ll.37790 19 45 32 -11 16.5 8 # 88 6.25 A1m 19 51 17.7 + 9 37 49 187753 125139 WB.1129 19 45 18 + 9 18.9 6.7 89 55 Eta 3.78v F6Ib 19 52 28.4 + 1 00 20 187929 125159 Ll.37812 19 46 7 + 0 41.2 var. 3 1/2 - 4 3/4 90 5.65v A5pvar 19 53 18.7 - 3 06 52 188041 143883 Ll.37832 19 46 46 - 3 26.2 5.9 91 6.53 B9.5Vn 19 53 22.6 + 4 24 02 188107 125182 Ll.37855 19 47 10 + 4 4.7 6.7 92 56 5.79 K5III 19 54 08.2 - 8 34 27 188154 143894 Ll.37848 19 47 21 - 8 53.8 6.2 93 57 5.71 B7Vn 19 54 37.6 - 8 13 38 188293 143898 Ll.37875 19 47 52 - 8 33.1 6.4# * 6.49 B8V 19 54 38.1 - 8 14 14 188294 143899 Ll.37877 19 47 53 - 8 33.6 7.1# 94 59 Xi 4.71 K0III 19 54 14.9 + 8 27 41 188310 125210 Ll.37897 19 48 11 + 8 8.4 5.3 95 58 5.61 A0III 19 54 44.8 + 0 16 26 188350 125219 Ll.37896 19 48 20 - 0 3.1 5.9 96 6.15 A2V 19 54 40.2 + 7 08 25 188385 125221 DM.4351 19 48 34 + 6 48.9 6.6 97 6.51 F2V 19 55 19.6 - 6 44 04 188405 143911 Ll.37901 19 48 37 - 7 3.6 6.7 98 60 Beta 3.71 G8IVvar 19 55 18.8 + 6 24 24 188512 125235 Ll.37938 19 49 10 + 6 5.8 3.9 99 6.7 G5 19 57 24.7 - 6 41 53 188844 143942 Ll.37994 19 50 43 - 7 1.5 6.8 100 5.88 F5V 19 59 47.4 - 9 57 30 189340 163168 Ll.38100 19 52 59 -10 17.0 6.1 101 6.17 G8III 19 59 22.6 + 1 22 39 189322 125310 Ll.38065 19 53 1 + 1 2.2 6.8 r 102 6.6 A2 19 59 41.5 - 1 58 14 189359 143974 Ll.38112 19 53 12 - 2 18.4 7.0 103 5.91 K5III 20 00 58.9 + 8 33 29 189695 125355 Ll.38199 19 54 56 + 8 13.0 6.2 r 104 6.72 A0 20 02 10.6 - 4 59 24 189825 144009 Ll.38214 19 55 33 - 5 20.1 6.7 105 6.72 F4III 20 04 01.2 - 7 28 11 190172 144038 Ll.38280 19 57 17 - 7 49.0 6.9 106 62 5.68 K4III 20 04 23.2 - 0 42 33 190299 144045 Ll.38321 19 57 57 - 1 3.3 6.1 107 63 Tau 5.52 K0III 20 04 08.3 + 7 16 41 190327 125403 Ll.38332 19 58 2 + 6 55.6 5.9 r 108 6.34v? F1III 20 05 05.4 -11 35 58 190390 163245 By., Ll.38318 19 58 11 -11 57.1 6.6 109 6.67 F8 20 05 10.1 + 2 07 07 190498 125423 Ll.38371 19 58 51 + 1 46.3 7.0 110 6.47 K0 20 06 12.2 - 4 04 42 190664 144062 Ll.38388 19 59 36 - 4 25.9 6.5 111 6.8 F0 20 05 55.9 + 4 46 31 190662 125438 Ll.38402 19 59 43 + 4 25.3 7.0 112 7.11 A1IV-V 20 06 38.7 + 7 34 34 190849 125456 Ll.38442 20 0 33 + 7 13.2 6.8 113 64 5.99 K1IV 20 08 01.4 - 0 40 38 191067 144095 Ll.38476 20 1 35 - 1 2.1 6.7 114 6.43 F3V 20 07 50.4 + 9 23 58 191104 125478 Ll.38506 20 1 49 + 9 2.3 6.6 115 6.61 F8 20 10 07.8 + 8 26 36 191533 125517 Ll.38612 20 4 5 + 8 5.1 6.7 * 7.8 G0 20 10 29.7 - 6 09 49 191500 144133 Ll.38581 20 3 50 - 6 31.8 7.4# 116 6.9 A0 20 11 05.9 - 6 05 16 191619 144142 Ll.38610 20 4 26 - 6 27.4 6.8# 117 65 Theta 3.23 B9.5III 20 11 18.3 - 0 49 17 191692 144150 J.507 20 4 51 - 1 11.4 3.0 118 7.16 F0 20 11 18.9 - 0 07 35 191709 144151 Ll.38632 20 4 54 - 0 29.7 7.0 119 6.9 A0 20 12 38.7 - 6 21 58 191949 144170 Ll.38679 20 5 58 - 6 44.2 7.0 120 6.9: B9pCr* 20 12 35.2 + 0 52 03 191984 125567 WB.105 20 6 13 + 0 29.7 6.6 121 6.9 A0 20 12 47.4 - 2 59 45 192007 144173 Ll.38698 20 6 15 - 3 22.2 7.0 dpl. 7, 10 122 6.6 K5 20 13 04.4 - 0 19 52 192086 144177 Ll.38713 20 6 39 - 0 42.2 7.0 123 66 5.47 K5III 20 13 13.9 - 1 00 34 192107 144181 Ll.38722 20 6 46 - 1 22.9 5.8 r 124 7.3 F0 20 14 24.3 - 6 02 50 192290 144199 Ll.38761 20 7 44 - 6 25.4 6.8 125 6.92 F0 20 15 10.6 - 3 30 13 192461 144212 Ll.38800 20 8 38 - 3 52.8 6.8 dpl. 8 1/2, 7 126 6.8 A2 20 15 28.3 - 7 31 52 192505 144221 Ll.38802 20 8 45 - 7 54.6 7.0 127 7.0 A2 20 15 23.4 - 5 32 12 192483 144219 Ll.38804 20 8 45 - 5 54.9 6.9 128 6.43 G5 20 16 06.0 + 4 34 51 192699 125628 Ll.38862 20 9 53 + 4 12.1 6.7 129* 6.6 F2 20 17 00.4 + 8 57 49 192895 125647 Ll.38936 20 10 58 + 8 34.7 6.5 130 6.94 A3 20 18 37.6 + 0 38 29 193122 125665 Ll.38971 20 12 14 + 0 15.2 6.9 131 6.06 K0 20 19 43.1 - 1 04 44 193329 144296 WB.285 20 13 16 - 1 28.2 6.4 r 132 5.31 G8III-IV 20 23 10.7 + 5 20 35 194013 125747 Ll.39176 20 16 59 + 4 56.7 5.8 133 6.84 F5 20 23 38.3 - 5 15 57 194040 144372 WB.386 20 17 0 - 5 40.0 7.0 134* 6.7 K2 20 23 27.0 +10 21 48 194116 106054 Ll.39201 20 17 27 + 9 57.8 6.7 135 6.16v? B9V 20 24 37.5 + 1 04 07 194244 125769 Ll.39222 20 18 15 + 0 40.0 6.4 var? 136 6.7 K5 20 24 41.8 + 1 22 07 194263 125772 Ll.39223 20 18 20 + 0 58.0 6.7 137 6.11 K1III: 20 25 42.5 - 2 48 01 194454 144412 * 20 19 11 - 3 12.2 6.6 138 6.64 F8 20 27 27.5 - 2 06 10 194765 144450 Ll.39335 20 20 59 - 2 30.6 6.5 139 68 6.13 B9V 20 28 24.8 - 3 21 28 194939 144468 Ll.39375 20 21 52 - 3 46.1 6.3 140 6.85 G0 20 28 50.1 - 1 44 05 195005 144480 Ll.39397 20 22 20 - 2 8.8 6.9 141 69 4.91 K2III 20 29 39.0 - 2 53 08 195135 144495 J.515 20 23 7 - 3 18.0 5.3 * 7.5 K2 20 32 17.7 + 2 13 13 195616 125910 Ll.39540 20 25 58 + 1 47.9 6.5# r 142* 6.6 K2 20 32 20.3 + 2 07 57 195617 125911 Ll.39542 20 26 1 + 1 42.7 7.5# 143* 8.51 K0 20 34 33.1 - 5 50 37 195946 144578 Ll.39620 20 27 55 - 6 16.2 7.0 144 70 4.89 K5II 20 36 43.6 - 2 32 58 196321 144624 Ll.39727 20 30 13 - 2 58.9 5.1 145 6.22 B8IIIp 20 37 18.3 + 0 05 49 196426 144632 Ll.39760 20 30 54 - 0 20.2 6.4 * 7.2 K0 20 38 08.7 - 4 22 54 196527 144642 Ll.39788 20 31 34 - 4 49.0 7.1# * 7.8 G0 20 38 21.2 - 4 30 43 196554 144647 Ll.39798 20 31 46 - 4 56.8 7.8# 146 71 l 4.32 G8III 20 38 20.3 - 1 06 19 196574 144649 J.519 20 31 53 - 1 32.4 4.5 Preceding 5 the star 7 Aquilae is connected with a brace to 5 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 17 No star brighter than magnitude 9 lies near the position stated in the Uranometria Argentina. This star is not identified. 22 Spectrum M7IIIevar Between 22 and 23 the star HD177904=SAO124265 is not assigned a number. Following 27 the star HD179124=SAO124358 is connected with a brace to 27 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 35 Spectrum K2II-IIIvar Preceding 36 the star HD180973=SAO124486 is connected with a brace to 36 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 50 The variable star designation U was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum F8Ib-IIvar Between 57 and 58 four stars, HD184244=SAO124782, HD184336=SAO124790, HD184362= SAO124792, and HD184451=SAO124801, are all connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for the four stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. 59 The letter k was assigned by Flamsteed (not Bayer) but omitted from the Uranometria Argentina. However it appears in some modern atlases and catalogs. 78 Letter corrected from v. Between 87 and 88 three stars, HD187696=SAO163054, HD187775=SAO163064, and HD187840=SAO163070, are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. Following 93 the star HD188294=SAO143899 is connected with a brace to 93 with combined magnitude 5.7 without being assigned a number. Preceding 116 the star HD191500=SAO144133 is connected with a brace to 116 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 120 Spectrum B9pCr(EuSr) 129 This star was assigned in the Uranometria Argentina to Aquila but now lies in Delphinus. 134 This star was assigned in the Uranometria Argentina to Aquila but now lies in in Delphinus. 137 Gould does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 142 Gould listed the star HD195616=SAO125910 as 142 with magnitude 6.5, and connected with a brace to the star HD195617=SAO125911 with magnitude 7.5. All modern sources show that HD195617=SAO125911 is nearly a magnitude brighter than HD195616=SAO125910. It is likely that Gould accidentally switched their magnitudes and intended that the brighter star HD195617= SAO125911 be assigned the number 142. In this version the number 142 has been reassigned to HD195617=SAO125911. 143 The star HD195946=SAO144578 is very close to the position stated in the Uranometria Argenina, but 1.5 magnitudes fainter. Hence this identification should be considered tentative. Between 145 and 146 the stars HD196527=SAO144642 and HD196554=SAO144647 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 15. - ARA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.18 B8Vn 16 38 52.7 -60 59 25 149485 253638 L.6873 16 27 50 -60 43.9 6.5 2 6.18 F2III-IV 16 40 50.4 -60 26 47 149837 253651 L.6886 16 29 52 -60 11.5 6.8 3 6.5 A9V 16 40 44.5 -51 28 42 149989 244058 L.6903 16 31 5 -51 14.0 6.8 4 5.65 O5 16 41 20.3 -48 45 47 150136 227049 L.6912 16 31 59 -48 30.9 5.6 dpl. 6 3/4, 6 5 5.65 B1II 16 41 40.3 -49 39 04 150168 227058 L.6913 16 32 13 -49 24.3 6.0 6 6.27 F5Iab 16 43 03.4 -46 04 14 150421 227092 B.5805 16 33 58 -45 49.7 6.6 7 5.96 G8III 16 44 39.7 -53 09 07 150576 244106 L.6927 16 34 47 -52 54.8 6.6 r 8 5.74 B2IV-V 16 46 21.2 -58 30 13 150745 244122 L.6928 16 35 42 -58 16.1 6.1 9 5.60 B0Iab 16 47 19.5 -58 20 29 150898 244133 L.6936 16 36 41 -58 6.5 6.0 r * 7.02 F8Ia 16 46 04.0 -46 29 07 150884 227171 L.6952 16 36 55 -46 15.1 7.2# 10 6.47 A1V 16 46 06.3 -46 31 57 150897 227172 L.6953 16 36 57 -46 17.8 6.8# 11 7.3 M0III 16 47 28.8 -48 19 09 151082 227205 L.6959 16 38 8 -48 5.3 7 # * 8.0 F2/F3IV* 16 47 35.5 -48 20 55 151116 227211 L.6960 16 38 16 -48 6.3 8 # 12 6.67 A7IV 16 48 05.3 -45 56 41 151196 227233 L.6973 16 38 59 -45 43.0 6.9 13 Eta 3.76 K5III 16 49 47.1 -59 02 29 151249 244168 L.6956, J.414 16 39 0 -58 48.9 3.8 c 14 6.8 v? B8IV 16 48 53.7 -52 56 27 151231 244158 L.6963 16 39 1 -52 42.8 6.8 var? 15 6.47 A5+F7* 16 50 35.9 -50 02 44 151566A 227281 L.6982 16 41 4 -49 49.4 6.8 dpl. 7, 7 3/4 16 5.94 M0III 16 54 00.5 -57 54 34 151967 244245 L.6985 16 43 24 -57 41.5 6.5 r 17 6.02 A0III 16 55 24.7 -63 16 11 152082 253734 L.6983 16 43 46 -63 3.5 6.4 18 6.5 K1II 16 54 31.5 -49 42 39 152220 227386 L.7010 16 45 0 -49 30.0 7.0 r 19* 6.5 D Del* 16 58 15.6 -65 12 15 152493 253753 L.6998 16 46 7 -64 59.9 7.0 20 6.6 B5III 16 57 29.8 -60 36 00 152511 253748 L.7008 16 46 23 -60 23.7 6.9 21 6.33v? B3Vnpe 16 56 08.9 -50 40 30 152478 244280 L.7024 16 46 31 -50 28.1 6.9 22 5.94 B9V 16 56 28.7 -52 17 02 152527 244285 L.7021 16 46 40 -52 4.6 6.6 23 Zeta 3.13 K5III 16 58 37.2 -55 59 25 152786 244315 L.7034, J.419 16 48 17 -55 47.4 3.2 r 24 5.55 B9IV 16 58 18.0 -50 38 28 152824 244313 L.7045 16 48 40 -50 26.4 6.0 25 Epsilon1 4.06 K4III 16 59 35.1 -53 09 38 152980 244331 L.7050, J.421 16 49 38 -52 57.9 4.2 26 5.66 A3V 17 00 06.2 -54 35 49 153053 244338 L.7052 16 49 58 -54 24.0 6.5 27 6.5 v? Ap(Si) 17 01 07.0 -56 33 18 153201 244356 L.7057 16 50 41 -56 21.7 6.9 var.? 28 6.11v B2IVne 17 01 47.4 -58 57 30 153261 244362 L.7055 16 50 57 -58 46.0 6.4# * 7.58 B0/3Vnne 17 01 53.9 -59 02 54 153262 244363 B.5911 16 51 3 -58 51.4 7.6# 29 6.00 G9III+G* 17 00 27.1 -48 38 52 153221 227542 L.7064 16 51 1 -48 27.1 6.4 30 6.45 A7V 17 01 46.1 -51 07 51 153370 244370 L.7067 16 52 4 -50 56.4 7.0 31 Epsilon2 5.29 F6V 17 03 08.8 -53 14 13 153580 244388 L.7073 16 53 10 -53 2.8 5.9 32 5.73 B5IV 17 04 24.7 -57 42 44 153716 244401 L.7072 16 53 46 -57 31.7 6.2 33 6.06 A2/A3V 17 03 41.7 -47 09 35 153791 227588 L.7086 16 54 24 -46 58.7 6.6 34 6.39 B8II/III 17 10 06.2 -61 40 31 154555 253818 L.7102 16 58 43 -61 30.5 6.7 35 6.8 G5/G6Ib 17 11 09.6 -58 01 32 154813 244489 L.7124 17 0 26 -57 51.7 7.0 36 5.89 K0III/IV 17 13 17.6 -67 11 48 154903 253827 L.7107 17 0 32 -67 2.0 6.4 r 37 6.70 B1Ib 17 10 21.0 -46 44 26 154873 227683 L.7141 17 1 5 -46 34.5 7.0 dpl. 7, 7 1/2 38 5.84 M1/M2III 17 11 38.9 -48 52 27 155035 227699 L.7149 17 2 9 -48 42.8 6.6 r * 7.01 F3/F5III 17 13 53.0 -56 48 03 155299 244536 L.7151 17 3 21 -56 38.7 7.3# 39 6.09v M1II+A* 17 14 13.3 -56 53 17 155341 244539 L.7152 17 3 40 -56 44.0 7.0# r 40 5.91 K2IIICN* 17 19 12.4 -59 41 40 156091 244613 L.7170 17 8 9 -59 33.3 6.5 r 41 5.51 G8V 17 19 03.2 -46 38 02 156274 227816 L.7194 17 9 34 -46 30.2 6.1 dpl. 6, 8 1/4 42 6.27 F8+B9* 17 19 30.3 -50 03 47 156331 244631 L.7196 17 9 51 -49 55.6 7.0 43 6.8 B5V 17 23 57.9 -65 42 08 156709 253899 L.7185 17 11 31 -65 34.4 7.0 44 6.76 A5V 17 22 47.6 -58 28 21 156751 244675 L.7210 17 11 58 -58 20.5 7.0 dpl. 9 1/2, 7 45 5.88 G8Ib/II 17 22 55.1 -58 00 37 156768 244678 L.7213 17 12 9 -57 52.9 6.4 46 5.70 B2IV 17 24 01.0 -62 51 51 156838 253903 L.7199 17 12 17 -62 44.2 6.2 47 5.80 G8/K0III 17 23 06.9 -56 31 31 156854 244685 L.7218 17 12 35 -56 23.9 6.4 48 5.79 B8Ib/II 17 24 18.7 -60 40 25 156942 253908 L.7214 17 13 3 -60 32.9 6.3 49 Iota 5.25 B2IIIne 17 23 16.0 -47 28 05 157042 227886 L.7236 17 13 53 -47 20.5 5.8 50 Gamma 3.30 B1Ib 17 25 23.6 -56 22 40 157246 244726 L.7233, J.429 17 14 53 -56 15.4 3.6 51 Beta 2.85 K3Ib-II 17 25 18.0 -55 31 48 157244 244725 L.7237, J.430 17 14 55 -55 24.5 2.8 52 6.24 B7/B8V 17 28 07.7 -63 02 11 157524 253928 L.7239 17 16 21 -62 55.3 6.6 53 Kappa 5.23 K1III 17 26 00.0 -50 38 01 157457 244734 L.7253 17 16 16 -50 31.0 5.8# 54 5.92 B9II 17 27 12.4 -50 37 49 157662 244755 L.7262 17 17 28 -50 31.0 6.8# 55 6.19 B8/B9V 17 26 56.3 -51 56 57 157599 244749 L.7256 17 17 2 -51 50.0 6.9 * 7.1 A0V 17 26 44.5 -45 49 25 157649 227966 * 17 17 31 -45 42.5 7 3/4# 56 5.29 B8V 17 26 51.5 -45 50 37 157661 227971 L.7267 17 17 39 -45 43.7 6 # dpl. 6 1/4, 7 3/4 * 7.13 B5IV: 17 27 03.6 -47 08 11 157698 227974 L.7266 17 17 42 -47 1.3 6.9# 57* 6.65v B5Vnne 17 27 54.8 -47 01 35 157832 227990 L.7276 17 18 34 -46 54.9 7.4# 58 5.75 K2III 17 27 57.6 -52 17 49 157753 244763 L.7265 17 18 1 -52 11.0 6.3 59 5.94 G8II/III 17 28 38.7 -55 10 11 157819 244770 L.7263 17 18 18 -55 3.5 6.6 r 60 Delta 3.60 B8V 17 31 05.9 -60 41 02 158094 253945 L.7271, J.434 17 19 49 -60 34.6 3.7 61 5.95 B7II/III 17 31 23.1 -56 55 14 158220 244808 L.7281 17 20 46 -56 49.1 6.4 62 Alpha 3.00 B2Vne 17 31 50.5 -49 52 34 158427 228069 L.7301, J.436 17 22 11 -49 46.4 2.9 63 6.05 F8/G0Ib 17 31 49.0 -46 02 11 158476 228075 L.7308 17 22 34 -45 56.2 6.7# * 7.1 K5/M0III 17 31 57.0 -46 05 33 158499 228079 L.7310 17 22 41 -45 59.5 7.5# 64 6.28 B5II/III 17 35 35.0 -59 50 46 158895 244866 L.7309 17 24 27 -59 45.3 6.7 65 6.5 G6/G8III 17 34 16.9 -48 31 36 158907 228126 L.7323 17 24 46 -48 26.1 7.0 c 66 6.10 B9III 17 35 20.0 -53 21 10 159018 244870 L.7321 17 25 14 -53 15.7 6.7 67 Sigma 4.60 A0V 17 35 39.5 -46 30 20 159217 228162 L.7340 17 26 21 -46 25.0 5.5 68 5.93 K0III-IV 17 37 27.2 -50 03 36 159463 244894 L.7343 17 27 45 -49 58.4 6.6 r 69 Pi 5.24 A7V 17 38 05.7 -54 30 01 159492 244896 L.7342 17 27 50 -54 24.8 5.8 70 NGC6397* 5.65 F5 17 40.7 -53 40 L.7356 17 30 35 -53 35.6 6.7 cum., neb. 71 Lambda 4.77 F3IV 17 40 23.6 -49 24 56 160032 228257 L.7363 17 30 45 -49 20.1 5.6 r 72 5.79 A0V 17 41 16.2 -46 55 19 160263 228279 L.7374 17 31 55 -46 51.0 6.3 73 6.24v M3III 17 42 03.9 -50 30 38 160342 244954 L.7375 17 32 18 -50 26.4 6.9 r 74 6.64 B9III 17 43 33.1 -57 01 20 160483 244967 L.7370 17 32 53 -56 57.3 6.9 75 Mu 5.15 G5V 17 44 08.7 -51 50 03 160691 244981 L.7385 17 34 13 -51 45.8 5.7 76 6.10 A9IV 17 48 37.9 -55 24 07 161420 245044 L.7413 17 38 13 -55 21.1 6.4 77 Nu1* 5.92v B2V+B3V 17 50 28.2 -53 36 44 161783 245065 L.7426 17 40 18 -53 34.1 6.1 dpl. 8, 6 1/4 78 Nu2* 6.09 B9.5III* 17 51 11.0 -53 07 50 161917 245072 L.7428 17 41 5 -53 5.3 6.7 79 6.5 G8/K0II 17 52 52.0 -56 09 17 162154 245086 L.7439 17 42 19 -56 7.0 7.0 80 6.11 G6III 17 51 44.5 -45 36 02 162123 228490 L.7454 17 42 30 -45 33.7 6.6 81 6.6 K0III+A2 17 57 13.1 -55 22 53 163028 245131 L.7472 17 46 47 -55 21.3 7.0 dpl. 82 6.27 B4III 17 57 42.8 -56 53 47 163071 245133 L.7471 17 47 3 -56 52.3 6.5 83 6.6 A2III 18 06 09.2 -51 44 39 164896 245238 L.7533 17 56 13 -51 44.8 6.9 84 Theta 3.66 B2Ib 18 06 37.9 -50 05 30 165024 245242 L.7535, J.454 17 56 54 -50 5.8 3.9 dpl. 85 6.15 B7/B8II 18 08 30.0 -45 46 02 165493 228734 L.7558 17 59 14 -45 46.7 6.8 dpl. 7, 8 Preceding 10 the star HD150884=SAO227171 is connected with a brace to 10 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. Following 11 the star HD151082=SAO227205 is connected with a brace to 11 with combined magnitude 7.0 without being assigned a number. Spectrum F2/F3IV/V 15 Spectrum A5III+F7III 19 This star was assigned by Gould to Ara; its proper motion has now carried it into Triangulum Australe. Spectrum Fm Delta Del. Following 28 the star HD153262=SAO244363 is connected with a brace to 28 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. 29 Spectrum G8/K0III+G Preceding 39 the star HD155299=SAO244536 is connected with a brace to 39 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number. 39 Spectrum M1/2II/III+A 40 Spectrum K2IIICNIb/II 42 Spectrum F8III+B9V 53, 54 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.7 Preceding 56 the star HD157649=SAO227966 is connected with a brace to 56 with combined magnitude 5.7 without being assigned a number or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. 57 Gould listed the star HD157698=SAO227974 as 57 with magnitude 6.9, and connected with a brace to the star HD157832=SAO227990 with magnitude 7.4. All modern sources show that HD157832=SAO227990 is brighter than HD157698 =SAO227974. It is likely that Gould accidentally switched their magnitudes and intended that the brighter star HD157832=SAO227990 be assigned the number 57. In this version the number 57 has been reassigned to HD157832=SAO227990. Following 63 the star HD158499=SAO228079 is connected with a brace to 63 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 70 This object is the globular cluster NGC6397. This designation is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. 77 The designation Nu1 was assigned by Lacaille. It is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina because Gould considered this star to be fainter than 6th magnitude. However it is shown in some modern atlases and catalogs. 78 The designation Nu2 was assigned by Lacaille. It is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina because Gould considered this star to be fainter than 6th magnitude. However it is shown in some modern atlases and catalogs. Spectrum B9.5III/IV. 66. - BOOTES G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.99 A2V 14 01 20.4 + 8 53 43 122365 120228 Ll.25746 13 55 9 + 9 30.0 6.3 2 6.26 G9III 14 03 36.8 + 7 32 47 122744 120261 Ll.25816 13 57 25 + 8 8.8 6.6 3 5.12 A0V 14 23 22.7 + 8 26 48 126129 120426 Ll.26302 14 17 14 + 9 1.0 5.2 4 5.95v? A3V 14 24 01.0 + 8 14 38 126200 120433 Ll.26312 14 17 51 + 8 48.8 6.6 5 6.19v? K4III 14 24 18.3 + 8 05 06 126271 120436 Ll.26325 14 18 10 + 8 39.5 6.7 c 6 31 4.87v? G8IIIvar 14 41 38.8 + 8 09 42 129312 120601 Ll.26766 14 35 30 + 8 41.9 5.4 var? 7 6.9 v? F5 14 49 42.1 + 7 59 12 130726 120683 Ll.27017 14 43 34 + 8 30.4 7.0 var? 8 7.5 : G5comp 15 07 32.9 + 9 13 30 134066 120850 Ll.27547 15 1 31 + 9 42.4 6.9 29. - CAELUM G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.39 F6V 4 25 19.1 -44 09 39 28246 216790 L.1458 4 21 24 -44 26.9 6.6 2 6.7 A1V 4 26 37.8 -40 31 45 28358 216803 L.1464 4 22 25 -40 48.7 6.8# dpl. * 7.1 F8/G0V 4 27 32.6 -40 28 21 28453 216811 L.1472 4 23 20 -40 45.1 7.3# 3 6.10 F8V 4 27 05.9 -46 56 51 28454 216809 L.1479 4 23 26 -47 13.0 6.5 4 6.44v? M1III 4 28 09.4 -41 57 36 28552 216821 L.1484 4 24 4 -42 14.2 6.9 * 8.7 K0 4 29 08.0 -46 32 01 216829 * 4 25 27 -46 48.4 7 1/2# 5 6.16 K1III 4 29 20.0 -46 30 55 28700 216832 L.1498 4 25 38 -46 47.4 6 1/2# 6 7.0 F3/F5II 4 30 53.3 -41 10 27 28837 216847 L.1508 4 26 44 -41 26.6 6.9 7 Delta 5.07 B2IV-V 4 30 50.1 -44 57 14 28873 216850 L.1512, J.96 4 27 1 -45 13.4 5.0 8 6.5 A3V(s) 4 37 19.2 -41 52 23 29559 216899 L.1543 4 33 15 -42 7.6 6.6 9 Alpha 4.45 F2V 4 40 33.7 -41 51 50 29875 216926 L.1556, J.103 4 36 32 -42 6.2 4.6 10 Beta 5.05 F3V 4 42 03.5 -37 08 40 29992 195239 L.1559, J.104 4 37 38 -37 23.4 5.1 11 6.9 B9.5V 4 42 08.2 -37 36 48 30011 195241 L.1561 4 37 46 -37 51.1 6.8 12 5.68 K3III 4 43 09.3 -30 45 56 30080 195250 L.1564 4 38 20 -30 59.9 6.2 r 13 6.25 K3/K4III 4 43 44.2 -41 03 53 30202 216961 L.1578 4 39 38 -41 17.9 6.5 14 6.86 A0V 4 45 49.6 -34 00 18 30397 195275 L.1587 4 41 12 -34 14.0 6.7 15 6.05 K1III 4 45 55.4 -39 21 24 30432 195278 L.1594 4 41 42 -39 35.0 6.4 16 Zeta 6.37 K0III 4 47 49.6 -30 01 13 30608 195300 L.1601 4 42 57 -30 14.8 6.7 17 6.72 G8III 4 48 33.8 -43 58 47 30788 217004 L.1616 4 44 43 -44 12.0 6.7 * 7.27 A3V(s) 4 49 10.7 -42 23 06 30848 217012 L.1618 4 45 12 -42 36.1 7.2# * 7.32 A2mF2* 4 49 20.4 -42 24 50 30877 217016 L.1619 4 45 22 -42 37.8 7.2# 18 Nu* 6.07 F1III-IV 4 50 16.2 -41 19 15 30985 217032 L.1626 4 46 12 -41 32.3 6.3 19 5.86 A2/A3V 4 51 28.2 -34 54 23 31093 195357 L.1628 4 46 55 -35 7.0 6.2 20 6.6 F6IV/V 4 51 54.2 -34 14 20 31142 195364 L.1630 4 47 18 -34 27.0 6.7 * 7.0 K4III 4 53 17.0 -38 08 40 31349 195381 L.1642 4 48 58 -38 21.0 7.3# 21 6.9 K1III 4 54 04.4 -38 09 47 31430 195387 L.1652 4 49 46 -38 22.0 7.0# 22 6.10 K3III 4 54 54.8 -39 37 43 31529 195400 L.1658 4 50 44 -39 49.8 6.5 23 6.7 K2III 4 59 19.2 -32 14 21 32079 195455 L.1675 4 54 37 -32 25.7 7.0 dpl. 24 7.2 F3V 4 59 20.3 -36 52 15 32152 195458 L.1678 4 54 58 -37 3.8 6.7 25 6.03 G8III 5 01 34.5 -39 43 05 32453 195501 L.1700 4 57 25 -39 54.1 6.4 26 5.94 K2III 5 02 22.8 -31 46 17 32515 195509 L.1695 4 57 39 -31 57.2 6.4 27 6.31 F8V 5 03 54.0 -41 44 42 32820 217153 L.1715 4 59 54 -41 55.5 6.5 28 Gamma 4.55 K3III 5 04 24.4 -35 29 00 32831 195532 L.1712, J.110 4 59 55 -35 39.3 4.7# * 6.34v F2IV/V 5 04 26.1 -35 42 19 32846 195534 L.1713 4 59 58 -35 52.8 7.1# Following 2 the star HD28453=SAO216811 is connected with a brace to 2 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 5 the star SAO216829 is connected with a brace to 5 with combined magnitude 6.4 without being assigned a number or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 17 and 18 the stars HD30848=SAO217012 and HD30877=SAO217016 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.7 without having numbers assigned to either. For HD30877=SAO217016 the spectrum is A2/3(m)A3-F2. 18 The letter Nu was assigned by Bode. It was dropped by Gould because he considered this star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it remains in occasional current use. Preceding 21 the star HD31349=SAO195381 is connected with a brace to 21 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 28 the star HD32846=SAO195534 is connected with a brace to 28 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 65. - CANCER G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 17 Beta 3.52v? K4III 8 16 30.9 + 9 11 08 69267 116569 Ll.16174 8 9 44 + 9 34.2 3.5 2 6.29 G8III 8 17 31.7 + 8 51 58 69478 116585 Ll.16210 8 10 45 + 9 15.1 7.0 3 5.13 G8II 8 25 54.8 + 7 33 52 71115 116752 Hev.12, Ll.16530 8 19 13 + 7 58.2 5.7 4 6.7 K0 8 29 36.4 + 8 25 02 71795 116818 Ll.16663 8 22 52 + 8 49.9 7.0 5 6.03 F3IV 8 34 13.3 + 8 27 07 72617 116894 Ll.16823 8 27 29 + 8 52.8 6.5 6 6.00 F8V 8 35 51.0 + 6 37 13 72945 116929 Ll.16895 8 29 12 + 7 3.4 6.2 7 6.45 K1III 8 39 24.6 + 8 01 03 73599 116997 Ll.17038 8 32 42 + 8 25.5 6.7 8 6.5 K0 8 40 13.4 + 6 33 56 73764 117006 Ll.17073 8 33 34 + 7 0.2 6.8 9 6.7 K0 8 49 48.8 + 7 00 53 75374 117172 Ll.17391 8 43 9 + 7 28.7 6.9 10 6.8 B9 8 49 57.5 + 6 32 50 75390 117175 Ll.17397 8 43 19 + 7 0.6 7.0 11 6.59 G0 8 52 16.5 + 8 03 46 75767 117212 Ll.17480 8 45 32 + 8 32.5 6.7 12 6.19 G8III 8 57 42.0 + 9 23 17 76629 117301 Ll.17666 8 50 58 + 9 52.1 6.5 13 5.85 K3III: 9 02 44.7 + 7 17 53 77445 117369 Ll.17845 8 56 6 + 7 47.4 6.2 14 6.9 K0 9 03 14.6 + 6 48 58 77518 117374 Ll.17866 8 56 36 + 7 18.4 6.8 15 7.1 G5 9 17 50.8 + 7 56 47 80065 117573 Ll.18323 9 11 11 + 8 28.5 7.0 41. - CANIS MAJOR G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.52 B3III 6 12 46.3 -17 45 47 42927 151227 Ll.11890 6 7 16 -17 44.0 6.8 * 7.6 K0/K1III 6 12 40.8 -27 43 35 42987 171394 Y.2571 6 7 44 -27 41.7 7.1# * 7.6 G8III/IV 6 12 41.8 -27 44 48 43010 171396 Y.2572 6 7 46 -27 42.9 7.1# * 8.0 G6III/IV 6 12 54.8 -27 44 07 43056 171401 Y.2573 6 7 59 -27 42.2 7.1# 2 6.8 K0III 6 13 24.7 -15 23 01 43028 151241 Ll.11909 6 7 46 -15 21.0 7.0 3 6.54 B7V 6 13 33.3 -29 23 46 43179 171425 L.2195 6 8 44 -29 21.7 6.8 4 7.1 A0V 6 14 30.4 -29 36 13 43369 171448 OA.4853 6 9 41 -29 34.1 6.9 r 5 5.91 K0 6 15 08.4 -20 16 20 43396 171458 Ll.11984 6 9 46 -20 14.1 6.5 6 5.99 K0 6 15 17.5 -18 28 36 43429 151274 Ll.11983 6 9 49 -18 26.2 6.6 7 5.01 B9Vn 6 15 44.8 -13 43 06 43445 151283 Ll.11985 6 10 1 -13 40.7 5.5 8 6.6 A2 6 15 23.7 -11 54 16 43393 151272 Ll.11964 6 9 35 -11 52.0 6.7# * 6.8 F2 6 16 41.6 -12 02 50 43628 151303 Ll.12006 6 10 53 -12 0.2 7.1# 9 5.92 B2.5Vne 6 16 07.7 -16 37 04 43544 151294 Ll.12000 6 10 33 -16 34.7 6.5 10 6.04 G0V 6 17 03.6 -22 42 54 43745 171502 Ll.12056 6 11 48 -22 39.7 6.6 11 5.14v? K3III 6 17 41.7 -16 48 57 43827 151322 Ll.12060 6 12 8 -16 46.3 5.8 r 12 6.6 B9 6 17 44.2 -19 11 20 43861 151323 Ll.12064 6 12 18 -19 8.6 6.9 13 5.52 B2V 6 18 13.7 -19 58 01 43955 151334 Ll.12085 6 12 50 -19 55.2 5.8 14 6.06v? M0III 6 18 48.7 -15 01 29 44021 151346 Ll.12095 6 13 9 -14 58.6 6.7 15 5.80v? B4IV 6 18 59.0 -20 55 34 44081 171549 Ll.12118 6 13 39 -20 52.5 6.2 * 7.1 B9 6 18 55.4 -25 00 47 44102 171552 L.2219, OA.4942 6 13 49 -24 57.8 7.1# * 7.4 A0 6 19 15.3 -24 58 29 44144 171562 OA.4949 6 14 9 -24 55.4 7.4# * 8.3 * 6 19 15.8 -24 57 29 171563 L.2220, OA.4950 6 14 9 -24 54.4 7.8# 16 6.5 K2 6 19 38.0 -22 06 11 44225 171571 Ll.12150 6 14 22 -22 3.2 6.9 * 6.6v? K5 6 21 05.3 -11 49 02 44394 151391 Ll.12169 6 15 16 -11 45.7 7.3# r 17 5.54v B1Vpe 6 21 24.7 -11 46 24 44458 151401 Ll.12176 6 15 35 -11 43.0 6.1# dpl. 6 1/4, 8 1/2 18 1 Zeta 3.00v? B2.5V 6 20 18.8 -30 03 48 44402 196698 L.2229, J.149 6 15 31 -30 0.6 3.2 19 7.4v? F3V 6 20 56.4 -29 40 15 44524 171609 L.2232 6 16 7 -29 36.7 6.9 20 2 Beta 1.98v B1II-III 6 22 42.0 -17 57 21 44743 151428 J.150, Ll.12241 6 17 12 -17 53.7 2.2 21 6.24 K2 6 23 46.0 -15 04 18 44891 151450 Ll.12272 6 18 6 -15 0.4 6.9 r 22 6.57 A5 6 23 42.9 -16 27 57 44892 151449 Ll.12275 6 18 8 -16 24.3 6.8 23 5.22 K3III 6 24 10.3 -11 31 49 44951 151458 Ll.12278 6 18 21 -11 27.8 5.6 r 24 6.60 B8III* 6 23 47.6 -19 47 07 44953 151453 Ll.12288 6 18 23 -19 43.3 6.9 25 6.34 G8III 6 23 14.4 -31 47 24 44956 196759 L.2255 6 18 34 -31 43.6 6.8 26 6.12 B5Ve 6 24 20.5 -12 57 45 44996 151461 Ll.12287 6 18 35 -12 53.8 6.5 27 6.9 K1/K2III 6 23 29.5 -29 51 39 44978 171677 L.2254 6 18 41 -29 47.8 7.0 28 6.7 A3 6 24 21.0 -16 13 28 45016 151462 Ll.12304 6 18 46 -16 9.6 6.9 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 29 5.63 K5III 6 23 55.8 -25 34 39 45018 171688 L.2250 6 18 51 -25 30.7 6.0 30 6.37 G2V 6 24 43.9 -28 46 48 45184 171711 L.2262 6 19 53 -28 42.4 6.7 31 6.89 A0V 6 25 40.4 -29 42 10 45382 171731 L.2271 6 20 52 -29 37.9 6.9 32 6.5 K0 6 26 42.6 -14 36 11 45420 151512 Ll.12377 6 21 2 -14 31.8 6.8 33 6.07 F9V 6 27 11.3 -25 51 24 45588 171774 L.2279 6 22 9 -25 46.4 6.5 * 7.10 B8 6 27 58.8 -13 09 36 45629 151530 Ll.12425 6 22 14 -13 5.0 7.1# * 7.55v B9:p 6 28 17.5 -13 03 10 45677 151534 Ll.12438 6 22 32 -12 58.6 7.4# * 7.56 A2 6 28 34.5 -13 02 58 45733 151542 Ll.12447 6 22 49 -12 58.2 7.1# 34 5.77 G5 6 28 37.3 -17 27 58 45765 151546 Ll.12456 6 23 5 -17 23.3 6.5 35 Lambda 4.50 B4V 6 28 10.1 -32 34 48 45813 196857 L.2295, J.153 6 23 32 -32 30.1 4.7 36 5.74 G5 6 28 39.2 -32 22 16 45871 196861 L.2300 6 24 0 -32 17.5 6.5 37 6.7 A2 6 29 25.6 -22 35 28 45941 171831 Ll.12509 6 24 10 -22 30.6 7.0 38 6.6 M0 6 30 12.0 -19 12 54 46037 151577 Ll.12524 6 24 45 -19 7.9 7.0 r 39 6.16 B1.5V 6 30 34.7 -13 08 54 46064 151585 Ll.12515 6 24 49 -13 3.9 6.7 40 6.8 B8 6 30 29.7 -14 57 14 46035 151583 Ll.12520 6 24 50 -14 52.2 7.0 41 5.15 K3III 6 31 23.0 -12 23 30 46184 151602 Ll.12541 6 25 35 -12 18.3 5.6 r 42 5.90 B3IV/V 6 30 46.4 -27 46 12 46189 171866 L.2309 6 25 49 -27 41.0 6.1 43 6.7 A5 6 31 29.5 -21 24 19 46270 171884 Ll.12570 6 26 10 -21 19.2 6.8 44 4 Xi1 4.33v B0.5IV 6 31 51.3 -23 25 06 46328 171895 L.2313 6 26 39 -23 19.8 4.5 45 6.3 M4III 6 31 24.2 -32 52 03 46347 196905 L.2318 6 26 47 -32 46.8 7.0 46 6.30 G9.5III: 6 32 46.9 -11 09 59 46407 151625 Ll.12582 6 26 56 -11 4.6 6.8 47 5.69 B2IV 6 32 39.0 -32 01 50 46547 196919 L.2330 6 27 59 -31 56.3 6.0 dpl. 7 3/4, 6 1/4 48 6.40 G5 6 33 26.6 -20 55 26 46602 171940 Ll.12632 6 28 6 -20 49.7 6.8 49 5 Xi2 4.50 A0V 6 35 03.4 -22 57 53 46933 171982 J.154 6 29 49 -22 52.0 4.8 50 5.62 B9V 6 34 35.3 -32 42 58 46936 196955 L.2347 6 29 57 -32 37.1 6.1 51 6.4 K0 6 35 30.8 -22 06 31 47012 171992 * 6 30 14 -22 0.5 6.9 * 7.65 F3IV-V 6 36 21.5 -18 39 36 47138B 151693 T.2583 6 30 53 -18 33.6 8 # 52 6 Nu1 5.70 F3IV-V* 6 36 22.8 -18 39 36 47138 151694 T.2585 6 30 55 -18 33.5 6.4# r 53 5.97 K5 6 36 46.7 -13 19 15 47182 151700 WB.917 6 31 1 -13 13.0 6.8 54 7 Nu2 3.96v? K1III 6 36 41.0 -19 15 22 47205 151702 Ll.12740, J.155 6 31 14 -19 9.0 4.1 r 55 6.35 B5V 6 36 40.9 -22 36 54 47247 172021 Ll.12755 6 31 26 -22 30.7 6.8 dpl. 9, 6 3/4 56 6.12 K0 6 37 40.9 -12 59 06 47366 151725 Ll.12758 6 31 55 -12 52.4 6.6 57 8 Nu3 4.43 K1III 6 37 53.4 -18 14 15 47442 151730 Ll.12784 6 32 24 -18 7.8 4.9 r 58 6.03 A1Vs 6 38 35.4 -16 52 25 47561 151737 Ll.12801 6 33 1 -16 45.8* 6.6 59 5.27 K1III 6 37 47.6 -32 20 23 47536 197019 L.2374 6 33 6 -32 14.1 5.7 r 60 6.6 G0 6 38 23.1 -23 34 47 47579 172068 L.2370 6 33 11 -23 28.3 6.9 61 4.82 K2II 6 39 16.7 -14 08 45 47667 151751 Ll.12825 6 33 34 -14 2.1 5.7 r 62 6.05 A0 6 39 36.3 -23 41 44 47827 172102 L.2380, Ll.12866 6 34 24 -23 35.0 6.6 63 5.71 K1III 6 39 42.7 -30 28 13 47946 197057 L.2388 6 34 55 -30 21.0 5.9 64 6.7 G5 6 41 30.8 -20 19 06 48203 172167 Ll.12927 6 36 7 -20 11.9 7.0# * 6.9 K0 6 41 57.1 -20 15 00 48315 172178 Ll.12947 6 36 34 -20 7.8 7.2# 65 6.12v? F0 6 42 45.8 -22 26 57 48501 172204 Ll.12973 6 37 30 -22 19.9 6.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 8 1/2 66 9 Alpha -1.47 A1V 6 45 08.9 -16 42 58 48915 151881 Ll.13040, J.157 6 39 38 -16 32.8 1 67 10 5.20v B2V 6 44 28.4 -31 04 14 48917 197149 L.2429 6 39 43 -30 56.6 5.7 68 6.43 F7V 6 44 51.9 -27 20 29 48938 172264 L.2427 6 39 53 -27 13.5 6.8 69 6.05 K0 6 45 23.3 -23 27 43 49001 172273 L.2428, Ll.13064 6 40 11 -23 20.0 6.6 70 6.50 B8IV 6 45 02.4 -30 35 10 49028 197163 L.2434 6 40 15 -30 27.5 6.9 71 5.32 A2V 6 45 59.3 -14 47 46 49048 151895 Ll.13059 6 40 19 -14 39.9 5.7 r * 7.61 B8V 6 45 07.2 -31 39 17 49029 197165 L.2435 6 40 24 -31 31.5 7.7# 72 5.92 F7V 6 45 22.8 -31 47 37 49095 197171 L.2437 6 40 43 -31 39.0 6.5# r 73 M41* 4.5 B3 6 47.0 -20 44 Ll.13067,73 etc. 6 40 -20 38. 5 1/2 cum. neb. 74 5.80v B2Vn 6 45 31.3 -30 56 56 49131 197177 L.2438 6 40 45 -30 49.1 6.3 dpl. 8 1/2, 6 1/4 * 6.5 A3 6 46 33.8 -14 31 24 49148 151909 Ll.13077 6 40 51 -14 23.5 7.3# 75 11 5.28 B9III 6 46 51.1 -14 25 33 49229 151919 Ll.13086 6 41 9 -14 17.6 5.5# 76 12 6.08v B7IIIn 6 47 01.5 -21 00 56 49333 172318 Ll.13115 6 41 40 -20 52.9 6.6 77 5.39 B6V 6 48 57.8 -15 08 41 49662 151962 Ll.13173 6 43 18 -15 0.3 5.8 * 7.8 A2 6 49 38.0 -24 08 36 49868 172383 L.2461 6 44 27 -24 0.1 7.5# 78 6.33 A1 6 49 44.0 -24 04 33 49891 172389 L.2462 6 44 33 -23 56.0 6.6# * 6.63 A2 6 50 16.5 -17 17 32 49955 151990 Ll.13230 6 44 43 -17 8.9 7.1# 79 5.79 K0 6 50 21.9 -17 05 03 49980 151992 Ll.13232 6 44 47 -16 56.4 6.4# r 80 7.04v? B2III 6 50 06.0 -27 20 03 50012 172403 L.2470 6 45 6 -27 11.4 7.0 var? 81 13 Kappa 3.96v? B1.5IVne 6 49 50.5 -32 30 31 50013 197258 L.2474, J.158 6 45 10 -32 21.9 4.0 * 7.60 B8 6 50 45.2 -20 50 09 50072 172422 Ll.13264 6 45 23 -20 41.4 7.6# * 7.17 B3 6 50 52.6 -20 54 38 50118 172425 Ll.13270 6 45 31 -20 45.9 7.1# 82 6.33 B2V 6 50 36.9 -25 46 41 50093 172420 L.2473 6 42 32 -25 38.0 6.6 83 5.72 B6Vnpe 6 50 23.3 -31 42 22 50123 197263 L.2479, B.1375 6 45 40 -31 33.7 6.3# * 7.86 F3 6 50 26.3 -31 42 06 50123B 197265 B.1374 6 45 43 -31 33.4 7.7# 84 5.65 F1V 6 53 18.8 -19 01 58 50644 152055 Ll.13351 6 47 51 -18 52.8 6.1# 85 6.14 A5m 6 53 21.7 -18 56 00 50643 152056 Ll.13357 6 47 53 -18 46.9 6.8# 86 6.40v? M4III 6 53 00.1 -26 57 27 50648 172504 OA.5848 6 47 59 -26 48.2 7.0 r 87 15 4.80v B1IV 6 53 32.9 -20 13 27 50707 172520 Ll.13374 6 48 9 -20 4.3 5.3 88 6.46 A2 6 53 22.2 -24 41 03 50711 172516 * 6 48 13 -24 31.8 6.9 89 14 Theta 4.05 K4III 6 54 11.4 -12 02 19 50778 152071 Ll.13373, J.160 6 48 23 -11 53.0 4.4 r 90 6.04 G3/G5V 6 53 33.9 -28 32 23 50806 172524 L.2501 6 48 35 -28 22.2 6.5 91 6.24 A1 6 53 55.3 -24 32 21 50853 172531 Ll.13393 6 48 45 -24 23.0 6.6 92 16 Omicron1 3.87v K3Iab 6 54 07.9 -24 11 02 50877 172542 L.2506, J.162 6 48 57 -24 1.8 3.9 r 93 6.7 B6V 6 54 20.1 -31 48 04 51014 197335 L.2519 6 49 37 -31 38.7 6.9 94 17 5.74 A3IV 6 55 02.7 -20 24 17 51055 172569 Ll.13434 6 49 39 -20 14.8 6.5 95 19 Pi 4.69v? F2III: 6 55 37.4 -20 08 11 51199 172579 Ll.13452 6 50 12 -19 58.8 4.9 dpl. 5, 10 96 18 Mu 5.00 G5III+A2 6 56 06.6 -14 02 37 51250 152123 Ll.13450 6 50 23 -13 53.0 5.5 dpl. 8 1/2, 5 1/2 97 5.30 B3II-III 6 55 46.8 -22 56 29 51283 172588 Ll.13463* 6 50 31 -22 46.8 5.9 98 20 Iota 4.40v? B3II 6 56 08.2 -17 03 15 51309 152126 Ll.13460, J.163 6 50 34 -16 53.6 4.9 99 6.36 B3V 6 55 54.8 -31 47 24 51411 197371 L.2528 6 51 11 -31 37.8 6.7 100 6.8 F5 6 57 01.6 -19 26 20 51573 152151 Ll.13486 6 51 34 -19 16.2 7.0 101 6.61v B1.5III: 6 57 14.7 -22 12 11 51630 172631 Ll.13510 6 51 57 -22 2.3 6.9 102 5.46 F0V: 6 57 33.9 -24 37 50 51733 172644 L.2535 6 52 25 -24 28.2 5.9 103 6.23 B2/B3V 6 57 42.4 -27 32 15 51823 172650 OA.5961 6 52 43 -27 22.3 6.6 104 6.36v? B2V 6 58 07.6 -27 09 53 51925 172656 L.2543 6 53 6 -26 59.8 6.6 105 5.59 B3V 6 58 35.9 -25 24 50 52018 172669 B.1416 6 53 29 -25 14.9 6.0 106 21 Epsilon 1.50 B2II 6 58 37.5 -28 58 19 52089 172676 L.2550, J.164 6 53 43 -28 48.2 1.8 107 6.26 B2.5IV* 6 59 39.3 -21 36 12 52273 172700 Ll.13591 6 54 19 -21 25.9 6.7 108 6.42 B3V 6 58 43.8 -30 59 52 52140 197432 L.2553, Y.2823 6 53 57 -30 49.8 6.7# 109 6.6 A4/A5IV 7 00 09.8 -31 08 28 52516 197456 L.2566, Y.2832 6 55 23 -30 58.2 7.0# * 7.7 M0/M1III 7 00 14.0 -31 04 07 52548 197457 Y.2833 6 55 27 -30 53.8 7.7# 110 6.7 G0Ib 6 59 00.3 -32 43 21 52220 197436 L.2559 6 54 20 -32 33.1 7.0 111 6.31 B4III 7 00 08.1 -20 09 32 52348 172718 OA.6013 6 54 43 -19 59.2 6.6 112 6.7 A3 7 00 35.2 -20 38 22 52485 172736 Ll.13623 6 55 11 -20 28.0 6.9 113 5.60 B2V 7 01 05.9 -25 12 55 52670 172763 L.2570 6 55 58 -25 2.4 6.0 114 22 Sigma 3.47v K4III 7 01 43.1 -27 56 05 52877 172797 L.2581, J.165 6 56 44 -27 45.4 3.6 rr var? 115 24 Omicron2 3.00 B3Ia 7 03 01.5 -23 50 00 53138 172839 L.2588, J.166 6 57 48 -23 39.1 3.4 116 23 Gamma 4.10 B8II 7 03 45.5 -15 38 00 53244 152303 Ll.13717, J.167 6 58 6 -15 27.0 4.5 117 6.09 K0 7 04 47.1 -22 01 56 53629 172906 Ll.13773 6 59 28 -21 50.5* 6.7 r 118 6.48 O8 7 06 35.8 -12 23 38 53975 152393 Ll.13810 7 0 47 -12 22.2 7.0 119 5.39v B0.5IV 7 06 40.7 -11 17 39 53974 152394 Ll.13811 7 0 49 -11 6.2 6.0 120 6.34 B3V 7 06 00.6 -30 39 20 54031 197566 L.2610 7 1 11 -30 27.9 6.8 121 6.08 K2 7 06 52.3 -24 57 38 54173 172986 L.2615 7 1 43 -24 46.1 6.7 r 122 5.71v B2IVe 7 07 22.6 -23 50 25 54309 173002 L.2617, Ll.13877 7 2 9 -23 38.8 6.3 123 25 Delta 1.80v? F8Ia 7 08 23.5 -26 23 36 54605 173047 L.2633, J.168 7 3 19 -26 11.7 2.1 124 6.65 B2V 7 08 49.3 -24 02 39 54669 173064 L.2634 7 3 36 -23 50.7 7.0 125 6.03 B1II 7 09 33.2 -16 14 05 54764 152477 Ll.13928 7 3 55 -16 2.1 6.6# r * 6.62 A5 7 09 52.1 -16 14 05 54834 152484 Ll.13938 7 4 14 -16 2.0 7.8# 126 5.69 B2.5IV 7 09 43.0 -25 13 52 54912 173101 L.2641 7 4 34 -25 1.8 6.3 127 6.23 F0 7 10 09.2 -18 41 07 54958 152497 Ll.13956 7 4 39 -18 29.1 6.8 128 5.46 G8III 7 10 19.3 -27 29 29 55070 173122 L.2647 7 5 18 -27 17.3 6.3 129 6.67 B9 7 11 25.2 -17 19 51 55213 152532 Ll.14006 7 5 51 -17 7.6 6.8 130 5.84 A0V 7 11 41.5 -20 52 58 55344 173168 Ll.14024 7 6 18 -20 40.6 6.3 131 26 5.90v? B2V 7 12 12.2 -25 56 33 55522 173193 L.2656 7 7 5 -25 44.1 6.5 132 5.78 K0 7 13 07.1 -11 15 05 55589 152570 Ll.14046 7 7 15 -11 2.5 6.4 133 6.10 A8III/IV 7 12 04.1 -30 49 18 55568 197686 L.2660 7 7 15 -30 36.8 6.6 134 6.01v? K2III 7 13 23.9 -22 40 24 55762 173230 Ll.14088 7 8 6 -22 27.7 6.8 135 6.27 B2IV 7 13 48.4 -22 54 23 55856 173247 Ll.14105 7 8 32 -22 41.6 6.9 dpl. 7, 9 136 6.10v B2II 7 13 36.3 -27 21 23 55857 173244 L.2666 7 8 34 -27 8.6 6.8 137 6.55v B2III/IV 7 13 47.1 -31 05 02 55958 197719 L.2676 7 8 59 -30 52.3 6.9 138 6.29 B2III 7 13 57.2 -30 20 24 55985 197722 L.2677 7 9 6 -30 7.6 6.8 139 27 4.65v B3III 7 14 15.2 -26 21 09 56014 173264 L.2674, J.171 7 9 10 -26 8.3 5.4 140 28 Omega 3.73v B2IV/Ve 7 14 48.7 -26 46 22 56139 173282 L.2681 7 9 44 -26 33.4 4.2 141 5.58 K3III 7 14 51.1 -27 02 17 56160 173283 By.1061, L.2682 7 9 48 -26 49.2 6.5 rr 142 5.36 B2V 7 15 21.0 -30 41 11 56342 197756 L.2688 7 10 31 -30 28.2 6.2 r 143 6.32 A0 7 15 47.5 -23 44 26 56341 173319 L.2684 7 10 33 -23 31.3 6.8 144 5.46 A3V 7 16 14.4 -15 35 08 56405 152641 Ll.14170 7 10 35 -15 22.0 5.9 145 4.78 K3Ib 7 16 36.8 -23 18 56 56577 173349 Ll.14200 7 11 21 -23 5.6 5 1/4# r 146 7.1 F0 7 16 38.2 -23 18 38 56578 173353 Ll.14202 7 11 23 -23 5.5 7 # 147 4.64 M2III 7 16 35.0 -27 52 52 56618 173360 L.2697 7 11 34 -27 39.7 5.4 4 148 6.32 A9II 7 16 57.2 -30 53 48 56731 197789 L.2706, OA.6553 7 12 7 -30 40.4 6.7# * 7.97 * 7 16 57.2 -30 54 26 197788 OA.6554 7 12 7 -30 41.0 8 # 149 6.46 B5Vn 7 17 47.9 -26 47 51 56876 173411 OA.6567 7 12 43 -26 34.4 7.0 150 29 4.98v O7e 7 18 40.3 -24 33 32 57060 173444 L.2718 7 13 28 -24 19.9 5.6 151 30 Tau 4.40v? O9Ib 7 18 42.4 -24 57 15 57061 173446 L.2721 7 13 32 -24 43.7 4.6 tpl. 4 3/4, 9 1/2, 9 3/4 152 6.09 F0Iab-b 7 19 02.0 -19 16 49 57118 152710 Ll.14277 7 13 33 -19 3.1 6.6 153 6.6 B8 7 19 18.3 -17 31 29 57139 152723 Ll.14281 7 13 43 -17 17.8 7.0 154 5.30 G2+B9* 7 18 51.2 -26 35 09 57146 173453 OA.6600 7 13 46 -26 21.5 6.0 r 155 5.70v F1V 7 19 28.1 -16 23 42 57167 152724 * 7 13 49 -16 9.7 6.2 156 5.45 G5III: 7 20 58.2 -14 21 37 57478 152749 Ll.14329 7 15 15 -14 7.7 6.2 157 6.60 B2.5V 7 20 53.2 -22 51 06 57573 173517 Ll.14351 7 15 35 -22 37.0 7.0 158 6.01v B3V 7 20 55.0 -26 57 49 57593 173522 L.2747 7 15 51 -26 43.8 6.7 r 159 5.87 M4III 7 21 04.3 -25 53 29 57615 173529 L.2749 7 15 56 -25 39.5 6.7 r 160 4.96 B7IV 7 22 13.6 -19 00 59 57821 152776 Ll.14382 7 16 43 -18 46.7 5.7 * 6.83 B3III 7 22 35.7 -32 02 46 58063 197914 L.2766 7 17 50 -31 48.4 7.5# 161 5.43 B5IIIne 7 23 00.6 -31 55 26 58155 197925 L.2769 7 18 14 -31 41.0 5.9# 162 5.38 K2III 7 23 29.1 -27 50 03 58215 173622 L.2768 7 18 27 -27 35.6 6.1 r 163 5.39 B2/B3II* 7 23 31.9 -32 12 08 58286 197938 L.2773 7 18 46 -31 57.6 5.8 164 6.19 B8 7 24 17.1 -22 54 46 58346 173656 Ll.14446 7 18 59 -22 40.1 6.8 165 5.33v B2.5IVe 7 24 40.1 -16 12 04 58343 152834 Ll.14442 7 19 1 -15 57.4 6.0 r 166 6.60 B2III 7 23 54.3 -30 13 01 58325 197944 L.2774 7 19 2 -29 58.5 6.9 167 31 Eta 2.40 B5Ia 7 24 05.7 -29 18 11 58350 173651 L.2777 7 19 9 -29 3.6 2.9 168 6.24 A2Ib 7 24 50.7 -19 00 44 58439 152837 Ll.14457 7 19 20 -18 46.1 6.8 169 5.78 F0V 7 25 08.3 -13 45 07 58461 152840 Ll.14451 7 19 24 -13 30.4 6.4 170 6.80 B1Iab 7 25 07.9 -21 10 29 58510 173684 Ll.14480 7 19 44 -20 55.7 6.9 * 7.59 B8V 7 24 41.4 -31 46 58 58534 197962 * 7 19 54 -31 32.3 7 3/4# 171 5.35v? K1III 7 24 43.8 -31 48 32 58535 197964 L.2793 7 19 57 -31 33.9 5 3/4# r 172 6.05 A8Ib-II: 7 25 19.9 -21 58 58 58585 173691 Ll.14490 7 19 59 -21 44.2 6.7 173 5.78 B7III 7 25 25.2 -25 13 04 58612 173697 L.2792 7 20 15 -24 58.3 6.4 174 6.31 B2/B3III 7 25 43.0 -31 44 19 58766 197986 L.2802 7 20 55 -31 29.5 6.9 175 6.63 A1 7 26 40.7 -23 42 44 58907 173743 L.2803 7 21 25 -23 27.8 7.0 176 5.63 A5n 7 27 08.0 -17 51 52 58954 152894 Ll.14545 7 21 33 -17 36.9 6.2 177 5.61v B0IV:pe 7 26 59.4 -23 05 10 58978 173752 Ll.14552 7 21 41 -22 50.1 5.7 178 5.79v? G8Ib+B2* 7 27 51.7 -11 33 25 59067 152909 Ll.14551 7 21 59 -11 18.3 6.3 dpl. 8 1/2, 6 1/2 Between 1 and 2 three stars, HD42987=SAO171394, HD43010=SAO171396, and HD43065 =SAO171401, are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. Following 8 the star HD43628=SAO151303 is connected with a brace to 8 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 15 and 16 three stars, HD44102=SAO171552, HD44144=SAO171562, and SAO171563, are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. For SAO171563 the spectral class is not available. Preceding 17 the star HD44394=SAO151391 is connected with a brace to 17 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 24 Spectrum B8III He wk Between 33 and 34 three stars, HD45629=SAO151530, HD45677=SAO151534, and HD45733=SAO151542, are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. 51 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 52 the star HD47138B=SAO151693 is connected with a brace to 52 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 52 Spectrum F3IV-Vcomp 58 Declination corrected from -16 54.8. Following 64 the star HD48315=SAO172178 is connected with a brace to 64 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 72 the star HD49029=SAO197165 is connected with a brace to 72 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 73 This is the open cluster M41, which label is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. Preceding 75 the star HD49148=SAO151909 is connected with a brace to 75 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 78 the star HD49868=SAO172383 is connected with a brace to 78 with the notation cum. instead of a combined magnitude without being assigned a number. Preceding 79 the star HD49955=SAO151990 is connected with a brace to 79 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 81 and 82 the stars HD50072=SAO172422 and HD50118=SAO172425 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either of them. Following 83 the star HD51023B=SAO197265 is connected with a brace to 83 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 84, 85 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 88 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 97 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L.13463. 107 Spectrum B2.5IV-V: Following 109 the star HD52548=SAO197457 is connected with a brace to both 108 and 109 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 117 Declination corrected from -21 20.5 Following 125 the star HD54834=SAO152484 is connected with a brace to 125 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 145, 146 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.0. Following 148 the star SAO197788 is connected with a brace to 148 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. The spectrum of this star is not available. 154 Spectrum G2Ib+B9/9.5 155 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 161 the star HD58063=SAO197914 is connected with a brace to 161 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 163 Spectrum B2/B3II/III Preceding 171 the star HD58534=SAO197962 is connected with a brace to 171 with combined magnitude 5.6 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 178 Spectrum G8Ib-II+B2 60. - CANIS MINOR G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1* 6.11 B9.5III 7 07 06.4 + 4 54 37 53929 114935 Ll.13781 7 0 28 + 5 6.2 6.5 2 5.75 K0III: 7 07 49.5 + 7 28 16 54079 114947 Ll.13799 7 1 4 + 7 39.9 6.1 3 6.8 K2 7 09 51.0 + 9 18 32 54619 115009 Ll.13872 7 3 1 + 9 30.5 7.0# * 7.5 B9 7 10 49.8 + 9 22 40 54851 115038 Ll.13906 7 3 59 + 9 34.8 7.5# 4 6.09 A1V 7 11 51.3 + 5 39 17 55111 115062 Ll.13950 7 5 11 + 5 51.6 6.3 5 6.16 K0III 7 12 07.5 + 5 28 29 55184 115065 Ll.13964 7 5 28 + 5 40.9 6.5 6 5.35 K0III 7 14 20.0 + 3 06 41 55751 115119 Ll.14049 7 7 47 + 3 19.5 5.9 7 5.82v? M4III 7 15 39.5 + 7 58 40 56031 115159 Ll.14084 7 8 53 + 8 11.6 6.4 8 24 Mon* 6.41 G5III 7 15 19.3 - 0 09 41 56003 134414 By., Ll.14093 7 8 55 + 0 3.2 6.6 9 7.1 A2 7 17 00.2 + 9 27 47 56359 115194 Ll.14122 7 10 9 + 9 41.0 7.0 10 6.67 B8III 7 17 17.8 + 6 40 51 56446 115204 Ll.14137 7 10 35 + 6 54.2 6.9 11 5.89 G9III 7 19 22.3 + 2 44 26 56989 115263 Ll.14234 7 12 50 + 2 58.2 6.6 12 5.90 F8V 7 19 47.8 + 7 08 35 57006 115269 Ll.14237 7 13 3 + 7 22.4 6.4 13 6.90 B9 7 20 31.1 + 0 24 12 57275 115294 Ll.14272 7 14 5 + 0 38.0 7.0 14 6.87 B5 7 20 43.6 + 3 34 55 57291 115301 WB.390 7 14 9 + 3 48.8 6.9 15 6.00 B8III 7 22 03.5 + 0 10 38 57608 115335 Ll.14328 7 15 38 + 0 24.7 6.3 16 6.6 G5 7 22 28.3 + 0 42 03 57707 115351 Ll.14340 7 16 1 + 0 56.4 6.8 17 2 Epsilon 4.99 G8III 7 25 38.9 + 9 16 34 58367 115425 Ll.14416 7 18 49 + 9 31.3 5.6 18 3 Beta 2.90v B8Vvar 7 27 09.0 + 8 17 22 58715 115456 Ll.14466 7 20 22 + 8 32.4 3.0 19 5 Eta 5.25 F0III 7 28 02.1 + 6 56 31 58923 115477 T.3047 7 21 19 + 7 11.7 5.9 20 4 Gamma 4.32 K3III 7 28 09.8 + 8 55 32 58972 115478 Ll.14507 7 21 22 + 9 10.6 5.1 21 7 Delta1 5.20 F0III 7 32 05.9 + 1 54 52 59881 115581 Ll.14672 7 25 36 + 2 10.7 5.9 22 8 Delta2 5.60 F2V 7 33 11.6 + 3 17 25 60111 115610 T.3088 7 26 39 + 3 33.3 6.2 23 9 Delta3* 5.81 A0Vnn 7 34 15.8 + 3 22 17 60357 115644 T.3093 7 27 42 + 3 38.5 6.4 24 6.6 A0 7 35 25.2 + 7 34 49 60563 115666 Ll.14778 7 28 41 + 7 51.2 6.9 25 5.90 G0V 7 36 34.7 + 5 51 42 60803 115693 Ll.14828 7 29 56 + 6 8.2 6.6 26 10 Alpha 0.34v? F5IV 7 39 18.1 + 5 13 30 61421 115756 Ll.14914 7 32 46 + 5 32.6 1.2 27 7.9 K0 7 39 46.8 + 7 50 28 61459 115764 WB.984 7 33 2 + 8 7.5 7.0 28 6.02 A0III 7 40 07.0 + 5 13 51 61563 115773 By., Ll.14927 7 33 29 + 5 31.0 6.6 29 5.94v? A0V 7 41 35.2 + 3 37 29 61887 115813 Ll.14970 7 35 1 + 3 54.9 6.4 var? 30 6.19 K0III 7 43 05.4 + 0 11 22 62264 115839 Ll.15019 7 36 40 + 0 29.0 6.9 31 6.6 K0 7 43 21.1 + 4 56 44 62286 115846 WB.1093 7 36 44 + 5 14.5 6.8 32 6.47v F0III: 7 44 07.4 + 2 24 18 62437 115864 WB.1122 7 37 37 + 2 42.1 6.9 33 6.60 K0 7 48 03.4 + 5 24 35 63241 115947 Ll.15177 7 41 25 + 5 43.2 6.9 34 6.53 G0 7 48 58.8 + 4 19 58 63435 115966 Ll.15207 7 42 23 + 4 38.7 6.9 35 6.18 K1III 7 50 47.4 + 3 16 38 63799 116014 WB.1289 7 44 13 + 3 35.6 6.7 36 6.6 G5 7 50 51.1 + 4 27 34 63798 116016 Ll.15271 7 44 15 + 4 46.3 6.8 37 6.5 K2III 7 50 53.3 + 0 04 46 63838 116019 Ll.15286 7 44 28 + 0 23.7 7.0 38 13 Zeta 5.13 B8II 7 51 42.0 + 1 46 01 63975 116043 Ll.15321 7 45 13 + 2 5.1 5.7 39 6.31v M4III 7 52 07.1 + 3 16 38 64052 116054 WB.1324 7 45 33 + 3 36.0 6.6 40 5.80 F2IV 7 55 31.4 + 8 51 46 64685 116120 Ll.15440 7 48 44 + 9 11.6 6.5 41 6.17 G8III 7 56 23.9 + 4 29 09 64938 116145 Ll.15475 7 49 48 + 4 49.0 6.6 42 6.05 K0III 7 57 16.0 + 8 38 29 65066 116162 T.3313 7 50 29 + 8 58.4 6.5 43 6.35 F7V 7 57 16.2 + 1 07 37 65123 116165 Ll.15522 7 50 51 + 1 27.5 6.9 44 6.41v? A0V 7 58 05.8 + 7 12 49 65241 116179 Ll.15532 7 51 23 + 7 33.0 6.7 45 14 5.29 K0III 7 58 20.6 + 2 13 29 65345 116182 Ll.15556 7 51 52 + 2 33.3 6.0 46 6.67 A3 7 58 30.3 + 2 56 09 65372 116186 Ll.15562 7 51 58 + 3 16.3 7.0 47 6.8 B9 7 58 45.2 + 5 37 23 65396 116192 Ll.15564 7 52 7 + 5 57.7 7.0 48 5.65 A1V 8 01 13.8 + 4 52 47 65900 116244 Ll.15657 7 54 37 + 5 13.3 6.0 49 6.22 G0IV 8 01 50.7 + 8 54 51 66011 116251 Ll.15667 7 55 3 + 9 15.4 6.6 50 4.39 K2III 8 02 15.9 + 2 20 04 66141 116260 By., Ll.15695 7 55 46 + 2 40.5 4.9 51 6.8 A0 8 05 47.7 + 2 09 55 66925 116336 Ll.15820 7 59 18 + 2 31.2 7.0 1 This star was assigned by Gould to Canis Minor but switched when the official constellation boundaries were established to Monoceros, where it remains. Following 3 the star HD54815=SAO115038 is connected with a brace to 3 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 8 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Monoceros and given the Flamsteed number 24 Monocerotis. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Canis Minor. When the official constellation boundaries were established the star was returned to Monoceros. 23 The designation Delta 3 is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina, but does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. 44. - CAPRICORNUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.18 B9.5III 20 08 31.3 -10 03 46 191110 163290 Ll.38467 20 1 41 -10 25.3 6.4 2 6.49 B1V 20 11 10.1 - 8 50 33 191639 144144 Ll.38602 20 4 23 - 9 12.6 6.5 3 1 Xi1* 6.34 K0III 20 11 57.9 -12 23 33 191753 163328 Ll.38621 20 5 2 -12 45.7 6.8 4 2 Xi2 5.85 F7V 20 12 25.9 -12 37 03 191862 163337 Ll.38641 20 5 27 -12 58.8 6.3 5 5.73v? K3V 20 15 17.4 -27 01 58 192310 189065 L.8381, Ll.38711 20 7 28 -27 24.2 6.2 r var? 6 3 6.32 B9pHg 20 16 22.8 -12 20 13 192666 163402 Ll.38827 20 9 28 -12 43.1 6.8 7 4 5.87 K0III 20 18 01.4 -21 48 36 192879 189114 T.9328 20 10 41 -22 11.6 6.1 8 5 Alpha1 4.24 G3Ib 20 17 38.9 -12 30 30 192876 163422 Ll.38880, J.508 20 10 43 -12 53.6 4.5# 9 6 Alpha2 3.57 G9III 20 18 03.3 -12 32 41 192947 163427 Ll.38901, J.509 20 11 7 -12 55.8 3.6# 10 6.6 F0 20 19 25.7 -20 57 03 193151 189142 * 20 12 8 -21 20.4 6.9 11 7 Sigma 5.28 K3II 20 19 23.6 -19 07 07 193150 163445 Ll.38948 20 12 11 -19 30.4 5.6 r 12 8 Nu 4.76 B9.5V 20 20 39.8 -12 45 33 193432 163468 Ll.39028, J.510 20 13 44 -13 9.0 5.2 13 Beta2* 6.10 A0III 20 20 46.5 -14 47 06 193452 163471 By.2607,Ll.39020 20 13 45 -15 10.6 6.7# 14 9 Beta1* 3.08 G5+A0* 20 21 00.7 -14 46 53 193495 163481 Ll.39040, J.511 20 13 59 -15 10.5 3.2# 15 6.30 G5IIIa 20 23 00.9 - 9 39 17 193896 144361 Ll.39135 20 16 13 -10 3.1 6.9 16 6.7 B9 20 23 26.2 -14 15 24 193933 163519 Ll.39140 20 16 27 -14 39.3 6.8# * 6.9 K0 20 24 13.9 -14 06 51 194121 163532 Ll.39170 20 17 16 -14 30.7 7.1# 17 10 Pi 5.25 B8II-III 20 27 19.2 -18 12 42 194636 163592 J.513 20 20 10 -18 37.2 5.5 dpl. 18 6.5 F8 20 28 01.2 -25 36 22 194711 189309 L.8457, Ll.39229 20 20 31 -26 1.0 6.6 * 6.9 G0 20 28 29.5 -24 09 47 194810 189321 L.8458, Ll.39324 20 21 4 -24 34.2 7.2# 19 6.8 K0 20 28 44.2 -23 59 01 194848 189330 L.8459 20 21 20 -24 24.0 6.9# 20 6.41 K0III 20 28 43.6 -15 44 30 194918 163612 Ll.39357 20 21 41 -16 9.2 6.8 21 6.8 A0 20 29 00.3 -20 54 05 194944 189335 Ll.39350 20 21 44 -21 18.8 7.0 * 7.3 M0III 20 28 33.2 -11 47 47 194917 163610 Ll.39361 20 21 40 -12 12.4 7.6# * 7.3 F2 20 28 48.0 -11 43 38 194958 163615 Ll.39372 20 21 56 -12 8.2 7.1# 22 11 Rho 4.78 F2IV 20 28 51.6 -17 48 49 194943 163614 J.514 20 21 44 -18 13.5 5.3# 23 6.55 K1III 20 29 00.7 -17 52 31 194960 163617 Ll.39364 20 21 52 -18 17.0 7.0# 24 6.16 M1III 20 29 31.4 -22 23 29 195006 189345 L.8463, Ll.39371 20 22 11 -22 48.2 6.5 r * 6.74 A7V 20 29 52.5 -18 35 12 195093 163625 T.9433 20 22 42 -18 59.8 7 1/2# 25 12 Omicron 5.94 A3Vn 20 29 53.9 -18 35 00 195094 163626 T.9434 20 22 43 -18 59.8 6 1/4# 26 8.2 K0 20 30 26.9 -12 13 58 195241 163638 * 20 23 34 -12 38.9 var. 6 3/4 - 8 1/2 27 6.12 gK+F 20 31 04.3 -15 03 23 195330 163645 Y.8892 20 24 4 -15 28.3 6.4 28 6.36 A0 20 32 52.4 -24 56 38 195549 189416 L.8480, Ll.39493 20 25 26 -25 21.8 6.4 29 5.65 G3V 20 32 23.7 - 9 51 12 195564 163665 Ll.39513 20 25 33 -10 16.7 6.0 30 7.0 A0 20 34 01.9 -12 20 38 195827 163683 WB.644 20 27 8 -12 46.1 7.0 31 6.13 F6V 20 34 11.7 -13 43 16 195838 163686 Ll.39579 20 27 14 -14 9.0 6.3 32 6.19 A7V 20 35 32.2 -16 31 33 196078 163712 Ll.39632 20 28 28* -16 57.2 6.5 33 7.0 K2 20 36 16.5 -12 22 51 196222 163720 Ll.39676 20 29 23 -12 48.7 6.8 34 13 6.76 K3III 20 37 21.2 -15 08 50 196348 163740 Ll.39723 20 30 20 -15 34.7 7.0 35 6.36 F0III 20 37 52.2 -25 06 32 196385 189503 L.8504, Ll.39714 20 30 25 -25 32.6 6.6 36 6.7 A3 20 38 04.9 -24 13 42 196430 189509 L.8506, Ll.39725 20 30 41 -24 39.7 6.8 37 7.0 A0 20 37 48.9 -17 07 19 196413 163746 Ll.39732 20 30 44 -17 33.3 7.0 38 7.0 B9 20 37 56.0 -11 02 00 196469 163752 Ll.39756 20 31 6 -11 28.0 7.0 39 14 Tau 5.22 B6III 20 39 16.4 -14 57 17 196662 163771 Ll.39806 20 32 17 -15 23.5 5.6 40 6.37 G8V 20 40 11.7 -23 46 26 196761 189549 L.8522, Ll.39816 20 32 45 -24 13.9 6.5 41 15 Upsilon 5.10 M2III 20 40 03.0 -18 08 19 196777 163779 J.520 20 32 56 -18 34.6 5.7 r 42 6.52 G0/G1V 20 40 36.0 -26 38 42 196815 189559 Ll.39829 20 33 6 -27 5.1 6.7 43 5.80 G7III: 20 40 32.5 -16 07 27 196857 163783 Ll.39853, T.9533 20 33 31 -16 34.0 6.2 r 44 6.28 K2III 20 41 24.1 -26 00 00 196947 189575 L.8532, Ll.39863 20 33 56 -26 26.5 6.6 45 6.50 G8III 20 45 13.2 -27 14 50 197540 189641 L.8548 20 37 43 -27 41.9 6.7 46 6.9 F0 20 45 14.9 -15 47 54 197593 163848 * 20 38 14 -16 15.0 7.0 47 16 Psi 4.13 F4V 20 46 05.7 -25 16 15 197692 189664 L.8553, J.521 20 38 41 -25 43.0 4.3 48 17 5.93 A0 20 46 10.0 -21 30 50 197725 189667 T.9577 20 38 55 -21 58.0 6.0 49 6.8 F2V 20 46 27.3 -26 52 08 197746 189675 L.8555 20 38 58 -27 19.3 7.0 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 50 6.8 F5 20 48 14.0 -19 15 38 198031 163887 Ll.40115 20 41 5 -19 43.0 6.9 51 7.0 F2 20 48 12.9 -16 31 16 198041 163889 OA.20860 20 41 11 -16 58.7 7.0 * 7.7 G5 20 48 25.0 -18 12 00 163894 Ll.40124 20 41 19 -18 39.3 7.9# * 6.6 G9III* 20 48 26.0 -18 12 06 198063 163895 Ll.40125 20 41 20 -18 39.5 7.3# 52 5.86 B8II 20 49 17.6 -25 46 53 198174 189733 L.8581 20 41 52 -26 14.4 6.1 r 53 6.21 K3III 20 49 20.5 -18 02 10 198208 163910 Ll.40155 20 42 15 -18 29.7 6.7 54 6.6 F8 20 50 30.1 -24 58 57 198354 189757 L.8590, Ll.40173 20 43 8 -25 26.5 6.9 55 6.6 F6V 20 51 33.5 -27 14 41 198500 189775 T.9624 20 44 5 -27 42.5 6.8 56 18 Omega 4.11 K4III 20 51 49.3 -26 55 09 198542 189781 L.8601 20 44 22 -27 23.1 4.1 r 57 7.2 A0 20 52 16.0 -19 38 35 198648 163943 Ll.40257 20 45 7 -20 6.6 6.9 58 6.33 G8+G2.5* 20 53 01.2 -23 46 59 198732 189801 L.8612, Ll.40274 20 45 41 -24 15.0 6.6 dpl. 59 7.0 K0 20 53 32.1 -19 06 48 198824 163954 Ll.40311 20 46 25 -19 35.0 6.9# * 7.5 G0 20 54 05.8 -18 59 46 198902 163965 Ll.40330 20 46 59 -19 28.0 7.4# 60 6.7 F0 20 54 47.0 -18 47 34 199014 163973 Ll.40348 20 47 40 -19 16.0 6.8 61 19 5.78 K0III 20 54 47.8 -17 55 23 199012 163975 Ll.40353 20 47 44 -18 23.7 6.1 62 7.1 G0 20 55 47.5 -17 06 49 199143 163989 Ll.40391 20 48 45 -17 35.2 7.0# * 7.6 K0 20 56 09.5 -17 14 34 199197 163996 Ll.40410 20 49 7 -17 43.1 7.2# 63 5.70v? F7V 20 56 47.3 -26 17 47 199260 189856 L.8621, Ll.40411 20 49 21 -26 46.2 6.1 64 5.87 A2m 20 57 40.6 -16 01 54 199443 164013 B.6951, Ll.40476 20 50 41 -16 30.7 5.9 65 20 6.25v B9pSi 20 59 36.2 -19 02 07 199728 164043 Ll.40548 20 52 30 -19 31.1 6.3 66 21 6.5 K0 21 00 51.8 -17 31 51 199947 164061 Ll.40613 20 53 50 -18 1.0 6.4 67 6.05 A3V 21 01 45.3 -26 52 52 200052 189942 L.8652, Ll.40624 20 54 20 -27 22.1 6.2 68 22 Eta 4.84 A5V 21 04 24.3 -19 51 18 200499 189986 J.527 20 57 18 -20 20.8 5.1 r 69 7.3 A5 21 04 51.2 -17 09 48 200582 164119 Ll.40774 20 57 50 -17 39.5 7.0 70 23 Theta 4.10 A1V 21 05 56.8 -17 13 58 200761 164132 Ll.40814 20 58 55 -17 43.6 4.1 71 6.6 K0 21 06 41.5 -20 10 48 200868 190014 By.2736,Ll.40835 20 59 34 -20 40.7 6.9 * 7.4 G5 21 06 51.4 -23 12 56 200881 190018 Ll.40831 20 59 36 -23 42.9 7.4# 72 7.0 F5 21 07 03.6 -23 08 56 200913 190024 L.8690, Ll.40842 20 59 48 -23 39.0 7.0# 73 24 A 4.50 M1III 21 07 07.7 -25 00 21 200914 190025 L.8689 20 59 49 -25 30.2 4.8 r 74 6.7 G5 21 07 29.9 -19 05 17 201013 164152 T.9771 21 0 25 -19 35.2 6.9 75 6.19v? A0V 21 07 44.6 -17 27 19 201057 164156 * 21 0 43 -17 57.5 6.6 76 25 Chi 5.28 A0V 21 08 33.6 -21 11 37 201184 190050 Ll.40909 21 1 24 -21 41.6 5.4 77 26 6.8 K0 21 09 15.4 -20 11 35 201301 190065 Ll.40936 21 2 8 -20 41.8 7.0 78 27 6.25v? F1IV 21 09 33.0 -20 33 23 201352 190069 Ll.40948 21 2 24 -21 3.2 6.5 79 6.04 G5 21 15 06.6 -17 20 42 202261 164249 Ll.41191 21 8 7 -17 51.6 6.4 80 28 Phi 5.24 G9III 21 15 37.9 -20 39 06 202320 190173 T.9480 21 8 31 -21 10.1 5.5 r 81 29 5.28v? M3III 21 15 44.9 -15 10 18 202369 164263 J.529 21 8 50 -15 41.4 5.7 r 82 30 5.41 B8III 21 17 57.3 -17 59 07 202671 164286 Ll.41315 21 10 57 -18 30.4 5.5 83 6.7 K0 21 18 26.1 -20 20 07 202725 190214 T.9867, Ll.41332 21 11 21 -20 51.4 7.0 84 6.9 A0V 21 19 51.4 -27 12 34 202941 190238 L.8776, Ll.41359 21 12 30 -27 44.0 6.9 dpl. 7, 7 3/4 85 6.56 G5V 21 19 45.8 -26 21 11 202940 190236 L.8777, Ll.41363 21 12 32 -26 51.9 6.7 86 32 Iota 4.28 G8III 21 22 14.8 -16 50 04 203387 164346 J.532 21 15 17 -17 21.9 4.4 r 87 5.60 M1III 21 23 00.5 -22 40 08 203475 190285 L.8794, Ll.41494 21 15 50 -23 12.1 6.0 88 6.6 K0 21 23 55.9 -25 12 09 203607 190292 L.8800, Ll.41525 21 16 40 -25 44.1 6.8 89 6.38 K0III: 21 24 07.9 -22 44 49 203639 190293 L.8802, Ll.41540 21 16 58 -23 16.9 6.8 r 90 33 5.41v? K0III 21 24 09.7 -20 51 07 203638 190295 Ll.41543 21 17 4 -21 22.9 5.7 r 91 6.7 F0 21 24 20.8 -24 25 23 203652 190299 L.8803 21 17 7 -24 57.3 6.8 92 6.6 K0 21 25 48.6 -23 49 19 203913 190330 L.8813, Ll.41596 21 18 37 -24 21.5 6.8 93 34 Zeta 3.74 G0p 21 26 40.0 -22 24 41 204075 190341 L.8815, J.534 21 19 32 -22 57.1 3.7 94 35 5.78 K5III 21 27 14.8 -21 11 46 204139 190349 Ll.41670 21 20 10 -21 44.1 6.2 r 95 6.8 B9 21 27 23.3 -13 35 15 204220 164400 Ll.41691 21 20 33 -14 7.6 6.8 96 6.8 F5 21 27 38.5 -11 40 00 204268 164405 Ll.41702 21 20 52 -12 12.3 7.0 97 6.62 F3V 21 28 13.9 -11 34 06 204363 164415 Ll.41725 21 21 28 -12 6.5 6.8 98 36 b 4.51 G5III 21 28 43.4 -21 48 26 204381 190374 Ll.41721 21 21 35 -22 21.0 4.7 99 7.0 K2 21 29 40.3 -14 01 37 204548 164430 Ll.41760 21 22 50 -14 34.0 7.0 r 100 6.57 F0V 21 29 59.6 -19 08 52 204577 164433 Ll.41765 21 22 59 -19 41.5 6.6 101 6.62 K0 21 30 40.4 -14 17 28 204692 164444 Ll.41794 21 23 49 -14 50.2 6.8 102 7.4 F0 21 31 25.5 -19 14 16 204779 164449 Ll.41810 21 24 24 -19 47.1 7.0 103 6.43 A7V 21 32 33.3 -24 35 24 204943 190423 L.8843, Ll.41841 21 25 21 -25 8.5 6.5 104 6.70 K5 21 32 22.1 -12 16 04 204971 164461 Ll.41870 21 25 35 -12 49.0 7.0 105 37 5.69 F1V 21 34 51.0 -20 05 04 205289 190461 Ll.41942 21 27 50 -20 38.4 6.0# 106 38 7.1 F8 21 34 55.0 -20 15 10 205306 190463 Ll.41946 21 27 53 -20 48.2 6.9# r 107 6.40 G7III: 21 35 16.0 -23 27 15 205342 190469 L.8851, Ll.41958 21 28 7 -24 0.5 6.7 108 38 Epsilon 4.68v B2.5Vp 21 37 04.8 -19 27 57 205637 164520 J.536 21 30 5 -20 1.5 4.7# * 7.45 B9 21 37 37.7 -19 13 53 205705 164528 Ll.42064 21 30 39 -19 47.5 7.1# 109 6.08 K0 21 39 28.2 -10 34 36 206005 164555 Ll.42160 21 32 45 -11 8.2 6.3 110 40 Gamma 3.68 F0p 21 40 05.5 -16 39 44 206088 164560 J.538 21 33 10 -17 13.5 3.7 111 42 5.18 G2IV 21 41 32.9 -14 02 51 206301 164580 Ll.42239 21 34 45 -14 36.1 5.6 112 41 5.24 G9III 21 42 00.8 -23 15 46 206356 190559 L.8893, J.539 21 34 53 -23 49.6 5.8 113 43 Kappa 4.73 G8III 21 42 39.5 -18 51 59 206453 164593 J.540 21 35 40 -19 26.1 5.0 r 114 6.22 A3m 21 43 13.5 -19 37 15 206546 164601 Ll.42285 21 36 14 -20 11.4 6.3 115 44 5.89 F0IV 21 43 04.4 -14 23 59 206561 164600 Ll.42288 21 36 16 -14 58.2 6.1 116 45 5.99 F0V 21 44 00.9 -14 44 58 206677 164612 Ll.42327 21 37 11 -15 19.3 6.3 117 7.08 K0 21 44 55.3 - 9 02 11 206833 145635 Ll.42368 21 38 15 - 9 36.6 7 # 118 46 c 5.09 G8II-III 21 45 00.3 - 9 04 57 206834 145637 Ll.42369 21 38 20 - 9 39.3 5 1/2# 119 6.6 F5 21 45 21.9 -12 47 00 206893 164627 * 21 38 35 -13 21.4 6.7 120 47 6.00v M3III 21 46 16.3 - 9 16 33 207005 145648 Ll.42414 21 39 36 - 9 51.1 6.4 121 48 Lambda 5.58 A1V 21 46 32.1 -11 21 57 207052 164639 Ll.42418 21 39 48 -11 56.5 5.7 122 50 7.00 F8 21 46 42.1 -11 41 52 207061 164640 Ll.42420 21 39 58 -12 16.1 6.9 123 49 Delta 2.87v Amv 21 47 02.4 -16 07 38 207098 164644 J.542 21 40 8 -16 41.5 2.8 124 6.31 A3m 21 49 41.0 -12 43 23 207503 164679 Ll.42518 21 42 56 -13 18.3 6.3 125 6.38 K0 21 50 13.1 -16 50 41 207552 164686 Ll.42529 21 43 20 -17 25.6 6.5 126 6.7 K0 21 50 35.4 - 8 58 57 207627 145698 WB.1016 21 43 56 - 9 33.8 6.8 127 6.86 F5V 21 51 24.6 -23 16 14 207692 190685 L.8941, Ll.42555 21 44 17 -23 51.0 6.8 128 6.16 F0III 21 51 41.8 -18 37 23 207760 164697 Ll.42574 21 44 45 -19 12.2 6.4 129 6.7 K0 21 53 01.0 -10 33 45 207936 164711 Ll.42633 21 46 19 -11 8.8 7.0 130 51 Mu 5.08 F1III 21 53 17.8 -13 33 06 207958 164713 J.545 21 46 29 -14 8.3 5.4 131 6.59 B9V 21 53 36.0 -10 18 42 208008 164717 Ll.42647 21 46 55 -10 53.9 6.5 132 6.76 A0 21 56 46.0 -17 53 49 208482 164756 Ll.42732 21 49 53 -18 29.4 6.7 133 6.81 B9 21 57 39.3 - 8 33 52 208612 145768 Ll.42780 21 51 2 - 9 9.5 6.7 134 6.12 M4III 21 58 43.8 -21 10 59 208735 190786 Ll.42804 21 51 45 -21 46.7 6.6 3 The designation Xi1 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina, but is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 4 The designation Xi appears in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation Xi2 is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 8, 9 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 10 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 13 The designation Beta2 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina, but is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 14 The designation Beta appears in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation Beta1 is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. Spectrum G5II+A0V: 13, 14 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 16 the star HD194121=SAO163532 is connected with a brace to 16 Preceding 19 the star HD194810=SAO189321 is connected with a brace to 19 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 21 and 22 the stars HD194917=SAO163610 and HD194958=SAO163615 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or being assigned a numbers. 22, 23 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 25 the star HD195093=SAO163625 is connected with a brace to 25 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number. 26 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 32 Right ascension corrected from 20 28 26. 46 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 51 and 52 the stars SAO163894 and HD198063=SAO163895 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either. For HD198063=SAO163895 the spectrum is G9IIIcomp. 58 Spectrum G8III-IV+G2.5IV Following 59 the star HD198902=SAO163965 is connected with a brace to 59 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 62 the star HD199197=SAO163996 is connected with a brace to 62 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 72 the star HD200881=SAO190018 is connected with a brace to 72 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 75 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 105, 106 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 108 the star HD205705=SAO164528 is connected with a brace to 108 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 117, 118 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.4. 119 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 10. - CARINA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.8 A2/A3V 6 13 41.8 -51 40 04 43504 234384 G.247 6 10 49 -51 37.7 6.8 2 6.41 K2/K3III 6 17 51.7 -52 43 59 44267 234430 L.2238 6 15 7 -52 41.0 6.7 3 7.0 A3mA4-A8 6 18 05.7 -53 33 32 44295 234434 L.2243 6 15 27 -53 30.6 6.9# * 7.6 G8IIICNIV 6 18 32.6 -53 37 49 44382 234441 L.2246 6 15 55 -53 34.8 7.7# 4 6.7 A5V 6 21 50.2 -51 14 13 44958 234463 L.2270 6 18 53 -51 10.6 6.8 5 6.88 A3 6 22 18.9 -53 20 06 45057 234468 L.2278 6 19 38 -53 16.3 6.7 r 6 5.98 G8III 6 23 37.7 -52 10 52 45291 234475 L.2285 6 20 48 -52 6.8 6.7 r 7 Alpha -0.72 F0Ib 6 23 57.1 -52 41 44 45348 234480 L.2291, J.157 6 21 11 -52 37.6 0.4 8 6.51 K5/M0III 6 24 48.2 -52 48 23 45509 234488 B.1244 6 22 3 -52 44.1 6.7 9 5.60 F8V 6 31 18.3 -51 49 34 46569 234551 L.2349 6 28 23 -51 44.4 6.1 10 6.19 G8III 6 33 26.1 -52 19 44 47001 234574 L.2369 6 30 37 -52 14.0 6.8 11 N 4.40 B9III 6 34 58.5 -52 58 32 47306 234589 L.2383 6 32 13 -52 52.3 4.8 12 6.8 B8/B9V 6 44 09.7 -54 43 52 49192 234682 L.2459* 6 41 37 -54 36.1 6.8# 13 6.6 B5/B6V 6 44 12.6 -54 41 33 49219 234683 L.2460 6 41 40 -54 34.0 6.4# * 7.8 K2III 6 45 05.5 -52 21 44 49337 234689 L.2465 6 42 33 -52 4.1 7.1# 14 5.80 K3III 6 45 53.7 -52 24 36 49517 234699 L.2471 6 43 2 -52 16.5 6.5# c 15 5.40 K1II+Gp* 6 46 52.8 -51 15 57 49689 234705 L.2478 6 43 53 -51 7.5 6.1 16 6.46 G6III 6 46 41.5 -54 41 41 49705 234704 L.2484 6 44 9 -54 33.5 7.0 17 O* 5.61v? K5III 6 47 18.8 -55 32 24 49877 234710 L.2490 6 44 53 -55 24.1 6.3 r 18 A 4.40 G6II 6 49 51.3 -53 37 20 50337 234737 L.2511 6 47 8 -53 28.6 4.8 19 6.57 G5Ib/II 6 52 46.9 -54 05 24 51043 234762 L.2537 6 50 7 -53 56.1 7.0 20 6.43 A3mA3-A8 6 52 45.4 -59 20 28 51210 234764 L.2552 6 50 55 -59 11.2 6.6 21 6.27 K2III 6 58 39.7 -55 43 46 52603 234826 L.2594 6 56 14 -55 33.2 6.9 22 6.45 F2II 6 58 36.3 -56 23 41 52622 234825 B.1440 6 56 15 -56 13.3 6.8 23 5.14 M1III 7 00 51.5 -51 24 09 53047 234854 L.2601 6 57 49 -51 13.5 5.8 r 24 6.02v? F0V 7 01 05.1 -58 56 24 53349 234863 L.2621 6 59 9 -58 45.9 6.4 25 6.6 B2IV 7 03 24.6 -52 25 32 53762 234883 L.2626 7 0 29 -52 14.4 6.8 26 5.49 B9IV 7 03 15.6 -59 10 41 53921 234890 L.2640 7 1 20 -58 59.5 6.0 dpl. 6 1/2, 7 1/2 27 5.17v A0p: 7 04 18.3 -56 44 59 54118 234902 L.2642 7 1 58 -56 33.6 5.7 28 P* 5.96 K0III 7 07 13.3 -51 58 04 54732 234940 L.2651 7 4 14 -51 46.4 6.7 29 6.6 K2/K3III 7 07 27.6 -52 12 15 54792 234943 L.2652 7 4 30 -52 0.5 7.0 30 6.47 B3V 7 07 16.4 -59 42 59 54967 234944 L.2667 7 5 25 -59 31.1 6.8 * 7.94 F0III 7 09 07.3 -60 34 30 55433 249750 B.1505 7 7 26 -60 22.4 7.9# * 6.8 G5III 7 09 25.1 -60 22 49 55527 249754 L.2692 7 7 41 -60 10.6 7.1# 31 6.7 K0III 7 11 55.6 -56 09 20 55964 235005 L.2702 7 9 28 -55 56.8 7.0 32 6.6 A1/A2V 7 12 46.4 -57 29 28 56216 235017 L.2717 7 10 31 -57 16.6 6.9 33 6.7v ApEuCrSr 7 13 39.8 -53 40 02 56350 235022 L.2715 7 10 51 -53 27.1 6.9 34 6.02 A0IV/V 7 12 02.0 -63 11 24 56239 249774 L.2735 7 10 51 -62 58.6 6.3 35 5.97 K1III 7 15 21.0 -52 29 59 56705 235040 L.2734 7 12 23 -52 17.0 6.5 36 6.9 A2mA4-A7* 7 15 29.0 -58 32 34 56910 235051 L.2752 7 13 23 -58 19.2 6.9 37 6.7 A1mA5-F2 7 19 18.1 -58 03 09 57767 235101 L.2789 7 17 5 -57 49.3 6.9 38 6.05 F0/F2IV/V 7 20 21.4 -52 18 42 57852 235110 L.2779 7 17 20 -52 4.9 6.8# 39 6.60 G0V:e 7 20 21.8 -52 18 35 57853 235111 * 7 17 21 -52 4.7 7.0# 40 5.38 B9V 7 20 38.7 -52 05 10 57917 235116 L.2783 7 17 36 -51 51.0 5.9 41 6.6 A1V 7 20 22.9 -56 17 42 57969 235114 L.2798 7 17 54 -56 3.6 6.9 42 7.0v ApSi 7 21 41.1 -61 57 05 58448 249832 L.2818 7 20 10 -61 42.7 6.9 43 6.58 G5IV 7 24 09.5 -58 29 30 58895 235171 L.2827 7 22 0 -58 15.0 6.8 44 5.10 K0III 7 26 21.9 -51 01 07 59219 235192 L.2829 7 23 10 -50 47.0 5.7 45 6.74 G5IV-V 7 27 25.2 -51 24 08 59468 235206 L.2835 7 24 19 -51 8.8 6.9 46 6.5 G8III 7 28 11.5 -58 04 22 59780 235221 L.2848 7 25 55 -57 48.9 6.9 47 5.87 K0III 7 29 59.6 -52 39 04 60060 235239 L.2851 7 26 58 -52 23.4 6.4 48 5.96 M1III 7 30 30.9 -54 23 56 60228 235252 L.2861 7 27 42 -54 8.2 6.7 49 6.28 A1III/IV 7 34 39.5 -51 28 29 61031 235310 L.2892 7 31 28 -51 12.0 6.7 50 Q 4.94 K3III 7 35 39.7 -52 32 02 61248 235336 L.2902 7 32 34 -52 15.3 5.5 51 6.39 K1IIICN* 7 36 01.7 -55 53 15 61394 235343 L.2911 7 33 22 -55 36.5* 6.9 52 6.06V B9IV/Vp* 7 39 00.4 -53 16 24 61966 235391 L.2926 7 36 0 -52 59.2 6.6 53 6.7 F0III 7 40 52.5 -54 42 25 62400 235414 L.2946 7 38 2 -54 24.9 6.9 54 7.0 B3V 7 42 11.6 -55 10 43 62663 235428 L.2965 7 39 24 -54 53.0 7.0 * 7.1 B2V 7 41 47.8 -56 18 54 62612 235421 L.2963 7 39 10 -56 1.2 7.1# * 7.3 B7V(p) 7 42 23.8 -56 08 47 62714 235432 L.2970 7 39 44 -55 50.9 7.2# 55 6.40 B2.5V 7 42 10.2 -58 37 51 62758 235430 L.2979 7 39 53 -58 20.0 6.5# * 7.1 B9V 7 42 20.9 -58 40 12 62805 235434 L.2982 7 40 3 -58 22.4 7 1/2# 56 6.21 K0III 7 42 53.3 -58 13 48 62897 235440 L.2986 7 40 32 -57 55.9 6.6 57 6.11 F0II 7 45 35.6 -56 43 21 63382 235490 L.3011 7 42 59 -56 25.0 6.4 r 58 6.7 K1II 7 48 15.2 -54 42 50 63870 235529 L.3031 7 45 21 -54 24.1 7.0 59 6.33 K0III+A1V 7 48 19.2 -56 28 16 63926 235532 L.3036 7 45 39 -56 9.4 7.0# 60 5.58 G5II 7 49 06.7 -56 24 38 64067 235539 L.3046 7 46 26 -56 5.7 5.9# 61 5.78 F1V 7 49 12.9 -60 17 01 64185 249975 L.3060 7 47 9 -59 58.3 6.2 62 5.70v B1.5IV 7 52 29.7 -54 22 02 64722 235579 L.3074 7 49 31 -54 2.6 6.1 63 6.38 B8III 7 55 00.5 -52 34 59 65189 235612 * 7 51 47 -52 15.2 6.9 64 5.63 K3/K4III 7 54 53.3 -57 18 11 65273 235615 L.3097 7 52 18 -56 58.3 6.1 r 65 Chi 3.50v B3IVp 7 56 46.7 -52 58 56 65575 235635 L.3102, J.188 7 53 36 -52 38.9 3.7 66 5.74 K4II 7 56 18.6 -60 31 35 65662 250019 L.3113 7 54 12 -60 11.5 6.3 r 67 6.25v M0III 7 56 50.7 -59 07 35 65750 235638 * 7 54 30 -58 47.3 7.0 r 68 6.44 A8/A9IV 7 58 21.4 -51 26 55 65867 235646 L.3108 7 55 0 -51 6.6 6.8# * 7.2 B9II/III 7 59 10.2 -51 27 57 66027 235655 L.3116 7 55 48 -51 7.5 7.5# 69 5.59 G2V 7 57 47.0 -60 18 12 65907 250035 L.3122 7 55 28 -59 58.1 6.1 70 6.14 B8V 7 57 12.6 -63 17 49 65908 250030 B.1855 7 55 37 -62 57.5 6.5 71* 5.81v B2IVnpe 7 58 50.5 -60 49 28 66194 250055 L.3134 7 56 45 -60 29.0 6.7 cum., 5 72 6.33 B8III 7 59 40.2 -60 12 27 66341 250064 L.3138 7 57 28 -59 51.8 6.9 73 5.18 M0II 7 59 37.6 -60 35 13 66342 250063 L.3140 7 57 29 -60 14.6 5.5 r 74 5.86 B5Vn 8 00 50.0 -54 09 05 66441 235680 L.3135 7 57 46 -53 48.3 6.3 75 6.12v? B2IV-V 8 01 22.9 -54 30 54 66546 235686 L.3139 7 58 21 -54 10.1 6.4# * 6.5 F0III 8 01 59.8 -54 39 44 66706 235694 L.3145 7 58 59 -54 18.9 7.1# 76 6.28 B4V 8 01 31.5 -55 27 18 66607 235690 L.3144 7 58 36 -55 6.4 6.6# * 7.37 A0V 8 02 06.9 -55 36 15 66749 235696 L.3149 7 59 13 -55 15.3 7.9# * 6.69 B3V(n) 8 02 15.3 -55 32 27 66768 235698 L.3150 7 59 21 -55 11.4 7.1# 77 D* 4.82 B3V 8 00 20.0 -63 34 03 66591 250069 L.3154 7 58 45 -63 13.3 5.2 78 5.53 K3/K4III 8 05 04.0 -53 06 29 67364 235735 L.3162 8 1 49 -52 45.0 6.4 * 7.68V M 8 04 30.8 -62 50 25 67536B 250100 B.1903 8 2 43 -62 28.9 7 3/4# 79 D2* 6.30v B2.5Vn 8 04 42.9 -62 50 10 67536 250101 L.3178, B.1906 8 2 56 -62 28.7 6 3/4# 80 5.65 A3mA5-A9 8 09 33.6 -56 05 08 68434 235784 L.3208 8 6 39 -55 43.0 6.0 81 D3* 6.30 B6V 8 08 24.6 -63 48 04 68423 250127 L.3224 8 6 47 -63 26.0 6.6 82 B 4.76 F5V 8 09 00.7 -61 18 07 68456 250131 L.3222 8 6 56 -60 55.3 5.3 r 83 6.7 B5V 8 09 30.5 -59 32 29 68518 235786 L.3220 8 7 6 -59 10.3 7.0 84 C 5.16 A2V 8 15 16.0 -62 54 57 69863 250164 L.3275 8 13 22 -62 31.8 5.7 dpl. 6, 8 85 6.6 B8V 8 16 53.2 -64 11 13 70200 250174 L.3296 8 15 13 -63 47.9 6.9 * 7.0 A0V 8 17 34.4 -58 41 51 70175 235869 L.3286 8 14 56 -58 18.4 7.1# 86 6.46 F5V 8 17 55.8 -59 10 01 70267 235872 L.3289 8 15 22 -58 46.5 6.8# 87 5.97 B1.5III 8 21 12.1 -57 58 23 70839 235917 L.3315 8 18 25 -57 34.4 6.4 88 6.12 G6/G8III 8 21 07.7 -64 06 22 70982 250202 L.3330 8 19 23 -63 42.4 6.5 89 Epsilon 1.86 K3+B2:* 8 22 30.8 -59 30 35 71129 235932 L.3327, J.196 8 19 57 -59 6.5 2.1 * 7.5 F0IV 8 23 42.3 -55 19 13 71257 235943 L.3328 8 20 34 -54 54.8 7.5# 90 6.8 B6III/IV 8 24 40.8 -55 21 53 71405 235952 L.3338 8 21 32 -54 57.5 6.8# 91 6.6 ApSi 8 25 09.2 -55 28 24 71491 235957 L.3343 8 22 1 -55 3.8 7.0# 92 6.53 A0V 8 27 27.4 -55 00 42 71919 236001 L.3362 8 24 14 -54 35.9 7.0 93 6.5 ApSi 8 29 29.8 -54 12 43 72303 236028 L.3380 8 26 10 -53 47.6 6.9 94 6.36 G0V 8 29 36.3 -55 11 28 72322 236032 L.3387 8 26 23 -54 46.3 7.0 95 e1 5.26 B3V+B3Vn 8 35 15.5 -58 13 30 73390 236105 L.3452 8 32 22 -57 47.5 5.9 dpl. 96 e2 4.86 K0III 8 35 19.6 -58 00 33 73389 236106 L.3451 8 32 23 -57 34.6 5.4 97 5.47 K0III 8 37 19.0 -62 51 12 73887 250288 L.3475 8 35 6 -62 24.9 6.0 * 6.36 A0V 8 39 13.3 -60 19 02 74148 250291 L.3490 8 36 34 -59 52.5 7.0 dpl. 8, 7 1/2 98 6.34 A3V 8 40 43.6 -57 32 43 74341 236179 L.3497 8 37 40 -57 6.0 6.8 dpl. 8 1/2, 7 99 d 4.30v B1.5III 8 40 37.1 -59 45 40 74375 236181 L.3504, J.205 8 37 51 -59 18.9 4.7 100 6.29 K2III 8 42 20.9 -55 46 27 74622 236206 L.3513 8 39 4 -55 19.6 7.0 101 6.83 ApSi 8 43 30.2 -61 41 20 74888 250308 L.3540 8 40 58 -61 14.0 7.0 102 6.21 B7III 8 45 05.4 -58 43 30 75086 236241 L.3545 8 42 7 -58 16.1 6.7 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 103 f 4.51v B3Vne 8 46 42.7 -56 46 11 75311 236268 L.3554 8 43 28 -56 18.7 5.1 104 5.59 B8III 8 51 36.6 -57 38 01 76113 236339 L.3594 8 48 25 -57 9.8 6.3 105 6.02 A0V 8 53 03.8 -56 38 58 76346 236368 L.3603 8 49 45 -56 10.6 6.7 106 5.78 B5III 8 53 48.8 -60 21 15 76538 250369 L.3613 8 50 57 -59 52.7 6.6 107 6.40 B5V 8 54 54.0 -58 14 24 76640 236402 L.3618 8 51 45 -57 45.7 6.9 108 c 3.80 B8III 8 55 02.8 -60 38 41 76728 250374 L.3626 8 52 13 -60 10.1 4.0 109 b1 4.92v? B2IV-V 8 56 58.4 -59 13 46 77002 236436 L.3639, J.210 8 53 55 -58 44.8 5 1/2# * 6.87 B9.5V 8 57 03.6 -59 13 34 77002B 236440 B.2294 8 54 0 -58 44.6 7 1/4# 110 b2 5.16 F3V 8 59 24.2 -59 05 01 77370 236475 L.3661, J.211 8 56 20 -58 36.4 5.7 111 5.79 G8II 9 00 45.8 -60 57 50 77615 250417 L.3673 8 57 53 -60 28.4 6.5 112 6.44 A8III 9 04 48.0 -57 51 09 78293 236578 L.3693 9 1 28 -57 21.3 6.9 113 6.37 K3III 9 06 07.7 -64 29 59 78632 250441 L.3712 9 3 43 -63 59.9 7.0 114 6.7 G6/G8III 9 07 18.7 -57 27 49 78724 236623 L.3706 9 3 54 -56 57.6 7.0 115 E 4.70v B2IVe 9 05 38.4 -70 32 20 78764 256583 L.3730 9 4 37 -70 2.1 5.2 116 G 4.50 F6II-III 9 05 09.3 -72 36 10 78791 256582 L.3736, J.215 9 4 48 -72 6.0 4.8 117 a 3.40v B2IV 9 10 58.0 -58 58 01 79351 236693 L.3738, J.216 9 7 41 -58 27.3 3.8 118 6.59 B2.5IV 9 11 32.9 -57 58 06 79421 236707 L.3742 9 8 7 -57 27.3 7.0 119 i 4.00 B3IV 9 11 16.7 -62 19 02 79447 250471 L.3753, J.217 9 8 26 -61 48.3 4.3 120 NGC2808* 6.30 F8 9 12.0 -64 52 D.265 9 9 35 -64 20.9 7.0 neb. 121 5.54 G6II 9 12 55.6 -59 24 52 79698 236723 L.3760 9 9 39 -58 53.9 6.1 122 6.36 B9V 9 12 50.7 -60 55 00 79699 250485 L.3761 9 9 46 -60 24.1 6.9 123 Beta 1.70 A2IV 9 13 12.0 -69 43 02 80007 250495 L.3791, J.218 9 11 49 -69 12.1 2.0 124 6.02 B7IV 9 15 17.6 -58 23 19 80094 236772 L.3776 9 11 52 -57 52.0 6.7 * 6.32 G8II 9 15 35.0 -57 34 41 80126 236777 L.3777 9 12 4 -57 3.4 7.1# 125 g 4.34 M1III 9 16 12.3 -57 32 18 80230 236787 L.3782 9 12 40 -57 1.1 4.8# var? * 127 Iota 2.20v? A8Ib 9 17 05.4 -59 16 31 80404 236808 L.3792, J.219 9 13 45 -58 45.1 2.5 128 5.39 F4V 9 17 17.3 -68 41 22 80671 250526 L.3811 9 15 32 -68 9.7 6.0 129 6.11 K2III 9 17 51.8 -67 03 03 80710 250529 L.3809 9 15 42 -66 31.4 6.6 130 5.87 A0V 9 17 27.5 -74 44 05 80950 256600 L.3845 9 17 36 -74 12.4 6.4# 131 5.29 A1V 9 17 25.5 -74 53 40 80951 256599 L.3846 9 17 38 -74 22.0 5.7# dpl. 5 3/4, 10 132 k 4.81 G6III 9 20 57.1 -62 24 17 81101 250544 L.3823 9 17 57 -61 52.3 5.5 r 133 6.30 K1/K2II* 9 23 27.4 -60 18 09 81502 250561 L.3837 9 20 8 -59 45.9 6.9 r 134 5.99 K0III 9 24 05.7 -61 38 56 81613 250563 L.3847 9 20 56 -61 6.5 6.4 135 5.79 A2Vn 9 25 27.1 -61 57 01 81830 250575 L.3866 9 22 21 -61 24.7 6.3 dpl. 10, 6 1/4 136 6.5 K1III 9 24 37.5 -70 04 34 81896 250572 L.3891 9 23 0 -69 32.1 7.0 137 6.07 A3Vn 9 26 44.3 -64 55 47 82068 250583 L.3890, J.223 9 24 2 -64 23.3 6.6 138 5.47 K2III 9 27 06.5 -71 36 08 82350 256623 L.3914 9 25 52 -71 3.5 6.0 139 5.92 K1III 9 28 47.0 -62 16 23 82347 250590 L.3901 9 25 39 -61 43.6 6.5# 140 6.56 A2V 9 29 33.0 -62 21 40 82468 250597 L.3907 9 26 24 -62 48.8 7.0# 141 5.91 A0V 9 28 30.7 -66 42 07 82406 250591 L.3909 9 26 4 -66 9.4 6.3 142 6.5 F3/F5V 9 27 49.2 -71 46 52 82458 256625 L.3922 9 26 36 -71 14.1 7.0 * 6.8 K0III 9 29 36.8 -58 17 55 82421 237039 L.3899 9 25 58 -57 45.1 7.5# 143 5.89v? M2III 9 30 23.5 -58 21 42 82536 237056 L.3904 9 26 45 -57 48.8 6.6# 144 6.27 K1III 9 31 33.0 -66 43 10 82858 250611 L.3940 9 29 2 -66 10.0 6.7 145 R 6.10v M6/M7pe 9 32 14.7 -62 47 20 82901 250614 L.3932 9 29 6 -62 14.2 var. 4 3/4 - 10 146 H 5.47 K4III 9 31 36.3 -73 04 51 83095 256634 L.3968 9 30 39 -72 31.6 5.9 147 h 4.10 B5II 9 34 26.7 -59 13 46 83183 237117 L.3949, J.226 9 30 49 -58 40.4 4.9 * 8.0 F5V 9 34 56.4 -64 59 58 83359 250629 L.3965 9 32 4 -64 26.5 8 # 148 6.56 A2V 9 36 05.1 -64 57 02 83523 250636 L.3973 9 33 11 -64 23.5 7.0# 149 6.69 B7III 9 38 21.9 -64 24 19 83834 250647 L.3986 9 35 20 -63 50.3 6.9# * 6.9 K0/K1III 9 38 49.8 -64 29 22 83919 250649 L.3989 9 35 47 -63 55.5 7.7# 150 m 4.50v? B9V 9 39 21.0 -61 19 41 83944 250653 L.3986 9 35 53 -60 45.8 5.1 151 6.43v? B8/9III* 9 39 45.0 -62 56 36 84046 250657 L.3993 9 36 29 -62 22.6 6.9 152 5.32 A3IV 9 40 42.6 -57 59 01 84121 237221 L.3990 9 36 53 -57 24.9 6.0 153 5.80 K0/K1III 9 41 02.2 -57 15 35 84152 237224 L.3992 9 37 5 -56 41.4 6.6 154 6.4 A0V 9 42 13.1 -66 54 54 84416 250672 L.4018 9 39 30 -66 20.6 6.8 155 6.5 B9V 9 42 39.2 -72 11 29 84631 256647 L.4040 9 41 5 -71 36.1 6.8 156 6.46 B8III/IV 9 45 40.5 -57 11 08 84809 237314 L.4028 9 41 40 -56 36.6 6.9 157 l 3.40v G5Iab/Ib 9 45 14.8 -62 30 28 84810 250683 L.4033, J.229 9 41 49 -61 55.9 var. 3 3/4 - 5 158 6.22 F5IV 9 45 55.5 -58 47 39 84850 237321 L.4032 9 42 6 -58 13.1 6.9 * 7.8 A1V 9 44 10.8 -69 47 36 84797 250679 L.4044 9 41 59 -69 13.1 8 # dpl. 8 3/4, 8 1/4 159 6.9 A2mA3-F0 9 45 04.9 -69 45 42 84910 250686 L.4050 9 42 50 -69 11.1 7.0# 160 Upsilon 2.96 A7II 9 47 06.2 -65 04 19 85123 250695 L.4051, J.230 9 43 59 -64 29.5 3.4* dpl. 3 1/2, 7 1/2 161 5.79 K2IIICN* 9 51 12.0 -59 25 32 85655 237418 L.4061 9 47 19 -58 50.3 6.6 r 162 5.57 K1IIICNII 9 50 55.7 -62 44 43 85656 250721 L.4066 9 47 25 -62 9.6 6.2 163 6.64v B3V+B3V 9 54 34.1 -58 25 15 86118 237480 B.2737 9 50 32 -57 49.8 6.8 164 6.7 ApSi 9 55 06.0 -57 23 01 86199 237497 * 9 50 58 -56 47.4 6.9 165 6.6 B9V 9 55 05.5 -69 11 19 86388 250750 L.4102 9 52 29 -68 35.8 7.0 dpl. 8 1/2, 7 166 6.35 B1Ib 9 56 09.8 -71 23 22 86606 256672 L.4116 9 53 59 -70 47.6 6.8 167 6.20 B3V 9 56 59.8 -69 06 07 86659 250761 L.4113 9 54 19 -68 30.3 6.6 168 6.20 K1II 10 01 58.0 -57 20 58 87238 237621 L.4133 9 57 43 -56 44.9 6.6 169 5.94 A9IV 10 02 00.0 -60 25 15 87283 250782 L.4138 9 58 2 -59 49.1 6.4 170 6.19 A6II/III 10 02 59.9 -60 10 43 87436 237640 L.4145 9 58 59 -59 34.5 6.8 171 6.42v? K3Ib 10 02 49.5 -62 09 23 87438 250789 L.4148 9 59 1 -61 33.2 6.9 172 6.14 B4:Vne 10 03 34.4 -61 53 02 87543 250795 L.4153 9 59 43 -61 16.7 6.7 173 6.7 v? G2IV 10 08 18.2 -58 11 56 88176 237722 L.4174 10 4 1 -57 35.2 7.0 var.? 174 6.46v? ApSi 10 07 56.4 -62 13 17 88158 250826 L.4179 10 4 3 -61 36.6 6.9 175 6.6 F5V 10 06 59.8 -71 28 42 88189 256683 L.4194 10 4 31 -70 51.9 6.9 176 5.28 K0III 10 08 42.7 -65 48 55 88323 250836 B.2871 10 5 14 -65 12.2 5.7 r 177 S 5.60v M2/M3e 10 09 21.9 -61 32 57 88366 250840 L.4189 10 5 23 -60 56.3 var. 6 1/4 - 9 178 5.81 A0IV 10 09 30.6 -68 41 00 88473 250844 L.4203 10 6 24 -68 4.1 6.4 179 6.40v M5III 10 11 35.2 -58 49 41 88647 237773 L.4200 10 7 19 -58 12.7 6.8 180 5.72v B2IVnpe 10 11 46.4 -58 03 38 88661 237776 L.4201 10 7 25 -57 26.6 6.4 * 7.2 B5Vnn 10 10 30.2 -67 50 29 88591 250853 L.4209 10 7 14 -67 13.5 7.4# 181 6.9 K2III 10 11 12.7 -67 53 32 88704 250858 L.4219 10 7 57 -67 16.5 7.0# 182 6.10 B4Ve 10 13 01.3 -59 55 05 88825 237799 L.4217 10 8 48 -59 18.0 6.6 183 6.41 B2V 10 13 21.2 -61 39 31 88907 250875 L.4224 10 9 17 -61 2.4 6.9 184 M 5.16 Am 10 13 30.7 -66 22 23 88981 250880 L.4233 10 9 59 -65 45.2 5.7 185 Omega 3.30 B8III 10 13 44.2 -70 02 17 89080 250885 L.4243, J.235 10 10 46 -69 25.1 3.6 186 6.22 A5V 10 16 03.2 -59 54 12 89263 237853 L.4241 10 11 47 -59 16.8 6.9 187 q 3.40v K3II 10 17 05.0 -61 19 56 89388 250905 L.4249, J.236 10 12 55 -60 42.5 3.3 var.? 188 5.67 A1V 10 19 04.8 -64 40 35 89715 250917 L.4268 10 15 13 -64 2.9 6.3 dpl. 189 6.2 K2II 10 19 42.2 -65 08 13 89805 250921 L.4274 10 15 52 -64 30.6 7.0 190 6.4 G6III 10 22 10.4 -58 15 57 90074 237990 L.4282 10 17 40 -57 38.1 6.9 191 L 4.97 B8V 10 22 58.2 -66 54 06 90264 250940 L.4296 10 19 16 -66 16.1 5.4 192 5.93 F2III 10 24 59.5 -58 34 35 90454 238046 L.4300 10 20 28 -57 56.5 6.8 193 I 4.00v? F2IV 10 24 23.7 -74 01 54 90589 256710 L.4319, J.241 10 21 55 -73 23.7 4.4# var? 194 6.19 A2/A3V 10 24 44.5 -73 58 18 90630 256711 L.4322 10 22 14 -73 20.2 6.5# 195 * 4.66v? A6Ia 10 27 24.5 -57 38 20 90772 238077 L.4310 10 22 45 -57 0.1 5.4 196 s 3.82v? F2II 10 27 52.7 -58 44 22 90853 238085 L.4314 10 23 18 -58 6.1 4.6 * 7.08 B9.5V(n) 10 26 13.4 -63 17 56 90661 250956 * 10 22 3 -62 39.8 7.5# * 7.1 K0/K1III 10 27 34.8 -63 01 22 90855 250967 * 10 23 21 -62 23.1 6.9# 197* 6.45 B2III:* 10 28 18.3 -63 09 53 90966 250969 * 10 24 2 -62 31.6 7.1# 198 6.01 A2V 10 27 25.4 -65 42 17 90874 250966 L.4321 10 23 29 -65 4.1 6.6 199 5.29 K3Ib 10 28 52.7 -64 10 20 91056 250979 L.4330 10 24 44 -63 32.0 6.1 200 6.43 M2III 10 30 39.3 -61 21 22 91270 250992 L.4337 10 26 13 -60 42.9 6.9 201 6.19v? B4IV 10 30 08.8 -66 59 06 91272 250989 L.4343 10 26 16 -66 20.6 6.7 202 K 4.74 A2III 10 30 20.0 -71 59 34 91375 256722 L.4357 10 27 11 -71 21.0 5.0 203 p 3.30v B4Vne 10 32 01.4 -61 41 07 91465 251006 L.4348, J.242 10 27 35 -61 2.6 3.6 204 4.93v? K4/K5III 10 31 02.1 -73 13 18 91496 256723 L.4367 10 28 7 -72 34.7 5.6 c 205 6.13v B7Ia 10 33 25.3 -58 11 25 91619 238182 L.4356 10 28 42 -57 32.7 6.8 206 6.00 A2Iab 10 32 47.7 -58 40 00 91533 238168 T.4748 10 28 7 -58 1.4 6.8 207 6.23v? K2/K3III 10 34 12.9 -60 59 16 91767 251014 L.4366 10 29 40 -60 20.5 6.9 208 r 4.45v? K3/K4II 10 35 35.3 -57 33 27 91942 238222 L.4373 10 30 47 -56 54.7 5.3 r 209* 6.51 B0Ia 10 35 49.4 -58 13 29 91969 238230 L.4375 10 31 4 -57 34.6 5.7 cum. 210 t1 5.08v? K1III 10 36 20.4 -59 33 53 92063 238242 L.4380 10 31 40 -58 54.9 5.5 r var. 211 5.46v A0Ia 10 37 26.9 -58 44 01 92207 238271 L.4388 10 32 43 -58 5.1 6.6 212 5.91 B3IV 10 38 02.6 -57 15 23 92287 238278 L.4390 10 33 11 -56 36.4 6.6 213 t2 4.87 K4Ib+A5* 10 38 45.1 -59 10 59 92397 238295 L.4396 10 34 0 -58 31.9 5.2# dpl. 5 1/2r, 7 1/2 214 6.48 B4III* 10 38 45.2 -59 15 44 92399 238296 L.4397 10 34 1 -58 36.7 7.0# 215 5.92 M1III 10 38 59.5 -58 49 01 92436 238304 L.4401 10 34 14 -58 10.0 6.8 r 216 6.36 B8V 10 39 22.8 -64 06 43 92536 251050 L.4410 10 34 59 -63 27.6 7.0 217 5.52v B9pSi 10 40 11.4 -65 06 01 92664 251059 L.4418 10 35 52 -64 26.9 6.4 218 6.8 A4V 10 39 02.0 -75 09 26 92665 256739 L.4441 10 36 15 -74 30.4 7.0 219 6.07 K3II 10 39 16.7 -74 29 37 92682 256742 L.4439 10 36 19 -73 50.5 6.7 220 6.42 WN7A 10 41 17.6 -59 40 37 92740 238353 L.4422 10 36 31 -59 1.4 7.0 var. 221 4.82 B3V 10 42 14.1 -64 27 59 92938 251078 L.4440, J.246 10 37 48 -63 48.8 5.7 222 5.38v? B2.5Iae 10 42 40.6 -59 12 57 92964 238379 L.4435 10 37 51 -58 33.7 6.5 r var? * 6.63 B3III 10 43 09.5 -61 10 07 93010 251085 L.4445 10 38 27 -60 30.8 6.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 8 1/4 * 6.2 A0III: 10 43 09.7 -61 10 18 93010B 251086 223 Theta 2.78 B0Vp 10 42 57.4 -64 23 40 93030 251083 L.4447, J.247 10 38 30 -63 44.4 2.9 224 w 4.57v? K3Ib 10 43 32.2 -60 34 00 93070 251090 L.4446 10 38 47 -59 54.7 5.2 r 225 7.3 O3.5V 10 43 57.5 -59 32 51 93129 238396 L.4449 10 39 8 -58 53.5 6.7 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 cum. 226 6.49 WN7 10 43 52.2 -60 07 04 93131 238394 L.4448 10 39 5 -59 27.7 6.9# 227 QZ* 6.24v B0Ib: 10 44 23.0 -59 59 36 93206 238414 L.4451 10 39 34 -59 20.2 6.8# 228 5.77 B3:V 10 43 51.3 -64 14 56 93163 251095 L.4452 10 39 22 -63 35.6 6.6 229 4.83 B5Vn 10 44 07.0 -63 57 40 93194 251096 L.4455 10 39 36 -63 18.3 5.6 230 6.9 B9IV 10 42 36.5 -75 27 49 93165 256747 L.4466 10 39 44 -74 48.5 7.0 231 Eta 6.21v pec e* 10 45 03.7 -59 41 04 93308 238429 L.4457, J.248 10 40 13 -59 1.7 var. 1 - 7 1/2 232 6.27 A5IV/V 10 44 19.5 -70 51 36 93344 256750 L.4467 10 40 34 -70 12.2 6.9# 233 6.46 A6IV 10 44 32.2 -70 51 18 93359 256751 * 10 40 46 -70 11.9 6.9# 234 6.28 F6V 10 44 26.7 -72 26 38 93372 256752 * 10 40 58 -71 47.3 6.9 235 6.25 A0IV 10 46 16.9 -60 36 12 93502 251113 L.4464 10 41 29* -59 56.7 7.0 236 5.34 B7:V 10 46 16.5 -64 30 54 93540 251115 L.4471 10 41 45 -63 51.4 6.3 237 5.26 B7IV 10 46 29.8 -64 15 48 93549 251117 L.4473 10 41 57 -63 36.3 6.2 238 4.85 B3IV 10 46 51.2 -64 23 00 93607 251120 L.4475 10 42 19 -63 43.5 5.8 cum. * 6.94 B0.5Ib 10 47 19.1 -57 19 30 93619 238476 B.3217 10 42 18 -56 40.0 7.5# * 6.35v? M1II 10 47 38.8 -57 28 04 93662 238480 B.3220 10 42 37 -56 48.5 7.1# 239 6.47v? B5Vvar 10 47 44.2 -59 52 31 93695 238483 L.4479 10 42 52 -59 12.9 7.0# var? 240 6.00 A0Ia 10 48 05.3 -59 55 09 93737 238493 L.4484 10 43 12 -59 15.6 6.7# 241 6.4 A2IV 10 46 47.9 -69 12 35 93649 251121 L.4486 10 42 44 -68 33.1 6.8 242 6.6 B2IV 10 47 30.4 -69 26 19 93739 251127 L.4491 10 43 27 -68 46.7 6.9 243 5.91 B9.5IV/V 10 49 24.2 -59 19 25 93943 238514 L.4493 10 44 28 -58 39.7 6.7 * 6.29 A6III 10 51 47.0 -57 16 20 94275 238540 L.4501 10 46 42 -56 36.5 7.1# 244 5.25 B9Ia 10 52 30.9 -57 14 25 94367 238557 L.4507 10 47 24 -56 34.6 6.0# 245 6.27 B5V 10 53 21.2 -58 53 36 94491 238570 B.3272 10 48 19 -58 13.7 6.9# * * B.3276 10 48 27 -58 10.3 7.6# 246 u 3.78v? K0III-IV 10 53 29.6 -58 51 12 94510 238574 L.4515, J.252 10 48 25 -58 11.4 4.1# r 247 5.93 K4III 10 54 29.6 -61 49 36 94683 251173 L.4524 10 49 35 -61 9.6 7.0 248 5.99 B6V 10 53 42.1 -70 43 13 94650 256770 L.4531 10 49 36 -70 3.3 6.5 249 T 5.92v? K0III 10 55 17.3 -60 31 01 94776 251178 L.4530 10 50 18 -59 51.2 var. r 6 1/4 - 6 3/4 250 U* 6.11v G3Iavar 10 57 48.4 -59 43 55 95109 238635 L.4542 10 52 43 -59 3.8 7.0 r 251 6.6 B7V 10 57 20.0 -69 02 19 95122 251195 L.4548 10 52 56 -68 22.2 7.0 dpl. 7, 9 1/2 252 6.13 K1II 10 57 15.7 -75 05 59 95208 256775 L.4564 10 53 43 -74 25.9 6.6 253 6.16 B8IV 10 59 14.1 -61 19 13 95324 251205 L.4556 10 54 13 -60 39.0 7.0 254 6.17 B3III 11 04 00.1 -57 57 20 96088 238730 L.4585 10 58 43 -57 16.9 6.9 * 6.56v? B1Iab 11 04 57.4 -59 51 31 96248 238743 L.4592 10 59 43 -59 11.1 7.1# * 6.68 B2IIIp 11 06 05.7 -59 56 59 96446 238766 L.4602 11 0 52 -59 16.5 7.3# 255 6.9 ApSr(Eu) 11 04 48.6 -75 09 20 96451 256794 L.4620 11 0 59 -74 28.8 7.0 256 6.02v? K2II/III 11 06 29.3 -58 40 31 96544 238779 L.4604 11 1 11 -58 0.0 6 1/2 cum. 257 z1* 4.61 G8III 11 06 32.4 -62 25 26 96566 251269 L.4611 11 1 25 -61 44.9 5.3 r r 258 6.40 A3V 11 06 24.3 -64 50 23 96568 251267 L.4613 11 1 26 -64 9.8 7.0 * 7.2 F2 11 06 48.3 -70 49 49 96705 256799 L.4622 11 2 17 -70 9.2 7.5# 259 5.57 B2V 11 06 49.9 -70 52 41 96706 256800 L.4625 11 2 20 -70 12.1 6.1# 260 x 3.90v G0Ia-0 11 08 35.4 -58 58 30 96918 238813 L.4627 11 3 16 -58 17.9 4.6 c 261 z2* 5.14v B9Ia 11 08 33.8 -61 56 49 96919 251286 L.4629 11 3 22 -61 16.2 6.0 262 6.35 K2/K3III 11 11 29.7 -71 26 11 97472 256808 L.4654 11 6 53 -70 45.4 7.0 263 y 4.60 A6Ia 11 12 36.1 -60 19 03 97534 251316 L.4652 11 7 15 -59 38.3 5.2 264 5.23 B9V 11 12 45.4 -64 10 12 97583 251320 L.4657 11 7 35 -63 29.4 5.7 265 5.70 B1.5V 11 13 30.8 -59 37 10 97670 238877 L.4661 11 8 7 -58 56.3 6.6 266 6.43 A3V 11 15 42.8 -57 21 21 98025 238914 L.4677 11 10 11 -56 40.4 7.0 * 6.70 B9.5III* 11 17 27.9 -59 06 20 98278 238939 L.4696 11 11 58 -58 25.4 7.1# dpl. 7 1/2, 8 1/4 * 7.03 B9II/III 11 17 47.4 -59 12 28 98329 238946 L.4699 11 12 18 -58 31.5 7.2# * 7.14 B9IVp* 11 17 53.6 -59 14 12 98340 238948 B.3519 11 12 24 -58 33.2 7.3# 267 6.06v? M2III 11 17 19.2 -67 49 25 98292 251341 L.4701 11 12 14 -67 8.4 6.8 r 268 5.99 F6IV 11 19 16.6 -64 34 57 98560 251357 L.4712 11 14 3 -63 54.0 6.8 Following 3 the star HD44382=SAO234441 is connected with a brace to 3 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 12 Designation from a previous catalog corrected from L.2458. 12, 13 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.3. Preceding 14 the star HD49337=SAO234689 is connected with a brace to 14 with combined magnitude 6.4 without being assigned a number. 15 Spectrum K1II/III(+G)p 17 The letter O was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped it because he considered the star to be fainter than 6th magnitude and this letter does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it appears on some modern star atlases. 28 The letter P was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped it because he considered the star to be fainter than 6th magnitude and this letter does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it appears on some modern star atlases. Between 30 and 31 the stars HD55433=SAO249750 and HD55527=SAO249754 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned either of them. 36 Spectrum A2/3mA4-A7 38, 39 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.3. 39 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 51 Declination corrected from -55 56.5. Spectrum K1/2IIICNII 52 Spectrum B9IV/V(pSi) Between 54 and 55 the stars HD62612=SAO235421 and HD62714=SAO235432 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned to either of them. Following 55 the star HD62805=SAO235434 is connected with a brace to 55 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. 59, 60 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 63 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 67 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 68 the star HD66027=SAO235655 is connected with a brace to 68 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 71 This star is near the center of the open cluster NGC 2516, and the cumulative magnitude refers to all cluster stars near 71G. Following 75 the star HD66706=SAO235694 is connected with a brace to 75 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. Following 76 two stars HD66749=SAO235696 and HD66768=SAO235698 are both connected to 76 with a brace with combined magnitude of all three stars 6.5 but without numbers being assigned to either. 77 This star is labeled D1 in some modern atlases. The designation D1 was originally assigned by Lacaille, along with D2 (79G) and D3 (81G), but Gould dropped D2 and D3 because he considered them fainter than 6th magnitude and changed D1 to D. Preceding 79 the star HD67536B=SAO250100 is connected with a brace to 79 with combined magnitude 6.5 without being assigned a number. 79 This star is not lettered in the Uranometria Argentina. Gould removed the letter D2 assigned by Lacaille because he considered the star to be fainter than 6th magnitude. However the letter D2 appears in some modern atlases. 81 This star is not lettered in the Uranometria Argentina. Gould removed the letter D3 assigned by Lacaille because he considered the star to be fainter than 6th magnitude. However the letter D3 appears in some modern atlases. Preceding 86 The star HD70175=SAO235869 is connected with a brace to 86 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 89 Spectrum K3:III+B2:V Preceding 90 the star HD71257=SAO235943 is connected with a brace to both 90 and 91 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. Following 97 the star HD74148=SAO250291 is listed without a number. Following 109 the star HD77002B=SAO236440 is connected with a brace to 109 with combined magnitude 5.4 without being assigned a number. 120 This object is the globular cluster NGC 2808, a designation not stated in the Uranometria Argentina. Preceding 125 the star HD80126=SAO236787 is connected with a brace to 125 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. There is no star 126G Carinae in the Uranometria Argentina. 130, 131 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 133 Spectrum K1/K2II/III 139, 140 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 143 the star HD82421=SAO237039 is connected with a brace to 143 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 148 the star HD83359=SAO250269 is connected with a brace to 148 with combined magnitude 7.0 without being assigned a number. Following 149 the star HD83919=SAO250649 is connected with a brace to 149 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 151 Spectrum B8/9III/IV(w) Preceding 159 the star HD84797=SAO250679 is connected with a brace to 159 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 160 Magnitude in the Uranometria Argentina corrected from 3.3. 161 Spectrum K2IIICNIV/Vp 164 Gould did not assign a designation from any earlier catalog. Preceding 181 the star HD88704=SAO250858 is connected with a brace to 181 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number. 193, 194 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.3. 195 Lacaille assigned this star the letter P in Vela. Gould moved it to Carina and dropped the letter P. However the designation P Velorum appears in some modern atlases despite the star clearly lying in the constellation Carina. Preceding 197 the stars HD90661=SAO250956 and HD90966=SAO250969 are both connected with a brace to 197 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. The Uranometria Argentina does not provide any of these three stars with designations from an earlier catalog. The star HD90966=SAO250969 has a spectrum B2/B3III:ne. Among these three stars HD90966=SAO250956 has the brightest magnitude in modern catalogs. It is possible that Gould intended that HD90966= SAO250969 be numbered 197 but that the magnitudes of HD90966=SAO250969 and HD90855=SAO250967 were reversed during the preparation of the Uranometria Argentina catalog, and the number 197 was assigned to the wrong star. In this version the number 197 has been reassigned to HD90966=250969. 209 This is the brightest star in the open cluster NGC 3293, and it is likely that the magnitude of 5.7 cum. provided in the Uranometria Argentina is the combined magnitude of all the stars in the cluster. 213 Spectrum K4Ib-IIa+A5V 213, 214 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 214 Spectrum B4/B5III/IV Between 222 and 223 the double star HD93010=SAO251085 and HD93010B=SAO251086 is listed on a single line without being assigned a number. In this presentation the two components are shown on separate lines. 226, 227 These stars are connected with a brace with the notation cum. instead of a combined magnitude. 227 The variable star designation QZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 231 Spectrum peculiar e 232, 233 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 233 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 234 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 235 Right ascension corrected from 40 41 29. Between 238 and 239 the stars HD93619=SAO238476 and HD93662=SAO238480 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned to either. 239, 240 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.1. Preceding 244 the star HD94275=SAO238540 is connected with a brace to 244 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number. Between 245 and 246 a star not in the SAO catalog is connected with a brace to both 245 and 246 with combined magnitude of all three stars 4.0, but without being assigned a number. 250 The variable star designation U was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 254 and 255 the stars HD96248=SAO238743 and HD96446=SAO238766 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 cum. but without numbers being assigned to either. 257 The designation z1 was assigned by Lacaille, as was z2 to 261G. Gould dropped the letter z2 from 261G and assigned only the letter z to 257G in the Uranometria Argentina. However z1 and z2 for these two separate stars still appear in many modern catalogs and atlases. Preceding 259 the star HD96705=SAO256800 is connected with a brace to 259 with combined magnitude 6.0 without being assigned a number. 261 The designation z2 was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped it from the Uranometria Argentina because he considered it 6th magnitude. However the letter z2 appears in many modern atlases. Between 266 and 267 the three stars HD98278=SAO238939, HD98329=SAO238946, and HD98340=SAO238948 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude for all three stars 6.8, but without numbers being assigned to any of them. Star HD98278=SAO238939 has spectrum B9.5/A0III. Star HD98340=SAO238948 has spectrum B9IV(pSiCr). 19. - CENTAURUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.9 A0V 11 05 45.7 -47 26 32 96338 222560 L.4591 11 0 6 -46 46.0 6.9 2 6.30 G6IV 11 06 05.8 -51 12 45 96407 238763 L.4598 11 0 32 -50 32.1 6.5 3 6.32 K2II 11 06 27.4 -50 57 24 96484 238775 L.4601 11 0 54 -50 16.9 6.8 4 5.15v ApSrCrEu 11 07 16.5 -42 38 19 96616 222581 L.4603 11 1 30 -41 57.9 5.5 dpl. 7 1/2, 5 /34 5 6.5 K3III 11 07 34.0 -48 38 24 96660 222583 L.4610 11 1 55 -47 57.9 6.7 6 7.1 A0/A1V 11 08 39.5 -39 28 19 96844 202125 L.4616 11 2 48 -38 47.7 7.0 7 6.4 A1V 11 12 10.1 -46 16 01 97413 222635 L.4644 11 6 25 -45 35.3 6.6 8 6.8 F5V 11 12 35.2 -46 58 01 97482 222640 L.4647 11 6 51 -46 17.2 7.0 9 5.36 A2III 11 12 33.1 -49 06 04 97495 222639 L.4649 11 6 52 -48 25.4 5.8 10 6.11 G8II/III 11 12 56.9 -49 44 11 97550 222643 L.4650 11 7 15 -49 3.4 6.6 11 5.80 K5/M0III 11 13 14.7 -44 22 20 97576 222647 L.4651 11 7 25 -43 41.5 6.3 r 12 7.0 A1+KIII* 11 13 17.5 -50 07 23 97592 222649 L.4653 11 7 36 -49 26.5 7.0 13 5.76 K2III 11 13 39.3 -53 13 54 97651 238878 L.4656 11 8 3 -52 33.2 6.4 14 6.82 Am 11 13 50.5 -52 51 22 97689 238882 L.4659 11 8 13 -52 10.4 7.0 15 6.21 K4III 11 14 54.0 -43 44 03 97866 222671 L.4666 11 9 3 -43 3.2 6.7 16 7.0 A2V 11 15 08.7 -39 28 36 97881 202243 L.4667 11 9 13 -38 47.7 6.9 * 7.1 K4III 11 15 29.2 -41 03 26 97944 222676 L.4670 11 9 35 -40 22.5 7.1# r 17 7.1 A2V 11 16 07.4 -41 01 18 98036 222684 L.4673 11 10 13 -40 20.4 7.0# 18 6.8 A0V 11 15 53.6 -47 55 14 98022 222682 L.4675 11 10 7 -47 14.4 6.8 19 6.31 F3V 11 16 27.7 -45 52 48 98096 222687 L.4678 11 10 40 -45 12.0 6.7 dpl. 20 6.25 A1V 11 17 11.8 -38 00 52 98161 202283 L.4683 11 11 14* -37 20.0* 6.6 21 7.0 D Del* 11 17 10.6 -41 23 26 98175 222694 L.4685 11 11 17 -40 25.5 7.0 22 6.8 A0V 11 17 14.3 -41 56 03 98176 222695 L.4686 11 11 20 -41 15.1 6.8 23 6.68 G9III 11 17 43.0 -36 32 04 98233 202291 L.4690 11 11 44 -35 51.1 7.0 24 Pi 3.90 B5Vn 11 21 00.4 -54 29 28 98718 238986 L.4717, J.259 11 15 19 -53 48.4 4.3 25 6.12 G8III 11 22 23.1 -44 38 45 98892 222751 L.4723 11 16 28 -43 57.5 6.6 * 7.5 F0IV/V 11 22 48.3 -36 14 35 98937 202378 * 11 16 46 -35 33.4 7 1/2# 26 5.00 K6III 11 23 12.7 -36 09 54 98993 202391 L.4728 11 17 10 -35 28.7 5 3/4# * 7.0 A0V 11 23 47.4 -36 05 24 99062 202399 * 11 17 44 -35 24.2 7 1/4# 27 5.79 A4:p 11 23 08.1 -56 46 46 99022 239017 L.4734 11 17 28 -56 5.6 6.6 28 6.12 B2IV-V 11 24 22.1 -42 40 09 99171 222773 L.4736 11 18 24 -41 59.0 6.5 29 5.22 K0III 11 25 29.9 -36 03 48 99322 202428 L.4739 11 19 26 -35 22.6 5.7 30 5.89 M3III 11 25 33.1 -37 44 52 99333 202430 L.4740 11 19 30 -37 3.6 6.5 31 5.17 F7V 11 25 43.2 -63 58 22 99453 251402 L.4747 11 20 19 -63 17.0 5.7 32 5.81 K0+A2/3* 11 26 47.3 -53 09 36 99574 239074 L.4748 11 20 58 -52 28.4 6.3 dpl. 33 5.30 B3IV 11 26 35.3 -61 06 55 99556 251406 L.4751 11 20 59 -60 25.6 6.2 34 5.08 B9V 11 28 35.0 -42 40 27 99803 222813 L.4754 11 22 34 -41 59.2 5.4 dpl. 5 1/2, 8 * 8.0 A0II/III 11 28 45.8 -63 34 40 99883 251418 * 11 23 10* -62 53.2 7.7# 35 6.47v B2Ia 11 29 15.4 -63 33 14 99953 251422 L.4762 11 23 40 -62 51.9 7.0# 36 6.31v A3Iae 11 31 15.1 -61 16 42 100198 251437 L.4771 11 25 32 -60 35.3 7.0 37 Omicron1 5.13v G0Ia 11 31 46.2 -59 26 32 100261 239145 L.4774 11 26 0 -58 45.1 5.2# 38 Omicron2 5.15v A3Ia 11 31 48.7 -59 30 56 100262 239146 L.4775 11 26 3 -58 49.5 5.5# 39 5.64 M1III 11 32 48.1 -40 26 10 100378 222856 L.4778 11 26 43 -39 44.9 6.2 r 40 6.69 G0V 11 32 51.2 -36 12 34 100395 202553 L.4777 11 26 45 -35 31.1 6.9 41 5.39 A2IV/V 11 33 37.2 -40 35 13 100493 222863 L.4785 11 27 32 -39 53.8 5.7 42 A 4.62 B9V 11 34 45.6 -54 15 51 100673 239189 L.4794 11 28 51 -53 34.4 5.2 43 5.50v? K1III/IV 11 34 56.8 -49 08 12 100708 222883 L.4795 11 28 58 -48 27.1 6.0 44 C1 5.71v M3III 11 35 13.2 -47 22 21 100733 222887 L.4796 11 29 12 -46 40.9 6.0 45 C2 5.25 A7m 11 35 55.6 -47 38 30 100825 222895 B.3663, T.5307 11 29 53 -46 56.9 5.5 46 Lambda 3.10 B9II: 11 35 46.8 -63 01 11 100841 251472 L.4804, J.264 11 30 1 -62 19.7 3.4 47 NGC3766* 5.3 B0 11 36.1 -61 37 L.4809 11 30 -60 55. 6.5 cum. 48 6.8 F0V 11 36 35.5 -36 07 18 100894 202623 L.4802 11 30 25 -35 25.8 7.0 49 6.32 A1V 11 36 40.8 -37 14 16 100911 202627 L.4806 11 30 31 -36 32.7 6.6 50 5.83 B2.5IV 11 36 22.3 -61 03 08 100929 251479 L.4810 11 30 33 -60 21.6 6.6 51 6.9 A0/A1V 11 36 57.9 -38 57 35 100954 202633 L.(4807)* 11 30 49 -38 16.1 7.0# * 7.4 K2III 11 37 04.5 -38 59 43 100965 202635 B.3680* 11 30 55 -38 18.2 7.5# 52 5.15 K1III 11 37 00.6 -61 17 00 101021 251486 L.4816 11 31 14 -60 35.5 5.9 53 C3 5.44 K2III 11 37 33.9 -47 44 50 101067 222917 L.4815 11 31 31 -47 3.4 5.9 * 7.16 O7n 11 37 48.4 -63 19 24 101131 251500 L.4821 11 32 0 -62 37.9 7.5# * 6.45 O8var 11 38 20.5 -63 22 24 101205 251511 L.4829 11 32 32 -62 40.8 7.2# 54 5.14 B9IV 11 38 07.3 -61 49 35 101189 251505 B.3689 11 32 18 -61 8.1 6.0 55 6.7 G8III 11 39 58.5 -38 06 30 101406 202689 L.4837 11 33 48 -37 24.9 6.9 dpl. 7, 7 1/2 56 6.7 ApEuCr 11 39 53.6 -50 29 10 101410 239272 L.4841 11 33 51 -49 47.6 6.8 57 5.96v? M1III 11 40 42.6 -53 58 06 101541 239284 L.4846 11 34 41 -53 16.5 6.7 58 4.90 G3Ib 11 40 53.6 -62 05 24 101570 251535 L.4856 11 35 0 -61 23.8 5.7 r * 8.0 K5III 11 41 05.8 -40 53 07 101566 222955 L.4847 11 34 55 -40 11.5 7.7# c * 6.87 G0V 11 41 26.5 -41 01 06 101614 222962 L.4853 11 35 14 -40 19.2 7.2# 59 5.55 A0V 11 41 19.8 -43 05 45 101615 222960 L.4852 11 35 12 -42 24.1 6.1 60 5.98 K3III 11 43 27.3 -37 11 25 101883 202744 L.4863 11 37 14 -36 29.7 6.6 61 5.06v G0I+B1I* 11 43 31.2 -62 29 22 101947 251555 L.4868 11 37 34 -61 47.7 5.8 62 6.10 A2III/IV 11 43 53.0 -62 52 42 101995 251559 L.4869 11 37 55 -62 11.0 7.0 * 7.2 K0III 11 44 38.6 -49 08 40 102076 222991 L.4872 11 38 30 -48 27.0 7.6# 63 6.26 K1III 11 45 12.6 -49 04 11 102150 222997 L.4876 11 39 4 -48 22.6 6.6# 64 5.29v? B6III 11 45 43.9 -45 41 24 102232 223009 L.4878 11 39 33 -44 59.8 5.9 65 4.10v? G0II 11 46 30.8 -61 10 42 102350 251579 L.4885 11 40 29 -60 29.0 4.7 66 4.89 G3/G5V 11 46 31.0 -40 30 02 102365 223020 L.4887 11 40 34 -39 49.2 5.4 67 6.17 G8III 11 47 07.0 -35 54 25 102397 202805 L.4886 11 40 51 -35 12.7 6.6 68 5.41v? K5III 11 47 19.1 -57 41 47 102461 239373 L.4892 11 41 13 -57 0.1 6.3 69 j 4.32v? B3V 11 49 41.1 -63 47 19 102776 251602 L.4903 11 43 37 -63 4.6 4.9 70 5.70 A3Iab 11 50 27.3 -62 38 58 102878 251605 L.4908 11 44 21 -61 57.3 6.5 71 B 4.46 K4III 11 51 08.7 -45 10 25 102964 223062 L.4910 11 44 54 -44 28.7 5.0 72 6.61 A0V 11 51 13.2 -43 55 59 102981 223064 L.4911 11 44 58 -43 14.2* 6.9 73 6.55 B5Ia 11 51 13.1 -61 50 46 102997 251611 L.4914 11 45 5 -61 9.0 7.0 74 5.57 B4III 11 52 10.2 -56 59 16 103101 239443 L.4922 11 46 0 -56 17.6 6.1 75 6.7 F2V 11 53 16.8 -36 34 38 103257 202903 L.4925 11 46 58 -35 52.8 6.9 76 6.06 A0/A1III 11 54 11.5 -57 24 36 103400 239475 L.4931 11 47 58 -56 42.9 6.7 77 6.46 F7V 11 54 25.8 -37 44 56 103437 202926 L.4932 11 48 10 -37 3.3 6.9 78 6.69 G3IV/V 11 55 01.3 -56 05 47 103493 239487 L.4936 11 48 43 -55 23.6 7.0 dpl. 79 5.90v? A3Ib 11 54 59.9 -63 16 44 103516 251640 L.4937 11 48 48 -62 35.0 6.9 80 6.13 K0III 11 55 54.7 -39 41 21 103637 202950 L.4941 11 49 35 -38 59.6 6.7 81 6.26 F3IV-V 11 56 43.9 -47 04 21 103746 223127 L.4943 11 50 27 -46 22.6 6.6 82 6.67 F0V 11 57 20.4 -49 21 38 103856 223130 L.4949 11 51 3 -48 39.8 7.0 83 6.77 G0V 11 58 15.7 -47 58 39 103975 223138 L.4958 11 51 57 -47 16.7 6.9 84 6.36 B8/B9V 11 59 10.7 -45 49 56 104080 223151 L.4965 11 52 50 -45 8.1 6.8 85 6.05 K1/K2II 11 59 10.9 -51 41 49 104081 239548 L.4966 11 52 51 -51 0.0 6.7 c 86 6.66 F7V 11 59 34.6 -46 37 55 104138 223155 L.4971 11 53 14 -45 56.2 6.9 87 6.62 A7III 12 03 06.6 -48 11 42 104664 223191 L.4989 11 56 43 -47 29.9 7.0 88 5.15 F6V 12 03 39.6 -42 26 03 104731 223193 L.4992 11 57 12 -41 44.1 5.7 89 6.52 G0V 12 03 36.4 -39 00 32 104747 203084 L.4993 11 57 16 -38 18.7 6.9 90 6.7 B9V 12 04 16.8 -51 28 20 104839 239632 L.4997 11 57 52 -50 46.6 6.9 91 6.7 K1III 12 06 37.7 -37 51 36 105173 203137 L.5021 12 0 12 -37 9.8 6.9 92 4.50 B2IIIne 12 08 05.2 -50 39 41 105382 239687 L.5029 12 1 37 -49 57.9 5.8 93 E 5.34 A1V 12 08 14.7 -48 41 34 105416 223235 L.5031 12 1 47 -47 59.7 6.1 94 Delta 2.60v B2IVne 12 08 21.5 -50 43 21 105435 239689 L.5033, J.270 12 1 53 -50 1.6 2.8 95 5.76v A3III 12 08 53.8 -44 19 34 105509 223241 L.5036 12 2 27 -43 37.7 6.2 96 5.48v? B3IV 12 08 54.5 -41 13 53 105521 223242 L.5037 12 2 27 -40 32.1 5.9 97 6.08 A5V 12 10 33.7 -37 52 13 105776 203195 L.5045 12 4 5 -37 10.4 6.4 98 6.61 K0III 12 11 02.9 -45 25 22 105852 223266 L.5049 12 4 33 -44 43.6 7.0 99 6.59 F5V 12 11 28.5 -44 16 59 105919 223269 L.5052 12 4 57 -43 35.2 7.0 100 6.23 G6III+G* 12 11 31.4 -51 21 34 105920 239735 L.5053 12 5 3 -50 39.6 6.9 101 Rho 4.00 B3V 12 11 39.1 -52 22 07 105937 239737 L.5055, J.273 12 5 8 -51 40.3 4.5 102 5.76 B4III 12 13 25.3 -38 55 45 106231 203250 L.5065 12 6 55 -38 14.0 6.1 103 D 5.31 K3III 12 14 02.6 -45 43 26 106321 223297 L.5069 12 7 31 -45 1.7 5.8 dpl. 6 1/4, 7 1/2 104 6.23 K0III 12 15 30.5 -41 54 47 106572 223309 L.5077 12 9 2 -41 12.7 6.6 105 6.82 G1V 12 17 31.7 -48 55 33 106869 223335 L.5086 12 11 0 -48 13.7 7.0 106 6.15 A0V 12 17 47.3 -36 05 38 106922 203319 L.5088 12 11 16 -35 23.9 6.5 107 6.9 B8III 12 18 11.1 -52 18 23 106970 239822 L.5089 12 11 33 -51 36.7 7.0 108 F 5.00v? M1III 12 18 59.8 -55 08 35 107079 239838 L.5092 12 12 21 -54 26.9 5.8 r 109 6.83 A0V 12 21 06.6 -42 33 44 107422 223366 L.5109 12 14 31 -41 52.1 6.9 110 6.5 K3III 12 21 46.7 -49 56 55 107524 223379 L.5114 12 15 7 -49 15.3 6.9 r 111 6.7 G3IV/V 12 22 44.8 -39 10 40 107692 203408 L.5122 12 16 8 -38 28.7 6.8# 112 6.39 F2V 12 23 36.8 -39 18 11 107833 203421 L.5128 12 17 1 -38 36.5 6.7# 113 x1 5.32 B8/B9V 12 23 35.4 -35 24 46 107832 203420 L.5129 12 17 1 -34 43.1 5.5 114 5.79 B8/B9V 12 23 44.9 -38 54 40 107860 203424 L.5130 12 17 9 -38 13.1 6.1# * 6.9 A7/A8III 12 24 13.1 -38 54 52 107914 203431 L.5134 12 17 37 -38 13.2 7.4# 115 6.7 B9V 12 24 21.4 -47 22 22 107931 223411 L.5135 12 17 41 -46 40.8 6.8 116 6.25 K2.5III 12 24 45.0 -41 23 00 107998 223417 L.5138 12 18 8 -40 41.3 6.7 dpl. 9, 6 3/4 117 6.11 G5+F/G* 12 25 08.3 -42 30 52 108063 223426 L.5141 12 18 32 -41 49.2 6.6 118 x2 5.73v? B9IV/V 12 25 21.8 -35 11 11 108114 203450 L.5142 12 18 47 -34 29.6 5.8 119 G 4.82 B3Vn 12 26 31.6 -51 27 03 108257 239948 L.5150 12 19 47 -50 45.4 5.7 120 6.26 G5IV-V 12 26 48.1 -48 54 47 108309 223443 L.5153 12 20 13 -48 13.1 6.7 121 Sigma 3.91 B3V 12 28 02.4 -50 13 50 108483 223454 L.5162, J.280 12 21 17 -49 32.3 4.3 122 u 5.44 B8V 12 28 22.5 -39 02 29 108541 203508 L.5164 12 21 44 -38 20.9 5.9 123 6.02v? M2II/III 12 29 57.9 -41 44 10 108759 223471 L.5173 12 23 17 -41 2.6 6.6 124 6.6 B9V 12 33 12.2 -52 04 58 109195 240050 L.5195 12 26 21 -51 23.5 6.9 125 6.7 A7V+F/G* 12 33 28.7 -41 24 51 109241 223511 L.5200 12 26 46 -40 34.4 7.0 126 6.38 F5IV/V 12 33 59.2 -49 54 34 109312 223516 L.5202 12 27 11 -49 13.1 6.9 127 5.77 G4IV 12 34 42.3 -44 40 24 109409 223527 L.5207 12 27 57 -43 58.5 6.2 128 5.16 A7III 12 35 45.5 -41 01 20 109536 223542 L.5211 12 29 2 -40 19.9 5.7 129 5.80 A0V 12 36 01.2 -39 52 12 109573 203621 L.5214 12 29 18 -39 10.8 6.4 130 6.6 A0V 12 36 46.5 -50 20 09 109675 240089 L.5216 12 29 54 -49 38.7 6.9 131 Tau 3.90 A2V 12 37 42.2 -48 32 28 109787 223560 L.5222, J.287 12 30 53 -47 51.2 4.4 132 l 4.64 B8II/III 12 39 52.5 -39 59 15 110073 203681 L.5231 12 33 7 -39 17.9 5.2 133 5.84 K3II 12 41 23.0 -46 08 44 110287 223601 L.5242 12 34 32 -45 27.7 6.5 r 134 Gamma 2.20 A1IV 12 41 31.0 -48 57 35 110304 223603 L.5243, J.288 12 34 38 -48 16.4 2.4 135 6.6 K1/K2III 12 42 06.2 -54 45 38 110372 240165 L.5246 12 35 4 -54 4.5 6.8 136 w 4.66 K0III 12 42 35.4 -48 48 47 110458 223614 L.5250 12 35 41 -48 7.6 5.4 rr 137 6.45 A7III 12 43 26.2 -40 10 40 110575 203746 L.5254 12 36 38 -39 29.5 6.9 138 6.39 B8/B9V 12 43 58.5 -36 20 56 110653 203756 L.5260 12 37 13 -35 39.8 6.6 139 6.7 K0II/III 12 46 05.3 -54 36 44 110924 240229 L.5272 12 38 59 -53 55.7 7.0 140 5.86 K3III 12 46 46.0 -33 18 56 111032 203797 L.5278 12 40 2 -32 37.8 6.3 141 6.27 A0V 12 50 19.6 -48 27 35 111519 223698 L.5292 12 43 18 -47 46.7 6.8 142 5.71 A5V 12 50 57.9 -52 47 15 111588 240314 L.5294 12 43 50 -52 6.3 6.2 143 p 4.91 B9V 12 50 41.2 -33 59 58 111597 203863 L.5296 12 43 55 -33 19.0 5.3 144 6.33 A0IV 12 52 05.3 -48 05 39 111775 223720 L.5298 12 45 3 -47 24.8 6.7 145 5.98v? B7/B8V 12 51 56.8 -39 40 51 111774 203881 L.5300 12 45 4 -38 59.9 6.6 * 7.3 M2III 12 51 44.8 -31 05 00 111737 203877 L.5301 12 45 0 -30 24.2 7.3# 146 6.9 B8V(pSi) 12 51 50.6 -31 12 08 111748 203879 L.5302 12 45 6 -30 31.3 6.8# 147 6.24 G8Ib/II 12 52 24.6 -53 49 46 111790 240338 L.5299 12 45 13 -53 9.0 6.7 148 5.93 K3III 12 53 03.9 -54 57 09 111884 240347 L.5305 12 45 51 -54 16.4 6.5 r 149 e 4.33 K3/K4III 12 53 06.9 -48 56 35 111915 223731 L.5308 12 46 3 -48 15.8 5.0 r 150 n 4.30 A4IV 12 53 26.2 -40 10 44 111968 203907 L.5312, J.292 12 46 31 -39 29.9 4.4 151 5.89 G2IV 12 54 58.5 -44 09 07 112164 223753 L.5319 12 48 1 -43 27.9 6.5 * 7.3 A5V 12 53 33.4 -43 04 32 111984 223737 L.5313 12 46 37 -42 23.7 7.6# 152 5.47 M0III 12 55 19.4 -42 54 57 112213 223760 L.5322 12 48 21 -42 14.2 6.1# r 153 6.9 A0V 12 56 01.5 -31 28 54 112305 203947 * 12 49 15 -30 48.2 7.0 154 6.75 F5IV/V 12 56 39.4 -47 41 10 112361 223774 B.4251 12 49 35 -47 0.5 7.0 155 6.51v A0p 12 56 58.5 -54 35 15 112381 240405 L.5330 12 49 41 -53 54.5 6.8 r 156 H 5.16 B8.5V 12 57 04.4 -51 11 55 112409 240407 L.5331 12 49 53 -50 31.2 5.8 157 6.9 A1III/IV 12 58 10.7 -47 03 54 112565 223793 B.4262 12 51 5 -46 23.3 7.0 158 6.8 A3V 12 58 01.0 -38 55 02 112563 203979 L.5342 12 51 6 -38 14.4 7.0 159 7.0v? A4V 12 58 40.8 -36 16 30 112657 203996 L.5344 12 51 48 -35 35.9 6.4 var? 160 7.0 K3III 13 00 03.1 -36 10 56 112865 204016 B.4282 12 53 9 -35 30.4 6.9 161 6.6 A9V 13 00 33.5 -33 03 04 112934 204030 L.5358 12 53 44 -32 22.5 6.7 162 6.03 F3V 13 00 32.7 -33 30 19 112935 204029 L.5357 12 53 42 -32 49.7 6.4# 163 7.0 G6III 13 01 03.4 -33 37 22 113005 204040 L.5360 12 54 12 -32 56.9* 7.0# dpl. 8 1/2, 7 164 6.7 K0/K1III 13 01 46.1 -39 37 00 113104 204049 L.5363 12 54 50 -38 56.6 7.0 165 Xi1 4.84 A0V 13 03 33.2 -49 31 38 113314 223870 L.5370 12 56 20 -48 51.2 5.8 166 6.64 A0V 13 05 02.0 -64 26 30 113457 252144 L.5372 12 57 8 -63 46.1 7.0 167 6.26v M3/M4III 13 04 48.1 -41 11 48 113523 223881 L.5380 12 57 46 -40 31.4 7.0 168 6.44 F5III 13 05 06.9 -47 07 00 113537 223885 L.5383 12 57 56 -46 26.7 6.9 169 6.43v? M1III 13 05 30.8 -52 06 54 113602 240535 L.5384 12 58 11 -51 26.7 6.9 170 7.0 K4III 13 06 15.6 -55 36 42 113686 240544 L.5385 12 58 47 -54 56.5 6.9 171 f 4.71 B5V 13 06 16.7 -48 27 49 113703 223900 L.5390 12 59 3 -47 47.5 5.3 172 5.59v? K0II/III 13 06 35.1 -41 35 19 113778 223905 L.5397 12 59 31 -40 55.1 6.3 var? 173 Xi2 4.27 B1.5V 13 06 54.6 -49 54 22 113791 223909 L.5396, J.295 12 59 38 -49 14.2 4.8 174 5.99 B9+F/G* 13 07 24.2 -59 51 38 113823 240566 L.5392 12 59 43 -59 11.4 6.7 175 6.7 K1III 13 06 37.8 -31 36 42 113820 204128 L.5399 12 59 46 -30 56.4 6.9 176 5.65 A0V 13 06 54.3 -35 51 43 113852 204132 L.5400 12 59 47 -35 11.4 6.0 177 5.71 B8V 13 07 38.3 -53 27 35 113902 240573 L.5398 13 0 14 -52 47.4 6.1 178 6.7v? K1/K2III 13 10 49.8 -52 54 26 114351 240623 L.5412 13 3 23 -52 14.5 var. 6 3/4 - 7 1/4 179 6.06v Ap 13 10 58.4 -52 34 01 114365 240627 L.5413 13 3 32 -51 54.0 6.5 180 6.34 F0II 13 11 53.2 -63 18 10 114461 252187 L.5411 13 3 53 -62 38.2 7.0 181 5.79 F7IV 13 11 08.8 -42 13 59 114435 223960 L.5420 13 4 2 -41 33.9 6.1 182 5.25 K1/K2III 13 11 23.2 -43 22 08 114474 223966 L.5422 13 4 15 -42 42.1 5.7 r 183 4.60v B8V 13 12 17.5 -59 55 15 114529 240645 L.5418 13 4 30 -59 15.3 5.4 184 6.6 K1III 13 11 30.1 -35 07 48 114509 204212 L.5426 13 4 33 -34 27.9 6.9 dpl. 10, 7 185 4.85 G3V 13 12 03.2 -37 48 11 114613 204227 L.5429 13 5 5 -37 8.4 5.3 dpl. 10, 5 1/4 186 6.21 G0V 13 12 56.0 -59 49 00 114630 240653 L.5425 13 5 8 -59 8.9 7.0 187 6.22 K0III 13 12 50.9 -42 41 59 114707 223980 * 13 5 42 -42 2.1 6.7 188 6.69 G0V 13 12 44.3 -31 52 25 114729 204237 L.5438 13 5 52 -31 11.9 6.9 189 5.89 B9V 13 13 23.5 -50 42 00 114772 240655 L.5435 13 5 59 -50 2.1 6.4 190 5.89 K0/K1III 13 14 11.8 -58 41 02 114835 240663 L.5436 13 6 27 -58 1.2 6.7 191 4.92 F7IV 13 14 15.0 -59 06 12 114837 240666 L.5437 13 6 32 -58 26.0 5.9 * 9.1 K0 13 13 28.1 -43 02 24 114797 223985 L.5441 13 6 19 -42 22.8 8 # 192 6.16 K5II 13 13 57.5 -43 08 20 114873 223989 L.5443 13 6 49 -42 28.6 6.5# 193 5.89 K0IV 13 14 43.1 -48 57 25 114971 224000 L.5448 13 7 23 -48 17.4 6.4 194 6.19 K1III 13 15 09.7 -36 22 16 115050 204282 L.5457 13 8 8 -35 42.5 6.7 195 r 5.10 K1III 13 16 53.1 -31 30 22 115310 204312 L.5466 13 9 57 -30 50.6 5.7 196 5.84 Am 13 17 13.9 -43 58 46 115331 224032 L.5464 13 10 0 -43 19.1 6.1# r * 7.3 B9V 13 18 05.0 -44 03 20 115470 224047 L.5471 13 10 50 -43 23.7 7.7# 197 6.66 B9V 13 17 44.7 -47 35 27 115415 224043 L.5468 13 10 24 -46 55.8 6.9 198 6.19 A0V 13 18 34.6 -51 17 10 115529 240721 L.5472 13 11 4 -50 37.6 6.7 199 6.9 A0V 13 18 25.0 -45 45 52 115527 224051 L.5474 13 11 7 -45 6.2 7.0 200 6.21 F3/F5II 13 20 35.0 -59 46 24 115778 240756 L.5479 13 12 39 -59 6.9 6.9 201 6.75 F6V 13 19 58.4 -41 11 28 115773 224066 L.5485 13 12 51 -40 32.0 6.9 202 5.48v? B6V 13 20 37.8 -52 44 53 115823 240762 L.5484 13 13 3 -52 5.4 6.1 203 6.02v? B0.5Ia 13 20 48.3 -55 48 02 115842 240765 L.5483 13 13 5 -55 8.6 6.7 204 Iota 2.70 A2V 13 20 35.8 -36 42 44 115892 204371 L.5491, J.301 13 13 35 -36 3.1 3.0 205 5.77 K1III 13 20 57.7 -46 52 50 115912 224080 L.5489 13 13 36 -46 13.4 6.4 206 6.70 B9V 13 21 26.1 -43 38 02 115988 224083 L.5494 13 14 10 -42 58.6 6.9 207 6.18v B2.5Vn 13 22 35.8 -60 58 20 116072 252283 L.5490 13 14 32 -60 19.0 6.5# 208 J 4.53v B3V 13 22 37.9 -60 59 18 116087 252284 L.5492 13 14 34 -60 19.9 5.2# 209 5.83 B2.5Ib 13 22 16.2 -52 10 58 116084 240782 L.5498 13 14 41 -51 31.6 6.5 210 6.38 B6IV 13 23 02.6 -48 33 46 116226 224096 L.5507 13 15 35 -47 54.4 6.6 211 6.16 A4V 13 22 52.7 -47 56 35 116197 224095 L.5505 13 15 26 -47 17.3 6.6# 212 6.8 K0III 13 23 52.9 -47 53 26 116337 224106 L.5512 13 16 27 -47 14.1 7.0# 213 6.22v? M2III 13 23 08.7 -33 11 24 116278 204420 L.5514 13 16 8 -32 32.1 6.8 214 m 4.50 G5III-IV 13 24 00.6 -64 32 09 116243 252293 L.5500 13 15 38 -63 52.8 5.2# 215 5.31 F2III 13 25 13.9 -64 29 07 116457 252304 L.5509 13 16 53 -63 49.9 6.4# 216 6.7 A0V 13 26 16.7 -48 47 13 116717 224138 L.5530 13 18 47 -48 8.0 7.0 217 5.09 KpBa 13 26 07.8 -39 45 19 116713 204465 L.5531 13 18 53 -39 6.1 5.9 r 218 6.8 F0V 13 26 08.0 -32 32 50 116743 204469 L.5536 13 19 7 -31 53.7 7.0 219 Omega* 3.65 F7 13 26.8 -47 29 L.5533 13 19 16 -46 49.5 4 cum. 220 6.31 A0III/IV 13 27 06.3 -49 08 37 116836 224149 L.5535 13 19 35 -48 29.6 6.8 221 5.69 K3III 13 26 56.1 -41 29 53 116835 224148 L.5543 13 19 40 -40 50.8 6.2 r 222 6.30 B3IV 13 27 20.8 -49 22 51 116862 224151 B.4468 13 19 48 -48 43.8 6.7 223 6.40 G8/K0III 13 27 14.7 -40 09 47 116873 204483 L.5548 13 20 1 -39 30.7 6.9 224 K 5.06 A0V 13 29 25.2 -51 09 55 117150 240883 L.5552 13 21 46 -50 31.0 5.8 225 6.62 B9IV/V 13 29 16.4 -45 32 14 117145 224175 L.5556 13 21 51 -44 53.3 6.8 226 6.9 A1V 13 29 36.0 -47 52 32 117193 224179 L.5557 13 22 6 -47 13.6 7.0 227 d 3.88v? G8II/III 13 31 02.7 -39 24 27 117440 204545 L.5569, J.304 13 23 48 -38 45.6 4.5 r 228 6.5 K0III 13 31 22.8 -42 27 53 117483 224214 L.5570 13 24 2 -41 49.1 7.0 229 6.16 K1III 13 32 05.3 -38 23 57 117597 204561 L.5572 13 24 52 -37 45.1 6.8 230 6.6 F6V 13 33 29.1 -43 25 23 117807 224243 L.5581 13 26 7 -42 46.7 7.0 231 6.8 A1IV/V 13 33 47.7 -39 56 46 117851 204597 L.5583 13 26 31 -39 18.2 7.0 232 6.33 B8III 13 34 28.9 -48 16 21 117919 224254 L.5584 13 26 54 -47 37.8 6.7 233 6.44v? K2III 13 34 43.3 -33 18 38 118010 204612 L.5590 13 27 38 -32 40.1 6.8 var. 234 6.8 F0V 13 35 12.4 -32 12 44 118084 204623 L.5593 13 28 8 -31 34.2 6.9 235 5.63 F6V 13 37 12.3 -61 41 31 118261 252387 L.5589 13 28 45 -61 2.9 6.5 236 5.98 G8/K0III 13 37 06.0 -44 08 35 118338 224275 L.5598 13 29 39 -43 30.2 6.5 237 6.50 K0III 13 36 50.5 -34 28 04 118319 204653 L.5603 13 29 42 -33 49.6 6.7 238 6.42 K1III 13 38 07.6 -58 24 54 118384 241013 L.5596 13 29 57 -57 46.5 7.0 239 5.90 B8V 13 37 23.7 -46 25 42 118354 224283 L.5600 13 29 51 -45 47.3 6.3 240 6.65 B5II 13 38 08.9 -50 20 57 118450 241018 L.5607 13 30 26 -49 42.7 6.9 241 7.26 A2/A3V 13 37 34.2 -35 02 57 118434 204667 L.5613 13 30 25 -34 24.6 7.0# * 7.20 G3V 13 37 48.0 -35 03 52 118465 204673 L.5615 13 30 38 -34 25.5 7.2# 242 6.01 G5Ib 13 38 49.1 -57 37 23 118520 241026 L.5605 13 30 41 -56 59.1 6.5 r 243 5.79 F3III-IV 13 40 11.0 -64 34 37 118666 252400 L.5609 13 31 27 -63 56.4 6.4 244 6.99 B9.5V 13 38 50.3 -33 06 42 118648 204692 L.5621 13 31 43 -32 28.4 7.0 245 Epsilon 2.30v B1III 13 39 53.2 -53 27 59 118716 241047 L.5618, J.305 13 31 59 -52 49.8 2.6 246 6.00v M8III 13 39 59.7 -49 57 01 118767 224317 L.5622 13 32 17 -49 18.9 6.8 r 247 6.27v M3/M4III 13 39 40.8 -39 44 53 118781 204708 L.5624 13 32 21 -39 6.7 6.7 248 5.60 K2/K3III 13 39 48.6 -40 03 07 118799 204712 L.5625 13 32 28 -39 24.8 6.2 249 6.7 A0V 13 40 37.7 -44 19 49 118878 224322 L.5628 13 33 8 -43 41.7 6.8 250 Q 5.01d B8V 13 41 44.7 -54 33 36 118991 241076 L.5632 13 33 45 -53 55.5 5.7 dpl. 6 1/4, 7 1/2 251 5.40 B9IV 13 42 01.1 -58 47 14 118978 241080 L.5627 13 33 45 -58 9.2 6.1 r * 8.1 G0 13 41 26.4 -61 52 02 252413 B.4577 13 32 55 -61 14.0 7.8# * 6.80 B8Iab 13 42 40.5 -61 44 16 252421 L.5629 13 34 9 -61 6.3 7.2# * 6.87 K1+A/F* 13 42 44.8 -61 53 33 119076 252422 L.5631 13 34 12 -61 15.5 7.3# * 7.19 G8IICN* 13 43 14.3 -61 42 32 119164 252426 L.5637 13 34 42 -61 4.6 7.5# 252 T* 6.05v M3e 13 41 45.7 -33 35 49 119090 204739 L.5645 13 34 36 -32 57.9 6.9 253 6.00 B0.5III 13 42 56.1 -56 45 05 119159 241096 L.5640 13 34 47 -56 8.1 6.5 254 6.41 M0III 13 42 54.7 -50 47 26 119193 241098 L.5643 13 35 6 -50 9.4 7.0 * 6.67 F1+F/G* 13 42 20.7 -33 58 46 119191 204749 L.5649 13 35 10 -33 20.9 7.0 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 3/4 255 7.11 B8III 13 42 01.2 -43 08 49 119103 224349 L.5641 13 34 33 -42 30.8 7.0# * 7.24 A4V 13 42 43.9 -43 11 10 119221 224355 L.5648 13 35 15 -42 33.2 7.5# 256 5.98 K0III 13 42 55.0 -41 24 04 119250 224359 L.5650 13 35 31 -40 46.0 6.6 257 6.6 B8V 13 43 57.4 -59 14 10 119283 241114 L.5644 13 35 37 -58 36.2 6.8 dpl. 7, 8 258 5.98 B8III 13 43 39.9 -42 04 03 119361 224365 L.5654 13 36 13 -41 26.2 6.4 259 6.47v A0pSiCr 13 44 15.9 -51 00 47 119419 241120 L.5652 13 36 26 -50 22.9 6.9 260 7.0 F2V 13 43 49.3 -40 10 41 119415 204777 L.5656 13 36 27 -39 32.8 7.0 261 6.62 B2Ia 13 46 17.7 -62 27 06 119646 252439 L.5657 13 37 38 -61 49.4 7.0 * * 13 37 43 -62 18.2 8 # * 9.7 B 13 46 32.7 -62 55 24 119682 252441 B.4610 13 37 50 -62 17.7 8 # * * 13 37 51 -62 17.5 8 1/2# 262 6.61 A2II 13 46 36.8 -62 54 36 119699 252442 L.5659 13 37 54 -62 16.9 7.0# 263 6.5 A1V 13 46 14.5 -54 41 01 119727 241152 L.5662 13 38 10 -54 3.3 6.8 264 6.51v G8Ia-0 13 47 10.8 -62 35 24 119796 252448 L.5660 13 38 30 -61 57.7 6.8 r 265 1 i 4.23 F3V 13 45 41.2 -33 02 38 119756 204812 L.5668, J.306 13 38 36 -32 24.6 4.5 r 266 M 4.65v? G8/K0III 13 46 39.4 -51 25 58 119834 241157 L.5664 13 38 45 -50 48.2 5.2 c 267 z 5.15 A0V 13 46 56.3 -36 15 08 119921 204835 L.5676 13 39 40 -35 37.5 5.8 dpl. 5 3/4, 10 268 5.91 A3mA5-F0 13 47 27.7 -50 15 00 119938 241173 L.5671 13 39 36 -49 37.4* 6.7# 269 5.46 K2III 13 47 38.4 -50 19 16 119971 241177 L.5674 13 39 49 -49 41.6 6.0# r 270 6.8 F2V 13 48 41.8 -37 07 39 120207 204864 L.5680 13 41 22 -36 30.2 7.0 271 6.52 G3IV-V 13 48 55.1 -35 42 14 120237 204867 L.5682 13 41 44 -35 4.4 6.8 dpl. 9 1/2, 6 3/4 * 7.0 F3V 13 49 16.4 -40 31 00 120272 224458 L.5681, B.4642* 13 41 51 -39 53.6 7.1# * 7.1 M1III 13 49 22.3 -40 30 54 120287 224463 B.4643* 13 41 56 -39 53.5 7.1# r 272 Nu 3.40v? B2IV 13 49 30.3 -41 41 16 120307 224469 L.5683, J.307 13 42 1 -41 3.8 3.7 273 Mu 2.90v B2IV-Ve 13 49 37.0 -42 28 26 120324 224471 L.5684, J.308 13 42 6 -41 51.0 3.4 274 2 g 4.19v M5III 13 49 26.7 -34 27 03 120323 204875 L.5688, J.309 13 42 13 -33 49.5 4.6 r 275 6.44 K1III 13 50 19.4 -39 54 05 120457 204888 L.5690 13 42 53 -39 16.7 6.9 * 7.4 A9V 13 50 21.2 -31 04 05 120483 204892 L.5699 13 43 13 -30 26.7 7.4# 276 7.0 A5V+(F) 13 50 40.3 -31 12 23 120534 204900 L.5703 13 43 31 -30 35.0 7.0# 277 N 5.25 B9Vn 13 52 04.8 -52 48 43 120642 241239 L.5700 13 44 2 -52 11.4 5.9 278 5.77 B2Vp 13 51 47.2 -46 53 57 120640 224489 L.5702 13 44 3 -46 16.6 6.2 279 6.35 F6V 13 51 36.6 -36 26 00 120672 204911 L.5706 13 44 18 -35 48.5 6.7 280* 3 k 4.56 B4III 13 51 49.6 -32 59 40 120709 204916 L.5708, J.310 13 44 37 -32 22.4 4.7 dpl. 5, 6 3/4* 281* 3 k 6.06 B8V 13 51 50.1 -32 59 41 120710 204917 * 282 6.12 F5/F6V 13 52 00.9 -31 37 10 120759 204922 L.5712 13 44 51 -30 59.8 6.7 283 5.89 B5III 13 53 43.1 -53 22 25 120908 241262 L.5711 13 45 37 -52 45.3 6.5 284 4 f 4.73 B4IV 13 53 12.5 -31 55 40 120955 204944 L.5725, J.311 13 46 1 -31 18.5 5.2 dpl. 5 1/2, 7 1/2 285 6.10v B2IIIe 13 53 56.9 -47 07 41 120991 224514 L.5719 13 46 11 -46 30.6 6.6 286 y 5.54 F3V 13 53 32.8 -35 39 51 120987 204955 L.5726 13 46 15 -35 2.7 6.0 287 6.19 K0III 13 53 52.2 -35 18 52 121056 204963 L.5729 13 46 37 -34 41.7 6.6 288 5.71 B8V 13 55 12.2 -52 09 39 121190 241294 L.5727 13 47 9 -51 32.7 6.1 289 Zeta 2.60 B2.5IV 13 55 32.4 -47 17 18 121263 224538 L.5737, J.312 13 47 45 -46 40.3 2.7 290 6.14 A1V 13 56 19.9 -54 07 55 121336 241309 L.5741 13 48 9 -53 31.0 6.6 291 6.01 G6IV-V 13 56 33.0 -54 42 16 121384 241315 L.5744 13 48 20 -54 5.0 6.7 * 7.6 K1IIICN* 13 55 30.1 -51 58 37 121240 241299 * 13 47 28 -51 21.7 7.2# * 6.9 A5III 13 56 26.3 -52 02 08 121402 241313 L.5746 13 48 23 -51 25.3 7.1# 292 6.51 G6/G8III 13 55 44.5 -31 17 06 121397 204994 L.5753 13 48 34 -30 40.3 6.9 293 5.83 K0IV 13 56 19.5 -46 35 33 121416 224555 * 13 48 35 -45 58.5 6.6 r 294 4.71 K4III 13 57 38.9 -63 41 12 121474 252531 L.5733 13 48 38 -63 4.3 5.7 295 6.95 B2/B3IV 13 56 47.9 -46 23 10 121483 224560 * 13 49 2 -45 46.3 7.0 296 Phi 3.80v? B2IV 13 58 16.3 -42 06 03 121743 224577 L.5768, J.313 13 50 41 -41 29.3 4.1 297 Upsilon1 3.90 B2IV-V 13 58 40.8 -44 48 13 121790 224585 L.5770, J.314 13 50 58 -44 11.5 4.2 298 5.91 G8/K0III 13 59 17.3 -50 22 12 121853 241352 L.5771 13 51 17 -49 45.5 6.6 299 6.49 F1III-IV 14 00 17.4 -61 28 53 121901 252552 L.5766 13 51 28 -60 52.2 7.0 300 6.7 A7V 14 00 18.8 -46 07 39 122015 224606 L.5778 13 52 31 -45 31.1 7.0 301 6.8 A4/A5V 14 01 08.6 -44 11 52 122158 224618 L.5779 13 53 27 -43 35.3 7.0 302 6.13 K1III 14 01 18.9 -40 13 20 122210 205096 L.5783 13 53 47 -39 36.9 6.7 303 Upsilon2 4.30 F6II 14 01 43.4 -45 36 13 122223 224621 L.5782 13 53 56 -44 59.8 5.0 304 Beta 0.60v B1III 14 03 49.4 -60 22 23 122451 252582 L.5784, J.315 13 55 1 -59 46.1 1.2 305 5.92 K2III 14 03 26.3 -56 12 49 122438 241403 L.5786 13 55 1 -55 36.5 6.6 306 6.18 F6V 14 03 01.7 -31 41 02 122510 205123 L.5791 13 55 47 -31 5.0 6.5 307 6.11v B8Si 14 03 27.5 -41 25 24 122532 224641 L.5789 13 55 51 -40 49.1 6.5 308 7.0 F5V 14 04 12.3 -41 48 46 122666 224651 B.4743 13 56 34 -41 12.5 7.0# * * 13 56 43 -41 9.7* 7 3/4# 309 6.18 A5III/IV 14 05 46.3 -54 40 10 122844 241430 L.5797 13 57 25 -54 4.0 6.8 * 8.6 A5 14 04 04.9 -37 17 01 122664 205138 Y.5805 13 56 38 -36 40.8 7 3/4# * 7.2 G3IV/V 14 04 07.1 -37 14 52 122683 205139 L.5798 13 56 40 -36 39.6 7 1/4# 310 6.42v? B0Ia 14 06 25.1 -59 42 56 122879 241439 L.5796, B.4748 13 57 38 -59 7.0 6.9# * 7.7 B9.5IV 14 06 38.7 -59 45 20 122926 241443 B.4752 13 57 51 -59 9.3 7.2# 311 Chi 4.40v B2V 14 06 02.8 -41 10 47 122980 224673 L.5810, J.316 13 58 25 -40 34.8 4.8 312 6.20 G8III 14 06 10.9 -43 05 31 123004 224676 L.5809 13 58 28 -42 29.5 6.7 313 6.40 G8/K0III 14 08 14.1 -63 12 29 123151 252616 L.5803 13 59 2 -62 36.7 7.0 314 5 Theta 2.06 K0IIIb 14 06 41.0 -36 22 12 123139 205188 L.5820, J.317 13 59 20 -35 45.2 2.2 315 NGC5460* 5.6 B8 14 07.6 -48 19 D.431 13 59 -- -47 43.- 7 cum. 316 6.5 G3V 14 07 41.3 -49 52 03 123227 224702 L.5817 13 59 37 -49 16.4 6.9 317 6.49 B9V 14 07 40.7 -48 42 16 123247 224703 L.5818 13 59 40 -48 6.3 6.8 318 6.30 B5IV 14 08 56.4 -59 16 36 123335 241478 L.5815 14 0 9 -58 40.8 6.6 319 6.17 B9V 14 08 51.9 -43 28 16 123445 224721 L.5826 14 1 7 -42 52.5 6.6 320 6.00v? B9IV 14 09 34.9 -51 30 18 123515 241491 L.5825 14 1 23 -50 54.6 6.6# * * 14 1 28 -50 53.9 7.1# 321 4.75 G8III 14 09 54.8 -53 26 21 123569 241496 L.5827 14 1 37 -52 50.5 5.4 r 322 6.76 A2IV/V 14 10 13.1 -30 37 14 123746 205253 L.5837 14 2 58 -30 1.6 6.8 323 6.6 K1III 14 10 52.0 -32 04 34 123888 205270 L.5839 14 3 33 -31 29.0 6.9# * 7.4 Fm 14 11 29.4 -32 10 06 123990 205284 L.5843 14 4 10 -31 34.7 7.5# 324 5.56 K5+B/A* 14 13 16.4 -53 39 57 124147 241543 L.5840 14 4 53 -53 4.6 6.1 r 325 6.06v B5V 14 13 39.9 -54 37 33 124195 241552 L.5841 14 5 11 -54 2.2 6.6 326 6.9 B9V 14 12 55.2 -40 50 00 124176 224767 L.5849 14 5 15 -40 14.7 7.0 327 6.64 O7 14 15 01.7 -61 42 25 124314 252665 L.5844 14 5 52 -61 7.2 7.0 dpl. 7, 10 328 5.10v B4Vne 14 14 57.0 -57 05 10 124367 241563 L.5850 14 6 16 -56 29.9 5.6 329 6.39 K3III 14 15 21.2 -53 30 35 124454 241569 L.5857 14 6 57 -52 55.5 7.0 330 5.61 G8III 14 14 42.6 -41 50 15 124433 224791 L.5860 14 7 0 -41 15.1 6.4 331 R 6.39v M5e 14 16 34.3 -59 54 51 124601 241580 * 14 7 35 -59 19.8 var 6 - 10 332 6.31 F9V 14 15 38.7 -45 00 03 124580 224798 L.5863 14 7 43 -44 24.7 6.7 333 6.57 F0V 14 16 18.3 -33 14 29 124780 205371 L.5872 14 8 55 -32 39.5 6.7 334 5.23 Am 14 19 51.5 -61 16 24 125158 252703 L.5875 14 10 43 -60 41.5 5.9 c 335 6.54 A9IV/V 14 18 23.8 -33 13 14 125150 205412 L.5883 14 11 0 -32 38.4 6.7 336 v 4.30 B6Ib 14 20 19.5 -56 23 12 125288 241641 L.5879 14 11 37 -55 48.5 5.0 337 5.94 A1V 14 19 23.9 -37 00 13 125283 205430 L.5886 14 11 51 -36 25.4 6.4 338 Psi 4.00 A0IV 14 20 33.4 -37 53 07 125473 205453 L.5895, J.325 14 12 53 -37 18.5 4.4 * 8.0 F0 14 20 47.0 -42 26 37 125495 224849 * 14 12 58 -41 52.0 7 1/2# dpl. 339 7.4 A1V 14 20 50.7 -42 25 29 125494 224851 L.5894 14 13 1 -41 50.9 6.9# 340 4.92 G9+F/G* 14 22 37.0 -58 27 34 125628 241673 L.5893 14 13 41 -57 53.2 5.6 dpl. 6c, 7 3/4 341 5.56 B8V 14 22 19.7 -34 47 12 125745 205485 L.5907 14 14 51 -34 12.9 6.0 * 6.8 K3III 14 22 51.7 -39 37 29 125805 205495 L.5909 14 15 10 -39 3.1 7.2# 342 a 4.42v B2V 14 23 02.2 -39 30 44 125823 205497 L.5911, J.326 14 15 21 -38 56.3 4.9# 343 7.09 B9IV 14 23 16.2 -42 15 12 125866 224884 L.5912 14 15 27 -41 40.9 7 # * 7.6 K2 14 23 45.5 -42 17 15 125950 224892 * 14 15 56 -41 42.9 7 3/4# r 344 6.96 B8V 14 24 43.8 -40 45 19 126135 224905 L.5921 14 16 58 -40 11.1 7.0 345 6.8 G8III 14 24 14.7 -33 05 13 126089 205523 L.5923 14 16 49 -32 31.1 7.0# * 7.58 KpBa 14 25 31.2 -32 58 19 126313 205541 L.5932 14 18 3 -32 24.3 7.5# 346 6.69 A1V 14 25 01.0 -37 26 48 126194 205531 L.5925 14 17 24 -36 52.7 7.0 347 6.32 K3III 14 26 13.4 -42 19 09 126386 224923 L.5930 14 18 23 -41 45.0 6.9 348 6.37 B9V 14 26 49.9 -39 52 26 126475 205561 L.5936 14 19 5 -39 18.5 6.8 349 6.45 A0II/III 14 28 43.5 -59 11 52 126610 241737 L.5931 14 19 37 -58 38.0 6.9 350 6.39 K3III 14 30 56.4 -40 50 42 127152 224982 L.5958 14 23 7 -40 17.2 7.0 351 5.97 K1III 14 31 10.8 -38 52 12 127193 205637 L.5963 14 23 27 -38 18.8 6.6 * 352 6.09 K0III 14 33 09.6 -30 42 52 127624 205681 L.5983 14 25 46 -30 9.7 6.4 353 7.0 K1III 14 33 27.5 -33 18 58 127672 205690 L.5985 14 25 57 -32 45.8 7.0 354 6.40 K2III 14 35 17.2 -60 00 57 127724 241811 L.5973* 14 25 59 -59 27.8 7.0 355 6.60 A2IV 14 34 08.0 -42 05 59 127716 225027 L.5984 14 26 13 -41 32.8 6.9 356 Eta 2.31v B1Vn+A 14 35 30.4 -42 09 28 127972 225044 L.5993, J.332 14 27 35 -41 36.4 2.5 357 5.87 B6V 14 35 31.5 -41 31 03 127971 225046 L.5994 14 27 38 -40 58.0 6.3 358 6.13 K1III 14 36 24.2 -39 35 50 128152 205744 L.5999 14 28 36 -39 2.9 6.6 r 359 5.74 B8V 14 36 44.2 -40 12 42 128207 205751 L.6002 14 28 54 -39 39.8 6.2 360 6.6 F7 14 38 59.6 -59 08 28 128398 241873 L.5997 14 29 45 -58 35.6 6.9 361 6.02 K3III 14 38 19.6 -38 47 39 128488 205786 L.6015 14 30 32 -38 15.0 6.7 362 6.78 A3V 14 38 25.0 -35 16 35 128532 205789 L.6020 14 30 48 -34 43.9 7.0 363 Alpha1* -0.01 G2V 14 39 36.5 -60 50 03 128620 252838 L.6014, J.335 14 31 7 -60 19.1 0.7 dpl. 1, 3 1/2 364 Alpha2* 1.33 K1V 14 39 35.2 -60 50 13 128621 L.6017, J.336 365 6.30 K0/K1II 14 40 32.5 -56 26 26 128713 241898 L.6013 14 31 32 -55 54.0 6.7 366 6.65 B8/B9V 14 40 17.5 -40 50 32 128819 225106 L.6028 14 32 24 -40 18.0 6.9 367 5.67 ApSi 14 41 01.4 -36 08 06 128974 205823 L.6038 14 33 21 -35 35.8 6.2 368 b 4.00 B2.5V 14 41 57.6 -37 47 37 129116 205839 L.6048, J.338 14 34 12 -37 15.3 4.2 369 6.37 ApSi 14 41 51.1 -30 56 00 129161 205841 L.6052 14 34 24 -30 23.7 6.6 370 6.65 G8IV 14 42 13.1 -32 46 13 129216 205846 L.6054 14 34 42 -32 13.8 6.9 371 c1 4.05 K3III 14 43 39.4 -35 10 25 129456 205871 L.6063, J.339 14 36 1 -34 38.0 4.3 c 372 c2 4.92 A0V 14 44 59.2 -35 11 31 129685 205899 L.6071 14 37 20 -34 39.7 5.4 373 5.94 K3III 14 47 05.1 -38 17 27 130055 205937 L.6086 14 39 15 -37 45.6 6.4 374 6.92 A0V 14 47 46.7 -39 55 35 130163 205948 L.6090 14 39 53 -39 24.0 7.0 375 6.04v M5III 14 48 38.0 -36 38 05 130328 205966 L.6101 14 40 53 -36 6.5 6.8 376 5.03 B7II/III 14 52 51.0 -37 48 11 131120 206037 L.6124 14 45 1 -37 17.2 5.7 377 6.29 G0/G1V 14 52 33.1 -30 34 37 131117 206035 L.6127 14 45 7 -30 3.6 6.7 378 6.6 A0V 14 53 06.7 -38 15 25 131165 206048 L.6125 14 45 15 -37 44.5 6.8 379 7.04 A1V 14 54 25.3 -34 08 35 131399 206071 L.6135 14 46 46 -33 37.8 7.0 380 5.82 K2III 14 54 38.0 -33 18 02 131432 206079 L.6137 14 47 0 -32 47.3 6.3 dpl. 10, 6 1/4*c 381 5.32 A0V 14 55 44.7 -33 51 21 131625 206099 L.6146 14 48 5 -33 20.8 5.8 382 6.36 A0/A1V 14 56 35.8 -39 24 58 131752 206110 L.6149 14 48 39 -38 54.5 6.7 383 6.06 K3III 14 56 30.9 -32 38 12 131774 206112 L.6153 14 48 54 -32 7.7 6.4 384 6.15 K1III 14 58 36.8 -39 54 24 132096 206154 L.6165 14 50 37 -39 24.1 6.8 385 Kappa 3.10 B2IV 14 59 09.7 -42 06 15 132200 225344 L.6170, J.346 14 51 2 -41 36.0 3.3 386 6.47 B8V 14 59 13.9 -37 52 53 132238 206167 L.6178 14 51 21 -37 22.7 6.7 387 6.8 A3mA5-F0 14 59 28.9 -30 42 42 132347 206173 L.6183 14 51 57 -30 12.5 7.0 dpl. 9, 7 388 5.89 K2.5III 15 01 13.0 -38 03 30 132604 206208 L.6186 14 53 18 -37 33.5 6.4 r 389 6.22 A8/A9IV* 15 01 58.1 -34 21 32 132763 206223 L.6190 14 54 15 -33 51.7 6.6 12 Spectrum A1/2V+KIII Preceding 17 the star HD98036=SAO222684 is connected with a brace to 17 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 20 Right ascension corrected from 11 10 55. Declination corrected from -37 43.0. 21 Spectrum Fm Delta Del Preceding 26 the star HD98937=SAO202378, and following 26 the star HD99062 =SAO202399, are both connected with a brace to 26 with combined magnitude 5.4 for all three stars without numbers being assigned or designations provided from earlier catalogs for either. 32 Spectrum K0III+A2/3V Preceding 35 the star HD99883=SAO251418 is connected with a brace to 35 with the joint designation cum. instead of a combined magnitude and without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Right ascension is corrected from 11 23 16. 37, 38 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 47 This object is the open cluster NGC 3766, a designation not stated in the Uranometria Argentina. 51 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from B.3678 Following 51 the star HD100965=SAO202635 is connected with a brace to 51 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number or providing. The designation from an earlier catalog is corrected from L.4807. Between 53 and 54 the stars HD101131=SAO251500 and HD101205=SAO251511 are connected with a brace with the symbol cum. instead of a combined magnitude, without a number being assigned to either of them. Between 58 and 59 the stars HD101566=SAO222955 and HD101614=SAO222962 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to either of them. 61 Spectrum G0Ia-0+B0.5/1Iab Preceding 63 the star HD102076=SAO222991 is connected with a brace to 63 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 72 Declination corrected from -43 14.4. 100 Spectrum G6III(+G) 111, 112 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 114 the star HD107914=SAO203431 is connected with a brace to 114 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 117 Spectrum G5III+F/G 125 Spectrum A7V(+F/GIII) Preceding 146 the star HD111737=SAO203877 is connected with a brace to 146 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 152 the star HD111984=SAO223737 is connected with a brace to 152 with combined magnitude 6.0 without being assigned a number. 153 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 162, 163 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 163 Declination corrected from -32 59.9. 174 Spectrum B9IV+F8/G2 187 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 192 the star HD114797=SAO223985 is connected with a brace to 192 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 196 the star HD115470=SAO224047 is connected with a brace to 196 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 207, 208 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 211, 212 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 214, 215 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 219 This object is the globular cluster NGC 5139, a designation not stated in the Uranometria Argentina. Following 241 the star HD118465=SAO204673 is connected with a brace to 241 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. Between 251 and 252 four stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or being assigned numbers. These are SAO252413, SAO252421, HD119076=SAO252422 spectrum K0/2III+A/F, and HD119164=SAO252426 spectrum G8II/IIICNIb/II. 252 The variable star designation T was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 254 and 255 the star HD119191=SAO204749 is not assigned a number. Spectrum F0/3+(F/G). Following 255 the star HD119221=SAO224355 is connected with a brace to 255 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 262 three stars, none of which are assigned numbers, HD119682= SAO252441, and two not in the SAO catalog which also do not have designations from earlier catalogs, are connected with a brace to 262 with the combined magnitude of all four stars cum. 6 1/2. 268 Declination corrected from -49 37.3. 268, 269 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 271 and 272 the stars HD120272=SAO224458 and HD120287=SAO224463 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to either of them. For SAO224458 the designation from an earlier catalog is corrected from B.4682 and for SAO224463 the designation from an earlier catalog is corrected from B.4683. Preceding 276 the star HD120483=SAO204892 is connected with a brace to 276 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 280, 281 The Uranometria Argentina assigns different numbers to the two components of the double star 3 k Centauri, but provides only a single set of coordinates, designation from previous catalogs, and magnitude. The magnitudes of the two components are corrected from 5, 6 3/8. Between 291 and 292 the stars HD121240=SAO241299 and HD121402=SAO241313 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to either of them. For HD121240=SAO241299 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog, and this star has spectrum K1IIICNII. 293 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 295 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 308 a star not in the SAO catalog is connected with a brace to 308 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. The declination of this companion is corrected from -41 19.7. Between 309 and 310 the stars HD122664=SAO205138 and HD122683=SAO205139 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either of them. Following 310 the star HD122926=SAO241443 is connected with a brace to 310 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 315 This object is the open cluster NGC 5460, a designation not stated in the Uranometria Argentina. Following 320 a star not in the SAO catalog is connected with a brace to 320 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 323 the star HD123990=SAO205284 is connected with a brace to 323 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 324 Spectrum K5III+B/A. 331 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 339 the star HD125495=SAO224849 is connected with a brace to 339 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 340 Spectrum G8/K1+F/G. Preceding 342 the star HD125805=SAO205495 is connected with a brace to 342 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 343 the star HD125950=SAO224892 is connected with a brace to 343 with combined magnitude 7.0 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 345 the star HD126313=SAO205541 is connected with a brace to 345 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 351 The incorrectly inserted note r has been removed. 354 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L.5873. 363, 364 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers and designations from previous catalogs to the two components of the double star Alpha Centauri, but provides only one magnitude and set of coordinates. A single letter a (not Alpha) is shown in the Uranometria Argentina. 380 Magnitudes of the two components are corrected from 10, 6 3/4. 389 Spectrum A8/A9III/IV 47. - CETUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.31 G5 23 56 29.9 -24 44 13 224283 192252 L.9655, Ll.46917 23 50 3 -25 26.0 6.3 2 6.5 K0 23 57 09.8 -20 50 01 224349 192264 Ll.46939 23 50 45 -21 31.7 7.0 3 1 6.26 K0II-III 23 58 21.2 -15 50 51 224481 165972 Ll.46974 23 51 55 -16 32.6 6.8 4 6.26 F6V 0 02 57.5 -20 02 46 225045 166014 Ll.47156 23 56 32 -20 44.7 6.8 5 6.44 G5 0 03 07.7 -24 08 43 225069 166016 L.9701, Ll.47161 23 56 43 -24 50.5 6.7 6 2 4.60 B9.5Vn 0 03 44.4 -17 20 10 225132 147059 Ll.47179, J.605 23 57 20 -18 1.9 4.3 7 5.78 K2III 0 04 19.7 -16 31 44 225197 147064 OA.23220 23 57 55 -17 13.4 5.9 8 3 4.94v? K3Ibvar 0 04 30.1 -10 30 34 225212 147066 Ll.47200 23 58 6 -11 12.2 5.3 var? 9 6.18 A7V 0 06 50.1 -23 06 27 203 166053 L.9724, Ll.47271 0 0 26 -23 48.1 6.3 10 6.23 A6Vn 0 07 18.2 -17 23 11 256 147090 Ll.47280 0 0 55 -18 5.0 6.3 r 11 5.94 A3V 0 07 46.8 -22 30 32 319 166066 L.9732, Ll.47304 0 1 23 -23 12.2 5.9 12 5.99 G8III: 0 08 17.4 - 8 49 26 360 128604 Ll.47318 0 1 55 - 9 31.1 6.2 r 13 6.06v? M0III 0 08 33.4 -17 34 39 402 147103 Ll.47332 0 2 10 -18 16.3 6.2 r 14 5.85 K0IV 0 10 42.9 -12 34 48 645 147127 Ll.19 0 4 18 -13 16.4 5.9 15 6 4.89 F7V 0 11 15.9 -15 28 05 693 147133 Ll.37 0 4 54 -16 9.2* 5.1 16 6.8 G5 0 11 35.6 -18 36 02 731 147136 Ll.48 0 5 13 -19 17.8 7.0 17 6.6 G5 0 12 02.8 -13 48 46 780 147142 Ll.67 0 5 41 -14 30.4 6.8 18 5.25 K5III 0 12 10.0 -17 56 18 787 147144 Ll.72 0 5 47 -18 37.9 5.4 r 19 6.6 K0 0 13 03.9 -22 28 13 877 166120 L.2, Ll.103 0 6 43 -23 10.0 6.9 20 7.0 K0 0 13 45.6 -23 12 52 941 166132 L.8, Ll.135 0 7 23 -23 54.5 7.0 21 6.91 F8 0 14 21.1 -21 11 49 1000 166138 Ll.156 0 8 0 -21 53.1 7.0 22 AD* 5.12v M3III 0 14 27.6 - 7 46 50 1014 128655 Ll.158 0 8 4 - 8 28.5 5.4 r 23 6.9 F5 0 14 28.1 -14 25 55 1015 147167 Ll.162 0 8 7 -15 7.3 7.0 24 6.64 G5 0 14 40.3 -14 48 18 1037 147170 Ll.167 0 8 16 -15 29.9 6.8 25 7 AE* 4.44v M3III 0 14 38.4 -18 55 58 1038 147169 Ll.169 0 8 17 -19 37.5 4.3 r 26 6.9 A5 0 14 48.2 -14 10 42 1051 147175 Ll.179 0 8 27 -14 52.2 6.9 27 5.75 B9V 0 14 54.5 - 9 34 11 1064 128660 Ll.183 0 8 32 -10 15.8 5.9 28 6.50v? B8III 0 16 42.5 -20 12 37 1256 166167 Ll.234 0 10 22 -20 54.3 6.5 29 6.46 F4IV-V 0 17 32.6 -19 03 03 1343 147205 Ll.257 0 11 12 -19 44.7 6.6 30 6.50 G0 0 17 58.9 -13 27 19 1388 147208 Ll.275 0 11 32 -14 9.0 6.7 31 6.68 A0Vn 0 18 16.9 -21 08 18 1431 166174 Ll.291 0 11 57 -21 49.9 6.6 32 6.46 G0V 0 18 41.8 - 8 03 10 1461 128690 Ll.305 0 12 14 - 8 44.5 6.8 33 8 Iota 3.54v? K2III 0 19 25.7 - 8 49 26 1522 128694 Ll.327, J.3 0 13 4 - 9 31.0 3.5 34 7.15 F5 0 19 36.4 - 7 13 26 1539 128696 WB.199 0 13 14 - 7 54.8 6.8 35 6.8 F0 0 20 48.5 -23 37 49 1667 166201 L.48, Ll.385 0 14 30 -24 19.4 7.0 36 T* 5.12v M5IIe 0 21 46.3 -20 03 28 1760 166210 Ll.405 0 15 26 -20 45.1 6.5 37 9 6.38 G2V 0 22 51.8 -12 12 34 1835 147237 Ll.427 0 16 27 -12 54.3 6.4 38 6.45 M2III 0 23 04.4 -15 56 33 1879 147241 Ll.434 0 16 44 -16 38.2 7.0 39 6.25 M2III 0 26 21.6 -18 41 37 2268 147275 Ll.552 0 20 3 -19 23.1 6.7 40 10 6.19 G8III 0 26 37.4 - 0 02 58 2273 128760 Ll.555 0 20 13 - 0 44.5 6.2 41 7.1 K0 0 27 05.4 - 5 00 13 2324 128766 Ll.573 0 20 43 - 5 41.7 7.0 42 6.80 A7IV 0 27 37.6 -20 08 05 2395 166285 Ll.599 0 21 19 -20 49.6 6.8 43 6.44 G0V 0 28 21.1 -20 20 05 2475 166296 Ll.629 0 22 6 -21 1.4* 6.4 44 6.9 F5 0 28 33.4 -11 14 14 2488 147292 Ll.635 0 22 11 -11 55.7 7.0 45 7.0 K5 0 29 29.4 - 3 28 09 2593 128784 WB.364 0 23 6 - 4 9.6 7.0 46 7.0 K2 0 29 39.0 - 2 50 25 2612 128787 WB.366 0 23 15 - 3 31.8 6.9 47 6.14 F2III 0 29 51.8 -14 51 50 2630 147307 Ll.666 0 23 31 -15 33.2 6.2 48 12 5.72 M0III 0 30 02.4 - 3 57 26 2637 128791 Ll.669 0 23 40 - 4 38.9 6.0 49 5.19 A5Vn 0 30 22.7 -23 47 16 2696 166318 L.106, Ll.698 0 24 8 -24 28.7 5.2 50 6.86 A3 0 30 59.9 -10 05 03 2760 147317 Ll.718 0 24 40 -10 46.5 6.8# * 8.9 G0 0 31 5.2 -10 05 02 2761 147318 Ll.722 0 24 45 -10 46.4 8 # 51 7.03 A0 0 31 40.8 - 1 47 37 2830 128806 WB.398 0 25 17 - 2 29.0 6.8 52 7.01 G0 0 34 29.8 - 4 32 48 3125 128831 Ll.837 0 28 7 - 5 14.2 6.8 dpl. 7, 8 53 6.8 F2 0 34 27.1 - 6 30 15 3126 128830 Ll.840 0 28 7 - 7 11.3 6.8 54 13 5.20v? F8V 0 35 14.9 - 3 35 34 3196 128839 Ll.865 0 28 49 - 4 16.9 5.7 55 14 5.93 F5IV 0 35 32.8 - 0 30 20 3229 128843 Ll.880 0 29 8 - 1 11.5 6.0 56 6.61 F5 0 36 01.9 - 5 34 14 3296 128852 WB.488 0 28 38 - 6 15.3 6.7 57 6.45 G9III 0 36 03.0 -14 58 25 3325 147360 Ll.911 0 29 46 -15 39.5 6.7 58 6.06v A7p 0 36 06.8 -22 50 32 3326 166400 L.142, Ll.916 0 29 54 -23 31.8 6.1 59 5.57 G5V 0 37 20.7 -24 46 02 3443 166418 B.72, Ll.950 0 30 54 -25 27.3 5.8 60 15 6.68 K2III 0 38 04.5 - 0 30 12 3512 128868 Ll.972 0 31 41 - 1 11.4 6.8 61 6.74v B8VSi 0 38 31.7 -20 17 49 3580 166438 Ll.988 0 32 17 -20 59.1 7.0 62 6.8 F5 0 39 43.6 -11 09 02 3708 147387 Ll.1031 0 33 25 -11 49.9 6.9 63 6.49 G5 0 40 28.6 -16 31 00 3794 147395 Ll.1064 0 34 12 -17 12.1 6.7 64 6.14 G3V 0 40 32.7 -23 48 14 3795 166475 L.167, Ll.1065 0 34 14 -24 28.7 6.3 65 5.91 K0III 0 40 42.4 - 4 21 07 3807 128891 Ll.1069 0 34 20* - 5 2.3* 6.0 66 6.9 K0 0 42 14.5 -11 48 18 3975 147408 Ll.1119 0 35 56 -12 29.3 7.0 67 6.54 F8 0 42 51.0 - 9 55 18 4048 147415 Ll.1137 0 36 33 -10 36.4 6.6 68 7.4 F2 0 43 01.8 - 3 51 22 4061 128916 Ll.1138 0 36 39 - 4 32.5 7.0 69 7.5 K0 0 43 18.9 - 6 20 15 4097 128917 Ll.1148, WB.619 0 36 58 - 7 1.3 7.0# * 9.5 K5 0 43 32.4 - 6 24 44 4120 128920 WB.622 0 37 12 - 7 5.8 8 # 70 16 Beta 2.04v? G9.5III 0 43 35.4 -17 59 12 4128 147420 Ll.1156, J.14 0 37 19 -18 40.4 2.3 c 71 6.02 K2III-IV 0 43 50.2 -12 00 42 4145 147422 Ll.1168 0 37 33 -12 41.2 6.2 72 17 Phi1 4.76v? K0III 0 44 11.4 -10 36 34 4188 147423 J.15 0 37 53 -11 17.3 5.1 73 5.22 F1III-IV 0 44 44.4 -22 00 22 4247 166528 L.193, Ll.1196 0 38 33 -22 41.6 5.3 74 6.15 M0III 0 45 24.1 - 4 37 45 4301 128935 Ll.1216 0 39 2 - 5 18.9 6.6 75 18 6.15 G0V 0 45 28.7 -12 52 51 4307 147432 Ll.1220 0 39 12 -13 33.4 6.3 76 6.47 F1IVn 0 45 41.7 -16 25 27 4338 147436 Ll.1228 0 39 27 -17 6.4 6.6 77 5.50 G3V 0 46 12.0 -22 31 18 4398 166555 L.203, Ll.1245 0 39 59 -23 12.3 5.8 r 78 5.70 K3III 0 47 43.3 -18 03 41 4585 147451 Ll.1294 0 41 29 -18 44.7 6.1 79 5.57 B9V 0 48 01.1 -21 43 21 4622 166585 L.218, Ll.1304 0 41 50 -22 24.3 5.8 80 5.90 K2III 0 49 13.9 -24 08 11 4732 166602 L.223, Ll.1348 0 43 4 -24 49.0 6.1 81 5.59 K5III 0 49 25.6 -13 33 40 4730 147464 Ll.1349 0 43 9 -14 14.3 5.9 * 7.17 K0V 0 49 26.7 -23 12 48 4747 166607 Ll.1353 0 43 12 -23 53.9 7.1# 82 6.30 A3V 0 49 33.4 -23 21 42 4772 166608 L.224, Ll.1363 0 43 24 -24 2.6 6.5# 83 6.7 K0 0 49 55.0 - 0 13 26 4790 128974 Ll.1362 0 43 31 - 0 54.4 7.0 84 19 Phi2 5.19v? F7IV-V 0 50 07.6 -10 38 40 4813 147470 Ll.1374 0 43 53 -11 18.9 5.5 85 6.76 G0 0 51 10.7 - 5 02 22 4915 128986 Ll.1405 0 44 46 - 5 42.9 7.0 86 7.1 F2 0 51 19.9 - 9 24 21 4939 128989 Ll.1421 0 45 2 -10 5.2 6.9 87 7.28 A0 0 51 32.7 - 3 08 37 4965 128991 Ll.1424 0 45 10 - 3 49.4 7.0 88 5.46 K2III 0 52 40.6 -24 00 21 5098 166647 L.238, Ll.1477 0 46 32 -24 41.2 5.7 dpl. 5 3/4, 9 1/4 89 20 4.77 M0III 0 53 00.5 - 1 08 39 5112 129009 J.17 0 46 37 - 1 49.4 5.2 r 90 6.45 F6IV-V 0 53 12.4 -24 46 37 5156 166651 L.241, Ll.1496 0 47 4 -25 27.4 6.6 dpl. 6 3/4, 8 1/2 91 6.6 G5 0 53 41.3 - 4 31 32 5181 129015 Ll.1499 0 47 19 - 5 12.3 6.5 92 21 6.20 G5IV 0 54 17.6 - 8 44 27 5268 129019 Ll.1523 0 47 59 - 9 25.0 6.2 93 5.85 K5III 0 55 42.4 - 7 20 50 5384 129032 Ll.1575 0 49 24 - 8 1.3 6.0 94 22 Phi3 5.31 K4III 0 56 01.5 -11 16 00 5437 147519 Ll.1589 0 49 45 -11 56.6 5.7 r 95 7.0 F0 0 56 46.9 - 2 43 48 5506 129044 Ll.1617 0 50 25 - 3 24.3 6.9 96 6.51 G5 0 57 50.2 - 1 45 58 5624 129050 Ll.1643 0 51 27 - 2 26.5* 6.8 97 6.90 A2Vn 0 57 37.7 -18 59 55 5617 147537 OA.531 0 51 27 -19 40.6 7.0 dpl. 9 1/2, 7 * 7.59 F0 0 57 43.8 -15 47 14 5616 147538 Ll.1649 0 51 32 -16 27.9 7.6# * 7.79 F5 0 58 09.7 -15 40 58 5659 147543 Ll.1662 0 51 56 -16 21.6 7.0# dpl. 7 1/2, 7 1/2 98 6.57 K0 0 58 45.8 - 5 52 58 5720 129056 Ll.1681 0 52 26 - 6 33.2 6.6 99 23 Phi4 5.61 G7III 0 58 43.8 -11 22 48 5722 147546 Ll.1684 0 52 28 -12 3.3 5.9 100 6.88 M4III 1 00 40.4 - 1 39 31 5919 129076 Ll.1741 0 54 18 - 2 19.9 7.0 101 6.47 G5 1 01 38.7 -16 15 56 6037 147572 Ll.1787 0 55 26 -16 56.1 6.8 102 25 5.43 K0III-IV 1 03 02.6 - 4 50 12 6203 129094 Ll.1833 0 56 43 - 5 30.3 5.8 103 26 6.04 F1V 1 03 49.0 + 1 22 00 6288 109643 Ll.1853 0 57 23 + 0 41.8 5.9 104 27 6.12 K0III 1 05 36.8 - 9 58 45 6482 147601 Ll.1909 0 59 21 -10 38.9 6.5 105 28 5.58 A1V 1 06 05.1 - 9 50 22 6530 147606 Ll.1931 0 59 49 -10 30.6 5.7 106 6.14 G9III 1 06 07.7 -23 59 33 6559 166799 L.303, Ll.1948 1 0 4 -24 39.6 6.3 107 7.0 F5 1 07 10.7 - 1 43 53 6651 129128 Ll.1965 1 0 47 - 2 24.0 7.0 dpl. 9, 7 108 6.35 A7V 1 07 13.1 -23 59 47 6668 166814 L.310, Ll.1984 1 1 9 -24 39.8 6.4 109 30 5.82 F7IV 1 07 46.2 - 9 47 08 6706 147622 Ll.1994 1 1 28 -10 27.3 5.8 110 29 6.46 K0IV 1 07 59.7 + 1 59 36 6734 109694 Ll.1992 1 1 33 + 1 20.5 6.3 111 31 Eta 3.45 K2III 1 08 35.4 -10 10 56 6805 147632 J.20 1 2 18 -10 50.7 3.5 112 32 6.40 K0III 1 10 12.0 - 8 54 22 6976 129154 Ll.2088 1 3 56 - 9 34.2 6.5 113 33 5.95v? K4III 1 10 33.6 + 2 26 44 7014 109715 Ll.2093 1 4 8 + 1 46.8 6.1 114 34 5.94 K4III 1 11 43.5 - 2 15 04 7147 129169 Ll.2136 1 5 22 - 2 54.8 6.1 115 35 6.8 F8 1 12 30.7 + 2 28 17 7218 109727 Ll.2160 1 6 6 + 1 48.7 6.3 116 36 6.60 G5 1 12 47.7 - 6 47 00 7268 129177 Ll.2176 1 6 31 - 7 26.8 6.9 117 6.8 A5 1 14 01.1 -13 28 33 7398 147682 Ll.2209 1 7 49 -14 8.4 7.0 118 37 5.13 F5V 1 14 24.0 - 7 55 23 7439 129193 Ll.2220 1 8 6 - 8 35.7* 5.3 var.? 119 38 5.70 F5V 1 14 49.2 - 0 58 26 7476 129196 Ll.2226 1 8 26 - 1 38.7 5.8 120 6.7 A2 1 15 35.6 + 0 54 44 7551 109764 Ll.2258 1 9 10 + 0 15.1 6.7 121 39 5.41v G5IIIe 1 16 36.2 - 2 30 01 7672 129204 Ll.2300 1 10 16 - 3 9.5 5.5 122 40 6.52 F8 1 16 59.0 - 2 16 44 7727 129210 Ll.2308 1 10 35 - 2 56.0 6.9 123 41 6.9 A2 1 17 42.3 - 7 39 35 7812 129217 Ll.2338 1 11 26 - 8 19.2 7.0 124 42 5.87 G5+A5* 1 19 48.3 - 0 30 32 8036 129235 Ll.2397 1 13 25 - 1 9.9 6.1 125 6.6 F2 1 20 03.0 - 9 53 01 8070 147742 Ll.2408 1 13 49 -10 32.3 6.6 126 6.7 v? G0 1 19 57.7 -15 48 51 8071 147741 Ll.2416 1 13 49 -16 28.0 6.7 dpl. 127 6.23 K1III 1 20 34.5 - 3 14 49 8120 129239 Ll.2424 1 14 14 - 3 54.3 6.3 128 6.15 K1III 1 20 27.8 -11 14 20 8121 147746 Ll.2426 1 14 16 -11 53.5 6.3 129 7.0 G5 1 20 40.7 -13 53 23 8142 147750 Ll.2436 1 14 30* -14 32.8 7.0 130 6.95 G0 1 21 17.5 - 6 09 34 8202 129246 Ll.2441 1 14 59 - 6 48.9 6.6 131 6.20 M0III 1 22 37.0 + 1 43 35 8334 109834 Ll.2479 1 16 10 + 1 4.5 6.8 132 43 6.49v? K0III: 1 22 34.8 - 0 26 58 8335 129262 Ll.2484 1 16 11 - 1 6.2 6.7 var.? 133 6.35 F5 1 22 30.5 -19 04 53 8350 147767 Ll.2498 1 16 28 -19 43.9 6.4 dpl. 6 1/2, 8 3/4 134 6.65 A7Vn 1 23 34.9 -24 21 11 8487 167011 L.381, Ll.2546 1 17 37 -25 0.4 6.5 dpl. 8 1/2, 6 1/2 135 44 6.21v F0V 1 24 02.5 - 8 00 27 8511 129275 Ll.2535 1 17 44 - 8 39.4 6.9 136 45 Theta 3.60 K0III 1 24 01.4 - 8 11 00 8512 129274 J.22 1 17 46 - 8 49.7 3.2 137 5.91 F3V 1 24 20.6 - 6 54 53 8556 129277 WB.271 1 18 4 - 7 34.0 5.9 138 6.15 G8III 1 24 48.7 - 2 50 55 8599 129280 Ll.2574 1 18 28 - 3 29.9 6.4 139 6.14 G5 1 24 40.5 -15 39 38 8589 147793 Ll.2581 1 18 32 -16 18.6 6.4 140 6.74 A0 1 25 00.6 - 5 56 46 8627 129283 Ll.2582 1 18 43 - 6 35.9 6.5 141 46 4.85 K3III 1 25 37.2 -14 35 56 8705 147803 J.24 1 19 28 -15 15.0 5.1 r 142 6.7 K0 1 25 52.5 - 3 55 39 8713 129292 Ll.2598 1 19 31 - 4 36.6 var. 6 1/2 - 8 ? 143 6.8 G5 1 25 55.1 - 8 30 15 8728 129293 Ll.2606 1 19 40 - 9 9.2 7.0 144 6.41 K0IV 1 26 27.3 - 0 23 55 8779 129300 By.191, Ll.2614 1 20 3 - 1 2.9 6.6 145 47 5.66 D Del* 1 26 51.6 -13 03 24 8829 147812 Ll.2648 1 20 42 -13 42.4 5.5 146 7.3 K0 1 27 28.1 - 9 17 49 8877 129311 Ll.2662 1 21 14 - 9 56.7 6.7 147 6.8 F2 1 27 25.3 -20 21 06 8895 167056 Ll.2671 1 21 23 -21 0.1 6.9 148 6.5 K0 1 27 23.3 -22 20 18 8896 167055 L.403, Ll.2674 1 21 24 -22 59.0 6.6 149 6.12 K0 1 27 46.5 -10 54 06 8921 147819 Ll.2675 1 21 32 -11 33.1 6.2 150 6.9 F0 1 28 01.1 - 2 02 05 8943 129315 WB.346 1 21 39 - 2 41.0 6.8 151 6.7 G5 1 27 59.5 -22 02 12 8959 167062 L.407, Ll.2695 1 22 0 -22 41.2 6.7 152 6.9 A5 1 28 16.2 -12 14 44 8972 147824 Ll.2692 1 22 5 -12 53.6 6.8 153 6.6 F5 1 28 57.4 -17 56 16 9061 147831 Ll.2722 1 22 53 -18 35.1 6.5 154 7.02 A7V 1 28 47.8 -24 47 51 9063 167078 L.416, Ll.2726 1 22 53 -25 26.7 6.9 155 7.3 G5 1 29 32.1 - 9 29 21 9101 129325 WB.371 1 23 19 -10 8.2 6.9 156 6.74 F5 1 29 53.6 - 5 35 46 9139 129331 Ll.2739 1 23 35 - 6 14.6 6.6 157 48 5.12 A1V 1 29 36.1 -21 37 46 9132 167086 L.423 1 23 36 -22 16.6 5.3 158 7.0 K0 1 30 59.8 - 4 57 36 9261 129342 Ll.2766 1 24 41 - 5 36.4 7.0 159 7.2 F0 1 31 36.8 -12 15 29 9315 147860 Ll.2787 1 25 27 -12 54.2 6.9 160 7.7 v? K2 1 32 00.9 - 6 43 08 9359 129352 Ll.2798 1 25 44 - 7 21.8 6.9 var ? 161 7.24 F0V 1 32 07.5 -23 38 54 9411 167116 L.436, Ll.2818 1 26 12 -24 17.3 7.0 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 162* 6.82 A7III 1 31 34.0 -19 01 25 9336 147861 Ll.2791* 1 25 32* -19 40.0* 6 1/2#* * 7.3 K0 1 31 39.2 -19 01 57 9337 147862 Ll.2799* 1 25 37* -19 40.6* 7 1/2#* 163 6.59 A0III 1 33 03.5 - 9 00 53 9484 129363 Ll.2834 1 26 50 - 9 39.5 6.5 164 6.96 G8V 1 33 16.0 -24 10 40 9540 167134 L.444, Ll.2851 1 27 18 -24 48.9 7.0 165 5.80 G2IV 1 33 42.8 - 7 01 31 9562 129371 Ll.2848 1 27 25 - 7 39.8 5.9 166 6.7 K0 1 34 51.2 - 3 31 26 9690 129387 Ll.(2897) 1 28 31 - 4 9.8 6.5 167 49 5.62 A3V 1 34 37.8 -15 40 34 9672 147886 Ll.2901 1 28 31 -16 19.0 5.6 168 6.4 K0 1 34 51.6 -23 41 57 9731 167153 L.456, Ll.2921 1 28 56 -24 20.4 6.7 169 50 5.42 K2III 1 35 58.9 -15 24 00 9856 147901 Ll.2944 1 29 53 -16 2.4 5.5 170 6.24 F7V 1 37 37.6 - 9 24 15 10009 129412 Ll.2999 1 31 22 -10 2.7 6.2 171 6.7 K5 1 37 52.1 - 3 26 26 10024 129415 Ll.3005 1 31 32 - 4 4.6 6.6 172 5.58 A4n 1 38 51.7 -21 16 32 10148 167198 Ll.3047 1 32 53 -21 54.8 5.7 173 6.9 G5 1 40 46.3 - 2 37 20 10315 129442 Ll.3091 1 34 26 - 3 15.2 6.8 174 5.74 F5V+F7V 1 41 44.7 -11 19 29 10453 147962 Ll.3137 1 35 34 -11 56.6* 5.8 dpl. 175 4.99 K3II-III 1 42 43.5 - 3 41 25 10550 129465 Ll.3159 1 36 24* - 4 19.2 5.2 176 6.19 K0 1 43 54.8 - 4 45 56 10658 129477 Ll.3186 1 37 37 - 5 23.6 6.5 177 52 Tau 3.50 G8Vp 1 44 04.1 -15 56 15 10700 147986 J.28 1 38 16 -16 35.8 3.4 178 6.5 G0 1 44 43.6 - 6 45 58 10725 129482 Ll.3205 1 38 28* - 7 23.8 6.4 dpl. 6 1/2, 9 1/2 179 5.34 K4III 1 45 59.2 - 5 44 00 10824 129490 Ll.3244 1 39 43 - 6 21.5 5.5 180 6.8 B9 1 46 58.4 -13 53 20 10920 148008 WB.719 1 40 52 -14 30.9 6.6 181 6.55 K0 1 47 38.9 -20 50 43 10998 167298 Ll.3301 1 41 43 -21 28.0 6.8 182 53 Chi 4.65 F3III 1 49 35.1 -10 41 11 11171 148036 J.30 1 43 27 -11 18.3 4.8 183 7.20 F8 1 50 15.4 - 6 42 15 11226 129526 Ll.3379 1 43 59 - 7 19.6 6.9 r 184 7.0 M0 1 50 15.8 -12 53 13 11247 148049 Ll.3385 1 44 9 -13 30.5 7.0 185 54 Zeta 3.73v? K2III 1 51 27.6 -10 20 06 11353 148059 J.31 1 45 17 -10 57.2 3.5 186 6.5 K0 1 51 37.9 - 6 52 29 11365 129539 Ll.3419 1 45 23 - 7 29.5 6.4 187 6.5 M0 1 51 45.9 -15 38 51 11396 148069 Ll.3436 1 45 43 -16 16.0 6.7 188 5.79v F0IIIn 1 52 52.1 -16 55 45 11522 148078 Ll.3479 1 46 51 -17 32.6 5.8 189 6.01v? F7V+G0V 1 55 53.8 + 1 50 59 11803 110235 Ll.3563 1 49 25 + 1 13.5 6.3 190 56 4.85 K4III 1 56 40.2 -22 31 36 11930 167416 L.568 1 50 49 -23 8.3 5.0 r 191 6.42 G5 1 57 09.5 -10 14 32 11964 148123 Ll.3620 1 51 3 -10 50.7 6.4 192 58 6.6 A0 1 57 59.4 - 2 03 33 12020 129588 Ll.3636 1 51 38 - 2 40.2 6.4 193 6.6 G5 1 58 46.0 -11 18 04 12116 148139 Ll.3667 1 52 38 -11 54.3 6.6 194 6.8v F2 1 59 00.8 -22 55 09 12180 167451 L.586, Ll.3684 1 53 10 -23 31.7 7.0 dpl. 7, 8 1/4 195 7.0 M0 1 59 31.0 -13 52 22 12204 148144 Ll.3693 1 53 27 -14 28.8 6.9 196 57 5.41 M1III 1 59 46.1 -20 49 28 12255 167466 Ll.3710 1 53 54 -21 25.9 5.7 197 59 Upsilon 4.00 M0III 2 00 00.3 -21 04 40 12274 167471 J.35 1 54 7 -21 41.0 3.9 198 AR* 5.51v M3III 2 00 26.9 - 8 31 25 12292 129624 Ll.3717 1 54 14 - 9 7.8 5.7# * 7.1 G5 2 00 49.4 - 8 28 19 12328 129630 Ll.3731 1 54 37 - 9 4.5 7.4# 199 7.0 A3 2 02 52.4 - 2 22 40 12538 129649 Ll.3788 1 56 31 - 2 58.8 6.8 200 6.97 B8V 2 02 35.2 -21 57 57 12561 167512 L.607, Ll.3798 1 56 46 -22 34.0 7.0 201 60 5.43 A5III 2 03 11.6 + 0 07 42 12573 129655 Ll.3793 1 56 47 - 0 28.4 5.4 202 5.86 G3IV 2 02 58.5 -15 18 22 12583 148170 Bode 302 1 56 58 -15 54.5 5.9 203 5.62 K5Iab: 2 03 40.6 - 4 06 13 12642 129665 Ll.3811 1 57 24 - 4 42.2 5.8 204 61 5.93v? G5Vcomp 2 03 48.2 - 0 20 26 12641 129667 Ll.3808 1 57 24 - 0 56.4 5.9 205 6.6 v? K0 2 04 12.4 -11 51 34 12702 148180 Ll.3837 1 58 6 -12 27.6 6.7 206 6.6 F0 2 06 10.6 -10 16 33 12901 148199 Ll.3890 2 0 2 -10 52.3 6.6 207 6.28 K0 2 06 29.1 + 0 02 06 12923 129695 Ll.3889 2 0 5 - 0 33.7 6.3 208 6.7 G5 2 07 02.4 - 8 36 23 12998 129701 * 2 0 51 - 9 12.1* 6.7 209 6.5 K0 2 06 51.9 -19 08 19 13004 148210 Ll.(3921) 2 0 57 -19 44.1 6.7 210 6.87 G2V 2 07 34.4 - 0 37 04 13043 129706 Ll.3923 2 1 14 - 1 12.1 7.0 211 6.9 A3 2 08 19.7 -10 02 29 13141 148231 Ll.3953 2 2 11 -10 38.1 6.9 212 6.5 G5 2 08 31.8 - 6 40 42 13155 129717 Ll.3958 2 2 18 - 7 16.4 6.6 213 6.10v? M2III 2 08 45.7 -17 46 46 13215 148237 Ll.3979 2 2 50 -18 22.3 6.5 214 6.9 A2 2 09 51.3 + 3 46 09 13285 110378 Ll.3986 2 3 22 + 3 10.7 6.8 215 64 5.60 G0IV 2 11 21.1 + 8 34 12 13421 110390 Ll.4035 2 4 45 + 7 59.1 5.7 216 6.73 A3V 2 11 04.0 -15 04 14 13442 148257 Ll.4057 2 5 4 -15 39.6 6.6 217 6.7 A5 2 11 43.4 + 3 27 11 13467 110395 Ll.4053 2 5 14 + 2 51.7 6.7 218 63 5.93 G9III: 2 11 35.9 - 1 49 30 13468 129739 Ll.4055 2 5 15 - 2 24.8 6.0 219 6.01 F5V 2 11 22.2 -10 03 08 13456 148262 Ll.4060 2 5 15 -10 38.2* 5.9 220 6.7 F5 2 11 32.5 -18 58 33 13523 148265 Ll.4089 2 5 40 -19 33.9 6.7 221 6.6 G5 2 12 15.8 + 2 44 43 13546 110403 Ll.4077 2 5 48 + 2 9.4 6.8 222 6.6 K5 2 11 33.5 -17 44 32 13511 148264 Ll.4085 2 5 38 -18 19.9 6.8# * 7.4 K0 2 12 04.3 -17 43 45 13568 148270 Ll.4101 2 6 8 -18 18.9 7.3# 223 65 Xi1 4.34v? G8II 2 13 00.0 + 8 50 48 13611 110408 Ll.4074 2 6 23 + 8 15.6 4.3 224 66 5.68 F8V 2 12 47.5 - 2 23 37 13612 129752 Ll.4099 2 6 24 - 2 58.7 5.8 dpl. 8, 6 225 6.5 F0 2 13 29.7 + 5 00 47 13683 110415 Ll.4113 2 6 57 + 4 25.7 6.8 226 5.86 G9III 2 13 00.9 -21 00 01 13692 167637 Ll.4133 2 7 11 -21 35.2 5.8 227 6.6 K0 2 13 53.4 - 9 03 52 13763 129765 Ll.4145 2 7 44 - 9 39.1 6.5 228 6.8 A2 2 15 09.6 + 0 43 13 13885 110428 Ll.4174 2 8 45 + 0 8.3 6.8 229 6.55 A0V 2 15 28.3 - 9 27 56 13936 129781 Ll.4202 2 9 20 -10 3.0 6.4 230 7.24v? G0 2 16 15.8 - 9 49 17 14044 148304 Ll.4224 2 10 6* -10 24.0 6.8 231 67 5.51 G8III 2 16 59.0 - 6 25 20 14129 129798 Ll.4248 2 10 45 - 6 59.9 5.7 232 5.58 G0.5IVb 2 18 01.4 + 1 45 28 14214 110456 Ll.4269 2 11 32 + 1 9.9 6.1 233 68 Omicron 3.04v M5.5e+B* 2 19 20.7 - 2 58 39 14386 129825 J.39 2 13 2 - 3 32.7 var. r, 2 - 9 234 6.50 A3V 2 19 40.8 - 4 20 44 14417 129830 Ll.4332 2 13 24 - 4 55.3 6.8 235 6.5 G5 2 21 13.8 -19 54 55 14628 167722 OA.1498 2 15 24 -20 29.3 6.7 236 69 5.28v? M2III 2 21 56.6 + 0 23 45 14652 110495 T.785 2 15 32 - 0 10.6 5.8 237 70 5.42 F0Va 2 22 12.3 - 0 53 06 14690 129858 Ll.4394 2 15 51 - 1 27.3 5.9 238 5.46 F0V 2 22 01.4 -10 46 40 14691 148354 Ll.4396 2 15 55 -11 20.8 5.4 239 5.87 K0III 2 22 05.0 -17 39 44 14728 148356 Ll.4410 2 16 12 -18 13.9 5.9 240 6.22 G5 2 22 57.8 -18 21 16 14830 148366 Ll.4436 2 17 4 -18 55.1 6.3 241 7.00 F0 2 23 22.4 - 6 11 36 14840 129868 Ll.4430 2 17 9 - 6 45.6 6.9 242 7.22 F5 2 24 23.5 - 3 06 17 14938 129879 Ll.4452 2 18 4 - 3 40.0 7.0 243 6.6 F0 2 24 09.6 -16 15 16 14940 148373 Ll.4466 2 18 14 -16 49.3 6.4 244 6.90 K0 2 24 56.1 - 3 53 34 15005 129887 Ll.4476 2 18 39 - 4 27.5* 7.0 245 71 6.33 A0III 2 24 58.3 - 2 46 48 15004 129888 Ll.4475 2 18 40 - 3 20.8 6.5 246 6.76 F2 2 26 16.3 + 6 17 33 15115 110532 Ll.4504 2 19 40 + 5 43.9 6.9 247 72 Rho 4.89 B9.5Vn 2 25 57.0 -12 17 26 15130 148385 J.40 2 19 55 -12 51.3 4.6 248 5.83v A6Vsp 2 26 00.3 -15 20 28 15144 148386 OA.1551 2 20 4 -15 54.2 5.7 dpl. 9, 5 3/4 249 6.49 F5V 2 27 23.4 +10 11 53 15228 110537 Ll.4532 2 20 46 + 9 38.7 6.7 250 5.88 K2III 2 26 35.2 -20 02 33 15220 167795 Ll.4552 2 20 47 -20 36.6 6.0 251 73 Xi2 4.28 B9III 2 28 09.5 + 8 27 36 15318 110543 Ll.4557 2 21 31 + 7 53.9 4.4 252 6.45 K0III 2 27 59.9 + 1 57 39 15328 110542 Ll.4565 2 21 33 + 1 24.1 6.9 253 7.0 F2 2 28 46.5 -11 20 52 15432 148408 Ll.4607 2 22 42 -11 54.3 6.9 254 6.07 K1+F9* 2 29 35.3 + 9 33 57 15453 110565 Ll.4602 2 22 55 + 9 0.4 6.4 255 7.2 F5 2 29 18.8 -21 02 18 15515 167823 OA.1588 2 23 32 -21 35.7 6.9 256 6.00 A7IVs* 2 30 45.2 + 0 15 20 15633 110583 Ll.4661 2 24 22 - 0 17.8 6.5 257 6.77 A9V 2 29 55.4 -22 40 58 15588 167832 L.757, Ll.4670 2 24 13 -23 14.4 6.7# 258 6.10 M1III 2 30 32.8 -22 32 44 15652 167839 L.763, Ll.4692 2 24 51 -23 6.0 6.3# 259 5.25 K3III 2 31 30.1 + 2 16 02 15694 110589 Ll.4681 2 25 2 + 1 42.8 5.7 260 75 5.35 G3III: 2 32 09.4 - 1 02 06 15779 129959 Ll.4711 2 25 48 - 1 35.3 5.9 261 76 Sigma 4.75 F4IV 2 32 05.2 -15 14 41 15798 148445 J.43 2 26 10 -15 47.6 4.8 262 6.9 F8 2 33 55.4 -12 20 13 15995 148469 Ll.4775 2 27 54 -12 53.2 6.7 263 6.21 K0 2 33 40.2 -20 00 07 15996 167878 Ll.4779 2 27 54 -20 32.8 6.1 264 6.18 G6III: 2 35 04.1 + 7 28 16 16060 110625 Ll.4780 2 28 27 + 6 55.6 5.9 265 77 5.75 K4III 2 34 42.6 - 7 51 34 16074 129984 Ll.4800 2 28 32 - 8 24.3 5.5 266 7.0 K0 2 34 35.8 -21 55 49 16093 167885 Ll.4819 2 28 54 -22 28.6 7.0 267 79 6.78 G5IV 2 35 19.9 - 3 33 38 16141 129992 Ll.4810 2 29 5 - 4 5.5 7.0 268 5.82 K3V 2 36 04.9 + 6 53 13 16160 110636 Ll.4803 2 29 14 + 6 17.3 6.0 269 7.16 A0 2 35 24.5 - 9 21 03 16152 129994 WB.476 2 29 18 - 9 53.9 6.7 270 78 Nu 4.86 G8III 2 35 52.5 + 5 35 36 16161 110635 T.864 2 29 19 + 5 2.8 5.1 271 80 5.53 M0III 2 36 00.0 - 7 49 54 16212 130004 Ll.4838 2 29 50 - 8 22.5 5.4 272 5.81v? K0III: 2 36 35.3 + 7 43 48 16247 110640 Ll.4831 2 29 58 + 7 11.1 5.6 273 7.1 G0 2 35 59.3 -21 24 13 16263 167903 Ll.4860 2 30 16 -21 57.0 6.7 274 6.9 K0 2 36 33.9 -14 39 24 16295 148499 Ll.4873 2 30 38 -15 12.0 7.0 275 7.0 K0 2 36 50.1 -20 07 20 16356 167918 OA.1682 2 31 5 -20 39.9 7.0 276 6.40 F6IV 2 38 00.8 + 7 41 43 16399 110653 Ll.4879 2 31 22 + 7 9.3 6.5 277 81 5.65 G5III: 2 37 41.8 - 3 23 46 16400 130026 Ll.4893 2 31 24 - 3 56.3 6.0 278 6.78 G5 2 37 44.4 -22 59 30 16446 167931 L.803, Ll.4915 2 32 5 -23 32.3 6.8 279 6.21 G9III 2 38 36.9 + 3 26 35 16467 110655 Ll.4905 2 32 6 + 2 54.1 6.5 280 7.0 K0 2 38 33.2 -20 27 23 16526 167939 Ll.4934 2 32 49 -20 59.7 6.9 281 7.11 G0 2 39 00.8 - 8 55 39 16548 130036 WB.544 2 32 52 - 9 28.0 7.0 282 6.7 G5 2 39 08.9 - 9 49 53 16569 148523 * 2 33 4 -10 22.2 6.7 283 82 Delta 4.07v B2IV 2 39 29.0 + 0 19 43 16582 110665 J.44 2 33 5 - 0 12.7 4.0 284 83 Epsilon 4.82 F5IV-V 2 39 33.8 -11 52 20 16620 148528 J.45 2 33 30 -12 24.0 4.6 285 6.25 F3V: 2 40 15.7 + 6 06 43 16647 110673 Ll.4943 2 33 40 + 5 34.4 6.4 286 5.78 F6V 2 40 12.3 - 9 27 11 16673 130047 Ll.4969 2 34 8 - 9 59.3 5.7 287 6.6 F0IV 2 40 26.5 -14 26 55 16723 148538 Ll.4987 2 34 30 -14 59.2 6.7 288 84 5.71v? F7IV 2 41 13.9 - 0 41 45 16765 130055 Ll.4991 2 34 49 - 1 13.7 6.2 289 6.05 G9III: 2 41 48.2 - 3 12 48 16824 130061 Ll.5008 2 35 31 - 3 44.9 6.5 290 5.98 F5III: 2 41 34.0 -14 32 58 16825 148550 Ll.5020 2 35 38 -15 5.2 6.2 291* 86 Gamma 3.47 A3V 2 43 18.0 + 3 14 09 16970 110707 Ll.5045 2 36 49 + 2 42.5 3.2 dpl. 3, 6 1/2 292 86 Gamma 6.2 F3 2 43 17.7 + 3 14 08 * 293 6.6 K0 2 43 28.9 - 2 31 54 17001 130079 Ll.5058 2 37 10 - 3 3.9 6.8 294 6.6 K0 2 43 55.6 - 7 54 42 17039 130083 Ll.5076 2 37 47 - 8 26.4 6.8 295 87 Mu 4.20v? F1III-IV 2 44 56.5 +10 06 51 17094 110723 Ll.5079 2 38 10 + 9 35.1 4.3 296 89 Pi 4.25 B7V 2 44 07.4 -13 51 31 17081 148575 J.48 2 38 10 -14 23.3 4.1 297 6.03 F0III: 2 45 20.9 + 4 42 44 17163 110730 Ll.5110 2 38 48 + 4 11.1 6.3 298* 7.2 F8 2 45 01.2 -22 10 00 17207 168021 L.853, Ll.5138 2 39 22 -22 41.5 7.0 299 6.79 K2V 2 49 38.0 + 0 55 14 17616 110775 Ll.5246 2 43 12 + 0 24.1 7.0 300 6.7 M3 2 53 46.2 + 9 20 09 17986 110817 Ll.5346 2 47 3 + 8 49.4 6.9 301 6.74 G8V 2 53 38.2 + 1 58 08 18012 110816 Ll.5353 2 47 11 + 1 28.0 6.9 302 6.52 G8II 2 54 47.1 - 0 02 54 18145 130181 Ll.5397 2 48 23 - 0 33.6 6.7 303 6.7 F0 2 55 08.1 + 3 29 13 18162 110833 Ll.5406 2 48 37 + 2 58.7 7.0 304 6.59 B8.5V 2 55 31.6 + 2 01 07 18216 110843 Ll.5418 2 49 4 + 1 30.6 6.8 305 6.00 F7IV 2 56 13.8 + 8 22 54 18262 110851 By.410, Ll.5424 2 49 33 + 7 52.7 6.3 306 6.11v? M4III 2 57 04.5 + 4 30 04 18345 110865 WB.864 2 50 32 + 3 59.7 6.7 307 6.62 A5Ib 2 57 10.3 + 0 26 50 18369 110867 Ll.5464 2 50 46 - 0 3.4 6.7 308 91 Lambda 4.66 B6III 2 59 42.9 + 8 54 27 18604 110889 Ll.5529 2 53 1 + 8 24.5 4.8 309 6.25 K0 3 01 52.3 + 5 20 09 18832 110915 Ll.5593 2 55 17 + 4 50.5 6.6 310 92 Alpha 2.53v M2III 3 02 16.8 + 4 05 23 18884 110920 Ll.5613 2 55 45 + 3 35.9 2.4 c 311 93 5.61 B7V 3 02 22.5 + 4 21 10 18883 110921 Ll.5617 2 55 50 + 3 51.5 6.4 312 6.6 F0 3 03 28.1 + 6 13 36 18995 110934 Ll.5655 2 56 52 + 5 44.3 6.9# * 6.76 F8 3 03 50.8 + 6 08 00 19019 110937 Ll.5661 2 57 11 + 5 38.4 7.3# 313 6.05 K0III 3 04 38.1 + 1 51 49 19121 110945 Ll.5695 2 58 10 + 1 22.5 6.6 314 6.28 G9III 3 08 38.7 + 8 28 15 19525 111002 Ll.5800 3 1 57 + 7 59.2 6.6 315 5.56 K1pe+A6* 3 12 26.4 + 6 39 39 19926 111044 Ll.5937 3 5 48 + 6 11.4 6.1 316 94 5.06 F8V 3 12 46.4 - 1 11 46 19994 130355 Ll.1079* 3 6 23 - 1 39.9 5.3 317 7.0 A3 3 17 09.0 + 6 48 00 20402 111096 Ll.6079 3 10 29 + 6 20.4 * 7.39 F8 3 17 26.4 + 7 39 22 20430 111104 Ll.6084 3 10 44 + 7 11.7* 7.1# * 7.76 G0 3 17 32.8 + 7 41 25 20439 111105 Ll.6087 3 10 50 + 7 13.8 7.3# 318 95 5.37 K1IV 3 18 22.4 - 0 55 49 20559 130408 Ll.6117 3 11 58 - 1 23.2 5.7 319 96 Kappa 4.83v? G5Vvar 3 19 21.7 + 3 22 13 20630 111120 Ll.6136 3 12 48 + 2 54.6 5.1 320 7.3 K0 3 19 44.9 + 1 11 56 20672 111127 Ll.6157 3 13 18 + 0 44.6 7.0 321 97 5.69 G8.5III 3 21 06.8 + 3 40 33 20791 111142 Ll.6192 3 14 34 + 3 13.5 6.2 15 Declination corrected from -16 8.9. 22 The variable star designation AD was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 25 The variable star designation AE was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 36 The letter T was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 43 Declination corrected from -21 1.1. Following 50 the star HD2761=SAO147318 is connected with a brace to 50 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 65 Right ascension corrected from 0 34 17. Declination corrected from - 5 1.9. Following 69 the star HD4120=SAO128920 is connected with a brace to 69 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number. Preceding 82 the star HD4747=SAO166607 is connected with a brace to 82 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 96 Declination corrected from - 2 27.5. Between 97 and 98 the stars HD5616=SAO147538 and HD5659=SAO147543 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or being assigned numbers. 118 Declination corrected from - 8 36.0. 124 Spectrum G5III-IV+A5V 129 Right ascension corrected from 1 14 25. 145 Spectrum Delta Del 162 In the Uranometria Argentina as orginially published this star showed no designation from an earlier catalog, right ascension 1 26 35, declination -19 37.2, magnitude 6.3, all of which have been corrected. The star HD9337=SAO147862 has been added, connected with a brace to 162 with combined magnitude 6.3 and without being assigning a number; this star was not included in the original Uranometria Argentina. 174 Declination corrected from -11 56.1. 175 Right ascension corrected from 1 37 24. 178 Right ascension corrected from 1 38 23. 198 The variable star designation AR was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 198 the star HD12328=SAO129630 is connected with a brace to 198 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 208 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Declination corrected from - 9 11.1. 219 Declination corrected from -10 37.9. Following 222 the star HD13568=SAO148270 is connected with a brace to 222 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 230 Right ascension corrected from 2 10 4. 233 Spectrum M5.5e+Bep 244 Declination corrected from - 4 28.5. 254 Spectrum K1III+(F9V) 256 Spectrum A7III-IVs 257, 258 These stars are connected by a brace without a combined magnitude. 282 Gould does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 291, 292 For the double star Gamma Ceti the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. The fainter member of this pair does not have individual HD or SAO numbers. 298 This star was assigned by Gould to Cetus and now lies in Eridanus. Following 312 the star HD19019=SAO110937 is connected with a brace to 312 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 315 Spectrum K1IIIpe+A6V 316 The designation Ll.1079 from an earlier catalog is clearly incorrect, being far out of right ascension sequence of the Lalande catalog, but it would require perusal of this catalog to make the correction. Between 317 and 318 the stars HD20430=SAO111104 and HD20439=SAO111105 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 but without having numbers assigned to either. For HD20430=SAO111104 the right ascension is corrected from + 7 13.7. 4. - CHAMAELEON G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.72 M0III 7 36 04.0 -77 38 01 62689 256431 L.3066 7 41 5 -77 20.6 7.0 r 2 6.6 A4V 7 40 19.6 -78 23 13 63670 256440 L.3107 7 41 1 -78 5.2 6.9 3 6.7 ApSrCrEu 7 47 31.0 -81 35 47 65836 258485 L.3238 7 57 26 -81 16.1 6.8 4 Alpha 4.07 F5III 8 18 31.8 -76 55 11 71243 256496 L.3400, J.197 8 21 43 -76 31.4 4.2 5 Theta 4.35 K0III-IV 8 20 38.5 -77 29 04 71701 256503 L.3435, J.200 8 24 21 -77 4.8 4.7 6 5.69 G8III 8 24 20.0 -80 54 51 72922 258496 L.3537 8 31 40 -80 30.2 6.2 7 6.7 D Del* 8 34 24.4 -82 34 00 75001 258500 L.3653 8 43 58 -82 7.4 6.9 8 Eta 5.47 B9IV 8 41 19.5 -78 57 48 75416 256543 L.3623, J.208 8 45 31 -78 30.5 5.6# 9 RS* 6.11v A7V 8 43 12.5 -79 04 11 75747 256549 L.3644, J.209 8 47 25 -78 37.7 6.7# 10 6.86 A1V 8 45 38.8 -77 04 31 75893 256551 L.3632 8 48 7 -76 36.6 7.0 11 5.79 K5III 8 45 55.4 -79 30 15 76236 256552 L.3669 8 50 27 -79 2.4 6.4 r 12 6.14 K1III 9 12 13.8 -76 39 45 80194 256594 L.3817 9 13 27 -76 8.5 6.7 13 Iota 5.36 F3/F5IV 9 24 09.3 -80 47 13 82554 258530 L.3981 9 28 15 -80 14.8 5.8 14 Zeta 5.10v B5V 9 33 53.4 -80 56 29 83979 258538 L.4048 9 37 29 -80 22.7 5.5 15 6.6 K0III 9 38 20.7 -81 42 33 84698 258543 L.4080 9 42 34 -81 8.3 7.0 16 Nu 5.45 G8III 9 46 21.3 -76 46 34 85396 256658 L.4081 9 46 16 -76 11.6 6.1 17 6.7 F5V 9 48 21.3 -75 46 39 85643 256660 L.4086 9 47 53 -75 11.8 7.0 18 6.49 B8IV 9 51 00.9 -80 03 40 86320 256666 L.4139 9 52 47 -79 28.3 6.8 19 Mu 5.52 A0IV 10 00 43.7 -82 12 52 87971 258554 L.4232 10 3 59 -81 36.6 6.0 20 6.60v? G6/G8III 10 04 07.7 -81 33 56 88351 258561 L.4246 10 6 27 -80 57.4 7.0 21 6.6 K0/K1III 10 18 12.1 -82 54 38 90317 258569 L.4346 10 20 49 -82 16.8 7.0 22 6.30 K2III 10 35 24.7 -76 18 32 92209 256730 L.4411 10 33 6 -75 39.7 6.8 23 Gamma 4.11v? M0III 10 35 28.1 -78 36 28 92305 256731 L.4428, J.245 10 33 58 -77 57.6 4.4 24 5.97 B5IV 10 41 51.4 -79 47 00 93237 256745 L.4489 10 40 31 -79 7.7 6.5 25 Delta1 5.47 K0III 10 45 15.8 -80 28 11 93779 258592 L.4509 10 44 3* -79 48.6 6.2# 26 Delta2 4.40 B8/B9V 10 45 46.8 -80 32 25 93845 258593 L.4513, J.251 10 44 35 -79 52.9 4.9# 27 6.6 B8III 10 51 30.1 -75 52 58 94454 256765 L.4528 10 48 22 -75 13.1 6.9 28 6.33 K2II/III 10 52 27.7 -79 33 34 94717 256768 L.4544 10 50 24 -78 53.7 6.9 29 6.71 F7IV 10 59 13.4 -81 33 22 95788 258599 L.4605 10 57 44 -80 53.2 7.0 30 6.36 A8III(m) 11 18 34.4 -79 40 09 98617 256823 L.4729 11 14 55 -78 59.0 6.6 31 6.44 A5III/IV 11 21 57.3 -77 36 30 99015 256832 L.4742 11 17 45 -76 55.3 6.7 32 Pi 5.65 F1III 11 37 15.6 -75 53 48 101132 256857 L.4831 11 32 7 -75 12.3 6.2 33 6.33 K0III 11 41 02.6 -83 05 59 101782 258621 L.4873 11 36 42 -82 24.4 6.7 34 6.39 K0III/IV 11 42 55.6 -79 18 23 101917 256865 L.4874 11 37 39 -78 36.7 6.8 35 6.7 B9IV 11 43 37.4 -80 29 00 102065 258622 L.4880 11 38 34 -79 47.3 6.8 36 6.72 A7V 11 58 35.6 -77 49 35 104036 256892 B.3855 11 52 28 -77 7.7 6.7 r 37 Epsilon 4.91 B9Vn 11 59 37.4 -78 13 19 104174 256894 L.4974, J.268 11 53 27 -77 31.5 5.0# * 6.5 B/Ape 12 00 04.8 -78 11 32 104237 256895 L.4975 11 53 53 -77 29.8 7.1# 38 Kappa 5.04 K4III 12 04 46.6 -76 31 09 104902 256899 L.5004 11 58 20 -75 49.5 5.6 r 39 6.35 K2IIICN* 12 13 56.0 -78 34 25 106248 256915 L.5064 12 6 55 -77 52.7 6.9 40 Beta 4.30v? B5Vn 12 18 20.7 -79 18 44 106911 256924 L.5085, J.276 12 11 3 -78 37.1 4.6 41 7.0 A0V 12 32 18.2 -79 47 01 108913 256952 L.5171 12 24 6 -79 5.6 6.9 42 7.2 A4IV 12 49 31.9 -80 42 08 111111 258650 L.5266 12 39 57 -80 1.1 7.0 43 6.3 A0V 13 08 20.4 -78 26 45 113694 257011 L.5369 12 58 22 -77 46.5 6.6 44 5.86 F8Ib 13 14 17.6 -78 26 51 114533 257019 L.5406 13 3 58 -77 46.9 6.3 r 45 6.4 B9.5/A0V 13 18 48.5 -79 58 33 115088 257026 L.5424 13 7 37 -79 18.9 6.5 46 7.0 A7V 13 18 24.2 -78 49 23 115116 257025 L.5427 13 7 46 -78 9.7 7.0 47 6.6 K2III 13 32 11.1 -79 39 37 117076 257055 L.5516 13 20 21 -79 0.8 7.0 48 S* 6.48 F6V 13 33 15.0 -77 34 06 117360 257060 L.5541 13 22 27 -76 55.1 6.6 49 6.34 B8IV 13 39 11.9 -75 41 02 118285 257069 L.5577 13 28 34 -75 2.7 6.3 50 5.95 K2III:p* 13 55 39.6 -82 39 58 120213 258683 L.5633 13 39 52 -82 2.7 6.6 7 Spectrum Fm Delta Del. 8, 9 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 9 The variable star designation RS was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 25 Right ascension corrected from 15 44 3. 25, 26 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.5. Following 37 the star HD104237=SAO256895 is connected with a brace to 37 with combined magnitude 4.9 but without being assigned a number. 39 Spectrum K2/3IIICNII 48 The variable star designation S was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 50 Spectrum K2/K3III:p 12. - CIRCINUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.75 K5/M0III 13 51 47.5 -69 24 05 120404 252481 L.5678 13 42 6 -68 46.7 6.4 2 5.71 K2III 13 54 49.0 -67 39 09 120913 252511 L.5696 13 45 21 -67 2.0 6.6 3 6.20 K0III 13 58 31.3 -65 48 03 121557 252534 L.5740 13 49 13 -65 11.2 6.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 10 4 5.97 F0V 14 00 52.3 -66 16 08 121932 252554 L.5761 13 51 29 -65 39.6 6.4 5 6.05 K4II 14 10 30.7 -70 18 18 123377 257119 L.5804 14 0 8 -69 42.6 6.7 6 6.08 A6IV 14 11 02.0 -69 43 11 123492 252636 L.5811 14 0 46 -69 7.5 6.4 7 6.71 B5V 14 14 39.3 -65 42 07 124197 252661 L.5836 14 5 0 -65 6.8 6.8 8 5.75 B1.5III 14 16 38.7 -66 35 17 124471 252678 L.5846 14 6 48 -66 0.2 6.2 9 6.76v A2p 14 23 32.0 -66 38 42 125630 252725 R.371* 14 13 31 -66 4.3 6.9 10 5.61 A3Ib 14 25 06.3 -68 11 43 125835 252735 L.5890 14 14 46 -67 37.5 6.0 11 6.38 A1V 14 25 39.6 -66 10 24 125990 252737 L.5899 14 15 42 -65 36.2 6.7 12 6.5 A1III 14 27 11.1 -66 34 07 126226 252746 * 14 17 6 -66 0.0 6.9 13 5.85 K3III 14 27 07.1 -65 49 18 126241 252745 L.5908 14 17 10 -65 15.3 6.6 14 5.83 K1III 14 31 16.6 -67 43 03 126862 252767 B.4918* 14 20 52 -67 9.3 6.3 15 6.04 F7V 14 37 46.0 -67 55 55 128020 252824 L.5976 14 27 19 -67 22.5 6.5 16 6.76 B3Vne 14 39 31.8 -68 12 14 128293 252835 L.5986 14 28 51 -67 39.5 7.0 17 Alpha 3.19 Ap* 14 42 30.4 -64 58 31 128898 252853 L.6012 14 32 26 -64 25.7 3.5 dpl. 3 1/2, 8 1/2 18 6.22 F4V 14 41 55.7 -58 36 58 128917 241912 L.6021 14 32 40 -58 4.6 6.6 * 6.41 B3IV 14 43 27.9 -62 58 01 129092 252860 L.6025 14 33 38 -62 25.8 7.1# 19 5.35 A7Vn 14 45 17.4 -62 52 33 129422 252869 L.6039 14 35 24 -62 20.4 6.0# 20 6.11 K0III 14 44 55.6 -58 28 40 129462 241966 B.5021 14 35 39 -57 56.6 6.4 21 6.10v B2III 14 45 11.0 -55 36 07 129557 241971 L.6057 14 36 11 -55 4.2 6 1/2# * 7.51 K2III 14 45 18.9 -55 36 24 129578 241972 B.5026* 14 36 18 -55 4.4 7 1/2# 22 5.90 B2.5V 14 48 44.4 -66 35 38 129954 252894 L.6059 14 38 11 -66 4.0 6.1 23 6.50 B2V 14 49 37.2 -68 56 08 130021 252900 L.6058 14 38 32 -68 24.6 7.7 24 6.63 K3+B/A* 14 49 14.9 -59 24 28 130205 242025 L.6078 14 39 47 -58 53.0 6.9# * 8.4 G5 14 49 25.3 -59 26 48 130246 242030 L.6079 14 39 57 -58 55.3 7.7# r 25 6.23v? K3III 14 49 07.1 -56 40 04 130227 242026 L.6082 14 39 59 -56 8.3 6.7 var? 26 5.87v F8II+B8V 14 52 35.1 -63 48 36 130701 252928 L.6095 14 42 37 -63 17.5 6.4 r 27 6.6 B5V 14 54 54.1 -69 51 40 130942 252948 L.6093 14 43 28 -69 20.7 6.7 28 Zeta 6.09 B3Vn 14 54 42.5 -65 59 30 131058 252951 L.6106 14 44 9 -65 28.6 6.5 29 5.20 K1III 14 55 34.5 -60 06 50 131342 242111 L.6119 14 45 58 -59 35.9 5.9 r 30 6.38 B5V 14 56 38.3 -62 21 54 131491 252964 L.6123 14 46 40 -61 51.2 6.8 31 Theta 5.11v B4Vnp 14 56 44.0 -62 46 51 131492 252965 L.6122 14 46 41 -62 16.2 5.8 32 6.7v A9IV/V* 15 01 02.5 -64 34 34 132209 252990 L.6147 14 50 37 -64 4.3 6.9 33 Eta 5.17 G8III 15 04 48.2 -64 01 54 132905 253005 L.6181 14 54 23 -63 32.3 5.9 34* 6.17v? K3III 15 07 56.9 -65 16 32 133456 253024 L.6192 14 57 16 -64 47.3 6.8 35 6.51 F2III 15 07 55.8 -61 07 45 133557 253025 L.6200 14 57 57 -60 38.5 6.8 36 6.8 B3V 15 08 45.6 -61 38 03 133699 253028 L.6206 14 58 41 -61 8.9 7.0 37 6.28 ApSrCrEu 15 09 25.6 -63 38 34 133792 253034 L.6207 14 59 2 -63 9.5 6.8 38 6.30 G3IV 15 10 44.7 -61 25 21 134060 253043 L.6223 15 0 44 -60 56.5 6.8 39 6.32 K4Ib 15 13 01.0 -61 44 38 134468 253059 L.6238 15 2 52 -61 16.1 6.8 r 40 6.36 B5III 15 13 59.2 -61 20 34 134657 253064 L.6241 15 3 53 -60 52.2 6.6 41 5.73 B0.5V 15 16 36.5 -60 54 15 135160 253082 L.6259 15 6 32 -60 26.2 6.3# 42 Delta 5.10v? O8.5V 15 16 56.8 -60 57 27 135240 253084 L.6262 15 6 52 -60 29.4 5.6# 43 Epsilon 4.86 K2.5III 15 17 38.9 -63 36 38 135291 253088 L.6260 15 7 7 -63 8.7 5.5 44 Beta 4.07 A3V 15 17 30.8 -58 48 04 135379 242384 L.6266, J.354 15 7 45 -58 19.9 4.7 45 5.46 O7I 15 18 48.9 -60 29 47 135591 253101 L.6272 15 8 46 -60 2.1 5.9 46 5.64 F7V 15 23 10.5 -60 39 25 136359 253136 L.6309 15 13 4 -60 12.2 6.1 47 Gamma 4.51 F/G+B* 15 23 22.7 -59 19 15 136415 242463 L.6312 15 13 26 -58 52.1 5.2 48 6.7 A8V 15 29 33.0 -58 21 06 137583 242593 L.6370 15 19 40 -57 54.8* 7.0 dpl. 9 Designation from an earlier catalog is omitted from the original published Uranometria Argentina. 12 Gould does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 14 Designation from an earlier catalog is corrected from B.4916. 17 Spectrum ApSiEuCr: Preceding 19 the star HD129092=SAO252860 is connected with a brace to 19 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 21 the star HD129578=SAO241972 is connected with a brace to 21 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. Designation from an earlier catalog is corrected from B.5027. 24 Spectrum K3/K4III+B/A Following 24 the star HD130246=SAO242030 is connected with a brace to 24 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 32 Spectrum A9/F0IV/V 34 This star was assigned by Gould to Circinus but now lies in Triangulum Australe. 41, 42 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.4. 47 Spectrum F7/G0+B3/4V 48 Declination corrected from -57 54.6. 34. - COLUMBA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.52 K1III 5 08 14.8 -35 43 06 33377 195581 L.1731 5 3 48 -35 52.9 6.9 2 6.71 G3V 5 08 29.9 -41 12 50 33473 217198 L.1737 5 4 30 -41 23.1 6.9 dpl. 9, 7 3 7.0 F3/F5V 5 11 30.2 -30 13 31 33807 195631 L.1747 5 6 41 -30 22.8 7.0 4 6.57 M1III 5 11 35.9 -37 23 43 33872 195639 L.1754 5 7 17 -37 32.9 6.8 r 5 7.0 K4/K5III 5 12 51.7 -27 10 38 33980 170194 L.1753 5 7 53 -27 19.7* 6.7 dpl. 7, 7 3/4 * 7.4 AV+(F/G) 5 13 32.8 -31 54 17 34088 195662 L.1759 5 8 51 -32 3.1 7.0 dpl. 7 1/4, 8 * 6.98 K4III 5 13 46.5 -35 49 33 34167 195669 L.1767 5 9 20 -35 58.2 7.3# 6 5.76 G8III 5 14 28.8 -35 58 38 34266 195683 L.1773 5 10 4 -36 7.3 6.1# 7 7.1 A4II 5 15 10.6 -28 20 07 34295 170235 L.1770 5 10 15 -28 28.7 7.0 8 6.8 K1II 5 15 08.8 -36 39 10 34358 195689 L.1780 5 10 47 -36 47.7 6.8 dpl. 9, 6 3/4 9 6.66 A2III/IV 5 15 47.0 -34 55 36 34435 195694 L.1783 5 11 18 -35 4.1 6.9 10 6.97 K0III 5 16 23.8 -33 32 16 34496 195705 L.1786 5 11 49 -33 40.5 7.0 11 Omicron 4.83 K0/K1IV* 5 17 29.1 -34 53 43 34642 195721 L.1793 5 12 58 -35 1.1 5.1 12 5.95 A0V 5 19 23.7 -27 22 08 34868 170311 L.1796 5 14 26 -27 29.9 6.1 13 6.34 F0/F2IV 5 20 20.6 -34 41 56 35046 195763 L.1809 5 15 51 -34 49.5 6.7 r 14 6.11 B5II/III 5 21 16.9 -34 20 43 35165 195770 L.1813 5 16 45 -34 28.2 6.4 15 5.71v M1III 5 23 23.9 -39 40 43 35515 195807 L.1834 5 19 17 -39 47.7 6.2 16 7.0 K0III 5 26 01.1 -32 12 34 35811 195848 L.1840 5 21 21 -32 19.1 7.0 17 7.1 G8III 5 27 14.5 -34 36 51 36038 195868 * 5 22 45 -34 43.2 7.0 18 5.82 A7m 5 27 05.3 -40 56 37 36060 217340 L.1862 5 23 5 -41 3.1 6.1 19 6.9 G8III 5 27 50.5 -32 25 03 36094 195875 L.1855 5 23 12 -32 31.2 7.0 20 5.57 A0V 5 28 15.3 -37 13 50 36187 195887 L.1868 5 23 57 -37 20.1 5.9 21 6.75 K0III: 5 29 06.8 -30 07 00 36255 195898 L.1867 5 24 19 -30 13.1 6.9 22 Epsilon 3.87 K1II/III 5 31 12.8 -35 28 14 36597 195924 L.1883, J.124 5 26 46 -35 33.8 4.1 23 6.9 A8III 5 31 10.2 -42 17 59 36648 217374 L.1889 5 27 17 -42 23.7 6.7 dpl. 7, 7 3/4 24 5.48 K2/K3III 5 32 51.3 -38 30 47 36848 195948 L.1895 5 28 39 -38 36.1 5.8 25 5.78v? K0III 5 33 07.3 -35 08 23 36874 195952 L.1890 5 28 39 -35 13.6 6.4 r. var? 26 7.0 A3V+F/G* 5 33 16.1 -34 18 13 36888 195955 L.1892 5 28 45 -34 23.5 6.9 27 6.53 A0IV 5 33 52.1 -29 50 56 36965 170561 L.1891 5 29 3 -29 56.1 6.6 28 5.78 K0III 5 35 15.4 -33 04 48 37192 195986 L.1902 5 30 40 -33 9.9 6.0 r 29 6.8v? F6V 5 35 26.9 -33 16 10 37224 195992 L.1904 5 30 52 -33 21.2 6.8 30 6.27 A2III-IV 5 36 10.3 -28 42 28 37286 170587 L.1905 5 31 17 -28 47.2 6.5 31 6.8 K2/K3III 5 36 36.3 -35 03 43 37377 196012 L.1914 5 32 9 -35 8.4 7.0 32 Nu1 6.16 F0IV 5 37 16.5 -27 52 17 37430 170601 L.1911 5 32 20 -27 56.7 6.4 33 7.1 F3V 5 37 39.4 -28 37 34 37484 170610 T.2086 5 32 46 -28 42.1 6.9# 34 Nu2 5.31 F5V 5 37 44.6 -28 41 22 37495 170613 L.1915 5 32 52 -28 46.0 5.3# 35 6.53 K4/K5III 5 38 06.9 -27 12 39 37530 170618 L.1918 5 33 8 -27 17.1 6.8 36 6.6 K1/K2III 5 37 48.1 -34 41 23 37549 196033 L.1924 5 33 19 -34 45.8 7.0 37 5.82 B8V 5 38 43.5 -40 42 27 37717 217450 L.1941 5 34 43 -40 46.7 5.7 38 Alpha 2.60v? B7IV 5 39 38.9 -34 04 27 37795 196059 L.1938, J.133 5 35 7 -34 8.5 2.5 39 5.45 G6/G8III 5 39 49.8 -32 37 45 37811 196061 L.1936 5 35 13 -32 41.8 5.9 40 6.36 B9.5V 5 41 27.0 -33 24 02 38056 196088 L.1955 5 36 53 -33 27.8 6.6 41 6.19 A0V 5 42 11.5 -30 32 07 38138 196096 L.1962 5 37 26 -30 35.8 6.4 42 5.29 B9/B9.5V 5 42 15.1 -34 40 04 38170 196098 L.1964 5 37 46 -34 43.8 5.7 43 6.25 F3V 5 43 30.1 -39 24 25 38385 196116 L.1973 5 39 23 -39 27.8 6.6 44 6.8 F3/F5III 5 45 13.1 -31 40 10 38536 196136 L.1977 5 40 32 -31 43.3 6.8 45 Mu 5.20v? B1IV/V 5 45 59.9 -32 18 23 38666 196149 L.1982, J.136 5 41 21 -32 21.3 5.4 46 6.23 B5III 5 47 04.7 -28 38 21 38804 170836 L.1990 5 42 12 -28 41.1 6.2 47 6.8 A3V 5 46 42.0 -36 13 54 38805 196159 L.1992 5 42 20 -36 16.7 7.0 48 6.32 K1III 5 47 18.6 -35 40 29 38885 196171 L.1993 5 42 55 -35 43.3 6.7 49 6.61 K1III 5 47 58.1 -40 39 09 39040 217543 L.2008 5 43 57 -40 41.8 6.8 * 7.5 G8III 5 48 51.3 -32 25 38 39086 196200 * 5 44 14 -32 28.0 7.3# 50 6.8 K4III 5 49 07.4 -32 30 14 39148 196206 * 5 44 30 -32 32.6 6.9# 51 6.4 K0III 5 49 54.2 -30 37 15 39241 196219 L.2011 5 45 9 -30 39.5 6.8 52 6.7 A1V 5 50 09.1 -32 48 32 39294 196225 L.2015 5 45 33 -32 50.7 6.9 53 Beta 3.12 K1.5III 5 50 57.6 -35 46 06 39425 196240 L.2029, J.140 5 46 33 -35 49.0 2.9 54 6.45 K3III 5 51 59.6 -29 26 55 39543 170945 L.2033 5 47 10 -29 28.8 6.7 55 5.63 K1III 5 52 33.2 -37 37 52 39720 196266 L.2041 5 48 18 -37 39.5 6.2 56 6.5 G6/G8III 5 52 49.0 -34 33 39 39718 196270 * 5 48 20 -34 35.3 7.0 57 Lambda 4.90v? B5V 5 53 06.9 -33 48 05 39764 196276 L.2044 5 48 35 -33 49.8 5.2 58 6.36 F3V 5 54 14.1 -29 08 52 39891 170993 L.2047 5 49 23 -29 10.2 6.4 59 6.55 K3III 5 53 22.9 -42 55 17 39901 217599 L.2058 5 49 34 -42 56.9 7.0 60 5.57 M0III 5 54 52.5 -39 57 29 40091 196309 L.2067 5 50 49 -39 58.8 5.8 61 Xi 4.97 K1IIICN* 5 55 29.9 -37 07 15 40176 196316 L.2069 5 51 12 -37 8.4 5.4 62 6.6 B8/B9V 5 55 58.9 -31 31 55 40195 196322 L.2065 5 51 17 -31 33.1 6.8# 63 Sigma 5.50 F2III 5 56 21.0 -31 22 57 40248 196330 L.2070 5 51 39 -31 24.0 5.6# 64 6.44 G8III 5 56 49.0 -31 58 34 40359 196335 L.2075 5 52 9 -31 59.6 6.7 65 Gamma 4.36 B2.5IV 5 57 32.2 -35 17 00 40494 196352 L.2084, J.143 5 53 6 -35 17.9 4.5 66 Eta 3.96 K0III 5 59 08.8 -42 48 55 40808 217650 L.2099, J.144 5 55 19 -42 49.4 4.0 rr 67 5.55 K5III 6 01 16.4 -33 54 42 41047 196413 L.2108 5 56 45 -33 54.8 5.9 r 68 6.5 v B9IIIp* 6 00 50.9 -42 52 14 41089 217668 G.203 5 57 2 -42 52.5 7.0 69 6.9 G8IV 6 02 06.2 -38 59 23 41245 196432 L.2118 5 57 57 -38 59.5 6.9 70 7.0 A4V 6 03 03.1 -37 32 51 41393 196443 L.2120 5 58 47 -37 32.7 7.0 71 7.0 B9.5V 6 03 08.3 -36 52 24 41392 196445 L.2121 5 58 50 -36 52.2 6.9 72 5.65 B2V 6 04 20.3 -32 10 20 41534 196459 L.2124 5 59 42 -32 10.2 5.8 73 5.82 A0V 6 05 27.1 -35 30 49 41759 196483 L.2132 6 1 2 -35 30.3 6.2 74 5.81 A1V 6 06 05.5 -29 45 31 41843 171231 L.2130 6 1 17 -29 44.8 5.9 75 6.6 F5IV 6 06 05.6 -33 13 10 41863 196490 L.2135 6 1 31 -33 12.5 6.9 76 5.83v? B4Vnn 6 07 03.6 -34 18 43 42054 196503 L.2142 6 2 34 -34 17.8 6.1 77 6.8 A0/A1V 6 06 39.5 -41 13 12 42058 217719 L.2148 6 2 42 -41 12.3 7.0 78 Pi1 6.12 Am 6 06 41.0 -42 17 55 42078 217720 L.2154 6 2 49 -42 17.1 6.8 * 7.3 G9III:* 6 07 18.8 -37 12 01 42138 196510 L.2149 6 3 2 -37 11.0 7.8# 79 Theta 5.00 B8:IV 6 07 31.6 -37 15 10 42167 196514 L.2153, J.146 6 3 15 -37 14.2 5.3# 80 Pi2 5.50 A0V 6 07 52.9 -42 09 14 42303 217730 L.2164 6 4 0 -42 8.1 5.8 r 81 6.6 G6+F/G* 6 10 32.0 -34 49 00 42698 196559 L.2178 6 6 4 -34 47.5 6.9 82 5.58v? M2II/III 6 10 10.3 -40 21 13 42682 217753 L.2182 6 6 8 -40 19.9 6.0 83 6.89 B3Vn 6 12 29.1 -36 33 51 43071 196585 L.2194 6 8 9 -36 32.0 6.8 84 Kappa 4.37v? G8II 6 16 33.1 -35 08 26 43785 196643 L.2213, J.148 6 12 6 -35 6.0 4.8 85 6.00 A2V(m) 6 16 35.6 -39 15 52 43847 196646 L.2214 6 12 28 -39 13.2 6.4 86 5.53 K2III 6 17 01.2 -37 44 15 43899 196653 L.2217 6 12 46 -37 41.7 5.8 87 5.88 A3V 6 17 09.5 -37 15 11 43940 196659 L.2218 6 12 52 -37 12.4 6.4 88 5.78 B9V 6 19 41.0 -34 23 48 44323 196686 L.2228 6 15 11 -34 20.6 6.3 89 6.7 K2/K3III 6 19 47.9 -39 29 12 44404 196693 L.2233 6 15 41 -39 26.0 7.0# * 8.1 G5 6 19 51.7 -39 28 48 44403 196696 * 6 15 44 -39 25.5 7 3/4# 90 5.50 B3V 6 20 36.2 -34 08 39 44506 196707 L.2234 6 16 5 -34 5.3 6.0 91 Delta 3.85 G7II 6 22 06.8 -33 26 11 44762 196735 L.2244, J.151 6 17 33 -33 22.5 3.9 92 6.49 ApSi 6 23 13.1 -34 59 48 44979 196761 L.2259 6 18 45 -34 56.0 6.8 93 5.62 G6III 6 24 00.9 -36 42 28 45145 196774 L.2265, B.1229 6 19 41 -36 38.6 6.6# 94 6.9 G6/G8III 6 24 06.0 -36 42 10 45158 196776 B.1230 6 19 46 -36 38.2 7.0# 95 6.67 G5V 6 24 24.3 -42 50 52 45289 217907 G.272 6 20 35 -42 48.4 7.0 96 6.32 B9V 6 24 44.5 -40 17 02 45306 217910 L.2276 6 20 41 -40 12.9 6.5 97 6.25 K3III 6 25 29.9 -35 03 50 45383 196805 L.2274 6 21 2 -34 59.5 6 3/4# * 7.1 A4V 6 25 37.9 -35 02 18 45424 196808 * 6 21 10 -34 58.1 8 # dpl. 10, 8 98 6.48 F3V 6 27 07.5 -37 53 44 45680 196842 L.2293 6 22 53 -37 49.3 6.8 99 6.31 F2/F3V 6 28 42.3 -41 04 28 45983 217951 L.2307 6 24 42 -40 59.7 6.5 100 6.68 B3IV 6 30 40.7 -40 26 54 46288 217981 L.2320 6 26 38 -40 21.7 6.6 101 5.84 G8+A3/5* 6 31 13.0 -35 15 33 46349 196897 L.2319 6 26 46 -35 10.3 6.5 102 6.20 K3III 6 30 59.8 -40 54 59 46365 217986 L.2326 6 27 0 -40 49.7 6.6 103 6.34v M2/M3III 6 31 34.9 -36 56 26 46431 196906 L.2324 6 27 15 -36 51.2 6.9 104 5.24 G8III 6 32 21.3 -37 41 48 46568 196917 L.2334 6 28 4 -37 36.1 5.8 105 6.44 G8III 6 33 10.3 -38 37 31 46727 196930 L.2338 6 28 58 -38 31.8 6.9 106 5.42 K3III 6 33 49.4 -36 13 56 46815 196945 L.2341 6 29 26 -36 8.4 5.9 107 6.7 A4V 6 34 43.4 -34 00 33 46973 196959 L.2350 6 30 11 -33 54.7 7.0 108 5.59 A0V 6 35 24.1 -36 46 48 47144 196978 L.2359 6 31 4 -36 40.8 6.1 dpl. 9 1/2, 6 * 7.1 A1V 6 35 33.8 -36 15 32 47168 196982 L.2360 6 31 11 -36 9.4 7.5# 109 6.35 F6V 6 35 54.0 -36 05 20 47230 196987 L.2365 6 31 31 -35 59.0 6.9# * 7.2 G2/G3V: 6 36 12.7 -36 08 21 47283 196990 L.2367 6 31 50 -36 1.9 7.7# 110 6.04 K0III 6 37 01.9 -38 08 48 47463 197011 T.2605 6 32 47 -38 2.5 6.5 r 111 6.34 K0II 6 36 51.3 -41 33 25 47475 218060 L.2379 6 32 53 -41 27.1 6.8 112 5.71 B6IV 6 37 13.8 -36 59 26 47500 197014 L.2376 6 32 54 -36 53.1 6.3 5 Declination corrected from -27 20.7. Following 5 the star HD34088=SAO195662 is listed without being assigned a number. Preceding 6 the star HD34167=SAO195669 is connected with a brace to 6 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 11 Spectrum K0/K1III/IV 17 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 26 Spectrum A3V+(F/G) 33, 34 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 50 the star HD39086=SAO196200 is connected with a brace to 50 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 50 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 56 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 61 Spectrum K1IIICNII 62, 63 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 68 Spectrum B9III(pSrEuCr) Preceding 79 the star HD42138=SAO196510 is connected with a brace to 79 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum G8/K0III: 81 Spectrum G5/8III+F/G Following 89 the star HD44403=SAO196696 is connected with a brace to 89 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 93, 94 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.9. Following 97 the star HD45424=SAO196808 is connected with a brace to 97 with combined magnitude 6.6 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 101 Spectrum G8III+A3/5 Preceding 109 the star HD47168=SAO196982 and following 109 the star HD47283 =SAO196990 are both connected with a brace to 109 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 31. - CORONA AUSTRALIS G Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.02 A5V 18 06 49.9 -43 25 30 165189 228708 L.7550 17 57 48 -43 25.7 5.6 2 5.85 F0Vn 18 11 05.5 -41 21 32 166114 228778 L.7586 18 2 14 -41 22.7 6.2 3 5.47v B2.5III 18 13 12.6 -41 20 10 166596 228815 * 18 4 22 -41 21.8 5.9 4 5.46 G8/K0III 18 15 53.4 -44 12 25 167096 228854 L.7621 18 6 46 -44 14.5 5.9 5 6.30 B0.5Ia 18 18 40.0 -42 17 18 167756 228895 L.7644 18 9 44 -42 19.9 6.7 6 6.45 K2II 18 20 55.3 -37 29 15 168357 210017 L.7662 18 12 23 -37 32.3 6.9 7 5.10 K4/K5III 18 22 18.6 -38 39 25 168592 210048 L.7671 18 13 41 -38 42.6 5.6 r 8 5.20v? B2.5Vn 18 24 18.3 -44 06 37 168905 228982 L.7680 18 15 13 -44 10.1 5.7 9 5.64 A2mA2-F0 18 28 27.1 -38 59 44 169853 210197 L.7712 18 19 48 -39 4.0 6.0 10 6.36 G8III 18 29 12.9 -43 50 45 169943 229056 L.7711 18 20 9 -43 55.3 6.9 11 6.04 A3V 18 31 03.0 -41 54 49 170384 229080 L.7731 18 22 10 -41 59.6 6.3 12 5.72 K2III 18 31 56.2 -43 30 28 170521 229094 L.7737 18 22 55 -43 35.4 6.1 13 5.17 A3Vn 18 32 21.4 -39 42 14 170642 210277 L.7748 18 23 39 -39 47.2 5.6 14 6.22 F5V 18 33 00.5 -39 53 32 170773 210286 L.7754 18 24 17 -39 58.5 6.9 15 Theta 4.64 G5III 18 33 30.2 -42 18 45 170845 229111 L.7756, J.471 18 24 35 -42 24.0 5.1 16 Kappa1 6.32 A0III 18 33 23.2 -38 43 13 170867 210296 L.7758 18 24 46 -38 48.8 5.4 dpl. 6 1/4, 6 17 Kappa2 5.65 B9V 18 33 23.1 -38 43 35 170868 210295 * 18 5.37 M2III 18 39 35.0 -43 11 10 171967 229172 L.7790 18 30 36 -43 17.4 5.8 c 19 Lambda 5.13 A0/A1V 18 43 46.9 -38 19 25 172777 210501 L.7827 18 35 12 -38 26.4 5.4 20 5.43 * 18 44 57.1 -39 41 11 172991 210518 L.7829 18 36 16 -39 48.5 5 3/4# 21 6.7 F5/F6V 18 44 59.3 -39 45 01 172993 210520 L.7831 18 36 18 -39 52.0 7 # 22 7.50 G8II 18 45 58.2 -42 31 53 173182 229259 L.7836 18 37 3 -42 39.4 7.0# 23 6.92 F3V 18 46 03.5 -42 34 00 173183 229260 L.7837 18 37 8 -42 41.5 6.9# 24 Mu 5.24 G5/G6III 18 47 44.5 -40 24 22 173540 229285 L.7846 18 39 0 -40 32.2 5.5 25 Eta1 5.49 A2Vn 18 48 50.5 -43 40 48 173715 229299 L.7852 18 39 49 -43 48.8 5.7 26 Eta2 5.61 B9IV 18 49 35.0 -43 26 02 173861 229307 L.7859 18 40 35 -43 34.1 6.0 27 6.43d B5III 18 50 58.2 -41 03 45 174152 229318 L.7869 18 42 12 -41 12.2 6.8 dpl. 6 3/4, 8 28 6.5 K3III 18 52 11.6 -41 42 33 174407 229334 L.7881 18 43 22 -41 51.1 7.0 29 6.5 K1III 18 55 23.7 -37 23 13 175093 210716 L.7908 18 46 55 -37 32.4 6.9 30 5.36 G6III-IV 18 56 16.9 -42 42 38 175219 229383 L.7909 18 47 22 -42 52.3 5.8 r 31 5.38v B3V 18 56 40.5 -37 20 36 175362 210734 L.7916 18 48 12 -37 30.0 5.7 32 6.4 B9V 18 57 14.1 -43 55 01 175395 229397 L.7914 18 43 13 -44 4.5 6.6 33 6.31 A5IV/V 18 57 34.7 -39 49 24 175529 210754 L.7922 18 48 54 -39 59.1 6.6 34 Epsilon 4.87v2 F3IV/V 18 58 43.4 -37 06 26 175813 210781 L.7931 18 50 17 -37 16.1 5.5 c 35 6.49 B9.5V 18 59 11.1 -39 32 05 175855 210786 L.7932 18 50 33 -39 41.9 6.7 36 6.69 B7/B8V 19 01 03.2 -37 03 39 176269 210815 L.7947 18 52 36 -37 13.9 6.2# dpl. 7, 7 37 6.40 B9.5IV: 19 01 04.3 -37 03 43 176270 210816 * * 7.21v B9IV 19 01 38.9 -36 53 28 176386 210828 L.7955 18 53 13 -37 3.7 7.2# 38 6.23 A0V 19 02 08.7 -41 54 36 176425 229446 L.7950 18 53 18 -42 5.4 6.9 39 Zeta 4.80 A0Vn 19 03 06.8 -42 05 43 176638 229461 L.7958 18 54 16 -42 16.2 5.2 40 5.74 F2III/IV 19 03 17.7 -38 15 12 176723 210859 L.7962 18 54 46 -38 25.8 6.1 41 Gamma 4.26 G0+F7IV* 19 06 25.0 -37 03 44 177474 210928 L.7988, J.483 18 57 58 -37 14.4 4.6 42 6.16 G8V 19 06 52.5 -37 48 37 177565 210937 L.7990 18 58 25 -37 59.1 6.8 43 Delta 4.59 K1III 19 08 20.9 -40 29 48 177873 229513 L.7992, J.485 18 59 39 -40 41.3 5.0 c 44 Alpha 4.11 A0/A1V 19 09 28.3 -37 54 16 178253 210990 L.8002, J.487 19 0 58 -38 5.8 4.2 45 5.88 B5V 19 09 57.8 -41 53 33 178322 229531 L.7999 19 1 9* -42 5.3* 6.2 46 Beta 4.11 K0IICN* 19 10 01.7 -39 20 27 178345 211005 L.8007, J.488 19 1 26 -39 32.2 4.1 * 7.6 F5V 19 10 47.7 -38 54 34 178558 211014 L.8015 19 2 14 -39 6.5 8 # 47 6.34 B7II/III 19 11 01.8 -39 00 18 178628 211017 L.8016 19 2 28 -39 12.2 6.9# 48 6.57 F9Ib/II* 19 12 09.8 -37 34 58 178937 211037 L.8022 19 3 42 -37 47.2 7.0# * 7.2 B5V 19 12 34.4 -37 31 26 179029 211042 L.8025 19 4 7 -37 43.7 7.7# 49 5.92 G8III 19 14 39.6 -45 11 36 179433 229573 L.8029 19 5 34 -45 24.1 6.3 In the 19th century this constellation was often called Corona Austrina, and it is so listed in the Uranometria Argentina. When the IAU permanently fixed the constellation boundaries in 1930, the name became permanently assigned as Corona Australis. 3 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 16, 17 For the double star Kappa Coronae Australis the Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 20 Spectrum K1/2III+B9/A1V 20, 21 These stars are connected by a brace with combined magnitude 5.6. 22, 23 These stars are connected by a brace with combined magnitude 6.8. 36, 37 For this double star the Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Following 36, 37 the star HD176386=SAO210828 is connected by a brace to the blend of 36 and 37 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 41 Spectrum G0+F7IV-V 45 Right ascension corrected from 19 1 14 and declination corrected from -42 5.7. 46 Spectrum K0II/IIICNIb Preceding 47 the star HD178558=SAO211014 is connected by a brace to 47 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 48 Spectrum F8/G0Ib/II Following 48 the star HD179029=SAO211042 is connected by a brace to 48 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigning a number. 49. - CORVUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.5 F8 11 56 56.1 -13 45 17 103753 157003 Ll.22502 11 50 32 -13 3.0 6.7 2 7.1 F5 11 56 55.9 -12 06 28 103774 157002 Ll.22053 11 50 34 -11 24.6 7.0 3 6.28 K0IV 12 00 42.5 -21 50 14 104307 180374 Ll.22586 11 54 19 -21 8.5 6.5 4 5.30 B1.5V 12 00 51.2 -19 39 32 104337 157042 By.1619,L1.22591 11 54 27 -18 57.7 5.5 5 6.7 F0 12 06 47.3 -12 14 27 105205 157086 Ll.22734 12 0 24 -11 32.8 6.6 6 6.9 F8 12 07 01.5 -23 45 59 105241 180479 Ll.22739 12 0 37 -23 4.4 6.9 7 7.0 K0 12 07 27.8 -18 11 25 105292 157091 Ll.22751 12 1 2 -17 29.7 7.0 8 6.6 G0 12 07 39.0 -23 58 33 105328 180488 Ll.22756 12 1 12 -23 16.1 6.9 9 1 Alpha 4.00 F2III-IV 12 08 24.8 -24 43 44 105452 180505 L.5035, J.271 12 1 58 -24 1.9 4.2 r 10 6.56v? G0 12 09 28.5 -11 51 26 105590 157111 Ll.22798 12 2 59 -11 9.2 6.6 dpl. 7, 8 3/4 11 6.6 F5 12 10 05.8 -17 32 16 105704 157120 Ll.22816 12 3 41 -16 50.3 6.7 12 2 Epsilon 3.00v? K2IIIvar 12 10 07.5 -22 37 11 105707 180531 Ll.22820, J.272 12 3 42 -21 55.5 3.3 var. 13 3 5.47 A2V 12 11 03.9 -23 36 08 105850 180546 Ll.22850 12 4 38 -22 54.4 5.8 14 6.9 G5 12 11 22.9 -16 47 28 105913 157133 Ll.22863 12 4 59 -16 5.6 6.8 15 5.83 G7III: 12 14 59.6 -20 50 39 106485 180602 Ll.22950 12 8 32 -20 9.0 6.2 16 7.0 K0 12 15 36.6 -20 31 45 106582 180614 Ll.22967 12 9 9 -19 50.1 7.0 17 6.54 F3V 12 15 46.8 -23 21 14 106612 180619 Ll.22971 12 9 19 -22 39.4 6.7 18 4 Gamma 2.59v? B8III 12 15 48.4 -17 32 31 106625 157176 J.275 12 9 23 -16 50.8 2.5 var. 19 6.07 A2IV 12 17 03.3 -16 41 38 106819 157184 Ll.23006 12 10 37 -15 59.9 6.2 20 6.8 B9 12 17 55.4 -24 00 48 106955 180662 Ll.23027 12 11 27 -23 19.1 7.0 21 5.97 G3IV 12 20 10.7 -22 10 32 107295 180695 By.,Ll.23099* 12 13 43 -21 28.8 6.4# 22 5 Zeta 5.22 B8Vn 12 20 33.7 -22 12 57 107348 180700 Ll.23114 12 14 5 -21 31.2 5.3# 23 5.14v? KIII 12 20 55.8 -13 33 56 107418 157226 Ll.23129 12 14 28 -12 52.3 5.7 24 6.6 K0 12 22 18.4 -15 33 17 107642 157240 Ll.23155 12 15 50 -14 51.6 6.9 25 6 5.68 K1III: 12 23 21.6 -24 50 26 107815 180747 L.5127 12 16 51 -24 8.8 6.0 26 6.45v M0 12 23 18.7 -11 48 44 107814 157253 Ll.23186 12 16 52 -11 7.1 6.8 27 6.35 G3III 12 27 49.4 -16 37 55 108477 157299 Ll.23294 12 21 20 -15 56.4 6.8 28 7 Delta 2.95v? B9V 12 29 51.9 -16 30 56 108767 157323 J.281 12 23 24 -15 49.1 3.0 var. 29 6.35 G0V 12 30 04.8 -13 23 35 108799 157326 Ll.23369 12 23 39 -12 41.9 6.6 30 5.63v? M0III 12 30 17.5 -23 41 48 108821 180850 T.5747 12 23 45 -23 0.3 6.2 var? 31 8 Eta 4.31v? F2III-IV 12 32 04.2 -16 11 46 109085 157345 J.284 12 25 40 -15 30.1 4.5 32 6.4 K2 12 32 32.6 -21 12 44 109132 180879 Ll.23441 12 26 2 -20 31.2 6.7 33 5.74 F2V 12 32 36.0 -13 51 33 109141 157350 Ll.23446 12 26 9 -13 9.9 5.9 34 6.26 F2V 12 33 22.4 -19 47 31 109238 157359 Ll.23461 12 26 51 -19 6.1 6.2 35 5.58 G8III 12 33 34.3 -12 49 49 109272 157361 Ll.23463 12 27 5 -12 8.6 5.8 36 9 Beta 2.65v? G5II 12 34 23.2 -23 23 48 109379 180915 J.285 12 27 49 -22 42.3 2.6 r var. 37 6.6 F2 12 35 42.7 -16 49 34 109557 157382 Ll.23536 12 29 13 -16 8.2 6.9 38 6.7 G5 12 35 33.1 -12 01 16 109545 157379 Ll.23531 12 29 4 -11 19.7 6.5# * 8.7 G0 12 35 44.1 -12 01 31 109556 157384 Ll.23538 12 29 16 -11 20.2 7.7# dpl. 8, 8 39 6.6 F0 12 35 52.7 -12 04 11 109584 157385 Ll.23545 12 29 29 -11 22.9 6.3# 40 6.20v F0III 12 35 58.6 -20 31 38 109585 180937 Ll.23543 12 29 25 -19 50.1 6.4 41 6.00 A6V: 12 38 44.6 -18 15 01 109931 157415 Ll.23617 12 32 13 -17 33.8 6.0 42 7.0 K0 12 40 36.1 -14 05 58 110198 157440 Ll.23659 12 34 6 -13 24.7 6.9 43 6.08 F3Vn 12 41 16.0 -13 00 49 110317 157447 Hev.8, Ll.23675 12 34 47 -12 19.8 5.7 dpl. 6 1/2, 6 1/2 44 6.0 F5V 12 41 16.2 -13 00 54 110318 157448 * 45 6.03 F3III 12 41 49.2 -19 45 31 110385 157451 Ll.23683 12 35 17 -19 4.4 6.2 46 7.0v? A0 12 43 32.9 -13 51 34 110616 157470 Ll.23726 12 37 2 -13 10.4 6.9 47 6.7 K0 12 43 47.8 -12 00 49 110662 157473 Ll.23733 12 37 17 -11 19.7 6.8 48 7.0 A5 12 43 56.0 -13 08 31 110682 157476 WB.610 12 37 25 -12 27.4 6.9 49 7.0 K0 12 45 52.6 -21 46 05 110952 181086 Ll.23783 12 39 16 -21 5.0 7.0 50 6.87 G5 12 46 30.8 -11 48 44 111031 157502 Ll.23806 12 40 3* -11 7.8 6.9 51 6.9 K2 12 49 45.7 -15 52 57 111500 157535 Ll.23901 12 43 11 -15 11.9 7.0 * 9.3 F0 12 53 58.7 -18 02 07 157579 Ll.24020 12 47 23 -17 21.3 8 # 52 6.80 A5III 12 54 00.3 -18 02 16 112074 157580 Ll.24021 12 47 24 -17 21.5 7 # 53 6.20 A0Vn 12 55 53.3 -15 19 38 112304 157599 Ll.24066 12 49 19 -14 39.0 6.4 21 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from Ll.23029. 21, 22 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 38 and 39 the star HD109556=SAO157384 is connected with a brace to both 38 and 39 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 43, 44 These constitute a double star with separation 6", combined magnitude 5.28. Although Gould recognized the duplicity and assigned separate numbers, he provides only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 50 Right ascension corrected from 12 40 4. Preceding 52 the star SAO157579 is connected with a brace to 52 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 48. - CRATER G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.38 K3IV 10 53 32.9 -15 26 44 94386 156302 Ll.20967 10 47 21 -14 46.8 6.8 2 5.66 G4III 10 54 17.8 -13 45 29 94481 156310 Ll.20978 10 48 5 -13 5.7 6.1 3 6.9 K0 10 58 56.7 -19 36 18 95145 156365 Ll.21100 10 52 48 -18 55.9 7.0 4 5.89 M2III 10 59 30.9 -16 21 14 95234 156372 Ll.21110 10 53 20 -15 41.0 6.4 r 5 7 Alpha 4.07 K0III 10 59 46.5 -18 17 56 95272 156375 Ll.21120, J.253 10 53 41* -17 38.0 4.4 r 6 5.88 K5III 11 00 11.6 -14 05 00 95314 156382 Ll.21126 10 53 59 -13 24.7 6.3 7 6.34 K0 11 00 57.2 -15 47 34 95441 156396 Ll.21150 10 54 45 -15 7.2 6.7 8 5.50 G7III 11 03 14.9 -11 18 13 95808 156421 Ll.21203 10 57 0 -10 37.4 5.7 r 9 6.34 G5 11 03 36.5 -13 26 04 95870 156427 Ll.21215 10 57 22 -12 45.7 6.6 10 6.5 A5 11 03 54.2 -19 39 01 95939 156431 Ll.21228 10 57 46 -18 58.6 6.7 11 6.10 F0Vn 11 05 34.0 -11 05 20 96220 156448 Ll.21257 10 59 17 -10 24.6 6.2 12 6.5 F2 11 06 41.4 -13 00 14 96400 156466 Ll.21294 11 0 27 -12 19.5 6.6 13 6.7 A0 11 08 57.0 -19 24 59 96838 156493 Ll.21348 11 2 46 -18 44.4 6.8 14 6.79 G0 11 10 13.4 - 7 23 23 97037 138023 Ll.21375 11 3 56 - 6 42.3 6.7 15 11 Beta 4.48 A2III 11 11 39.5 -22 49 33 97277 179624 J.256 11 5 31 -22 8.6 4.6 16 Psi* 6.13 A0V 11 12 30.4 -18 30 00 97411 156528 Ll.21445 11 6 18 -17 49.2 6.2 17 6.40 K0 11 12 34.6 -21 44 57 97428 179638 Ll.21449 11 6 25 -21 4.3 6.8 18 7.3 A2 11 13 41.1 -22 59 55 97590 179661 Ll.21477 11 7 32 -22 19.1 6.9 19 6.89 A0 11 15 17.6 -19 38 17 97864 156564 Ll.21511 11 9 6 -18 57.4 6.7 20 7.2 F2 11 15 42.8 -22 54 55 97940 179701 Ll.21524 11 9 34 -22 14.1 6.8 21 6.14v A8IVp* 11 16 58.1 - 7 08 06 98088 138106 Ll.21540 11 10 39 - 6 27.1 6.0 22 6.7 K0 11 18 36.7 -24 20 36 98346 179760 L.4693, Ll.21580 11 12 27 -23 39.5 6.9 23 12 Delta 3.56 G8III-IV 11 19 20.5 -14 46 43 98430 156605 J.258 11 13 6 -14 6.1 3.8 24 6.6 K0 11 20 31.3 -10 17 41 98591 156618 Ll.21618 11 14 14 - 9 36.6 6.9 25 6.8 A2 11 22 28.6 - 8 50 34 98853 138166 Ll.21665 11 16 9 - 8 9.5 6.9 26 13 Lambda 5.09 F5III 11 23 21.9 -18 46 48 98991 156646 Ll.21691 11 17 11 -18 5.5 5.4 27 14 Epsilon 4.83 K5III 11 24 36.5 -10 51 34 99167 156658 J.260 11 18 18 -10 10.4 5.5 28 15 Gamma 4.08 A5V 11 24 52.9 -17 41 02 99211 156661 J.261 11 18 39 -16 59.8 4.2 dpl. 4 1/4, 9 1/2 29 6.55v? M0 11 25 53.8 -13 45 03 99363 156672 Ll.21764 11 19 37 -13 3.9 7.0 30 6.7 A5 11 26 01.6 -20 34 57 99380 179872 Ll.21768 11 19 49 -19 53.6 6.6 31 6.7 A0 11 26 34.0 -21 21 24 99459 179887 Ll.21780 11 20 20 -20 40.2 6.8 32 16 Kappa 5.94 F4III-IV 11 27 09.5 -12 21 25 99564 156685 Ll.21796 11 20 52 -11 40.2 6.1 33 5.76 A0V 11 29 38.6 -24 27 48 99922 179935 L.4757 11 23 26 -23 46.5 5.9 dpl. 6, 8 1/4 34 6.24 F7IV 11 31 47.7 -20 46 34 100219 179964 Ll.21906 11 25 33 -20 5.4 6.4 35 5.95 K4III 11 32 47.5 - 7 49 39 100343 138265 Ll.21932 11 26 26 - 7 8.2 6.4 36 6.06 F9III 11 33 14.6 -16 16 50 100418 156750 Ll.21944 11 26 57 -15 35.3 6.3 37 7.1 K2 11 34 04.0 -16 02 44 100537 156754 Ll.21960 11 27 45 -15 21.3 7.0 38 21 Theta 4.69 B9.5vn 11 36 40.9 - 9 48 08 100889 138296 J.265 11 30 21 - 9 6.7 5.0 39 6.6 K0 11 36 59.9 -22 56 54 100949 180036 T.5321 11 30 45 -22 15.5 6.7 40 6.42 G5 11 39 00.3 -24 43 15 101259 180065 L.4823, Ll.22083 11 32 44 -24 1.2 6.5 41 24 Iota 5.48 F7V 11 38 40.1 -13 12 07 101198 156802 Ll.22077 11 32 19 -12 30.8* 5.8# * 6.7 K0 11 39 30.1 -13 11 03 101321 156815 Ll.22093 11 33 8 -12 29.1 7.2# 42 6.21 A1V 11 39 51.1 -14 28 08 101369 156820 Ll.22102 11 33 31 -13 46.5 6.2 43 6.19v? M3.5III 11 39 50.4 -16 37 13 101370 156819 Ll.22104 11 33 31 -15 55.6 6.6 44 6.9 F0 11 41 57.9 -24 23 08 101696 180116 L.4858, Ll.22150 11 35 40 -23 41.4 7.0 45 6.22 K0 11 42 03.5 -20 17 38 101695 180117 Ll.22153 11 35 45 -19 35.9 6.4 46 6.9 A0 11 43 40.6 -15 02 33 101897 156853 Ll.22185 11 37 11 -14 21.0* 6.8 47 6.7 A0 11 44 23.8 -20 41 44 102036 180152 Ll.22203 11 38 5 -20 0.1 6.9 48 27 Zeta 4.73 G8III 11 44 45.8 -18 21 03 102070 156869 J.266 11 38 25 -17 39.4 5.2 49 6.26 F7V 11 48 23.5 -10 18 48 102574 156896 Ll.22302 11 42 3 - 9 36.7 6.3 50 6.8 K0 11 48 41.6 -14 20 40 102604 156901 WB.715 11 42 20 -13 38.7 7.0 51 6.13 K0 11 50 19.5 -15 51 50 102845 156926 Ll.22339 11 43 58 -15 10.1 6.5 52 6.7 K0 11 55 30.3 -24 51 27 103581 180301 L.4939, Ll.22462 11 49 9 -24 9.8 6.9 53 30 Eta 5.17v? A0V 11 56 00.9 -17 09 03 103632 156988 Ll.22480 11 49 39 -16 27.2 5.4 5 Right ascension corrected from 10 53 42. 16 The Greek letter Psi appears for this star in some modern catalogs and atlases but is not in the Uranometria Argentina. 21 Spectrum A8IVpSrCrSi 41 Declination corrected from -12 31.0. Following 41 the star HD101321=SAO156815 is connected with a brace to 41 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 46 Declination corrected from -14 21.6. 20. - CRUX G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.60v? B3V 11 57 40.1 -62 26 56 103884 251659 L.4951 11 51 24 -61 45.1 6.3 2 5.44v? B8II 11 58 15.3 -56 19 03 103961 239533 L.4959 11 51 57 -55 37.3 6.1 3 5.61 A3Ib 11 58 47.8 -64 20 21 104035 251664 L.4963 11 52 30 -63 38.6 6.3 4 6.37 A9Ib-II 11 59 25.6 -62 49 52 104111 251670 L.4972 11 53 7 -62 8.1 7.0 5 6.16 A1V 12 01 29.1 -57 30 13 104430 239589 L.4977 11 55 8 -56 48.4 6.7 6 Theta1 4.30 Am 12 03 01.6 -63 18 47 104671 251705 L.4990 11 56 41 -62 37.0 4.7 7 Theta2 4.70v? B2IV 12 04 19.2 -63 09 56 104841 251717 L.4999 11 57 54 -62 28.2 5.3 8 6.20 B9Vn 12 04 45.2 -59 15 11 104900 239644 L.5001 11 58 20 -58 33.4 6.8 9 5.96 M2III 12 04 57.1 -60 58 09 104933 251723 L.5003 11 58 31 -60 16.3 6.6 r 10 Eta 4.20 F2III 12 06 52.9 -64 36 49 105211 251742 L.5023, J.269 12 0 22 -63 54.9 4.7 * 7.50 F8V 12 08 08.4 -60 46 52 105401 251754 B.3931 12 1 40 -60 5.1 7.4# 11 6.22 K3/K4II 12 08 24.7 -60 50 50 105437 251757 L.5032, B.3933 12 1 55 -60 9.1 6.8# 12 7.1 A3V 12 10 42.0 -56 26 33 105785 239716 L.5046 12 4 11 -55 44.8 7.0# * 7.4 A2V 12 11 05.9 -56 24 05 105857 239727 L.5050 12 4 34 -55 42.3 7.5# 13 6.08 F0III 12 11 04.9 -61 16 39 105841 251778 L.5051 12 4 34 -60 34.8 6.7 14 6.55 A2II 12 12 00.6 -64 30 39 106000 251785 L.5056 12 5 24 -63 48.9 6.9 15 5.92 B9Ia 12 12 22.1 -62 57 03 106068 251790 L.5057 12 5 45 -62 15.3 6.7 16 6.9 A8IV 12 12 25.2 -60 04 03 106086 239751 L.5058 12 5 52 -59 22.3 7.0# * 7.6 A0IV* 12 12 43.1 -60 02 27 106110 239755 L.5061 12 6 7 -59 20.7 8 # 17 6.22 B1.5Ia 12 14 16.9 -64 24 31 106343 251803 L.5070 12 7 37 -63 42.8 6.9 18 Delta 2.80v? B2IV 12 14 59.6 -58 44 56 106490 239791 L.5075, J.274 12 8 31 -58 3.2 3.4 19 Zeta 4.00 B2.5V 12 18 26.2 -64 00 12 106983 251841 L.5090 12 11 41 -63 18.5 4.6 20 6.81 A0Iab 12 19 53.8 -62 51 15 107209 251848 L.5094 12 13 7 -62 9.6 7.0 21 T* 6.31v G2Ib 12 21 21.2 -62 16 53 107447 251861 L.5108 12 14 33 -61 35.3 7.0 22 Epsilon 3.59v? K3/K4III 12 21 21.6 -60 24 04 107446 251862 L.5110, J.277 12 14 38 -59 42.6 4.0 rr 23 5.92 K4III+F* 12 21 57.5 -56 22 29 107543 239880 L.5116 12 15 13 -55 40.8 6.7 r 24 5.40 B9V 12 22 49.4 -57 40 34 107696 239901 L.5120 12 16 4 -56 58.9 6.3 25 4.86 B4IV 12 26 30.9 -63 07 21 108250 251903 L.5147, J.278 12 19 35 -62 25.7 6.8# 26 Alpha1* 1.33 B0.5V 12 26 35.9 -63 05 57 108248 251904 L.5148, J.279 12 19 40 -62 24.4 1.3# dpl. 1 1/2, 1 3/4 27 Alpha2* 1.73 B1V 12 26 36.5 -63 05 57 108249 28 6.00 B8IV 12 27 24.7 -63 47 21 108355 251911 L.5152 12 20 26 -63 5.8 6.8 29 5.50v M4/M5III 12 27 28.8 -58 59 30 108396 239960 L.5157 12 20 36 -58 18.0 6.4 r 30 6.04 A0Vn 12 28 18.9 -64 20 29 108501 251920 L.5160 12 21 19 -63 39.0 6.5 * 6.82 G3V 12 28 16.5 -61 45 58 108500 251919 L.5161 12 21 18 -61 4.1 7.6# dpl. 7 1/2, 8 3/4 31 6.22 K2III 12 28 25.6 -61 47 43 108530 251924 L.5163 12 21 29 -61 6.2 7.0# * 6.92 B3V 12 28 54.9 -61 52 16 108610 251928 L.5165 12 21 57 -61 10.7 8 # 32 6.13 K0/K1III 12 28 33.5 -56 24 27 108570 239977 B.4067 12 21 46 -55 42.5 6.2 33 5.80 M1III 12 29 54.0 -56 31 29 108732 239999 B.4073 12 23 2 -55 50.0 5.9 34 Gamma 1.63v? M4III 12 31 09.9 -57 06 48 108903 240019 L.5180, J.282 12 24 15 -56 24.7 2.0 35 BG* 5.48v F5III 12 31 40.3 -59 25 26 108968 240027 L.5185 12 24 42 -58 44.0 6.4 36 5.96 A8III 12 31 55.9 -63 30 22 109000 251946 L.5186 12 24 52 -62 48.9 6.6 37 6.56 K5III 12 32 08.6 -56 07 45 109045 240037 B.4090* 12 25 15 -55 26.4 7.0 r * 6.61 F2/F3III 12 35 29.9 -61 44 26 109475 251961 L.5208 12 28 24 -61 3.0 7.2# 38 6.22 G4IV 12 35 29.1 -61 50 31 109492 251962 L.5209 12 28 28 -61 9.0 6.7# r 39 4.93v? B6IV 12 41 56.7 -59 41 09 110335 240161 L.5241 12 34 46 -58 59.0 6.0 40 5.24v B2pe 12 42 50.3 -63 03 33 110432 252002 L.5247 12 35 32 -62 22.3 6.1 41 6.07 B9V 12 42 49.7 -55 56 50 110461 240176 L.5249 12 35 45 -55 15.6 6.5 42 6.00 B9Vn 12 43 09.1 -56 10 34 110506 240179 L.5251 12 36 4 -55 29.4 6.6 43 6.40 K0/K1III 12 43 28.2 -58 54 11 110532 240183 L.5253 12 36 18 -58 13.0 7.0 dpl. 7, 10 44 Iota 4.69 K0III 12 45 37.9 -60 58 52 110829 252016 L.5265 12 38 18 -60 17.6 5.7 45 4.65 B3V 12 46 22.6 -56 29 21 110956 240235 L.5273 12 39 13 -55 48.2 5.4 46 Beta 1.20v B0.5III 12 47 43.2 -59 41 19 111123 240259 L.5277, J.291 12 40 26 -59 0.3 1.7 47 5.69v? A2Iab 12 51 17.8 -60 19 47 111613 252054 L.5293 12 43 55 -59 38.9 6.6 48 5.80v? B9Ia 12 53 21.8 -60 19 43 111904 252069 L.5303, B.4223 12 45 56 -59 38.9 6.3# 49 6.91v B3Ib: 12 53 37.8 -60 21 28 111934 252070 L.5306, B.4224 12 46 11 -59 40.6 6.7# * 7.66 M2Iab 12 53 41.3 -60 20 58 252073 B.4226 12 46 15 -59 40.2 7 1/4# r 5.6 cum. * 8.0 * 12 53 47.3 -60 19 55 252075 B.4228 12 46 21 -59 39.1 8 # 50 Kappa 5.90 B5Ia 12 53 49.1 -60 22 37 111973 252077 L.5309, B.4227 12 46 23 -59 41.7 6.7# * 6.84 B3Ib 12 53 59.8 -60 20 05 111990 252080 B.4231 12 46 34 -59 39.4 7 1/4# 51 Lambda 4.60v B4Vn 12 54 39.2 -59 08 48 112078 240368 L.5316 12 47 15 -58 28.0 5.6 52 Mu1* 4.03 B2IV-V 12 54 35.7 -57 10 40 112092 240366 L.5317, J.293 12 47 16 -56 29.9 4.4# 53 Mu2* 5.17v B5Vne 12 54 36.9 -57 10 06 112091 240367 B.4238 12 47 17 -56 29.3 5.5# 54 5.32v? O9Ib 12 55 57.0 -56 50 10 112244 240385 L.5321 12 48 36 -59 9.4 6.0 Preceding 11 the star HD105401=SAO251754 is connected with a brace to 11 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 12 the star HD105857=SAO239727 is connected with a brace to 12 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 16 the star HD106110=SAO239755 is connected with a brace to 16 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum B9.5/A0IV 21 The variable star designation T was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 23 Spectrum K4III+(F) 25, 26, 27 The star 25G and the blend of 26G and 27G (see note below) are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 26 and 27 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two components of the double star Alpha Crucis but provides only one letter Alpha, designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Preceding 31 the star HD108500=SAO251919 and following 31 the star HD108610 =SAO251928 are both connected with a brace to 31 without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to either. 35 The variable star designation BG was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 37 Designation from an earlier catalog was inadvertently omitted from the Uranometria Argentina. Preceding 38 the star HD109475=SAO251961 is connected with a brace to 38 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 48, 49, 50, and three stars not assigned numbers: SAO252073, SAO252075 (for which no spectral class is given), and HD111990=SAO252080, are all members of the open cluster NGC 4755, often called the "Jewel Box," and are all connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.6 cum. 52 The Uranometria Argentina provides the letter Mu to this star. Most recent atlases and catalogs use the letter Mu1. 53 This star is unlettered in the Uranometria Argentina. Most recent atlases and catalogs use the letter Mu2. 52, 53 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.1. 61. - DELPHINUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.2 B9 20 24 33.3 + 5 30 34 194262 125770 Ll.39236 20 18 22 + 5 6.4 7.0 2 6.6 B9 20 24 38.3 + 8 35 51 194305 125773 Ll.39250 20 18 34 + 8 11.7 6.7 3 6.6 A0 20 25 25.4 + 6 38 30 194453 125791 Ll.39276 20 19 17 + 6 14.3 6.7 4 6.33v? K5IIIvar 20 25 44.0 +10 03 23 194526 125797 Ll.39304 20 19 43 + 9 39.2 6.4 r, var? 5 6.6 G5 20 26 15.4 + 2 57 26 194579 125805 Ll.39312 20 19 57 + 2 33.0 6.9 6 6.21 G8III 20 28 16.7 + 2 56 13 194953 125843 T.9429 20 21 58 + 2 31.4 6.5 7 6.25 G9III 20 28 07.6 + 8 26 15 194937 125841 Ll.39389 20 22 2 + 8 1.5 6.3 8 6.7 K0 20 29 55.2 +10 18 07 195274 106164 Ll.39462 20 23 55 + 9 53.3 6.9 9 6.41 K0 20 33 59.9 + 4 53 55 195909 125961 Ll.39625 20 27 47 + 4 28.4 6.6 10 6.55 A2Vnn 20 33 53.6 +10 03 35 195922 125960 Ll.39637 20 27 52 + 9 38.1 6.7 11 6.99 B2IV-V 20 34 31.8 + 6 52 42 196025 125969 Ll.39656 20 28 23 + 6 27.0 6.9# 12 6.5 B9 20 35 29.6 + 6 56 50 196182 125996 Ll.39699 20 29 21 + 6 31.0 6.4# 13 7 Kappa 5.05 G5IV+K2* 20 39 07.8 +10 05 10 196755 126059 Ll.39859 20 33 3 + 9 38.9 5.6 r 14 6.9 K0 20 40 17.7 + 3 26 29 196929 126088 Ll.39897 20 34 0 + 3 0.0 7.0 15 6.7 A0 20 43 40.1 + 5 23 24 197448 126141 Ll.40029 20 37 27 + 4 56.5 6.8 16 7.0 A0 20 45 57.1 + 7 22 45 197832 126187 Ll.40097 20 39 49 + 6 55.5 7.0 17 6.40 A0Vn 20 47 47.8 + 3 18 24 198070 126221 WB.1034 20 41 30 + 2 50.9 6.5 18 13 5.58v? A0V 20 47 48.3 + 6 00 30 198069 126222 Ll.40150 20 41 37 + 5 33.0 5.8 19 6.6 B9 20 48 24.7 + 3 38 56 198167 126227 Ll.40164 20 42 8 + 3 11.4 6.8 20 14 6.33v? A1Vs 20 49 48.2 + 7 51 51 198391 126265 Ll.40227 20 43 41 + 7 24.0 6.4 21 6.21 K0 20 49 59.0 + 5 32 40 198404 126267 Ll.40229 20 43 46 + 5 4.8 6.4 11, 12 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 13 Spectrum G5IV+K2IV 14. - DORADO G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.46v? A4V 3 54 33.9 -52 41 26 24863 233321 L.1304 3 51 17 -53 3.3 6.6 2 6.51v M1III 4 00 15.7 -51 33 53 25470 233354 L.1332 3 56 54 -51 55.0 7.0 3 Gamma 4.20v F4III 4 16 01.6 -51 29 12 27290 233457 L.1417, J.90 4 12 45 -51 48.2 4.4 4 6.09 F7IV-V 4 18 40.1 -52 51 36 27604 233476 L.1429 4 15 35 -53 9.9 6.3 5 7.2 A1V 4 18 48.2 -54 08 05 27647 233480 L.1434 4 15 54 -54 26.3 7.0 6 6.28 G4V 4 24 12.3 -57 04 17 28255 233506 L.1475 4 21 46 -57 21.3 6.7 dpl. 7 3/4, 7 7 6.8 F0V 4 25 29.7 -53 06 42 28349 233512 L.1477 4 22 29 -53 23.8 6.9 8 Alpha 3.27v A0IIISi 4 33 59.8 -55 02 42 29305 233564 L.1539, J.100 4 31 18 -55 18.3 3.1 9 R* 5.40v M8e 4 36 45.6 -62 04 39 29712 249066 L.1567 4 35 19 -62 19.4 5 1/2 6 3/4 rr var. 10 6.6 G8III 4 38 07.7 -58 12 14 29781 233601 L.1566 4 35 57 -58 27.1 6.8 11 6.53 G5V 4 40 18.3 -58 56 37 30003 233622 L.1583 4 38 15 -59 11.4 6.8# dpl. 7, 7 3/4 * 7.2 A4V 4 38 54.2 -58 58 51 29877 233609 L.1573 4 36 51 -59 13.5 7.8# 12 Kappa 5.27 A8IV* 4 44 21.2 -59 43 58 30478 233664 L.1614 4 42 28 -59 57.7 5.6 13 6.46v? K0/K1III 4 44 58.0 -63 13 47 30610 249095 L.1629 4 43 49 -63 27.3 6.9 14 6.8 K0III 4 47 06.9 -59 08 12 30790 233682 L.1632 4 45 9 -59 21.5 6.8 15 7.2 F3V 4 47 22.0 -61 28 35 30865 249108 L.1638 4 45 50 -61 41.7 7.0 16 6.9 K3III 4 48 47.1 -60 15 32 31028 249114 L.1649 4 47 2 -60 28.5 6.7 17 6.8 G1V 4 51 20.8 -68 04 11 31532 249125 L.1687 4 51 37 -68 18.6 6.9 18 6.11 F3V 4 54 53.0 -58 32 50 31746 233733 L.1679 4 52 50 -58 44.9 6.4 19 6.41v? M0/M1III 4 53 30.7 -66 40 32 31754 249138 L.1701 4 53 19 -66 52.5 6.9 * 6.7 F2V 4 57 07.4 -58 04 11 32065 233757 L.1696 4 55 2 -58 15.9 7.2# * 7.4 A2V 4 57 58.3 -57 58 00 32209 233766 L.1708 4 55 52 -58 9.4 8.0# * 6.86 K5III 4 58 02.3 -58 12 29 32227 233767 L.1709 4 55 58 -58 23.8 7.5# 20 Zeta 4.72 F7V 5 05 30.7 -57 28 22 33262 233822 L.1744 5 3 22 -57 38.6 4.8 21 5.20v M3III 5 07 34.2 -63 23 58 33684 249198 L.1772 5 6 36 -63 33.4 5.7 22 Theta 4.83 K2III 5 13 45.4 -67 11 07 34649 249225 L.1828 5 13 51 -67 19.5 5.1 23 Lambda 5.14 G6III 5 26 19.2 -58 54 46 36189 233981 L.1885 5 24 30 -59 1.1 5.6 24 6.03 F0IV/V 5 27 00.1 -68 37 22 36584 249281 L.1920 5 27 40 -68 43.2 6.4 25 6.59 K4/K5III 5 29 17.4 -62 18 52 36689 249288 L.1908 5 28 9 -62 24.5 7.0 26 6.83v K1III(p) 5 28 45.0 -65 26 56 36705 249286 L.1917 5 28 23 -65 32.9 7.0 27 6.19 F0IV 5 30 15.9 -63 55 40 36876 249297 L.1922 5 29 31 -64 1.3 6.5 28 5.34 G8/K0III 5 32 59.6 -64 13 40 37297 249309 L.1949 5 32 19 -64 18.6 5.9 29 Beta 3.40v F6Ia 5 33 37.5 -62 29 23 37350 249311 L.1948, J.131 5 32 33 -62 34.3 3.9 30 6.32 G5IV 5 34 57.7 -61 10 33 37501 249314 B.1006 5 33 36 -61 15.2 6.8 31 6.30 B9.5V 5 36 54.8 -66 33 37 37935 249322 L.1985 5 36 55 -66 37.8 6.6 32 6.3 S3 5 38 42.4 -69 06 03 38268 249329 L.2007 5 39 35 -69 9.8 6.3 neb. 33 Delta 4.35 A7V 5 44 46.4 -65 44 08 39014 249346 L.2045, J.139 5 44 33 -65 46.9 4.5 34 Epsilon 5.10v? B6V 5 49 53.7 -66 54 05 39844 249368 L.2093, J.142 5 50 1 -66 55.9 5.1 35 6.36 G8III+A 5 51 23.1 -64 02 01 39963 249376 L.2091 5 50 42 -64 3.7 6.8 36 4.66 K1III/IV 5 54 06.2 -63 05 23 40409 249390 L.2106 5 53 9 -63 7.7 4.9 37 6.61 F0III 5 54 12.0 -64 28 56 40455 249391 L.2113 5 53 38 -64 30.2 6.9 38 Eta1 5.70 A0V 6 06 09.5 -66 02 23 42525 249448 L.2203 6 6 0 -66 1.3 6.0 39 Nu 5.05 B8V 6 08 44.2 -68 50 36 43107 249461 L.2227 6 9 32 -68 48.9 5.2 40 Eta2 5.01v? M2.5III 6 11 15.0 -65 35 22 43455 249469 L.2230 6 10 59 -65 33.6 5.5 r 41 Pi1 5.56 K5III 6 22 38.3 -69 59 03 45669 249532 L.2340 6 23 49 -69 54.9 6.1 r 42 Pi2 5.38 G8III 6 25 28.7 -69 41 25 46116 249550 L.2368 6 26 32 -69 37.1 5.9 43 6.29 F0III 6 30 03.2 -65 34 06 46730 249568 L.2381 6 29 43 -65 28.8 6.6 9 The variable star designation R was inadvertently omitted from the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 11 the star HD29877=SAO233609 is connected with a brace to 11 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 12 Spectrum A8/A9III/IV Between 19 and 20 three stars, HD32065=SAO233757, HD32209=SAO233766, and HD32227=SAO233767 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned to any of them. 62. - EQUULEUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1* 6.05 G6III-IV 20 55 40.7 + 4 31 58 199223 126373 Ll.40444 20 49 25 + 4 3.4 6.2 2 6.8 K2 20 57 48.9 + 4 11 44 199560 126414 Ll.40534 20 51 33 + 3 42.8 6.9 3* 7.1 K0 20 57 59.7 + 8 03 45 199583 126417 AB.4591 20 51 52 + 7 34.9 7.0 4 1 Epsilon* 5.23 F5III 20 59 04.4 + 4 17 37 199766 126428 Ll.40578 20 52 50 + 3 49.0 5.6 5 5.99 A7V 21 00 03.9 + 7 30 59 199942 126447 Ll.40649 20 53 55 + 7 1.8 6.0 * 2 Lambda* 6.6 F8 21 02 12.4 + 7 10 47 200256 126482 Ll.40730 20 56 3 + 6 41.4 6.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 7 3/4 6 6.6 K0 21 02 42.8 + 3 21 01 200326 126488 Ll.40739 20 56 25 + 2 51.6 6.9 * 7.46 K0 21 03 39.3 + 2 55 35 200494 126501 WB.1443 20 57 22 + 2 26.3 7.5# * 7.33 F9V 21 04 07.4 + 2 59 39 200580 126509 WB.1454 20 57 52 + 2 31.1 7.3# 7 6.42 K0 21 04 41.6 + 2 56 31 200661 126519 Ll.40804 20 58 23 + 2 26.8 6.5# 8 3 5.61 K5III 21 04 34.7 + 5 30 10 200644 126518 Ll.40808 20 58 21 + 5 0.4 5.7 r 9 4 5.90 F8V 21 05 26.7 + 5 57 30 200790 126535 T.9762 20 59 15 + 5 28.0 6.0 10 6.6 K0 21 06 39.9 + 3 48 12 200964 126546 Ll.40886 21 0 22 + 3 18.1 6.8 11 6.7 A2 21 08 00.7 + 5 09 06 201221 126562 Ll.40944 21 1 47 + 4 39.0 6.8 12 6.15 K5III 21 08 28.2 + 6 59 22 201298 126566 WB.1565 21 2 18 + 6 29.1 6.5 r 13 6.45 F5IV 21 09 58.3 + 2 56 37 201507 126587 Ll.41018 21 3 39 + 2 26.2 6.6 14 5 Gamma 4.69v F0p 21 10 20.5 +10 07 54 201601 126593 Ll.41047 21 4 16 + 9 37.8 4.4# 15 6 6.07 A2Vs 21 10 31.2 +10 02 56 201616 126597 Ll.41055 21 4 27 + 9 32.4 6.2# 16 7.0 A2 21 12 43.5 + 2 38 34 201941 126618 Ll.41136 21 6 26 + 2 7.9 7.0# * 7.8 F5 21 12 59.8 + 2 48 09 201982 126622 Ll.41148 21 6 40 + 2 17.3 7.4# 17 7.25 F0 21 13 27.2 + 7 13 06 202073 126625 Ll.41173 21 7 16 + 6 42.3 6.9# 18 7.15 A2 21 13 28.9 + 7 10 04 202093 126627 Ll.41179 21 7 18 + 6 39.2 6.8# 19 7 Delta 4.49 F8Vcomp 21 14 28.8 +10 00 25 202275 126643 Ll.41235 21 8 24 + 9 30.3 4.4 20 8 Alpha 3.92 G2+A4* 21 15 49.4 + 5 14 52 202447 126662 Ll.41274 21 9 34 + 4 44.0 4.2 21 6.99 K2 21 17 25.5 + 8 14 03 202699 126685 Ll.41344 21 11 16 + 7 42.8 7.0 22 7.4 F5 21 18 37.3 + 8 57 35 202884 126700 Ll.41383 21 12 28 + 8 26.6 7.0 23 6.9 A2 21 19 39.4 + 9 31 31 203067 126707 Ll.41428 21 13 33 + 9 0.0 6.9 24 9 5.82 M2III 21 21 04.8 + 7 21 16 203291 126719 T.9896 21 14 54 + 6 49.6 6.1 25 6.75 F5 21 21 21.6 +10 19 56 203345 107061 Ll.41497 21 15 16 + 9 48.3 6.7 26 6.8 K0 21 22 01.8 + 4 20 44 203440 126735 Ll.41508 21 15 45 + 3 48.9 6.8# * 7.6 A2 21 22 13.0 + 4 29 18 203457 126739 Ll.41518 21 15 56 + 3 57.4 7.6# 27* 7.0 K0 21 21 22.2 + 2 58 27 203306 126723 Ll.41485 21 15 3 + 2 26.7 7.4# * 7.36v? K0 21 21 23.7 + 2 53 14 203323 126724 Ll.41486 21 15 4 + 2 21.5 7.0# 28 6.56 F8 21 22 35.9 + 2 55 07 203522 126744 Ll.41533 21 16 16 + 2 23.2 6.6# * 7.0 F5 21 23 23.7 + 2 45 58 203633 126754 Ll.41561 21 17 4 + 2 14.0 7.3# 29 10 Beta 5.16 A3V 21 22 53.6 + 6 48 40 203562 126749 Ll.41555 21 16 41 + 6 16.7 5.5 30 6.30 F5III 21 24 24.6 +10 10 27 203842 126774 Ll.41615 21 18 18 + 9 38.3 6.4 1 This star was assigned by Gould to Equuleus but now lies in Delphinus. 3 This star was assigned by Gould to Equuleus but now lies in Delphinus. 4 The letter Epsilon does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is shown on many modern star catalogs and atlases. Between 5 and 6 the star 2 Equulei is listed without being assigned a number. The letter Lambda does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is snown on many modern star catalogs and atlases. Preceding 7 the stars HD200494=SAO126501 and HD200580=SAO126509 are connected with a brace to 7 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 14, 15 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 16 the star HD201982=SAO126622 is connected with a brace to 16 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 17, 18 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 20 Spectrum G2II-III+A4V Following 26 the star HD203457=SAO126739 is connected with a brace to 26 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 27, 28 Gould listed the star HD203323=SAO126724 as 27 with magnitude 7.0 and connected with a brace to three stars adjacent on the table HD203306= SAO126723 with magnitude 7.4, HD203522=SAO126744 as 28 with magnitude 6.6, and HD203633=SAO126754 with magnitude 7.3. These four stars are all connected with a brace with the notation cum. 6.3. The stars HD203306= SAO126723 and HD203633=SAO126754 have not been assigned numbers. All modern sources show that HD203306=SAO126723 is brighter than HD203323= SAO126724. It is likely that Gould accidentally switched the magnitudes of these two stars and intended that the brighter star HD203306=SAO126723 be assigned the number 27. In this version the number 27 has been reassigned to HD203306=SAO126723. 23. - ERIDANUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.8 B9.5V 1 34 13.1 -57 00 04 9771 232465 L.464 1 29 30 -57 38.5 6.3 2 Alpha 0.50 B3Vp 1 37 42.9 -57 14 12 10144 232481 L.484, J.27 1 33 3 -57 52.3 1.0 * 6.84 F5IV/V 1 38 48.2 -53 26 19 10241 232483 L.489 1 33 58 -54 4.3 6.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 7 1/2 3* p 5.81 K0V 1 39 47.2 -56 11 44 10361 L.495 1 35 3 -56 49.8 5.6 c dpl. 6 1/4, 6 1/4 4* p* 5.96 K0V 1 39 47.7 -56 11 34 10360 232490 * 5 q1 5.52 F8V 1 42 29.4 -53 44 26 10647 232501 L.506 1 37 40 -54 22.1 5.9 6 q2 5.06 A1V 1 46 06.3 -53 31 18 10939 232520 L.523 1 41 20 -54 9.0 5.4 7 Chi 3.70v? G5IV 1 55 57.5 -51 36 32 11937 232573 L.575, J.33 1 51 6 -52 13.9 3.9 r 8 6.8 A5V 1 55 48.3 -55 04 19 11956 232572 L.582 1 51 19 -55 41.1 7.0 9 6.4 B8/B9V 1 56 09.3 -49 50 11 11965 232574 L.578 1 51 20 -50 26.9 6.4 10 6.10 F8V 1 57 00.1 -51 45 58 12042 232581 L.588 1 52 14 -52 23.1 6.2 11 6.6 K0IICN* 2 00 16.9 -55 00 45 12431 232600 L.609 1 55 51 -55 37.1 6.9 12 6.6 F2V 2 04 35.3 -54 52 54 12894 232620 L.630 2 0 12 -55 28.8 6.7 13 6.17 K0V 2 10 25.7 -50 49 28 13445 232658 L.661 2 5 23 -51 26.2 6.4 14 Phi 3.60 B8IV-V 2 16 30.6 -51 30 44 14228 232696 L.693, J.38 2 12 2 -52 5.5 3.5 15 5.92 A5V 2 22 54.6 -51 05 32 14943 232736 L.729 2 18 31 -51 39.8 6.2 16 Kappa 4.20 B5IV 2 26 59.1 -47 42 14 15371 215906 L.753, J.42 2 22 24 -48 15.9* 4.2 17 7.1 K1III 2 28 10.9 -50 18 11 15520 232779 L.765 2 23 47 -50 51.8 7.0 18 s 4.75 A2V 2 39 48.0 -42 53 30 16754 215996 L.827, J.46 2 35 2 -43 25.7 5.0 19 Iota 4.11 K0III 2 40 40.0 -39 51 20 16815 215999 L.831, J.47 2 35 44 -40 23.5 4.2 r 20 6.06 G8IV 2 42 08.5 -46 31 28 17006 216013 L.848 2 37 38 -47 3.3 6.4 21 6.36 B9V 2 43 20.3 -40 31 39 17098 216019 L.852 2 38 29 -41 3.6 6.3 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 22 1 Tau1 4.50 F6V 2 45 06.2 -18 34 21 17206 148584 L1.5130 2 39 16 -19 6.2 4.5 23 7.1 A0 2 45 18.2 -20 24 05 17224 168025 Ll.5146 2 39 35 -20 55.7 7.0 24 6.85 K2III 2 45 16.5 -46 17 14 17325 216036 L.876 2 40 48 -46 48.8 7.0 25 6.8 K0III 2 45 33.0 -42 50 19 17324 216038 L.875 2 40 51 -43 21.8 7.0 * 7.1 F0 2 46 26.1 -21 39 41 17350 168038 Ll.5186 2 40 45 -22 11.4 7.5# 26 6.49 F3IV 2 46 45.2 -21 38 23 17390 168045 Ll.5196 2 41 4 -22 9.9 6.7# 27 6.46 F2 2 47 11.2 -22 29 08 17438 168051 L.873, Ll.5211 2 41 33 -23 0.5 6.5 28 7.2 A0 2 50 21.4 - 4 59 11 17699 130139 Ll.5276 2 44 7 - 5 30.3 6.9 29 6.78 K0III 2 48 59.1 -45 05 22 17715 216059 L.895 2 44 28 -45 36.6 7.0 30 2 Tau2 4.75 K0III 2 51 02.3 -21 00 15 17824 168094 Ll.5321, J.52 2 45 22 -21 31.2 4.9 31 6.36 A0V 2 50 47.9 -39 55 54 17864 216065 L.902 2 45 58 -40 26.9 6.5 32 6.00v? K2V 2 52 32.1 -12 46 10 17925 148647 Ll.5340 2 46 26 -13 16.5 6.1 33 6.32 A7IV 2 52 50.4 - 9 26 28 17943 130160 WB.788 2 46 45 - 9 57.4 6.4 34 6.7 G5 2 53 18.2 -22 05 27 18046 168120 L.908, LL.5383 2 47 41 -22 36.1 6.8 35 5.95 K0III 2 53 35.4 -22 22 35 18071 168121 L.910, Ll.5399 2 47 58 -22 53.1 6.3 36 6.6 A4V 2 52 43.6 -41 23 31 18055 216081 L.912 2 48 0 -41 54.2 6.7 37 6.92 F5 2 54 07.1 -10 26 33 18095 148660 Ll.5387 2 48 4 -10 57.1 6.8 38 7.2 F0 2 54 54.2 -14 01 29 18183 148663 Ll.5421 2 48 59 -14 32.1 6.8 39 3 Eta 3.89v? K1III-IV 2 56 25.7 - 8 53 53 18322 130197 Ll.5451, J.53 2 50 19 - 9 23.8 3.7 40 5.17 A3Vn 2 56 37.4 - 3 42 44 18331 130199 Ll.5449 2 50 22 - 4 12.9 5.1 41 4 5.45 A5V 2 57 23.7 -23 51 43 18454 168183 L.933 2 51 50 -24 21.8 5.7 42 6.7 G5 2 58 12.6 -12 00 22 18511 148690 Ll.5518 2 52 13 -12 30.4 6.6 43 5.23 A2IV 2 58 42.0 - 2 46 57 18543 130215 Ll.5516 2 52 24 - 3 16.8 5.2 44 6 5.84 K2III 2 58 05.7 -23 36 22 18535 168191 L.940 2 52 32 -24 6.6 6.2 45 6.14 A2m 2 58 47.4 - 9 46 35 18557 130216 Ll.5532 2 52 44 -10 16.5 6.2 46 5 5.55v? B9.5V 2 59 41.1 - 2 27 54 18633 130228 Ll.5549 2 53 23 - 2 57.8 5.4 47 6.5 K0 2 59 36.5 - 7 10 48 18634 130227 Ll.5550 2 53 27 - 7 40.7 7.0 48* Theta1* 3.2 A4III 2 58 15.7 -40 18 17 18622 216113 L.950, J.54 2 53 31 -40 48.4 2.6 dpl. 3, 5 1/4 49* Theta2* 4.3 A1V 2 58 16.3 -40 18 16 18623 216114 50 7.4 G5 2 59 55.2 -13 40 59 18690 148706 Ll.5570 2 54 0 -14 10.9 6.9 51 7 6.11v M1III 3 00 51.0 - 2 52 43 18760 130242 Ll.5583* 2 54 33 - 3 22.5 6.9 52 8 Rho1 5.71 K0II 3 01 10.0 - 7 39 47 18784 130243 Ll.5591 2 55 1 - 8 9.3 6.1 53 5.78 G6III: 3 01 56.1 - 9 57 42 18885 148721 Ll.5625 2 55 53 -10 27.3 6.3 54 6.20 G0IV-V 3 02 09.3 - 6 29 41 18894 130251 Ll.5627 2 55 58 - 6 59.0 6.7 55 9 Rho2 5.32 K0II-III 3 02 42.3 - 7 41 07 18953 130254 Ll.5651, J.55 2 56 34 - 8 10.7 5.6 r 56 11 Tau3 4.10 A4IV 3 02 23.5 -23 37 28 18978 168249 L.968, J.56 2 56 53 -24 6.9 4.1 57 10 Rho3 5.30 A8V 3 04 16.4 - 7 36 03 19107 130269 J.57 2 58 8 - 8 5.5 5.3 58 5.82 K2/K3III 3 02 55.9 -46 58 30 19141 216150 L.974 2 58 40 -47 27.9 6.3 59 6.5 K0 3 05 11.2 - 8 16 27 19210 130277 Ll.5722 2 59 4 - 8 45.8 6.9 60 6.6 K3III 3 03 55.1 -43 53 53 19215 216156 L.976 2 59 26 -44 23.2 7.0 61 5.27 M3III 3 06 33.5 - 6 05 19 19349 130284 Ll.5759 3 0 23 - 6 34.4 5.8 62 6.7 G5 3 06 33.3 -10 15 08 19366 148771 Ll.5770 3 0 31 -10 44.2 6.7 63 7.00 G5V 3 07 18.6 -13 45 43 19467 148780 Ll.5799 3 1 24 -14 14.1 6.9 64 6.05 M1III 3 11 18.7 - 3 48 44 19836 130328 Ll.5925 3 5 3 - 4 16.9 6.7 65 6.37 K0IV 3 10 35.4 -23 44 18 19826 168354 L.996, Ll.5935 3 5 5 -24 12.9 6.6 66 6.5 G0 3 11 05.2 -13 15 49 19850 148816 Ll.5931 3 5 10 -13 44.4 6.4 67 6.26 K0 3 11 16.7 -16 01 31 19887 148821 Ll.5941 3 5 29 -16 29.9 6.5 68 6.9 B9 3 12 15.4 -20 37 08 20001 168376 Ll.5979 3 6 38 -21 5.5 6.9 69 7.0 K0III 3 11 57.7 -39 21 56 20035 194149 L.1008 3 7 14 -39 50.2 7.0 70 6.9 K0 3 13 00.0 -20 01 38 20069 168384 Ll.5996 3 7 20 -20 30.0 7.0 71 5.93 F7+A0* 3 12 25.8 -44 25 10 20121 216209 L.1016 3 8 2 -44 53.4 6.2 dpl. 72 7.00 A0 3 15 15.1 -20 01 07 20291 168410 Ll.6067 3 9 37 -20 29.0 6.8 73 13 Zeta 4.80v? A5m 3 15 50.0 - 8 49 11 20320 130387 Ll.6056, J.60 3 9 46 - 9 17.1 4.9 74 6.17v? B9V 3 16 00.8 - 5 55 07 20319 130388 WB.147 3 9 50 - 6 23.0 6.6# 75 6.5 K5 3 16 21.6 - 5 43 48 20356 130391 WB.152 3 10 10 - 6 11.5 6.9# 76 6.9 A2 3 16 27.5 - 4 17 14 20355 130392 Ll.6077 3 10 13 - 4 44.8 7.0 77 14 6.14 F1V 3 16 35.7 - 9 09 16 20395 130395 Ll.6091 3 10 32 - 9 37.1 6.5 78 6.7 K0 3 17 17.4 -23 31 13 20520 168441 L.1041, Ll.6126 3 11 49 -23 58.8 6.8 79 15 4.88 G6III 3 18 22.2 -22 30 40 20610 168452 L.1051 3 12 51 -22 58.2 5.3 80 5.71 F0IV 3 18 41.2 -18 33 34 20631 148897 Ll.6161 3 12 59 -19 0.8 5.8 dpl. 6, 8 1/2 81 16 Tau4 3.66v M3III 3 19 31.0 -21 45 28 20720 168460 Ll.6189, J.61 3 13 57 -22 12.8 3.4 82 e 4.27 G8V 3 19 55.7 -43 04 11 20794 216263 L.1060, J.62 3 14 56 -43 32.9 4.4 83 5.52 G8II 3 21 24.1 -23 38 07 20894 168482 L.1067, Ll.6248 3 15 56 -24 5.1 5.7 84 6.6 A0 3 21 41.9 -20 19 27 20911 168485 Ll.6253 3 16 5 -20 46.5 6.6 85 6.4 G5 3 22 16.5 -21 06 01 20965 168492 Ll.6271 3 16 43 -21 32.8 6.9 86 6.20 G2V 3 23 17.8 - 7 47 39 21019 130457 Ll.6275 3 17 12 - 8 14.0* 6.5 87 6.6 K0 3 23 17.2 -17 26 19 21066 148933 Ll.6292 3 17 34 -17 53.1 6.8 88 6.9 A0 3 24 24.5 -13 59 34 21160 148943 Ll.6312 3 18 33 -14 26.3 6.9 dpl. 10, 7 89 6.32 A1V 3 26 11.7 -41 38 13 21473 216316 L.1107 3 21 43 -42 4.6 6.5 90 7.2 A0 3 27 41.3 -14 21 59 21513 148969 Ll.6415 3 21 51 -14 48.1 6.9 91 5.73 K2III 3 28 01.0 -11 17 10 21530 148972 Ll.6420 3 22 3 -11 43.2 5.9 r 92 6.72 G0IV 3 27 43.8 -43 51 21 21626 216332 L.1117 3 23 26 -44 16.9 6.8 93 5.99 G5 3 29 39.1 - 6 48 18 21665 130520 Ll.6462 3 23 32 - 7 14.0 6.1 94 5.59 A5IV 3 29 36.0 -12 40 29 21688 148985 Ll.6476 3 23 42 -13 6.4 5.8 95 6.9 F5 3 29 35.1 -23 28 33 21737 168582 L.1113, Ll.6499 3 24 7 -23 54.5 6.9 96 6.8 G5 3 30 13.3 -11 38 47 21779 148994 Ll.6492 3 24 16 -12 4.4 5.8 97 17 v 4.74 B9Vs 3 30 37.1 - 5 04 30 21790 130528 Ll.6493, J.63 3 24 25 - 5 30.3 4.7 98 6.8 K0 3 29 49.0 -22 30 19 21760 168587 L.1114, Ll.6503 3 24 20 -22 56.2 7.0 99 5.78 A5V 3 29 55.0 -42 38 03 21882 216347 Stone-Maclear119 3 25 34 -43 3.8 6.1 100 6.12v? F7V 3 30 13.6 -41 22 12 21899 216350 L.1125 3 25 46 -41 47.6 6.4 101 18 Epsilon 3.73 K2V 3 32 55.8 - 9 27 30 22049 130564 Ll.6581, J.64 3 27 3 - 9 52.9 3.6 102* 9.11 M0III 3 33 12.9 -15 32 54 22111 149033 * 3 27 26 -15 58.3 7.0 103 19 Tau5 4.30 B8V+B8V 3 33 47.3 -21 37 58 22203 168634 Ll.6631, J.65 3 28 16 -22 3.2 4.5 104 6.25 A2V 3 34 37.4 - 9 52 07 22243 149047 Ll.6634 3 28 37 -10 17.3 6.3 105 6.6 K0 3 35 57.2 - 5 07 30 22379 130598 Ll.6657 3 29 46 - 5 32.5 6.7 106 5.50 G7III: 3 35 57.7 -11 11 37 22409 149057 Ll.6661 3 30 0 -11 36.8 5.8 107 20 5.23v B9p 3 36 17.4 -17 28 01 22470 149063 Ll.6675 3 30 35 -17 52.9 5.3 108 7.2 G5 3 37 45.3 -15 29 06 22619 149071 Ll.6720 3 31 59 -15 53.7 7.0 109 5.85 G5III: 3 38 29.2 - 7 23 30 22675 130628 Ll.6726 3 32 23 - 7 48.0 6.1 110 y 4.58 K0III 3 37 05.7 -40 16 29 22663 216405 L.1161, J.67 3 32 37 -40 41.1 4.8 111 21 5.96 K1V 3 39 01.1 - 5 37 34 22713 130634 Ll.6742 3 32 50 - 6 1.7* 6.4 112 6.23 G5 3 39 38.2 - 3 23 35 22798 130639 WB.604 3 33 23 - 3 47.9 6.6 113 6.19 G5 3 39 25.4 -10 26 14 22799 149082 Ll.6761 3 33 27 -10 50.5 6.5 114 6.33 G5 3 40 11.4 -15 13 34 22905 149094 Ll.6802 3 34 25 -15 37.9 6.5 115 22 5.53 B9IIIp* 3 40 38.3 - 5 12 39 22920 130652 Ll.6792 3 34 27 - 5 36.9 5.8 * 6.9 G5 3 40 12.3 -19 35 36 22921 149095 Ll.6809 3 34 37 -20 0.0 7.0# 116* 6.8 G5 3 40 40.4 -19 28 21 22983 149100 Ll.6829 3 35 4 -19 52.7 7.2# 117 6.49 F5II 3 41 13.7 -11 48 11 23010 149107 Ll.6832 3 35 17 -12 12.4 6.7 * 7.85 A0IV 3 39 45.2 -40 21 06 216430 * 3 35 17 -40 45.3 8 # 118 6.8 A3V 3 39 45.4 -40 21 07 22986 216431 L.1181 3 35 18 -40 45.5 6.9# 119 6.59 A3V 3 41 22.4 -19 35 05 23055 149114 Ll.6861 3 35 47 -19 59.2 6.8 * 7.4 K0 3 41 34.4 -14 17 57 23067 149116 Ll.6857 3 35 46 -14 42.0 7.4# 120 7.0 A0 3 41 54.3 -14 21 48 23095 149120 Ll.6868 3 36 5 -14 45.9 6.8# 121 23 Delta 3.51v? K0IV 3 43 14.9 - 9 45 48 23249 130686 Ll.6900, J.68 3 37 16 -10 11.2 3.3 122 5.60 A5m 3 43 33.8 -10 29 08 23281 149132 Ll.6914 3 37 35 -10 52.9 5.9 123 24 5.25 B7V 3 44 30.5 - 1 09 47 23363 130698 T.1272 3 38 10 - 1 33.5 5.4 124 h 4.59 K2IIICN* 3 42 50.1 -37 18 49 23319 194475 L.1198, J.70 3 38 12 -37 42.5 4.8 r 125 25 5.55 K4III* 3 44 56.5 - 0 17 48 23413 130704 Ll.6934 3 38 32 - 0 41.4 5.9 126 6.45 K1III 3 44 06.2 -40 39 37 23508 216459 L.1214 3 39 41 -41 3.1 6.6 127 26 Pi 4.42v M2III 3 46 08.4 -12 06 06 23614 149158 Ll.6998, J.71 3 40 14 -12 29.7 4.7 r 128 27 Tau6 4.20 F3III 3 46 50.9 -23 14 59 23754 168827 L.1220, J.72 3 41 28 -23 37.2 3.9 129 5.91 K3III 3 48 39.0 + 0 13 41 23887 111433 Ll.7051 3 42 14 - 0 9.5 6.4 130 28 Tau7 5.24 A2 3 47 39.6 -23 52 29 23878 168836 L.1226, J.73 3 42 17 -24 15.8 5.5 131 6.7 G5 3 49 19.9 - 1 27 12 23992 130746 WB.810 3 42 58 - 1 50.1 7.0 132 5.81 K5III 3 48 35.8 -20 54 11 23978 168851 Ll.7099 3 43 6 -21 17.2 6.3 133 6.22 B8V 3 47 49.6 -36 06 21 23958 194537 L.1238 3 43 8 -36 29.5 6.7 134 6.5 F2 3 50 16.2 - 1 31 22 24098 130762 Ll.7109 3 43 55 - 1 54.3 6.9 135* f1* 5.4: A1V 3 48 35.4 -37 37 20 24071 194550 L.1244, J.75 3 43 59 -38 0.2 4.3 dpl. 5 1/2, 4 3/4 136* f2* 4.9:v? B9.5V 3 48 35.8 -37 37 14 24072 194551 137 6.8 K5/M0III 3 49 21.7 -36 05 32 24150 194557 L.1247 3 44 40 -36 28.4 7.0 138 g 4.17 G8III 3 49 27.3 -36 12 01 24160 194559 L.1248, J.76 3 44 47 -36 34.8 4.1 r 139 6.7 B9 3 52 08.7 - 1 08 56 24325 130780 Ll.7157 3 45 48 - 1 31.5 6.2 140 7.0 A2 3 52 17.1 - 0 39 21 24336 130784 Ll.7160 3 45 54 - 1 1.9 7.0 141 6.86 B9.5V 3 50 37.6 -36 25 31 24305 194570 L.1254 3 45 58 -36 48.3 7.0 142 6.6 K0 3 51 31.2 -21 16 51 24328 168888 * 3 46 2 -21 39.4 6.7 143 29 7.1 F0 3 52 30.9 - 5 03 15 24371 130785 Ll.7177 3 46 20 - 5 25.9 7.0 144 30 5.48 B8V 3 52 41.6 - 5 21 41 24388 130789 Ll.7183 3 46 31 - 5 44.2 5.7 dpl. 5 3/4, 10 145 6.57 B9 3 53 08.4 - 6 38 01 24446 130796 Ll.7201 3 47 1 - 7 0.4 6.7 146 7.3 F0 3 52 49.7 -22 16 34 24472 168913 Ll.7217 3 47 24 -22 39.1 6.9 147 6.22 gK+F 3 53 12.9 -18 26 03 24497 149229 Ll.7222 3 47 36 -18 48.4 6.3 148 32 w 4.79 G8III 3 54 17.5 - 2 57 17 24555 130806 Ll.7224, J.77 3 48 0 - 3 19.5 4.7 149 33 Tau8 4.60 B6V 3 53 42.6 -24 36 45 24587 168925 L.1270 3 48 24 -24 59.0 4.4 150 6.71 G6V: 3 53 59.4 -23 08 09 24616 168929 L.1271, Ll.7260 3 48 33 -23 29.9 6.8 151 i 5.10 B6/B7V 3 53 39.0 -34 43 57 24626 194608 L.1275, J.78 3 48 53 -35 6.2 5.3 152 6.00v F0p: 3 55 16.3 -12 05 57 24712 149251 Ll.7273 3 49 24 -12 27.9 6.1 153 5.71v? K0+A3* 3 54 23.1 -40 21 25 24744 216546 L.1286 3 50 1 -40 43.5 6.2 154 6.60 F5 3 56 31.7 -10 51 08 24833 149268 Ll.7316 3 50 34 -11 13.1 6.7 155 6.20v F1V 3 56 37.9 - 9 45 02 24832 130833 WB.965 3 50 38 -10 7.0 6.3 156 6.9 Ap* 3 55 15.5 -38 45 34 24825 194625 L.1293 3 50 46 -39 7.5 6.8 157 6.8 A0V 3 56 29.4 -38 57 44 24966 194639 L.1299 3 52 3 -39 19.3 7.0 158 34 Gamma 2.97v M0.5III 3 58 01.8 -13 30 31 25025 149283 Ll.7376, J.80 3 52 12 -13 51.9 2.8 r 159 5.83 G9V 3 58 52.3 - 5 28 12 25069 130860 Ll.7384 3 52 43 - 5 49.3 6.2 160 5.60 K5III 3 59 30.0 -12 34 28 25165 149299 Ll.7422 3 53 38 -12 55.8 6.1 161 36 Tau9 4.66v B6V+B9V* 3 59 55.5 -24 00 59 25267 169017 L.1312, J.81 3 54 36 -24 22.3 4.4 162 35 5.28 B5V 4 01 32.0 - 1 32 59 25340 130878 Ll.7457, J.82 3 55 12 - 1 54.1 5.3 163 5.93 A1V 4 00 40.7 -30 29 26 25371 194689 L.1316 3 55 41 -30 50.6 5.9 164 5.38 F5V 4 02 36.7 - 0 16 08 25457 130893 Ll.7484 3 56 12 - 0 36.5 5.6 165 6.73 G1/G2V 4 02 03.5 -34 28 53 25535 194709 L.1326 3 57 16 -34 49.8 6.7 dpl. 166 6.46 B2.5V 4 03 24.7 -20 08 39 25631 169071 Ll.7579 3 57 54 -20 29.4 6.0# 167 7.01 K2II 4 03 36.8 -20 09 30 25661 169078 Ll.7590 3 58 6 -20 30.1 6.9# 168 6.39 K2 4 04 08.7 -16 35 21 25700 149345 Ll.7601 3 58 27 -16 55.7 6.7 169 5.57 K0III: 4 04 22.6 -12 47 33 25723 149351 Ll.7600 3 58 32 -13 8.2 6.0 170 7.2 A5m 4 03 44.4 -37 04 14 25786 194726 L.1337 3 59 11 -37 24.8 6.9 171 6.13 K0 4 04 41.0 -20 22 54 25803 169095 Ll.7632 3 59 11 -20 43.4 6.1 172 6.25 A3V 4 05 56.6 - 8 51 21 25910 130948 WB.1149 3 59 55 - 9 11.7 6.3 173 6.34 G5 4 05 46.7 -20 30 44 25944 169111 Ll.7666 4 0 18 -20 51.1 6.4 174 5.59 F0IV/V 4 05 37.4 -27 39 06 25945 169110 L.1344 4 0 28 -27 59.8 5.8 175 7.0 F6V 4 05 36.8 -31 03 03 25983 194754 L.1346 4 0 41 -31 23.4 6.9 176 6.7 K5 4 06 37.0 -18 03 04 26024 149377 Ll.7685 4 1 1 -18 23.3 7.0 177 7.04 G0 4 07 00.7 -10 00 00 26040 149379 Ll.7682 4 1 4 -10 19.9 7.0 178 7.0 K0 4 07 15.6 - 9 45 26 26068 130961 Ll.7689 4 1 17 -10 5.6 6.9 179 6.9 A2 4 07 29.4 - 6 00 26 26066 130963 Ll.7687 4 1 21 - 6 20.6 7.0 180 6.7 K3III 4 07 37.3 -37 03 47 26242 194782 L.1366 4 3 5 -37 23.7 6.9 181 5.40 B4V 4 09 17.8 -16 23 09 26326 149412 Ll.7776 4 3 37 -16 42.9 5.5 * 7.20 A2 4 09 20.4 - 7 55 47 26294 130988 Ll.7756 4 3 17 - 8 15.5 7.1# 182 7.08v G5IV 4 09 40.8 - 7 53 32 26337 130994 Ll.7768 4 3 37 - 8 13.7 7.0# 183 37 5.44 G8III 4 10 22.5 - 6 55 26 26409 131001 Ll.7794 4 4 17 - 7 15.1 5.9 r 184 5.70 G9III: 4 10 47.7 - 8 49 11 26464 131005 Ll.7819 4 4 46 - 9 8.8 6.0 r 185 38 Omicron1 4.04v F2II-III 4 11 51.9 - 6 50 15 26574 131019 Ll.7842, J.85 4 5 46 - 7 9.9 4.0 186 6.5 G5 4 11 56.2 - 8 50 14 26584 131020 Ll.7853 4 5 55 - 9 9.7 6.7 187 5.80 A2m 4 11 36.1 -20 21 24 26591 169206 Ll.7874 4 6 7 -20 41.0 5.6 188 6.44 K2III(p) 4 10 45.8 -35 16 26 26575 194810 L.1377 4 6 7 -35 35.9 6.6 189 6.5 K0 4 12 00.1 -17 16 28 26625 149446 Ll.7880 4 6 21 -17 35.6 6.5 190 6.44 B5IV 4 13 38.2 - 1 08 59 26739 131041 Ll.7905 4 7 17 - 1 28.1 7.0 191 6.7 K2 4 12 48.0 -23 49 17 26742 169229 OA.2902 4 7 30 -24 8.5 6.8 192 6.6 F0 4 13 03.3 -23 07 42 26757 169231 L.1381, Ll.7931 4 7 43 -23 26.9 6.6 193 7.1 F3V 4 12 30.6 -36 09 09 26758 194831 * 4 7 55 -36 28.4 7 # * 7.9 F1IV/V* 4 12 33.7 -36 08 33 26773 194832 * 4 7 59 -36 27.8 7 3/4# 194 39 A 4.86 K3III 4 14 23.7 -10 15 23 26846 149478 Ll.7944, J.86 4 8 27 -10 34.0 5.2 dpl. 5 1/4, 10 195 7.3 G5 4 15 00.3 -16 10 55 26940 149487 Ll.7892 4 9 20 -16 29.6 6.9 196 7.0 K3III: 4 13 57.2 -37 01 50 26934 194852 T.1477 4 9 26 -37 20.8 7.0 197 40 Omicron2 4.41v K1V 4 15 16.3 - 7 39 10 26965 131063 Ll.7988, J.87 4 9 31 - 7 50.9* 4.4 198 6.73 B9 4 15 26.9 -16 26 38 26994 149491 Ll.8002 4 9 47 -16 45.5 6.8 * 7.0 G8III 4 14 19.8 -38 15 34 26979 194858 * 4 9 53 -38 34.7 7.1# * 7.1 G8IV 4 15 11.4 -38 17 41 27097 194872 * 4 10 46 -38 36.6 7.1# 199 6.7 A2 4 15 46.3 -23 14 18 27066 169273 Ll.8032 4 10 26 -23 33.1 6.7 200 6.8 A2 4 15 51.6 -22 09 05 27076 169274 Ll.8033 4 10 29 -22 27.7 6.7 201 6.8 A3V 4 15 11.3 -37 11 48 27078 194870 * 4 10 41 -37 30.6 6.8 202 5.94 G8III: 4 17 19.2 - 6 28 19 27179 131092 Ll.8048 4 11 12 - 6 46.9 6.3 203 6.00v? M4III 4 18 15.9 -20 42 56 27362 169317 Ll.8113 4 12 49 -21 1.4 6.4 204 41 X* 3.56 B9V 4 17 53.7 -33 47 54 27376 194902 L.1411, J.89 4 13 10 -34 6.3 3.3 205 6.07 Am 4 18 37.4 -22 58 13 27411 169325 L.1409, Ll.8130 4 13 17 -23 16.6 6.2 206 7.0 A0 4 19 31.0 - 8 07 09 27436 131115 WB.241 4 13 29 - 8 25.4 7.0 207 6.37 A2/A3V 4 19 03.0 -33 54 17 27490 194923 L.1419 4 14 20* -34 12.3 6.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 8 1/2 208 6.80 B9 4 20 09.1 -16 26 14 27528 149554 Ll.8165 4 14 30 -16 44.2 7.0 209 6.27v? G8IV: 4 20 38.7 - 6 14 44 27536 131129 Ll.8154 4 14 30 - 6 32.7 6.7 210 d* 5.85 B5III 4 20 42.8 - 7 35 33 27563 131132 Ll.8159 4 14 39 - 7 53.5 6.0 211 5.86 K2 4 21 27.1 - 0 05 53 27611 131140 Ll.8168 4 15 3 - 0 23.4 6.4 r 212 5.38 A2V 4 20 39.0 -20 38 23 27616 169354 Ll.8205 4 15 12 -20 56.4 5.4 213 6.44 A0 4 21 37.5 - 6 17 05 27660 131143 Ll.8199 4 15 30 - 6 34.9 6.8 214 5.96v? F0IV-V 4 21 31.3 -25 43 42 27710 169368 L.1422 4 16 20 -26 1.4 6 1/4# * 8.6 G0 4 21 33.4 -25 43 08 169369 OA.3022 4 16 22 -26 0.9 7 3/4# 215 42 Xi 5.17 A2V 4 23 40.8 - 3 44 44 27861 131176 Ll.8290 4 17 27 - 4 2.1 5.6 216 5.83v? K5 4 23 05.7 -24 53 32 27881 169391 L.1431, Ll8312 4 17 52 -25 11.0 6.1 r 217 7.0 A3V 4 23 17.9 -32 09 10 27950 194972 L.1436 4 18 30 -32 26.6 6.9 218 6.39 K1III 4 23 07.7 -35 32 42 27941 194971 L.1438 4 18 33 -35 50.2 6.7 219 43 Upsilon3*3.96 K4III 4 24 02.2 -34 01 01 28028 194984 L.1441, J.94 4 19 20 -34 18.5 4.0 r 220 6.52 F3/F5IV 4 24 56.4 -34 45 28 28143 194996 L.1447 4 20 19 -35 2.4 6.7 221 7.1 F8 4 26 53.1 -18 39 21 28264 149639 Ll.8421 4 21 20 -18 56.3 7.0 222 6.11 A2 4 26 57.0 -24 04 53 28312 169455 L.1451 4 21 42 -24 21.8 6.2 223 6.7 F2V 4 26 30.5 -32 48 59 28313 195019 L.1455 4 21 45 -33 6.0 7.0 224 7.1 G5 4 28 07.3 -15 10 49 28386 149661 Ll.8458 4 22 25 -15 27.6 7.0 225 6.7 F5 4 27 55.4 -21 30 14 28396 169475 Ll.8474 4 22 32 -21 46.9 6.9 226 7.0 F3IV 4 27 40.7 -32 24 31 28428 195034 L.1463 4 22 54 -32 41.3 7.0 227 5.96 K1III 4 28 39.0 -19 27 30 28479 149668 Ll.8497 4 23 8 -19 43.9* 6.4 228 5.60v B1Vn 4 29 06.9 -13 02 55 28497 149674 Ll.8495 4 23 19 -13 19.5 5.7 229 6.24 G5 4 30 09.7 -13 35 32 28625 149682 Ll.8528 4 24 24 -13 52.0 6.7 230 7.1 A2 4 30 33.7 -23 01 28 28708 169521 L.1483, Ll.8566 4 25 15 -23 17.8 6.8 231 45 4.91 K3II-III 4 31 52.7 - 0 02 38 28749 131270 Ll.8558 4 25 29 - 0 18.8 5.4 r 232 6.21 A3V 4 31 25.9 -13 38 42 28763 149702 Ll.8575 4 25 39 -13 54.8 6.6 233 5.96 K0II 4 30 40.3 -35 39 12 28776 195085 L.1495 4 26 7 -35 55.5 6.4 234 5.75v B9III 4 32 37.4 - 3 12 33 28843 131279 Ll.8588 4 26 22 - 3 28.6 6.0 235 6.6 K0 4 33 06.3 -12 32 36 28947 149722 Ll.8618 4 27 17 -12 48.5 6.9 236 6.06 K0 4 33 22.0 -10 47 09 28970 149725 Ll.8623 4 27 27 -11 3.1 6.3 237 6.7 K2 4 33 31.7 - 6 59 16 28961 131298 Ll.8621 4 27 27 - 7 15.3 7.0 238 6.7 A0 4 33 38.6 - 8 15 19 28980 131301 * 4 27 37 - 8 31.2 6.8 239 46 5.72v B9pSi 4 33 54.7 - 6 44 20 29009 131309 Ll.8632 4 27 49 - 7 0.1 5.7# 240 6.09 K2III 4 34 14.2 - 6 50 16 29063 131317 Ll.8650 4 28 9 - 7 6.0 6.2# 241 47 5.11v M3III 4 34 11.6 - 8 13 53 29064 131315 T.1601, J.97 4 28 10 - 8 29.7 5.4 r 242 5.26 K4III 4 34 11.7 - 8 58 13 29065 131316 WB.585 4 28 13 - 9 13.7* 5.5 r 243 50 Upsilon1 4.51v? K0III 4 33 30.6 -29 46 00 29085 169570 L.1513 4 28 36 -30 1.2 4.7 var? 244 6.9 F0/F2III 4 34 02.7 -28 26 59 29134 169574 L.1516 4 29 3 -28 42.6 6.9 * 7.70 A7V 4 35 13.1 - 9 44 13 29172 131334 Ll.8681 4 29 15 - 9 59.8 7 3/4# 245 6.37 A1m 4 35 14.0 - 9 44 12 29173 131335 Ll.8683 4 29 16 - 9 59.8 6.8# 246 6.3 G5 4 34 38.0 -24 02 24 29163 169581 L.1517, Ll.8696 4 29 26 -24 18.0 6.7 247 6.13 K3III 4 35 00.5 -19 55 14 29184 169584 Ll.8697 4 29 32 -20 11.1 6.6 248 6.33 B7III 4 36 01.6 - 3 36 43 29227 131344 Ll.8690 4 29 48 - 3 52.2 6.5 249 6.5 F8 4 35 17.8 -24 32 00 29239 169589 L.1522, Ll.8716 4 30 4 -24 47.5 6.9 250 48 Nu 3.93v B2III 4 36 19.1 - 3 21 09 29248 131346 Ll.8699, J.98 4 30 4 - 3 36.6 3.8 251 52 Upsilon2 3.82 G8III 4 35 33.0 -30 33 44 29291 195148 L.1529, J.99 4 30 42 -30 49.2 3.7 252 51 c 5.21 F0V 4 37 36.1 - 2 28 24 29391 131358 Ll.8736 4 31 19 - 2 43.4 5.8 253 6.30 ApSi 4 36 50.9 -30 43 00 29435 195163 L.1533 4 32 0 -30 58.3 6.3 254 53 l 3.85 K2IIIb 4 38 10.8 -14 18 14 29503 149781 Ll.8776, J.101 4 32 27 -14 33.0 4.1 255 5.01 A2IV 4 38 53.6 -12 07 23 29573 149789 Ll.8799 4 33 4 -12 22.3 5.2 256 6.10 K0 4 39 47.2 - 1 03 09 29610 131392 Ll.8801 4 33 26 - 1 17.9 6.6 257 5.46 K1IVa 4 39 19.7 -14 21 33 29613 149797 Ll.8809 4 33 35 -14 36.2 5.6 258 5.58 G6III 4 40 06.8 -24 28 57 29737 169650 L.1544, Ll.8866 4 34 55 -24 43.7 6.0 259 54 4.32v M4III 4 40 26.5 -19 40 18 29755 149818 Ll.8860, J.102 4 34 58 -19 54.7 4.6 r 260 6.6 A2 4 41 41.9 -12 28 30 29851 149831 Ll.8880 4 35 53 -12 43.1 6.8 261 6.8 F0 4 42 22.5 - 0 55 49 29870 131419 Ll.8874 4 36 1 - 1 10.1 7.0 262* 55 6.82v F4IIIpSr 4 43 34.6 - 8 47 37 30020 131442 Ll.8922 4 37 35 - 9 1.8 6.4 dpl. 6.8, 7 1/2 55 6.70 G8III 4 43 35.2 - 8 47 46 30021 131443 263 56 5.90v B2Ve 4 44 05.3 - 8 30 13 30076 131451 Ll.8935 4 38 5 - 8 44.3 5.8 r 264 5.53 A3V 4 44 08.0 -18 39 59 30127 149856 Ll.8951 4 38 37 -18 54.0 5.7 265 6.8 K4III 4 44 15.4 -27 34 40 30182 169712 L.1569 4 39 14 -27 48.6 7.0 266 57 Mu 4.00 B5IV 4 45 30.1 - 3 15 17 30211 131468 Ll.8958, J.105 4 39 15 - 3 29.1 4.0 267 5.72 K2III 4 45 04.1 -21 17 01 30238 169727 Ll.8996 4 39 42 -21 30.8 6.1 268 6.19 A2IV/V 4 46 25.8 -28 05 15 30422 169752 L.1586 4 41 26 -28 18.8* 6.4 269 58 5.50 G2.5V 4 47 36.3 -16 56 04 30495 149888 Ll.9045 4 41 59 -17 10.0 5.7 270 5.77 F8V 4 48 36.3 - 5 40 26 30562 131504 Ll.9051 4 42 25 - 5 53.2 6.3 271 59 5.75 F6V 4 48 32.5 -16 19 46 30606 149901 Ll.9077 4 42 55 -16 33.1 5.8 r 272 6.26 F5V 4 49 42.3 -13 46 10 30743 149916 Ll.9107 4 43 58 -13 58.9 6.5 * 7.8 K2 4 49 14.2 -15 43 06 30691 149910 * 4 43 35 -15 56.3 7 1/4# * 8.4 F2 4 49 33.7 -15 37 08 30730 149913 * 4 43 54 -15 50.2 7 3/4# * 8.8 F5 4 49 38.2 -15 48 32 30744 149915 * 4 44 0 -16 1.5 7 3/4# 273 6.7v K0 4 50 06.8 -15 48 15 30801 149923 * 4 44 28 -16 1.2 7# 274 60 5.03v? K0IIIvar 4 50 11.6 -16 13 02 30814 149924 Ll.9123 4 44 34 -16 26.2 5.0 r 275 7.0 A0 4 51 07.6 -25 18 37 30983 169815 L.1615 4 45 59 -25 31.4 6.9 276 61 Omega 4.40 F4+A6* 4 52 53.7 - 5 27 10 31109 131568 Ll.9189, J.106 4 46 45 - 5 39.8 4.7 277 7.02 A3 4 53 12.1 -20 46 22 31225 169847 Ll.9234 4 47 49 -20 58.8 6.9 r 278 5.70 G9III: 4 55 06.8 -16 44 26 31414 149985 Ll.9279 4 49 31 -16 56.6 5.7 r 279 5.72v? G4III: 4 55 18.6 -16 25 04 31444 149988 Ll.9284 4 49 42 -16 37.2 var. 5.4 - 6.0, r 280 62 b 5.51 B6V 4 56 24.1 - 5 10 17 31512 131614 Ll.9293 4 50 15 - 5 22.3 5.9 281 6.15 B1V 4 57 44.7 -14 13 53 31726 150029 Ll.9354 4 52 1 -14 25.6 6.3 282 63 5.38 G4V 4 59 50.5 -10 15 48 32008 150060 Ll.9429, J.107 4 53 56 -10 26.7 6.0 283 64 S 4.79v F0IV 4 59 55.7 -12 32 15 32045 150064 Ll.9435 4 54 7 -12 43.4 var. 4 3/4 - 5 3/4 284 6.22 K3V 5 00 49.0 - 5 45 12 32147 131688 WB.1189 4 54 37 - 5 54.1 6.7 r 285 65 Psi 4.81 B3V 5 01 26.3 - 7 10 26 32249 131700 Ll.9476, J.108 4 55 23 - 7 21.5 5.3 r 286 6.6 F0 5 02 01.0 - 5 30 03 32306 131711 Ll.9485 4 55 52 - 5 41.0 6.8 287 5.85 K3 5 02 45.5 - 4 12 35 32393 131715 Ll.9508 4 56 33 - 4 23.5 6.6 288 66 5.14v? B9.5V 5 06 45.7 - 4 39 18 32964 131777 Ll.9639 5 0 35 - 4 49.5 5.6 289 7.02v? B8 5 07 26.3 - 8 39 13 33069 131791 Ll.9667 5 1 27 - 8 49.2 6.9 var? 290 67 Beta 2.79v? A3IIIvar 5 07 51.0 - 5 05 11 33111 131794 Ll.9674, J.111 5 1 43 - 5 14.9 2.8 291 5.78 B8V 5 08 20.2 - 8 39 54 33224 131806 By.718, Ll.9706 5 2 21 - 8 49.7 6.5 dpl. 6 1/2, 9 292 68 5.10 F2V 5 08 43.6 - 4 27 22 33256 131813 Ll.9710 5 2 32 - 4 37.2 5.6 293 69 Lambda 4.25v B2IVn 5 09 08.8 - 8 45 15 33328 131824 Ll.9734, J.112 5 3 10 - 8 55.0 4.6 Through oversight Gould labeled 22. - ERIDANUS in the Uranometria Argentina, in which Eridanus is inserted between 22. - Phoenix and 24. - Telescopium. It is clear that Gould intended Eridanus to be constellation number 23, and the misprint 22. - ERIDANUS has been corrected here. Between 2 and 3 the star HD10241=SAO232483 is listed without being assigned a number. 3, 4 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two components of the double star p Eri but provides only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 11 Spectrum K0II/IIICNIV 16 Declination corrected from -48 16.9. Preceding 26 the star HD17390=SAO168045 is connected with a bracket to 26 with combined magnitude 6.1 without being assigned a number. 48, 49 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two components of the double star Theta Eridani but provides only a single letter Theta, set of designations from earlier catalogs, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 51 Designation from earlier catalog corrected from L.5583. 71 Spectrum F7III+A0V 74, 75 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 86 Declination corrected from - 8 13.6. 102 The star HD22111=SAO149033 is very close to the position provided in the Uranometria Argentina, but two magnitudes fainter. Hence this identification should be considered tentative. The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 111 Declination corrected from - 6 1.5. 115 Spectrum B9IIIpSi4200 116 Gould listed the star HD22921=SAO149095 as 116 with magnitude 7.0 and connected with a brace to HD22983=SAO149100 with magnitude 7.2. All modern sources show that HD22983=SAO149100 is brighter than HD22921= SAO149095. It is likely that Gould accidentally switched their magnitudes and intended that the brighter star HD22983=SAO149100 be assigned the number 116. In this version the number 116 has been reassigned to HD22983=SAO149100. Preceding 118 the star SAO216430 is connected with a brace to 118 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 120 the star HD23067=SAO149116 is connected with a brace to 120 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 124 Spectrum K2IIICNII 125 Spectrum K4IIIcomp 135, 136 The Uranometria Argentina lists the two components of f Eri with two numbers but only a single letter, designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 142 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 153 Spectrum G8/K1III+A3(V) 156 Spectrum ApCrEu(Sr) 161 Spectrum B6V+B9.5V 166, 167 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 182 the star HD26294=SAO130988 is connected with a brace to 182 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 193 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 193 the star HD26773=SAO194832 is connected with a brace to 193 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Spectrum F0/F2IV/V. 197 Declination corrrected from - 7 48.5. Between 198 and 199 the stars HD26979=SAO194858 and HD27097=SAO194872 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude, having numbers assigned to either, or having designations from earlier catalogs. 201 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 204 Although the letter X appears in the Uranometria Argentina for this star, the letter Upsilon4 appears in many modern catalogs and atlases. 207 Right ascension corrected from 4 14 25. 210 Although this star is unlettered in the Uranometria Argentina, the letter d appears in many modern catalogs and atlases. The Uranometria Argentina shows the letter d for 219G, a designation now universally dropped. Following 214 the star SAO169369 is connected with a brace to 214 with combined magnitude 6.2 without being assigned a number. 219 Although the letter d is shown in the Uranometria Argentina for this star, this designation is now universally dropped and the letter Upsilon3 appears in most modern catalogs and atlases. 227 Declination corrected from -19 42.9. 238 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 239, 240 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 242 Declination corrected from - 9 13.5. Preceding 245 the star HD29172=SAO31334 is connected with a brace to 245 with combined magnitude 6.4 without being assigned a number. 262 Gould recognized the two stars HD30020=SAO131442 and HD30021=SAO131443 as a double star with the statement dpl. 6.8, 7 1/2, but assigned only a single number, designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 268 Declination corrected from -28 17.8. Preceding 273 three stars, HD30691=SAO149910, HD30730=SAO149913, and HD30744 =SAO149915, none of which have designations from earlier catalogs, are all connected with a brace to 273, with the combined magnitude of all four stars cum, 6.9, without having numbers assigned to any of them. 273 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 276 Spectrum F4III+A6III 36. - FORNAX G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.35 F2V 1 46 01.0 -27 20 57 10863 167279 L.513 1 40 14 -27 58.4 6.4 2 6.32 K0III 1 47 47.8 -37 09 35 11050 193303 L.526 1 42 20 -37 47.0 6.5 3 6.34 K2/K3III 1 49 19.5 -31 04 22 11183 193320 L.532 1 43 40 -31 41.6 6.5 4 6.37 F6V 1 49 48.8 -38 24 14 11262 193326 L.536 1 44 25 -39 2.0 6.4 5 7.21 F5V 1 51 14.7 -30 54 10 11379 193335 L.541 1 45 35 -31 31.5* 7.0 6 6.10 K1II 1 53 23.2 -38 35 41 11643 193368 L.555 1 48 0 -39 12.7 6.3 7 7.0 K0 1 55 04.5 -24 53 22 11785 167392 Ll.3567 1 49 17 -25 30.3 6.9 8 6.6 K0III 1 56 34.7 -32 08 18 11943 193396 L.571 1 51 1 -32 45.0 6.6 9 6.35 K0III 1 58 26.8 -33 04 01 12135 193422 L.587 1 52 56 -33 40.5 6.5 10 6.79 A0V 1 59 19.5 -26 25 55 12206 167461 Ll.3702 1 53 36 -27 2.4 6.6 11 7.04 K2 2 00 42.4 -24 25 17 12369 167481 L.598, Ll.3754 1 54 56 -25 1.5 7.0 12 Pi 5.35 G8III 2 01 14.8 -30 00 06 12438 193455 L.602, Ll.3778 1 55 40 -30 36.1 5.5 13 6.41 A3III 2 02 28.1 -29 39 54 12563 167511 L.608 1 56 52 -30 16.2 6.7 14 6.4 K0 2 02 51.8 -23 53 13 12596 167516 Ll.3813 1 57 5 -24 29.3 6.2 15 Nu 4.69v B9.5p* 2 04 29.4 -29 17 49 12767 167532 L.618, Ll.3864 1 58 53 -29 53.8 4.9 var? 16 7.2 A8/A9IV 2 08 08.7 -27 34 19 13168 167576 L.638, Ll.3976 2 2 30 -28 10.9 7.0 17 7.0 K2III 2 08 56.8 -31 44 44 13278 193534 * 2 3 27 -32 20.3 7.0 18 6.47 F4III 2 09 34.8 -24 20 44 13305 167599 L.644, Ll.4023 2 3 51 -24 56.2 6.4 19 Mu 5.29 A0V 2 12 54.5 -30 43 26 13709 193573 L.666 2 7 24 -31 18.6 5.4 20 7.0 K2/K3III 2 13 30.5 -33 20 08 13794 193583 L.671 2 8 6 -33 55.3 7.0 21 6.70 K0III 2 17 19.9 -35 58 59 14247 193622 L.688 2 12 2 -36 33.8 6.7 22 6.34 G8V 2 18 58.5 -25 56 44 14412 167697 L.695, Ll.4338 2 13 23 -26 32.3 6.5 23 Kappa 5.19 G1V 2 22 32.6 -23 48 59 14802 167736 L.712, Ll.4427 2 16 49 -24 23.1 5.4 24 6.9 K2III 2 23 23.3 -26 59 44 14880 167744 L.718, Ll.4458 2 17 49 -27 33.7 6.8 25 6.53 K2III 2 23 06.5 -37 34 35 14890 193679 L.723 2 17 58 -38 8.6 6.6 26 6.44 K3III 2 24 20.1 -25 50 49 14988 167757 L.726, Ll.4487 2 18 43 -26 24.9 6.6 27 7.0 F5V 2 24 26.2 -37 21 40 15048 193690 L.728 2 19 17 -37 55.6 6.6 * 7.5 F7V 2 27 42.4 -33 53 47 15394 193720 L.745 2 22 25 -34 27.5 8 # 28 Phi 5.14 A2/A3V 2 28 01.7 -33 48 40 15427 193723 L.749 2 22 44 -34 22.3 5.2# 29 6.11 K2IIICN* 2 28 35.5 -31 06 09 15471 193727 L.751 2 23 13 -31 39.7 6.4 30 6.51v A9V:n 2 30 13.8 -25 11 11 15634 167837 L.761, Ll.4685 2 24 36 -25 44.7 6.5 31 6.5 K1III 2 32 11.4 -32 36 21 15875 193757 Y.1128 2 26 52 -33 9.6 6.9 32 6.30 K0III 2 32 14.8 -36 25 39 15889 193759 L.776 2 27 6 -36 58.8 6.4 33 Lambda1 5.90 K0III 2 33 07.0 -34 39 00 15975 193763 L.781 2 27 54 -35 12.0 6.0 34 Omega 4.89 B9V 2 33 50.7 -28 13 57 16046 167882 L.783 2 28 22 -28 46.9 4.9 dpl. 8, 5 35 Iota1 5.75 G9III 2 36 09.3 -30 02 41 16307 193795 L.798 2 30 46 -30 35.4 5.7 36 Lambda2 5.78 G1V 2 36 58.6 -34 34 42 16417 193811 L.805 2 31 47 -35 6.7 5.9 37 Iota2 5.83 F5V 2 38 18.7 -30 11 40 16538 193829 L.811 2 32 55 -30 43.9 5.7 38 6.49 F6V 2 38 24.7 -37 59 26 16589 193834 L.815 2 33 22 -38 31.8 6.4 39 6.52 K0III 2 40 02.5 -30 38 02 16733 193846 L.823 2 34 42 -31 10.2 6.6 40 5.96 G8III 2 42 06.5 -38 23 02 16975 193873 L.841 2 37 8 -38 55.1 6.1 41 7.6 G5III 2 43 45.6 -27 53 59 17082 168005 L.846, Ll.5113 2 38 19 -28 25.9 7.0 42 6.8 G8III 2 43 39.5 -33 02 44 17083 193880 L.851 2 38 27 -33 34.6 6.9 43 6.83 G0 2 44 14.6 -25 29 44 17134 168012 L.850, Ll.5120 2 38 41 -26 1.7 7.0 dpl. 9, 7 44 6.22 A1V 2 44 20.5 -32 31 30 17168 193888 L.855 2 39 6 -33 3.2 6.4 45 7.2 G5V 2 44 13.1 -36 18 27 17169 193887 L.857 2 39 9 -36 50.2 6.8 46 Eta1 6.51 K0.5III 2 47 33.7 -35 33 02 17528 193916 L.879 2 42 29 -36 4.4 6.7 47 6.8 K0III 2 48 30.9 -33 46 59 17610 193924 L.886 2 43 22 -34 18.2 6.8 48 Upsilon* 6.7 F3/F5IV: 2 48 37.9 -37 24 03 17627 193926 L.887 2 43 38 -37 55.5 6.7 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 49 Beta 4.46 G8III 2 49 05.4 -32 24 21 17652 193931 L.888, J.50 2 43 52 -32 56.0 4.5 50 Gamma1 6.14 K1III 2 49 51.0 -24 33 37 17713 168081 L.890, Ll.5298 2 44 19 -25 4.4 6.4 51 Gamma2 5.36 A1V 2 49 54.2 -27 56 30 17729 168082 L.892, Ll.5303 2 44 29 -28 27.7 5.6 52 Eta2 5.91 K0III 2 50 14.8 -35 50 37 17793 193940 L.897 2 45 11 -36 21.7 6.1 53 Eta3 5.47 K5III 2 50 40.4 -35 40 31 17829 193944 L.899 2 45 37 -36 11.4 5.4 54 6.40 F6V 2 51 55.7 -30 48 57 17926 193951 L.903 2 46 39 -31 20.0 6.4 55 Psi 5.92 F5V 2 53 34.3 -38 26 13 18149 193965 L.915 2 48 41 -38 56.9 6.0 56 6.9 K0III 2 54 36.7 -30 53 27 18227 193975 L.918 2 49 22 -31 24.0 6.9 57 7.0 A3mA5-F0 2 54 49.6 -33 31 30 18252 193981 L.923 2 49 42 -34 2.0 6.7 58 6.7 K0 2 55 29.6 -25 18 16 18290 168150 L.922 2 50 0 -25 48.6 6.9 59 7.1 K0III 2 55 50.4 -38 39 04 18377 193987 L.931 2 50 59 -39 9.5 7.0 * 7.35 G5 2 57 14.6 -24 58 08 18455 168181 L.932 2 51 45 -25 28.3 7.0 dpl. 7 3/4, 7 1/2 60 6.5 G8III/IV 2 56 48.4 -35 22 41 18446 193998 L.936 2 51 47 -35 52.9 6.7 61 6.29 A2/3+G* 2 57 13.1 -29 51 19 18466 194002 L.935, Ll.5521 2 51 56 -30 21.5 6.3 62 6.41 A0Vn 2 57 32.6 -38 11 28 18546 194007 L.945 2 52 40 -38 41.6 6.2# * 7.7 K0IIICN* 2 58 33.4 -37 59 31 18636 194015 L.949 2 53 41 -38 29.6 7.3# 63 6.14 K1III 2 59 06.6 -28 54 25 18650 168202 L.946 2 53 47 -29 24.3 6.3 64 6.7 K5/M0III 2 59 01.3 -34 11 21 18660 194018 L.951 2 53 57 -34 41.3 6.8 65 Zeta 5.71 F2V 2 59 36.1 -25 16 27 18692 168209 L.947 2 54 6 -25 46.6 5.9 66 6.32 A0V 2 59 38.2 -32 30 27 18735 194023 L.953 2 54 29 -33 0.4 6.2 67 7.2 F6V 3 01 04.4 -33 06 34 18864 194035 L.964 2 55 56 -33 36.3 6.9 68 Epsilon 5.85 G8/K0V 3 01 37.6 -28 05 29 18907 168238 L.963 2 56 14 -28 34.2 6.0 69 6.19 A3V 3 07 50.9 -27 49 52 19545 168321 L.984, Ll.5854 3 2 30 -28 18.6 6.2 70 7.1 G3V 3 08 42.5 -35 25 58 19659 194109 L.993 3 3 46 -35 54.4 7.0 71 7.0 A4III/IV 3 10 42.6 -39 03 06 19904 194134 L.999 3 5 59 -39 31.5 7.0# * 7.1 F7V 3 11 52.5 -39 01 23 20029 194148 L.1005 3 7 8 -39 29.6 7.2# 72 Alpha 3.85 F8V 3 12 04.3 -28 59 14 20010 168373 By.454, J.59 3 6 45 -29 28.9 3.6 73 7.0 K1IIICN* 3 12 30.9 -32 23 48 20071 194153 L.1004 3 7 25 -32 52.1 7.0 74 7.1 A2/A3V 3 13 21.9 -27 34 24 20142 168390 L.1010 3 8 3 -28 2.6 6.8 75 6.27 B9IV/V 3 13 01.5 -35 56 38 20144 194163 L.1014 3 8 8 -36 24.7 6.1 76 6.16 K1IIICN* 3 13 38.0 -29 48 15 20176 168397 L.1015 3 8 25 -30 16.3 6.4 77 6.9 A2/A3IV* 3 13 50.2 -38 48 34 20232 194172 B.508 3 9 7 -39 16.5 6.8 78 6.25 A1V 3 15 00.2 -26 06 01 20293 168406 L.1021 3 9 38 -26 33.9 6.3 79 6.86v G2V 3 14 40.1 -35 33 28 20301 194176 L.1020 3 9 45 -36 1.4 6.7 80 6.64 B9V 3 16 11.3 -30 49 39 20423 194197 L.1034 3 11 2 -31 17.4 6.4 81 7.0 A3V 3 16 32.6 -35 41 27 20484 194202 L.1045 3 11 39 -36 9.1 6.7 82 5.93 F3V+A8/9 3 18 02.8 -28 47 49 20606 168449 L.1052 3 12 47 -29 15.3 5.9 83 5.61v? M2III 3 19 34.8 -24 07 23 20729 168462 L.1055 3 14 8 -24 34.6 5.9 r 84 7.0 F2IV/V 3 19 17.7 -35 00 15 20749 194229 L.1059 3 14 23 -35 27.5 6.9 85 6.8 F2V 3 20 44.6 -26 17 16 20852 168474 L.1063 3 15 23 -26 44.7 7.0# 86 6.39 F7V 3 20 45.2 -26 36 23 20853 168475 L.1064 3 15 25 -27 3.7 6.5# 87 6.35 A0V 3 22 16.4 -25 35 16 20980 168493 L.1071 3 16 54 -26 2.1 6.5 88 6.50 K3III 3 23 44.6 -32 42 26 21149 194268 L.1081 3 18 44 -33 9.1 6.7 89 Chi1 6.40v? A1IV 3 25 55.8 -35 55 15 21423 194289 L.1101 3 21 6 -36 21.6 6.2 90 5.93 K0III 3 26 22.5 -27 19 03 21430 168544 L.1096 3 21 6 -27 45.5 6.1 91 Chi2 5.71 K2III 3 27 33.4 -35 40 54 21574 194312 L.1108 3 22 43 -36 7.0 5.6 92 Chi3 6.50 A1V 3 28 11.5 -35 51 12 21635 194318 L.1111 3 23 22 -36 17.2 6.6 dpl. 6 1/2, 10 93 7.3 A1mA3-A8 3 29 58.0 -35 44 54 21852 194339 * 3 25 9 -36 10.7 7.0 94 6.39 A3V 3 31 53.9 -25 36 51 21997 168612 L.1124 3 26 33 -26 2.4 6.3 95 7.3 A2 3 32 26.3 -24 36 59 22052 168617 L.1128, Ll.6589 3 27 3 -25 2.5 6.9 96 6.20 F5V 3 33 56.8 -31 04 49 22262 194375 L.1135 3 28 54 -31 30.2 6.4 97 6.5 G5 3 34 52.4 -25 34 56 22333 168648 L.1137 3 29 32 -26 0.1 6.5 98 6.40 F3III 3 34 33.5 -31 52 29 22322 194379 L.1138 3 29 33 -32 17.6 6.7 99 7.0 F3V 3 34 30.2 -34 50 00 22347 194380 L.1141 3 29 39 -35 15.0 6.8 100 6.9 F3V 3 36 51.4 -33 46 49 22594 194399 L.1153 3 31 58 -34 11.6 6.8 101 Tau 6.01 A0V 3 38 47.7 -27 56 35 22789 168701 L.1163 3 33 36 -28 21.2 5.8 102 6.7 F5 3 41 59.2 -24 39 08 23148 168751 L.1186, Ll.6885 3 36 37 -25 3.1 6.7 103 Delta 5.00 B5III 3 42 14.9 -31 56 18 23227 194467 L.1191, J.69 3 37 17 -32 20.3 4.9 104 6.9 F0IV/V 3 45 33.1 -25 54 55 23616 168809 L.1213, Ll.7005 3 40 17 -26 18.4 6.7 105 Sigma 5.90 A2V 3 46 27.4 -29 20 17 23738 168820 L.1224 3 41 22 -29 43.7 5.7 106 6.55 F5V 3 47 20.1 -29 54 07 23856 194531 L.1228 3 42 15 -30 17.2 6.9 107 6.9 K1III 3 47 22.3 -29 28 03 23869 168835 L.1229 3 42 17 -29 51.3 7.0 108 6.8 A3V 3 47 59.1 -26 19 43 23920 168841 L.1231, Ll.7092 3 42 44 -26 42.8 6.8 109 Rho 5.54v? G6III 3 47 56.1 -30 10 06 23940 194535 L.1234 3 42 53 -30 32.6 5.6 c, var? 110 6.9 F3V 3 49 00.1 -26 01 57 24070 168858 L.1239, Ll.7127 3 43 45 -26 24.9 7.0 5 Declination corrected from -31 30.5. 15 Spectrum B9.5p(Si) 17 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 28 the star HD15394=SAO193720 is connected with a brace to 28 with combined magnitude 5.1 without being assigned a number. 29 Spectrum K2IIICNII 48 The letter Upsilon was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star fainter than magnitude 6, and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it does appear in some modern atlases and catalogs. Between 59 and 60 the star HD18455=SAO168181 is not assigned a number. 61 Spectrum A2/3(V)+(G) Following 62 the star HD18636=SAO194015 is connected with a brace to 62 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum K0/K1IIICNpvar Following 71 the star HD20029=SAO194148 is connected with a brace to 71 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 73 Spectrum K1IICNIV/V 76 Spectrum K1IICNIII 77 Spectrum A2/A3III/IV 85, 86 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 93 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 25. - GRUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.7 F3V 21 30 57.6 -36 32 47 204635 213058 L.8829 21 23 16 -37 5.7 6.9 2 Xi 5.29 K0III 21 32 05.8 -41 10 46 204783 230726 L.8833 21 24 11 -41 43.7 5.7 3 5.57 K0III 21 33 23.5 -44 50 55 204960 230737 L.8838 21 25 17 -45 24.0 6.0 4 7.0 K1III 21 34 01.4 -46 36 38 205048 230739 L.8840 21 25 48 -47 9.7 7.0 5 6.32 K1IIICN* 21 34 17.0 -42 55 30 205096 230741 L.8844 21 26 18 -43 28.6 6.5 6 6.8 K2II/III 21 34 39.8 -36 38 49 205186 213103 L.8846 21 27 0 -37 12.0 6.9 7 7.2 F5V 21 37 43.3 -45 35 07 205591 230762 L.8852 21 29 37 -46 8.4 7.0 8 6.8 A9IV/V 21 39 42.4 -42 26 44 205913 230776 L.8865 21 31 47 -43 0.5 6.6 9 6.8 K1III 21 39 51.9 -43 07 55 205933 230778 L.8866 21 31 55 -43 41.7 6.7 10 6.66 G0IV 21 43 02.1 -43 29 46 206395 230807 L.8886 21 35 3 -44 3.7 6.6 11 6.30 K1IIICN* 21 44 29.5 -38 33 09 206642 213248 L.8896 21 36 47 -39 7.1 6.5# c* 12 7.5 A2/A3V 21 44 57.5 -38 26 28 206709 213255 L.8900 21 37 17 -39 0.7 7.3# * 13 5.58 G2V 21 48 15.8 -47 18 13 207129 230846 L.8912 21 40 8 -47 52.2 5.8 14 6.9 F0V 21 48 34.6 -47 46 32 207193 230848 L.8914 21 40 27 -48 21.2 6.9 15 7.1 K2III 21 49 45.4 -46 36 40 207376 230854 L.8921 21 41 42 -47 11.4 7.0 16 6.6 K0III 21 50 02.0 -47 43 30 207400 230858 L.8922 21 41 55 -48 18.3 6.6 17 7.0 K0III 21 53 14.7 -36 53 49 207895 213364 L.8948 21 45 42 -37 28.9 7.0 18 Gamma 3.01 B8III 21 53 55.7 -37 21 54 207971 213374 L.8951, J.544 21 46 21 -37 57.1 3.0 19 6.52 F3V 21 55 55.4 -46 55 39 208215 230903 L.8957 21 47 57 -47 30.9 6.7 20 5.46 A3V 21 56 22.8 -37 15 13 208321 213414 L.8964 21 48 51 -37 50.7 5.8 * 7.1 K2 21 57 02.5 -37 39 33 208434 213428 B.7102 21 49 29 -38 15.1 7 1/2# 21 6.20v F2/F3V 21 57 02.2 -37 44 49 208435 213427 L.8966, B.7103 21 49 29 -38 20.3 6 3/4# * 7.4 G2V: 21 57 19.9 -37 45 52 208487 213432 B.7104 21 49 46 -38 21.1 7 3/4# 22 6.55 G8IV 21 58 34.8 -44 03 48 208627 230921 L.8971 21 50 46 -44 39.3 6.7 23 6.76 K5III 21 58 29.7 -41 43 16 208625 230920 L.8972 21 50 48 -42 18.9 7.0 24 5.50 K1II/III 21 59 17.8 -38 23 43 208737 213452 L.8976 21 51 44 -38 59.4 5.8 25 6.6 K2III 22 00 59.1 -36 33 22 208992 213472 L.8987 21 53 31 -37 9.2 6.9 26 6.93 K0III 22 06 04.3 -43 57 58 209661 230977 L.9015 21 58 19 -44 34.3 6.9 27 Lambda 4.46 M0III 22 06 06.9 -39 32 36 209688 213543 L.9017, J.548 21 58 35 -40 8.7 4.7 28 Alpha 1.70 B7IV 22 08 14.0 -46 57 40 209952 230992 L.9021, J.552 22 0 21 -47 33.9 1.9 29 6.43 K3III 22 09 57.9 -48 06 26 210204 231005 L.9032 22 2 3 -48 43.0 6.5 30 6.60 G8IV 22 11 27.3 -43 50 34 210441 231019 L.9043 22 3 46 -44 27.4 6.8 31 6.6 K0III 22 12 30.0 -40 12 10 210622 231028 L.9052 22 4 59 -40 49.0 6.9 32 6.26 G5V 22 14 38.6 -41 22 54 210918 231045 L.9061, J.553 22 7 0 -41 58.4 6.8 33 7.1 K0III 22 15 30.5 -43 38 06 211052 231052 L.9066 22 7 52 -44 15.2 6.9 34 6.10 G8/K0III 22 15 35.1 -44 27 07 211053 231053 L.9068 22 7 56 -45 4.3 6.4 35 Mu1 4.79 G8III+G 22 15 37.0 -41 20 48 211088 231055 L.9069, J.554 22 8 5 -41 58.1 5.0 36 Mu2 5.10 G8III 22 16 26.6 -41 37 39 211202 231063 L.9075 22 8 55 -42 14.9 5.4 37 5.33 G1V 22 18 15.6 -53 37 40 211415 247400 L.9076 22 10 3 -54 13.7 5.7 38 Pi1 6.62v S5,7: 22 22 43.9 -45 56 52 212087 231105 L.9107 22 15 5 -46 34.6 6.7# rr 39 Pi2 5.62 F3III-IV 22 23 08.0 -45 55 42 212132 231111 L.9108 22 15 27 -46 33.4 5.9# * 6.92 A1V 22 23 24.6 -46 40 08 212180 231116 L.9110 22 15 45 -47 17.9 7.0 dpl. 8 1/4, 7 1/4 * 7.4 K1II/III 22 24 22.4 -48 51 38 212308 231120 * 22 16 37 -49 29.4 7.1# * 7.7 K2/K3III 22 24 27.8 -48 48 58 212328 231121 * 22 16 42 -49 26.8 7.4# 40 6.7 F5V 22 24 39.1 -41 26 25 212386 231123 L.9118 22 17 11 -42 4.3 6.7 * 7.5 M0III 22 28 13.4 -39 05 21 212895 213843 B.7169 22 20 54 -39 43.6 7 1/4# 41 Nu 5.47 G8III 22 28 39.2 -39 07 55 212953 213850 L.9136, B.7171 22 21 19 -39 45.8 5 3/4# r 42 Delta1 3.97 G6/G8III 22 29 16.2 -43 29 44 213009 231154 L.9138, J.560 22 21 48 -44 8.0 4.2 43 Delta2 4.11v M4.5IIIa 22 29 45.5 -43 44 58 213080 231161 L.9140, J.561 22 22 17 -44 23.2 4.4 44 6.92 B9V 22 30 15.6 -42 17 27 213155 231168 L.9145 22 22 50 -42 55.8 6.9 45 6.80 G4IV 22 31 00.3 -49 26 00 213240 231175 L.9147 22 23 20 -50 3.9 6.8 46 6.79 K0III-IV 22 33 54.5 -44 41 24 213658 231192 L.9166 22 26 27 -45 19.9 6.9 47 6.7 K0III 22 35 33.1 -51 36 14 213882 247502 L.9173 22 27 49 -52 14.9 6.8 48 6.7 M3III 22 36 38.8 -48 18 22 214066 231213 L.9178 22 29 4 -48 57.1 6.9 49 6.76 F6V 22 36 42.6 -43 28 16 214094 231214 L.9179 22 29 16 -44 7.0 7.0 50 Sigma1* 6.28 A3Vn 22 36 29.3 -40 34 58 214085 231211 L.9181 22 29 11 -41 13.6 6.4# 51 Sigma2* 5.86 A1V 22 36 58.8 -40 35 28 214150 231217 L.9183 22 29 41 -41 14.1 6.0# 52 6.7 F7V 22 37 47.6 -39 51 25 214291 231223 L.9188 22 30 32 -40 30.3 6.6 53 6.65v F1III 22 39 08.5 -52 41 32 214441 247531 L.9189 22 31 24 -53 20.4 6.7 54 7.0 K0III 22 38 56.6 -39 09 19 214466 213983 L.9194 22 31 43 -39 48.2 6.9 55 6.7 K3III 22 38 55.7 -38 28 39 214465 213982 L.9196 22 31 43 -39 7.5 6.7 56 6.02v? G1Vvar 22 42 36.9 -47 12 38 214953 231257 L.9210 22 35 10 -47 51.1 6.5 dpl. 6 1/2, 10 57 Beta 2.10v M5III 22 42 40.1 -46 53 05 214952 231258 L.9211, J.569 22 35 12 -47 32.2 2.2 r 58 6.07v? K1IV 22 42 43.1 -44 14 53 214987 231260 L.9215 22 35 22 -44 54.1 6.4 59 Rho 4.85 K0III 22 43 30.1 -41 24 52 215104 231265 L.9218 22 36 15 -42 3.9 5.2 60 7.1 K0III 22 44 49.0 -40 46 04 215317 231272 L.9224 22 37 36 -41 25.3 7.0 r 61 Eta 4.85 K2IIICN* 22 45 37.9 -53 30 00 215369 247570 L.9223, J.570 22 37 57 -54 9.4 5.1 62 5.51 K3III 22 45 40.7 -46 32 51 215405 231278 L.9229 22 38 18 -47 12.2 5.9 63 6.6 K2/K3III 22 46 04.4 -55 03 49 215424 247572 L.9226 22 38 21 -55 43.2 6.5 64 6.64 F9V 22 46 08.0 -48 58 44 215456 231285 L.9231 22 38 37 -49 38.0 6.7 65 6.48 K1III 22 46 28.3 -49 41 09 215504 231287 L.9233 22 38 57 -50 20.0 6.5 66 6.56 A9IIIm: 22 46 43.7 -46 56 22 215545 231290 L.9237 22 39 19 -47 35.8 6.9 dpl. 7, 9 67 6.71 F6V 22 47 47.1 -38 13 19 215724 214087 L.9251 22 40 40 -38 52.7 6.8 68 Epsilon 3.49 A3V 22 48 33.3 -51 19 01 215789 247593 L.9249, J.571 22 41 0 -51 58.4 3.5 * 7.00v M3III 22 50 00.6 -55 14 05 215985 247605 L.9257 22 42 19 -55 53.6 7.1# * 8.0 A0 22 50 34.0 -55 13 09 216056 247614 L.9264 22 42 53 -55 52.8 7.8# 69 5.42 M0III 22 51 02.2 -39 09 25 216149 214134 L.9275 22 43 55 -39 49.1 5.8 r 70 Tau1 6.03 G3IV 22 53 37.9 -48 35 53 216435 231343 L.9289 22 46 13 -49 15.5 6.3 71 Tau2 6.67 F7V: 22 55 16.1 -48 29 30 216656 231353 L.9295, B.7221 22 47 58 -49 9.5 6 3/4# 72 7.03 G5 22 55 16.1 -48 27 56 216655 231354 B.7220 22 47 59 -49 8.0 7 # 73 6.40 K2III 22 55 14.9 -36 23 19 216666 214182 L.9298 22 48 14 -37 3.2 6.6 74 6.8 K1III 22 55 54.2 -41 05 50 216742 231360 L.9300 22 48 47 -41 45.8 6.8 75 Tau3 5.70 Am: 22 56 47.8 -47 58 09 216823 231364 L.9305 22 49 30 -48 38.2 6.1 76 7.0 K0III 23 00 24.0 -41 09 05 217307 231387 L.9326 22 53 20 -41 49.2 6.9 77 4.12 G8III 23 00 52.8 -52 45 15 217364 247680 L.9322, J.576 22 53 29 -53 25.4 4.0 78 5.68 K3III 23 01 07.5 -50 57 01 217403 247683 L.9328 22 53 46 -51 37.2 5.9 79 6.47 G9+G1* 23 02 34.0 -36 25 15 217642 214261 L.9343 22 55 37 -37 5.5 6.6 80 6.6 B9V 23 02 56.7 -47 50 53 217670 231409 L.9341 22 55 43 -48 31.2 6.7 81 6.7 M1III 23 03 42.6 -40 48 58 217807 231415 L.9351 22 56 40 -41 29.4 6.9 82 5.79 K0III 23 03 59.5 -41 28 42 217842 231419 L.9354 22 56 57 -42 9.2 6.0 r 83 Kappa 5.37 K5III 23 04 39.6 -53 57 55 217902 247711 L.9353 22 57 17 -54 38.1 5.6 84 Theta 4.30 D Del* 23 06 52.8 -43 31 14 218227 231444 L.9366, J.577 22 59 50 -44 11.7 4.2 85 Upsilon 5.61 A0V 23 06 53.6 -38 53 32 218242 214313 L.9369 22 59 56 -39 34.0 5.7 86 6.33 K4III 23 07 09.5 -49 36 24 218255 231445 L.9365 22 59 57 -50 16.9 6.5 87 6.24 F6/F7IV* 23 07 14.7 -50 41 11 218269 247739 L.9367 23 0 0 -51 21.7 5.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 6 1/4 88 5.81 F4IV 23 09 57.3 -42 51 38 218630 231464 L.9381 23 3 1 -43 32.2 6.1 89 5.83v? M4III 23 10 09.8 -40 35 30 218655 231465 L.9384 23 3 12 -41 16.0 6.2 90 Iota 3.90 K0III 23 10 21.6 -45 14 48 218670 231468 L.9382, J.580 23 3 17 -45 55.4 3.9 91 6.80 G8/K0III 23 13 15.0 -49 37 08 219023 231493 L.9397 23 6 8 -50 17.8 6.8 92 5.77 K2III 23 14 58.6 -41 06 20 219263 231512 L.9407 23 8 2 -41 46.9 6.1 93 7.1 F3/F5IV 23 16 25.2 -55 31 37 219458 247809 L.9410 23 9 10 -56 12.5 6.9 94 5.92 K1III 23 16 39.7 -44 29 21 219507 231532 L.9419 23 9 42 -45 10.2 6.2 95 6.47 K0III 23 16 49.8 -41 11 40 219531 231533 L.9424 23 9 56 -41 52.6 6.7 96 7.2 F3IV/V 23 18 00.6 -48 06 50 219665 231538 L.9430 23 10 59 -48 47.7 6.9 97 Phi 5.53 F5V 23 18 09.9 -40 49 28 219693 231539 L.9432 23 11 15 -41 30.1 5.8 98 6.59 B9V 23 18 46.0 -47 26 06 219761 231542 L.9433 23 11 46 -48 7.1 6.6 99 7.1 A3V(m) 23 19 25.8 -39 09 30 219860 214451 L.9440 23 12 35 -39 50.4 6.9 100 6.7 K1III 23 19 59.7 -47 32 24 219914 231553 L.9442 23 13 0 -48 13.4 7.0 * 8.9 A3 23 20 49.0 -50 18 39 247837 * 23 13 47 -50 59.5 7.4# 101 6.05 D Del* 23 20 49.9 -50 18 24 220003 247838 L.9446 23 13 48 -50 59.3 6.2# 102 6.6 K2III 23 23 22.1 -55 33 11 220330 247851 L.9452 23 16 15 -56 14.3 6.9 103 7.1 F0V 23 23 18.4 -41 36 04 220353 231583 L.9454 23 16 28 -42 17.2 6.8 * 7.12 A3III 23 23 52.5 -53 48 54 220391 247853 B.7280 23 16 48 -54 29.9 7 1/4# 104 6.15 A4III 23 23 54.3 -53 48 30 220392 247854 L.9455, B.7281 23 16 49 -54 29.6 6 # 105 6.10 K3III 23 23 45.4 -43 07 28 220401 231587 L.9456 23 16 54 -43 48.6 6.4 106 5.75 M0III 23 24 13.1 -51 53 28 220440 247858 L.9457 23 17 12 -52 34.5 5.9 107 Omicron 5.52 F4V 23 26 36.6 -52 43 18 220729 247874 L.9470 23 19 36 -53 24.8 5.7 5 Spectrum K1IIICNII 11 The note c has been added. Spectrum K1IIICNIV/V 12 A note c has been removed. 11, 12 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 21 the star HD208434=SAO213428 and following 21 the star HD208487= SAO213432 are both connected with a brace to 21 with combined magnitude of all three stars 6.5 without having numbers assigned to either. 38, 39 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 39 the star HD212180=SAO231116 has not been assigned a number. Preceding 40 the stars HD212308=SAO231120 and HD212328=SAO231121 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0. For both of these stars Gould does not provide designations from earlier catalogs. Preceding 41 the star HD212895=SAO213843 is connected with a brace to 41 with combined magnitude 5.6. 50 The designation Sigma1 was assigned by Lacaille. Gould removed it because he considered this star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it does appear in many modern star atlases and catalogs. 50, 51 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 51 The designation Sigma2 was assigned by Lacaille. Gould removed it because he considered this star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it does appear in many modern star atlases and catalogs. 61 Spectrum K2IIICNIV Between 68 and 69 the stars HD215985=SAO247605 and HD216056=SAO247614 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either. 71, 72 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.5. 79 Spectrum G9IIIab+G1IV 84 Spectrum Delta Del 87 Spectrum F6/F7IV/V Preceding 101 the star SAO247837 is connected with a brace to 101 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 101 Spectrum Fm Delta Del Preceding 104 the star HD220391=SAO247853 is connected with a brace to 104 with combined magnitude 5.7 without being assigned a number. 64. - HERCULES G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 9 5.48 K5III 16 13 15.5 + 5 01 16 145892 121431 Ll.29558 16 7 5 + 5 20.5 6.0 2 6.31 K2III 16 14 13.4 + 5 54 08 146084 121443 Ll.29598 16 8 5 + 6 13.3 6.7 3 12* 6.8 K0 16 14 42.3 + 7 51 30 146169 121451 Ll.29624 16 8 39 + 8 10.5 6.9 4 21 o 5.85 A2p(Sr) 16 24 10.8 + 6 56 53 147869 121568 Ll.29867 16 18 6 + 7 14.3 6.2 5 6.8 K2 16 25 40.7 + 9 22 15 148148 121588 Ll.29908 16 19 42 + 9 39.5 7.0 6 6.7 K0 16 26 41.2 + 9 16 24 148297 121602 Ll.29942 16 20 42 + 9 33.5 7.0 7 6.98 G5 16 31 30.6 + 8 17 40 148979 121665 Ll.30073 16 25 28 + 8 33.6 7.0 8 6.7 F2 16 31 56.4 + 9 24 53 149059 121671 Ll.30085 16 25 58 + 9 41.1 6.8 9 28 n 5.64 B9.5III 16 32 35.7 + 5 31 16 149121 121676 Ll.30097 16 26 27 + 5 47.4 6.0 10 6.8 K0 16 34 27.8 + 8 40 25 149433 121703 Ll.30158 16 28 28 + 8 56.1 6.9 11 6.6 K0 16 37 33.8 + 5 16 39 149908 121738 Ll.30243 16 31 24 + 5 31.9 6.8 * 36 6.93 A3IV 16 40 35.2 + 4 12 16 150379 121774 Ll.30335 16 34 23 + 4 27.2 7.5# 12 37 m 5.77 A1V 16 40 38.7 + 4 13 11 150378 121776 Ll.30339 16 34 27 + 4 27.9 6.0# 13 38* 6.98 A0 16 41 30.2 + 4 52 18 150525 121788 Ll.30374 16 35 20 + 5 6.8 7.0 14 41 6.58 G5 16 44 59.9 + 6 05 17 151090 121831 Ll.30480 16 38 55 + 6 20.0 6.8 15 43 i 5.15v? K5III 16 45 49.9 + 8 34 57 151217 121843 Ll.30512 16 39 50 + 8 48.7 5.9 16 45 l 5.24v B9p(Cr) 16 47 46.4 + 5 14 49 151525 121865 Ll.30559 16 41 37 + 5 28.4 5.7 17 47 k 5.49v? A3m 16 50 19.4 + 7 14 52 151956 121895 Ll.30637 16 44 15 + 7 27.9 5.8 3 The Flamsteed number 12 is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina; however it is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. Preceding 12 the star 36 Herculis is connected with a brace to 12 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number. 13 The Flamsteed number 38 is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina; however it is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 16. - HOROLOGIUM G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.81 K5III 2 19 54.3 -55 56 41 14641 232717 L.717 2 15 51 -56 31.2 6.1 r 2* 7.8 A3V 2 23 23.9 -56 48 48 15051 232745 L.739 2 19 29 -57 22.9 6.9 3 Lambda 5.35 F2III 2 24 53.9 -60 18 43 15233 248555 L.752 2 21 24 -60 52.3 5.8 4 TZ* 6.41v M5III 2 25 26.4 -66 29 41 15379 248556 L.769 2 22 52 -67 3.4 6.9 5 6.37 A0V 2 28 04.1 -64 17 59 15646 248567 L.779 2 25 10 -64 51.5 6.4 6 TV* 6.70v M4/M5III 2 30 15.6 -57 48 34 15793 232795 L.782 2 26 33 -58 21.9 6.7 7 6.25 F6V 2 33 54.6 -51 05 37 16170 232818 L.799 2 29 39 -51 38.5 6.5 8 6.79 B9V 2 33 33.7 -62 35 13 16226 248595 L.812 2 30 30 -63 8.1 6.9 9 6.8 F5V 2 33 51.4 -60 58 59 16241 248598 L.810 2 30 33 -61 31.9 6.9 10 7.0 G8III 2 35 31.3 -50 51 12 16346 232825 L.808 2 31 16 -51 23.9 7.0 11 Eta 5.31 A6V 2 37 24.2 -52 32 35 16555 232835 L.821 2 33 17 -53 5.1 5.6 * 7.0 F8+G/K* 2 38 44.0 -52 57 04 16699 232841 L.828 2 34 40 -53 29.5 7.3# dpl. 8, 8 12 6.7 F1IV* 2 39 06.7 -52 56 04 16743 232847 L.832 2 35 4 -53 28.5 6.9# 13 7.7 G8/K0III 2 39 40.0 -59 34 04 16852 232851 L.849 2 36 18 -60 6.3 7.0# * 7.7 A9IV 2 39 44.8 -59 34 06 16853 232852 * 2 36 23 -60 6.3 7.2# 14 Zeta 5.21 F4IV 2 40 39.6 -54 33 00 16920 232857 L.847 2 36 46 -55 5.2 5.5 15 6.55 B8V 2 39 31.8 -64 16 55 16891 248616 L.863 2 36 51 -64 49.1 6.6 16 7.1 K3III 2 39 34.6 -66 57 26 16939 248618 L.867 2 37 23 -67 29.6 7.0 17 Iota 5.40 G3IV 2 42 33.5 -50 48 01 17051 232864 L.859 2 38 18 -51 20.4 5.6 18 6.16 A2V 2 44 10.7 -52 34 14 17254 232871 L.874 2 40 10 -53 5.9 6.2 19 6.26v? F5V 2 43 26.7 -66 42 52 17326 248632 L.893 2 41 16 -67 14.4 6.5 var? 20 Gamma* 5.74 G8III/IV 2 45 27.6 -63 42 16 17504 248642 L.896 2 42 48 -64 13.8 6.1 21 Nu 5.26 A2V 2 49 01.5 -62 48 24 17848 248656 R.87 2 46 15 -63 19.5 5.7 22 6.6 K2IIICN* 2 51 36.0 -63 32 28 18120 248667 L.934 2 49 2 -64 3.1 6.9 23 6.03v? K1III 2 52 19.2 -62 54 35 18185 248673 L.937 2 49 38 -63 25.3 6.4 rr var? 24 6.21 K4III 2 54 06.3 -50 52 20 18265 232933 L.930 2 50 7 -51 21.3 6.2 dpl. 6 1/4, 7 3/4 25 6.4 K0/K1III 2 52 55.0 -65 27 20 18292 248676 L.948 2 50 43 -65 57.9 6.9 26 6.7 F2V 2 54 20.0 -55 52 46 18325 232937 L.941 2 50 45 -56 23.4 6.6 27 6.56 K2/K3III 2 54 21.0 -64 26 08 18423 248681 L.957 2 51 59 -64 56.5 6.9 28 6.7 K0IIICN* 2 54 47.8 -64 00 08 18448 248682 G.80 2 52 19 -64 30.7 7.0 29 6.7 F0IV 2 57 36.7 -55 00 47 18637 232950 L.960 2 53 59 -55 31.0 6.7 30 6.8 K2/K3III 2 59 08.6 -55 33 56 18795 232958 L.970 2 55 36 -56 3.7 7.0 31 6.7 K2III 2 59 34.6 -53 54 30 18829 232961 L.971 2 55 53 -54 24.4 6.9 32 Beta 4.98 A5III 2 58 47.8 -64 04 16 18866 248701 B.462 2 56 26 -64 34.1 5.2 33 Mu 5.11 F0IV 3 03 36.8 -59 44 16 19319 232981 L.989 3 0 40 -60 13.4 5.3 34 6.12 K1III 3 10 27.4 -48 44 03 19948 216197 L.1006 3 6 24 -49 12.4 6.4 35 6.9 A9III 3 08 50.3 -64 33 55 19939 248744 L.1025 3 6 44 -65 2.6 6.9 36 6.7 G8III 3 10 39.3 -57 48 35 20037 233023 L.1023 3 7 32 -58 16.9 6.8 37 6.65 A3III/IV 3 10 03.4 -63 49 54 20060 248748 L.1033 3 7 52 -64 23.2 6.8 38 5.74v C5II 3 12 33.2 -57 19 18 20234 233037 L.1040 3 9 23 -57 47.4 6.3 r 39 6.77 G3V 3 15 06.2 -45 39 54 20407 216230 L.1042 3 10 53 -46 8.0 6.7 40 5.85 K2III 3 17 26.5 -47 45 06 20640 216246 L.1058 3 13 22 -48 12.6 6.2 r 41 6.39 K0III 3 21 33.3 -47 46 37 21011 216278 L.1080 3 17 31 -48 13.5 6.6 dpl. 8 1/2, 7 42 7.1 A2V+F/G 3 24 34.5 -45 39 49 21319 216302 L.1100 3 20 24 -46 6.4 6.9 dpl. 8 1/2, 7 43 6.6 A0V 3 24 36.3 -51 03 45 21360 233106 L.1106 3 20 53 -51 30.2 6.6 44 TU* 5.99v A2V 3 30 37.1 -47 22 30 21981 216357 L.1130 3 26 37 -47 48.2 6.1 45 5.68 K3III 3 32 34.8 -50 22 43 22231 233152 L.1144 3 28 51 -50 48.2 5.9 46 7.1 A2IV 3 35 49.8 -43 42 59 22541 216398 L.1154 3 31 35 -44 7.9 7.0 47 7.0 A4V 3 41 45.5 -47 46 30 23274 216445 L.1207 3 37 54 -48 10.6 6.9 48 6.49 F8V 3 42 09.9 -45 57 28 23308 216449 L.1208 3 38 9 -46 21.4 6.7 * 7.2 K0III+G* 3 42 22.7 -50 47 43 23368 233231 L.1215 3 38 48 -51 11.6 7.3# 49 6.97 G1V 3 43 04.7 -50 38 37 23456 233238 L.1219 3 39 28 -51 3.4 7.0# 50 6.49 G8/K0III 3 44 50.6 -48 03 41 23670 216469 L.1230 3 41 1 -48 27.0 6.8 51 5.73 K1III 3 45 15.8 -47 21 35 23719 216470 L.1232 3 41 23 -47 45.0 6.1 52 6.5 K3III 3 47 19.6 -50 45 15 24023 233270 L.1250 3 43 48 -51 8.2 6.9 53 6.94 G8III 3 50 02.7 -45 23 07 24291 216513 L.1258 3 46 2 -45 45.9 7.0 54 6.71 A8III/IV 3 51 41.5 -47 19 00 24500 216527 L.1274 3 47 51 -47 41.5 6.9 55 5.93 K3III 3 53 33.3 -46 53 37 24706 216540 L.1287 3 49 41 -47 15.7 6.4 56 6.91 A3V 3 54 37.5 -46 25 01 24805 216548 L.1297 3 50 44 -46 47.0 6.9 57 6.84 K1III 3 59 20.2 -43 55 01 25301 216590 L.1320 3 55 15 -44 16.3 7.0 58 7.0 K2III 4 02 59.8 -48 22 09 25771 216618 L.1345 3 59 20 -48 42.9 6.9 59 6.63 A4/A5IV 4 03 39.3 -47 51 44 25860 216625 L.1348 3 59 57 -48 12.3 6.7 60 6.59 K0III 4 07 25.1 -42 55 01 26262 216655 L.1369 4 3 18 -43 15.0 6.8 61 7.0 F3IV/V 4 06 51.2 -49 37 43 26246 216651 L.1371 4 3 20 -49 57.8 6.9 62 6.59 F2V 4 08 33.9 -45 51 54 26413 216667 L.1376 4 4 41 -46 11.8 6.7 63 Delta 4.90 A9V 4 10 50.6 -41 59 37 26612 216682 L.1382 4 6 38 -42 19.2 5.3 64 6.71 K3/K4III 4 12 31.6 -44 22 06 26820 216694 L.1390 4 8 33 -44 41.3 7.0 65 6.37 K3III 4 13 35.6 -40 21 29 26927 216705 L.1394 4 9 18 -40 40.6 6.6 r 66 Alpha 3.86 K1III 4 14 00.1 -42 17 40 26967 216710 L.1398, J.88 4 9 52 -42 36.2 3.8 67 6.77 F8/G0V 4 14 09.7 -46 07 57 27019 216711 L.1402 4 10 19 -46 26.7 6.8 68 5.34 K2III 4 19 16.6 -44 16 05 27588 216749 L.1424 4 15 19 -44 34.1 5.8 2 The coordinates in the Uranometria Argentina clearly correspond to this star, HD15051=SAO232745, which however is much fainter than the magnitude in the Uranometria Argentina. It can be conjectured that Gould intended his 2G Horologii to be the star HD14703=SAO232722, 2000 coordinates 2 20 22.9, -56 47 03, magnitude 6.5, spectrum K0III, whose magnitude corresponds closely with the magnitude of 2G Horologii in the Uranometria Argentina. 4 The variable star designation TZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Preceding 12 the star HD16699=SAO232841 is connected with a brace to 12 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. Spectrum F8IV/V+G/K. 6 The variable star designation TV was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 12 Spectrum F0/F2III/IV Following 13 the star HD16853=SAO232852 is connected with a brace to 13 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. 20 The letter Gamma was asssigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star fainter than magnitude 6, and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. It is shown on most modern atlases and catalogs. 22 Spectrum K2/3IIICNII 28 Spectrum K0IIICNII 44 The variable star designation TU was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Preceding 49 the star HD23368=SAO233231 is connected with a brace to 49 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number. Spectrum K0/1III+G 40. - HYDRA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.36 G8III 8 11 33.0 - 7 46 21 68312 135611 Ll.16049 8 5 28 - 7 24.1 5.7 2 7.2 B9 8 12 50.7 + 4 55 42 68504 116481 Ll.16061 8 6 14 + 5 18.1 7.0 * 7.7 G0 8 11 33.5 - 6 00 56 68287 135610 Ll.16042 8 5 25 - 5 38.8 7 1/2# * 7.9 K0 8 12 08.3 - 6 05 38 68426 135622 Ll.16062 8 5 59 - 5 43.3 7 3/4# * * 8 6 26 - 5 17.4 8 1/2# * 9.28 K0 8 12 37.2 - 5 40 51 68527 * 8 6 27 - 5 18.5 8 # * 9.1 A0 8 12 58.6 - 5 34 09 68585 135635 WB.124 8 6 48 - 5 11.7 8 1/2# * 9.0 A2 8 13 08.5 - 5 38 36 68646 135639 * 8 6 57 - 5 16.1 8 1/2# * 8.6 A0 8 13 18.0 - 5 38 27 68669 135644 WB.133 8 7 7 - 5 15.9 8 1/4# * 8.6 A1 8 13 19.8 - 5 33 31 68685 WB.134 8 7 9 - 5 11.0 8 1/4# * * 8 7 30 - 5 23.9 8 1/2# * 9.0 A 8 13 44.2 - 5 48 49 68779 135653 * 8 7 35 - 5 25.5 8 1/2# * 9.0 * 8 13 44.8 - 5 48 01 135654 * 8 7 36 - 5 22.3 8 1/2# * 8.4 K0 8 14 17.0 - 5 54 01 68879 135668 WB.165 8 8 7 - 5 31.4 8 # 3 6.4 K0 8 13 21.7 - 1 09 57 68667 135643 DM.1938 8 7 0 - 0 47.5 6.7 4 6.53 G0 8 17 18.5 + 4 13 09 69480 116582 Ll.16213 8 10 44 + 4 36.3 6.8 * 7.5 G5 8 16 42.6 - 9 03 14 69437 135715 Ll.16228 8 10 41 - 8 40.2 8 # * 7.0 A0 8 16 47.6 - 9 00 50 69460 135717 Ll.16234 8 10 45 - 8 37.8 7 1/4# * 7.1 F8 8 16 26.5 - 3 13 32 69351 135709 * 8 10 11 - 2 50.6 7.2# 5 6.6 B9 8 17 09.5 - 3 21 50 69502 135724 Ll.16233 8 10 53 - 2 58.7 6.9# * 7.4 K2 8 17 37.8 + 6 14 42 69523 116587 Ll.16225 8 10 58 + 6 37.8 7.7# * 7.0 K0 8 17 59.3 + 6 14 01 69632 116597 Ll.16241 8 11 19 + 6 37.9 7.1# * 7.6 K2 8 17 44.1 + 2 47 37 69608 116592 Ll.16240 8 11 13 + 3 10.7 7 1/2# * 7.6 K0 8 17 49.6 + 2 55 11 69633 116593 Ll.16247 8 11 18 + 3 18.4 7 1/2# 6 6.05 G8III 8 19 49.9 + 3 56 52 70013 116630 Ll.16312 8 13 15 + 4 20.4 6.4 7 6.32v F3IIIp 8 19 15.1 -10 09 57 69997 154105 Ll.16325 8 13 16 - 9 46.7 6.7 8 6.20 F9V 8 20 13.1 - 0 54 34 70110 135783 Ll.16331 8 13 50 - 0 30.8 6.5 9 6.13 K2III 8 20 17.1 - 5 19 45 70148 135787 Ll.(16345) 8 14 5 - 4 56.1 6.5 10 6.50 A2Vnnpe 8 21 20.2 - 1 36 08 70340 135804 Ll.16375 8 15 0 - 1 12.3 6.7 11 6.9 F0 8 21 36.4 -11 02 46 70438 154152 Ll.16411 8 15 39 -10 39.0 6.8 12 6.7 F2 8 21 56.9 -10 44 54 70499 154158 Ll.16425 8 15 58 -10 21.1 6.8 13 6.15 A8IV 8 22 30.2 - 6 10 45 70574 135832 Ll.16432 8 16 21 - 5 46.9 6.4 14 5.96 M1III 8 22 54.0 - 7 32 36 70652 135840 Ll.16449 8 16 48 - 7 8.6 6.3 15 1 5.60 F3V 8 24 35.0 - 3 45 04 70958 135877 Ll.16509 8 18 22 - 3 20.8 6.2 16 6.00 F2V 8 24 36.4 - 4 43 01 70937 135882 WB.453 8 18 23 - 4 18.7 6.7 17 5.73 K5III 8 25 35.6 + 2 06 07 71095 116747 Ll.16534 8 19 6 + 2 30.5 6.3 18 6.6 K0 8 25 48.3 + 1 34 26 71136 116751 Ll.16546 8 19 20 + 1 58.9 6.9 19 C 3.90 A0V 8 25 39.6 - 3 54 23 71155 135896 Ll.16559 8 19 25 - 3 30.0 3.8 20 7.6 K0 8 25 37.3 - 8 57 23 71172 135897 WB.486 8 19 34 - 8 33.0 6.7 r 21 6.9 F0 8 26 06.1 - 8 30 54 71252 135908 Ll.16578 8 20 2 - 8 6.5 6.9 22 6.6 A2 8 26 01.1 -10 31 01 71253 154247 Ll.16580 8 20 2 -10 6.5 6.7 23 2 5.59v? A5III-IV 8 26 27.2 - 3 59 15 71297 135916 Ll.16584 8 20 13 - 3 34.7 6.2 24 6.59 F4III 8 27 17.2 - 6 24 35 71433 135931 Ll.16620 8 21 8 - 5 59.9 6.8 25 6.39v A5m 8 28 29.2 - 2 31 02 71663 135958 Ll.16651 8 22 10 - 2 6.2 6.8 26 6.43 K0 8 28 19.7 - 8 48 58 71665 135956 Ll.16657 8 22 16 - 8 24.1 6.7 27 6.00 F2III 8 28 50.9 - 9 44 54 71766 135965 Ll.16673 8 22 50 - 9 20.1 6.3 28 6.8 K0 8 29 30.5 - 0 57 36 71830 135971 Ll.16676 8 23 8 - 0 32.6 7.0 29 6.38 F0Vn 8 32 33.3 -15 01 46 72462 154373 Ll.16817 8 26 45 -14 36.5 6.8 30 6.7 K0 8 32 37.5 -14 25 05 72474 154374 Ll.16819 8 26 47 -13 59.6 7.0 31 6.6 A2 8 33 10.9 - 5 13 21 72506 136026 Ll.16816 8 26 58 - 4 47.9 7.0 32 5.87 G5III 8 33 43.6 + 4 45 25 72561 116890 Ll.16814 8 27 8 + 5 11.0 6.4 33 5.81 A1V 8 34 01.6 - 2 09 05 72660 136044 Ll.16837 8 27 42 - 1 43.6 6.4 34 6.33 G9III 8 35 24.9 + 2 44 36 72908 116920 Ll.16886 8 28 54 + 3 10.4 6.8 35 3 5.72v * 8 35 28.2 - 7 58 56 72968 136076 Ll.16918 8 29 22 - 7 33.2 6.1 36 4 Delta 4.16 A1Vnn 8 37 39.4 + 5 42 13 73262 116965 Ll.16969 8 31 3 + 6 8.3 4.2 37 6.19 K0 8 37 27.1 - 4 56 01 73281 136103 Ll.16987 8 31 14 - 4 30.0 6.9 38 6.73 G0 8 37 50.4 - 6 48 26 73350 136111 Ll.17008 8 31 45 - 6 22.4 6.8# 39 6.51 A1V+G: 8 38 20.3 - 6 39 45 73451 136117 Ll.17031 8 32 11* - 6 13.5 6.8# 40 6.6 F0 8 37 33.9 -12 35 10 73332 154464 Ll.17011 8 31 39 -12 9.1 7.0 41 6.65 A0 8 38 01.8 -11 44 38 73431 154475 Ll.17032 8 32 4 -11 18.4 6.7 42 5 Sigma 4.44 K2III 8 38 45.4 + 3 20 29 73471 116988 Ll.17020 8 32 14 + 3 46.8 4.9 43 6.6 A0 8 39 14.9 -12 44 14 73687 154504 Ll.17079 8 33 20 -12 17.9 6.9 44 6 4.98 K4III 8 40 01.5 -12 28 31 73840 154515 Ll.17107 8 34 7 -12 2.1 5.4 45 AK* 6.60v M4IIIvar 8 39 53.6 -17 18 11 73844 154514 Ll.17110 8 34 9 -16 51.3 6.7 46 6.63 A1Vn 8 41 01.7 - 9 03 07 73997 136176 Ll.17133 8 34 58 - 8 36.5 6.8 47 9 4.88 G8III 8 41 43.3 -15 56 36 74137 154552 Ll.17169 8 35 55 -15 29.7 5.3 dpl. 48 6.47 A5m 8 42 09.8 -11 57 59 74190 154558 Ll.17176 8 36 13 -11 31.1 6.8 49 7 Eta 4.30v? B3V 8 43 13.5 + 3 23 55 74280 117050 Ll.17180 8 36 41 + 3 50.8 4.6 50 6.39 * 8 43 59.7 + 4 20 05 74393 117069 Ll.17206 8 37 26 + 4 47.0 6.8 51 F 4.62 G2Ib 8 43 40.4 - 7 14 01 74395 136221 By.1238 8 37 32 - 6 47.1 4.9 52 10 6.10 A6V 8 45 01.3 + 5 40 51 74591 117088 Ll.17239 8 38 24 + 6 7.9 6.6 53 6.8 G5 8 45 23.3 + 0 11 52 74686 117093 Ll.17258 8 38 59 + 0 39.1 6.7 54 6.4 K0 8 45 34.9 + 4 39 52 74685 117095 Ll.17255 8 38 59 + 5 7.2 6.8 55 6.41 F2IV 8 45 20.6 - 2 36 05 74688 136243 Ll.17262 8 39 2 - 2 8.9 6.8 dpl. 9, 6 3/4 56 5.70 K0III: 8 46 02.4 - 2 02 56 74794 136254 Ll.17276 8 39 42 - 1 35.8 6.3 57 6.9 A5 8 46 20.1 + 0 38 48 74831 117102 Ll.17286 8 39 54 + 1 6.2 7.0 58 6.25 K5III 8 46 06.9 -11 00 23 74860 154615 Ll.17302 8 40 7 -10 33.2 6.7 r 59 11 Epsilon 3.38v? * 8 46 46.6 + 6 25 08 74874 117112 Ll.17290 8 40 9 + 6 52.6 3.3 dpl. 8, 3 1/2 60 12 D 4.32 G8III 8 46 22.5 -13 32 52 74918 154622 Ll.17313 8 40 28 -13 5.5 4.4 61 5.29 A3V 8 47 15.0 - 1 53 50 74988 136276 Ll.17318 8 40 55 - 1 26.4 5.6 62 6.5 K0 8 46 45.5 -18 45 29 74991 154628 Ll.17333 8 41 4 -18 18.0 7.0 63 6.6 G0 8 47 21.6 -17 03 14 75098 154636 Ll.17355 8 41 36 -16 35.7 6.7 64 13 Rho 4.36 A0Vn 8 48 25.9 + 5 50 16 75137 117146 Ll.17345 8 41 49 + 6 17.9 4.8 65 6.09 K0 8 48 04.9 - 6 33 31 75140 136287 Ll.17362 8 41 54 - 6 5.9 6.7 66 6.42 K0 8 48 37.4 - 1 02 42 75217 136294 Ll.17370 8 42 16 - 0 35.0 6.7 67 14 5.31v B9pHgMn 8 49 21.7 - 3 26 35 75333 136308 Ll.17396 8 43 4 - 2 58.8 5.7 68 6.9 B9 8 49 37.0 + 1 28 56 75357 117170 Ll.17393 8 43 9 + 1 56.7 7.0 69 6.8 A5 8 49 40.5 - 8 38 18 75422 136316 Ll.17418 8 43 35 - 8 10.4 6.8 70 15 5.54v? A4m 8 51 34.4 - 7 10 38 75737 136345 Ll.17490 8 45 26 - 6 42.5 6.0 var? 71 6.33 A5V 8 52 24.2 + 5 20 24 75811 117214 WB.1160 8 45 48 + 5 48.5 6.8 72 6.8 G0 8 52 20.6 -12 48 29 75881 154701 Ll.17534 8 46 24 -12 20.2 6.9 73 6.13 K0 8 52 30.7 -13 14 01 75916 154704 Ll.17541 8 46 35 -12 45.8 6.6 74 6.5 K0 8 53 05.4 -16 57 10 76027 154714 Ll.17568 8 47 19 -16 28.7 6.7 75 6.00 G2V 8 54 17.9 - 5 26 04 76151 136389 WB.1219 8 48 9 - 4 57.8 6.4 76 6.8 K5 8 54 38.5 -11 22 38 76243 154732 Ll.17610 8 48 38 -10 54.2 6.8 77 16 Zeta 3.11 G8III-IV 8 55 23.6 + 5 56 44 76294 117264 Ll.17599 8 48 48 + 6 25.2 3.1 78 6.8 A0 8 55 17.2 -11 22 18 76352 154743 Ll.17624 8 49 18 -10 53.7 6.8 r 79 17 6.7: A2m 8 55 29.5 - 7 58 16 76370 136409 Ll.17625 8 49 22 - 7 29.6 6.5 * 17* 6.9: A7m 8 55 29.5 - 7 58 13 76369 136408 * 80* 5.75 K2.5III 8 55 12.4 -18 14 29 76376 154745 Ll.17636 8 49 28 -17 46.0 6 1/4*# * 7.1 K2 8 55 14.7 -18 15 27 76377 154746 Ll.17638 8 49 31 -17 46.9 7 1/2*# 81 6.14 G8II-III 8 56 37.0 + 4 14 12 76494 117287 Ll.17642 8 50 4 + 4 42.9 6.5 82 6.6 K0 8 55 54.2 -15 26 20 76478 154760 Ll.17657 8 50 4 -14 57.5 6.8 83 6.8 F2 8 57 13.7 + 2 31 29 76583 117292 Ll.17663 8 50 44 + 3 0.3 7.0 84 5.96v? K0 8 56 34.1 -16 42 34 76579 154773 Ll.17646 8 50 46 -16 13.7 6.6 85 6.6 F2 8 56 49.9 -17 26 02 76635 154781 Ll.17696 8 51 4 -16 57.2 6.8 dpl. 86 6.59 A2V 8 58 08.2 + 1 32 30 76757 117311 Ll.17701 8 51 41 + 2 1.4 6.8 87 6.6 F2 8 57 58.5 - 4 51 34 76735 136450 Ll.17713 8 51 44 - 4 22.6 6.9 88 5.86 F6V 8 58 43.9 -16 07 58 76932 154804 Ll.17758 8 52 51 -15 39.5 6.4# * 6.9 K2 8 58 55.4 -15 59 04 76962 154808 Ll.17766 8 53 5 -15 30.1 7.3# 89 6.18 F6V 8 59 39.8 -19 12 29 77084 154815 Ll.17785 8 53 57 -18 43.0 6.6 * 7.2 A0 9 00 45.9 - 9 11 29 77196 136489 Ll.17812 8 54 50 - 8 42.2 7.1# dpl. 9, 7 1/4 * 7.3 A0 9 01 02.1 - 9 13 11 77231 136494 Ll.17822 8 54 57 - 8 43.9 7.1# 90 6.07 F3IVcomp 9 01 31.4 + 5 38 27 77250 117351 Ll.17802 8 54 55 + 6 7.8 6.6 91 6.7 K5 9 01 31.4 - 4 27 22 77296 136502 Ll.17831 8 55 17 - 3 58.1 6.8 92 5.67 K0III 9 01 58.0 - 0 28 58 77353 136511 Ll.17835 8 55 35 + 0 0.2 6.2 93 6.83 A0 9 03 43.4 - 5 10 17 77640 136542 Ll.17889 8 57 30 - 4 40.7 6.7 94 6.8 K0 9 03 45.0 -17 29 49 77735 154871 Ll.17921 8 57 57 -17 0.1 7.0 95 18 Omega 4.97 K2II-III 9 05 58.4 + 5 05 32 77996 117420 Ll.17942 8 59 24 + 5 35.4 5.4 r 96 6.17 M1III 9 07 00.0 + 1 27 45 78196 117432 Ll.17988 9 0 32 + 1 57.8 6.7 97 6.5 F2 9 07 16.7 + 2 34 52 78255 117434 Ll.17993 9 0 47 + 3 4.9 6.8 98 6.7 K0 9 06 54.9 -18 12 05 78302 154918 Ll.18015 9 1 8 -17 42.0 6.9 99 19 5.60 B9.5III 9 08 42.1 - 8 35 23 78556 136604 Ll.18059 9 2 35 - 8 5.1 5.8 100 6.5 K0 9 08 44.6 -16 16 36 78614 154944 Ll.18074 9 2 53 -15 46.2 6.8 101 5.77 G6III 9 09 11.5 -12 21 28 78668 154953 Ll.18083 9 3 11 -11 51.2 6.2 102 5.73 A2Vn 9 09 04.3 -18 19 44 78702 154950 Ll.18091 9 3 18 -17 49.4 6.2 103 20 5.46 G8II 9 09 35.5 - 8 47 16 78732 136622 Ll.18089 9 3 29 - 8 16.8 5.7 * 6.97 F0 9 10 10.4 -16 51 44 78891 154967 Ll.18123 9 4 20 -16 21.2 7.1# * 8.6 F0 9 10 35.2 -16 58 19 78954 154974 Ll.18136 9 4 46 -16 27.8 7.7# 104 6.30 * 9 11 55.6 + 5 28 06 79066 117487 WB.68 9 5 22 + 5 58.8 6.6 105 6.15 A0V 9 12 12.9 + 3 52 02 79108 117492 Ll.18150 9 5 41 + 4 22.7 6.4 * 7.61 M 9 11 51.4 - 6 58 46 79097 136651 Ll.18157 9 5 40 - 6 28.2 7.8# 106 21 6.11v * 9 12 26.0 - 7 06 35 79193 136662 Ll.18178 9 6 16 - 6 35.9 6.3# 107 5.73 G9III 9 11 58.7 -19 44 52 79181 154989 Ll.18189 9 6 15 -19 14.3 6.4 108 22 Theta 3.88 B9.5V 9 14 21.9 + 2 18 51 79469 117527 Ll.18219 9 7 51 + 2 50.5 3.8 109 6.6 K0 9 14 03.2 -14 41 40 79481 155021 Ll.18242 9 8 8 -14 10.7 6.7 110 7.0 A2 9 14 52.0 - 1 35 14 79566 136687 Ll.18246 9 8 30 - 1 4.2 6.7 111 6.31 A0V 9 15 24.8 -15 01 30 79752 155032 Ll.18285 9 9 30 -14 30.3 6.5 112 23 5.24 K2III 9 16 41.7 - 6 21 11 79910 136725 Ll.18309 9 10 29 - 5 49.9 5.6 113 6.81 A2 9 16 27.5 -13 50 00 79914 155048 Ll.18317 9 10 31 -13 18.9 6.8 114 24 5.49 B9III 9 16 41.3 - 8 44 41 79931 136728 Ll.18315 9 10 34 - 8 13.4 6.0 115 6.5 F5 9 16 39.9 + 0 43 45 79873 117553 Ll.18302 9 10 15 + 1 15.0 6.7# 116 6.9 A0 9 17 32.9 + 0 33 17 80046 117569 Ll.18328 9 11 7 + 1 4.7 6.9# 117 6.5 K0 9 16 57.1 -11 06 09 79994 155056 Ll.18329 9 10 54 -10 34.7 6.8 118 5.84 K0III: 9 17 07.5 -14 34 25 80050 155060 Ll.18339 9 11 12 -14 3.1 6.1 * 8.7 A3 9 18 56.3 -16 48 58 80370 155083 Ll.18392 9 13 5* -16 17.4* 7 3/4# * 6.9 A0 9 18 58.1 -16 48 04 80369 155084 Ll.18396 9 13 6 -16 16.5 7 1/4# 119 6.64 A5 9 19 51.2 + 5 12 58 80425 117590 Ll.18385 9 13 17 + 5 44.6 6.6 120 6.60 A2Vs 9 19 33.7 -11 18 52 80447 155090 Ll.18404 9 13 32 -10 47.3 6.6 121 5.78 K4III 9 19 33.2 -15 50 04 80479 155091 Ll.18407 9 13 39 -15 18.3 6.0 122 26 4.79 G8III 9 19 46.4 -11 58 30 80499 155096 Ll.18408 9 13 45 -11 26.9 5.3 * 7.6 G5 9 20 26.3 + 0 17 01 80537 117603 Ll.18410 9 14 1 + 0 48.7 7.6# 123 6.50v M3 9 20 36.7 + 0 10 53 80567 117605 Ll.18418 9 14 12 + 0 42.7 7.0# * 6.95 F4V 9 20 20.9 - 9 36 37 80550 136767 Ll.18425 9 14 15 - 9 4.8 7 1/2# 124 27 P 4.80 F5Vcomp 9 20 29.0 - 9 33 21 80586 136768 Ll.18429 9 14 23 - 9 1.6 5 1/4# 125 7.0 F2 9 21 09.0 + 2 56 26 80678 117611 Ll.18430 9 14 40 + 3 28.2 7.0 126 6.31 F6V: 9 20 55.5 -15 37 04 80719 155114 Ll.18450 9 15 0 -15 5.0 6.7 127 7.1 B9 9 21 44.7 - 2 47 35 80796 136784 Ll.18456 9 15 25 - 2 15.7 7 # * 8.1 K2 9 21 55.2 - 2 48 22 136786 Ll.18461 9 15 36 - 2 16.5 7 3/4# 128 6.6 K0 9 22 32.2 -15 14 08 80970 155130 Ll.18496 9 16 37 -14 42.1 6.9 129 6.53v * 9 22 50.8 - 9 50 20 81009 136799 Ll.18497 9 16 45 - 9 18.3 6.7 130 7.31 F0 9 23 15.7 + 3 30 05 81029 117641 Ll.18486 9 16 46 + 4 2.1 7.0 131 6.8 F2 9 23 40.3 + 5 13 11 81067 117648 Ll.18499 9 17 6 + 5 45.2 6.9 132 6.8 F5 9 24 28.5 + 6 21 00 81212 117661 Ll.18532 9 17 54 + 6 53.3 6.8 dpl. 133 6.88 F5 9 24 53.2 - 4 17 00 81342 136821 Ll.18558 9 18 37 - 3 44.7 7.0 134 28 5.59 K5III 9 25 24.0 - 5 07 03 81420 136832 Ll.18570 9 19 9 - 4 34.7 6.0 135 6.7 K0 9 26 03.9 - 1 14 06 81524 136840 Ll.18583 9 19 42 - 0 41.7 7.0 136 6.01 K2IIIb 9 26 22.3 - 1 27 50 81567 136844 Ll.18588 9 20 0 - 0 55.5 6.4 r 137 6.7 F5 9 27 16.6 + 6 13 59 81670 117704 Ll.18600 9 20 43 + 6 46.9 6.9 138 6.8 A2 9 26 49.0 -19 09 18 81712 155193 * 9 21 1 -18 36.9 7.0 139 29 6.54 A2V 9 27 14.5 - 9 13 25 81728 136861 Ll.18607 9 21 7 - 8 41.0 6.7 140 30 Alpha 1.98v? K3III 9 27 35.2 - 8 39 31 81797 136871 J.222 9 21 27 - 8 7.1 2.1 r 141 G 4.69 K2.5III 9 27 18.4 -22 20 38 81799 177469 Ll.18639 9 21 35 -21 47.7 5.1 142 5.40 G2V 9 27 46.8 - 6 04 16 81809 136872 WB.439 9 21 36 - 5 31.5 5.7 * 7.1 K0 9 28 06.2 -10 01 28 81874 136878 Ll.18646 9 22 0 - 9 28.9 7.5# 143 6.8 K0 9 28 20.5 - 9 59 14 81902 136883 Ll.18650 9 22 14 - 9 26.6 6.9# 144 6.27 F0Vn 9 29 02.3 - 1 15 25 81980 136894 WB.460 9 22 41 - 0 42.7 6.5 145 31 Tau1 4.60 F6V 9 29 08.9 - 2 46 08 81997 136895 Ll.18660 9 22 48 - 2 13.4 4.8 146 6.10 F0III 9 29 24.5 - 2 12 19 82043 136899 Ll.18643 9 23 4 - 1 39.6 6.6 147 6.26 G6IV 9 29 32.4 - 4 14 50 82074 136900 Ll.18674 9 23 16 - 3 41.9 6.7 148 5.66 M1III 9 29 12.6 -20 44 55 82077 177521 Ll.18688 9 23 27 -20 12.3 6.4 149 6.24 K0 9 29 49.9 -23 20 43 82180 177541 Ll.18709 9 24 10 -22 47.9 6.8 150 5.85 G3III: 9 30 22.6 -15 34 39 82232 155246 Ll.18715 9 24 27 -15 1.7 6.3 151 6.9 F8 9 31 31.5 + 1 27 54 82355 117747 Ll.18726 9 25 4 + 2 0.9 7.0 dpl. 152 32 Tau2 4.60 A3V 9 31 58.9 - 1 11 06 82446 136932 By.1341 9 25 27 - 0 38.1 4.8 153 6.14 F0Vn 9 31 38.9 -10 33 08 82428 155257 Ll.18754 9 25 33 -10 0.2 6.5# 154 6.13 K0 9 31 55.8 -10 22 14 82477 155262 Ll.18762 9 25 51 - 9 49.3 6.4# 155 6.11 F7IV-V 9 32 41.4 + 1 51 51 82543 117757 Ll.18764 9 26 14 + 2 25.1 6.4 156 5.74 A5V 9 32 20.6 -19 24 02 82573 155273 Ll.18792 9 26 32 -18 51.0 6.1 157 6.12 K0 9 33 02.1 - 8 30 19 82638 136945 Ll.18794 9 26 53 - 7 57.0 6.5 158 5.94 K5III 9 32 55.8 -13 31 02 82660 155281 Ll.18799 9 26 56 -12 57.9 6.6 159 6.24 K0 9 33 20.1 - 7 11 24 82674 136951 Ll.18803 9 27 10 - 6 38.2 6.6 160 5.01 K0IV 9 33 12.5 -21 06 57 82734 177642 Ll.18817 9 27 27 -20 33.8 5.6 161 6.8 A0 9 33 17.7 -21 23 31 82724 177647 Ll.18821 9 27 33 -20 50.3 7.0 162 5.91 A0Vn 9 33 26.2 -22 51 50 82747 177649 Ll.18833 9 27 45 -22 18.8 6.3 163 33 5.56 K1III 9 34 32.6 - 5 54 53 82870 136964 Ll.18836 9 28 18 - 5 21.4 6.0 164 6.7 G0 9 34 50.6 -12 07 48 82943 155312 Ll.18857 9 28 47 -11 34.1* 6.8 165 6.31 A2V 9 35 33.7 -19 35 01 83104 155323 Ll.18884 9 29 45 -19 1.4 6.6 166 6.5 K0 9 37 45.9 - 3 10 15 83352 137007 Ll.18924 9 31 27 - 2 36.5 6.8 167 34 6.41 A1V 9 37 51.5 - 9 25 28 83373 137011 Ll.18943 9 31 44 - 8 51.8 6.7 168 * H 4.68 K3III 9 38 27.3 + 4 38 57 83425 117821 By.1352 9 31 56 + 5 12.8 5.1 169 6.9 F0 9 39 00.1 -17 37 27 83572 155370 * 9 33 7 -17 3.7 6.7 170 35 Iota 3.91v? K3IIIvar 9 39 51.4 - 1 08 34 83618 137035 J.227 9 33 28 - 0 34.5 3.9 171 37 6.31 A0Vn 9 39 47.4 -10 34 13 83650 155377 Ll.18998 9 33 41 -10 0.3 6.5# 172 6.37 A2V 9 40 20.1 -10 46 09 83731 155387 By.1361 9 34 14 -10 12.2 6.7# 173 38 Kappa 5.04v? B5V 9 40 18.4 -14 19 56 83754 155388 J.228 9 34 19 -13 45.9 5.4 174 I 4.77 B6Ve 9 41 17.0 -23 35 30 83953 177840 Ll.19034 9 35 35 -23 1.4 5.2 175 4.94 F9IV 9 42 14.4 -23 54 56 84117 177866 Ll.19093 9 36 37 -23 21.5 5.4 176 6.6 K0 9 43 30.6 -20 21 58 84257 177893 OA.10059 9 37 42 -19 47.6 7.0 177 6.9 K2 9 49 33.1 -11 47 05 85129 155515 Ll.19282 9 43 28 -11 12.3 7.0 178 39 Upsilon1 4.12 G8III 9 51 28.7 -14 50 48 85444 155542 J.231 9 45 28 -14 15.6 4.0 179 6.08 K0 9 51 59.6 -16 32 06 85519 155553 Ll.19353 9 46 2 -15 56.7 6.6 180 7.0 F8 9 54 34.6 -12 57 06 85883 155582 Ll.19419 9 48 30 -12 21.2* 6.7 181 4.88 K2III 9 54 12.3 -25 55 56 85859 178158 L.4059 9 48 33 -25 20.7 5.3 182 6.23 A2 9 54 31.7 -22 29 18 85905 178164 Ll.19423 9 48 44 -21 53.9 6.3 183 4.94 M1III 9 54 52.2 -19 00 34 85951 155588 Ll.19433 9 48 59 -18 25.1* 5.6 r 184 6.6 G0 9 55 00.1 -16 11 37 85949 155592 OA.10209 9 49 2 -15 36.2 6.9 185 6.28 A4V 9 56 46.5 -26 33 01 86266 178214 L.4074 9 51 7 -25 57.4 6.6 186 6.6 F0 9 57 39.7 -16 31 20 86371 155622 Ll.19519 9 51 41 -15 55.5 7.0 187 6.6 A2 9 58 14.0 -25 07 52 86463 178247 B.2747 9 52 30 -24 32.1 6.9 188 6.21 B4Ve 9 59 06.1 -23 57 01 86612 178271 Ll.19556 9 53 20 -23 21.2 6.2 189 6.8 K2 9 59 18.7 -20 21 26 86626 178276 Ll.19561 9 53 26 -19 45.5 6.8 190 6.9 A0 10 02 37.1 -20 25 25 87130 178336 Ll.19641 9 56 43 -19 49.3 6.7 191 6.72 A0III-IV 10 03 41.4 -25 19 00 87318 178357 L.4124 9 57 56 -24 42.8 6.8 192 5.86 A0V 10 04 02.9 -18 06 06 87344 155704 Ll.19689 9 58 5 -17 29.8 6.3 dpl. 7 1/4, 6 1/2 193 5.68 A8V 10 04 21.0 -24 17 08 87427 178367 L.4126 9 58 35 -23 40.8 6.1 194 40 Upsilon2 4.60v? B9III-IV 10 05 07.5 -13 03 53 87504 155713 Ll.19709 9 59 2 -12 27.6 4.6 var? 195 5.60 K7III 10 07 09.6 -17 08 29 87808 155739 Ll.19750 10 1 9 -16 31.8 6.0 r 196 6.7 F2 10 07 07.7 -21 15 21 87810 178431 Ll.19754 10 1 14 -20 38.8 6.9 197 6.27 A0V 10 08 35.5 -15 36 42 88025 155763 Ll.19781 10 2 33 -15 0.1 6.7# * 7.4 G2V 10 09 08.2 -15 29 40 88084 155769 Ll.19795 10 3 7 -14 52.4 7.5# 198 7.1 F4III 10 09 15.5 -18 08 20 88109 155771 Ll.19797 10 3 17 -17 31.4 6.9 199 6.24 A5m 10 09 56.4 -12 05 45 88182 155777 Ll.19810 10 3 49 -11 28.9 6.9 200 5.31 F5V 10 10 05.8 -12 48 58 88215 155780 Ll.19814 10 4 1 -12 11.9 5.9 201 41 Lambda 3.61 K0III 10 10 35.3 -12 21 15 88284 155785 J.233 10 4 30 -11 44.2 3.4 r 202 7.1 F0III 10 10 34.5 -18 36 14 88300 155786 Ll.19834 10 4 36 -17 59.3 6.9 203 6.9 M3III 10 11 19.2 -18 57 26 88419 155800 Ll.19852 10 5 21 -18 20.3 6.9 204 6.46 F6V 10 12 37.8 -19 09 13 88595 155820 Ll.19880 10 6 42 -18 31.8 6.7 205 6.23 A9mA8-F3 10 13 19.4 -27 01 44 88699 178544 L.4193 10 7 35 -26 24.7* 6.4 206 6.34 M0 10 14 09.1 -23 48 49 88806 178558 Ll.19920 10 8 18 -23 11.7 6.8 207 6.6 A2 10 16 32.9 -19 18 31 89132 155862 OA.10495 10 10 35 -18 41.1 6.7 208 6.57 F3V 10 16 45.6 -20 40 14 89169 178610 Ll.19986 10 10 51 -20 2.8 6.7 209 6.00 A9V 10 19 16.8 -12 31 41 89455 155894 Ll.20041 10 13 8 -11 54.1 6.4 210 6.50 F3III-IV 10 21 07.8 -17 59 06 89747 155920 Ll.20098 10 15 7 -17 21.4 6.8 211 6.6 A2 10 21 14.7 -13 47 09 89746 155922 Ll.20095 10 15 8 -13 9.5 6.7 212 6.8 K0 10 21 21.5 -25 22 22 89796 178717 L.4257* 10 15 31 -24 44.6 7.0 213 6.48 A3 10 21 28.7 -23 42 39 89816 178721 Ll.20114 10 15 36 -23 4.9 6.6 214 6.51 A0 10 21 36.0 -22 31 42 89828 178723 * 10 15 41 -21 54.0 6.5 dpl. 215 7.13 B6V 10 21 59.4 -18 02 07 89884 155931 Ll.20128 10 15 58 -17 24.2 7.0 216 6.8 B9 10 22 10.8 -13 24 36 89897 155934 Ll.20129 10 16 4 -12 46.8 6.8 217 6.13 A1V 10 22 12.9 -19 52 01 89911 155935 Ll.20137 10 16 14 -19 14.2 6.5 218 6.8 B9 10 22 59.3 -24 20 01 90027 178755 L.4267 10 17 6 -23 42.1 6.8 219 6.5 F8 10 23 17.6 -13 22 38 90045 155947 Ll.20158 10 17 11 -12 44.7 6.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 9 1/2 220 6.7 K5III 10 25 23.8 -29 11 37 90366 178801 L.4286 10 19 38 -28 33.6 6.9 221 42 Mu 3.81 K7III 10 26 05.4 -16 50 11 90432 155980 J.239 10 20 3 -16 11.9 4.0 r 222 7.1 A1III 10 27 25.3 -18 17 12 90606 155994 Ll.20298 10 21 23 -17 39.0 7.0 223 6.8 K0 10 28 36.9 -19 31 31 90776 156005 Ll.20338 10 22 35 -18 53.1 7.0 224 5.58 K5III 10 29 29.0 -29 39 49 90957 178888 L.4306 10 23 43 -29 1.5 6.0 4 225 5.60 B9Vn 10 30 59.8 -13 35 18 91120 156029 Ll.20389 10 24 51 -12 56.9 5.9 226 6.52 F7III 10 30 51.4 -26 29 02 91135 178917 L.4317 10 25 0 -25 50.6 6.6 227 6.05 F6/F7V 10 31 48.6 -28 14 15 91280 178938 L.4324 10 26 0 -27 35.7 6.4 228 7.0 B9 10 32 54.7 -22 31 38 91398 178957 * 10 26 57 -21 53.0 6.8 229 6.8 K0 10 33 12.4 -13 24 16 91434 156057 Ll.20450 10 27 3 -12 45.6 7.0 230 44 5.08 K4III 10 34 00.9 -23 44 43 91550 178979 Ll.20476 10 28 4 -23 6.1 5.6 231 6.10 F7V 10 34 57.7 -23 10 34 91706 178993 By.1472 10 29 1 -22 31.9 6.5 232 6.78 A5 10 35 22.1 -12 51 32 91728 156084 Ll.20496 10 29 13 -12 12.5 6.9 233 6.49 A7V 10 35 38.9 -18 34 09 91790 156087 Ll.20514 10 29 35 -17 55.4 6.7 234 Phi2* 6.03 M1III 10 36 16.7 -16 20 40 91880 156093 By.1474 10 30 11 -15 41.9 6.6 235 6.29v? F5V 10 36 04.6 -26 40 30 91881 179014 L.4360 10 30 11 -26 1.5 6.6 236 5.70 F7V 10 36 32.4 -12 13 49 91889 156095 WB.520 10 30 18 -11 33.5 6.2 237 6.7 A2V 10 36 35.4 -28 46 18 91955 179025 L.4363 10 30 45 -28 7.5 7.0 238 6.65 K4/K5III 10 36 42.7 -27 39 23 91964 179027 L.4364 10 30 51 -27 0.6 7.0 239 6.52 F0V 10 37 11.6 -11 44 55 91992 156105 Ll.20545 10 31 0 -11 6.0 6.8 240 U* 4.82v C5II 10 37 33.2 -13 23 04 92055 156110 Hev.23, Ll.20556 10 31 22 -12 44.1 5.4 rr var. 241 4.89 M1III 10 37 13.8 -27 24 46 92036 179041 L.4370 10 31 22 -26 45.9 5.3 r 242 Phi 4.91 K0III 10 38 34.9 -16 52 36 92214 156122 Hev.24, J.244 10 32 30 -16 13.7 5.3 243 6.04 A0Vn 10 38 50.3 -12 26 38 92245 156124 Ll.20591 10 32 40 -11 47.7 6.4 244 6.80 G0 10 42 13.2 -13 47 16 92719 156167 Ll.20671 10 36 0 -13 7.6 6.9 245 6.24 K2 10 42 31.3 -13 58 30 92770 156170 Ll.20680 10 36 21 -13 19.3 6.8 246 6.8 K0 10 42 52.3 -23 32 56 92844 179147 By.1489,Ll.20701 10 36 53 -22 53.7 6.9 247 6.6 K0III 10 43 17.8 -31 45 36 92934 201672 L.4419 10 37 29 -31 6.2 6.8 248 6.7 K0 10 44 28.2 -23 59 06 93064 179180 Ll.20729 10 38 29 -23 19.8 7.0 249 b1 5.44 A3V 10 46 52.0 -17 17 48 93397 156221 By.1496,Ll.20785 10 40 45 -16 38.3 5.8 250 6.71 K0 10 46 42.7 -26 02 53 93410 179217 B.3200 10 40 47 -25 23.5 6.9 251 6.67 A0III 10 47 38.0 -15 15 43 93526 156235 Ll.20799 10 41 28 -14 36.2 6.7# * 6.8 F5 10 47 40.1 -15 14 37 93525 156237 Ll.20801 10 41 30 -14 35.0 7.3# dpl. 7 3/4, 8 * 7.0 K2 10 47 42.8 -15 06 36 93524 156238 Ll.20804 10 41 33 -14 27.1 7.3# 252 5.88 A1V 10 48 14.2 -31 41 18 93657 201766 L.4463 10 42 23 -31 1.7 6.2 253 6.9 A3III(M) 10 48 57.6 -27 55 04 93731 179248 L.4469 10 43 2 -27 15.5 7.0 254 Nu 3.11 K2III 10 49 37.5 -16 11 37 93813 156256 By.1504, J.250 10 43 27 -15 32.5 3.0 r 255 b2 6.6 A0 10 51 06.0 -18 19 56 94046 156271 By.1507,Ll.20898 10 44 59 -17 40.2 6.8 256 7.08 G5 10 53 04.5 -20 37 41 94340 179301 Ll.20959 10 47 1 -19 57.3* 7.0 257 b3 5.24v? F6Vvar 10 53 29.5 -20 08 20 94388 156301 By.1513,Ll.20969 10 47 23 -19 27.8 5.4 var? 258 6.44 K0 10 55 11.5 -20 39 55 94619 179334 Ll.21011 10 49 6 -20 0.0 6.9 259 5.71 F2V 10 59 13.9 -33 44 14 95221 201976 L.4540 10 53 20 -33 4.0 6.0 var? 260 6.07 F8V 11 00 40.8 -31 50 22 95456 201998 L.4552 10 54 45 -31 10.3 6.3 261 6.23 A9III/IV 11 02 24.4 -26 49 53 95698 179456 By.1531, L.4565 10 56 21 -26 9.3 6.5 262 6.7 A2 11 03 05.1 -25 34 31 95793 179469 L.4568 10 57 2 -24 54.2 6.7 263 6.46 M1III 11 03 16.1 -31 57 39 95857 202039 L.4571 10 57 19 -31 17.2 6.8 264 Chi1 4.94 F3IV/V 11 05 19.9 -27 17 37 96202 179514 By.1536, J.254 10 59 19 -26 37.2 4.8# 265 Chi2 5.71v B8V 11 05 57.6 -27 17 16 96314 179522 By.1538, L.4587 10 59 54 -26 36.7 6.4# c 266 6.77 A1V 11 06 38.7 -28 43 40 96441 179542 L.4593 11 0 38 -28 3.1 6.9 267 6.5 K0III 11 06 52.2 -30 33 15 96504 202096 L.4596 11 0 52 -29 52.6 6.9 268 6.59 F2V 11 07 08.4 -32 35 14 96557 202100 L.4599 11 1 11 -31 54.6 6.8 269 6.54 G1/G2V 11 07 54.4 -30 10 29 96700 179558 L.4606 11 1 59 -29 29.5 6.7 270 6.49 A1V 11 08 15.8 -29 58 22 96723 179568 L.4609 11 2 14 -29 17.7 6.5 271 5.44v? A1V 11 08 44.0 -28 04 50 96819 179577 By.1544, J.255 11 2 41 -27 24.2 5.8 dpl. 10, 6 272 5.79v? A1V 11 09 53.4 -32 22 03 97023 202149 L.4623 11 3 53 -31 41.3 5.9 var? 273 6.8 K2III 11 09 58.8 -29 47 40 97022 179604 B.3421 11 3 57 -29 6.9 7.0 274 6.4 K0III 11 11 57.9 -26 48 22 97344 179628 L.4639 11 5 52 -26 7.7 6.9 275 6.47v? M2/M3III 11 12 14.8 -32 26 02 97393 202197 L.4642 11 6 14 -31 45.3 6.7 276 6.99 F3V 11 15 02.3 -33 19 04 97840 202240 L.4665 11 9 2 -32 38.3 6.9 277 6.8 A3V 11 16 19.7 -34 40 05 98048 202266 L.4674 11 10 19 -33 59.2 6.9 278 6.85 F7V 11 17 39.3 -33 32 49 98220 202288 L.4687 11 11 36 -32 51.2 7.0 279 6.44 F3V 11 17 39.2 -34 44 14 98221 202289 L.4688 11 11 38 -34 3.2 6.7 * 7.9 G8III 11 19 26.3 -28 28 34 98456 179768 L.4702 11 13 20 -27 47.4 7.7# * 7.7 K1III 11 19 47.6 -28 11 18 98516 179776 L.4705 11 13 41 -27 30.2 7.6# * 6.70 K1III 11 20 18.8 -28 19 56 98579 179783 L.4707 11 14 14 -27 38.9 7.1# 280 6.7 K0 11 27 37.6 -25 51 38 99625 179904 L.4749 11 21 26 -25 10.5 6.9 281 6.45 K4/K5III 11 27 58.5 -35 19 43 99712 202478 L.4753 11 21 52 -34 38.5 6.9 282 6.67 K3III 11 29 37.5 -28 01 50 99923 179934 L.4758 11 23 26 -27 20.5 7.0 283 6.7 K0 11 30 20.6 -25 47 54 100012 179943 L.4761 11 24 8 -25 6.6 6.9 284 N* 5.8: F3/F5 11 32 16.1 -29 15 49 100286 179967 By.1578, L.4770 11 26 5 -28 34.6 5.2 dpl. 6, 6 285 N* 5.68 F3/F5 11 32 16.4 -29 15 40 100287 179968 286 6.16 M1III 11 32 23.3 -26 44 48 100307 179969 L.4772 11 26 11 -26 3.5 6.6 r 287 5.04v? M1/M2III 11 32 54.1 -31 05 14 100393 202554 By.1579, L.4776 11 26 44 -30 23.8 5.8 r 288 Xi 3.54 G8III 11 33 00.1 -31 51 28 100407 202558 By.1580, J.263 11 26 52 -31 10.0 3.7 4 289 5.98 K0V 11 34 29.5 -32 49 53 100623 202583 By.1584, L.4788 11 28 26 -32 10.2 6.2 290 6.9 A2/A3V 11 35 14.1 -35 36 45 100721 202599 L.4792 11 29 5 -34 55.3 7.0 291 5.74 K0III 11 36 35.0 -33 34 13 100893 202622 L.4800, By.1587 11 30 23 -32 52.6 6.2 dpl. 10, 6 1/4r 292 6.29 F5V 11 37 01.2 -32 59 17 100953 202634 L.4808 11 30 50 -32 17.6 6.7 293 Omicron 4.70 B9V 11 40 12.8 -34 44 41 101431 202695 By.1594, L.4839 11 34 0 -34 3.1 4.9 294 6.44 G2III/IV 11 41 08.4 -29 11 47 101563 180098 B.3712 11 34 56 -28 30.6 6.7 295 5.22 K5III 11 41 44.0 -32 29 59 101666 202717 By.1597, L.4857 11 35 30 -31 48.3 5.7 r 296 6.98 G0V 11 43 56.6 -29 44 51 101959 180141 Y.4911 11 37 43 -29 3.3 7.0 297 6.48 G5V 11 47 15.7 -30 17 13 102438 202811 L.4890 11 41 1 -29 35.0 6.8 298 5.11v M4III 11 48 45.1 -26 44 59 102620 180208 L.4898 11 42 27 -26 3.3 5.8 299 6.48 G8III 11 50 37.2 -27 16 40 102888 180232 L.4905 11 44 19 -26 35.0 6.8 300 5.85 F8V 11 51 41.6 -30 50 05 103026 202883 L.4913 11 45 23 -30 7.7 6.2 r 301 Beta 4.28v ApSi 11 52 54.5 -33 54 29 103192 202901 By.1607, J.267 11 46 36 -33 12.8 4.5 302 6.19 A2V 11 53 26.7 -35 04 00 103266 202910 L.4926 11 47 8 -34 22.2 6.4 303 5.30 G4III 11 54 42.6 -25 42 49 103462 180288 L.4933, Ll.22439 11 48 21 -25 1.2 5.8 304 5.93 K4III 11 55 40.1 -28 28 37 103596 180307 By.1614, L.4940 11 49 19 -27 46.8 6.5 * 7.64 G3V 11 56 42.1 -32 16 06 103742 202965 L.4942 11 50 23 -31 34.3 7.0 dpl. 7 1/4, 7 1/4 * 7.81 G3V 11 56 43.6 -32 16 01 103743 202966 * 305 6.21 B9.5V 11 57 03.7 -33 18 55 103789 202971 L.4945 11 50 43 -32 37.2 6.4 306 7.0 F3V 11 57 31.1 -27 03 22 103868 180329 L.4948 11 51 9 -26 21.4 7.0 307 7.1 F5V 11 58 03.5 -31 39 04 103933 202991 L.4953 11 51 43 -30 57.2 7.0 308 6.43 A0.5V 11 58 54.4 -25 54 32 104039 180349 L.4961 11 52 32 -25 12.6 6.7 309 6.9 K5/M0III 11 59 22.3 -30 03 38 104103 180356 L.4967 11 53 0 -29 21.9 7.0 310 6.91 G0V 12 01 46.0 -34 39 01 104471 203046 L.4979 11 55 25 -33 57.3 6.9 311 6.23v? B7V 12 05 56.7 -35 41 38 105078 203119 L.5013 11 59 31 -34 59.9 6.2 var? 312 6.6 G0V 12 06 05.2 -32 57 41 105113 203123 L.5015 11 59 41 -32 15.5 6.8 dpl. 9, 6 3/4 313 6.7 F7V 12 07 35.4 -31 24 39 105330 203150 OA.11917 12 1 10 -30 42.6 6.9 314 6.7 K2III 12 08 19.4 -34 40 31 105434 203162 L.5034 12 1 53 -33 58.7 7.0 315 6.17 A0V 12 10 02.4 -34 42 18 105686 203183 L.5043 12 3 35 -34 0.5 6.4 dpl. 316 6.50v? M4III 12 13 13.0 -34 07 32 106198 203245 L.5063 12 6 44 -33 25.8 6.9 317 6.33 A0V 12 13 36.6 -33 47 34 106257 203252 L.5066 12 7 8 -33 5.8 6.5 318 6.4 K0III 12 15 06.4 -29 14 14 106500 180604 T.5616 12 8 38 -28 32.4 6.7 319 6.6 K2III 12 19 55.3 -26 44 13 107246 180689 L.5101 12 13 26 -26 2.5 7.0 r 320 6.36 K5III 12 23 47.9 -30 20 08 107869 203427 L.5131 12 17 15 -29 38.5 6.8 321 7.0 F2 12 25 14.0 -25 59 11 108095 180783 L.5143, Ll.23226 12 18 44 -25 17.7 7.0 322 6.09 K1III 12 25 18.4 -27 44 57 108110 180786 L.5144 12 18 46 -27 3.4 6.6 323 5.55 B9V 12 26 51.7 -32 49 48 108323 203477 L.5154 12 20 17 -32 8.2 5.6 324 6.8 K1III 12 31 38.6 -30 58 55 108991 203557 OA.12219 12 25 1 -30 17.5 7.0 325 6.48 A3V 12 32 04.5 -32 32 01 109074 203567 L.5191 12 25 27 -31 50.5 6.5# * 7.6 A0V 12 32 35.1 -32 27 52 109134 203574 L.5193 12 25 58 -31 46.4 7.2# 326 6.6 G8III 12 32 50.2 -30 02 42 109160 180884 L.5198 12 26 14 -29 21.3 7.0 327 7.0 A4V 12 34 11.8 -32 05 35 109352 203596 L.5205 12 27 35 -31 24.2 7.0 328 5.45 F0V 12 37 42.4 -27 08 20 109799 180965 L.5225 12 31 5 -26 26.8 5.6 329 5.89v? K2/K3III 12 39 03.5 -30 25 21 109960 203666 L.5229 12 32 25 -29 44.0 6.4 330 5.48 K4III 12 44 00.5 -28 19 26 110666 181063 L.5263 12 37 21 -27 38.2 5.9 r 331 6.8 A3IV/V 12 45 16.2 -28 45 59 110848 181075 L.5271 12 38 36 -28 4.8 7.0 * 6.7 K0 12 47 53.2 -25 00 54 111214 181104 L.5282, Ll.23843 12 41 15 -24 19.9 7.2# 332 6.44 B8III 12 47 53.7 -24 51 06 111226 181105 L.5283, Ll.23844 12 41 15 -24 10.2 6.4# 333 5.66 G8III 12 48 26.4 -27 35 51 111295 181114 L.5285 12 41 47 -26 54.7 6.0 334 6.15 A0III 12 51 57.9 -26 44 17 111786 181169 L.5304 12 45 17 -26 3.5 6.3 335 6.7 A2/A3V 12 55 32.4 -30 04 11 112241 181231 L.5326 12 48 47 -29 23.5 6.9 336 6.61v F3Ia 12 56 30.1 -26 27 37 112374 181244 L.5332 12 49 47 -25 46.9 6.9 337 6.31 G5 12 57 33.2 -22 45 14 112519 181265 Ll.24118 12 50 53 -22 4.5 6.6 338 6.8 F2 12 58 09.8 -23 03 19 112603 181274 Ll.24130 12 51 30 -22 22.7 7.0 339 6.7 K3III 13 02 22.7 -28 17 11 113203 181334 L.5367 12 55 36 -27 36.8 6.9 340 6.9 A2V 13 02 25.3 -29 15 58 113204 181335 L.5368 12 55 38 -28 35.5 6.9 * 6.8 A2V 13 04 24.3 -28 24 24 113481 181365 L.5382 12 57 36 -27 44.0 7.1# * 7.69 G8V+F:* 13 05 10.5 -28 31 05 113612 181375 L.5387 12 58 24 -27 50.7 7.7# 341 45 Psi 4.95 K1III 13 09 03.3 -23 07 05 114149 181410 J.296 13 2 19 -22 26.9 5.3 342 6.50 A5Vn 13 11 39.2 -26 33 06 114576 181446 L.5428, Ll.24481 13 4 52 -25 53.2 6.6 343 6.6 A2 13 14 27.5 -24 17 03 114993 181476 L.5454, Ll.24560 13 7 42 -23 37.3 6.9 344 6.79 K0III 13 18 23.4 -28 19 56 115577 181536 L.5478 13 11 31 -27 40.2 7.0 345 46 Gamma 3.00v? G5IIIvar 13 18 55.3 -23 10 18 115659 181543 J.300 13 12 8 -22 30.6 3.2 r 346 6.7 K2 13 28 01.8 -26 24 09 117033 181674 L.5553, Ll.24895 13 21 8 -25 45.2 6.9 347 R 4.97v M7IIIe 13 29 42.8 -23 16 53 117287 181695 Ll.24936 13 22 53 -22 38.1 var. 4 1/2 - 10 1/2*, r 348 6.47 A1V 13 31 33.3 -28 06 46 117558 181723 L.5573 13 24 37 -27 28.0 6.7 349 6.44 F5IV 13 32 34.5 -29 33 55 117718 181735 L.5578, Ll.25010 13 25 36 -28 55.3 6.8 350 5.70 A1Vn 13 32 35.9 -28 41 35 117716 181737 L.5580 13 25 39 -28 2.9 5.9 351 5.78 A7III 13 36 48.4 -26 29 42 118349A 181790 L.5608, Ll.25136 13 29 53 -25 51.4 5.8 dpl. 7 1/4, 6 1/4 352 7.13v A3 13 37 10.6 -23 36 59 118412 181797 Ll.25149 13 30 18 -22 58.5 7.0 353 6.9 F2III/IV 13 38 23.4 -29 50 19 118600 181821 L.5620 13 31 21 -29 12.1 7.0 354 5.83 F3V 13 38 42.1 -29 33 39 118646 181825 L.5623 13 31 41 -28 55.3 6.3 355 6.59 A0 13 41 30.9 -23 26 59 119086 181863 Ll.25240 13 34 37 -22 49.0* 6.6 356 6.21 K0 13 44 45.7 -25 30 03 119623 181921 L.5663, Ll.25322 13 37 49 -24 52.2 6.5 357 5.81 A1Vn 13 45 36.9 -26 06 58 119752 181931 L.5670, Ll.25344 13 38 39 -25 29.2 6.1 358 W* 7.0v M7e 13 49 02.1 -28 22 03 120285 181981 L.5686 13 41 59 -27 44.5 7.0 rr 359 6.18v? A0V 13 50 06.5 -29 04 52 120455 181999 L.5695 13 43 2 -28 27.5 6.5 360 6.45 G5V 13 51 20.4 -24 23 27 120690 182026 L.5710, Ll.25484 13 44 28 -23 45.5 6.7 361 6.04 K2III 13 54 16.6 -28 34 11 121156 182065 L.5742 13 47 12 -27 57.0 6.5 362 6.7 K0III 13 56 31.3 -27 38 18 121524 182102 L.5763 13 49 26 -27 1.5 7.0# * 7.81 F3V 13 56 52.7 -27 39 42 121579 182105 L.5764 13 49 48 -27 2.8 8.0# 363 6.14 K0 13 57 27.7 -23 01 22 121699 182123 Ll.25635 13 50 31 -22 24.6 6.7 364 6.4 K0 13 57 58.8 -25 59 50 121758 182126 L.5773 13 50 56 -25 23.2 6.9 365 47 5.15 B8Vpsh 13 58 31.1 -24 58 20 121847 182134 L.5777 13 51 31 -24 21.7 5.7 366 48 5.77 F7V 14 00 00.1 -25 00 37 122066 182152 L.5780 13 53 0 -24 23.9 6.3 367 5.48 K2/K3III 14 02 22.8 -27 25 48 122430 182182 L.5788, Ll.25737 13 55 16 -26 49.5 6.0 368 49 Pi 3.27 K2III 14 06 22.3 -26 40 57 123123 182244 L.5821, J.318 13 59 15 -26 4.7 3.6 r 369 6.34 K0 14 12 24.5 -24 21 51 124162 182343 L.5855, Ll.26006 14 5 20 -23 46.4 6.7 370 50 5.08 K2III 14 12 46.0 -27 15 40 124206 182349 L.5856, J.320 14 5 37 -26 40.3 5.5 dpl. 371 6.24 K0III 14 13 13.2 -26 36 44 124281 182354 By.1840, L.5858 14 6 5 -26 1.5 6.8 372 6.10 A1V 14 15 01.3 -29 16 55 124576 182374 L.5869 14 7 47 -28 41.8 6.4 373 6.4 K5III 14 19 07.2 -27 08 27 125279 182435 B.4854 14 11 56 -26 33.8 7.0 374 5.87 F5V 14 19 00.8 -25 48 57 125276 182433 L.5892 14 11 56 -25 15.1 6.3 375 51 k 4.77v? K3III 14 23 05.8 -27 45 14 125932 182483 L.5917 14 15 54 -27 10.7 5.0 376 6.9 A4V 14 23 55.7 -29 40 34 126057 182498 L.5922* 14 16 37* -29 6.4* 7.0 377 6.9 K1III 14 25 27.7 -28 53 43 126334 182527 L.5933 14 18 10 -28 19.6 7.0 378 6.48 G7IV 14 25 47.8 -26 51 06 126400 182535 L.5937 14 18 35 -26 17.0 7.0 379 52 l 4.97v? B7/B8V 14 28 10.4 -29 29 30 126769 182570 L.5949 14 20 51 -28 55.7 4.8 380 6.99 F5V 14 39 41.0 -26 43 25 128787 182739 L.6033 14 32 24 -26 10.9 6.9 381 6.9 A2 14 40 25.1 -26 15 19 128928 182752 L.6042 14 33 10 -25 43.0 6.9 382 54 m1* 4.94 F2III-IV 14 46 00.1 -25 26 35 129926 182855 L.6087 14 38 46 -24 54.6 5.2 dpl. 5 1/4, 7 383 54 m2* 7.20 F9 14 46 00.6 -25 26 39 129926B 182856 384 55 5.63 A0p 14 47 22.6 -25 37 28 130158 182875 L.6097 14 40 7 -25 5.9 6.1 385 56 5.24 G5III 14 47 44.8 -26 05 15 130259 182882 L.6102 14 40 27 -25 33.8 5.5 dpl. 7 1/4, 5 3/4 386 57 5.77 B9.5V 14 47 57.5 -26 38 47 130274 182883 L.6104 14 40 39 -26 7.3 6.3 387 58 E 4.42 K3III 14 50 17.3 -27 57 37 130694 182911 L.6116, J.341 14 42 57 -27 26.3 4.8 dpl. 388 7.4 G8III 14 53 46.7 -28 24 20 131338 182971 L.6134 14 46 23 -27 53.4 7.0# 389 6.6 K1III 14 54 20.7 -28 20 55 131415 182982 L.6140 14 46 57 -27 50.2 6.9# 390 6.9 A0 14 56 57.4 -26 17 06 131885 183025 L.6161 14 49 38 -25 46.7 7.0 391 6.29 B8/B9V 14 57 13.6 -29 09 28 131919 183030 L.6162 14 49 46 -28 39.1 6.5 392 59 5.65 A6IV 14 58 39.2 -27 39 26 132219 183058 L.6179 14 51 16 -27 9.2 5.9 393 60 5.85 A4IV 15 02 06.5 -28 03 39 132851 183099 L.6195 14 54 40 -27 33.8 6.2 Between 2 and 3 twelve stars are connected with a brace, all of them members of the open cluster M48, without assigning numbers to any of them. Instead of a combined magnitude the statement 194 B. is shown. These stars are HD68287=SAO135610, HD68426=SAO135622, HD68527, HD68585=SAO135635, HD68646 =SAO135639, HD68669=SAO135644, HD68685, HD68779=SAO135653, SAO135654 (for which the spectral class is not available), HD68879=SAO135668, and two stars not in either the HD or SAO catalogs. For six of these stars the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 4 and 5 the stars HD69437=SAO135715 and HD69460=SAO135717 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to either. Preceding 5 the star HD69351=SAO135709 is connected with a brace to 5 without a combined magnitude, being assigned a number, or a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 5 the stars HD69523=SAO116587 and HD69632=SAO116597 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to either. Preceding 6 the stars HD69608=SAO116592 and HD69633=SAO116593 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to either. 35 Spectrum A1pSrCrEu 38, 39 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 39 Right ascension corrected from 8 33 11. 45 The variable star designation AK was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not therein. 50 Spectrum B9.5III-IV 59 Spectrum F0V+KIII: 79 The double star 17 Hya is shown with a single line entry as Gould did not recognize its duplicity. An extra line for the other component has been inserted. 80 and star following. These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.0 without being assigned a number. In the Uranometria Argentina the number 80 is assigned to HD76377=SAO154745, magnitude 6 1/4, with the star HD76376=SAO154745, magnitude 7 1/2, unnumbered. This suggests that Gould intended the number 80 for the brighter star. In AN 116, 379-382 (1887) the correction is stated: "Hydra 80ab, Col. Mag. for 7 1/2, 6 1/4 put 6 1/4, 7 1/2." It becomes less clear which star should be numbered 80. Here the number 80 has been assigned to the star with the brighter corrected magnitude. Following 88 the star HD76962=SAO154808 is connected with a brace to 88 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 89 and 90 the stars HD77196=SAO136489 and HD77231=SAO136494 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.8 without numbers being assigned to either. Between 103 and 104 the stars HD78891=SAO154967 and HD78954=SAO154974 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 104 Spectrum Delta Del Preceding 106 the star HD79097=SAO136651 is connected with a brace to 106 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 106 Spectrum A3III+A0V: 115, 116 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 118 and 119 the stars HD80370=SAO155083 and HD80369=SAO155084 are connected with a brace with combined mangitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either. For the HD80370=SAO155083 the right ascension is corrected from 9 13 3 and the declination is corrected from -16 15.8. Preceding 123 the star HD80537=SAO117603 is connected with a brace to 123 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 124 the star HD80550=SAO136767 is connected with a brace to 124 with combined magnitude 5.2 without being assigned a number. Following 127 the star SAO136786 is connected with a brace to 127 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 129 Spectrum A5pSrCrEu 138 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 143 the star HD81874=SAO136878 is connected with a brace to 143 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 153, 154 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 164 Declination corrected from - 11 33.8. 168 Flamsteed assigned this star to Sextans and assigned the number 2 Sextantis. Gould moved it to Hydra where it remains, and assigned the letter H. 169 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 171, 172 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 180 Declination corrected from -12 21.0. 183 Declination corrected from -18 25.3. Following 197 the star HD88084=SAO155769 is connected with a brace to 197 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 205 Declination corrected from -26 24.5. 212 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from Ll.4257. 214 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 228 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 234 The designation Phi2 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina, but is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 240 The variable star designation U was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 251 the stars HD93525=SAO156237 and HD93524=SAO156238 are connected with a brace to 251 without a combined magnitude of all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 256 Declination corrected from -19 57.1. 264, 265 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 279 and 280 three stars HD98456=SAO179768, HD98516=SAO179776, and HD98579=SAO179783 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for the three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. 284, 285 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two components of the double star N Hydrae, but provides only a single designation from earlier catalogs, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Between 304 and 305 the double star HD103742=SAO202965 and HD103743=SAO202966 is shown on a single line without being assigned a number with a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Following 325 the star HD109134=SAO203574 is connected with a brace to 325 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 332 the star HD111214=SAO181104 is connected with a brace to 332 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 340 and 341 the stars HD113481=SAO181365 and HD113612=SAO181375 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. For HD113612=SAO181375 the spectrum is G8(V)(+F). 347 Note on variation corrected from 4 1/2 - 10. 355 Declination corrected from -22 48.2. 358 The variable star designation W was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 362 the star HD121579=SAO182105 is connected with a brace to 362 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 376 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L(5926); right ascension corrected from 14 17 19; declination corrected from -29 3.0. 382, 383 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two components of the double star m Hydrae, but provides only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. A single letter m is shown. 388, 389 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 3. - HYDRUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.49 G8/K0III 0 15 55.3 -75 54 41 1221 255650 L.30 0 10 10 -76 36.4 6.7 2 6.7 G6V 0 16 13.5 -79 51 06 1237 258219 L.29 0 10 23 -80 32.3 7.0 3 6.77 F3III 0 16 49.2 -78 46 50 1324 255652 L.33 0 11 14 -79 28.4 7.0 4 5.97 K3III 0 21 28.7 -77 25 37 1801 255663 L.64 0 16 7 -78 7.2 6.4 5 Beta 2.80v? G2IV 0 25 45.1 -77 15 15 2151 255670 L.74, J.6 0 19 9 -77 57.5 2.7 c 6 6.7 F2/F3III 0 36 50.1 -76 18 35 3528 255687 L.161 0 32 9 -76 59.9 6.8 7 6.6 K0III 0 44 35.5 -78 04 55 4438 255701 L.221 0 40 41 -78 46.0 6.9 8 Lambda 5.07 K5III 0 48 35.4 -74 55 24 4815 255710 L.235 0 44 15 -75 36.2 5.6 9 5.93 M0III 1 25 05.3 -64 22 10 8810 248381 L.409 1 20 46 -65 1.2 6.3 * 8.0 F0III/IV 1 30 35.4 -65 07 02 9405 * 1 26 28 -65 45.7 7.7# 10 7.24 G8/K0IV 1 31 15.5 -65 07 06 9477 248394 * 1 27 4 -65 46.0 7.0# 11 7.0 A9V 1 33 59.8 -62 28 34 9798 248401 L.467 1 29 43 -63 7.0 6.8 12 6.01v? F2V 1 35 15.0 -58 08 22 9896 232470 L.468 1 30 34 -58 46.7 6.0 13 6.18 M3III 1 36 44.8 -58 16 15 10052 232477 L.479 1 32 10 -58 54.5 6.2 14 6.11 G3IV 1 33 39.2 -78 30 17 10042 255794 L.505 1 32 51 -79 8.3 6.3 15 5.71 K2/K3III 1 41 48.0 -60 47 22 10615 248421 L.507 1 37 31 -61 25.1 6.0 16 6.9v ApSi 1 44 33.0 -61 01 07 10840 248427 L.516 1 40 20 -61 38.8 6.9 17 Tau1 6.33 G6/G8III 1 41 21.4 -79 08 54 10859 255806 L.551 1 41 18 -79 46.7 6.5 18 Tau2 6.06 F0III 1 47 46.7 -80 10 36 11604 258280 L.606 1 49 0 -80 47.6 6.1 19 Eta1 6.7v? B9V 1 52 34.8 -67 56 40 11733 248455 L.577 1 49 25 -68 33.6 var. 6.6 - 7.4 20* 6.8 F2V 1 55 19.6 -60 18 45 11944A 248461 L.584 1 51 17 -60 55.4 6.4 dpl. 7, 7 1/2 7.0 F0 1 55 20.0 -60 18 43 11944B 248462 21 Eta2 4.69 G5III 1 54 56.1 -67 38 50 11977 248460 L.594, J.34 1 51 46 -68 15.8 4.9 22 6.06 F0IV/V 1 55 46.4 -60 51 40 11995 248464 L.590 1 51 47 -61 28.4 6.3 23 6.37 G8II/III 1 57 53.7 -65 25 29 12270 248472 * 1 54 29 -66 2.0 6.4 24 Alpha 2.90 F0III-IVn 1 58 46.2 -61 34 11 12311 248474 L.605, J.36 1 54 50 -62 10.7 2.9 25 Sigma 6.15 F5/F6IV/V 1 55 50.5 -78 20 55 12363 255835 L.637 1 56 5 -78 57.6 6.3 26 6.10 K2III 1 59 41.0 -66 03 59 12477 248476 L.616 1 56 25 -66 40.3 6.3 27 6.9 F8IV 2 01 50.3 -63 37 22 12680 248482 L.624 1 58 16 -64 13.6 6.9 * 7.7 F3II 1 57 48.6 -78 45 50 12603 255838 L.656 1 58 29 -79 22.2 7.4# 28 6.8 F8/G0V 2 00 56.5 -78 52 12 12951 255839 L.675 2 1 49 -79 28.1 6.8# 29 6.9 K2III 2 02 38.0 -70 25 11 12851 255842 L.643 2 0 15 -71 1.3 6.9 30 6.8 M5III 2 01 52.7 -74 26 45 12853 255841 L.652 2 0 37 -75 2.8 6.9 31 6.7 G8III 2 06 59.0 -65 56 45 13263 248497 L.664 2 3 52 -66 32.4 6.9 32 6.7 F0II/III 2 10 24.2 -76 37 26 13928 255857 L.709 2 10 23 -77 12.6 6.7 33 7.2 G8III 2 11 17.9 -74 30 05 13950 255859 L.704 2 10 25 -75 5.2 7.0 34 6.9 K2III 2 10 53.4 -75 57 32 13951 255858 L.710 2 10 38 -76 32.7 6.9 35 Pi1 5.55v? M1III 2 14 14.8 -67 50 30 14141 248518 L.701 2 11 38 -68 25.5 5.9# 36 Pi2 5.69 K2III 2 15 28.6 -67 44 47 14287 248521 L.706 2 12 52 -68 19.6 5.9# c 37 6.5 K2III+A/F 2 14 19.1 -76 21 28 14401 255864 L.734 2 14 24* -76 56.3 6.6 38 Delta 4.10 A3V 2 21 44.9 -68 39 34 15008 248545 L.747, J.41 2 19 32 -69 13.7 4.1 r 39 Kappa 6.01 K0III 2 22 52.3 -73 38 45 15248 255880 L.774 2 22 8 -74 12.7 6.2 * 7.1 K0III 2 27 28.7 -75 44 26 15841 255890 L.817 2 27 47 -76 17.9 7.3# * 8.0 F6IV/V 2 30 05.2 -75 47 03 16148 255895 L.835 2 30 30 -76 20.3 7.7# 40 6.8 F5V 2 33 16.6 -75 53 36 16493 255904 L.864 2 33 51 -76 26.4 6.9# * 7.9 G2V 2 33 06.5 -72 26 38 16382 255899 L.836 2 32 16 -72 59.6 7.6# 41 6.8 F8V 2 33 44.0 -72 20 57 16427 255901 L.839 2 32 46 -72 53.7 7.0# 42 Mu 5.28 G4III 2 31 40.5 -79 06 34 16522 255898 L.883 2 34 23 -79 39.2 5.6 43 6.7 K4III 2 38 53.5 -70 40 48 16940 255910 L.877 2 37 37 -71 13.0 6.9 44 Epsilon 4.11 B9III 2 39 35.4 -68 16 01 16978 248621 L.871, J.49 2 37 40 -68 48.2 4.2 45 6.6 G2wF5 2 40 40.1 -69 14 12 17072 248626 L.880 2 39 1 -69 45.9 6.7# 46 6.6 G8III 2 43 24.3 -69 09 35 17374 248634 L.898 2 41 50 -69 41.4 6.8# 47 Zeta 4.84 A2IV/V 2 45 32.7 -67 37 00 17566 248644 L.907, J.51 2 43 37 -68 8.5 5.2 48 6.7 F6V 2 45 37.1 -71 14 11 17653 255919 L.916 2 44 40 -71 45.6 6.8 49 6.3 K0III 2 50 52.5 -67 31 21 18121 248663 L.943 2 49 3 -68 2.1 6.7 50 Nu 4.75 K3III 2 50 28.7 -75 04 00 18293 255929 L.972 2 51 18 -75 34.6 5.1 r 51 Theta 5.53 B8III/IV 3 02 15.4 -71 54 09 19400 255945 L.1001, J.58 3 2 1 -72 23.4 5.8 52 6.8 K2III 3 04 59.7 -74 19 11 19755 255951 L.1047 3 5 51 -74 48.1 7.0 * 7.8 K2III 3 05 25.7 -72 00 14 19718 255952 L.1031 3 5 18 -72 28.6 7.8# r * 7.0 K2III 3 06 43.7 -72 01 30 19890 255957 L.1046 3 6 40 -72 30.2 7.1# 53 6.15 K1III 3 07 49.3 -69 15 56 19940 248742 L.1035 3 6 52 -69 44.5 6.5 r 54 6.9 F6/F7V 3 10 19.3 -74 17 51 20335 255963 L.1075 3 11 20 -74 46.5 7.0 55 5.70v F2II-III 3 07 32.2 -78 59 22 20313 255962 L.1105 3 11 51 -79 27.8* 6.0 dpl. 8, 6 1/4 56 Iota 5.50 F4III 3 15 57.6 -77 23 18 21024 255973 L.1131 3 19 6 -77 50.6 5.9 57 7.1 A5mA7-F0 3 21 02.9 -68 32 02 21223 248785 L.1118 3 20 6 -68 58.9 7.0 58 6.13 A3/5V+G* 3 24 02.6 -69 37 29 21563 248797 L.1132 3 23 31 -70 3.8 6.4 59 5.95 F3V 3 25 36.3 -69 20 12 21722 248804 L.1139 3 25 2 -69 49.4 6.1 60 6.81 A2mA5-A8 3 24 37.4 -76 44 46 21940 255988 L.1185 3 27 39 -77 10.6 6.9 * 7.4 G0V 3 44 47.1 -70 01 37 24062 256022 L.1283 3 44 49 -70 24.6 7.3# * 7.5 G0V 3 45 01.9 -70 01 27 24085 256023 L.1285 3 45 4 -70 24.4 7.3# 61 6.5 B8V 3 45 24.2 -71 39 30 24188 256025 * 3 46 3 -72 2.7 6.4 62 Gamma 3.24 M2III 3 47 14.3 -74 14 20 24512 256029 L.1322, J.79 3 49 12 -74 37.3 3.2 r 63 6.60 A1/A2V 4 00 43.7 -71 10 00 25938 256053 L.1380 4 1 28 -71 30.8 6.7 64 7.1 A9IV 4 13 15.3 -70 25 13 27346 256073 L.1442 4 13 53 -70 44.1 6.9 Preceding 10 the star HD9405 is connected with a brace to 10 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 10 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 20 Gould recognized the two stars HD11944A=SAO248461 and HD11944B=SAO248462 as a double star but gave them the single combined designation. 23 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 28 the star HD12603=SAO255838 is connected with a brace to 28 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 35, 36 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.7. 37 Right ascension corrected from 2 24 24. Preceding 40 the two stars HD15841=SAO255890 and HD16148=SAO255895 are connected with a brace to 40 with combined magnitude 6.7 of all three stars but without being assigned a number to either. Preceding 41 the star HD16382=SAO255899 is connected with a brace to 41 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 45, 46 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.5. Between 52 and 53 the stars HD19781=SAO255952 and HD19890=SAO255957 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without being assigned numbers to either. 55 Declination corrected from -79 27.4. 58 Spectrum A3/5V+G0/5 Between 60 and 61 the stars HD24062=SAO256022 and HD24085=SAO256023 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.7 but without being assigned numbers to either. 61 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 7. - INDUS G Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 Alpha 3.11 K0III 20 37 34.0 -47 17 29 196171 230300 L.8494, J.516 20 28 46 -47 43.5 3.1 c 2 Eta 4.51 A6-A9var 20 44 02.3 -51 55 16 197157 246709 L.8524 20 34 51 -52 21.9 4.7 * 7.0 A0IV/V 20 44 57.4 -50 29 16 197322 246715 L.8534 20 35 57 -50 56.1 7.1# * 7.0 K0III 20 45 08.4 -50 30 24 197341 246717 * 20 36 8 -50 57.3 7.3# 3 6.6 K2IIICN* 20 46 26.9 -50 48 17 197544 246725 L.8538 20 37 26 -51 15.4 6.8 4 Zeta 4.89 K5III 20 49 29.0 -46 13 37 198048 230391 L.8564 20 40 52 -46 41.2 5.3 5 Iota 5.05 K1II/III 20 51 30.1 -51 36 30 198308 246762 L.8567 20 42 57 -52 4.3 5.6 6 Beta 3.65 K0III 20 54 48.6 -58 27 15 198700 246784 L.8548, J.525 20 45 1 -58 55.4 3.7 7 6.24 B5IV 20 54 35.0 -50 43 40 198766 246786 L.8598 20 45 39 -51 11.8 6.6 8 5.76 F5IV-V 21 00 21.3 -51 15 55 199623 246820 L.8624 20 51 27 -51 45.2 6.0 9 6.5 K3III 21 04 13.7 -50 26 06 200249 246846 L.8646 20 55 25 -50 55.6 6.9 10 7.0 K2III 21 04 08.0 -47 57 39 200248 230501 L.8650 20 55 31 -48 27.1 7.0 11 7.05 G3IV 21 04 32.0 -46 15 19 200334 230507 L.8655 20 56 2 -46 44.7 7.0 12 Mu 5.16 K2III 21 05 14.2 -54 43 37 200365 246854 L.8648 20 56 2 -55 13.2 5.8 c 13 6.8 A5/A6IV* 21 07 51.0 -54 13 01 200798 246880 L.8670 20 58 44 -54 42.8 6.8 14 6.67 A0V 21 07 53.8 -48 56 24 200856 230536 L.8678 20 59 15 -49 26.3 6.5 15 6.6 A9V 21 07 44.5 -45 22 46 200887 230535 L.8682 20 59 21 -45 52.7 6.6 16 7.1 A0V 21 08 01.1 -46 29 33 200918 230538 L.8684 20 59 33 -46 59.6 6.9 17 7.0 A7IV/V 21 10 24.5 -59 24 26 201172 246893 L.8680 21 0 43 -59 54.7 6.9 18 6.9 M1III 21 13 29.5 -47 33 02 201789 230581 L.8717 21 5 0 -48 3.7 6.9 19 6.9 G8III 21 15 17.5 -58 55 46 201933 246924 L.8714 21 5 43 -59 26.5 7.0 20 6.9 K1III 21 14 17.1 -45 47 00 201931 230585 L.8724 21 5 56 -46 17.6 7.0 21 6.5 F0V 21 15 41.2 -57 37 33 202027 246927 L.8718 21 6 18 -58 8.7 6.6 22 6.9 K3III 21 15 02.1 -49 05 50 202026 230591 L.8726 21 6 27 -49 36.7 6.8 23 5.75 A6IV 21 15 45.9 -53 15 47 202103 246929 L.8727 21 6 50 -53 46.7 6.0 24 6.54 K2III 21 17 52.5 -48 43 06 202501 230614 L.8743* 21 9 21 -49 14.1 6.6 25 Theta 4.40 A5V 21 19 52.0 -53 26 59 202730 246965 L.8753 21 10 57 -53 58.3 4.6 dpl. 7 1/4, 4 3/4 26 7.0 K1III 21 19 20.9 -47 03 16 202729 230628 L.8759 21 10 57 -47 34.6 6.7 27 T* 6.00v C5II 21 20 09.4 -45 01 21 202874 230635 L.8765 21 11 55 -45 32.8 6.0 r 28 6.38v? K3III 21 21 16.4 -49 56 16 203010 246983 L.8768 21 12 42 -50 27.6 6.4 r var? 29 6.6 K0+F/G* 21 21 23.3 -51 45 09 203021 246985 L.8767 21 12 42 -52 16.6 6.6# * 7.2 A5V 21 22 04.5 -51 52 32 203125 246995 L.8772 21 13 20 -52 24.2 7.7# 30 7.0 K2/K3III 21 22 45.2 -48 27 26 203257 230656 L.8780 21 14 18 -48 58.9 7.0 31 7.2 A6/A7IV* 21 24 46.1 -57 15 26 203497 247014 L.8784 21 15 33 -57 47.3 7.0 32 6.32 A5mA6-F0 21 24 20.8 -46 36 54 203548 230665 L.8788 21 16 2 -47 8.9 6.4 33 7.1 A0III 21 25 23.4 -45 09 42 203725 230676 L.8795 21 17 11 -45 41.8 6.9 34 Gamma 6.12 F1III 21 26 15.4 -54 39 38 203760 247031 L.8792, J.533 21 17 20 -55 11.9 6.3 var? 35 6.39 K2IIICN* 21 29 00.3 -53 42 21 204228 247043 L.8811 21 20 11 -54 14.8 6.6 36 7.2 G0IV 21 30 48.0 -62 10 06 204385 255011 L.8810 21 21 2 -62 42.5 7.0 37 6.41 K4III 21 33 17.7 -52 44 15 204873 247080 L.8830 21 24 38 -53 17.2 6.5 38 6.4 G6III/IV 21 34 53.0 -51 49 38 205123 247093 L.8841 21 26 22 -52 22.7 6.8 39 6.77 B8V 21 38 17.2 -69 37 48 205348 255038 * 21 27 18 -70 11.2 6.9 40 6.21 A0/A1IV 21 38 02.9 -64 49 27 205417 255040 L.8842 21 28 3 -65 22.9 6.3 41 6.19 F7III 21 39 59.7 -52 21 32 205877 247128 L.8859 21 31 27 -52 55.3 6.4 42 6.33 K0III-IV 21 40 33.7 -55 44 15 205935 247132 L.8858 21 31 44 -56 18.1 6.5 43 6.03 B8IV 21 45 28.8 -71 00 30 206399 257955 L.8860 21 34 21 -71 34.7 6.2# * 8.7 B9 21 46 14.9 -71 05 06 206504 257956 B.7058 21 35 7 -71 39.3 7.8# 44 7.2 F0/F2IV 21 44 14.5 -62 06 51 206397 255061 L.8872 21 34 45 -62 41.0 7.0 * 7.3 K2III 21 43 45.9 -57 22 07 206381 247148 L.8876 21 34 49 -57 56.1 7.3# 45 6.50 F7IV/V 21 43 59.0 -57 19 31 206429 247151 L.8877 21 35 5 -57 53.6 6.4# 46 6.87 F6IV/V 21 44 00.5 -57 16 56 206428 247153 L.8878 21 35 7 -57 51.0 6.8# 47 7.0 M2IIIp 21 44 18.1 -55 28 23 206502 247155 L.8884 21 35 32 -56 2.6 7.0 48 7.19 ApSi 21 46 38.0 -67 35 48 206653 255067 * 21 36 20 -68 10.1 7.0 49 7.0 K1III 21 46 19.8 -62 33 00 206691 255068 L.8888 21 36 50 -63 7.2 7.0 50 6.45 K1III 21 45 19.0 -49 29 55 206690 230822 L.8895 21 37 1 -50 4.3 6.6 51 7.1 F3V 21 48 43.8 -65 30 13 207015 255076 B.7075 21 38 53 -66 4.8 7.0 52 6.6 B9V 21 48 54.5 -56 16 25 207158 247190 L.8908 21 40 9 -56 51.1 6.6 53 Omicron 5.53 M0III 21 50 47.1 -69 37 46 207241 255087 L.8899 21 40 11 -70 12.5 5.7 54 5.62 K1III 21 50 00.2 -64 42 43 207229 255080 L.8903 21 40 17 -65 17.4 6.0 55 6.7 A1/A2V 21 55 27.9 -70 06 58 207870 257979 B.7088 21 44 50 -70 42.1 6.7# 56 6.6 A8/A9V 21 55 34.2 -70 04 06 207896 257980 L.8925 21 44 58 -70 39.3 6.6# 57 5.90 F1III 21 55 11.6 -61 53 11 207964 255101 L.8939 21 45 57 -62 28.3 6.3# * 7.21v ApSrEuCr 21 56 56.6 -61 50 46 208217 255107 L.8949 21 47 45 -62 26.1 7.4# 58 Pi 6.18 A3mA6-A9 21 56 14.0 -57 53 58 208149 247230 L.8950 21 47 27 -58 29.4 6.4 59 6.5 G6III 21 56 03.2 -52 27 49 208184 247229 L.8953 21 47 43 -53 3.2 6.5 60 Delta 4.40 F0IV 21 57 55.1 -54 59 33 208450 247244 L.8962, J.546 21 49 24 -55 35.1 4.8 61 Kappa1* 6.19v? F3V 21 58 30.1 -59 00 45 208496 247247 L.8959 21 49 39 -59 36.4 6.4 62 6.02 B9IV/V 22 00 24.1 -55 52 58 208796 247262 L.8973 21 51 52 -56 28.7 6.3 63 7.13 G0V 22 01 36.5 -53 05 36 208998 247274 L.8979 21 53 17 -53 40.5 6.9 64 Epsilon 4.69 K5V 22 03 21.6 -56 47 10 209100 247287 L.8975 21 53 47 -57 17.8 5.2 r 65 Kappa2* 5.62 K4III 22 05 50.9 -59 38 10 209529 247303 L.9001 21 57 3 -60 14.4 6.0 r 66 6.7 F7/F8V 22 07 53.9 -70 17 09 209635 258000 L.8994 21 57 35 -70 53.6 6.7 67 7.0 G0V 22 07 30.6 -68 01 23 209653 255146 * 21 57 45 -68 37.7 6.9 68 6.9 K0III 22 09 25.0 -70 54 16 209840 258002 L.9002 21 59 2 -71 30.8 6.8 69 6.9 K3III 22 13 43.2 -68 07 36 210563 255175 * 22 4 1 -68 44.5 7.0 70 Nu 5.29 A3V:+F9V 22 24 37.0 -72 15 20 211998 258033 L.9082 22 13 50 -72 51.7 5.7 r 71 5.78 F3III 22 25 10.7 -70 25 54 212211 258034 L.9099 22 15 22 -71 3.7 6.0 72 5.57 A3V 22 28 37.7 -67 29 21 212728 255227 L.9117 22 19 24 -68 7.4 5.9 73 7.1 F5/F6IV* 22 32 09.1 -69 06 28 213222 255241 L.9134 22 22 47 -69 44.8 7.0 * 8.0 G0V 22 35 10.5 -72 33 05 213591 258051 L.9143 22 25 24 -73 11.9 7.5# 74 6.6 K1III 22 36 22.3 -72 42 46 213742 258053 L.9155 22 26 28 -73 21.4 7.0# 75 7.0 K0III 22 39 30.8 -68 03 37 214343 255272 * 22 30 31 -68 42.5* 7.0 76 7.27 B8/B9Ib 22 40 48.2 -67 41 19 214539 255281 R.571 22 31 57 -68 20.2 6.9 77 6.9 A7IV 22 47 32.2 -69 28 28 215505 255315 L.9220 22 38 39 -70 8.0 6.8 78 6.35 A2V 22 49 17.5 -70 20 52 215729 258070 L.9230 22 40 19 -71 0.5 6.4 79 Rho 6.05 G4IV-V 22 54 39.4 -70 04 25 216437 258084 L.9276 22 45 56 -70 44.4 6.2 80 5.52 F4III 23 04 52.2 -68 49 12 217831 255395 L.9337 22 56 35 -69 29.7 5.8 81 6.15 K3III 23 08 35.8 -73 35 11 218288 258106 L.9358 22 59 51 -74 15.7 6.5 82 6.6 F3IV 23 09 44.7 -67 52 35 218497 255418 * 23 1 43 -68 33.1 6.5 83 6.47 K0IV 23 10 11.8 -66 51 27 218558 255420 L.9375 23 2 11 -67 32.1 6.5 84 6.13 K2/K3III 23 18 19.9 -67 28 16 219644 255455 L.9418 23 10 35 -68 9.2 6.3 Between 2 and 3 the stars HD197322=SAO246715 and HD197341=SAO246717 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned to either. For the second of these stars the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 3 Spectrum K2III/IVCNIb 13 Spectrum A5/A6IV/V 24 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L.8742. 27 The variable star designation T was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 29 Spectrum G8/K1III+(F/G) Following 29 the star HD203125=SAO246995 is connected with a brace to 29 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 31 Spectrum A6/A7III/IV 35 Spectrum K2IIICNIb 39 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 43 the star HD206504=SAO257956 is connected with a brace to 43 with combined magnitude 6.0 without being assigned a number. Preceding 45 the star HD206381=SAO247148 is connected with a brace encompassing 45 and 46 with the combined magnitude 6.0 of all three of these stars but without being assigned a number. 48 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 55, 56 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.1. Following 57 the star HD208217=SAO255107 is connected with a brace to 5 with combined magnitude 6.2 without being assigned a number. 61 The letter Kappa1 was assigned by Lacaille but Gould removed it from the Uranometria Argentina because he considered it to be fainter than 6th magnitude, and it does not appear therein. However this designation does appear in many modern star catalogs and atlases. 65 The letter Kappa2 was assigned by Lacaille but Gould removed it from the Uranometria Argentina because he considered it to be fainter than 6th magnitude, and it does not appear therein. However this designation does appear in many modern star catalogs and atlases. 67 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 69 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 73 Spectrum F5/F6IV/V Preceding 74 the star HD213742=SAO258053 is connected with a brace to 74 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 75 Declination corrected from -68 43.5. The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 82 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 58. - LEO G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.85v M4III 9 23 29.5 + 7 42 50 81028 117646 Ll.18487 9 16 51 + 8 15.0 7.0 2 2 Omega 5.41 F9V 9 28 27.5 + 9 03 24 81858 117717 Ll.18619 9 21 46 + 9 36.0 5.9 3 3 5.71 K0III 9 28 29.1 + 8 11 18 81873 117718 Ll.18632 9 21 50 + 8 43.9 6.3 4 10 5.00v? K1IIIvar 9 37 12.7 + 6 50 09 83240 117807 Ll.18893 9 30 37 + 7 23.7 5.4 5 5.79 M1III 9 46 10.1 + 6 42 30 84542 117898 DM.2181 9 39 34 + 7 17.1 6.3 6 6.7 F0 9 47 16.5 + 8 34 13 84701 117908 Ll.19191 9 40 39 + 9 8.9 7.0 7 6.6 K0 9 55 55.1 + 7 40 38 86002 117997 Ll.19426 9 49 19 + 8 16.2 7.0 8 5.85 K2III: 9 56 26.0 + 8 55 59 86080 118001 By., WB.1047 9 49 49 + 9 31.5 6.1 9 6.04 K3III 9 58 07.6 + 8 18 51 86369 118023 By., Ll.19511 9 51 30 + 8 54.7 6.5 10 29 Pi 4.70v? M2III 10 00 12.8 + 8 02 39 86663 118044 Ll.19549 9 53 36 + 8 38.6 5.2 11 6.9 K5 10 22 14.2 + 8 57 51 89848 118260 Ll.20107 10 15 39 + 9 35.7 7.0 12 43 6.07 K3III 10 23 00.5 + 6 32 38 89962 118269 Ll.20131 10 16 28 + 7 10.6 6.5 13 44 DE* 5.61v M3III 10 25 15.2 + 8 47 05 90254 118286 Ll.20191 10 18 40 + 9 25.2 6.0 14 47 Rho 3.85v B1Ib 10 32 48.7 + 9 18 24 91316 118355 Ll.20423 10 26 14 + 9 57.0 3.9 15 48 5.08 G8II-III 10 34 48.1 + 6 57 13 91612 118376 Ll.20473 10 28 17 + 7 35.8 5.5 16 49 TX* 5.67v A2V 10 35 02.2 + 8 39 02 91636 118380 Ll.20478 10 28 29 + 9 17.7 6.0 17 37 Sex* 6.37 K1III: 10 46 05.7 + 6 22 23 93244 118483 By., Ll.20747 10 39 35 + 7 1.9 6.7 18 6.38 A3V 10 52 13.7 + 1 01 31 94180 118550 Ll.20919 10 45 48 + 1 41.4 6.4 19 6.31 K5III 10 52 36.1 - 0 12 06 94237 118555 Ll.20929 10 46 12 + 0 27.8 6.8 20 6.12 K0III* 10 53 24.9 - 2 15 19 94363 137863 Ll.20956 10 47 4 - 1 35.2 6.5# 21 p1 5.45 G8III 10 53 44.0 - 2 07 46 94402 137871 Ll.20961 10 47 22 - 1 27.9 5.9# 22 55 5.91 F2III 10 55 42.4 + 0 44 13 94672 118574 Ll.21006 10 49 16 + 1 24.2 6.2 23 56 VY* 5.81v M5IIIvar 10 56 01.5 + 6 11 06 94705 118576 Ll.21019 10 49 32 + 6 51.1 6.6 24 57 6.8 K0 10 56 10.5 + 0 25 58 94738 118577 Ll.21027 10 49 46 + 1 6.0 6.9 25 6.87 F5 10 57 07.9 - 0 18 43 94864 137904 Ll.21045 10 50 45 + 0 21.5 7.0 26 58 d 4.85 K1III 11 00 33.6 + 3 37 03 95345 118610 Ll.21125 10 54 6 + 4 17.3 5.3 27 59 c 4.99 A5III 11 00 44.8 + 6 06 05 95382 118615 Ll.21131 10 54 16 + 6 46.4 5.3 28 61 p2 4.74v? K5III 11 01 49.7 - 2 29 04 95578 137947 Ll.21164 10 55 27 - 1 48.7 5.4 r 29 6.80 G5 11 02 36.8 - 3 30 46 95695 137952 WB.991 10 56 15 - 2 50.4 7.0 30 6.10 F0V 11 03 14.6 - 0 45 09 95771 137963 Ll.21200 10 56 51 - 0 4.4 6.5 31 62 p3 5.95 K3III 11 03 36.8 - 0 00 03 95849 118634 Ll.21208 10 57 13 + 0 40.3 6.3 32 6.8 A0 11 04 19.3 - 1 16 42 95981 137974 Ll.21229 10 57 56 - 0 36.3 6.9 33 63 Chi 4.63v? F2III* 11 05 01.0 + 7 20 10 96097 118648 Ll.21242 10 58 34 + 8 0.7 4.8 34 65 p4 5.52v? G9IIICN* 11 06 54.2 + 1 57 20 96436 118668 Ll.21295 11 0 33 + 2 38.1 5.9 35 6.8 K0 11 08 17.0 - 1 54 12 96694 138001 Ll.21324 11 1 54 - 1 13.6 7.0 36 66 6.8 A2 11 09 13.6 - 1 20 00 96855 138015 Ll.21346 11 2 51 - 0 39.4 6.9 37 69 p5 5.42 A0V 11 13 45.6 - 0 04 11 97585 118731 Ll.21464 11 7 22 + 0 36.6 5.7 38 6.8 F2 11 13 53.1 + 2 16 07 97606 118734 Ll.21467 11 7 28 + 2 57.0 6.8 39 5.79 K3III 11 14 01.8 + 8 03 39 97605 118735 Ll.21468 11 7 32 + 8 44.7 6.3 40 6.7 K0 11 14 37.7 - 1 16 15 97716 138079 Ll.21492 11 8 14 - 0 35.3 7.0 41 7.41 B1V 11 16 11.7 - 3 28 19 97991 138096 Ll.21525 11 9 49 - 2 47.5 6.9 42 6.8 A3 11 16 36.4 - 3 58 00 98046 138101 Ll.21530 11 10 14 - 3 17.1 6.7 43 74 Phi 4.50 A7IVn 11 16 39.7 - 3 39 06 98058 138102 J.257 11 10 19 - 2 58.1 4.2 44 75 5.18 M0III* 11 17 17.4 + 2 00 38 98118 118764 T.5139 11 10 51 + 2 42.0 5.7 r 45 76 5.91 K0III: 11 18 55.1 + 1 39 04 98366 118778 Ll.21575 11 12 30 + 2 20.1 6.3 * 7.09 F8 11 19 22.6 - 1 39 18 98427 138130 Ll.21586 11 13 1 - 0 58.0 6.9 dpl. 7 3/4, 7 1/2 46 77 Sigma 4.06 B9.5Vs 11 21 08.2 + 6 01 46 98664 118804 Ll.21632 11 14 41 + 6 42.9 4.1 47 6.57 F8 11 21 26.8 + 6 38 06 98697 118806 Ll.21640 11 15 3 + 7 19.2 6.8 48 6.7 A2 11 21 50.2 + 9 10 06 98747 118813 WB.235 11 15 22 + 9 51.3 6.7 49 7.0 G5 11 23 15.1 + 6 35 09 98947 118823 Ll.21679 11 16 47 + 7 16.3 7.0 50 6.05 K3 11 23 18.0 + 0 07 54 98960 118825 Ll.21684 11 16 54 + 0 49.2 6.5 51 79 5.39 G8IIICN* 11 24 02.3 + 1 24 28 99055 118831 Ll.21700 11 17 38 + 2 5.6 6.0 52 7.04 F5 11 24 21.8 - 5 54 36 99126 138184 Ll.21714 11 18 2 - 5 13.2 7.0 53 6.7 A5 11 24 58.2 - 2 12 45 99210 138190 Ll.21727 11 18 36 - 1 31.4 6.8 54 82 6.7 A2 11 25 39.5 + 3 18 03 99305 118847 Ll.21744 11 19 14 + 3 59.4 6.9 55 80 6.37 F3IV 11 25 50.1 + 3 51 37 99329 118851 Ll.21749 11 19 25 + 4 32.9 6.5 r 56 6.7 K0 11 26 18.0 + 8 39 34 99393 118859 Ll.21766 11 19 50 + 9 20.8 7.0 57 83 6.49 K0IV 11 26 45.3 + 3 00 47 99491 118864 Ll.21781 11 20 27 + 3 41.5 6.5 r 58 84 Tau 4.95 G8II-III 11 27 56.2 + 2 51 22 99648 118875 Ll.21817 11 21 31 + 3 32.7 5.3 59 6.25 K2III: 11 27 53.7 - 1 42 00 99651 138216 Ll.21821 11 21 31 - 1 0.7 6.6 60 7.1 A0 11 28 03.6 - 0 53 53 99665 138220 Ll.21828 11 21 40 - 0 12.5 7.0 61 6.72 F5 11 29 40.0 + 7 35 58 99904 118892 Ll.21860 11 23 13 + 8 17.3 6.9 62 87 e 4.77 K4III 11 30 18.9 - 3 00 13 99998 138238 J.262 11 23 56 - 2 18.8 5.3 r 63 6.76 K0 11 31 56.6 - 6 28 14 100238 138251 Ll.21904 11 25 35 - 5 46.6 6.9 64 6.7 K5 11 33 36.3 + 2 29 56 100456 118923 WB.448 11 27 11 + 3 11.4 7.0 65 89 5.70 F5V 11 34 22.0 + 3 03 37 100563 118929 Ll.21965 11 27 59 + 3 45.4 6.2 66 6.7 A2 11 34 21.4 - 5 31 37 100565 138275 Ll.21968 11 28 0 - 4 50.2 6.8 67 6.5 K0 11 34 58.9 - 4 21 41 100659 138284 Ll.21981 11 28 37 - 3 40.1 6.7 68 7.0 K0 11 36 34.2 + 6 06 24 100872 118946 WB.503 11 30 9 + 6 48.2 6.9 69 91 Upsilon 4.30 G9III 11 36 56.9 - 0 49 26 100920 138298 Ll.22022 11 30 33 - 0 8.0 4.4 r 70 7.0 A2 11 37 17.8 + 6 16 13 100974 118952 Ll.22030 11 30 52 + 6 57.7 6.8 13 The variable star designation DE was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 16 The variable star designation TX was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 17 Flamsteed assigned this star to Sextans and gave it the Flamsteed number 37. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Leo, where it remains. 20 Spectrum K0IIIcomp 20, 21 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 23 The variable star designation VY was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 33 Spectrum F2III-IVvar 34 Spectrum G9IIICN-1 44 Spectrum M0IIIcomp Between 45 and 46 the star HD98427=SAO138130 is listed without being assigned a number. 51 Spectrum G8IIICN-0.5 45. - LEPUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.70 F1III 4 55 30.2 -25 43 40 31517 169889 L.1684, Ll.9327 4 50 23 -25 55.8 6.7 2 6.6 A2 4 58 10.4 -16 46 49 31810 150038 OA.3533 4 52 35 -16 58.4 6.9 3 5.67v? F3V+F9V 4 59 01.3 -16 22 33 31925 150052 Ll.9420 4 53 26 -16 34.4 6.0 4 R 7.71v C6II 4 59 36.5 -14 48 21 31996 150058 2 Radcl.,564 4 53 55 -14 59.8 var. 6 - 8 1/2, rr 5 4.90 B9.5Vn 5 01 25.6 -20 03 07 32309 169981 Ll.9506 4 56 0 -20 14.1 5.5 6 5.02 K1III 5 02 09.8 -26 16 31 32436 169997 L.1686, Ll.9542 4 57 5 -26 27.2 5.4 r 7 1 5.75 K1III 5 02 44.9 -22 47 42 32503 170010 L.1691 4 57 28 -22 58.6 6.1 8 6.40 B2.5IV 5 03 52.0 -14 22 10 32612 150109 Ll.9571 4 58 10 -14 32.8 6.6# 9 6.8 K2 5 03 56.6 -14 33 23 32613 150113 Ll.9573 4 58 14 -14 44.0 7.0# 10 5.59 A3m 5 03 53.3 -24 23 16 32667 170029 L.1704 4 58 42 -24 33.8 5.9 11 7.2 G5 5 04 49.8 -20 14 47 32789 170040 Ll.9622 4 59 25 -20 25.3 7.0 12 2 Epsilon 3.19v? K5IIIvar 5 05 27.7 -22 22 16 32887 170051 Ll.9647, J.109 5 0 10 -22 32.4 3.1 r, var? 13 5.73 K2III 5 05 16.2 -26 09 09 32890 170050 L.1710, Ll.9650 5 0 12 -26 19.3 6.1 14 6.05 A0V 5 06 36.7 -13 07 20 32996 150149 Ll.9659 5 0 50 -13 17.5 6.3 15 6.44 G0 5 07 09.8 -19 23 32 33095 150156 Ll.9698 5 1 43 -19 34.1 6.6 16 5.97 F7V 5 07 25.0 -12 29 26 33093 150159 Ll.9683 5 1 36 -12 39.2 6.3# 17 6.6v? M0 5 07 49.8 -12 35 31 33162 150166 Ll.9702 5 2 2 -12 45.2 6.8# 18 7.2 F5 5 07 08.7 -17 18 02 33081 150154 Ll.9689 5 1 35 -17 27.6 7.0# * 7.3 K0 5 07 42.3 -17 17 20 33163 150165 Ll.9709 5 2 9 -17 27.0 7.3# 19 6.6 G5 5 08 13.2 -15 05 44 33238 150170 Ll.9725 5 2 33 -15 15.6 6.7 * 7.0 B8 5 10 34.1 -11 38 55 33550 150194 Ll.9763 5 4 43 -11 48.4 7.4# 20 RX* 5.68v M6III 5 11 22.8 -11 50 57 33664 150206 By.724, Ll.9785 5 5 33 -12 0.4 6.0# 21 3 Iota 4.44 B8V 5 12 17.9 -11 52 09 33802 150223 Ll.9795, J.113 5 6 28 -12 1.2 4.4# 22 6.41 K1III/IV 5 10 44.5 -25 54 34 33667 170151 L.1738, Ll.9791 5 5 40 -26 4.1 6.6 23 5 Mu 3.31v B9pHgMn 5 12 55.9 -16 12 20 33904 150237 Ll.9813, J.114 5 7 19 -16 21.3 3.4 r 24 4 Kappa 4.36 B9V 5 13 13.9 -12 56 29 33949 150239 Ll.9816, J.115 5 7 28 -13 5.5 4.2 25 6.21 F2III 5 13 59.9 -14 36 24 34045 150255 Ll.9832 5 8 18 -14 45.2 6.5 26 7.0 K2III/IV 5 14 30.6 -26 12 30 34198 170230 L.1763, Ll.9882 5 9 27 -26 21.1 7.0 27 6.5 G0 5 16 10.6 -11 21 10 34318 150286 Ll.9886 5 10 19 -11 29.6 6.7 28 5.04 B9V 5 15 24.3 -26 56 36 34310 170238 L.1771 5 10 24 -27 5.1 5.4 29 6.9 A0 5 15 43.8 -22 53 39 34324 170243 L.1769, Ll.9912 5 10 29 -23 2.2 6.9 30 6.56 B3IV 5 16 48.1 -17 08 30 34447 150295 Ll.9926 5 11 15 -17 16.8 6.7 31 6.8 A5 5 17 22.2 -17 46 29 34513 150300 * 5 11 51 -17 54.7 7.0 32 6.8 B9V 5 17 35.4 -15 13 11 34527 150303 Ll.9949 5 11 56 -15 21.4 6.8 33 5.50 G9IV: 5 17 40.2 -13 31 11 34538 150304 By.743, Ll.9946 5 11 56 -13 39.3 6.0 34 5.96 G0V 5 18 50.4 -18 07 49 34721 150326 Ll.9986 5 13 17 -18 15.9 6.4 r 35* 6.39 B3V 5 19 17.5 -18 31 12 34798 150335 Ll.10020 5 13 48 -18 39.1 6 3/4# 35* 6.54v ApSi4200 5 19 18.3 -18 30 35 34797 150336 Ll.10021 5 13 49 -18 38.5 7 # 36 6 Lambda 4.30 B0.5IV 5 19 34.5 -13 10 36 34816 150340 Ll.10009, J.118 5 13 49 -13 18.4 4.1 37 7 Nu 5.30 B7IVnn 5 19 59.0 -12 18 56 34863 150345 Ll.10024 5 14 11 -12 26.7 5.7 38 4.71v? A0Vvar 5 20 26.9 -21 14 22 34968 170327 Ll.10063 5 15 7 -21 22.0 4.9 39 6.56 B8V 5 21 51.0 -13 45 22 35104 150375 Ll.10095 5 16 7 -13 52.8 6.9 40 6.9 K0 5 21 55.4 -17 36 14 35137 150379 Ll.10104 5 16 23 -17 43.6 6.6 41* 5.06 G7+A7* 5 21 46.2 -24 46 23 35162 170351 L.1810 5 16 38 -24 53.7 5.4 dpl. 5 3/4, 7 42* 6.7 A7IV-V 5 21 46.4 -24 46 24 35163 170352 43 8 5.25 B2IV 5 23 30.1 -13 55 38 35337 150396 Ll.10144 5 17 47 -14 2.8 5.7 44 6.49 F6V 5 23 12.0 -26 42 21 35386 170375 L.1823 5 18 11 -26 49.5 6.5 45 5.65 A1V 5 24 28.4 -16 58 34 35505 150416 Ll.10182 5 18 54 -17 5.4 5.9 46 6.7 G5 5 25 20.0 -12 33 14 35591 150427 WB.432 5 19 33 -12 40.0 6.9 47 5.91 F2V 5 25 59.8 -19 41 44 35736 150442 Ll.10254 5 20 35 -19 48.3 6.2 48 6.35 F7V: 5 27 04.7 -11 54 04 35850 150461 Ll.10269 5 21 15 -12 0.4 6.6 49 6.07 G7III: 5 27 36.5 -21 22 32 35991 170445 Ll.10313 5 22 17 -21 29.0 6.5 50 7.2 A1III+G* 5 27 24.8 -26 35 06 35994 170440 L.1849 5 22 23 -26 41.4 6.9 51 9 Beta 2.84 G5II 5 28 14.7 -20 45 34 36079 170457 J.120 5 22 53 -20 51.6 2.9 52 7.7 G5 5 29 39.8 -22 43 09 36274 170482 Ll.10391 5 24 25 -22 49.1 7.0 53 10 5.55 A0V 5 31 07.6 -20 51 49 36473 170506 Ll.10438 5 25 47 -20 57.4 5.9 54 11 Alpha 2.58v? F0Ib 5 32 43.8 -17 49 20 36673 150547 J.125 5 27 13 -17 54.8 2.7 55 6.7 B8 5 35 26.4 -15 44 15 37104 150588 Ll.10576 5 29 49 -15 49.3 6.9 56 6.10 A2V 5 37 08.7 -11 46 33 37306 150617 Ll.10622 5 31 18 -11 51.2 6.5 57 6.38 B7V 5 39 16.3 -17 50 58 37643 150652 Ll.10726 5 33 46 -17 55.2 6.4 58 6.9 v G4III 5 40 39.7 -20 17 56 37847 170678 Ll.10791 5 35 17 -20 21.9 6.7 59 6.20 B3IVp 5 41 41.5 -16 43 32 37971 150703 * 5 36 8 -16 47.4 6.5 60 6.15 K0 5 42 14.3 -17 31 49 38054 150716 Ll.10835 5 36 43 -17 35.6 6.7 61 12 5.89 A2 5 42 13.9 -22 22 25 38090 170715 Ll.10846 5 36 58 -22 26.1 6.4 62 5.73 A0Vs 5 43 21.6 -18 33 27 38206 150739 Ll.10874 5 37 53 -18 36.9 6.0 63 6.34 G0 5 44 28.4 -20 07 35 38382 170756 Ll.10922 5 39 6 -20 11.0 6.7 * 6.15 K2V 5 44 26.5 -22 25 18 38392 170757 Ll.10931 5 39 14 -22 27.8 7 1/2# 64 13 Gamma 3.60 F6V 5 44 27.8 -22 26 54 38393 170759 J.134 5 39 15 -22 29.4 3 1/2# 65 6.8 B3 5 44 50.6 -21 39 35 38426 170770 Ll.10949 5 39 32 -21 42.8 7.0 66 14 Zeta 3.60 A3Vn 5 46 57.3 -14 49 19 38678 150801 J.135 5 41 18 -14 52.2 3.6 r 67 6.16 G2Ib-II 5 47 07.6 -16 14 16 38713 150806 Ll.11010 5 41 32 -16 17.1 6.6 68 6.8 G5 5 48 39.4 -14 18 51 38931 150830 Ll.11060 5 42 58 -14 21.4 6.8 69 5.49 G6III: 5 49 36.5 -14 29 01 39070 150845 Ll.11086 5 43 56 -14 31.3 5.8 70 5.85 A2 5 49 53.5 -22 58 18 39190 170892 L.2002 5 44 40 -23 0.7 6.2 71 15 Delta 3.81 G8p 5 51 19.3 -20 52 45 39364 170926 J.138 5 45 46 -20 53.3 3.7 72 6.17 K0 5 51 28.6 -22 55 34 39385 170931 L.2018 5 46 15 -22 57.6 6.5 * 7.2 A0 5 52 01.1 -15 30 21 39441 150884 Ll.11149 5 46 24 -15 32.3 7.1# * 8.3 A2 5 52 29.5 -15 32 55 39515 150895 Ll.11167 5 46 52 -15 34.8 8 # 73 6.68 A4V 5 53 57.4 -19 38 18 39789 150925 Ll.11212 5 48 33 -19 39.9 6.7 74 5.61 K3comp 5 54 43.5 -11 46 26 39853 150932 WB.1219 5 48 54 -11 48.0 6.3 c 75 6.8 A5V 5 54 39.3 -26 39 35 39945 171001 L.2048 5 49 39 -26 41.2 7.0 76 16 Eta 3.70 F1III 5 56 24.3 -14 10 04 40136 150957 J.141 5 50 43 -14 11.6 3.8 77 7.1 A0 5 56 10.7 -21 07 19 40138 171031 Ll.11295 5 50 51 -21 8.6 7.0 78 5.96 K0V 5 56 14.3 -22 50 25 40151 171034 OA.4460 5 51 0 -22 51.6 6.4 79 6.36 K0 5 56 34.4 -23 12 56 40235 171045 L.2062 5 51 22 -23 14.1 6.7 80 6.9 F5 5 57 33.3 -18 03 19 40379 150972 Ll.11334 5 52 4 -18 4.3 6.9 * 7.3 K2 5 59 22.0 -12 50 07 40605 150994 Ll.11388 5 53 36 -12 50.8 7.7# 81 6.22 F0 6 00 17.6 -12 53 59 40745 151011 Ll.11417 5 54 32 -12 54.4 6.6# 82 6.05 A1V 6 01 13.1 -25 25 03 40972 171138 L.2096 5 56 8 -25 25.3 6.3 83 6.20 G5 6 02 33.8 -14 29 50 41125 151052 Ll.11492 5 56 53 -14 29.9 6.7 84 5.01 K3IIICN* 6 03 15.5 -26 17 04 41312 171180 L.2115 5 58 13 -26 17.2 5.5 r 85 17 4.93v A2sh 6 04 59.1 -16 29 04 41511 151093 Ll.11597 5 59 25 -16 28.7 5.5 86 18 Theta 4.67 A1Vn 6 06 09.3 -14 56 07 41695 151110 J.145 6 0 30 -14 55.5 5.2 87 S* 6.62v M6III 6 05 45.7 -24 11 45 41698 171222 L.2126 6 0 36 -24 11.1 6.9 88 6.66 B3V 6 06 51.9 -11 10 25 41814 151126 By., Ll.11652 6 1 1 -11 9.7 6.9 89 5.47 Am 6 06 32.0 -23 06 38 41841 171236 L.2128 6 1 19 -23 5.9 6 # 90 7.1 A0 6 06 51.3 -23 05 36 41897 171248 Ll.11687 6 1 39 -23 4.8 7 # 91 5.78v? M4III 6 06 57.6 -21 48 46 41933 171251 * 6 1 40 -21 48.9 6.3 r 92 19 5.31 M2III 6 07 41.6 -19 09 57 42042 151142 Ll.11700 6 2 16 -19 9.2 5.9 r 93 6.8 A2 6 08 25.4 -11 08 46 42116 151154 By., Ll.11702 6 2 34 -11 7.7 7.0 94 5.50 A0IV 6 08 57.9 -22 25 39 42301 171293 Ll.11761 6 3 43 -22 24.4 5.8 95 6.37 B9Vn 6 09 20.2 -18 07 34 42327 151173 Ll.11760 6 3 51 -18 6.3 6.7 96 5.56 K2III 6 09 34.3 -14 35 03 42341 151178 WB.58 6 3 54 -14 33.9 6.0 r 97 5.71 F6V 6 09 47.9 -22 46 27 42443 171317 Ll.11784 6 4 33 -22 45.4 5.9 r 98 6.7 A0 6 10 16.5 -15 03 34 42459 151187 Ll.11777 6 4 37 -15 2.2 7.0 99 6.27 G8/K0III 6 09 47.2 -26 42 03 42486 171318 L.2159 6 4 47 -26 40.7 6.6 100 5.72v? K1III 6 10 34.6 -27 09 15 42621 171339 L.2168 6 5 36 -27 7.6 6.0 r var? 101 6.7 A3 6 11 21.7 -15 47 34 42659 151199 Ll.11821 6 5 45 -15 45.9 6.9 102 6.09 B9.5IV/V 6 11 13.5 -26 28 56 42729 171356 L.2173 6 6 13 -26 27.3 6.4 103 6.7 K2 6 11 43.2 -18 11 10 42747 151208 * 6 6 13 -18 9.6 7.0 8, 9 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 16, 17 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 18 the star HD33163=SAO150156 is connected with a brace to 18 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 20 the star HD33550=SAO150194 is connected with a brace to both 20 and 21 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 20 The variable star designation RX was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 31 Gould does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 35 This double star has a single line listing in the published Uranometria Argentina: 35 Ll.10020 5 13 49 -18 39.0 6.1. It has been corrected to two separate lines connected with a brace with a single number 35 and a combined magnitude 6.1. 41 Spectrum G7II-III+A7IV-V 41, 42 To the two components of this double star Gould assigns separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, coordinates, and magnitude. 50 Spectrum A3III+(G) 59 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 64 the star HD38392=SAO170757 is connected with a brace to 64 with combined magnitude 3.5 without being assigned a number. Between 72 and 73 the stars HD39441=SAO150884 and HD39515=SAO150895 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either. Preceding 81 the star HD40605=SAO150994 is connected with a brace to 81 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 84 Spectrum K3II/IIICNvar 87 The variable star designation S was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 89, 90 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.8. 91 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 103 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 43. - LIBRA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 2 6.21 G7III 14 23 25.6 -11 42 51 126035 158528 Ll.26277 14 16 42 -11 8.5 6.5 * 9.5 G0 14 23 39.7 -12 55 12 126068 158531 WB.278 14 16 54 -12 20.9 9 1/2# * 8.2 A2 14 23 42.6 -12 58 49 126083 158532 WB.280 14 16 57 -12 24.7 8 # * 8.0 F8 14 23 49.0 -12 56 33 126101 158534 WB.283 14 17 3 -12 22.3 8 # 2 6.71 A0 14 23 57.6 -16 06 06 126131 158539 Ll.26288 14 17 7 -15 31.9 6.8 3 5.32 G8III 14 24 48.6 -24 48 23 126218 182517 L.5929, Ll.26298 14 17 41 -24 14.2 5.7 4 6.49 F4III 14 24 40.9 -11 40 11 126251 158550 Ll.26307 14 17 58 -11 6.0 6.6 * 6.98 A0 14 25 27.5 -19 57 57 126366 158556 Ll.26319 14 18 29 -19 23.9 7.3# 5 6.61 A2V 14 25 29.8 -19 58 12 126367 158558 Ll.26320 14 18 31 -19 24.2 6.8# 6 6.5 K0 14 25 17.6 -13 21 11 126363 158554 T.6728 14 18 32 -12 47.2 6.7 7 6.65 F5 14 27 45.2 -13 21 34 126766 158577 Ll.26388 14 20 59 -12 47.7 6.8 8 6.7 K0 14 28 31.9 -10 00 16 126896 139953 Ll.26414 14 21 52 - 9 26.5 6.8 9 6.50 A4V 14 34 50.7 -20 26 22 127964 182676 Ll.26559 14 27 49 -19 53.4 6.8 10 6.20 F5V 14 36 59.8 -12 18 19 128429 158677 Ll.26630 14 30 23 -11 46.6 6.6 11 6.73 G5 14 39 00.4 -10 33 17 128752 158696 Ll.26683 14 32 17 -10 0.8 6.9 * 7.0 K0 14 42 02.3 -12 14 06 129293 158742 Ll.26743 14 35 15 -11 41.9 7.1# * 8.4 G5 14 42 20.2 -12 9 15 129340 158746 Ll.26759 14 35 34 -11 37.0 7.7# 12 4 5.73 B9 14 43 13.6 -24 59 51 129433 182795 L.6065 14 36 0 -24 27.8 5.8 13 6.6 G5 14 43 25.7 - 9 41 58 129566 140094 WB.651 14 36 44 - 9 9.9 6.8 14 6.8 F2 14 44 45.0 - 9 42 14 129784 140109 WB.671 14 38 4 - 9 10.3 7.0 15 5.81 G5III: 14 46 06.8 -23 09 11 129944 182857 Ll.26855 14 38 56 -22 37.3 6.1 16 5 6.33 K1III 14 45 57.8 -15 27 35 129978 158788 Ll.26873 14 39 4 -14 55.9 6.6 17 6.40 F7V 14 46 10.9 -21 10 34 129980 182858 Ll.26866 14 39 5 -20 38.7* 6.8 18 6.06 K5III 14 47 13.7 -21 19 30 130157 182873 Ll.26892 14 40 8 -20 47.9 6.4 19 6.35 K0III 14 47 54.9 -12 50 24 130325 158808 Ll.26929 14 41 5 -12 18.6 6.6 20 6.9 G0 14 48 31.7 -17 20 27 130412 158813 Ll.26940 14 41 33 -16 48.9 7.0 21 5.68 K1III 14 49 18.7 -24 15 06 130529 182898 L.6111, Ll.26952 14 42 6 -23 43.8 6.3 r 22 7 Mu 5.6 A1p* 14 49 19.1 -14 08 56 130559 158821 Ll.26964 14 42 28 -13 37.6 5.7 23 6.14 B9Vvar* 14 48 54.1 - 0 50 51 130557 140152 Ll.26975 14 42 29 - 0 19.6 6.3 24 7.08 F5 14 49 25.3 - 8 30 15 130620 140159 Ll.26978 14 42 45 - 7 58.9 7.0 25 8 Alpha1 5.15 F4IV 14 50 41.2 -15 59 50 130819 158836 Ll.27000 14 43 46 -15 28.6 6 1/4# 26 9 Alpha2 2.75v? A3IV 14 50 52.7 -16 02 30 130841 158840 J.343 14 43 58 -15 31.2 3 # 27 11 4.94 G8comp 14 51 01.0 - 2 17 57 130952 140176 Ll.27034 14 44 32 - 1 46.6 5.3 28 6.50 F5 14 51 34.9 -17 47 25 130989 158855 By.1895 14 44 36 -17 16.1 6.6 29 10 6.7 K0 14 51 51.3 -18 21 19 131027 158860 Ll.27033 14 44 51 -17 50.3 6.5 30 12 5.30 K2III 14 54 20.1 -24 38 32 131430 182983 L.6143 14 47 5 -24 7.7 5.8 31 13 Xi1 5.80 G7III 14 54 22.9 -11 53 55 131530 158887 Ll.27115 14 47 36 -11 23.2 6.1 r 32 15 Xi2 5.46 K4III 14 56 46.1 -11 24 35 131918 158915 J.345 14 49 59 -10 54.2 5.7 * 8.1 K5 14 57 26.6 -21 24 42 131976 183039 Y.6138 14 50 9 -20 50.9 7 1/4# 33 5.74 K4V 14 57 28.0 -21 24 56 131977 183040 Ll.27173, Y.6139 14 50 10 -20 51.0 6.3# 34 16 4.50 F0V 14 57 11.0 - 4 20 57 132052 140240 Ll.27212 14 50 40 - 3 50.0 4.8 35 6.7 K0 14 58 05.2 -17 21 52 132150 158931 T.6975 14 51 6 -16 51.6 6.9 * 17 6.60 A1V 14 58 13.4 -11 09 18 132230 158935 Ll.27237 14 51 27 -10 39.1 7.2# 36 18 5.87 K3IIICN2 14 58 53.6 -11 08 39 132345 158946 Ll.27266 14 52 9 -10 38.3 6.3# dpl. 6 1/4, r, 10 37 6.09 F8V 14 58 52.8 - 4 59 21 132375 140256 T.6986 14 52 23 - 4 29.0 6.5 38 19 Delta 4.92v B9.5V 15 00 58.4 - 8 31 08 132742 140270 J.347 14 54 18 - 8 1.3 var. 5 - 6 39 5.52v? M0III 15 01 19.8 - 2 45 18 132833 140276 Ll.27335 14 54 50 - 2 15.5 5.9 40 6.69 K1:IV-V: 15 01 35.4 - 3 09 52 132883 140278 Ll.27342 14 55 5 - 2 39.9 6.9 41 6.8 G5 15 02 04.3 - 8 20 40 132935 140280 Ll.27347 14 55 23 - 7 51.0 7.0 42 6.40 A3 15 02 08.6 - 7 34 32 132953 140281 Ll.27349 14 55 29 - 7 4.9 6.6 43 6.61 A2 15 02 30.0 - 7 50 24 133008 140283 Ll.27362 14 55 51 - 7 20.8 6.8 44 6.61 A5m 15 02 44.9 - 3 01 53 133112 140286 Ll.27380 14 56 15 - 2 32.2 6.8 45 20 Sigma 3.29v M3.5III 15 04 04.2 -25 16 55 133216 183139 L.6212, J.349 14 56 45 -24 47.3 3.5 r 46 6.66 B8V 15 05 47.7 -25 47 23 133529 183163 L.6224 14 58 27 -25 18.1 7.0 47 6.17v? K1III: 15 06 27.1 -22 01 55 133670 183176 Ll.27453 14 59 14 -21 32.6 6.5 * 6.8 G5 15 06 10.6 -24 07 53 133627 183170 L.6228 14 58 53 -23 38.5 7.2# * 7.3 G5 15 07 16.5 -24 11 38 133843 183193 L.6235, Ll.27475 14 59 59 -23 42.6 7.2# 48 21 Nu 5.20 K5III 15 06 37.6 -16 15 25 133774 159028 Ll.27471 14 59 39 -15 46.2 5.5 r 49 22 6.39 A0 15 06 49.1 -16 29 03 133800 159030 Ll.27476 14 59 51 -15 59.9 6.9 50 6.7 K5 15 09 51.3 -23 59 09 134329 183231 Ll.27563 15 2 34 -23 30.4 6.8 51 5.76 K0III 15 10 18.6 -26 19 58 134373 183237 L.6253, Ll.27571 15 2 55 -25 51.2 6.1 52 24 Iota 4.54 A0pSi 15 12 13.3 -19 47 30 134759 159090 Ll.27649 15 5 6 -19 19.0 5.0 53 6.7 K0 15 12 11.9 -19 06 22 134758 159089 Ll.27650 15 5 6 -18 37.9 6.7 54 7.0 G5 15 12 26.2 -18 05 25 134812 159094 OA.14350 15 5 22 -17 37.0 7.0 55 6.47 B9 15 13 17.5 -24 00 30 134946 183269 Ll.27668 15 5 59 -23 32.2 6.6 56 23 6.45 G4V 15 13 28.7 -25 18 33 134987 183275 L.6273 15 6 11 -24 50.1 6.8 dpl. 8, 6 1/2 57 25 6.08 A3Vn 15 13 19.2 -19 38 51 134967 159105 Ll.27683 15 6 12 -19 10.5 6.5 58 6.5 A2 15 13 14.9 -11 00 24 135027 159107 Ll.27699 15 6 28 -10 32.1 7.0 59 5.84 G5III: 15 13 53.3 -26 11 37 135051 183285 L.6275 15 6 29 -25 43.4 6.2 60 6.74 F5 15 14 28.1 -18 25 43 135208 159118 Ll.27724 15 7 25 -17 57.5 6.7 61 26 6.18 B9.5III 15 14 33.7 -17 46 07 135230 159122 Ll.27731 15 7 31 -17 18.0 6.5 62 6.8 F0III 15 15 39.2 -27 35 45 135390 183316 L.6291 15 8 11 -27 7.9 6.9 63 6.28 K2 15 14 50.7 - 5 30 10 135367 140408 Ll.27763 15 8 15 - 5 2.2 6.8 64 5.50 K5III 15 16 23.0 -22 23 58 135534 183328 Ll.27781 15 9 9 -21 56.1 5.8 65 27 Beta 2.61v? B8V 15 17 00.4 - 9 22 59 135742 140430 J.357 15 10 17 - 8 55.2 3.1 66 7.1 A1V 15 20 31.4 -28 17 14 136246 183389 L.6330 15 13 0 -27 49.8 7.0 67 7.2 K0 15 20 41.4 -25 59 25 136295 183392 L.6334 15 13 16 -25 31.8 7.0 68 28 6.17 G8III 15 20 53.6 -18 09 31 136366 159187 Ll.27932 15 13 49 -17 42.2 6.6 69 6.6 K0 15 20 36.5 - 5 07 11 136380 140471 Ll.27950 15 14 1 - 4 39.9 7.0 70 29 Omicron 6.32 F0III 15 21 01.3 -15 32 54 136407 159191 By.1939 15 14 2 -15 5.8 6.4 71 5.54 K1III 15 21 07.6 - 5 49 30 136479 140474 WB.(227) 15 14 31 - 5 22.3 6.1 72 6.6 K0III 15 22 45.3 -29 20 29 136646 183417 L.6351 15 15 10 -28 53.5 6.6 73 6.52 K0III 15 22 57.1 -26 41 20 136703 183423 L.6355 15 15 29 -26 14.4 6.7 74 30 6.47 M0III 15 23 01.8 -15 08 03 136801 159212 Ll.28002 15 16 4 -14 41.2 7.0 75 5.72 G6III: 15 23 52.2 -12 22 11 136956 159227 Ll.28036 15 17 1 -11 55.3 6.2 76 31 Epsilon 4.94 F5IV 15 24 11.9 -10 19 20 137052 159234 Ll.28047 15 17 26 - 9 52.2 5.5 * 7.6 K0 15 27 38.4 - 8 56 55 137666 140545 Ll.28157 15 20 55 - 8 30.6 6.8 77 32 5.64 K5III 15 28 15.4 -16 42 59 137744 159280 Ll.28160 15 21 12 -16 16.7 5.9 78 6.98 K2V 15 28 09.5 - 9 20 53 137763 140550 Ll.28165 15 21 23 - 8 53.6 6.9 79 7.5 G0V 15 28 58.6 -28 52 00 137798 183506 L.6395 15 21 24 -28 25.8 6.8 dpl. 6 3/4, 10 80 33 6.69v F0p 15 29 34.7 -17 26 27 137949 159292 Ll.28193 15 22 31 -17 0.5 7.0 81 6.22v? A5m 15 30 36.3 -20 43 42 138105 183533 Ll.28212 15 23 23 -20 17.8 6.5 82 34 5.82 G8III: 15 30 40.4 -16 36 34 138137 159307 Ll.28224 15 23 38 -16 10.8 6.0 83 6.22 A8V 15 31 43.4 -20 09 53 138268 159317 T.7239 15 24 33 -19 44.1 6.7 dpl. 8 1/2, 6 3/4 84 5.52 A2m 15 32 36.7 -19 40 14 138413 159330 Ll.28268 15 25 25 -19 14.5 6.2 85 6.67 G0 15 32 17.9 -10 26 22 138425 159327 Ll.28278 15 25 30 -10 0.6 7.0 r 86 6.97 A3+F0V: 15 33 09.5 -24 29 25 138488 183567 L.6420, Ll.28274 15 25 46 -24 3.8 6.7 dpl. 7, 7 1/4 87 35 Zeta 5.50v? B2Vn 15 32 55.2 -16 51 11 138485 159335 Ll.28285 15 25 52 -16 25.6 5.8 88 36 5.15 K2/K3III 15 34 37.3 -28 02 49 138688 183580 L.6430 15 27 3 -27 37.5 5.7 r 89 37 4.61 K1IV 15 34 10.7 -10 03 52 138716 140609 J.364 15 27 20 - 9 38.0 5.5 90 5.17 B6IV 15 34 26.6 - 9 11 00 138764 140614 Ll.28344 15 27 42 - 8 45.6 5.6 91 6.51 F7V 15 34 20.8 - 5 41 41 138763 140613 Ll.28350 15 27 45 - 5 16.4 6.7 92 38 Gamma 3.91 G8III-IV 15 35 31.6 -14 47 22 138905 159370 J.365 15 28 32 -14 22.3 4.4 93 39 Upsilon 3.58 K3III 15 37 01.5 -28 08 06 139063 183619 L.6445, J.366 15 29 26 -27 43.2 3.9 r 94 6.19 B7IV 15 37 28.5 -26 16 48 139160 183631 L.6450 15 29 59 -25 51.8 6.6 95 7.0 A0 15 37 31.4 -22 06 57 139202 183632 * 15 30 13 -21 42.1 6.9 96 5.78 K0III 15 37 48.1 -23 08 30 139254 183637 Ll.28414 15 30 27 -22 43.5 6.1 97 6.32 K1III 15 38 15.7 -28 12 24 139290 183641 L.6454 15 30 40 -27 47.6 6.5 98 40 Tau 3.66 B2.5V 15 38 39.4 -29 46 40 139365 183649 L.6455, J.367 15 30 59 -29 21.9 3.8 99 5.84 G9III: 15 38 16.3 -21 00 58 139329 183646 * 15 31 0 -20 36.1 6.4 100 6.8 F2 15 38 25.3 -19 54 47 139364 159402 Ll.28445 15 31 15 -19 29.8 7.0 * 7.3 F0 15 38 00.0 -14 31 49 139327 159398 Ll.28442 15 31 2 -14 7.0 7.4# * 6.8 K0 15 38 29.1 -14 31 01 139408 159406 Ll.28456 15 31 32 -14 6.1 7.1# 101 41 5.38v? G8IIIvar 15 38 54.5 -19 18 07 139446 159411 T.7291 15 31 43 -18 53.3 5.9 102* 6.50 F6IV-V 15 38 40.0 - 8 47 40 139460 140671 Ll.28473 15 31 55 - 8 23.0 6.2 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 103* 6.48 F6V 15 38 40.1 - 8 47 28 139461 140672 * 104 6.34 B5Ia 15 39 21.3 -23 09 01 139518 183665 Ll.28466 15 32 0 -22 44.4 6.9 105 42 4.96 K4III 15 40 16.9 -23 49 06 139663 183686 L.6479 15 32 54 -23 24.6 5.7 r 106 43 Kappa 4.74v? K5IIIvar 15 41 56.8 -19 40 44 139997 159442 J.368 15 34 45 -19 16.3 5.5 r 107 6.57 G0 15 43 08.8 -13 03 22 140269 159458 Ll.28603 15 36 12 -12 39.1* 6.8 108 6.31 K0IV 15 43 24.8 -15 02 36 140301 159461 T.7324 15 36 25 -14 38.4 6.6 109 44 Eta 5.41 F0IV 15 44 04.4 -15 40 22 140417 159466 J.369 15 37 3 -15 16.3 5.9 110 6.51 F0V 15 46 12.8 -28 03 42 140722 183772 L.6516 15 38 37 -27 40.0 6.7 111 6.24 K0 15 46 45.5 - 6 07 11 140986 140751 Ll.28734 15 40 7 - 5 43.7 6.7 112 5.52 A5IV 15 48 56.8 - 3 49 06 141378 140775 Ll.28783 15 42 24 - 3 26.0 6.1 113 6.19 G8III 15 51 38.4 -14 08 01 141853 159544 Ll.28847 15 44 40 -13 45.2 6.5 114 45 Lambda 5.03 B2.5V 15 53 20.1 -20 10 01 142096 183895 J.375 15 46 5 -19 47.5 5.5 115 46 Theta 4.15 K0III-IV 15 53 49.5 -16 43 46 142198 159563 J.376 15 46 42 -16 21.7 4.8 r 116 47 5.94v? B5V 15 55 00.3 -19 22 59 142378 159572 Ll.28923 15 47 47 -19 0.7 6.4 117 6.39 F7V: 15 56 14.4 -14 23 58 142640 159584 Ll.28969 15 49 14 -14 1.6 6.6 118 6.13 A2III 15 56 33.4 -14 49 45 142703 159587 Ll.28980 15 49 31 -14 27.7 6.5 119 48 4.88v B5IIIp 15 58 11.4 -14 16 46 142983 159607 J.379 15 51 11 -13 55.0 5.4 120 6.7 A0 15 59 41.3 - 7 18 07 143259 140882 Ll.29082 15 53 0 - 6 56.6 6.9 121 49 5.47 F8V 16 00 19.6 -16 32 00 143333 159625 Ll.29085 15 53 19 -16 9.8 5.9 122 50 5.55 A0Vs 16 00 47.6 - 8 24 41 143459 140897 Ll.29110 15 54 3 - 8 3.3 6.0 Between 1 and 2 the three stars HD126068=SAO158531, HD126083=SAO153532, and HD126101=SAO158534 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to any of them. Preceding 5 the star HD126366=SAO158556 is connected with a brace to 5 with combined magnitude 6.5 without being assigned a number. Between 11 and 12 the stars HD129293=SAO158742 and HD129340=SAO158746 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either of them. 17 Declination corrected from -20 38.5. 22 Spectrum A1pSrCrEu 23 Spectrum B9V(SiCr)var 25, 26 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 3.1. Preceding 33 the star HD131976=SAO 183039 is connected with a brace to 33 with combined magnitude 6.1 without being assigned a number. Preceding 36 the star 17 Librae is connected with a brace to 36 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 47 and 48 the stars HD133627=SAO183170 and HD133843=SAO183193 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. Between 76 and 77 the star HD137666=SAO140545 was inadvertently omitted from the published Uranometria Argentina and added in a subsequent correction. 95 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 99 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 100 and 101 the stars HD139327=SAO159398 and HD139408=SAO159406 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. 102, 103 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the two members of this double star system but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 107 Declination corrected from -12 49.1. 27. - LUPUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 Iota 3.55v? B2.5IV 14 19 24.2 -46 03 28 125238 224833 L.5881, J.323 14 11 25 -45 28.8 3.8 2 5.56 G8III 14 20 09.7 -43 03 32 125383 224838 G.1614 14 12 19 -42 28.9 6.3 dpl. 6 1/2, 9 3 4.77 F0IV 14 20 42.5 -45 11 14 125442 224843 L.5891 14 12 45 -44 36.5 5.7 r 4 6.09 B1III 14 22 38.7 -48 19 13 125721 224870 L.5901 14 14 29 -47 44.8 6.5 5 6.02 K2III 14 23 20.2 -50 46 20 125810 241686 L.5903 14 15 1 -50 12.0 6.7 6 6.5 G5Ib 14 23 15.1 -47 25 00 125809 224881 L.5905 14 15 9 -46 50.7 7.0 7 6.00 K1III 14 23 48.4 -53 10 36 125869 241691 L.5904 14 15 19 -52 36.3 6.6 8 6.6 K0/K1III 14 24 40.7 -44 18 41 126093 224903 L.5918 14 16 44 -43 44.4 7.0 9 Tau1 4.56v B2IV 14 26 08.2 -45 13 17 126341 224919 L.5928, J.328 14 18 7 -44 39.3 5.3 10 Tau2 4.40 A7:+F4IV 14 26 10.8 -45 22 46 126354 224920 L.5927, J.329 14 18 9 -44 48.7 4.9 11 5.83 Am 14 27 12.2 -46 08 04 126504 224929 L.5934 14 19 9 -45 34.0 6.3# r * 7.23 A0V 14 27 33.4 -46 12 47 126561 224936 L.5939 14 19 29 -45 38.9 7 1/2# * 7.7 B9V 14 27 39.3 -46 12 06 126575 224939 * 14 19 34 -45 38.2 7 3/4# 12 6.40 ApSi 14 28 52.0 -47 59 31 126759 224950 L.5947 14 20 40 -47 25.8 6.8 13 5.38 A1V 14 30 20.9 -49 31 09 126983 224972 L.5950 14 22 2 -48 57.5 5.9 14 5.50 B8Vn 14 30 08.6 -45 19 18 126981 224969 L.5951 14 22 6 -44 45.6 6.2 r 15 Sigma 4.40 B2III 14 32 36.9 -50 27 25 127381 241781 L.5964, J.331 14 24 13 -49 54.1 5.2 16 5.87 F6IV-V 14 33 32.4 -54 59 54 127486 241792 L.5966 14 24 47 -54 26.7 6.5 17 5.87 K0III 14 33 29.9 -52 40 48 127501 241793 L.5969 14 24 54 -52 7.5 6.5 * 7.3 G6/G8III 14 33 51.7 -46 27 54 127629 225022 L.5978 14 25 42 -45 54.6 7.5# r * 6.89 B9V 14 35 10.6 -46 27 43 127864 225039 L.5987 14 27 0 -45 54.7 7.1# 18 5.55v? K3III 14 36 19.0 -46 14 43 128068 225054 L.5995 14 28 9 -45 41.9 6.2# 19 a 5.41 G8+A1* 14 37 20.1 -46 08 02 128266 225062 L.6001 14 29 10 -45 35.2 6.0# dpl. 6.2, 7.7 20 Rho 4.00v? B5V 14 37 53.2 -49 25 32 128345 225071 L.6003, J.333 14 29 29 -48 52.8 4.5 21 6.63 B9V 14 37 54.9 -48 01 26 128344 225073 L.6005 14 29 37 -47 28.7 7.0 22 6.5 A0IV 14 38 17.4 -49 54 04 128415 225078 L.6007 14 29 52 -49 21.4 6.9 23 6.7 K0III 14 38 48.5 -43 00 04 128555 225088 B.4986* 14 30 48 -42 27.4 7.0 24 6.07 F7V 14 39 11.0 -46 35 03 128582 225089 L.6018 14 31 0 -46 2.1 6.7 25 6.39 F3IV 14 39 24.7 -49 03 20 128617 225091 L.6016 14 31 3 -48 30.5 6.9 26 6.62v? A0p 14 40 19.5 -45 47 40 128775 225104 L.6026 14 32 8 -45 15.1 6.9 27 Alpha 2.30v B1.5III 14 41 55.8 -47 23 18 129056 225128 L.6034, J.337 14 33 38 -46 51.0 2.6 28 6.92 B9II/III 14 43 15.4 -47 34 15 129281 225145 L.6050 14 34 56 -47 2.1 7.0 29 5.73 A1V 14 46 29.1 -47 26 28 129858 225178 L.6073 14 38 8 -46 54.7 6.3 30 b 5.21 G8III 14 47 01.3 -52 23 01 129893 241992 L.6070 14 38 18 -51 51.2 5.8# r 31 6.07 A1III/IV 14 47 12.3 -52 12 20 129932 241995 L.6074 14 38 29 -51 40.6 6.5# 32 6.30 K1III 14 47 32.1 -43 33 27 130073 225183 L.6084 14 39 25 -43 1.8 6.8 33 6.7 A0V 14 50 50.9 -53 22 07 130572 242061 L.6103 14 41 59 -52 50.8 6.9 34 6.85 A2V 14 50 58.6 -42 49 21 130697 225234 L.6110 14 42 53 -42 18.1 7.0 35 Omicron 4.32 B5IV 14 51 38.4 -43 34 32 130807 225248 L.6114, J.342 14 43 29 -43 3.4 5.0 r 36 c 5.40 A2III 14 56 17.3 -52 48 35 131562 242120 L.6132 14 47 24 -52 18.0 6.0 37 5.59 B9V 14 56 31.9 -47 52 45 131657 225306 L.6141 14 48 3 -47 22.2 6.1 dpl. 7 3/4, 6 3/4 38 6.77 A1V 14 56 24.8 -44 42 17 131637 225304 L.6145 14 48 9 -44 11.7 7.0 39 6.64 M2III 14 57 01.4 -51 26 49 131705 242128 L.6142 14 48 16 -50 56.3 7.0 40 6.35 G5V 14 58 08.8 -48 51 45 131923 225328 L.6151 14 49 35 -48 20.8 6.7 41 Beta 2.70 B2III 14 58 31.9 -43 08 02 132058 225335 L.6160, J.344 14 50 21 -42 37.7 2.8 42 6.8 B5V 14 59 19.1 -51 34 35 132101 242146 L.6156 14 50 31 -51 4.4 6.7 43 6.10 F5III 14 59 27.1 -43 09 36 132242 225351 L.6173 14 51 16 -42 39.4 6.7 * 7.3 A3V 14 59 49.6 -46 09 38 132285 225354 L.6172 14 51 26 -45 39.5 7.3# * 7.15 A0V 14 59 54.8 -46 14 51 132302 225357 L.6175 14 51 31 -45 44.7 7.3# 44 6.58 F5V 14 59 45.1 -43 48 41 132301 225355 L.6177 14 51 33 -43 18.3 7.0 45 5.45 B3V 15 02 59.2 -32 38 37 132955 206239 L.6198 14 55 20 -32 8.9 5.8 46 6.8 A4IV 15 03 34.6 -35 56 34 133077 206247 L.6199 14 55 46 -35 27.0 6.7 47 Pi* 4.7: B5V 15 05 07.2 -47 03 04 133242 225426 L.6201, J.348 14 56 37 -46 33.6 4.3 48 6.41v M6III 15 04 42.9 -40 51 41 133220 225422 L.6203 14 56 37 -40 22.2 7.0 49 5.15 G8III 15 05 19.1 -41 04 02 133340 225435 L.6209 14 57 12 -40 34.6 5.7 r 50 6.50 B3V 15 06 02.5 -48 52 58 133399 225439 L.6205 14 57 23 -48 23.6 6.8 51 6.36 B3III 15 06 56.0 -52 01 48 133518 242229 L.6211 14 58 0 -51 32.5 6.8 52 6.5 F6V 15 05 33.8 -30 33 03 133469 206284 L.6219 14 58 0 -30 3.9 6.8 53 6.27 K5III 15 06 13.9 -36 15 51 133550 206292 L.6221 14 58 23 -35 46.6 6.8 r 54 5.77 G8III 15 07 25.9 -49 05 18 133631 225456 L.6217 14 58 45 -48 36.2 6.4 55 5.96 ApSi 15 06 33.3 -30 55 08 133652 206300 L.6226 14 58 58 -30 25.9 6.5 56 5.79v B8IVSi 15 08 12.0 -40 35 04 133880 225474 L.6231 15 0 6 -40 6.0 6.2 57 Lambda 4.05 B3V 15 08 50.6 -45 16 48 133955 225483 L.6232, J.350 15 0 26 -44 47.8 4.8 58 5.80 B7V 15 08 39.1 -42 54 05 133937 225479 L.2633 15 0 25 -42 23.1 6 1/2# * 8.6 F0 15 08 47.5 -42 50 51 133973 225485 * 15 0 33 -42 21.8 7 3/4# 59 5.43 G3Ib+B8* 15 11 15.9 -55 20 46 134270 242287 L.6236 15 1 58 -54 52.1 6.3 60 5.98 G6III 15 10 07.5 -38 47 33 134255 206352 L.6243 15 2 7 -38 18.7 6.6 * 7.01 G5V 15 10 41.7 -43 43 48 134331 225508 B.5201 15 2 22 -43 14.9 7.2# * 7.60 K0IV-V 15 10 43.2 -43 42 58 134330 225510 * 15 2 24 -43 14.1 8 # * 7.39 K0III 15 11 31.9 -45 16 46 134443 225516 L.6248 15 3 6 -44 48.1 7 3/4# 61 6.44 K1III 15 11 34.8 -45 16 39 134444 225517 * 15 3 9 -44 48.1 7 # 62 Kappa1* 3.87 B9V 15 11 56.1 -48 44 16 134481 225525 L.6246, J.352 15 3 15 -48 15.6 4 1/2# 63 Kappa2* 5.69 A3IV 15 11 57.6 -48 44 37 134482 225526 B.5207 15 3 17 -48 16.0 6 1/4# 64 Zeta 3.41 G8III 15 12 17.1 -52 05 57 134505 242304 L.6245, J.351 15 3 19 -51 37.3 3.6 r 65 6.33 K2III 15 12 31.3 -48 13 07 134597 225533 L.6249 15 3 52 -47 44.6 6.9 66 e 4.82 B3IV 15 12 49.5 -44 30 02 134687 225539 L.6257 15 4 26 -44 1.6 5.5 67 6.10 B8V 15 13 07.4 -36 05 29 134837 206418 L.6263 15 5 15 -35 37.1 6.4 68 6.67 B9IV 15 15 19.6 -44 08 58 135174 225582 B.5234 15 6 57 -43 40.9 7.0 dpl. 7, 9 1/2 69 1 i 4.91 F3III 15 14 37.3 -31 31 09 135153 206445 L.6277 15 6 58 -31 3.1 5.5 70 5.96 A3m 15 15 53.8 -48 04 27 135235 225590 L.6270 15 7 13 -47 36.4 6.5# * 7.1 A2III/IV 15 16 17.0 -48 02 39 135310 225601 L.6274 15 7 36 -47 34.7 7.1# 71 6.04 B3IV 15 16 10.5 -43 29 05 135348 225602 L.6278 15 7 50 -43 1.1 6.7 72 5.16 F/G+A/F 15 16 04.0 -41 29 28 135346 225600 L.6280 15 7 51 -41 1.5 5.8 73 6.5 G8III 15 16 51.8 -47 51 51 135430 225613 L.6279 15 8 12 -47 24.0 7.0 74 6.5 F6V 15 16 54.8 -46 12 09 135468 225614 L.6284 15 8 24 -45 44.2 7.0 75 Mu 4.27 B8V 15 18 32.0 -47 52 31 135734 225638 L.6296, J.355 15 9 51 -47 24.8 5 # 76 7.2 A2/A3V: 15 18 33.8 -47 52 45 135748 225639 B.5261 15 9 53 -47 25.0 7 # 77 6.29 Am 15 18 09.4 -41 03 39 135730 225631 L.6297 15 9 57 -40 36.0 6.9 78 2 f 4.34v? K1II/III 15 17 49.8 -30 08 55 135758 183346 L.6304, J.356 15 10 14 -29 41.2 4.7 dpl. 79 5.59v B9V 15 18 56.4 -40 47 18 135876 225647 L.6303 15 10 45 -40 19.7 6.2 80 6.18 G6/G8III 15 18 41.3 -31 12 34 135896 206509 L.6310 15 11 2 -30 45.0 7.0 81 6.20 G8III/IV 15 19 31.6 -37 05 48 136014 206523 L.6313 15 11 34 -36 38.1 6.7 82 6.69v? A0V 15 21 34.4 -44 56 19 136300 225692 L.6320 15 13 5 -44 29.0 7.0 var.? 83 Delta 3.20v B1.5IV 15 21 22.3 -40 38 51 136298 225691 L.6326, J.358 15 13 10 -40 11.6 3.7# r 84 6.19 A1V 15 21 35.3 -40 44 59 136334 225695 L.6328 15 13 23 -40 17.7 7.0# 85 Nu2 5.65 G2V 15 21 48.2 -48 19 03 136352 225697 L.6324 15 13 23 -47 51.3 6.4 86 Nu1 5.00 F8V 15 22 08.3 -47 55 40 136351 225703 L.6322, J.359 15 13 26 -47 28.2 5.8 r 87 6.48d ApSi 15 21 30.1 -38 13 09 136347 206543 L.6329 15 13 27 -37 45.9 6.8 dpl. 6 3/4, 9 88 Phi1 3.56 K5III 15 21 48.4 -36 15 41 136422 206552 L.6335, J.360 15 13 53 -35 48.4 3.6 rr 89 6.75 A1/A2V 15 22 33.2 -44 17 33 136486 225711 L.6332 15 14 6 -43 50.4 7.0 90 6.65 B8/B9V 15 22 11.2 -37 38 09 136482 206559 L.6337 15 14 10 -37 11.0 6.9 91 Epsilon 3.40 B2IV-V 15 22 40.8 -44 41 22 136504 225712 L.6333, J.361 15 14 12 -44 14.3 3.7 dpl. 3 3/4, 9 92 Phi2 4.54 B4V 15 23 09.4 -36 51 31 136664 206580 L.6349 15 15 10 -36 24.5 5.1 93 6.71 F0IV/V 15 25 44.9 -53 03 28 136947 242504 L.6350 15 16 31 -52 36.8 7.0 94 Upsilon 5.37 ApSi4200 15 24 44.9 -39 42 37 136933 206597 L.6356 15 16 35 -39 15.8 5.9 r 95 6.75 A0/A1V 15 24 41.7 -35 55 01 136961 206599 L.6357 15 16 45 -35 28.3 6.9 96 7.03 A2V 15 25 06.6 -38 10 11 137015 206607 L.6359 15 17 2 -37 43.4 7.0 97 k 4.60 A0V 15 25 20.2 -38 44 01 137058 206616 L.6361 15 17 14 -38 17.3 5.1 98 6.8 K1III 15 26 17.2 -36 35 54 137261 206647 L.6374 15 18 18 -36 9.3 7.0 99 7.3 F6V 15 26 27.1 -31 19 15 137340 206652 * 15 18 45 -30 52.7 7.0 100 5.45 B5V 15 27 18.2 -36 46 04 137432 206660 L.6376 15 19 18 -36 19.6 6.0 101 6.10 G2II 15 28 27.2 -51 35 51 137465 242569 L.6373 15 19 21 -51 9.6 6.9 102 5.24 K4III 15 29 24.3 -46 43 58 137709 225825 L.6380 15 20 43 -46 17.8 5.9 rr 103 7.2 A3V 15 28 45.9 -31 28 34 137728 206688 * 15 21 3 -31 2.4 7.0 104 6.5 F2V 15 29 19.2 -38 38 07 137785 206695 L.6388 15 21 12 -38 11.8 6.8 105 6.4 B9V 15 30 21.2 -41 55 10 137919 225846 L.6393 15 22 1 -41 29.1 6.6 dpl. 8, 7 106 6.85 A2/A3V 15 31 17.2 -33 49 10 138138 206720 L.6405 15 23 26 -33 23.3 7.0 107 6.25 A3III 15 32 04.4 -38 37 23 138204 206736 L.6406 15 23 56 -38 11.5 6.6 108 6.46 B7V 15 31 50.2 -32 52 53 138221 206734 L.6409 15 24 2 -32 27.1 6.7 109 6.5 K0III 15 33 24.3 -40 29 27 138395 225898 L.6412 15 25 8 -40 3.8 6.9 110 5.82 M2III 15 34 01.5 -40 03 58 138505 206763 L.6415 15 25 47 -39 38.5 6.6 r 111 6.38 B9V 15 34 20.9 -39 20 58 138564 206769 L.6416 15 26 9 -38 55.5 6.8 112 7.0 A0V 15 34 10.1 -33 10 16 138575 206768 L.6421 15 26 20 -32 44.8 7.0 113 Gamma 2.78 B2IV 15 35 08.4 -41 10 01 138690 225938 L.6422, J.363 15 26 49 -40 44.7 3.2 114 d 4.54 B3IVp 15 35 53.2 -44 57 31 138769 225950 L.6424 15 27 17 -44 32.2 5.1 dpl. 7 1/4, 5 1/4 115 5.43 M0III 15 36 12.1 -44 23 49 138816 225957 L.6427 15 27 39 -43 58.5 6.2 rr 116 6.24v? B8/B9V 15 36 11.4 -33 05 34 138923 206795 L.6439 15 28 21 -32 40.4 6.6 var? 117 Omega 4.33 K4.5III 15 38 03.2 -42 34 03 139127 226004 L.6443 15 29 38 -42 9.3 4.7 rr * 6.60 B9V 15 38 32.5 -39 09 38 139233 206826 L.6447 15 30 20 -38 44.8 7.2# 118 6.04 A3m-F2* 15 38 42.3 -39 07 41 139271 206827 L.6448 15 30 29 -38 42.9 6.1# 119 3 Psi1 4.67 G8/K0III 15 39 46.0 -34 24 42 139521 206843 L.6463 15 31 50 -34 0.1 5.1 rr 120 6.23 K5/M0III 15 40 58.3 -47 44 08 139599 226059 L.6456 15 32 7 -47 19.6 6.9 * 7.6 A5IV/V 15 40 51.3 -44 37 24 139598 226058 L.6461 15 32 15 -44 12.8 7.7# 121 g 4.64 F5IV-V 15 41 11.3 -44 39 40 139664 226064 L.6464 15 32 36 -44 14.7 5.2# r 122 6.34 K3III 15 40 15.4 -31 12 49 139613 206858 L.6473 15 32 31 -30 48.2 6.9 123 6.4 F5V 15 41 06.9 -39 58 57 139677 206867 L.6471 15 32 50 -39 34.5 6.8 124 h 5.24 G8/K0III 15 42 38.3 -37 25 30 139980 206887 L.6486 15 34 31 -37 1.3 5.8 125 4 Psi2 4.75 B5V 15 42 41.0 -34 42 38 140008 206889 L.6489 15 34 43 -34 18.4 5.1 126 5.94d A0V+B 15 44 22.6 -41 49 10 140285A 226132 L.6493 15 35 57 -41 25.2 6.5 dpl. 8 1/4, 6 1/2 127 6.6 K0III 15 44 04.2 -31 36 11 140329 206919 L.6499 15 36 16 -31 12.1 7.0 128 5.61v? B8V 15 46 44.2 -34 40 57 140784 206962 L.6514 15 38 46 -34 17.3 5.8 var? 129 6.83 A0V 15 47 04.5 -35 30 37 140817 206968 L.6517 15 39 3 -35 7.1 7.0# * 7.4 B9.5V 15 47 06.2 -35 31 04 140840 206969 * 15 39 4 -35 7.5 7.5# 130 6.42 G8IIIp* 15 47 25.4 -40 11 39 140861 226206 L.6515 15 39 7 -39 48.1 6.8 131 6.01 G6IV 15 47 29.0 -37 54 59 140901 206976 L.6521 15 39 22 -37 31.1 6.5 132 5 Chi 3.95 B9.5III* 15 50 57.5 -33 37 38 141556 207040 L.6548, J.370 15 43 1 -33 14.6 4.2 133 6.40v? K0III 15 52 12.8 -29 53 12 141832 183873 L.6562 15 44 30 -29 30.3 6.8 134 6.21 K4III 15 55 30.4 -31 05 01 142407 207119 L.6585 15 47 41 -30 42.9 6.7 135 6.03 B9V 15 56 06.5 -39 51 52 142448 207128 L.6582 15 47 45 -39 29.6 6.5 136 7.7v? G8III 15 55 50.7 -35 40 33 142429 207123 L.6584 15 47 46 -35 18.4 7.0 137 6.29 F3/F5V 15 56 31.9 -31 47 09 142542 207134 L.6587 15 48 22 -31 25.1 6.7 138 Xi1* 5.11 A3V 15 56 53.5 -33 57 59 142629 207144 L.6592, B.5535 15 48 54 -33 35.9 5.6# 139 Xi2* 5.61 B9V 15 56 54.2 -33 57 51 142630 207145 B.5536 15 48 55 -33 35.8 6.2# 140 6.9 A3V 15 57 04.9 -35 55 39 142643 207146 L.6590 15 48 59 -35 33.6 6.9 141 5.80 K0+A0* 15 57 21.2 -36 11 06 142691 207152 L.6599 15 49 14 -35 49.1 6.4 142 7.1 A0V 15 57 59.5 -31 43 44 142851 207168 L.6608 15 50 8 -31 21.8 7.0 143 6.31 K0III 15 58 30.7 -37 30 11 142889 207178 L.6607 15 50 18 -37 8.4 6.9 144 4.99 G8III 15 59 30.3 -41 44 40 143009 226425 L.6609 15 51 0 -41 23.0 5.5 r 145 7.0 B9IV/V 15 59 20.6 -33 00 44 143051 207195 L.6617 15 51 24 -32 39.1 7.0 146 Eta 3.41 B2.5IV 16 00 07.3 -38 23 49 143118 207208 L.6619, J.380 15 51 51 -38 2.2 3.7 dpl. 3 3/4, 7 3/4 147 6.9 A0V 15 59 55.2 -33 23 07 143149 207205 L.6624 15 51 57 -33 1.5 7.0 148 6.6 K1III+G 15 59 52.9 -31 10 05 143147 207206 L.6630 15 52 3 -30 48.5 6.9 149 6.21 A0V 16 00 53.7 -40 26 07 143248 226442 L.6625 15 52 28 -40 4.8 6.6 dpl. 6 3/4, 10 150 6.33 K4III 16 01 19.6 -31 53 22 143404 207234 L.6638 15 53 27 -31 32.0 7.0 151 4.89 B6III/IV 16 03 24.1 -38 36 10 143699 207276 L.6644 15 55 6 -38 15.1 5.6 152 6.01 F5IV/V 16 03 34.3 -32 00 02 143790 207282 L.6651 15 55 41 -31 39.0 6.6 153 6.10 F3III 16 04 17.8 -33 12 52 143902 207292 L.6660 15 56 20 -32 51.9 6.6 154 5.90 F3V 16 04 36.7 -37 51 47 143928 207297 L.6657 15 56 22 -37 30.7 6.4# * 7.3 B8/B9V 16 04 42.1 -37 48 57 143927 207300 L.6658 15 56 26 -37 28.1 7.1# 155 7.1 ApSiCr 16 04 44.5 -39 26 07 143939 207299 L.6655 15 56 22 -39 5.2 7.0 156 7.0 A2mA2-F2 16 05 23.8 -31 27 25 144115 207315 L.6671 15 57 32 -31 6.7 6.8 157 Theta 4.20 B2.5Vn 16 06 35.5 -36 48 08 144294 207332 L.6678, J.384 15 58 23 -36 27.6 4.9 158 5.73 F0/F2V 16 07 16.3 -36 45 20 144415 207341 L.6686 15 59 3 -36 24.8 6.5 159 6.9 B9V 16 08 04.5 -36 13 54 144591 207362 L.6694 15 59 54 -35 53.6 7.0 Following 11 the stars HD126561=SAO224936 and HD126575=SAO224939 are connected with a brace to 11 with combined magnitude 6.1 but without numbers being assigned to either. For HD126575=SAO224939 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 18 the stars HD127629=SAO225022 and HD127864=SAO225039 are connected with a brace to both 18 and 19, without a combined magnitude for the four associted stars or being assigned numbers. 19 Spectrum G8III+A1V 23 Gould assigned the designation B.4986 from an earlier catalog in a later correction. It does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. 30, 31 These stars are connected by a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 43 and 44 the stars HD132285=SAO225354 and HD132302=SAO225357 are conncted with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned to either. 47 This object, Pi Lupi, is a double star whose duplicity is not recognized in the Uranometria Argentina. The modern data are for Pi1 Lupi. The second star, Pi2, is HD133243. Following 58 the star HD133973=SAO225485 is connected with a brace to 58 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number or provided a designations from an earlier catalog. 59 Spectrum G2-5Ib+B8V Following 60 the stars HD134331=SAO225508 and HD134330=SAO225510 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned to either. For HD134330=SAO225510 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 61 the star HD134443=SAO225516 is connected with a brace to 61 with combined magnitude 6.7 but without being assigned a number. 61 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 62, 63 The Uranometria Argentina lists the two components of Kappa Lupi separately and provides a combined magnitude of 4.1. For 62 the letter Kappa is printed in the Uranometria Argentina and for 63 no letter is shown in the Uranometria Argentina. Following 70 the star HD135310=SAO225601 is connected with a brace to 70 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 75, 76 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.8. 83, 84 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 3.6. 99 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 103 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 118 the star HD139233=SAO206826 is connected with a brace to 118 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 118 Spectrum A3/5mA3-F2 Preceding 121 the star HD139598=SAO226058 is connected with a brace to 121 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 129 the star HD140840=SAO206969 is connected with a brace to 129 with combined magnitude 6.7 but without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 130 Spectrum G8III/IV(p) 132 Spectrum B9.5III-IV 138, 139 The Uranometria Argentina lists the two components of the double star Xi Lupi with separate numbers, coordinate sets, magnitudes, and designations from earlier catalogs, connects them with a brace with combined magnitude 5.2, but assigns the letter Xi to 138 and does not assign a letter to 139. 141 Spectrum K0/1III+A0/1V Following 154 the star HD143927=SAO207300 is connected with a brace to 154 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 2. - MENSA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.70 G8III 3 29 59.0 -78 21 06 22676 255998 B.593 3 34 35 -78 46.1 6.1 2 6.89 F0III 3 37 41.8 -74 49 22 23358 256006 L.1261 3 39 48 -75 13.5 7.0 3 6.29 K2III 3 36 30.4 -78 19 23 23474 256005 L.1296 3 41 19 -78 43.5 6.6 4 6.9 K0/K1III 3 36 24.6 -79 05 55 23549 256007 L.1307 3 42 4 -79 29.9 7.0 5 6.6 K0III 4 02 27.8 -78 37 59 26595 256059 L.1444 4 8 25 -78 58.0 6.8 6 Delta 5.69v? K2III+A* 4 17 59.1 -80 12 50 28525 258372 L.1579 4 26 29 -80 30.3 5.8 7 7.0 A7III/IV 4 19 05.4 -79 31 13 28566 256083 L.1575 4 26 38 -79 48.5 6.9 8 Nu 5.79 F0/F2III 4 20 58.1 -81 34 47 29116 258378 L.1639 4 32 8 -81 51.6 5.7 * 7.22 B1I 4 13 47.9 -84 29 07 29138 258373 L.1724 4 34 26 -84 46.2 7.0# 9* 7.0 K0/K1III 4 15 59.8 -84 10 53 29245 258377 L.1718 4 35 10 -84 27.7 7.2# 10 6.82 G8III 4 34 16.1 -73 12 32 29751 256106 L.1608 4 36 32 -73 27.7 6.9 11 7.01 A6IV/V 4 34 34.8 -72 44 01 29769 256107 L.1606 4 36 36 -72 59.2 6.8 12 6.77 A7IV/V 4 22 50.9 -82 53 57 29598 258379 L.1707 4 37 31 -83 9.9 6.9 13 6.05 K2III 4 38 21.1 -77 39 20 30479 256116 L.1676 4 44 4 -77 53.4 6.4 14 Mu 5.53 B9IV 4 43 03.9 -70 55 52 30612 256122 L.1654 4 44 19 -71 9.6 5.6 15 6.28 F8V 4 53 05.7 -72 24 27 31975 256139 L.1721 4 55 11 -72 36.9 6.4 16 Eta 5.47 K6III 4 55 11.2 -74 56 13 32440 256145 L.1752 4 58 48 -75 7.7 6.0 17 Beta 5.31 G8III 5 02 43.2 -71 18 50 33285 256154 L.1778 5 4 21 -71 29.1 5.7 18 6.9 B9.5V 5 01 09.8 -74 20 25 33244 256152 L.1788 5 4 26 -74 30.8 6.8 19 6.29 K5/M0III 5 00 13.3 -78 18 01 33519 256153 L.1829 5 6 58 -78 28.2 6.7 20 6.24 A0V 5 06 09.7 -73 02 15 33875 256160 L.1808 5 8 41 -73 11.9 6.4 21 Xi 5.85 G8III 4 58 50.9 -82 28 14 34172 258395 L.1921 5 13 10 -82 38.0 5.8 22 6.5 A6V 5 15 25.4 -73 35 19 35184 256172 L.1878 5 18 21 -73 43.1 6.7 23 6.51 K1III 5 12 26.1 -81 32 31 35798 258405 L.1989 5 24 35 -81 40.2 6.8 24 6.8 F5 5 07 13.4 -83 51 22 35877 258401 L.2066 5 26 35 -83 59.7 6.8 25 Gamma 5.17 K4III 5 31 52.9 -76 20 28 37763 256201 L.2027 5 36 51 -76 25.7 5.6 26 WX* 5.78v M2/M3III 5 34 44.7 -73 44 28 37993 256208 L.2016 5 37 52 -73 48.9 6.1# 27 6.8 WN7 5 37 02.2 -73 41 58 38283 256213 L.2039 5 40 4 -73 45.7 7.0# 28 Iota 6.05v B8III 5 35 36.4 -78 49 15 38602 256214 L.2097 5 43 16 -78 53.0 5.9 29 Pi 5.67 G3IV 5 37 10.0 -80 28 09 39091 258421 L.2138 5 47 9* -80 33.8 5.8 30 Lambda 6.53 K0III 5 47 48.9 -72 42 09 39810 256239 L.2111 5 50 20 -72 44.2 6.9 31 TZ* 6.20v A1V 5 30 13.9 -84 47 06 39780 258418 L.2296 5 54 27 -84 50.4 6.1 32 Kappa 5.46 B9.5V 5 50 16.6 -79 21 41 40953 256248 L.2210 5 58 43 -79 22.8 5.5 33 Alpha 5.09 G5V 6 10 14.4 -74 45 11 43834 256274 L.2283 6 13 58 -74 42.5 5.3 34 6.85 A1V 6 10 26.6 -77 06 19 44148 256277 L.2316 6 16 10 -77 3.9 6.9 35 6.61 F8V 6 15 06.0 -71 42 10 44447 256285 L.2298 6 17 6 -71 39.2 6.7 36 6.7 B8V 6 14 41.9 -73 37 36 44533 256286 L.2308 6 17 44 -73 34.7 6.7 37 7.2 A9IV 6 07 05.3 -81 03 47 44327 258434 L.2385 6 18 20 -81 1.5 7.0 * 7.3 F0IV 6 08 01.2 -82 02 39 44828 258437 L.2426 6 21 28 -82 0.0 7.1# * 7.7 B9IV/V 6 08 59.9 -82 09 25 45040 258438 L.2439 6 22 44 -82 6.6 7.2# 38 7.0 A1IV 6 28 14.8 -77 17 24 47332 256308 L.2466 6 34 2 -77 11.8 6.9 39 6.7 F6V 6 34 02.7 -77 41 14 48584 256317 L.2527 6 40 11 -77 34.4 6.8 40 Zeta 5.61 A5III 6 40 02.7 -80 48 49 50506 258451 L.2648 6 50 25 -80 40.7 5.8 41 6.9 G8III 6 47 29.0 -76 51 05 51320 256339 L.2630 6 52 40 -76 42.0 6.9 42 Theta 5.45 B9.5V 6 56 34.4 -79 25 13 54239 256355 L.2758 7 4 27 -79 14.3 5.6 43 Epsilon 5.53 K2/K3III 7 25 38.2 -79 05 38 60816 256415 L.2993 7 32 28 -78 49.8 6.0 44 7.2 A1V 7 33 27.8 -77 04 57 62093 256426 L.3029 7 38 2 -76 48.0 7.0 6 Spectrum K2/3III+A 9 Gould listed the star HD29138=SAO258373 as 9 with magnitude 7.0 and connected with a brace to the star HD29245=SAO258377 with magnitude 7.2. All modern sources show that HD29245=SAO258377 is brighter than HD29138 =SAO258373. It is likely that Gould accidentally switched their magnitudes and intended that the brighter star HD29245=SAO258377 be assigned the number 9. In this version the number 9 has been reassigned to HD29245=SAO258377. 26 The variable star designation WX was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 26, 27 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 29 Right ascension corrected from 3 47 9. 31 The variable star designation TZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 37 and 38 the stars HD44828=SAO258437 and HD45040=SAO258438 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned to either. 33. - MICROSCOPIUM G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.6 K2III 20 28 32.8 -34 24 34 194747 212155 L.8450 20 20 35 -34 49.2 7.0 2 6.10 B8II/III 20 28 46.7 -35 35 45 194783 212160 L.8453 20 20 45 -36 0.4 6.3 3 6.36 A5V 20 30 56.8 -29 06 45 195206 189374 L.8466 20 23 17 -29 31.8 6.5 4 6.9 G5V 20 33 22.9 -41 31 30 195521 230268 L.8471 20 25 1 -41 56.4 6.9 5 7.1 A1V 20 32 42.5 -28 35 43 195500 189413 L.8478 20 25 5 -29 1.0 7.0 6 Nu 5.11 K0III 20 33 55.1 -44 30 58 195569 230276 L.8472 20 25 19 -44 56.2 5.6 7 6.9 A9V 20 33 49.6 -29 17 34 195704 189430 L.8485 20 26 10 -29 43.0 7.0 8 7.5 A5V 20 34 54.4 -41 59 12 195781 230282 L.8481 20 26 30 -42 24.7 6.9 9 6.45 A5mA7-A9 20 34 55.5 -38 05 23 195814 212246 L.8487 20 26 47 -38 30.9 7 # * 8.9 F8 20 35 07.8 -38 05 27 195844 212253 * 20 26 59 -38 31.0 7 3/4# 10 6.43 B8V 20 34 47.4 -30 28 25 195843 212249 L.8492 20 27 5 -30 53.9 6.4 11 6.5 K1III 20 35 47.8 -44 20 14 195902 230289 L.8486 20 27 14 -44 45.9 6.8 12 6.8 F6/F7V 20 37 43.7 -41 13 40 196277 230302 L.8497 20 29 24 -41 39.5 6.7 13 5.47 K1III 20 40 19.8 -33 25 55 196737 212333 L.8517 20 32 29 -33 52.3 5.8 c 14 6.5 G6III 20 40 55.4 -42 23 49 196748 230321 L.8512 20 32 32 -42 50.2 6.3 15 6.31v M3II 20 41 24.7 -42 08 01 196829 230323 L.8516 20 33 2 -42 34.4 6.4 16 6.6 K2III 20 40 52.4 -28 32 58 196838 189564 L.8527 20 33 17 -28 59.4 6.9 17 5.76 M1III 20 41 23.6 -31 35 53 196917 212345 L.8529 20 33 38 -32 2.3 6.1 r 18 7.0 A2V 20 42 15.6 -44 53 04 196952 230330 L.8520 20 33 42 -45 19.7 6.9 19 6.29 K1III 20 42 53.0 -39 33 31 197093 212369 L.8531 20 34 42 -40 0.2 6.7 20 6.95 G3/G5V 20 43 16.0 -29 25 26 197214 189606 L.8537 20 35 39 -29 51.8 6.9 21 6.8 G0V 20 45 11.8 -35 09 56 197482 212401 Y.9016 20 37 17 -35 37.0 6.7 dpl. 22 6.6 F0IV 20 45 23.8 -30 28 39 197541 212410 L.8546 20 37 44 -30 55.7 6.9 23 5.50 B8/B9V 20 46 20.0 -39 11 57 197630 212416 L.8545 20 38 11 -39 39.1 5.8 24 6.49 F3/F5V 20 46 18.6 -36 07 13 197649 212417 L.8549 20 38 21 -36 34.3 6.8 25 6.47 K1IV 20 48 18.2 -44 11 51 197900 230375 L.8552 20 39 50 -44 39.1 7.0 26 Iota 5.11 F1IV 20 48 29.2 -43 59 19 197937 230379 L.8554 20 40 0 -44 26.5 5.4 27 Alpha 4.90 G8III 20 49 58.1 -33 46 47 198232 212472 L.8579, J.524 20 42 9 -34 14.4 5.1 dpl. 5, 9 1/2 28 5.52 K3II 20 51 00.8 -37 54 48 198357 212488 L.8582 20 42 59 -38 22.6 5.9 c 29 6.36 K5III 20 50 47.1 -32 03 16 198356 212487 L.8587 20 43 4 -32 30.9 6.9 30 6.87 A1mA5-F0 20 51 36.4 -27 59 43 198501 189777 L.8597 20 44 5 -28 27.6 6.8 31 7.0 F6V 20 51 39.0 -29 26 31 198502 189778 L.8596 20 44 5 -29 54.2 6.9 32 Beta 6.07 A2Vn 20 51 58.7 -33 10 39 198529 212499 L.8593 20 44 13 -33 38.6 6.2 33 5.35 K2III 20 53 40.2 -39 48 36 198716 212522 L.8606 20 45 32 -40 16.5 5.7 r 34 6.35 K1III 20 53 25.0 -30 43 07 198751 212521 L.8610 20 45 46 -31 11.2 6.7 35 6.41 M1III 20 54 06.9 -27 55 32 198853 189815 L.8616 20 46 37 -28 23.7 6.7 r 36 6.52 G0V 20 57 40.0 -44 07 44 199288 230458 L.8620 20 49 23 -44 34.4 6.8 37 6.11 F2V 20 59 59.6 -36 07 45 199684 212608 L.8630 20 52 6 -36 36.7 6.4# * 6.6 K0III 21 00 53.2 -36 03 15 199845 212623 L.8635 20 53 1 -36 32.5 7.2# * 6.6 K1IV 21 00 40.4 -35 17 31 199810 212617 L.8632 20 52 50 -35 46.5 7.0 dpl. 7.1, 7.4 38 7.2 A2III/IV 21 01 03.3 -29 43 45 199917 189930 L.8640 20 53 30 -30 12.8 7 # * 8.4 A5 21 01 06.5 -29 45 01 199929 189933 * 20 53 33 -30 14.1 7 1/2# 39 Gamma 4.67 G8III 21 01 17.5 -32 15 28 199951 212636 By.2714, L.8639 20 53 37 -32 44.7 5.0 40 6.9 A3III/IV 21 01 26.1 -32 53 43 199952 212638 L.8642 20 53 44 -33 22.9 7.0 41 6.64 G3+K0* 21 02 12.6 -43 00 07 200011 230492 Y.9179 20 53 56 -43 29.2 6 3/4# 42 6.90 K0IV 21 02 17.7 -42 59 51 200026 230494 L.8638, Y.9183 20 54 1 -43 28.9 7 # 43 5.94 K2III 21 02 27.2 -38 31 50 200073 212653 L.8644 20 54 26 -39 0.8 6.0# r 44 Zeta 5.30 F3V 21 02 58.0 -38 37 54 200163 212666 L.8653 20 54 58 -39 7.0 5.5# 45 6.8 A2V(p) 21 02 56.4 -29 06 39 200199 189963 L.8658 20 55 26 -29 36.0 6.9 46 6.25 K0III 21 03 10.2 -27 43 55 200245 189966 L.8660, Ll.40681 20 55 43 -28 13.3 6.6 47 Eta 5.53 K3III 21 06 25.5 -41 23 10 200702 230523 L.8675 20 58 17 -41 53.0 6 # * 8.1 F8 21 06 37.0 -41 23 05 200733 230526 * 20 58 29 -41 52.9 7 3/4# 48 Delta 5.68 K0III: 21 06 01.0 -30 07 27 200718 212709 L.8683 20 58 28 -30 37.2 6.0 49 5.18 K3III 21 06 24.7 -32 20 30 200763 212716 By.2731, L.8685 20 58 46 -32 50.4 5.7 50 6.9 B8IV/V 21 08 41.2 -37 14 34 201108 212743 L.8693 21 0 48 -37 44.7 6.9 51 6.51 K1/K2III 21 09 44.1 -44 12 34 201245 230552 L.8695 21 1 27 -44 42.8 6.8 52 6.5 F7V 21 09 22.4 -36 42 22 201242 212753 L.8699 21 1 31 -37 12.3 6.7 53 6.57 B8V 21 10 10.0 -43 22 56 201317 230555 L.8700 21 1 56 -43 53.2 6.7 54 6.5 K4/K5III 21 10 06.0 -29 43 16 201390 190079 L.8707 21 2 35 -30 13.6 6.9 55 5.83 F5IV 21 12 13.6 -40 16 10 201647 230575 L.8715 21 4 12 -40 46.2 6.1 56 5.26 F5V 21 13 03.1 -39 25 31 201772 212793 L.8719 21 5 3 -39 55.9 5.7 57 5.96 K0III 21 13 18.9 -36 25 26 201852 212800 L.8725 21 5 30 -36 56.2 6.2 58 5.40 K3III 21 13 17.3 -27 37 10 201901 190129 By.2753, L.8731 21 5 52 -28 7.6 5.8 59 6.21 K1III 21 15 14.7 -40 30 23 202135 230596 L.8737 21 7 12 -41 1.3 6.6 60 6.12 K3III 21 15 46.8 -36 12 39 202287 212843 L.8742 21 8 0 -36 43.7 6.5 61 6.75 G5V 21 18 27.1 -43 20 04 202628 230622 L.8755 21 10 15 -43 51.4 6.9 62 Epsilon 4.70 A0V 21 17 56.3 -32 10 21 202627 212874 By.2762, J.530 21 10 21 -32 41.6 4.9 63 6.9 K3III 21 19 03.2 -32 21 24 202774 212895 * 21 11 29 -32 52.7 7.0 64 6.40 K0IV 21 18 54.4 -28 45 56 202773 190220 L.8769 21 11 31 -29 17.2 6.5 65 Theta1 4.82v A2p 21 20 45.6 -40 48 35 203006 230644 L.8773 21 12 46 -41 20.2 4.8 66 6.6 K3III 21 21 49.1 -29 09 59 203242 190261 L.8787 21 14 24 -29 41.7 6.7 67 Theta2 5.77 A0III 21 24 24.8 -41 00 24 203585 230667 L.8793 21 16 26 -41 32.4 6.1 68 5.62 K2III 21 26 22.9 -37 49 46 203949 212998 L.8808 21 18 34 -38 22.0 6.0 r 69 5.51 Am 21 27 01.6 -42 32 53 204018 230692 L.8809 21 19 0 -43 5.2 5.9 dpl. 6, 8 1/4 Following 9 the star HD195844=SAO212253 is connected with a brace to 9 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 37 the star HD199845=SAO212623 is connected with a brace to 37 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 37 and 38 the star HD199810=SAO212617 is included without being assigned a number. Following 38 the star HD199929=SAO189933 is connected with a brace to 38 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 41 Spectrum G3IV+K0IV 41, 42 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.4. 43, 44 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 47 the star HD200733=SAO230526 is connected with a brace to 47 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 63 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 55. - MONOCEROS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 1 6.12v F2IV 5 59 01.0 - 9 22 56 40535 132714 Ll.11365 5 53 4 - 9 23.7 7.0# 2 2 5.03 A6m 5 59 04.3 - 9 33 30 40536 132715 Ll.11370 5 53 8 - 9 34.1 5.7# 3 3 4.94 B5III 6 01 50.4 -10 35 53 40967 151037 Ll.11461 5 55 58 -10 36.0 5.6 4 5.21 B2Ven 6 04 13.5 - 6 42 33 41335 132793 Ll.11530 5 58 9 - 6 42.3 5.8 5 5.87 F4V: 6 05 27.0 -10 14 34 41547 151098 By.889, Ll.11594 5 59 33 -10 14.2 6.4 6 5.39 B5IV 6 06 38.7 - 4 11 38 41692 132841 Ll.11621 6 0 27 - 4 11.0 5.9 7 6.6 A5 6 06 58.5 - 6 12 08 41794 132848 Ll.11640 6 0 53 - 6 11.4 7.0 8 6.6 G5 6 08 47.6 - 6 49 13 42132 132884 WB.10 6 2 44 - 6 48.3 6.9 9 6.7 A2 6 08 45.7 - 7 56 08 42133 132883 Ll.11706 6 2 45 - 7 55.1 6.9 10 6.8 K0 6 09 06.8 - 8 18 08 42205 132888 Ll.11723 6 3 7 - 8 17.0 6.8 11 6.20 F3IVw 6 09 36.2 - 5 42 40 42278 132900 Ll.11730 6 3 28 - 5 41.5 6.5 12 6.15v A0pSrCr 6 11 01.3 - 6 45 15 42536 132924 Ll.11780 6 4 57 - 6 43.8 6.7 13 6.18v B9pHgMn 6 11 43.7 - 4 39 56 42657 132941 Ll.11793 6 5 33 - 4 38.3 6.6 14 5.05 B2V 6 11 51.8 - 6 33 01 42690 132944 Ll.11805 6 5 47 - 6 31.4 5.9 15 5.83 B5V 6 14 36.7 - 4 34 06 43157 133003 Ll.11916 6 8 26 - 4 32.0 6.2 16 5 Gamma 3.98 K3III 6 14 51.3 - 6 16 29 43232 133012 J.147 6 8 46 - 6 14.3 4.3 17 5.99 A5IVs 6 15 29.7 - 4 54 55 43319 133027 Ll.11949 6 9 20 - 4 52.5 6.3 18 6.10 B9III 6 15 26.0 - 9 02 07 43362 133029 * 6 9 29 - 8 59.8 6.7 19 5.36 K1.5III 6 18 50.6 - 9 23 25 43993 133091 Ll.12074 6 12 54 - 9 20.4 6.0 20 6.22 B9V 6 19 07.9 - 8 35 11 44037 133098 Ll.12081 6 13 9 - 8 32.2 6.8 21 7 5.27 B2.5V 6 19 42.8 - 7 49 23 44112 133114 T.2436 6 13 42 - 7 46.3 5.9 22 6.85 A3 6 22 45.1 + 4 12 36 44602 113790 Ll.12184 6 16 9 + 4 16.3 6.7 23 6.40 B3V 6 23 18.5 + 3 45 52 44700 113801 T.2457 6 16 43 + 3 49.5 6.4 24 6.57v B5V 6 23 01.5 - 3 16 37 44701 133189 Ll.12214 6 16 47 - 3 13.0 7.0 25 8 Epsilon 4.44 A5IV 6 23 46.1 + 4 35 34 44769 113810 Ll.12221 6 17 9 + 4 39.3 4.8 8 Epsilon 6.72 F5V 6 23 46.5 + 4 35 44 44770 113811 * 26 6.27 B8Vn 6 24 02.3 + 8 53 05 44783 113817 Ll.12216 6 17 12 + 8 56.9 6.6 27 6.67 A2V 6 23 22.7 - 4 41 14 44756 133199 WB.470 6 17 12 - 4 37.5 7.0# * 7.3 K0 6 23 53.6 - 4 43 45 44841 133206 Ll.12244 6 17 43 - 4 39.9 7.6# 28 T 5.98V F7Iabvar 6 25 13.1 + 7 05 09 44990 113845 WB.507 6 18 28 + 7 9.1 var. 6 - 7 1/2 29 6.66 B9V 6 25 18.4 + 1 30 06 45050 113855 Ll.12280 6 18 50 + 1 34.2 7.0 30 5.90 F8V 6 25 16.4 - 0 56 46 45067 133229 Ll.12283,4 6 18 52 - 0 52.3* 6.3 31 6.51 A0V 6 25 46.5 + 2 16 20 45137 113868 Ll.12300 6 19 16 + 2 20.5 7.0 32 6.7 A0 6 25 34.8 - 2 59 29 45139 133234 WB.536 6 19 19 - 2 55.4 6.7 33 6.35 G9III 6 25 47.0 - 3 53 21 45168 133238 * 6 19 34 - 3 49.2 6.7 34 6.5 G5 6 26 09.5 - 3 30 56 45215 133248 WB.559 6 19 56 - 3 27.0 6.8 35 6.40 A4V 6 25 58.7 - 7 53 39 45239 133246 WB.562 6 19 58 - 7 49.5 6.9 36 5.87 A3Vn 6 26 39.6 - 1 30 27 45320 133260 Ll.12343 6 20 20 - 1 26.0 6.3 37 6.71 A1Vn 6 26 58.7 + 0 50 27 45357 113896 Ll.12350 6 20 32 + 0 54.8 7.0 38 6.15 B2.5V 6 26 34.5 - 4 35 50 45321 133257 Ll.12351 6 20 24 - 4 31.5 6.7# * 6.84 K0 6 26 58.2 - 4 27 33 45398 133265 Ll.12359 6 20 47 - 4 23.2 7.2# 39 9 6.50 B5 6 27 00.9 - 4 21 20 45418 133267 Ll.12364 6 20 49 - 4 17.0 6.9# 40 6.27 A0Vn 6 26 44.8 - 7 30 41 45380 133263 Ll.12362 6 20 43 - 7 26.4 6.7 41 5.55 G9III 6 27 20.4 + 2 54 29 45415 113906 DM.1237 6 20 48 + 2 58.9 6.2 42 77 Ori* 5.20 K1II 6 27 13.8 + 0 17 57 45416 113905 By.943, T.2491 6 20 49 + 0 22.4 5.9 43 78 Ori* 5.55 K5III 6 27 15.6 - 0 16 34 45433 133269 By.944, T.2492 6 20 52 - 0 12.2 6.1 44 6.48 B9V 6 28 16.8 + 1 54 45 45563 113929 Ll.12385 6 21 47 + 1 59.3 6.8 45 10 5.07 B2V 6 27 57.6 - 4 45 44 45546 133290 Ll.12393 6 21 47 - 4 41.2 5.4 * 8.4 F5 6 28 20.5 - 0 43 48 133298 WB.625 6 21 58 - 0 39.2 7.5# * 6.86 F8 6 28 38.2 - 0 43 17 45654 133307 Ll.12407 6 22 16 - 0 38.6 7.8# * 6.54 F0 6 28 47.1 - 0 34 21 45674 133312 Ll.12416* 6 22 25 - 0 29.6 7.1# 46 6.7 A0 6 28 52.4 + 0 07 40 45689 113938 T.2504 6 22 28 + 0 12.3 7.0 47 6.16 M1 6 29 14.9 + 2 38 47 45724 113940 Ll.12426* 6 22 42 + 2 43.6 6.7 48 11 Beta 4.60 B3Ve 6 28 49.0 - 7 01 59 45725 133316 T.2508 6 26 46 - 6 57.3 4.1 trpl. 4 1/4, 8, 8 49 6.57 A0III 6 30 05.5 + 9 01 45 45827 113957 Ll.12442 6 23 25 + 9 6.6 6.8 50 5.93 K0 6 30 11.2 -10 04 54 45976 151573 * 6 24 17 - 9 59.9 6.4 51 NGC2244* 4.8 O5 6 32.4 + 4 52 WB.723, etc. 6 25 -- - 5 2.- 6 1/2 cum. * 7.1 B2 6 32 09.2 + 4 49 23 46223 114017 Ll.12525 6 25 31 + 4 54.6 7.5# 52 12 5.84v? K0V 6 32 19.2 + 4 51 21 46241 114023 Ll.12531 6 25 41 + 4 56.6 6.3# r var? 53 5.43 K2III 6 31 50.0 - 8 09 29 46229 133369 Ll.12545 6 25 50 - 8 4.2 6.0 r 54 13 4.50 A0Ib 6 32 54.2 + 7 19 59 46300 114034 Ll.12540 6 26 9 + 7 25.4 5.0 55 5.60 F0Vnn 6 32 23.1 - 5 52 08 46304 133382 Ll.12552 6 26 16 - 5 46.7 6.0 56 5.09 B5Vn 6 33 37.9 - 1 13 13 46487 133404 Ll.12587 6 27 17 - 1 7.5 5.7 57 14 6.45v? A0Vs 6 34 46.4 + 7 34 21 46642 114085 Ll.12604 6 28 0 + 7 40.1 6.9 58 5.80 B8Ib 6 35 15.8 + 0 53 24 46769 114097 Ll.12637 6 28 49 + 0 59.2 6.3 59 5.57 B8V 6 36 35.3 - 5 12 40 47054 133469 Ll.12702 6 30 26 - 5 6.5 5.9 60 6.05v? O8e 6 37 24.1 + 6 08 07 47129 114146 Ll.12699 6 30 42 + 6 14.3 6.7 61 6.17 K1III 6 37 40.3 + 2 42 16 47220 114154 Ll.12714 6 31 9 + 2 48.7 6.7 62 6.16 B1Ib 6 37 52.7 + 4 57 26 47240 114162 WB.912 6 31 15 + 5 3.6 6.5 63 6.14 K2 6 38 20.4 - 2 32 37 47420 133511 Ll.12757 6 32 4 - 2 26.3 6.6 r 64 6.22v? O9.5II 6 38 38.1 + 1 36 48 47432 114191 Ll.12754 6 32 9 + 1 43.4 6.7 * 7.14 B0III 6 38 28.6 + 4 36 27 47382 114183 WB.934 6 31 59 + 4 44.0 7.6# * 6.57 B8IIIn 6 38 49.5 + 4 42 04 47431 114194 WB.942 6 32 12 + 4 48.4 7.1# 65 6.51 B8III 6 40 31.8 + 6 22 18 47756 114244 Ll.12811 6 33 49 + 6 29.0 6.9# * 6.97 B9V 6 41 29.9 + 6 06 38 47984 114277 Ll.12852 6 34 48 + 6 13.6 7.4# 66 6.35 O6 6 41 59.3 + 6 20 42 48099 114293 Ll.12863 6 35 17 + 6 27.8 6.7# 67 5.80 B8III 6 41 05.4 + 0 29 43 47964 114269 Ll.12855 6 34 40 + 0 36.6 6.3 68 5.19 M0III 6 41 56.4 - 9 10 03 48217 133585 Ll.12907 6 35 58 - 9 2.8 5.7 r 69 6.19 K0 6 43 06.5 + 3 02 00 48348 114312 Ll.12917 6 36 33 + 3 9.3 6.8 r 70 6.65 F5 6 42 47.4 - 4 08 27 48332 133603 Ll.12926 6 36 35 - 4 1.3 7.0 71 5.86 B0III 6 43 38.7 + 3 55 56 48434 114324 Ll.12940 6 37 3 + 4 3.3 6.4 72 6.7 A0 6 45 50.0 - 0 43 00 48922 133645 Ll.13020 6 39 28 - 0 35.2 7.0 73 16 5.92 B2.5V 6 46 32.4 + 8 35 14 48977 114388 Ll.13091 6 39 43 + 8 43.0 6.5 74 17 4.77 K4III 6 47 19.8 + 8 02 14 49161 114410 Ll.13045 6 40 33 + 8 10.2 5.3 75 5.66 B9.5V 6 46 39.0 -10 06 27 49147 151911 Ll.13070 6 40 44 - 9 58.5 6.1 76 18 4.47 K0III 6 47 51.6 + 2 24 44 49293 114428 Ll.13075 6 41 21 + 2 32.9 5.2 * 7.00 A2 6 47 47.5 + 0 20 25 49294 114426 Ll.13080 6 41 22 + 0 28.5 7.2# * 7.93 A2III 6 48 00.1 + 0 19 20 292296 114433 Ll.13087 6 41 35 + 0 27.5 8 # * 7.89 G0 6 48 11.5 + 0 18 17 49385 114435 Ll.13098 6 41 46 + 0 26.4 7.4# 77 5.07v? M1II 6 47 37.1 - 8 59 54 49331 133679 Ll.13100 6 41 38 - 8 51.8 5.6 78 5.75 F1V 6 48 19.2 - 1 19 06 49434 133687 Ll.13104 6 41 59 - 1 10.8 6.2 79 6.15 B3II-III 6 49 03.7 + 1 00 07 49567 114465 Ll.13128 6 42 36 + 1 8.5 6.6 80 5.77 B8IIIn 6 49 16.4 - 2 16 19 49643 133718 Ll.13143 6 42 59 - 2 7.9 6.1 81 6.7 A5 6 50 12.3 + 5 40 25 49739 114487 Ll.13154 6 43 32 + 5 48.9 7.0 82 5.77 F2V 6 50 49.9 - 0 32 27 49933 133760 Ll.13198 6 44 26 - 0 23.4 6.3 83 6.29v A2p* 6 50 42.3 - 8 02 28 49976 133761 Ll.13216 6 44 41 - 7 53.8 6.6 84 NGC2301* 6.0 B8 6 51.8 + 0 28 DM.1651, etc. 6 45 -- + 0 30.- 6.8 cum. 85 6.38 A2Vs 6 51 39.3 + 3 02 30 50062 114525 Ll.13222 6 45 6 + 3 11.4 6.7 86 5.80 F0Vn 6 53 49.4 + 8 22 49 50277 114556 Ll.13254 6 46 2 + 8 31.8 6.3 87 6.57 K3V 6 52 18.1 - 5 10 26 50281 133805 Ll.13284 6 46 13 - 5 1.5 6.9# 88 6.30 K0 6 52 22.9 - 5 18 58 50282 133807 Ll.13282 6 46 14 - 5 10.0 6.7# r * 7.1 G5 6 54 06.1 + 6 41 16 50557 114580 WB.1410 6 47 23 + 6 50.5 7.2# * 7.4 A0 6 54 13.9 + 6 41 17 50581 114586 WB.1417 6 47 31 + 6 50.5 7.4# 89 6.41 A6Vn 6 54 08.5 - 5 51 09 50700 133855 Ll.13341 6 48 1 - 5 41.9 6.7 90 5.40 A4IV 6 54 24.7 - 1 07 37 50747 133870 Ll.13339 6 48 3 - 0 58.3 5.9 91 6.16v? K2II+B3* 6 54 42.0 - 1 45 23 50820 133881 Ll.13353 6 48 23 - 1 36.0 6.7 92 6.04 G6III: 6 54 58.8 - 2 48 13 50890 133890 Ll.13375 6 48 43 - 2 38.8 6.4 r 93 6.29 A0V 6 55 34.6 + 8 19 29 50931 114626 Ll.13359 6 48 47 + 8 28.9 6.7 94 6.34 K0+A2* 6 57 00.1 - 8 10 44 51424 133937 Ll.13464 6 50 59 - 8 0.9 6.5 95 6.30 A3V 6 58 39.0 + 7 37 19 51693 114713 Ll.13477 6 51 53 + 7 47.4 6.6 96 6.7 K2 6 58 08.5 -10 18 56 51726 152175 Ll.13505 6 52 14 -10 9.0 7.0 97 5.97 G8III 6 58 57.0 + 3 36 08 51814 114722 Ll.13491 6 52 23 + 3 46.2 6.4 98 6.34 B7III 6 59 20.1 + 7 19 01 51892 114731 Ll.13496 6 52 35 + 7 29.2 6.8 99 6.6 B8 7 00 25.0 + 1 55 54 52206 114762 WB.1629 6 53 55 + 2 6.2 7.0 100 6.30 G0III-IV 7 00 18.0 - 5 22 01 52265 134031 Ll.13566 6 54 10 - 5 11.9 6.9 101 5.96 B9III 7 00 23.7 - 8 24 25 52312 134036 Ll.13579 6 54 23 - 8 14.0 6.2 102 6.49 B1Ib 7 00 39.3 - 9 12 11 52382 134041 WB.1660 6 54 41 - 9 1.8 6.7 103 6.64 A3Vs 7 01 41.4 + 4 49 05 52479 114798 Ll.13589 6 55 3 + 4 59.6 6.8 104 6.56 B2IV-V 7 01 55.1 + 5 33 26 52559 114801 Ll.13595 6 55 15 + 5 44.0 6.6 105 6.17 K0 7 01 52.9 - 1 20 43 52611 134073 Ll.13614 6 55 32 - 1 10.0 6.6 106 5.20v? M2III 7 01 56.4 - 5 43 20 52666 134076 Ll.13627 6 55 49 - 5 32.7 5.6 r 107 6.00 A3Vs 7 03 17.9 + 9 08 18 52913 114835 Ll.13641 6 56 28 + 9 19.0 6.4 108 19 4.99v B1V 7 02 54.7 - 4 14 21 52918 134106 Ll.13658 6 56 42 - 4 3.6 5.5 var? * 7.85 K3.5IIb 7 02 46.2 - 8 27 09 52938 134103 WB.1728 6 56 46 - 8 16.4 7 3/4# * 8.8 B8 7 02 49.8 - 8 18 50 52965 134105 WB.1733 6 56 50 - 8 8.0 9 # * WB.1737 6 56 58 - 8 10.0 8 1/2# 109 6.57 A0V 7 04 20.2 + 1 29 18 53205 114867 Ll.13695 6 57 51 + 1 40.5 6.6 110 5.62 K3III 7 04 05.2 - 5 19 25 53208 134133 Ll.13706 6 57 56 - 5 8.4 6.2 111 6.46 B9IIIn 7 03 57.3 -10 07 27 53240 152308 * 6 58 2 - 9 56.4 6.8 112 5.78 M0III 7 05 39.1 + 9 11 09 53510 114899 Ll.13715 6 58 48 + 9 22.4 6.1 r 113 6.49v B0.5IVn 7 05 49.7 -10 39 40 53755 152363 Ll.13776 6 59 56 -10 28.3 6.7 114 6.21 O6 7 09 20.3 -10 20 51 54662 152470 Ll.13904 7 3 25 -10 8.8 6.6 115 20 4.92 K0III 7 10 13.7 - 4 14 14 54810 134282 Ll.13921 7 4 1 - 4 2.8 5.4 116 6.5 K0 7 11 03.1 - 3 53 54 54990 134306 Ll.13948 7 4 50 - 3 4.7 6.9 117 21 5.45v F0Vnvar 7 11 23.6 - 0 18 07 55057 134316 Ll.13949 7 5 0 - 0 5.8 6.0 118 22 Delta 4.15 A2V 7 11 51.9 - 0 29 34 55185 134330 J.170 7 5 29 - 0 17.2 4.6 119 5.75 K5III 7 14 11.0 - 3 54 05 55775 134391 Ll.14066 7 7 57 - 3 41.4 6.7 120 5.90 K3III 7 14 15.5 - 9 56 51 55832 134395 Ll.14083 7 8 19 - 9 44.0 6.3 121 6.00 B0III 7 14 28.2 -10 19 00 55879 152598 Ll.14091 7 8 33 -10 6.1 6.3 122 5.95 K0 7 15 43.1 -10 35 02 56207 152621 Ll.14131 7 9 48 -10 21.9 6.3 123 6.29 K2 7 17 31.7 - 6 40 48 56614 134474 Ll.14184 7 11 26 - 6 27.5* 6.8 124 6.50 F5 7 21 16.9 - 8 52 42 57517 134563 Ll.14323 7 15 17 - 8 38.4 6.8 125 6.46 B5III 7 21 34.6 - 5 53 50 57539 134570 Ll.14326 7 15 27 - 5 39.8* 6.9 126 6.30 F5 7 22 18.5 - 2 58 44 57708 134585 Ll.14345 7 16 2 - 2 44.6 6.6 127 6.40 O9V 7 22 02.0 - 8 58 45 57682 134580 Ll.14352 7 16 2 - 8 44.7 6.6 128 6.7 B9 7 22 30.9 - 0 15 33 57733 134587 Ll.14346 7 16 7 - 0 1.4 7.0 129 5.80v? F3IV 7 22 25.4 - 5 58 58 57749 134588 WB.457 7 16 18 - 5 44.8 6.2 130 6.00 G3Ib 7 25 51.0 - 5 46 30 58526 134654 Ll.14456 7 19 43 - 5 31.7 6.4 131 6.79 A0IV 7 26 03.5 - 4 32 15 58580 134658 WB.564 7 19 51 - 4 17.4 6.9 132 6.9 A2 7 26 34.2 - 0 28 10 58666 134665 Ll.14472 7 20 11 - 0 13.2 6.9 133 6.62 B3V 7 28 34.3 -10 02 40 59211 134724 WB.664 7 22 38 - 9 47.4 7.0 134 5.59 K5III 7 29 18.6 - 1 54 19 59311 134740 WB.669 7 23 0 - 1 38.9 6.0 135 5.90 F8V 7 29 25.7 - 7 33 04 59380 134742 Ll.14594 7 23 21 - 7 18.1 6.3 136 5.75 K5III 7 29 22.1 -10 19 39 59381 152941 Ll.14599 7 23 26 -10 4.2 6.2 r 137 6.24 K0 7 30 51.1 - 5 13 36 59669 134774 Ll.14647 7 24 41 - 4 57.9 6.6 138 7.1 G5 7 30 59.2 - 2 09 53 59690 134776 Ll.14645 7 24 41 - 1 54.2 6.8 r 139 U 5.66v K0Ibpvar 7 30 47.4 - 9 46 37 59693 134775 Ll.14658 7 24 50 - 9 31.0 var. 6 - 7 r 140 6.5 G5 7 31 17.3 - 1 07 33 59726 134781 Ll.14652 7 24 56 - 0 51.8 6.8 141 6.57 K2 7 30 58.5 -10 06 28 59730 152986 Ll.14662 7 25 2 - 9 50.8 6.9 142 5.90 F5V 7 32 05.8 - 8 52 52 59984 134806 Ll.14706 7 26 6 - 8 36.7 6.3 dpl. 6 1/4, 10 143 6.8 A0 7 32 49.3 - 2 02 04 60086 134820 Ll.14710 7 26 31 - 1 46.1 6.9 144 6.27 K2 7 36 16.6 - 8 18 41 60853 134883 Ll.14863 7 30 14 - 8 2.2 6.7 145 25 5.10v? F6III 7 37 16.7 - 4 06 40 61064 134899 Ll.14881 7 31 4 - 3 50.0 5.7 146 6.7 B9 7 37 51.6 - 6 57 29 61202 134918 Ll.14899 7 31 46 - 6 40.7 6.9 147 7.20 K2V 7 39 59.4 - 3 35 52 61606 134954 Ll.14938 7 33 44 - 3 17.9 7.0 148 6.00 A3IV 7 40 35.5 - 8 11 09 61749 134969 Ll.14965 7 34 33 - 7 53.8 6.3 149 26 Alpha 3.93 K0III 7 41 14.8 - 9 33 04 61935 134986 J.179 7 35 17 - 9 15.6 4.0 * 7.14 B9 7 43 32.1 - 4 40 50 62367 135030 * 7 37 20 - 4 23.1 7.1# 150 6.8 G5 7 43 37.3 - 4 42 30 62386 135034 Ll.15060 7 37 26 - 4 24.7 6.9# 151 6.8 K5 7 45 12.2 - 4 27 16 62699 135062 Ll.15098 7 38 59 - 4 9.0 6.9 152 7.0 A0 7 45 42.8 - 5 40 43 62834 135074 Ll.15122 7 39 34 - 5 22.6 7.0 153 5.49 K5III 7 46 02.2 - 6 46 21 62902 135079 Ll.15136 7 39 55 - 6 27.9 6.1 154 5.61 K3III 7 50 10.6 - 9 11 00 63752 135158 Ll.15283 7 44 10 - 8 52.2 6.2 155 6.16 K0 7 50 55.2 -11 07 44 63894 153479 Ll.15324 7 45 0 -10 48.6 6.7 156 5.76v? F5IVs 7 52 47.8 - 5 25 42 64235 135205 Ll.15374 7 46 38 - 5 6.4 6.4 var? 157 27 4.93 K2III 7 59 44.1 - 3 40 47 65695 135345 Ll.15619 7 53 29 - 3 20.4 5.6 158 6.51v? B2.5Ve 8 00 44.1 - 2 52 54 65875 135368 Ll.15659 7 54 27 - 2 32.4 6.9 159 28 4.68v K4III 8 01 13.3 - 1 23 33 65953 135380 Ll.15670 7 54 52 - 1 2.7 5.2 160 6.5 G5 8 01 03.4 - 6 25 09 65938 135379 WB.1594 7 54 56 - 6 4.5 6.8 161 6.33 G0III 8 02 26.0 - 6 20 14 66242 135406 Ll.15717 7 56 17 - 5 59.4 6.6# * 6.7 K0 8 02 46.4 - 6 19 21 66351 135416 Ll.15731 7 56 38 - 5 58.5 7.4# 162 6.41 K0 8 05 49.6 - 0 34 25 66950 135488 Ll.15832 7 59 27 - 0 13.1 6.9 163 6.23 B9V 8 06 27.4 - 9 14 42 67159 135505 Str.953 8 0 26 - 8 53.2 6.5 164 29 Zeta 4.34 G2Ib 8 08 35.6 - 2 59 02 67594 135551 Ll.15932 8 2 19 - 2 37.3 4.9 165 6.33 A0Vn 8 08 56.9 -11 20 24 67725 153887 Ll.15961 8 3 1 -10 58.5 6.6 1, 2 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 18 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 25 This star is double, separation 13", combined magnitude 4.30, which Gould considered to be a single star. Following 27 the star HD44841=SAO133206 is connected with a brace to 27 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 30 Declination corrected from - 0 52.0. 33 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 38 and 39 the star HD45398=SAO133265 is connected wtih a brace to both 38 and 39 without a combined magnitude for the three stars or being assigned a number. 42 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Orion and given the Flamsteed number 77. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Monoceros, where it remains. 43 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Orion and given the Flamsteed number 78. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Monoceros, where it remains. Between 45 and 46 three stars, SAO133298, HD45654=SAO133307 and HD45674= SAO133312, respectively, are all connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for the three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. For HD45674=SAO133312 the designation from an earlier catalog is corrected from Ll.12406. 47 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from Ll.12416. 50 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 51 This object is the open cluster NGC2244, a designation not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. Preceding 52 the star HD46223=SAO114017 is connected with a brace to 52 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 64 and 65 the stars HD47382=SAO114183 and HD47431=SAO114194 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. Between 65 and 66 the star HD47984=SAO114277 is connected with a brace to both 65 and 66 without a combined magnitude for the three stars or being assigned a number. Between 76 and 77 three stars, HD49294=SAO114426, HD292296=SAO114433, and HD49385=SAO114435, are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for the three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. 83 Spectrum A2pSrCrEu 84 This object is the open cluster NGC2301, a designation not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. 87, 88 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 88 and 89 the stars HD50557=SAO114580 and HD50581=SAO114586 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0, but without having numbers assigned to either of them. 91 Spectrum K2II+B3Ve 94 Spectrum K0II-III:+A2V Between 108 and 109 three stars HD52983=SAO134103, HD52965=SAO134105, and a star not in the SAO catalog, are all connected with a brace with combined magnitude for all three stars 7.0 neb. cum without having numbers assigned to any of them. These stars are all associated with the open cluster M50. 111 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 123 Declination corrected from - 6 27.7. 125 Declination corrected from - 5 40.8. Preceding 150 the star HD62367=SAO135030 is connected with a brace to 150 with combined magnitude 6.6, without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 161 the star HD66351=SAO135416 is connected with a brace to 161 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 11. - MUSCA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.6 A0V 11 19 51.2 -72 57 32 98671 256827 L.4722 11 15 6 -72 16.4 6.9 2 6.28 B9.5/A0V 11 19 36.5 -75 08 33 98672 256826 L.4724 11 15 7 -74 27.5 6.6 3 6.41 B4V 11 20 04.0 -71 59 40 98695 256828 L.4721 11 15 13 -71 18.6 6.9 4 5.11d B5V 11 23 21.9 -64 57 19 99104 251383 L.4737 11 17 58 -64 16.1 5.7 dpl. 5 5.59 B2IV-V 11 24 11.1 -72 15 24 99264 256834 L.4744 11 19 13 -71 34.2 6.1 r 6 6.09 B3V 11 28 18.3 -72 28 28 99872 256843 L.4765 11 23 12 -71 47.1* 6.5 7 5.90 K1IIICN* 11 32 20.0 -66 57 44 100382 251451 L.4782 11 26 47 -66 16.3 6.6 8 6.8 B9Vne 11 33 25.2 -70 11 43 100546 251457 L.4791 11 28 0 -69 30.3 7.0 9 6.53 K0/K1III 11 35 45.4 -72 50 33 100901 256853 L.4813 11 30 27 -72 9.1 7.0 10 6.7 F5IV 11 37 14.4 -69 40 29 101088 251489 L.4822 11 31 40 -68 58.9 6.9 11 5.96 K0III 11 37 48.5 -67 37 14 101162 251501 L.4826 11 32 10 -66 55.6 6.7 12 5.17v? G5/8+A0* 11 39 29.5 -65 23 52 101379 251522 L.4843 11 33 43 -64 42.2 5.8 13 6.46 G1V 11 42 15.0 -75 13 37 101805 256864 L.4866 11 36 45 -74 32.0 6.8 14 7.1 A8IV* 11 43 36.7 -68 28 43 101966 251556 L.4871 11 37 47 -67 47.1 7.0 15 Lambda 3.64 A7III 11 45 36.4 -66 43 43 102249 251575 L.4883 11 39 43 -66 2.1 3.8 16 Mu 4.72v K4III 11 48 14.4 -66 48 54 102584 251597 L.4899 11 42 15 -66 7.1 5.3 rr 17 4.97 G5Ib 11 49 56.4 -70 13 33 102839 251604 L.4907 11 43 59 -69 31.8 5.6 r 18 4.90 B4V 11 51 51.3 -65 12 22 103079 251617 L.4920 11 45 45 -64 30.6 5.5# dpl. * 7.33 B4IV 11 53 20.4 -65 24 16 103270 251625 L.4927 11 47 12 -64 42.5 7.3# * 7.49 B3Ib 11 53 44.2 -65 17 19 103338 251628 L.4929 11 47 35 -64 35.7 7.8# 19 6.7 F2IV 11 54 44.7 -66 22 34 103482 251637 L.4935 11 48 34 -65 40.7 7.0 20 7.0 B5Vsh 11 58 29.9 -70 44 25 104015 256891 L.4962 11 52 16 -70 2.6 7.0 21 6.86 A1V 12 01 50.7 -73 17 55 104481 256896 L.4981 11 55 31 -72 36.1 7.0 * 7.1 K0III 12 01 44.7 -69 11 55 104479 251688 L.4980 11 55 23 -68 30.0 7.4# 22 5.89 B9V 12 02 37.6 -69 11 33 104600 251699 L.4985 11 56 15 -68 29.8 6.5# 23 6.42 K1III 12 02 28.7 -71 29 20 104570 256897 L.4984 11 56 7 -70 47.6 7.0 24 6.44 G6III 12 03 44.5 -74 12 50 104752 256898 L.4996 11 57 20 -73 31.1 7.0 25 5.35 A0V 12 04 38.8 -68 19 45 104878 251720 L.5000 11 58 13 -67 37.9 6.0 26 6.33 B8Ia-ab 12 05 53.3 -65 32 50 105071 251734 L.5012 11 59 25 -64 51.0 6.9# 27 5.93 G9+A4* 12 06 23.2 -65 42 33 105151 251738 L.5020 11 59 55 -65 0.8 6.7# dpl. 7, 8 1/2 28 6.23 G3Ib 12 06 19.9 -68 39 03 105138 251737 L.5019 11 59 50 -67 57.3 7.0 29 5.18 K2II/III 12 07 50.0 -75 22 01 105340 256905 L.5028 12 1 16 -74 40.3 5.8 30 S* 6.17v F6Ib 12 12 47.0 -70 09 08 106111 251791 L.5060 12 6 4 -69 27.4 6.7 31 7.14 B5V 12 14 16.9 -66 32 57 106344 251802 L.5072 12 7 35 -65 51.2 7.0# 32 7.46 B0.5Ib 12 14 26.4 -66 31 29 106362 251804 * 12 7 44 -65 49.7 7.0# 33 6.22 A0V 12 16 23.6 -72 36 54 106676 256919 L.5079 12 9 31 -71 55.1 6.5 34 6.07 A0V 12 17 06.1 -65 41 34 106797 251826 L.5083 12 10 21 -64 59.8 6.7 35 Epsilon 4.11v M5III 12 17 34.2 -67 57 39 106849 251830 L.5084 12 10 50 -67 15.9 4.7 r var? 36 6.20 B9V 12 20 28.1 -65 50 34 107301 251854 L.5100 12 13 38 -65 8.9 6.8 37 6.77 A4/A5V 12 22 15.5 -73 30 16 107547 256934 L.5111 12 15 8 -72 48.6 7.0 38 Zeta2 5.16 Am 12 22 07.5 -67 31 20 107566 251866 L.5112 12 15 12 -66 49.6 5.8 39 Zeta1 5.74 K0III 12 22 12.0 -68 18 27 107567 251868 L.5113 12 15 14 -67 36.7 6.5 rr 40 6.39 K0IV-V 12 23 13.9 -67 37 54 107773 251877 L.5123 12 16 32 -66 56.8 7.0# * 7.4 K0III 12 24 50.9 -67 37 56 107964 251886 L.5133 12 17 48 -66 56.4 7.7# 41 6.61 A0V 12 24 52.2 -72 36 13 107947 256939 L.5132 12 17 41 -71 54.6 6.9 42 6.30 G8/K0IV 12 25 17.4 -65 46 14 108054 251893 L.5137 12 18 20 -65 4.4 6.9 * 7.07 A6IV 12 30 18.1 -72 59 09 108735 256947 L.5166 12 22 53 -72 17.6 7.5# * 6.93 G8/K0II 12 30 42.7 -73 05 20 108791 256950 L.5170 12 23 16 -72 23.8 7.3# 43 5.88 K1III 12 32 10.2 -73 00 06 108970 256954 L.5181 12 24 39 -72 18.6 6.2# 44 Gamma 3.90 B5V 12 32 28.0 -72 07 59 109026 256955 L.5184, J.283 12 25 2 -71 26.5 4.0 45 Alpha 2.70v? B2IV-V 12 37 11.0 -69 08 08 109668 251974 L.5213, J.286 12 29 45 -68 26.7 2.9 46 6.49 B8Vn 12 39 14.7 -75 22 10 109857 256967 L.5221 12 31 16 -74 40.9 6.7 47 6.25 B1Ia 12 38 52.6 -67 11 35 109867 251980 L.5224 12 31 29 -68 30.3 6.9 48 6.26v B8V 12 39 55.6 -66 30 42 110020 251987 L.5227 12 32 33 -65 49.4 6.8 49 R 6.33v F7Ib 12 42 05.3 -69 24 28 110311 251996 L.5236 12 34 28 -68 43.3 var. 6.6 - 7.4 50 6.17 F6Ia 12 45 01.8 -68 49 52 110716 252012 L.5255 12 37 22 -68 8.7 6.9 51 Beta 3.00 B2.5V 12 46 17.0 -68 06 30 110879 252019 L.5267, J.290 12 38 38 -67 25.4 3.4 52 5.55 G8Ib/II 12 49 45.0 -71 59 11 111315 256983 L.5279 12 41 41 -71 18.2 6.3 r 53 5.93 G8III 12 56 31.7 -72 11 07 112219 256992 L.5318 12 48 13 -71 30.4 6.6 r 54 Delta 3.62 K2III 13 02 16.2 -71 32 56 112985 257000 L.5349, J.294 12 53 42 -70 52.4 3.7# 55 6.03 B1.5III* 13 03 05.3 -71 28 34 113120 257003 L.5356 12 54 37 -70 48.1 6.6# 56 Theta 5.69v B0Ia+WC5 13 08 07.1 -65 18 23 113904 252162 L.5394 13 0 5 -64 38.2 5.9 dpl. 6, 8 57 5.92 F3IV/V 13 11 51.7 -69 56 31 114371 252185 L.5409 13 3 16 -69 16.5 6.4 58 5.91 A0V(n) 13 12 48.9 -66 13 37 114570 252196 L.5416 13 4 34 -65 33.7 6.6 59 Eta 4.80 B8V 13 15 14.9 -67 53 40 114911 252224 L.5433 13 6 48 -67 13.8 5.3 60 6.37 K2/K3III 13 15 25.8 -69 40 47 114912 252225 L.5432 13 6 49 -69 0.9 6.9 61 6.06 F5V 13 16 44.9 -65 08 18 115149 252236 L.5449 13 8 32 -64 28.5 6.8 62 4.87v? K2Ib/II 13 17 13.1 -66 47 01 115211 252240 L.5451 13 8 49 -66 7.3 5.5 r 63 6.9 B9IV 13 17 55.3 -68 29 47 115286 252245 L.5456 13 9 20 -67 50.1 6.8 64 6.04 K3III 13 19 18.7 -72 02 09 115439 257028 L.5459 13 10 13 -71 22.4 6.6 65 6.05 B6V 13 22 52.7 -72 08 48 115967 257033 L.5480 13 13 38 -71 29.4 6.6 r 66 Iota1 5.05 K0III 13 25 07.3 -74 53 16 116244 257041 L.5486 13 15 19 -74 13.7 5.6 67 5.66 Ap 13 25 50.2 -70 37 39 116458 257042 L.5506 13 16 46 -69 58.4 6.1 68 Iota2 6.63 B9V 13 27 18.4 -74 41 31 116579 257047 L.5504 13 17 26 -74 2.4 6.8 69 6.20v B8V 13 28 46.5 -69 37 41 116890 252321 L.5529 13 19 44 -68 58.6 6.6 70 6.11 A2m 13 29 07.7 -64 40 33 117025 252329 L.5542 13 20 40 -64 1.6 6.7 71 6.8 A8/A9IV 13 31 57.5 -65 19 20 117432 252345 L.5560 13 23 21 -64 40.5 7.0 72 6.37 A0V 13 33 35.8 -65 37 57 117651 252361 L.5566 13 24 55 -64 59.3 6.7 73 6.10 K3III 13 38 45.5 -70 26 43 118344 257070 L.5587 13 29 19 -69 48.3 6.7 r 74 6.8 A0V+G9* 13 41 39.2 -75 06 53 118667 257078 L.5592 13 31 5 -74 28.8 7.0 75 7.0 B9V 13 47 34.3 -71 13 53 119700 257089 L.5651 13 37 42 -70 36.2 7.0 6 Declination corrected from -71 47.4. 7 Spectrum K1IIICNIb/II 12 Spectrum G5/8IIIp+A0/1V 14 Spectrum A8/A9III/IV Following 18 the stars HD103270=SAO251625 and HD103338=SAO251628 are connected with a brace to 18 with combined magnitude 5.4 for all three stars but without numbers being assigned to either. Preceding 22 the star HD104479=SAO251688 is connected with a brace to 22 with combined magnitude 6.4 without being assigned a number. 26, 27 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.4. 27 Spectrum G8/K0III+A3/5V 30 The variable star designation S was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 31, 32 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.8. 32 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 40 the star HD107964=SAO251886 is connected with a brace to 40 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number. Preceding 43 the stars HD108791=SAO256950 and HD108970=SAO256954 are connected with a brace to 43 with combined magnitude of all three stars 6.0 but without numbers being assigned to either. 54, 55 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 3.6. 55 Spectrum B1.5IIIne 74 Spectrum A0V+G8/K0III 21. - NORMA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.7 B7IV 15 29 58.1 -52 18 10 137753 242614 L.6379 15 20 47 -51 52.0 7.0 cum. 2 5.44 B9V 15 38 49.5 -52 22 22 139129 242793 L.6437 15 29 33 -51 57.5 5.8 3 5.95 F6V 15 39 56.6 -59 54 31 139211 242803 L.6431 15 29 44 -59 29.3 6.4 4 6.48 G0Ib 15 43 55.2 -60 17 14 139915 253269 L.6458 15 33 34 -59 53.0 6.9 5 6.04 K2III 15 42 37.1 -49 29 23 139871 226089 L.6470 15 33 35 -49 5.1 6.6 6 6.82 F2IV/V 15 44 10.3 -50 12 55 140130 242892 L.6483 15 35 4 -49 48.9 7.0 7 6.6 A3V 15 44 59.4 -50 47 05 140274 242915 L.6488 15 35 49 -50 23.2 6.8 dpl.6 3/4, 9 1/2 8 6.9 B9III 15 46 40.5 -48 44 14 140619 226174 L.6500 15 37 41 -48 20.5 7.0 9 6.65 F5V 15 48 56.6 -60 22 03 140826 253302 L.6497 15 38 31 -59 58.8 6.9 10 6.6 A7II 15 48 06.4 -50 35 24 140842 242990 L.6504 15 38 56 -50 11.9 7.0 11 6.07 K2/K3III 15 48 50.3 -52 26 17 140979 243001 L.6506 15 39 27 -52 2.9 6.7 r 12 5.78 B8V 15 50 06.9 -53 12 34 141168 243022 L.6520 15 40 39 -52 49.3 6.0 13 5.86 A2IV 15 49 57.5 -48 54 43 141194 226254 L.6525 15 40 55 -48 31.6 6.4 14 5.73 B2II 15 51 06.9 -55 03 21 141318 243044 L.6524 15 41 25 -54 40.3 6.1 dpl. 6 1/4, 9 1/2 15 6.12 F0V 15 50 16.3 -45 24 07 141296 226263 L.6529 15 41 31 -45 0.9 6.6 16 6.01 K1IV 15 51 31.5 -47 03 38 141544 226295 L.6539 15 42 40 -46 40.7 6.5 17 6.60 K3III 15 52 51.5 -50 36 55 141724 243078 L.6543 15 43 38 -50 14.2 6.9 18 5.77 Amvar 15 55 32.4 -60 10 40 142049 253349 L.6546 15 45 5 -59 48.1 6.2 dpl. 6 1/4, 10 * 6.7 A4V+B/A* 15 54 50.6 -50 20 19 142080 243110 L.6561 15 45 38 -49 57.7 6.7 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 3/4 19 7.1 A4IV/V 15 55 20.1 -43 23 31 142255 226362 L.6568 15 46 43 -43 1.2 7.0 20 6.68 F0V 15 55 15.7 -42 36 19 142254 226361 L.6569 15 46 44 -42 13.9 6.8 21 7.1 B8V 15 55 22.9 -44 31 39 142256 226363 L.6567 15 46 41 -44 9.2 6.9# 22 6.9 B3/B4V 15 55 43.3 -44 31 59 142304 226369 L.6571 15 47 1 -44 9.7 6.9# 23 6.31 F1IV 15 57 03.8 -48 09 44 142529 226392 L.6580 15 48 4 -47 47.5 6.7 24 6.9 A2V 15 58 24.0 -44 04 51 142808 226408 L.6596 15 49 43 -43 42.9 6.9 25 6.10 B5IV 15 59 54.0 -54 01 16 142919 243219 L.6589 15 50 15 -53 39.6 6.5 26 6.13 A7III 16 01 06.4 -54 34 50 143101 243246 L.6602 15 51 23 -54 13.1 6.7 27 6.37 B5V 16 02 04.5 -51 07 12 143321 243262 L.6618 15 52 43 -50 45.9 6.6 28 Iota1 4.63 A7IV 16 03 32.1 -57 46 31 143474 243279 L.6615 15 53 23 -57 25.2 5.4 dpl. 8, 5 1/2 29 6.4 K1II/III 16 04 06.2 -59 10 34 143548 243283 L.6616 15 53 42 -58 49.5 6.8 r 30 Eta 4.65 G8III 16 03 12.8 -49 13 47 143546 226466 L.6632 15 54 2 -48 52.7 5.2 31 6.48v B9IIIp* 16 04 21.7 -53 42 37 143658 243296 L.6634 15 54 42 -53 21.6 6.9 32 6.16 F2II 16 07 24.1 -56 11 29 144183 243339 L.6650 15 57 24 -55 51.0 6.6 33 Delta 4.72 Am 16 06 29.4 -45 10 24 144197 226500 L.6664, J.382 15 57 40 -44 49.9 4.9 34 6.8 A4V 16 08 05.1 -58 58 14 144263 243345 L.6649 15 57 40 -58 37.7 7.0 35 6.8 A1mA3-A7 16 07 25.2 -48 25 21 144316 226514 L.6667 15 58 17 -48 4.9 6.9 36 Iota2 5.57 B9.5V 16 09 18.5 -57 56 03 144480 243368 L.6665 15 59 3 -57 35.7 6.0 37 Zeta* 5.81 F2III 16 13 22.7 -55 32 27 145361 243449 L.6705 16 3 26 -55 12.8 6.3 38 NGC6067* 5.6 B2 16 13.2 -54 13 D.360 16 3 -- -53 50. 6.0 cum. 39 5.83v? M0I+F/G* 16 13 16.8 -53 40 17 145384 243448 L.6713 16 3 33 -53 20.7 6.5 r 40 Kappa 4.94 G4III 16 13 28.7 -54 37 50 145397 243454 L.6712 16 3 38 -54 18.2 5.5 rr 41 5.63 A5III 16 15 49.8 -57 54 44 145782 243509 L.6722 16 5 31 -57 35.4 6.0 42 Theta 5.14 B8V 16 15 15.3 -47 22 20 145842 226600 L.6734 16 6 11 -47 3.0 5.4 43 6.14 K2III 16 15 23.9 -42 53 59 145921 226603 L.6739 16 6 43 -42 34.8 6.6 44 5.44v? M2IV 16 16 43.1 -53 48 40 146003 243526 L.6735 16 6 57 -53 29.7 6.0 r 45 6.33 A7V 16 17 20.9 -53 05 12 146145 243544 L.6738 16 7 40 -52 46.2 6.8 46 Gamma1 5.00 F9Ia 16 17 00.9 -50 04 05 146143 226619 L.6746, J.395 16 7 40 -49 45.2 5.4 47 S* 6.49v F8/G0Ib 16 18 51.9 -57 53 59 146323 243586 L.6743 16 8 31 -57 35.3 6.6 cum. 6.1 48 5.77 G6III 16 20 25.3 -55 08 23 146690 243654 L.6761 16 10 27 -54 49.9 6.6 49 Gamma2 4.02 G8III 16 19 50.4 -50 09 20 146686 243643 L.6764, J.396 16 10 30 -49 50.8 4.6 50 Lambda 5.45 A3Vn 16 19 17.7 -42 40 26 146667 226650 L.6772 16 10 36 -42 21.9 5.7 51 6.52v? B7V 16 21 27.0 -48 11 19 147001 226678 L.6783 16 12 16 -47 53.1 6.9 var? 52 5.33 B6IV 16 22 28.0 -49 34 20 147152 226693 L.6790 16 13 8 -49 16.2 5.9 53 5.88 G2Ib 16 22 28.9 -43 54 44 147225 226696 L.6793 16 13 41 -43 36.7 6.5 54 6.33 A2/A3V 16 24 54.2 -45 20 57 147614 226730 L.6807 16 15 57 -45 3.3 6.9 55 5.69 B9III 16 28 15.0 -58 36 00 147977 243836 L.6812 16 17 43 -58 18.7 6.1 56 7.5 A 16 27 09.8 -47 32 56 147970 226772 * 16 18 1 -47 15.7 7 # 57 Epsilon 4.47 B4V 16 27 11.1 -47 33 18 147971 226773 L.6825 16 18 2 -47 16.0 5 # 58 6.06 G8Ib 16 29 45.1 -57 45 21 148218 243874 L.6827 16 19 20 -57 28.4 6.6 r 59 5.35v B1.5Iape 16 29 42.3 -46 14 36 148379 226813 L.6841 16 20 39 -45 57.8 5.9 r * 6.7 G6III 16 33 36.0 -53 12 00 148852 243945 L.6851 16 23 47 -52 55.7 7.0 dpl. 7 1/4, 8 1/2 60 Mu 4.94v B0Ia 16 34 04.9 -44 02 43 149038 226900 L.6867 16 25 12 -43 46.7 5.5 61* 5.47v? O9Ia 16 36 22.5 -42 51 32 149404 226953 L.6885 16 27 35 -42 35.9 6.0 62* 5.83 B2.5V 16 38 26.2 -43 23 55 149711 226989 L.6899 16 29 36 -43 8.5 6.3 * 7.49 B5II/III 16 47 30.3 -45 27 35 151113 227214 L.6968 16 38 26 -45 13.8 7.7# 63* 7.3 B4II/III 16 47 49.6 -45 23 23 151173 227225 L.6971 16 38 46 -45 9.7 7.0# 64* 5.96v? M3II/III 16 53 42.4 -43 03 03 152161 227359 L.7014 16 44 50 -42 50.3 6.6 r Between 18 and 19 the star HD142080=SAO243110 does not have a number assigned. Spectrum A3/5V+B/A. 21, 22 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 31 Spectrum B9II/III(pSi) 37 The designation Zeta was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star to be fainter than sixth magnitude, and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. It is shown in most modern atlases and catalogs. 38 This object is the open cluster NGC 6067, a designation which does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. 39 Spectrum M0Ib/II+F/G 47 The variable star designation S was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. This is at maximum light the brightest star in the open cluster NGC 6087, to which the note cum. 6.1 presumably refers. 56 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 56, 57 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.8. Between 59 and 60 the star HD148852=SAO243945 is not assigned a number. 61 This star was assigned by Gould to Norma but now lies in Scorpius. 62 This star was assigned by Gould to Norma but now lies in Scorpius. Preceding 63 the star HD151113=SAO227214 is connected with a brace to 63 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. This star was assigned by Gould to Norma but now lies in Scorpius. 63 This star was assigned by Gould to Norma but now lies in Scorpius. 64 This star was assigned by Gould to Norma but now lies in Scorpius. 1. - OCTANS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 Gamma3 5.28 K1/K2III 0 10 02.5 -82 13 26 636 258215 L.9756, J.2 0 4 20 -82 55.1 5.6 2 5.77 M0/M1III 0 13 19.8 -84 59 37 1032 258217 L.23 0 8 32 -85 41.4 6.4 3 5.87 G2V 1 37 55.8 -82 58 30 10800 258271 L.576 1 41 21 -83 36.7 6.2 4 5.69 K0III 1 37 28.0 -84 46 11 11025 258273 L.634 1 44 50 -85 24.0 6.1 5 6.41 B9.5IV 3 42 32.3 -85 15 44 25887 258356 L.(1592) 4 5 56 -85 37.6 6.5 6 6.8 G8III 5 39 59.2 -85 54 52 42556 258427 L.2512 6 12 42 -85 55.5 6.8 7 6.46 F3V 6 46 58.7 -87 01 30 58805 258460 L.3274 7 30 9 -86 49.1 6.7 8 6.7 A1IV/V 8 16 17.3 -86 33 27 74566 258497 L.3759 8 44 32 -86 8.0 6.9 9 Zeta 5.42 F0III 8 56 41.1 -85 39 47 79837 258515 L.3953 9 14 26 -85 9.4 5.7 * 7.9 K1III 9 14 34.8 -84 37 21 82025 258525 L.4009, B.2571 9 26 21 -84 5.4 7.7# * 8.3 K0 9 15 53.7 -84 38 50 258526 B.2580 9 27 34 -84 6.7 8.1# * 7.1 K0III 9 16 46.5 -84 39 38 82370 258527 L.4027, B.2589 9 28 23 -84 7.2 7.1# * 8.3 F2 9 33 04.0 -86 00 35 258540 * 9 48 2 -85 26.3 7.5# * 7.4 F4+F8* 9 33 17.8 -86 00 33 85300 258542 L.4169 9 48 15 -85 26.2 7.1# 10 6.65 A1/A2IV* 10 30 49.3 -86 05 26 92683 258586 L.4510 10 38 7 -85 26.5 6.9 11 Eta 6.20 A1V 10 59 13.8 -84 35 38 96124 258600 L.4643 11 0 7 -83 55.3 6.3 12 6.05 K3III 12 02 20.7 -85 37 54 104555 258632 L.4991 11 56 9 -84 56.1 6.6 13 6.6 B9V 12 18 45.7 -88 24 54 106461 258640 B.3962 12 7 43 -87 43.2 6.7 14 6.33 K0III 12 25 37.7 -86 09 02 107739 258644 L.5107 12 15 50 -85 27.4 6.9 15 6.64 B8V 12 29 01.3 -83 48 06 108344 258646 L.5145 12 20 2 -83 6.6 7.0 16 Iota 5.46 K0III 12 54 58.6 -85 07 24 111482 258654 L.5268 12 42 4 -84 26.6 6.0 17 7.2 B9.5IV 13 35 31.5 -85 49 29 116632 258671 L.5452 13 16 12 -85 10.6 7.0# 18 Kappa 5.57 A2mA5-A8 13 40 55.5 -85 47 10 117374 258674 L.5482 13 21 6 -85 8.6 5.7# 19 Delta 4.32v? K2III 14 26 55.3 -83 40 04 124882 258698 L.5802, J.319 14 7 8 -83 5.5 4.7 20 6.48v Am 15 28 19.1 -88 07 59 129723 258720 L.5823, J.327 14 29 13 -87 37.9 6.8 21 Pi1 5.65 G8/K0III 15 01 50.5 -83 13 39 130650 258713 B.5022 14 40 5 -82 43.1 6.0 22 Pi2 5.65 G8Ib 15 04 47.0 -83 02 18 131246 258714 B.5046 14 43 15 -82 31.9 5.9 23 Omega 5.88 B9.5V 15 11 08.4 -84 47 15 131596 258717 * 14 44 21 -84 17.4 5.9 24 Rho* 5.57 A2V 15 43 16.8 -84 27 55 137333 258731 L.6216 15 14 48 -84 2.5* 5.9 25 6.57 G5III 17 15 59.5 -87 33 59 148451 258754 L.6441 16 10 50 -87 19.9 7.0 26 6.06 A2V 17 00 58.5 -86 21 52 148542 258751 L.6545, J.388 16 14 48 -86 7.2 6.3 27 6.76 K4III 16 45 53.7 -83 14 20 148527 258748 L.6696 16 18 6 -82 58.7 7.0 28 6.6 B2V 17 28 44.4 -82 46 46 155454 258768 L.7002 17 0 58 -82 38.6 6.8 29 6.45 F4V 18 01 33.8 -85 12 53 159517 258779 L.7078 17 22 13 -85 9.3 6.4 30 Chi 5.27 K3III 18 54 46.9 -87 36 21 164461 258799 L.7001, J.433 17 41 14 -87 39.3 5.8 31 6.50 B8/B9V 18 28 07.0 -84 23 12 165338 258795 L.7348 17 53 17 -84 25.1 6.5 32 5.95 K2III 18 29 19.6 -80 13 57 167714 258796 L.7525 18 6 47 -80 17.1 6.4 33 Phi 5.47 A0V 18 23 36.2 -75 02 39 167468 257584 L.7559 18 6 47 -75 5.5 5.8 34 Sigma 5.42v F0III 21 08 46.2 -88 57 23 177482 258857 L.6295, J.423 18 15 28 -89 16.6 5.8 35 6.27 B8V 18 42 14.2 -81 48 28 169904 258804 L.7562 18 16 32 -81 53.8 6.3 36 6.4 B9/B9.5V 18 58 10.0 -83 25 16 172226 258814 L.7573 18 21 54 -83 25.6 6.4 37 6.8 F5IV/V 18 43 03.5 -78 03 57 171043 257615 L.7664 18 23 32 -78 10.1 6.9 38 6.40 G2V 18 47 49.5 -77 52 02 171990 257625 L.7700 18 28 35 -77 59.4 6.4 39 6.58 A0V 18 55 59.9 -80 43 40 172882 258815 L.7699 18 32 44 -80 51.7 6.6 40 6.8 K2III 18 59 27.0 -75 23 23 174584 257643 L.7822 18 42 33 -75 32.6* 6.9 41 6.9 K0III/IV 19 10 44.7 -76 24 13 176794 257661 L.7890 18 53 13 -76 35.2 6.7 42 6.62 A3IV 19 16 22.3 -75 48 00 178274 257671 L.7935 18 59 22 -76 0.1 6.7 43 6.6 K0III 19 34 59.9 -81 45 09 181466 258833 B.6598 19 10 20 -81 59.9 7.0 44 6.39 K3/K4III 19 56 01.5 -81 20 59 186154 258844 L.8094 19 32 51 -81 39.4 6.9 45 6.16 A3m-F0* 20 24 54.5 -83 18 38 191220 258856 L.8202 19 57 57 -83 41.3 6.4 46 6.66 A0V 20 22 41.7 -78 57 39 192074 257794 L.8301 20 4 7 -79 20.5 6.8# * 7.56 A8V 20 23 54.6 -79 03 02 192316 257796 L.8306 20 5 16 -79 26.1 7.3# 47 5.77 G6/G8II 20 33 18.0 -80 57 54 193721 258861 L.8331 20 12 20 -81 22.2 6.3 48 6.94 A1mA5-F0 20 42 33.7 -84 24 26 194149 258866 L.8257 20 12 24 -84 49.5 7.0 49 5.91 K5III 20 38 18.9 -81 17 20 194612 258864 L.8360 20 17 1 -81 42.3 6.5 50 Mu1 6.00 F4III-IV 20 42 03.3 -76 10 50 196051 257838 L.8435 20 26 32 -76 36.8 6.3 51 Mu2 6.55 G1V 20 41 43.8 -75 21 02 196067 257836 L.8443 20 26 46 -75 46.5 6.2 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 1/2 52 Alpha 5.15 G2+A7* 21 04 43.0 -77 01 26 199532 257879 L.8570 20 49 30 -77 29.7 5.6 53 6.58 K1III 21 08 48.0 -76 12 45 200266 257887 L.8615 20 54 17 -76 42.4 6.8 54 B 6.57v A7IV 22 45 28.6 -88 49 06 206553 258931 L.6460, J.496 21 3 52 -89 25.5 6.7 55 6.63 A1V 21 18 16.1 -75 20 48 201906 257904 L.8671 21 4 34 -75 51.7 6.7 56 6.45v? K3III 21 32 04.4 -84 48 36 202418 258899 L.8551 21 4 38 -85 20.4 6.9 57 6.38 B3IV 21 33 54.0 -82 40 58 203532 258902 L.8672 21 16 43 -83 11.5 6.7 58 6.47 A0V 21 33 20.7 -80 02 21 203955 258904 L.8732 21 16 43 -80 34.9 6.5 59 6.18 F4IV 21 38 56.7 -79 26 35 204904 257942 L.8783 21 23 11 -79 59.7 6.5 60 Nu 3.76 K0III 21 41 28.5 -77 23 24 205478 257948 L.8817,8 21 27 29 -77 56.5* 3.8 61 6.7 K0/K1III 21 54 21.7 -85 02 01 206053 258916 L.8720 21 28 40 -85 36.5 7.0 62 Lambda 5.29 G9+A4* 21 50 54.7 -82 43 08 206240 258914 L.8798 21 31 30 -83 17.4 5.7 dpl. 5 3/4, 8 1/4 63 6.7 G8III 21 57 04.6 -76 12 40 207883 257983 L.8909 21 44 32 -76 48.0 6.8 64 6.39 A5IV/V 22 01 52.3 -77 39 45 208500 257990 L.8927 21 48 43 -78 15.5 6.6 65 6.66 K3III 22 02 06.9 -75 40 44 208638 257991 L.8942 21 49 58 -76 16.5 6.9 66 5.95 F3III 22 03 03.6 -76 07 06 208741 257993 L.8946 21 50 45 -76 42.8 6.2 67 6.55 K2IIICN* 22 10 42.6 -75 52 50 209855 258003 L.8991 21 58 50 -76 29.4 6.5 68 6.15 K0III 22 11 55.4 -76 06 58 210056 258006 L.8996 22 0 3 -76 43.6 6.9 69 Psi 5.51 F3III 22 17 50.2 -77 30 42 210853 258020 L.9022 22 5 35 -78 7.9 5.9 70 Epsilon 5.10v M6III 22 20 01.5 -80 26 23 210967 258928 L.9010 22 5 53 -81 3.6 5.6 71 Upsilon 5.77 K0III 22 31 37.4 -85 58 02 211539 258932 L.8924, J.549 22 7 4 -86 36.0 6.4 72 6.11 G3IV 22 25 51.2 -75 00 55 212168 258036 L.9090 22 14 56 -75 38.8 6.2 dpl. 6 1/2, 8 1/2 73 6.15 K1III 22 35 26.1 -78 46 18 213402 258049 L.9122 22 23 26 -79 24.8 6.6 74 6.6 A9IV 22 40 00.5 -83 15 08 213615 258937 L.9102 22 24 17 -83 53.8 6.9 75 Beta 4.15 A9IV/V 22 46 03.4 -81 22 54 214846 258941 L.9165, J.567 22 33 9 -82 2.1 4.4 76 7.4 A3V 22 46 22.6 -75 25 19 215208 258066 L.9203 22 36 18 -76 4.6 7.0 77 Xi 5.35 B6IV 22 50 23.0 -80 07 26 215573 258946 L.9202 22 38 36 -80 46.9 5.7 78 6.73 A7V 22 49 41.0 -77 03 02 215631 258069 L.9216 22 39 12 -77 42.6 6.7 79 6.12 A7Vn 23 08 23.6 -79 28 50 218108 258105 L.9332 22 58 7 -80 9.3 6.3 80 6.41 K4III 23 12 12.1 -80 54 56 218559 258961 L.9355 23 1 37 -81 35.4 7.0 81 Tau 5.49 K2III 23 28 03.7 -87 28 56 219765 258970 L.9225, J.578 23 8 17 -88 10.0 6.0 82 6.33 K0III 23 19 08.2 -79 28 21 219572 258127 L.9399 23 9 39 -80 9.3 6.6 83 5.81 G2V 23 33 19.6 -77 23 07 221420 258154 L.9494 23 25 12 -78 4.5 6.1 84 6.00 K0II/III 23 38 24.2 -76 52 12 222060 258166 L.9525 23 30 35 -77 33.5 6.4 85 5.75 K1III 23 44 40.7 -78 47 30 222806 258179 L.9560 23 37 1 -79 29.1 6.1 86 Gamma1 5.11 G7III 23 52 07.0 -82 01 08 223647 258989 L.9607, J.598 23 44 42 -82 42.8 5.5 87 Gamma2 5.73 K0III 23 57 33.1 -82 10 11 224362 258996 L.9651, J.599 23 50 38 -82 51.9 6.1 88 Theta 4.78 K2III 0 01 35.7 -77 03 57 224889 258207 L.9691 23 55 9 -77 45.3 5.4 Following 9 the three stars HD82025=SAO258525, SAO258526, and HD82370=SAO258527 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned numbers to any of them. Preceding 10 the stars SAO258540, for which the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog, and HD85300=SAO258542, which has a spectrum F3/5IV+F8V, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to either of them. 10 Spectrum A1/A2IV/V 17, 18 These stars are connected with a brace with a combined magnitude 5.6. 23 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 24 The Greek letter Rho is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina, but it is so identified in most modern atlases and catalogs. Declination corrected from -48 2.5. 40 Declination corrected from -75 31.6. 45 Spectrum A2/3mA8-F0 Following 46 the star HD192316=SAO257796 is connected with a brace to 46 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 52 Spectrum G2III+A7III 60 Declination corrected from -77 55.5. 62 Spectrum G8/K0III+A4 67 Spectrum K2IIICNII 42. - OPHIUCHUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.8 F2 16 01 41.2 - 3 45 49 143615 140903 Ll.29148 15 55 9 - 3 24.7 7.0 2 6.53 F2IV 16 05 44.4 - 6 17 30 144362 140945 Ll.29280 15 59 4 - 5 57.0 6.8# 3 6.41 K0 16 05 59.8 - 6 08 23 144390 140947 Ll.29291 15 59 21 - 5 47.9 6.9# 4* 6.7v? K2 16 09 41.4 + 0 49 11 145204 121396 Ll.29441 16 3 20 + 1 9.1 7.0 5 6.25 A1V 16 12 56.5 - 4 13 15 145788 141031 Ll.29526 16 6 22 - 3 53.8 7.0 6 6.84 K0 16 13 45.4 - 8 07 03 145894 141039 T.7540, WB.94 16 7 1 - 7 47.8 6.9 7 1 Delta 2.74 M1III 16 14 20.7 - 3 41 40 146051 141052 J.393 16 7 48 - 3 22.2 2.7 r 8 6.18 A9Vn 16 16 55.3 - 3 57 12 146514 141075 B.2070, Ll.29664 16 10 21 - 3 38.5 6.9 9 2 Epsilon 3.24 G8III 16 18 19.3 - 4 41 33 146791 141086 J.398 16 11 42 - 4 23.2 3.3 c 10 6.23 B9V 16 22 38.9 - 2 04 47 147550 141129 Ll.29800 16 16 10 - 1 47.1 6.6 11 4 Psi 4.49 K0III 16 24 06.2 -20 02 15 147700 159892 J.400 16 16 47 -19 44.6 4.8 * 6.74 B5V 16 25 24.2 -23 27 38 147888 184377 Ll.29840 16 17 55 -23 10.2 7 1/2# 12 5 Rho 5.9: B2V 16 25 35.1 -23 26 46 147934 184381 J.401 16 18 5 -23 9.4 5 # dpl. 5 3/4, 5 1/2 13 5 Rho 5.02 B2IV 16 25 35.2 -23 26 50 147933 184382 * * 7.27 B5V 16 25 35.2 -23 24 19 147932 184383 OA.15621 16 18 6 -23 6.9 7 3/4# 14 7.0 F2 16 24 39.4 - 2 29 17 147907 141154 Ll.29889 16 18 9 - 2 11.8 7.0 15 4.42v B2IV:p 16 27 01.4 -18 27 23 148184 159918 J.402 16 19 47 -18 10.2 4.6 var? * 6.6 A0 16 26 21.2 + 2 30 28 148207 121596 Ll.29915 16 20 4 + 2 47.5 7.2# 16 6.07 G8III 16 26 50.1 + 2 20 51 148287 121604 Ll.29929 16 20 32 + 2 37.9 6.6# 17 5.23v M2comp 16 27 43.5 - 7 35 53 148349 141186 Ll.29935 16 20 59 - 7 18.5 5.7 r 18 3 Upsilon 4.63 A3m 16 27 48.2 - 8 22 18 148367 141187 J.403 16 21 3 - 8 5.4 5.2 19 6.6 K5 16 27 32.3 + 2 52 14 148390 121614 Ll.29959 16 21 16 + 3 9.2 6.9 20 6.48 F2V 16 28 48.9 - 8 07 44 148515 141195 Ll.29966 16 22 4 - 7 50.8 6.6 dpl. 9, 6 3/4 21 5.39 K4IIIp 16 28 33.9 + 0 39 54 148513 121623 WB.394 16 22 12 + 0 56.8 5.9 22 5.68 G2III 16 29 46.9 -14 33 03 148604 159948 Ll.29980 16 22 43 -14 16.5 6.1 23 6.50 A7Ib 16 30 29.9 - 7 30 54 148743 141206 Ll.30015 16 23 46 - 7 14.4 6.9 24 8 Phi 4.28 G8III 16 31 08.3 -16 36 46 148786 159963 J.406 16 23 59 -16 20.3 4.6 25 10 Lambda 3.82v? A2V 16 30 54.8 + 1 59 02 148857 121658 Ll.30048 16 24 37 + 2 15.6 3.8 26 9 Omega 4.45v? A7p 16 32 08.1 -21 27 59 148898 184450 J.407 16 24 44 -21 11.8 4.7 27 12 5.76v K2V 16 36 21.5 - 2 19 29 149661 141269 J.410 16 29 47 - 2 3.3 6.3 28 13 Zeta 2.60v O9.5V 16 37 09.5 -10 34 02 149757 160006 J.411 16 30 16 -10 18.8 2.6 29 6.7 A0 16 38 28.6 -18 13 13 149914 160017 Ll.30222 16 31 14 -17 58.0 7.0 30 6.09 A0pCrEu 16 38 01.6 - 6 32 16 149911 141284 Ll.30232 16 31 20 - 6 17.3 6.4 31 6.7 v? K5 16 38 47.8 - 8 37 07 150052 141291 Ll.30256 16 32 0 - 8 22.0 6.9 32 6.7 K0 16 38 33.5 - 1 13 54 150050 141290 WB.592 16 32 6 - 0 58.8 7.0 33 6.34 F3V 16 39 39.1 - 9 33 17 150177 141298 Ll.30273 16 32 49 - 9 18.0 6.7 34 6.26 G9III: 16 40 34.5 -20 24 31 150259 184541 Ll.(30276),T.771416 33 12 -20 9.8 6.8 35 6.79 F8 16 40 01.8 - 6 04 52 150258 141302 WB.619 16 33 21 - 5 49.8 6.8 36 6.09 F0V 16 41 36.2 -24 28 05 150366 184549 L.6940, Ll.30304 16 34 2 -24 13.4 6.3 37 6.6 A5 16 41 18.7 -18 03 34 150365 160044 Ll.30308 16 34 3 -17 48.8 7.0 38 6.5 K0 16 40 56.4 - 8 18 32 150381 141307 Ll.30317 16 34 10 - 8 3.9 6.9 39 4.95 G8II 16 41 34.4 -17 44 32 150416 160046 By.2114, J.413 16 34 21 -17 29.9 5.5 40 5.57 F4IV-III 16 41 53.7 -19 55 28 150453 160052 By.2115 16 34 33 -19 40.9 6.0 r 41 6.24 A7III 16 41 11.5 - 1 00 02 150451 141310 Ll.30346 16 34 44 - 0 45.3 6.5 42 6.41 K0 16 41 16.8 + 1 14 44 150493 121783 Ll.30351 16 34 56 + 1 29.4 7.0# 43 14 5.80 F3III* 16 41 42.4 + 1 10 52 150557 121790 Ll.30373 16 35 23 + 1 25.1 6.2# 44 16 6.05 B9.5III 16 45 29.7 + 1 01 13 151133 121834 Ll.30483 16 39 9 + 1 15.1 6.4 45 19 6.10 A3V 16 47 09.8 + 2 03 52 151431 121859 T.7774 16 40 52 + 2 17.5 6.4 46 6.03 A0Vn 16 48 26.9 -14 54 34 151527 160104 Ll.30536 16 41 21 -14 41.1 6.1 47 18 7.1 A2 16 49 44.4 -24 38 26 151659 184683 L.7004 16 42 8 -24 25.1 6.7 48 6.08v A5V 16 49 27.8 -15 40 03 151676 160116 Ll.30563 16 42 19 -15 26.8 6.5 49 20 4.65 F7IV 16 49 50.0 -10 46 59 151769 160118 J.417 16 42 55 -10 33.5 5.1 50 7.0 B8 16 50 55.5 -16 32 49 151884 160127 Ll.30604 16 43 44 -16 19.7 6.9 51 6.32 F1III-IV 16 50 22.3 - 2 39 14 151900 141393 Ll.30622 16 43 51 - 2 26.0 6.6 52 21 5.51 A2Vs 16 51 24.9 + 1 12 58 152127 121911 Ll.30656 16 45 4 + 1 25.8 5.8 53 7.0 A0 16 52 07.8 - 2 47 53 152210 141410 Ll.30670 16 45 36 - 2 35.1 7.0 54 5.88 G3V 16 53 25.2 -20 24 56 152311 184754 Ll.30666 16 46 3 -20 12.2 6.1 55 6.64 G8V 16 52 58.8 - 0 01 37 152391 121921 Ll.30694 16 46 41 + 0 14.4 6.8 56 6.20 F0V 16 54 10.6 - 1 36 44 152569 141427 Ll.30728 16 47 42 - 1 24.1 6.5 57 6.57 A2IV 16 54 40.3 -11 47 33 152585 160159 Ll.30718 16 47 43 -11 35.2 6.7 58 23 5.25 K2III 16 54 35.7 - 6 09 14 152601 141431 J.420 16 47 55 - 5 56.9 5.8 59 6.9 B8 16 55 32.5 -21 34 11 152655 184804 Ll.30725 16 48 6 -21 22.1 6.8 60 6.37 K0IV 16 56 01.8 -16 48 22 152781 160171 Ll.30750 16 48 49 -16 36.3 6.5 61 24 5.58 A0V 16 56 48.0 -23 09 00 152849 184822 Ll.30756 16 49 16 -22 57.0 5.9 62 6.27 B6V 16 57 04.0 -19 32 24 152909 160180 Ll.30773 16 49 43 -19 20.4 6.5 dpl. 8, 6 3/4 63 6.18 G8III-IV 16 57 26.1 -10 57 48 153021 160186 Ll.30804 16 50 31 -10 45.7 6.5 64 6.59 F3IV 16 58 41.6 -14 52 10 153229 160205 Ll.30831 16 51 35 -14 40.4 6.5 65 27 Kappa 3.20v? K2IIIvar 16 57 40.1 + 9 22 30 153210 121962 Ll.30861 16 51 45 + 9 34.3 3.4 66 5.86 M3III 16 59 57.6 -25 05 31 153336 184892 By.2153, L.7082 16 52 19 -24 54.0 6.3# c 67 26 5.75 F4V 17 00 09.5 -24 59 21 153363 184897 L.7085 16 52 30 -24 47.7 6.1# 68 6.63 G0 16 59 44.3 -18 14 55 153361 160216 Ll.30854 16 52 27 -18 2.9 6.7 69 6.59 A7V 17 00 29.4 + 6 35 02 153653 121995 Ll.30930 16 54 23 + 6 46.4 6.8 70 30 4.82 K4III 17 01 03.6 - 4 13 21 153687 141483 Ll.30924 16 54 28 - 4 2.0 5.5 r var? 71 29 6.26 K0III 17 01 51.2 -18 53 08 153727 160231 Ll.30914 16 54 33 -18 41.9 6.8 72 6.33 A4V 17 01 59.1 + 8 27 02 153914 122023 Ll.30979 16 55 59 + 8 38.0 6.6 73 6.59 K1V 17 04 27.9 -28 34 57 154088 184990 L.7111, Ll.30970 16 56 35 -28 23.6 6.7 74 28 6.7 B9 17 04 00.8 -25 41 53 154021 184982 Ll.30963 16 56 19 -25 31.0 6.8# 75 31 6.60 A5 17 04 43.5 -25 38 42 154132 184995 Ll.30987 16 57 2 -25 27.9 6.7# 76 6.8 A2 17 03 41.4 - 0 08 46 154145 141503 Ll.31022 16 57 17 + 0 2.0 6.8 77 6.30 B6IV 17 04 45.3 -20 29 41 154204 184999 Ll.31006 16 57 21 -20 19.0 6.4 78 7.04 B8 17 05 30.4 -22 04 25 154293 185012 OA.16305 16 58 1 -21 53.8 7.0 79 6.30 A3m 17 06 11.8 -21 33 53 154418 185024 By.2162 16 58 44 -21 23.3 6.6 * 7.11v G0II 17 06 05.5 -26 34 49 154365 185020 Ll.31028 16 58 21 -26 24.4 7.5# 80 6.28 B8/B9II 17 06 53.2 -26 30 47 154481 185033 L.7137, Ll.31053 16 59 9 -26 20.5 6.6# 81 6.01 F9V 17 05 16.9 + 0 42 09 154417 122056 Ll.31065 16 58 55 + 0 53.4 6.2 82 5.64 B1V 17 05 32.2 - 0 53 31 154445 141513 Ll.31070 16 59 6 - 0 43.1 5.9 83 6.37 K5III 17 06 09.7 + 9 44 00 154610 122075 DM.3322 17 0 14 + 9 54.3 6.9 84 6.38 A9V 17 06 52.9 - 1 39 23 154660 141522 Ll.31109 17 0 24 - 1 29.2 6.6 85 5.99 K0III 17 08 14.9 -17 36 33 154779 160305 Ll.31111 17 1 0 -17 26.5 6.6 86 6.06 A3V 17 08 13.6 - 1 04 46 154895 141528 Ll.31163 17 1 47 - 0 54.8 6.3 87 6.36 G8IV-V 17 08 54.5 - 3 52 58 154962 141535 Ll.31171 17 2 20 - 3 42.8 6.7 88 5.58 F5IV 17 09 48.0 -10 31 24 155078 160324 Ll.31188 17 2 53 -10 21.4 5.8 89 7.03 B8 17 10 14.9 -19 26 10 155095 160326 Ll.31176 17 2 54 -19 16.5 7.0 90 35 Eta 2.43 A2V 17 10 22.7 -15 43 30 155125 160332 J.425 17 3 13 -15 34.1 2.4 91 6.7 A3 17 10 43.3 -12 42 05 155213 160337 Ll.31210 17 3 43 -12 32.4 6.5 92 6.90 G5 17 10 15.5 + 0 28 52 155231 122146 Ll.31231 17 3 52 + 0 38.5 7.0 93 6.8 G8III 17 12 11.0 -27 02 33 155363 185137 L.7165, Ll.31221 17 4 24 -26 53.0 7.0 94 6.53 A0pHg 17 12 13.6 -25 15 17 155379 185138 L.7169, Ll.31227 17 4 33 -25 5.8 6.6 95 6.14 B9V(n) 17 12 25.0 -27 45 43 155401 185142 L.7167, Ll.31226 17 4 36 -27 36.3 6.3 96 6.79 F8 17 11 22.6 + 4 41 25 155423 122157 Ll.31272 17 5 13 + 4 50.8 6.9 97 6.33 K0III 17 11 45.2 + 7 53 41 155500 122164 Ll.31288 17 5 43 + 8 2.9 6.5 98 6.6 F2III 17 14 02.1 -27 47 47 155650 185175 L.7175, Ll.31274 17 6 12 -27 38.8 7.0 99 6.64 F2/F3V 17 14 14.2 -26 59 04 155685 185178 By.2174, L.7178 17 6 27 -26 49.9 7.0 100 6.71 A3 17 13 36.7 -15 33 38 155663 160380 Ll.31289 17 6 28 -15 24.5 6.8 101 6.65 F6III 17 12 54.4 + 0 21 07 155646 122182 WB.79 17 6 31 + 0 30.5 6.8 102 6.8 F0 17 12 59.3 + 7 44 59 155714 122186 Ll.31319 17 6 58 + 7 53.9 7.0 103 36 A 5.3 : K0V 17 15 20.9 -26 36 05 155886 185198 J.426 17 7 40 -26 24.9 4.9 r dpl. 5 3/4, 5 3/4 104* 36 A 5.3 : K2V 17 15 21.0 -26 36 10 155885 185199 * 105 5.99 K1III 17 15 20.3 -14 35 02 155970 160402 * 17 8 14 -14 26.3 6.3 106 6.34 K5Ve 17 16 13.4 -26 32 46 156026 185213 By.2179, L.7203 17 8 33 -26 21.8 6.8 107 6.93 F5 17 15 41.1 - 9 48 32 156034 141578 WB.113 17 8 49 - 9 39.9 7.0 108 6.17v? A2V 17 16 14.2 + 2 11 10 156208 122224 Rk.5746 17 9 56 + 2 19.7 6.4 109 6.09 K0 17 16 42.7 - 6 14 44 156227 141585 WB.137 17 10 1 - 6 6.2 6.3 110 U* 5.88v B5Vnn 17 16 31.7 + 1 12 38 156247 122226 WB.143 17 10 11 + 1 21.1 6.7 var? 111 41 4.73 K2III 17 16 36.8 - 0 26 42 156266 141586 J.427 17 10 12 - 0 18.2 5.1 112 39 Omicron 5.20 K0II-III 17 18 00.7 -24 17 13 156349 185238 L.7224 17 10 23 -24 8.9 5.5# c dpl. 6, 7 113* 39 Omicron 6.80 F6IV-V* 17 18 00.5 -24 17 03 156350 185237 * 114 6.6 G5 17 18 07.1 -24 04 22 156365 185239 By.2182, L.7225 17 10 29 -23 55.9 6.9# 115 6.43 M2IIIe 17 18 19.2 -16 18 43 156462 160440 Ll.31408 17 11 7 -16 10.5 7.0 116 6.7 F0 17 17 37.0 + 1 44 33 156458 122244 WB.170 17 11 18 + 1 52.8 6.9 117 6.8 F2 17 18 05.0 + 3 08 50 156539 122251 Ll.31440 17 11 50 + 3 16.8 7.0 118 6.62 F8 17 18 50.4 - 2 48 37 156635 141602 Ll.31452 17 12 20 - 2 40.4 6.7 119 6.04 A2Vnn 17 19 53.3 -17 45 23 156717 160462 Ll.31447 17 12 37 -17 37.4 6.1 dpl. 120 6.51v? F1IV-Vn 17 18 52.8 + 6 05 07 156697 122270 Ll.31476 17 12 46 + 6 13.1 6.6 121 6.50 G3IV 17 20 34.2 -19 19 58 156846 160474 Ll.31462 17 13 14 -19 11.8 6.8 122 6.32 G9V 17 19 59.5 - 5 55 02 156826 141611 Ll.31485 17 13 18 - 5 46.7 6.5 123 6.70v M3 17 19 46.5 + 2 08 22 156860 122279 Ll.31494 17 13 28 + 2 16.2 6.6 124 40 Xi 4.39 F1III-IV 17 21 00.2 -21 06 46 156897 185296 J.428 17 13 30 -20 58.6 5.1 125 6.6 K0 17 21 41.6 -24 54 22 156992 185313 By.2188, L.7250 17 14 2 -24 46.6 6.8# r 126 42 Theta 3.27v B2IV 17 22 00.6 -24 59 58 157056 185320 J.432 17 14 20 -24 52.3 3.6# 127 7.4 v? A5 17 23 09.7 -25 05 51 157234 185346 L.7261 17 15 29 -24 58.5 7.0 128 43 5.35 K4/K5III 17 23 21.6 -28 08 35 157236 185350 L.7260 17 15 30 -28 1.2 5.8 r 129 6.7 G5 17 22 04.1 + 5 00 02 157261 122316 Ll.31588 17 15 54 + 5 7.6 7.0 130 6.96 G0 17 23 04.3 - 7 06 15 157348 141643 Ll.31592 17 16 19 - 6 57.8 6.9 131 6.29 G5IV 17 22 51.3 - 2 23 18 157347 141642 Ll.31596 17 16 20 - 2 15.7 6.5 132 5.85 G8III 17 24 42.0 -21 26 30 157527 185367 Ll.31606 17 17 14 -21 19.4 6.4 133 6.21 B9Vn 17 24 37.0 -18 26 45 157546 160523 Ll.31611 17 17 18 -18 19.6 6.4 134 5.77 K1III 17 23 57.6 + 8 51 10 157617 122346 Ll.31665 17 17 59 + 8 58.2 6.1 135 44 b 4.17 A3m 17 26 22.2 -24 10 31 157792 185401 Ll.31661 17 18 44 -24 3.5 4.5 r 136 6.43 A0V 17 26 55.2 -25 56 37 157864 185406 L.7294 17 19 11 -25 49.9 6.5 137 6.9 B9 17 25 59.4 - 6 34 54 157841 141660 Ll.31699 17 19 16 - 6 28.0 6.9 138 6.44 F3V 17 25 57.9 - 1 39 06 157856 141661 WB.319 17 19 28 - 1 32.5 6.5 139 4.29 F3III 17 27 21.3 -29 52 01 157919 185412 J.435 17 19 22 -29 45.0 4.6# 140 6.00 B9.5IV 17 27 37.5 -29 43 28 157955 185417 T.8063 17 19 39 -29 36.8 6.7# 141 4.50v? F3V 17 26 37.9 - 5 05 12 157950 141665 Hev.27, Ll.31727 17 20 0 - 4 58.4 4.5 142 6.06 G0II+A1V 17 26 19.0 + 7 35 44 157978 122381 Ll.31741 17 20 17 + 7 42.4 6.3 143 49 Sigma 4.34 K3IIvar 17 26 30.9 + 4 08 25 157999 122387 T.8075 17 20 19 + 4 15.0 4.5 144 6.37 F5IV 17 28 02.3 - 8 12 30 158170 141679 Ll.31758 17 21 15 - 8 5.8 6.4 145 6.45v M0 17 27 44.0 + 8 26 30 158228 122405 P.108 17 21 44 + 8 37.0 7.0 146 5.44 A8V 17 28 49.7 + 0 19 50 158352 122418 Ll.31804 17 22 27 + 0 26.0 5.6 147 6.37 K0III 17 29 47.4 - 5 55 11 158463 141691 Ll.31816 17 23 6 - 5 48.9 6.6 148 6.6 F0 17 30 20.0 - 4 22 09 158576 141701 Ll.31849 17 23 43 - 4 16.1 6.9 149 51 c 4.81 B9.5V 17 31 25.0 -23 57 46 158643 185470 J.438 17 23 47 -23 51.8 5.2 var? 150 5.31 G8IV-V 17 30 23.8 - 1 03 45 158614 141702 Str.1949 17 23 58 - 0 57.4 5.7 151 6.06 B9II/III 17 31 44.4 -26 16 11 158704 185474 L.7334, Ll.31832 17 23 59 -26 10.3 6.2 152 5.59 gK+A7 17 31 21.3 + 2 43 28 158837 122465 Ll.31898 17 25 6 + 2 49.2 5.9 153 5.62 A5V 17 33 29.8 - 5 44 42 159170 141730 Ll.31952 17 26 50 - 5 39.1 5.9 154 52 6.50 B8p 17 35 18.5 -22 02 38 159376 185526 Ll.31966 17 27 48 -21 57.4 6.5 155 53 f 5.81 F2V 17 34 36.7 + 9 35 12 159480 122526 Ll.32029 17 28 41 + 9 40.3 5.8 156 6.7 K0 17 35 42.5 - 6 07 15 159564 141748 Ll.32022 17 29 0 - 6 2.4 6.9 157 57 Mu 4.63 B8IIIp* 17 37 50.7 - 8 07 08 159975 141772 J.442 17 31 3 - 8 2.4 4.7 158 6.8 G0 17 38 44.8 -21 54 46 160042 185584 By.2219 17 31 14 -21 50.2 6.8 159 6.26 F4IVcomp 17 39 08.5 + 2 01 41 160315 122607 Ll.32176 17 32 50 + 2 6.1 6.5 160 6.52 K3V 17 39 16.9 + 3 33 19 160346 122610 T.8165 17 33 6 + 3 37.9 6.9# * 6.8 K0 17 39 31.2 + 3 23 34 160385 122615 T.8166 17 33 16 + 3 28.0 7.1# 161 6.7 A0 17 39 57.7 - 0 38 21 160438 141795 Ll.32200 17 33 32 - 0 34.0 6.4 162 6.19 K2.5Ib 17 40 11.8 - 2 09 09 160471 141798 Ll.32203 17 33 42 - 2 4.9 6.5 163 6.41 F0III/IV 17 43 17.8 -27 53 03 160839 185655 L.7412 17 35 26 -27 49.3 6.8 164 5.95 G7III 17 41 32.3 + 6 18 47 160781 122646 Ll.32274 17 35 27 + 6 22.7 6.4 165 58 4.87 F6V 17 43 25.8 -21 41 00 160915 185660 J.446 17 35 57 -21 37.2 5.4 166 6.7 M0 17 42 35.2 - 4 50 59 160869 141821 Ll.32281 17 35 27 - 4 47.2 6.7 167 6.30 B1.5V 17 43 47.0 - 7 04 46 161056 141832 Ll.32325 17 37 2 - 7 1.2 6.6 168 60 Beta 2.77 K2III 17 43 28.4 + 4 34 02 161096 122671 Ll.32347 17 37 18 + 4 37.2 2.8 169 61 6.17 A1IV-V 17 44 34.1 + 2 34 46 161270 122690 Ll.32378 17 38 18 + 2 38.1 6.4# 170 6.56 A0V 17 44 35.4 + 2 34 44 161289 122691 Ll.32380 17 38 19 + 2 38.1 6.4# * 8.4 B9 17 44 15.8 + 5 42 52 161261 122687 WB.728 17 38 8 + 5 46.3 8 # * 7.70 B8 17 45 33.6 + 5 42 58 161480 122709 Ll.32427 17 39 26 + 5 46.2 8 # * 7.59 B8 17 45 57.0 + 5 41 39 161572 122716 Ll.32437 17 39 50 + 5 44.8 8 # * 6.86 B8 17 46 07.4 + 5 31 47 161573 122723 Ll.32442 17 39 59 + 5 34.9 7 1/2# * 7.36 B9 17 46 10.8 + 5 39 29 161603 122725 Ll.32446 17 40 3 + 5 42.6 7 3/4# * 7.13 B8 17 46 41.0 + 5 46 27 161677 122735 Ll.32461 17 40 34 + 5 49.5 7 1/4# * 7.99 B8 17 47 02.0 + 5 41 30 161733 122742 WB.792 17 40 55 + 5 44.5 8 1/4# * 9.7 K5 17 47 29.0 + 5 36 15 161820 122746 WB.803 17 41 21 + 5 39.1 8 1/4# * 7.49 B9 17 48 43.4 + 5 42 04 162028 122776 Ll.32537 17 42 36 + 5 44.7 8 # 171 6.86 K2 17 46 24.8 + 1 02 39 161587 122729 Ll.32438 17 40 4 + 1 5.8 7.0 172 62 Gamma 3.75 A0V 17 47 53.6 + 2 42 26 161868 122754 Ll.32494 17 41 38 + 2 45.4 3.9 173 6.22 B9.5V 17 48 20.2 + 3 48 15 161941 122766 Ll.32514 17 42 7 + 3 50.9 6.6 174 6.47 K0III 17 49 18.9 + 1 57 40 162113 122787 Ll.32553 17 43 1 + 2 0.0 6.9 175 Y* 6.18v G3Ibvar 17 52 38.8 - 6 08 38 162714 141926 Ll.32647* 17 45 57* - 6 6.7* 6.7 176 6.35 K0 17 51 59.4 - 1 14 13 162596 141913 Ll.32633 17 45 32 - 1 12.0 6.6 177 6.7 K2 17 52 05.2 + 1 06 40 162652 122847 Ll.32649 17 45 40 + 1 7.9 6.7 178 6.8 K0 17 52 37.2 - 5 15 42 162713 141925 Ll.32652 17 45 58 - 5 13.8 7.0 179 5.95 K5III 17 52 35.4 + 1 18 18 162774 122861 Ll.32679 17 46 15 + 1 20.2 6.3 r 180 5.70 F4IV-V 17 53 14.2 + 6 06 05 162917 122880 Ll.32707 17 47 9 + 6 7.7 6.2 181 6.5 A0 17 54 03.6 - 1 37 08 163015 141952 Ll.32712 17 47 35 - 1 35.4 6.9 182 5.82v B2IV-V 17 56 18.4 + 0 40 13 163472 122935 Ll.32812 17 49 56 + 0 41.5 6.1 183 5.47 G9III 17 56 47.7 - 4 04 55 163532 141979 Ll.32822 17 50 11 - 4 3.8 5.8 184 5.97 A3V 17 57 04.3 + 0 03 59 163624 122950 WB.1014 17 50 40 + 0 5.2 6.4 185 6.29 B9III 17 56 56.0 + 6 29 16 163641 122949 AB.3578 17 50 52 + 6 30.6 6.5 186 64 Nu 3.34 K0III 17 59 01.6 - 9 46 25 163917 142004 J.452 17 52 9 - 9 45.3 3.5 187 5.87 K5III 17 59 36.7 - 4 49 17 164064 142012 Ll.32923 17 52 58 - 4 48.4 6.1 188 6.37 A3p* 18 00 15.5 + 0 37 46 164258 123004 Ll.32962 17 53 53 + 0 38.3 6.8 189 6.7 A0 18 00 07.4 + 6 33 15 164257 123001 Ll.32976 17 54 2 + 6 33.8 7.0 190 66 4.64v B2Ve 18 00 15.8 + 4 22 07 164284 123005 T.8325 17 54 4 + 4 22.7 5.4 191 67 3.97 B5Ib 18 00 38.7 + 2 55 54 164353 123013 Ll.32990 17 54 23 + 2 56.4 4.2 192 6.34 B2IV 18 00 52.9 + 6 16 06 164432 123017 Ll.33008 17 54 47 + 6 16.5 6.7 193 68 4.45v? A2Vn 18 01 45.2 + 1 18 19 164577 123035 Ll.33027 17 55 25 + 1 18.6 5.1 var? 194 6.76 B9V 18 02 46.3 - 5 21 31 164716 142045 Ll.33055 17 56 6 - 5 21.3 6.9 195 69 Tau 5.24 F2V 18 03 04.9 - 8 10 48 164765 J.455 17 56 16 - 8 10.6 5.3 196 6.14v B0IIIn 18 04 37.3 + 1 55 09 165174 123090 Ll.33141 17 58 19 + 1 54.9 6.7 197 70 4.03 K0V 18 05 27.3 + 2 29 58 165341 123107 Ll.33169 17 59 8 + 2 31.8 4.2 198 71 4.64 G8III-IV 18 07 18.4 + 8 44 02 165760 123140 Ll.33262 18 1 20 + 8 43.2 5.0 199 72 3.70 A4IVs 18 07 21.0 + 9 33 50 165777 123142 T.8391 18 1 26 + 9 32.9 3.6 * 6.6 K5 18 07 21.0 + 2 28 53 165742 123138 Ll.33242 18 1 4 + 2 28.1 7.3# * 6.5 A2 18 08 07.2 + 2 13 07 165887 123156 Ll.33280 18 1 49 + 2 12.2 7.1# * 6.9 F2 18 08 52.5 + 1 59 45 166073 123172 Ll.33309 18 2 34 + 1 58.6 7.5# * 7.3 A2 18 08 52.5 + 2 14 34 166072 123173 Ll.33310 18 2 35 + 2 13.5 7.5# 200 73 5.73v? F2V 18 09 33.8 + 3 59 36 166233 123187 Ll.33333 18 3 21 + 3 58.4 6.0 201 5.69 F5V 18 09 54.0 + 3 07 12 166285 123198 WB.28 18 3 38 + 3 6.2 6.2 202 5.51 K2III 18 10 40.3 + 3 19 28 166460 123212 Ll.33376 18 4 25 + 3 18.1 5.8 203 6.70 B9 18 12 40.3 + 2 48 46 166917 123250 Ll.33461 18 6 24 + 2 47.0 6.9# 204 6.6 A2 18 13 03.9 + 2 58 50 166991 123257 Ll.33476 18 6 48 + 2 57.1 7.0# 205 6.5 K2 18 13 52.2 + 2 23 37 167162 123271 Ll.33498 18 7 35 + 2 21.6 6.8 206 6.01 M4III 18 16 05.6 + 2 22 40 167654 123308 Ll.33596 18 9 48 + 2 20.3 6.6 r 207 6.63 F2V 18 17 04.8 + 1 00 21 167858 123320 Ll.33636 18 10 44 + 0 57.9 6.8 208 5.39 K2III 18 19 09.5 + 7 15 35 168387 123353 Rk.6386 18 13 7 + 7 12.6 5.8 209 74 4.86 G8III 18 20 52.1 + 3 22 38 168656 123377 Ll.33799 18 14 38 + 3 19.4 5.5 2, 3 These stars are connected by a brace without a combined magnitude. 4 Gould assigned this star by mistake to Ophiuchus. It lies several degrees inside Serpens Caput and has several stars on all sides which have Gould numbers associated with Serpens Caput. 12, 13 For the double star Rho Ophiuchi the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Preceding 12 the star HD147888=SAO184377 and following 13 the star HD147932= SAO184383 are both connected with a brace to 12 and 13 with combined magnitude 4.8 of all four stars but without either having a number. Preceding 16 the star HD148207=SAO121596 is connected with a brace to 16 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 42, 43 These stars are connected by a brace without a combined magnitude. 43 Spectrum F2.7III-IV 66, 67 These stars are connected by a brace without a combined magnitude. 74, 75 These stars are connected by a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 80 the star HD154365=SAO185020 is connected with a brace to 80 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 103, 104 For the double star 36 A Ophiuchi the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 105 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 110 The variable star designation U was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 112, 113 For the double star 39 Omicron Ophiuchi the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 113 Spectrum F6IV-Vcomp 112, 113, 114 The four stars 112G, two components of 113G, and 114G are all connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 125, 126 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 139, 140 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 157 Spectrum B8II-III(p)Mn Following 160 the star HD160385=SAO122615 is connected with a brace to 160 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 169, 170 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.9 Between 170 and 171 nine stars, all of them members of the open cluster IC4665, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6 without having numbers assigned to any of them. In sequence of increasing right ascension these are HD161261=SAO122867, HD161480=SAO122709, HD161572= SAO122716, HD161573=SAO122723, HD161603=SAO122725, HD161677=SAO122735, HD161733=SAO122742, HD161820=SAO122746, and HD162028=SAO122776. 175 The variable star designation Y was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and dos not appear therein. Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from WB.871. Right ascension corrected from 17 45 0. Declination corrected from - 6 13.5. 188 Spectrum A3pSrCrEu Between 199 and 200 four stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to any of them. These are HD165742= SAO123138, HD165887=SAO123156, HD166073=SAO123172, and HD166072=SAO123173. 203, 204 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 54. - ORION G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.33 A2V 4 46 24.1 - 2 57 16 30321 131481 Ll.8989 4 40 9 - 3 10.8 6.8 2 6.7 A0 4 47 17.9 + 5 47 18 30365 112077 Ll.9000 4 40 38 + 5 33.7 7.0 3 6.6 G5 4 48 27.6 + 2 42 55 30508 112091 Ll.9031 4 41 56 + 2 29.3 6.8 * 7.32 B9 4 48 39.4 + 3 38 57 30544 112096 WB.878 4 42 5 + 3 25.6 7.8# 4 6.03 K1III 4 48 44.6 + 3 35 18 30545 112098 Ll.9037 4 42 10 + 3 22.1 6.1# r 5 7.01 A0 4 48 56.1 + 3 41 22 30573 112100 Ll.9041 4 42 22 + 3 28.1 7.0# 6 1 Pi3 3.19v? F6V 4 49 50.4 + 6 57 41 30652 112106 Ll.9057* 4 43 2 + 6 44.5 3.1 var? 7 2 Pi2 4.37 A1Vn 4 50 36.7 + 8 54 01 30739 112124 T.1704 4 43 48 + 8 41.0 4.7 8 6.69 A2 4 50 45.3 + 1 08 53 30796 112132 Ll.9101 4 44 18 + 0 56.0 6.9 9 3 Pi4 3.70v? B2III 4 51 12.4 + 5 36 18 30836 112142 Ll.9111 4 44 33 + 5 23.4 3.7 10 6.11 B5V 4 51 43.4 + 9 58 30 30870 112150 Ll.9115 4 44 53 + 9 45.7 6.3 11 5 5.33v? M1III 4 53 22.8 + 2 30 29 31139 112179 Ll.9183 4 46 52 + 2 18.0 6.0 r var. 12 6.61 A1Vn 4 53 55.8 + 1 34 10 31209 112191 Ll.9207 4 47 28 + 1 21.8 6.9 13 8 Pi5 3.72v B2III 4 54 15.1 + 2 26 26 31237 112197 Ll.9213 4 47 45 + 2 14.1 3.7 14 7 Pi1 4.65 A0V 4 54 53.8 +10 09 03 31295 94201 Ll.9216 4 48 1 + 9 57.1 5.0 15 5.33v? K1III 4 54 47.8 + 7 46 45 31296 112203 T.1737, WB.1025 4 48 2 + 7 34.6 6.0 r var? 16 6.6 F5 4 54 27.9 - 3 13 34 31297 131587 Ll.9230 4 48 12 - 3 25.8 6.9 17 5.99 B5V 4 54 50.7 + 0 28 02 31331 112206 Ll.9235 4 48 26 + 0 15.8 6.3 18 6.50 A0V 4 55 58.4 + 5 23 57 31411 112220 Ll.9255 4 49 19 + 5 11.9 6.7 19 6.52 F5 4 56 08.9 + 7 54 16 31423 112225 Ll.9256 4 49 24 + 7 42.3 6.7 20 6.23 F2 4 57 17.2 - 1 04 03 31623 131625 Ll.9316 4 50 57 - 1 15.8 6.5 21 6.35 A2V 4 58 10.8 - 2 12 45 31739 131640 Ll.9355 4 51 53 - 2 24.5 6.7 22 10 Pi6 4.47v? K2IIvar 4 58 32.9 + 1 42 51 31767 112281 Ll.9358 4 52 4 + 1 31.2 4.7 r 23* 7.03 B9Vn 5 00 32.6 + 3 36 55 32039 112304 Ll.9418 4 53 57 + 3 25.8 6.2# dpl. var. 23* 6.66 B9Vn 5 00 33.9 + 3 36 58 32040 112305 Ll.9419 24 7.24 B8 5 01 06.0 + 3 43 01 32145 112316 Ll.9433 4 54 31 + 3 31.9 6.9# 25 6.32 A8IV 5 00 39.8 - 2 03 56 32115 131684 Ll.9434 4 54 22 - 2 15.2 6.7 26 6.6 A3 5 01 25.6 - 0 41 49 32219 131697 Ll.9457 4 55 4 - 0 52.8 6.9 27 5.92v? K0 5 01 50.4 + 0 43 20 32263 112334 Ll.9462 4 55 24 + 0 32.3 6.6 c var. 28 6.24 B8V 5 01 59.9 + 1 36 32 32273 112340 Ll.9465 4 55 32 + 1 25.5 6.5 29 7.0 G5 5 02 31.5 + 7 25 27 32304 112350 Ll.9473 4 55 47 + 7 14.8 6.8 30 6.8 K0 5 03 42.8 - 2 32 25 32526 131731 Ll.9535 4 57 25 - 2 43.1 6.9 31 6.05 B5IV 5 04 54.5 - 3 02 23 32686 131742 Ll.9579 4 58 39 - 3 12.9 6.5 32 W* 6.17v N5 5 05 23.8 + 1 10 39 32736 112406 Ll.9581 4 58 56 + 1 0.3 6.6 r 33 13* 6.17 G1IV 5 07 38.4 + 9 28 18 33021 112436 T.1829, WB.1343 5 0 48 + 9 19.3 6.5 34 14 i 5.34 Am 5 07 52.9 + 8 29 54 33054 112440 Ll.9646 5 1 4 + 8 20.1 5.9 35 6.66 K0 5 08 04.9 + 7 53 52 33066 112450 WB.1364 5 1 19 + 7 44.4 6.8 36 6.6 B8V 5 08 56.1 + 3 13 07 33236 112465 Ll.9699 5 2 23 + 3 3.5 6.8 37 16 h 5.43v? A2m 5 09 19.6 + 9 49 46 33254 112467 Ll.9693 5 2 26 + 9 39.8 5.9 38 7.1 F8 5 09 58.3 + 8 10 23 33340 112481 WB.15 5 3 12 + 8 1.1 7.0 39 6.52 G8V 5 09 29.8 - 2 08 06 33345 131829 Ll.9733 5 3 12 - 2 17.8 6.8 40 6.10 K0III 5 10 03.3 - 0 33 56 33419 131834 Ll.9744 5 3 41 - 0 43.4 6.5 c 41 6.25 K1IVa 5 10 58.0 - 2 15 14 33555 131847 Ll.9759 5 4 39 - 2 24.3 6.6 42 5.90 F5V 5 11 19.1 - 2 29 26 33608 131852 Ll.9764 5 5 1 - 2 38.8 6.3 43 6.67v? B9Vn 5 11 41.4 + 0 30 53 33647 112505 Ll.9767 5 5 16 + 0 21.6 7.0 var? 44 5.89 G5III* 5 11 45.3 + 1 02 13 33646 112509 WB.64 5 5 18 + 0 52.9 6.3 45 5.91 G7III 5 12 48.2 - 6 03 26 33833 131873 Ll.9796 5 6 41 - 6 12.4 6.6 46 17 Rho 4.45v? K0.5III 5 13 17.3 + 2 51 40 33856 112528 T.1869 5 6 46 + 2 42.6 5.1 c var. 47 6.09 F7:+A5:* 5 13 31.6 + 1 58 05 33883 112535 Ll.9802 5 7 2 + 1 49.1 6.5 48 6.32v? M0V 5 13 47.2 + 0 33 37 33946 112543 Ll.9806 5 7 22 + 0 24.7 6.8 49 6.37 B5V 5 13 33.3 - 8 08 52 33948 131887 By.729, Ll.9814 5 7 33 - 8 17.8 6.8# 50 19 Beta 0.12v? B8Ia 5 14 32.3 - 8 12 06 34085 131907 J.116 5 8 32 - 8 20.9 1.0# dpl. 1, 9 51 5.50v? K4III 5 14 44.0 + 5 09 22 34043 112556 Ll.9820 5 8 5 + 5 0.6 6.1 r 52 6.10 F0IV 5 15 18.4 - 1 24 33 34180 131917 WB.169 5 8 59 - 1 33.3 6.5 53 6.42 A0V 5 16 41.0 + 1 56 50 34317 112588 Ll.9878 5 10 12 + 1 48.6 6.7 54 20 Tau 3.59 B5III 5 17 36.4 - 6 50 40 34503 131952 J.117 5 11 32 - 6 58.8 3.9 55 21 5.30v? F5IIvar 5 19 11.2 + 2 35 45 34658 112624 Ll.9953 5 12 40 + 2 27.9 5.8 var? 56 6.33 B1.5Vn 5 19 35.2 - 1 24 43 34748 131983 Ll.9973 5 13 15 - 1 32.6 6.7 57 6.5 A2 5 20 53.2 + 9 43 28 34855 112654 DM.806 5 14 1 + 9 35.7 6.7 58 6.39 B8III 5 20 26.4 - 5 22 00 34880 132004 Ll.10023 5 14 18 - 5 29.8 6.7 59 5.79 B1V 5 21 43.6 + 8 25 43 34989 112667 DM.933 5 14 57 + 8 17.8 6.1 60 5.69 B3V 5 21 31.9 - 0 24 59 35007 132024 By.750, Ll.10042 5 15 9 - 0 32.5 6.7# 61 22 o 4.72 B2IV-V 5 21 45.7 - 0 22 57 35039 132028 Ll.10051 5 15 22 - 0 30.4 5.1# 62 23 m 5.00 B1V 5 22 49.9 + 3 32 40 35149 112697 Ll.10088 5 16 16 + 3 25.3 5.4# * 7.18 B3Vn 5 22 50.9 + 3 33 07 35148 112699 Ll.10089 5 16 17 + 3 25.8 7 1/2# 63 6.35 A2V 5 23 31.1 + 5 19 21 35242 112708 DM.905 5 16 52 + 5 12.1 6.9 64 5.70 B1.5V 5 23 42.2 - 0 09 35 35299 132057 Ll.10111 5 17 19 - 0 16.7 6.2 65 5.99 B8III 5 23 18.5 - 8 24 57 35281 132053 Ll.10125 5 17 19 - 8 32.2 6.6 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 66 6.11 F7V 5 23 51.4 - 0 52 02 35317 132060 Ll.10124 5 17 30 - 0 59.1 6.9# 67 27 p 5.08 K0III 5 24 28.9 - 0 53 29 35410 132070 Ll.10138 5 18 8 - 1 0.9 5.6# rr 68 29 e 4.14 G8III 5 23 56.8 - 7 48 29 35369 132067 Ll.10139 5 17 56 - 7 55.4 4.4 c 69 6.32 B4IVn 5 24 36.2 + 2 21 10 35407 112729 Ll.10134 5 18 5 + 2 14.2 7.0 70 28 Eta 3.35v B1V+B2 5 24 28.7 - 2 23 49 35411 132071 J.119 5 18 12 - 2 30.8 3.4 71 25 4.94v B1V:pe 5 24 44.8 + 1 50 47 35439 112734 Ll.10145 5 18 16 + 1 43.8 5.4 72 24 Gamma 1.64v? B2III 5 25 07.9 + 6 20 59 35468 112740 Ll.10150 5 18 26 + 6 14.1 1.7 var? 73 5.61 K5III 5 25 01.6 -10 19 45 35536 150420 Ll.10184 5 19 7 -10 26.6 6.4 74 6.16v? B2.5V 5 25 46.9 + 0 31 15 35588 112752 Ll.10181 5 19 22 + 0 24.5 6.7 75 6.23 B9.5Vn 5 26 02.4 - 5 31 06 35640 132100 Ll.10203 5 19 54 - 5 37.9 6.6 76 6.42 A0Vn 5 26 38.8 + 6 52 09 35656 112767 Ll.10190 5 19 55 + 6 45.6 7.0 77 30 Psi 4.59v B2IV 5 26 50.2 + 3 05 44 35715 112775 Ll.10212 5 20 17 + 2 59.2 5.0 78 6.41 B2V 5 28 01.6 + 1 17 54 35912 112794 Ll.10264 5 21 34 + 1 11.6 6.8 79 5.79v? K1III 5 29 23.5 - 3 26 47 36134 132170 Ll.10325 5 23 10 - 3 32.8 6.5 r 80 6.71 B5V 5 29 25.3 - 7 15 42 36151 132172 Ll.10338 5 23 22 - 7 21.8 6.8 81 31 4.71 K5III 5 29 44.0 - 1 05 32 36167 132176 J.121 5 23 23 - 1 11.5 var. rr 4 3/4 - 6 82 5.78 B2V 5 29 54.8 + 1 47 21 36166 112830 Ll.10328 5 23 25 + 1 41.4 6.4 83 6.21v K2IIIvar 5 30 19.9 + 4 12 16 36217 112837 Ll.10339 5 23 44 + 4 6.5 6.9 84 32 A 4.20 B5V 5 30 47.0 + 5 56 53 36267 112849 Ll.10350 5 24 6 + 5 51.2 4.8 85 6.33 B2IV-V 5 30 20.7 - 7 26 05 36285 132192 Ll.10373 5 24 18 - 7 32.0 6.9 86 33 n1 5.46 B1.5V 5 31 14.5 + 3 17 32 36351 112861 Ll.10375 5 24 41 + 3 11.7 6.0 87 6.23 B2V 5 31 20.9 - 6 42 30 36430 132210 Ll.10396 5 25 16 - 6 48.2 6.7 88 34 Delta 2.24v O9.5II 5 32 00.4 - 0 17 57 36486 132220 J.122 5 25 37 - 0 23.6 2.3 var? 89 36 Upsilon 4.62 B0V 5 31 55.8 - 7 18 05 36512 132222 J.123 5 25 53 - 7 23.7 5.1 90 6.5 K5 5 32 37.9 + 0 00 43 36558 132233 Ll.10426 5 26 14 - 0 4.8 6.6 91 5.35v? B1IV 5 32 41.3 - 1 35 31 36591 132234 Ll.10437 5 26 22 - 1 41.0 6.1 92 5.38v B1V 5 33 31.4 - 1 09 22 36695 132255 Ll.10456 5 27 10 - 1 14.7 6.1# 93 6.23 B2.5V 5 34 03.9 - 1 02 08 36779 132269 Ll.10479 5 27 43 - 1 7.3 7.0# 94 6.59 B2V 5 33 57.6 + 1 24 28 36741 112901 Ll.10465 5 27 30 + 1 19.3 6.8 95 38 n2 5.36 A2V 5 34 16.7 + 3 46 02 36777 112904 Ll.10469 5 27 42 + 3 40.8 5.8 96 5.93 K5III 5 34 04.1 - 1 28 14 36780 132270 Ll.10483 5 27 45 - 1 33.4 6.5 r 97 37 Phi1 4.41 B0IV 5 34 49.2 + 9 29 22 36822 112914 Ll.10473 5 27 58 + 9 24.2 5.0 98 6.69 B3V 5 34 43.3 + 5 39 39 36824 112912 Ll.10487 5 28 3 + 5 34.5 6.9 99 6.5 G5 5 34 29.3 - 0 00 45 36840 132277 Ll.10496 5 28 5 - 0 6.0 7.0 100 6.83 A3 5 34 24.1 - 4 48 17 36843 132278 Ll.10506 5 28 14 - 4 53.5 6.8 r 101 39 Lambda 3.3 O8e 5 35 08.3 + 9 56 04 36861 112921 Ll.10490 5 28 15 + 9 50.9 3.5 var? 102 5.67v? B1Vvar 5 35 00.9 - 6 00 34 36959 132298 Ll.10527 5 28 55 - 6 5.7 var.# 5 1/2 - 7 1/2 103 4.78 B0.5V 5 35 02.7 - 6 00 07 36960 132301 By.804, Ll.10529 5 28 56 - 6 5.2 5.8# var? 104 41 Theta1 5.13v? O6pe 5 35 16.5 - 5 23 23 37022 132314 T.2047 5 29 8 - 5 28.4 5.0# 105 43 Theta2 6.39 O9.5Vpe 5 35 22.9 - 5 24 58 37041 132321 T.2050 5 29 15 - 5 30.0 5.2# * 6.56v B1.5V 5 35 21.8 - 4 29 36 37017 132317 WB.698 5 29 11 - 4 34.7 7.1# dpl. 106 6.24 B2.5V 5 35 22.5 - 4 25 31 37016 132319 WB.700 5 29 11 - 4 30.5 6.8# 107 6.38 B2.5IV 5 35 31.1 - 4 21 53 37040 132325 WB.706 5 29 20 - 4 26.9 6.8# dpl. 7, 9 108 44 Iota 2.77 O9III 5 35 26.0 - 5 54 36 37043 132323 J.127 5 29 18 - 5 59.5 2.9 dpl. 3, 8 109 42 c 4.59v? B2III 5 35 23.2 - 4 50 18 37018 132320 J.126 5 29 12 - 4 55.4 5.5# 110 45 5.30 F0III 5 35 39.5 - 4 51 21 37077 132336 Ll.10555 5 29 30 - 4 56.4 6.1# 111 6.41v? B3IV 5 35 35.8 - 3 15 10 37055 132332 * 5 29 21 - 3 20.2 6.8 var? 112 46 Epsilon 1.70v B0Ia 5 36 12.8 - 1 12 07 37128 132346 J.128 5 29 52 - 1 17.0 1.8 113 40 Phi2 4.09 G8III-IV 5 36 54.3 + 9 17 26 37160 112958 Ll.10558 5 30 2 + 9 13.6 4.5 r 114 6.12 B2IV-V 5 37 19.3 + 8 57 07 37232 112966 Ll.10571 5 30 28 + 8 52.4 6.4 115 5.72v? B1V 5 36 35.7 - 6 03 54 37209 132359 WB.734 5 30 29 - 6 8.7 6.6 dpl. 10, 6 3/4 116 5.88 B8III 5 38 01.1 + 7 32 29 37320 112979 Ll.10600 5 31 15 + 7 28.0 6.3 117 6.05v? B1Vvar 5 37 27.4 - 5 56 18 37303 132375 Ll.10617 5 31 20 - 6 0.9 6.8 118 6.19v? B2IV-V 5 37 53.4 - 4 48 49 37356 132387 Ll.10628 5 31 43 - 4 53.5 6.7 119 48 Sigma 3.80 O9.5V 5 38 44.8 - 2 36 00 37468 132406 J.129 5 32 28 - 2 40.4 4.0 r dpl. 4, 7 3/4 120 5.96 B1.5IV 5 38 37.8 - 6 34 26 37481 132405 Ll.10663 5 32 33 - 6 38.9 6.6 121 47 Omega 4.57v B3IIIe 5 39 11.1 + 4 07 17 37490 113001 Ll.10654 5 32 35 + 4 2.9 5.0 122 49 d 4.80 A4V 5 38 53.1 - 7 12 47 37507 132411 Ll.10675 5 32 50 - 7 17.0 5.2 123 6.00 A8Vs 5 39 31.2 - 3 33 53 37594 132424 T.2087, WB.819 5 33 17 - 3 38.2 6.7 124 6.50 B7V 5 39 30.8 - 9 42 24 37635 132425 Ll.10715 5 33 35 - 9 46.6 6.7 125 6.22 B1.5V 5 40 37.3 - 2 49 30 37744 132441 WB.844 5 34 21 - 2 53.6 6.8 126 50 Zeta 1.7 O9.5Ib 5 40 45.5 - 1 56 34 37742 132444 J.132 5 34 27 - 2 0.6 1.8 127 4.95v? B2IV-V 5 40 50.6 - 1 07 44 37756 132445 Ll.10734 5 34 30 - 1 11.8 5.7 r 128 5.93 F0IV 5 41 05.6 + 0 20 16 37788 113033 Ll.10737 5 34 41 + 0 16.2 6.5 129 6.45v B9IIIp* 5 40 45.9 -10 24 34 37808 150680 Ll.10763 5 34 53 -10 28.6 6.6 130 6.42 A9IV-V 5 41 40.3 - 2 53 46 37904 132465 Ll.10776 5 35 24 - 2 57.7 6.7 131 6.68 B8 5 42 17.4 + 2 22 01 37958 113053 Ll.10785 5 35 47 + 2 18.2 6.8 r 132 51 b 4.91 K1III 5 42 28.6 + 1 28 29 37984 113056 Ll.10795 5 36 1 + 1 24.7 5.3 rr 133 6.31 K4III 5 43 09.3 - 1 36 47 38099 132480 Ll.10822 5 36 50 - 1 40.4 6.8 134 5.97 F3V 5 42 53.8 - 6 47 46 38089 132477 Ll.10826 5 36 50 - 6 51.6 6.4 * 7.18 B8 5 45 00.4 + 6 21 01 38291 113097 Ll.10865 5 38 18 + 6 17.7 7.1# * 7.21 A2 5 45 25.5 + 6 17 52 38350 113107 Ll.10877 5 38 43 + 6 14.6 7.2# 135 6.10 F0III:n 5 45 01.9 + 4 00 29 38309 113099 Ll.10869 5 38 26 + 3 57.2 6.6 136 6.25 K1+G0* 5 46 02.8 - 4 16 06 38495 132515 Ll.10936 5 39 51 - 4 19.0 6.8 dpl. 7, 10 137 5.79 G8III 5 46 52.1 + 9 31 20 38527 113124 DM.954 5 40 0 + 9 28.4 6.2 138 5.95 G4V 5 46 35.0 + 1 10 05 38529 113119 Ll.10940 5 40 8 + 1 7.4 6.4 139 52 5.27 A5V 5 48 00.2 + 6 27 15 38710 113150 Ll.10980 5 41 17 + 6 24.5 5.9 140 6.03v A4V 5 47 26.7 -10 31 59 38735 150814 Ll.11003 5 41 34 -10 34.8 6.6 141 53 Kappa 2.06v? B0.5Ia* 5 47 45.4 - 9 40 11 38771 132542 J.137 5 41 50 - 9 42.9 2.3 var? * 8.0 K0 5 47 59.1 - 8 19 41 38801 132543 Ll.11024 5 42 0 - 8 22.2 7.6# * 7.29 B9 5 48 10.4 - 8 23 01 38824 132549 Ll.11033 5 42 11 - 8 25.7 7.1# dpl. 7 1/4, 8 1/2 142 5.97 G4V 5 48 34.9 - 4 05 41 38858 132554 WB.1048 5 42 22 - 4 7.8 6.5 143 5.80 G8III 5 50 02.6 + 9 52 16 39007 113179 Ll.11047 5 43 10 + 9 49.9 6.2 144 5.97 K2III 5 50 13.1 + 4 25 24 39051 113186 Ll.11061 5 43 36 + 4 23.1 6.5 r 145 5.98 G8+A0* 5 50 30.0 + 2 01 28 39118 113198 Ll.11073 5 44 0 + 1 59.3 6.4 146 55 5.35v? B2IV-V 5 51 22.0 - 7 31 05 39291 132591 Ll.11114 5 45 20 - 7 33.2 5.9 147 56 4.78v? K2IIvar 5 52 26.4 + 1 51 19 39400 113220 Ll.11073 5 45 57 + 1 49.4 5.5 r var. 148 5.97 A2Vn 5 52 07.5 - 9 02 29 39421 132603 WB.1152 5 46 10 - 9 4.6 6.4 149 6.31 K0 5 54 15.5 + 3 13 34 39685 113253 Ll.11172 5 47 41 + 3 12.0 6.7 150 6.00 K0III 5 54 44.0 + 0 58 06 39775 113265 Ll.11189 5 48 17 + 0 56.6 6.5 151 6.57 B1.5V 5 54 34.7 - 4 03 50 39777 132635 WB.1200 5 48 22 - 4 5.4 6.8 152 58 Alpha 0.50v M2Ib 5 55 10.3 + 7 24 25 39801 113271 Ll.11186 5 48 24 + 7 22.9 var. r 1.0 - 1.4 153 7.1 A0 5 55 24.8 - 4 49 31 39911 132648 Ll.11219 5 49 15 - 4 50.8 7.5*# 154 5.87 K2III: 5 55 30.3 - 4 36 59 39910 132652 Ll.11221 5 49 19 - 4 38.3 6.0# * 6.28 A2III 5 55 35.4 - 4 47 18 39927 132653 Ll.11227 5 49 25 - 4 48.6 6.5*# 155 5.99 A0IV 5 56 28.0 + 9 30 35 39985 113284 Ll.11217 5 49 36 + 9 29.3 6.4 156 6.22 M0III 5 57 54.2 + 1 13 28 40282 113306 Ll.11288 5 51 27 + 1 12.5 6.5 157 6.22 K0 5 58 11.7 - 0 59 38 40347 132700 Ll.11308 5 51 50 - 1 0.5 6.6 158 59 5.89v D Del* 5 58 24.4 + 1 50 14 40372 113315 Ll.11307 5 51 55 + 1 49.3 6.1 159 60 5.22 A1Vs 5 58 49.6 + 0 33 11 40446 113321 Ll.11329 5 52 24 + 0 32.4 5.7 160 6.62 B8IIIn 5 59 37.7 - 1 26 40 40574 132723 Ll.11364 5 53 18 - 1 27.2 6.8 161 4.53v? K2IIIvar 6 00 03.3 - 3 04 27 40657 132732 Ll.11382 5 53 48 - 3 4.8 5.2 c var? 162 61 Mu 4.12v? Am 6 02 23.0 + 9 38 51 40932 113389 Ll.11431 5 55 30 + 9 38.7 4.7 163 6.59 B8V 6 02 17.1 + 1 41 40 40964 113392 Ll.11444 5 55 48 + 1 41.5 6.8 164 63 5.67 G7III: 6 04 58.2 + 5 25 12 41361 113429 Ll.11524 5 58 18 + 5 25.5 6.3 165 66 5.63 G4III 6 04 58.4 + 4 09 31 41380 113430 Ll.11527 5 58 22 + 4 9.8 6.2 166 6.8 A0 6 04 42.8 - 1 34 49 41381 132803 Ll.11533 5 58 24 - 1 34.4 6.9 167 6.92 B5 6 06 56.2 - 3 20 29 41756 132845 Ll.11630 6 0 42 - 3 19.8 7.0 168 6.55 B9V 6 08 47.2 + 8 40 12 42035 113503 Ll.11672 6 1 57 + 8 41.2 6.8 169 6.69 G0 6 09 07.2 + 7 30 49 42089 113512 Ll.11678 6 2 21 + 7 31.9 7.0 170 5.73 A3Vn 6 08 57.9 + 2 29 59 42111 113507 Ll.11688 6 2 28 + 2 31.0 5.8 171 6.6 K0 6 09 49.2 + 2 52 09 42256 113530 Ll.11715 6 3 17 + 2 53.6 7.0 172 6.9 B9 6 10 23.8 + 2 54 07 42353 113542 Ll.11738 6 3 51 + 2 55.5 6.9 173 6.46 M 6 12 59.5 + 6 00 58 42787 113592 Ll.11815 6 6 18 + 6 2.8 6.9 174 6.63 A2V 6 12 44.4 - 2 30 16 42824 132965 WB.137 6 6 28 - 2 28.5 6.7 175 5.83 G8III 6 13 54.3 - 3 44 29 43023 132994 Ll.11892 6 7 41 - 3 42.6 6.3 176 6.07 B6V 6 15 40.1 + 6 03 58 43285 113650 Ll.11923 6 8 58 + 6 6.2 6.5 177 6.64 B3IV 6 15 46.9 + 4 17 01 43317 113653 Ll.11927 6 9 10 + 4 19.3 7.0 178 5.65 F6V 6 15 34.2 - 0 30 44 43318 133028 Ll.11936 6 9 14 - 0 27.8 6.1 179 6.37 F5IV: 6 15 53.9 + 1 10 08 43358 113656 Ll.11947 6 9 27 + 1 12.4 6.6# * 6.62 B6V 6 16 21.2 + 1 04 49 43461 113668 Ll.11961 6 9 54 + 1 7.3 7.1# 180 75 l 5.39 A2V 6 17 06.6 + 9 56 33 43525 113675 Ll.11963 6 10 13 + 9 59.1 5.9 181 6.57 B7III 6 16 58.4 + 7 03 11 43526 113673 Ll.11968 6 10 14 + 7 5.7 6.8 182 5.71v? F9V 6 17 16.2 + 5 06 01 43587 113683 WB.265 6 10 39 + 5 8.1 6.2 var? 183 6.24 K0 6 18 40.4 + 9 02 52 43821 113710 Ll.12024 6 11 49 + 9 5.7 6.7 184 6.76 B9 6 20 17.1 + 7 43 09 44109 113733 Ll.12077 6 13 30 + 7 46.3 7.0 185 4.90v? M1III 6 19 59.5 - 2 56 40 44131 133118 Ll.12104 6 13 44 - 2 53.6 5.5 c var? 186* 6.31v? A4.5V 6 21 25.8 + 2 16 07 44333 113758 Ll.12146 6 14 55 + 2 19.5 6.5# ** 7.2 K0 6 21 47.0 + 2 20 33 44418 113766 Ll.12154 6 15 16 + 2 24.1 7.3# Preceding 4 the star HD30544=SA112096 is connectd with a brace to 4 and 5 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 6 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L.9057. 23 For this double star the Uranometria Argentina provides separate designations from an earlier catalog but only a single set of coordinates and magnitude. 23, 24 The two components of 23G are connected with a brace to 24G without a combined magnitude. 32 The variable star designation W was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 33 The Flamsteed number of this star does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is shown in most modern atlases and catalogs. 44 Spectrum G5IIIcomp 47 Spectrum F7III:+A5IV: 49, 50 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 60, 61 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 62 the star HD35148=SAO112699 is connected with a brace to 62 with combined magnitude 5.3 without being assigned a number. 66, 67 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 92, 93 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 102, 103 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 104, 105 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.8. Preceding 106 The star HD37017=SAO132317 is connected with a brace to both 106 and 107 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 109, 110 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.1 var?. 111 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 129 Spectrum B9.5IIIpSi4200 Between 134 and 135 the stars HD38291=SAO113097 and HD38350=SAO113107 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 136 Spectrum K1III+G0IV 141 Spectrum B0.5Iavar Between 141 and 142 the stars HD38801=SAO132543 and HD38824=SAO132549 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. 145 Spectrum G8III+A0IV 153 Magnitude corrected from 6.5. Following 154 the star HD39927=SAO132653 is connected with a brace to both 153 and 154 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. Magnitude corrected from 7.5. 158 Spectrum Delta Del Following 179 the star HD43461=SAO113668 is connected with a brace to 179 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 186 This star was assigned by Gould to Orion but now lies in Monoceros. Following 186 the star HD44418=SAO113766 is connected with a brace to 186 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. This star was assigned by Gould to Orion but now lies in Monoceros. 6. - PAVO G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.17v C5II 17 43 19.0 -57 43 30 160435 244964 * 17 32 28 -57 39.4 7.0 rr 2 Eta 3.62 K1III 17 45 44.0 -64 43 26 160635 254020 L.7364, J.443 17 33 28 -64 39.6 3.8 3 7.0 A5/A6IV* 17 45 49.4 -64 19 31 160675 254021 L.7366 17 33 40 -64 15.8 7.0 4 6.01 G8III 17 44 55.8 -57 32 42 160720 244989 L.7381 17 34 10 -57 28.9 6.5 5 6.6 F2V 17 47 07.4 -59 59 38 161032 245015 L.7387 17 35 55 -59 56.2 6.8 6 6.7 F0III/IV 17 50 07.3 -64 18 16 161441 254047 L.7396 17 37 57 -64 15.4 6.8 7 6.4 B9IV 17 49 52.8 -61 42 52 161475 254048 L.7403 17 38 19 -61 39.9 6.6# * 6.8 F6V 17 50 25.6 -61 55 27 161566 254050 L.7408 17 38 50 -61 52.7 7.1# 8 5.78 K0III 17 51 35.5 -60 09 52 161814 254057 L.7419 17 40 21 -60 7.2 6.2 r 9 6.49 K0/K1III 17 53 18.4 -65 29 21 161955 254063 L.7416 17 40 49 -65 26.8 6.6 10 6.36 F8V 17 56 24.2 -65 43 20 162521 254079 L.7432 17 43 49 -65 40.8 6.6 11 6.9 G8II/III 18 02 22.8 -60 08 13 163878 254118 L.7495 17 51 8 -60 7.6 7.0 12 7.0 K5III 18 04 26.7 -59 10 40 164371 245211 L.7517 17 53 23 -59 10.5 7.0# r 13 6.89 G4IV 18 04 42.5 -59 12 36 164427 245217 L.7518 17 53 41 -59 12.3 6.8# 14 6.84 B3III 18 06 29.7 -58 34 16 164806 245237 L.7528 17 55 32 -58 34.4 6.9 15 6.41 K2/K3III 18 07 48.4 -64 33 00 164871 254141 L.7523 17 55 33 -64 33.2 6.7 16 Pi 4.35 Am 18 08 34.9 -63 40 06 165040 254147 L.7527 17 56 33 -63 40.1 4.6 17 Iota 5.49 G0V 18 10 26.2 -62 00 08 165499 254157 B.6303 17 58 49 -62 1.5 5.8 18 6.38 K4III 18 09 57.7 -59 02 24 165497 245273 L.7540 17 58 56 -59 3.2 6.5 19 6.72 B8II* 18 14 23.9 -70 45 05 165861 257575 G.1721 18 0 2 -70 46.4 6.6 20 6.47 K4III 18 14 16.3 -63 41 22 166251 254179 L.7561 18 2 15 -63 42.8 6.9 c 21 5.60 K0III/IV 18 15 40.9 -63 03 20 166599 254189 L.7577 18 3 48 -63 5.0 6.0 r 22 6.33 B9V 18 18 01.0 -68 13 45 166841 254196 L.7574 18 4 39 -68 15.8 6.5 23 7.0 F5V 18 16 28.7 -57 26 50 166972 245359 L.7594 18 5 43 -57 28.8 7.0 24 6.18 F9V 18 19 40.3 -63 53 13 167425 254209 L.7601 18 7 35 -63 55.1 6.4 25 6.9 B2V 18 20 42.1 -59 50 24 167806 245405 L.7625 18 9 31 -59 53.1 7.0 26 Xi 4.36 M1III 18 23 13.6 -61 29 38 168339 254226 L.7638 18 11 42 -61 32.8 4.4 r 27 6.7 A7III 18 23 04.5 -60 44 56 168338 254225 L.7641 18 11 43 -60 48.1 6.9 28 6.14 A3V 18 25 31.6 -63 01 17 168740 254237 L.7656 18 13 40 -63 4.6 6.4 29 6.9 F5V 18 25 16.9 -57 05 45 168849 245452 L.7663 18 14 35 -57 9.3 7.0 30 5.89 K0III 18 32 55.5 -73 57 58 169570 257601 L.7642 18 16 52 -74 2.3 6.4 31 7.0 F0III 18 33 47.6 -71 46 08 169979 257603 L.7666 18 18 58 -71 50.9 7.0 32 5.76 K0III 18 29 56.6 -57 31 24 169836 245510 B.6399 18 19 10 -57 35.8 6.0 r 33 Nu 4.64 B8III 18 31 22.5 -62 16 42 169978 254273 L.7691, J.466 18 19 42 -62 21.2 5 # * 7.7 A8/A9IV 18 31 32.0 -62 17 53 170046 254275 B.6402 18 19 51 -62 22.5 7 3/4# 34 6.42 G5IV 18 33 29.5 -58 42 33 170525 245547 L.7716 18 22 32 -58 47.4 6.7 35 Zeta 4.01 K2III 18 43 02.1 -71 25 41 171759 257620 L.7736, J.472 18 28 25 -71 31.8 4.2 r * 7.1 G8/K0III 18 39 16.8 -59 07 19 171582 245603 L.7760 18 28 16 -59 13.2 7.5# 36 6.7 K1III 18 39 47.6 -58 52 09 171674 245612 L.7764 18 28 50 -58 58.4 7.0# * 6.9 G6III 18 40 20.8 -58 46 47 171795 245622 L.7768 18 29 24 -58 53.1 7.1# 37 6.37 A5V 18 42 22.6 -64 38 35 172021 254343 L.7766 18 30 10 -64 45.1 6.9# 38 5.78 K0III 18 43 37.3 -64 33 04 172211 254353 L.7773 18 31 26 -64 39.8 6.2# r 39 4.79 A7V 18 45 26.7 -64 52 17 172555 254358 L.7785, J.473 18 33 10 -64 59.1 5.3 40 6.04 K3III 18 45 11.6 -61 05 42 172630 254359 L.7797 18 33 48 -61 12.8 6.5 r 41 6.06 B9.5IV/V 18 49 43.6 -72 59 41 172881 257630 L.7771 18 34 20 -73 7.4 6.2 c 42 6.22 K3III 18 45 23.8 -56 52 54 172781 245681 L.7817 18 34 48 -57 0.1 6.6 43 Theta 5.73 A9V 18 48 37.9 -65 04 40 173168 254374 L.7813 18 36 20 -65 12.2 6.1 44 7.2 B9V(n) 18 53 13.8 -73 37 46 173545 257636 L.7789 18 37 29 -73 46.0 7.0 45 Lambda 4.22v B2II-III 18 52 13.0 -62 11 15 173948 254393 L.7841, J.476 18 40 38 -62 19.6 4.3 46 Kappa 4.44v F5I-II 18 56 57.0 -67 14 01 174694 254413 L.7856 18 44 3 -67 23.2 var. 4.0 - 5.6 47 6.48 K3III 18 56 54.7 -62 48 04 174877 254415 * 18 45 13 -62 57.4 6.9 48 6.9 B9IV/V 18 59 58.7 -71 55 56 175008 257645 L.7848 18 45 13 -72 5.4 6.9 49 6.5 A8V 18 59 29.6 -70 28 08 175007 257644 L.7857 18 45 25 -70 37.3 6.7 50 6.01 K0III 19 00 03.5 -66 39 12 175401 254426 L.7880 18 47 21 -66 48.8 6.5 51 Omega 5.10 K1III-IV 18 58 36.4 -60 12 02 175329 254423 L.7895 18 47 29 -60 21.7 5.4# r * 6.9 K0+A2/3* 19 00 11.9 -60 12 14 175652 254433 L.7907 18 49 3 -60 22.1* 7.3# 52 5.88 F8V 19 03 29.8 -68 45 19 175986 254446 L.7897 18 50 7 -68 55.5 6.1 53 7.0 B9V 19 04 05.7 -63 47 05 176340 254453 L.7924 18 52 12 -63 57.5 6.9 dpl. 54 6.2 G6II/III 19 04 00.9 -57 57 36 176522 245896 L.7942 18 53 17 -58 8.2 6.4 55 6.6 G8/K0III 19 10 08.1 -71 32 56 177222 257662 L.7928 18 55 39 -71 44.2 7.0 56 5.33 G9IV* 19 09 52.8 -68 25 29 177389 254475 L.7944 18 56 36 -68 36.7 5.7 57 NGC6752* 5.40 F6 19 10.9 -59 59 L.7980 18 59 50 -60 10.7 5.8 neb. 58 6.7 K2III 19 13 33.4 -62 55 22 178632 254496 B.6583 19 1 56 -63 7.4 6.9 59 Tau 6.25 A6IV/V 19 16 28.7 -69 11 26 179009 254508 L.7986 19 3 3 -69 23.9 6.6 60 5.53 A4IV/V 19 17 12.1 -66 39 42 179366 254515 L.7997 19 4 37 -66 52.3 5.6 61 6.43 B8/B9V 19 17 00.7 -65 13 41 179419 254514 L.8004 19 4 50 -65 26.3 6.7 62 6.34 K2III 19 24 05.5 -68 22 16 181019 254551 L.8034 19 11 2 -68 36.1 6.7 63 6.7 F3/F5V 19 24 12.5 -62 59 52 181351 254558 L.8057 19 12 40 -63 14.0 6.8 64 6.7 F7V 19 28 06.7 -69 37 54 181958 254578 L.8056 19 14 39 -69 52.6* 6.9 65 5.96 K4/K5III 19 31 10.9 -68 26 02 182709 254590 L.8078 19 18 10 -68 41.1 6.5 r 66 7.0 A3IV 19 32 11.8 -60 16 11 183237 254592 L.8102 19 21 14 -60 31.5* 6.9 67 6.39 A0Vn 19 39 52.4 -66 41 08 184586 254622 L.8127 19 27 29 -66 57.6 6.6 68 6.18 K0III 19 38 26.0 -57 58 59 184585 246188 L.8142 19 27 55 -58 15.4 6.3 r 69 6.09 M0III 19 41 37.6 -65 51 15 184996 254627 L.8141 19 29 30 -66 8.0 6.5 r * 7.7 F0IV 19 43 34.0 -66 57 41 185391 254633 * 19 31 10 -67 14.8 7.1# * 8.26 F3V 19 43 57.3 -66 56 51 185474 * 19 31 34 -67 14.1 7.3# * 8.4 F8 19 46 03.9 -67 02 53 185890 254642 * 19 33 39 -67 20.4 7.6# 70 5.41 A4III 19 49 25.5 -72 30 12 186219 257736 L.8156 19 34 58 -72 48.2 5.7 71 6.45 K4III 19 49 53.4 -66 48 47 186584 254658 L.8184 19 37 36 -67 7.1 6.9 72 NZ* 6.05v F2III-IV 19 51 01.4 -65 36 18 186786 254669 L.8195 19 39 2 -65 54.4 6.4 r 73 6.21 B5V 19 50 21.7 -61 03 41 186837 254666 L.8201 19 39 25* -61 22.1 6.2 * 7.0 A5IV/V 19 50 03.0 -59 15 50 186810 246284 L.8204 19 39 25 -59 34.4 7.4# 74 5.42 A0IV 19 50 44.8 -59 11 35 186957 246293 L.8207 19 40 8 -59 30.1 5.5# 75 6.22 A3V 19 54 40.4 -61 10 15 187653 254683 L.8226 19 43 45 -61 29.4 5.9 76 5.75 Am 19 58 41.6 -69 09 50 188097 254693 L.8224 19 45 45 -69 29.3 6.3 77 6.59 K1III 20 00 56.7 -74 00 44 188229 257758 L.8213 19 45 52 -74 20.5 6.9 78 Epsilon 4.00 A0V 20 00 35.5 -72 54 38 188228 257757 L.8219, J.501 19 46 6 -73 14.2 4.0 79 6.39 A2V 19 58 53.1 -68 45 45 188164 254696 L.8229 19 46 6 -69 5.3 6.7 80 5.26 B9.5IV 19 57 06.3 -58 54 05 188162 246349 L.8245 19 46 36 -59 13.6 5.5 81 6.53 K4II 19 56 57.7 -57 55 32 188161 246348 L.8247 19 46 37 -58 15.0 7.0 82 Mu1 5.76 K0IV 20 00 23.1 -66 56 58 188584 254702 L.8244 19 48 12 -67 16.5 5.9# 83 Mu2 5.31 K2IVCNII 20 01 52.5 -66 56 39 188887 254707 L.8251 19 49 41 -67 16.7 5.6# r 84 6.9 F3IV 20 01 00.7 -64 48 29 188769 254704 L.8254 19 49 20 -65 8.1 7.0 85 5.13v M6III 20 01 44.6 -59 22 33 189124 246389 L.8269 19 51 13 -59 42.8 5.7 c 86 6.07 G2V 20 05 32.9 -67 19 15 189567 254721 L.8267 19 53 1 -67 38.6 6.6 87 6.45 K5III 20 08 20.5 -66 21 17 190222 254731 B.6788 19 56 25 -66 42.5 7.0 88 Delta 3.56 G5IV-V* 20 08 43.6 -66 10 55 190248 254733 L.8295, J.504 19 56 27 -66 29.8 3.5 r 89 7.0 A3/A4IV 20 10 10.1 -63 37 22 190733 254737 L.8319 19 58 55 -63 58.9 6.9 90 6.37 A1V 20 11 07.2 -57 31 26 191095 246470 L.8337 20 0 58 -57 53.2 6.5 91 7.1 B9IV/Vp* 20 13 42.5 -61 32 59 191507 254753 B.6806 20 2 55 -61 55.2 6.9 92 6.9 A2/A3IV 20 14 34.9 -64 25 48 191585 254757 L.8343 20 3 13 -64 48.0 6.9 93 6.09 F0IV 20 14 27.0 -63 24 57 191603 254756 B.6809 20 3 19 -63 47.3 6.4 * 6.8 M3S 20 14 25.9 -62 16 45 191630 254758 L.8349 20 3 31 -62 39.0 7.1# * 7.2 K0III 20 14 06.7 -62 29 22 191560 254755 L.8347 20 3 9 -62 51.7 7.4# 94 6.57 K3III 20 18 27.3 -72 58 47 191937 257788 L.8332 20 4 19 -73 21.3 6.9# * 6.94 K0II/III 20 18 30.7 -72 48 31 191973 257789 L.8335 20 4 27 -73 11.2 7.4# 95 6.8 A4III/IV 20 17 09.3 -67 27 18 191993 254763 L.8353 20 5 3 -67 49.8 6.9 96 6.7 A0V 20 18 43.8 -61 54 26 192510 254770 L.8370 20 7 56 -62 17.2 6.7 97 6.27 K0III 20 19 03.0 -63 13 52 192531 254772 L.8368 20 8 0 -63 36.6 6.7 98 6.5 F6V 20 21 28.4 -66 44 58 192887 254775 L.8374 20 9 41 -67 8.3 6.8 99 Alpha 1.94 B2IV 20 25 38.9 -56 44 06 193924 246574 L.8416, J.512 20 15 45 -57 8.0 2.1 100 7.0 F6III 20 30 33.5 -64 11 24 194663 254803 L.8422 20 19 28 -64 36.1 6.8 * 8.0 K4III 20 33 02.4 -71 19 11 194835 257820 B.6853 20 19 56 -71 44.2 7.7# * * 20 20 19 -71 43.3 7.7# 101 6.3 K2III 20 35 06.0 -71 11 20 195190 257823 L.8424 20 22 7 -71 36.6 6.7# r * 7.6 A0V 20 36 12.3 -71 15 43 195390 257825 L.8431 20 23 12 -71 41.0 7.3# 102 6.9 A0IV 20 36 35.8 -71 04 18 195459 257829 L.8436 20 23 40 -71 29.7 6.9# * 8.17 K3III 20 37 44.7 -71 18 02 195646 B.6868 20 24 45 -71 43.6 7.3# * 7.0 M2III 20 38 56.1 -71 05 40 195849 257834 L.8455 20 26 3 -71 31.4 7.4# 103 6.11 K2III 20 35 51.8 -69 36 40 195402 254820 L.8437 20 23 26 -70 1.9 6.5# r * 7.0 K0III 20 36 49.2 -69 27 03 195573 254825 L.8445 20 24 28 -69 52.5 7.3# 104 Phi1 4.80 F1III 20 35 34.9 -60 34 54 195627 254823 L.8461 20 25 13 -60 59.8 4.9 105 6.4 F2V 20 36 38.3 -63 07 16 195772 254827 L.8464 20 25 51 -63 32.7 6.6 106 6.6 B8/B9V 20 37 11.2 -65 02 01 195805 254831 L.8462 20 26 0 -65 27.6 6.7 r 107 Rho 4.88v D Del* 20 37 35.3 -61 31 47 195961 254835 L.8470 20 27 5 -61 57.4 4.9 var? 108 6.22 K1III 20 39 51.4 -62 54 28 196317 254844 L.8484 20 29 9 -63 20.4 6.7 109 Phi2 5.12 F8V 20 40 02.6 -60 32 56 196378 254846 L.8490 20 29 41 -60 57.8 5.5 r 110 Upsilon 5.15 B8Vvar 20 41 57.2 -66 45 39 196519 254854 L.8488, J.517 20 30 27 -67 11.9 5.6 var? 111 Beta 3.42 A5IV 20 44 57.5 -66 12 11 197051 254862 L.8500, J.518 20 33 40 -66 39.0 3.3 112 6.8 K0/K1III 20 46 46.4 -64 54 34 197359 254867 L.8514 20 35 46 -65 21.4 7.0 113 Sigma 5.41 K0III 20 49 18.1 -68 46 36 197635 254871 L.8521 20 37 26 -69 13.8 5.7 114 6.59 A2V 20 51 38.4 -62 25 46 198160 254883 L.8550 20 41 11 -62 53.4 5.9 dpl. 6 1/2, 6 1/2 115 6.6: A2V 20 51 38.9 -62 25 45 198161 254884 * * 8.7 F5 20 53 43.9 -59 37 06 198533 246772 * 20 43 46 -60 5.1 7.6# * 7.6 A0IV 20 53 44.7 -59 42 29 198534 246773 L.8571 20 43 47 -60 10.5 7.2# 116 6.9 B9/B9.5V 20 58 11.6 -69 08 47 198971 254907 L.8577 20 46 23 -69 37.2 6.8 117 6.87 G5IV 21 00 05.8 -69 34 45 199190 254915 L.8588 20 48 1 -70 2.9* 6.8 118 6.37 A2V 21 01 28.2 -68 12 35 199475 254918 L.8611 20 49 59 -68 41.5 6.7 119 5.68 G3IV 21 09 22.3 -73 10 23 200525 257890 L.8625 20 56 14 -73 39.6 5.9 120 6.78 G5IV 21 07 24.7 -59 59 31 200655 254939 L.8656 20 57 37 -60 29.3 6.8 121 5.76 K0III 21 08 33.0 -63 55 44 200751 254941 L.8654 20 58 8 -64 25.7 6.2# c * 7.0 A3mA3-A8 21 10 07.6 -64 01 34 201020 254948 L.8666 20 59 44 -64 31.6 7.1# 122 6.20 K1III 21 11 20.9 -72 32 39 200924 257893 L.8637 20 58 43 -73 2.8 6.5 123 Omicron 5.02 M2III 21 13 20.5 -70 07 35 201371 257896 L.8668 21 1 35 -70 38.0 5.5 r 124 6.31v? B8V 21 18 00.4 -64 40 54 202299 254966 L.8721 21 7 38 -65 12.0 6.7 var? 125 6.60 G5V 21 18 44.2 -61 21 10 202457 254970 L.8733 21 8 46 -61 51.5 6.9 126 Y* 6.41v C5II 21 24 16.7 -69 44 04 203133 254990 L.8745 21 12 55 -70 15.8 6.8 r 127 6.09 K2III 21 25 18.3 -71 47 58 203212 257920 L.8744 21 13 20 -72 19.9 6.4 128 Gamma 4.22 F6V 21 26 26.6 -65 21 58 203608 254999 L.8778, J.531 21 16 5 -65 55.8 4.5 129 SX* 5.34v? M5III 21 28 45.0 -69 30 20 203881 255003 L.8782 21 17 32 -70 2.6 5.9 r 1 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 3 Spectrum A5/A6IV/V Following 7 the star HD161566=SAO254050 is connected with a brace to 7 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 12, 13 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.6. 19 Spectrum B7/B8II/III Following 33 the star HD170046=SAO254275 is connected with a brace to 33 with combined magnitude 4.8 without being assigned a number. Preceding and following 36 the stars HD171582=SAO245603 and HD171795=SAO245622, respectively, are connected with a brace to 36 without either being assigned numbers and with combined magnitude of all three stars 6.9. 37, 38 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 47 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 51 the star HD175652=SAO254433 is connected with a brace to 51 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. The spectral class of this star is K0III+A2/3V, and the declination is corrected from -60 22.5. 56 Spectrum G8/K0III/IV 57 This object, recognized as a nebula by Gould, is the globular cluster NGC6752. This designation is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. 64 Declination corrected from -70 52.6. 66 Declination corrected from -60 3.5. Between 69 and 70 three stars, HD185391=SAO254633, HD185474, and HD185890 =SAO254642, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned to or designations from earlier catalogs provided for any of them. 72 The variable star designation NZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and is not stated therein. 73 Right ascension corrected from 19 39 27. Preceding 74 the star HD186810=SAO246284 is connected with a brace to 74 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 82, 83 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magntude. 88 Spectrum G5IV-Vvar 91 Spectrum B9IV/V(pSi) Between 93 and 94 the stars, HD191630=SAO254758 and HD191560=SAO254755 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without numbers being assigned to either. Following 94 the star HD191973=SAO257789 is connected with a brace to 94 with combined magnitude 6.8 but without being assigned a number. Between 100 and 103 seven stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.3. For five of these stars numbers have not been assigned. In sequence of increasing right ascension these include the stars HD194835 =SAO257820, a star not in the SAO catalog and for which Gould does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog, 101G, HD195390= SAO257825, 102G, HD195646, and HD195849=SAO257834. Following 103 the star HD195573=SAO254825 is connected with a brace to 103 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 107 Spectrum Delta Del 114 and 115 Although Gould recognized these stars as a close double star pair and assigned separate numbers, the Uranometria Argentina provides only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Between 115 and 116 the stars HD198533=SAO246772 and HD198534=SAO246773 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 but without having numbers assigned to either. 117 Declination corrected from -70 1.9. Following 121 the star HD201020=SAO254948 is connected with a brace to 121 with combined magnitude 5.9 but without being assigned a number. 126 The variable star designation Y was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 129 The variable star designation SX was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 63. - PEGASUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.7 F0 21 27 17.0 + 5 23 30 204265 126805 Ll.41723 21 21 3 + 4 51.2 6.9 2 6.40v? M1 21 28 24.8 + 8 11 44 204445 126818 Ll.41756 21 22 15 + 7 39.3 6.9 3 6.6 K0 21 29 34.5 + 6 34 53 204603 126834 Ll.41790 21 23 22 + 6 2.1 6.7 4 7.0 A3 21 31 19.0 + 3 49 06 204864 126862 Ll.41859 21 25 0 + 3 16.2 7.0 5 6.9 A5 21 37 29.2 + 4 40 57 205782 126933 T.10041 21 31 13 + 4 7.4 6.6 6 3 6.18 A2V 21 37 43.7 + 6 37 06 205811 126940 T.10044 21 31 30 + 6 3.4 6.0 7 4 5.70 A9IV-Vn 21 38 31.9 + 5 46 18 205924 126956 Ll.42156 21 32 16 + 5 12.5 5.8 8 EE* 6.97v A7Vvar 21 40 02.1 + 9 11 04 206155 126971 Ll.42213 21 33 52 + 8 37.1 6.8 9 7 5.30v? M2III 21 42 15.5 + 5 40 48 206487 127002 Ll.42297 21 36 1 + 5 6.7 5.6 r 10 6.7 K0 21 43 39.8 + 7 31 43 206689 127021 Ll.42352 21 37 28 + 6 57.6 6.7 11 8 Epsilon 2.39v K2Ibvar 21 44 11.2 + 9 52 30 206778 127029 Ll.42370 21 38 3 + 9 18.2 2.3 r var? 12 11 5.64 A1V 21 47 14.0 + 2 41 10 207203 127060 Ll.42461 21 40 54 + 2 6.6 5.8 13 6.15 G0IIIs 21 53 57.8 + 6 51 53 208110 127141 Ll.42680 21 47 43 + 6 16.5 6.3 14 7.05 F5 21 57 31.0 + 4 09 27 208632 127190 Ll.42794 21 51 12 + 3 33.9 6.9 15 7.2 Am 21 58 01.5 + 5 56 26 208718 127196 Ll.42825 21 51 45 + 5 20.7 6.9 16 6.94 G0V 21 58 28.4 + 3 46 37 208776 127201 Ll.42843 21 52 13 + 3 11.3 7.0 17 18 6.00 B3III 22 00 07.9 + 6 43 02 209008 127219 Ll.42894 21 53 53 + 6 7.1 6.1 18 19 5.65 K5III 22 01 09.2 + 8 15 26 209167 127239 Ll.42929 21 54 57 + 7 39.5 5.9 r 19 6.9 K0 22 04 31.1 +10 14 24 209615 127267 Ll.43037 21 58 22 + 9 38.1 6.9 20 22 Nu 4.84 K4III 22 05 40.8 + 5 03 31 209747 127285 Ll.43065 21 59 22 + 4 26.8 5.3 21 7.2 A2 22 06 10.6 +10 05 37 209845 127297 Ll.43091 22 0 0 + 9 29.2 7.0 22 7.6 A0 22 06 33.6 + 5 11 41 209903 127301 Ll.43100 22 0 16 + 4 35.3 7.0 23 7.0 B9 22 07 31.5 + 9 40 16 210041 127309 Ll.43142 22 1 20 + 9 3.7 6.9 24 6.6 A0 22 09 09.2 + 2 44 02 210267 127327 Ll.43190 22 2 48 + 2 7.4 6.6 25 26 Theta 3.50 A2V 22 10 12.0 + 6 11 52 210418 127340 Ll.43236 22 3 53 + 5 35.0 3.6 var? 26 7.0 F0 22 11 54.7 + 6 53 47 210686 127363 Ll.43303 22 5 40 + 6 16.9 7.0 27 7.0 F0 22 12 17.7 + 2 44 02 210719 127367 Ll.43309 22 5 56 + 2 7.2 6.9 28 6.6 A0 22 14 29.2 + 7 58 35 211048 127402 Ll.43392 22 8 15 + 7 21.4 6.8 29 6.21 A1Vn 22 15 59.8 + 8 32 59 211287 127420 Ll.43443 22 9 46 + 7 55.7 6.3 30 30 5.37v? B5IV 22 20 27.6 + 5 47 22 211924 127453 Ll.43581 22 14 10 + 5 9.7 5.4 31 6.17 F6V 22 20 55.9 + 8 11 13 211976 127460 Ll.43603 22 14 41 + 7 33.5 6.3 32 34 5.75 F7V 22 26 37.5 + 4 23 37 212754 127529 Ll.43809 22 20 14 + 3 45.4 6.2 33 35 4.79 K0III 22 27 51.6 + 4 41 45 212943 127540 Ll.43851 22 21 31 + 4 4.5 5.0 r 34 36 5.58 K5III 22 29 08.0 + 9 07 44 213119 127544 Ll.43902 22 22 53 + 8 29.5 5.9 r 35 37 5.48 F5IVs 22 29 58.0 + 4 25 54 213235 127551 Ll.43929 22 23 39 + 3 47.9 5.8 36 6.82 A3 22 38 50.1 + 4 31 49 214546 127658 Ll.44264 22 32 30 + 3 52.8 6.9 37 7.0 K0 22 40 27.2 + 4 34 30 214786 127678 Ll.44325 22 34 6 + 3 55.8 7.0 38 7.3 K2 22 42 53.0 + 4 58 07 215128 127705 Ll.44430 22 36 33 + 4 18.9 6.9 39 49 Sigma 5.16 F7IV 22 52 24.1 + 9 50 09 216385 127810 Ll.44739 22 46 4 + 9 10.2 5.3 40 50 Rho 4.90 A1V 22 55 13.7 + 8 48 58 216735 127839 Ll.44834 22 48 56 + 8 8.9 5.2 41 6.43v? G2V+G4V 22 58 35.1 + 9 21 25 217166 127870 Ll.44920 22 52 13 + 8 41.7 6.9 42 55 4.52v? M2III 23 07 00.3 + 9 24 34 218329 127976 Ll.45214 23 0 42 + 8 44.1 4.5 r 43 57 5.12v M4+A2* 23 09 31.5 + 8 40 38 218634 128001 Ll.45317 23 3 13 + 8 0.0 5.4 r 44 58 5.40 B9III 23 10 01.5 + 9 49 19 218700 128007 Ll.45330 23 3 44 + 9 8.7 5.7 45 59 5.10 A5Vn 23 11 44.2 + 8 43 12 218918 128022 Ll.45383 23 5 26 + 8 2.5 5.4 46 7.3 F0 23 35 36.2 + 8 22 57 221853 128272 Ll.46220 23 29 14 + 7 41.7 6.9 47 6.00 A2m 23 39 55.1 + 9 40 38 222377 128309 Ll.46352 23 33 33 + 8 59.1 6.3 48 77 5.06v? M2III 23 43 22.4 +10 19 54 222764 108789 Ll.46484 23 37 0 + 9 38.3 5.3 49 6.5 A3 23 45 21.8 +10 10 48 222962 128365 Ll.46548 23 39 0 + 9 29.2 6.6 50 6.6 F0 23 48 12.1 + 8 14 45 223277 128388 Ll.46629 23 41 49 + 7 33.2 6.4 51 80 HH* 5.79v M3III 23 51 21.3 + 9 18 48 223637 128421 Ll.46719 23 44 59 + 8 37.3 5.8 var? 52 6.79 A0 23 55 37.6 + 8 13 24 224155 128472 Ll.46892 23 49 14 + 7 31.7 6.7 8 The variable star designation EE was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 43 Spectrum M4III+A2V 51 The variable star designation HH was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 22. - PHOENIX G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.23 B9V 23 27 09.1 -50 09 26 220802 247880 L.9476 23 20 13 -50 50.7 6.1# * 7.7 K2 23 27 11.0 -50 16 47 220803 247881 L.9477 23 20 13 -50 57.9 7.5# dpl. 7 3/4, 8 1/2 * 7.20 G6III 23 27 50.6 -50 20 38 220896 247888 L.9480 23 20 55 -51 1.9 7.3# 2 6.43 K2III 23 29 00.8 -44 29 52 221051 231622 L.9490 23 22 11 -45 11.1 6.5 3 6.7 K0III 23 29 16.8 -54 30 04 221069 247899 L.9488 23 22 17 -55 11.4 6.7 4 6.7 K2III 23 30 34.0 -41 59 21 221241 231638 L.9495 23 23 49 -42 40.5 6.7 5 6.02 K0III 23 31 26.8 -44 50 37 221323 231642 L.9502 23 24 39 -45 31.9 6.2 r 6 6.7 K2III 23 31 51.6 -41 45 09 221370 231645 L.9507 23 25 7 -42 26.5 6.7 7 6.9 A1V 23 32 40.7 -45 07 19 221473 231655 L.9510 23 25 54 -45 48.7 6.8 8 6.8 F2IV 23 35 02.1 -56 49 30 221738 247933 L.9520 23 28 7 -57 30.9 6.6 * 6.7 A5V 23 34 50.4 -42 41 04 221736 231672 L.9522 23 28 6 -43 22.5 7 1/4# 9 Iota 4.71v A2V 23 35 04.6 -42 36 54 221760 231675 L.9523, J.591 23 28 21 -43 18.3 4 1/2# var? 10 6.92 A7III 23 36 34.0 -44 53 34 221943 231692 L.9530 23 29 49 -45 35.0 6.9 11 4.74 A2V 23 37 51.0 -45 29 33 222095 231707 L.9535 23 31 7 -46 11.0 4.5 * 7.4 A7+A/F* 23 39 27.3 -46 38 14 231718 * 23 32 44 -47 19.9 7 1/2# 12 Theta* 6.09 A7+A/F* 23 39 28.0 -46 38 16 222287 231719 L.9543, J.592 23 32 45 -47 19.9 6 1/2# r 13 6.9 K1III 23 39 59.7 -47 19 33 222363 231726 L.9545 23 33 17 -48 1.1 7.0 14 7.11 K0III 23 41 57.2 -42 16 08 222576 231744 L.9561 23 35 18 -42 57.6 7.0 15 6.63 G8IV 23 43 06.1 -46 18 44 222688 231749 L.9565 23 36 26 -47 0.4 7.0 16 6.09 G8IV 23 44 01.1 -45 04 58 222803 231756 L.9574 23 37 19 -45 46.6 6.4 17 6.30 A7V 23 46 01.2 -40 10 57 223011 231769 L.9582 23 39 25 -40 52.5 6.1 18 SX* 7.12v A2V 23 46 33.0 -41 34 54 223065 231773 L.9585 23 39 55 -42 14.7 6.9 19 Sigma 5.18 B3V 23 47 16.0 -50 13 34 223145 248018 L.9591 23 40 37 -50 55.2 5.2 20 6.88 G2V 23 47 20.9 -48 16 33 223171 231781 L.9593 23 40 48 -48 57.7 6.8 21 6.9 G8III 23 48 06.9 -50 53 27 223256 248023 L.9598 23 41 30 -53 35.0 6.9 22 6.7 G8III 23 48 47.9 -47 38 58 223328 231788 L.9599 23 42 12 -48 20.7 6.7 23 6.5 G8III 23 50 35.5 -47 22 38 223549 231804 L.9613 23 44 1 -48 4.4 6.6 * 8.3 K0 23 49 47.3 -42 17 42 223451 231799 * 23 43 14 -42 59.0 7.4# * 7.7 A9III 23 49 54.6 -42 18 05 223480 231800 L.9609 23 43 22 -43 0.4 7.1# * 7.52 F6V 23 51 21.8 -42 22 21 223633 231811 L.9617 23 44 49 -43 3.8 7.2# 24 6.9 K1III 23 51 00.7 -48 39 34 223600 231806 L.9615 23 44 26 -49 21.2 6.9 25 6.6 K2III 23 51 43.1 -40 49 41 223677 231814 L.9623 23 45 12 -41 31.2 6.8 26 7.2 K3III 23 51 46.6 -42 40 23 223678 231815 L.9622 23 45 14 -43 22.1 7.0 27 6.03 F8IV 23 54 38.6 -40 18 00 224022 231842 L.9640 23 48 5 -40 59.8 6.2 * 7.6 F6IV 23 58 13.1 -57 11 48 224464 248082 L.9667 23 51 41 -57 53.6 7.5# 28 6.6 G3III/IV 23 58 31.2 -57 16 50 224505 248085 L.9669 23 52 1 -57 58.6 7.0# 29 Pi 5.13 K1III 23 58 55.8 -52 44 45 224554 248087 L.9671 23 52 26 -53 26.6 5.2 30 6.77 A4V 23 59 09.7 -42 14 13 224596 231874 L.9673 23 52 42 -42 56.0 6.6 31 6.29 G3IV 0 00 19.2 -44 17 26 224750 231888 L.9684 23 53 52 -44 59.0 6.5 32 6.6 G1IV 0 00 34.2 -53 05 51 224782 248097 L.9686 23 54 7 -53 47.6 6.8 dpl. 6 3/4, 10 33 Tau 5.71 G8III 0 01 04.5 -48 48 36 224834 231895 L.9689 23 54 39* -49 30.3 5.8 34 5.53 M2III 0 01 20.0 -50 20 14 224865 248103 L.9694 23 54 54 -51 2.0 5.6 r 35 6.7 F5IV 0 01 41.6 -40 08 56 224914 231901 L.9696 23 55 16 -40 50.6 6.7 * 7.7 K0III 0 04 44.0 -56 50 28 225268 231917 L.9711 23 58 22 -57 32.3 7.6# 36 7.4 A1Vs 0 05 21.6 -56 57 21 53 231922 L.9716 23 59 0 -57 39.1 6.7# 37 5.70 G1IV 0 06 19.0 -49 04 31 142 214963 L.9721 23 59 50 -49 46.2 5.7 38 6.33 G4IV 0 09 02.4 -54 00 07 469 231943 L.9740 0 2 44 -54 41.9 6.4 * 8.5 G0 0 09 07.0 -50 00 49 479 231946 * 0 2 48 -50 42.5 7.5# * 7.0 B5V 0 09 08.6 -50 10 01 480 231947 * 0 2 49 -50 51.7 7.1# 39 Epsilon 3.88 K0III 0 09 24.7 -45 44 51 496 214983 L.9742, J.1 0 3 4 -46 26.2 3.8 40 6.5 K0III 0 11 56.0 -42 10 20 770 214999 L.9761 0 5 39 -42 52.0 6.6 41 7.0 A5IV 0 13 45.0 -48 41 04 957 215009 L.10 0 7 30 -49 22.7 6.9 42 6.7 F5IV/V 0 14 14.7 -55 04 11 1004 231979 L.13 0 8 2 -55 45.8 6.6 43 6.33 K2III 0 18 42.6 -43 14 07 1483 215047 L.38 0 12 29 -43 55.8 6.6 44 6.6 K2III 0 22 21.4 -50 59 33 1817 232008 L.59 0 16 14 -51 41.3 6.7 45 6.82 G3IV 0 24 45.0 -51 02 39 2070 232027 L.75 0 18 33 -51 43.7 6.8 46 Kappa 3.90 A7V 0 26 12.2 -43 40 48 2262 215092 L.89, J.7 0 20 3 -44 22.4 3.9 47 7.2 K0III/IV 0 26 13.5 -39 38 56 2259 192523 L.88 0 20 4 -40 20.3 7.0 48 Alpha 2.37 K0III 0 26 17.0 -42 18 22 2261 215093 L.87, J.8 0 20 6 -42 59.1 2.4 r 49 5.44 M0III 0 28 26.4 -39 54 54 2490 215103 L.99 0 22 17 -40 36.3 5.9 50 6.26 K0III 0 28 42.5 -50 31 56 2529 232055 L.101 0 22 40 -51 13.4 6.5 51 6.19v F2III 0 30 27.8 -40 56 22 2724 215120 L.109 0 24 21 -41 37.9 6.5 52 6.6 K1III 0 30 29.4 -39 31 07 2723 192574 L.108 0 24 21 -40 12.4 6.8 53 5.69 F2V 0 30 26.1 -48 12 54 2726 215119 L.110 0 24 23 -48 54.2 5.7 54 Lambda1 4.77 A0V 0 31 25.0 -48 48 13 2834 215131 L.115, J.9 0 25 23 -49 29.7 4.6 55 7.2 A1V 0 33 29.5 -55 19 43 3075 232087 L.130 0 27 38 -56 1.1 7.0 dpl. 7, 10 56 6.8 A5IV 0 34 19.4 -42 25 52 3136 215146 L.133 0 28 15 -43 7.3 6.9 57 6.8 K3III 0 34 25.3 -45 25 33 3145 215148 L.134 0 28 24 -46 6.9 7.0 58 5.57 F3IV-V 0 34 27.8 -52 22 23 3158 232091 L.137 0 28 31 -53 3.8 5.7 59 Lambda2 5.51 F6V 0 35 41.1 -48 00 03 3302 215157 L.143 0 29 43 -48 41.2 5.6 60 6.06v? K0IV 0 35 33.4 -54 49 19 3303 232099 L.144 0 29 43 -55 30.5 6.2 var? 61 6.78 G0/G1V 0 36 37.8 -49 07 56 3405 215165 L.148 0 30 38 -49 49.0 6.9 62 6.41 K0IIICN* 0 37 18.2 -54 23 39 3488 232114 L.152 0 31 29 -55 4.9 6.5 63 6.01 K1IIICN* 0 39 51.9 -44 47 48 3750 215185 L.166 0 33 54 -45 29.0 6.4 64 Mu 4.59 G8III 0 41 19.6 -46 05 06 3919 215194 L.177, J.13 0 35 25 -46 46.3 4.7 65 7.07 G8II/III 0 41 57.6 -43 07 30 3979 215199 L.178 0 36 0 -43 48.6 7.0 66 Xi 5.70v? Ap 0 41 46.3 -56 30 06 3980 232152 L.180 0 36 4 -57 11.3 5.9 67 6.9 K0III 0 43 17.5 -45 10 52 4130 215208 L.187 0 37 23 -45 52.0 7.0 68 Eta 4.36 A0IV 0 43 21.2 -57 27 47 4150 232162 L.190, J.16 0 37 44 -58 8.9 4.5 69 6.8 A3V 0 44 14.1 -49 23 10 4228 215215 L.195 0 38 25 -50 4.2 6.9 70 5.93 A7V 0 44 57.1 -42 40 36 4293 215221 L.200 0 39 2 -43 21.5 6.4 71 6.15 F7III 0 44 59.9 -53 42 55 4304 232168 L.201 0 39 15 -54 23.9 6.4 72 5.80 G5IV 0 45 45.5 -47 33 06 4391 215232 L.207 0 39 53 -48 14.3 6.2 73 6.27 G8III 0 48 56.7 -46 41 52 4737 215245 L.226 0 43 9 -47 22.8 6.6 74 AZ* 6.50v A9/F0III 0 50 03.7 -43 23 41 4849 215254 L.231 0 44 12 -44 4.6 6.7 75 Rho 5.22v F2III 0 50 41.1 -50 59 13 4919 232203 L.233 0 45 0 -51 40.1 5.6 76 6.90 F2/F3V 0 51 52.1 -43 42 33 5042 215270 L.236 0 46 2 -44 23.3 6.9 77 6.9 G8III 0 53 59.2 -48 47 29 5275 215283 * 0 48 17 -49 28.2 6.7# * 7.7 F7V 0 54 23.5 -48 56 56 5311 215285 L.251 0 48 42 -49 37.5 7.5# 78 6.8 F6V 0 55 11.6 -47 24 22 5388 215291 L.255 0 49 30 -48 4.7 6.8 79 6.6 K1IIICN* 0 55 52.9 -53 11 33 5474 232227 L.259 0 50 20 -53 52.1 6.9 80 Omega* 6.11 G8III 1 02 01.8 -57 00 09 6192 232268 L.288 0 56 44 -57 40.5 6.3 81 5.36 G8III 1 02 49.2 -46 23 50 6245 215343 L.289 0 57 11 -47 4.2 5.9 r 82 7.00 M3III 1 03 18.5 -41 01 16 6290 215346 L.291 0 57 32 -41 41.6 7.0 * 7.4 F5V 1 04 02.3 -40 31 53 6367 215350 * 0 58 15 -41 12.0 7.2# 83 7.1 A3III/IV 1 03 55.5 -40 38 52 6354 215348 L.294 0 58 10 -41 19.2 7.0# 84 7.2 F3V 1 05 22.1 -40 16 12 6493 215355 L.302 0 59 37 -40 56.4 7.0 85 Beta 3.31v? G8IIIvar 1 06 05.0 -46 43 07 6595 215365 L.308, J.19 1 0 30 -47 23.3 3.3 86 6.7 K4III 1 06 27.6 -39 51 24 6629 215367 L.309 1 0 42 -40 31.6 7.0 87 7.2 F8V 1 07 32.0 -41 44 50 6735 215372 L.311 1 1 48 -42 24.8 7.0 88 Upsilon 5.21 A3V 1 07 47.9 -41 29 13 6767 215374 L.312 1 2 5 -42 9.3 5.4 89 Zeta 3.91v B6V+B0V 1 08 23.1 -55 14 45 6882 232306 L.318, J.21 1 3 8 -55 54.9 4.2 dpl. 8, 4 1/4 90 7.13 F5IV/V 1 09 22.1 -56 35 43 6996 232315 L.321 1 4 10 -57 15.7 6.8 91 6.41 G6II/III 1 10 07.3 -57 41 39 7082 232324 L.323 1 5 1 -58 21.4 6.6 92 7.1 F0IV 1 10 15.6 -56 51 46 7097 232325 L.325 1 5 7 -57 31.6 6.8 93 Nu 4.96 F8V 1 15 11.1 -45 31 53 7570 215428 L.337 1 9 33 -46 12.0 5.3 r 94 6.58 K2III 1 16 11.9 -42 00 33 7706 215433 L.344 1 10 36 -42 40.2 6.7 95 6.76v? K3III 1 18 44.1 -43 20 00 8001 215450 L.358 1 13 12 -43 59.5 6.9 96 8.0 K1III 1 20 34.3 -49 33 51 8213 215466 L.367 1 15 16 -50 13.2 6.6 97 7.43 F3V 1 19 58.2 -57 20 58 8178 232381 L.368 1 15 1 -58 0.4 7.0# 98 7.00 F7V 1 20 27.8 -57 20 20 8224 232385 L.369 1 15 29 -57 59.8 6.8# 99 7.45 F2V 1 21 32.0 -45 08 13 8305 215473 L.371 1 16 4 -45 47.7 7.0 100 6.5 K0III 1 21 24.6 -50 56 13 8315 232390 L.374 1 16 10 -51 35.5 6.4 101 7.02v? F0IV 1 22 24.4 -43 36 08 8391 215478 L.378 1 16 54 -44 15.5 6.8 102 7.3 K0III 1 23 40.7 -40 57 20 8534 215486 L.388 1 18 7 -41 36.4 7.0 103 5.42 K0III 1 24 40.8 -41 29 33 8651 215492 L.392, J.23 1 19 9 -42 8.6 5.8 104 6.26 K1II 1 24 41.9 -44 31 42 8681 215494 L.395 1 19 16 -45 10.8 6.4 105 6.6 K3III 1 26 58.1 -41 44 51 8901 215507 L.406 1 21 28 -42 23.8 6.8 106 Gamma 3.41v K1III* 1 28 21.9 -43 19 06 9053 215516 L.419, J.25 1 22 56 -43 57.5 3.4 r 107 7.0 G3II/III 1 28 18.7 -49 00 22 9067 215517 L.424 1 23 6 -49 39.2 7.0 108 6.31v M3III 1 29 30.4 -46 45 23 9184 215525 L.428 1 24 13 -47 24.2 6.6 * 7.3 K3III 1 29 32.7 -52 22 00 9207 232437 L.430 1 24 29 -53 0.7 7.5# * 7.0 K5III 1 30 19.5 -52 29 37 9293 232443 L.434 1 25 17 -53 8.3 7.1# 109 Delta 3.95 K0III-IV 1 31 15.1 -49 04 22 9362 215536 L.440, J.26 1 26 3 -49 43.4 4.0 110 7.5 F2V 1 31 16.4 -49 54 15 9378 232446 B.217 1 26 9 -50 32.8 7.0 111 6.17 A2V 1 31 39.1 -45 34 32 9414 215539 L.442 1 26 20 -46 13.2 6.3 * 8.0 v G1IV/V* 1 32 33.0 -49 31 40 9528 215545 L.449 1 27 23 -50 10.1 7.2# 112 6.27 F4V 1 32 36.3 -49 43 39 9544 215547 L.450 1 27 29 -50 22.0 6.4# 113 6.91 G8IV 1 34 20.7 -45 41 27 9733 215567 L.460 1 29 3 -46 20.1 7.0 114 6.5 F3/F5V 1 35 50.6 -39 56 51 9895 215573 L.465 1 30 23 -40 35.1 6.6 115 6.8 G8III 1 36 48.2 -48 48 14 10019 215581 L.473 1 31 42 -49 26.6 6.9 116 6.97 K2IIICN* 1 38 03.6 -46 05 03 10121 215589 L.478 1 32 50 -46 43.3 7.0 117 6.67 F0V 1 38 30.6 -42 55 41 10167 215592 L.481 1 33 11 -43 33.8 6.8 118 7.30 A1V 1 39 08.2 -48 46 30 10240 215601 L.486 1 34 3 -49 24.7 7.0# * 7.3 M2/M3III 1 40 06.3 -48 45 39 10358 215607 * 1 35 2 -49 23.7 7.3# 119 6.64 A3V 1 41 41.1 -50 02 19 10553 232497 L.502 1 36 42 -50 40.2 6.7 120 5.49 M3III 1 46 05.8 -50 48 59 10934 232519 L.520 1 41 12 -51 26.5 5.8 121 6.18 K5/M0III 1 47 16.8 -41 45 36 11022 215650 L.524 1 41 59 -42 23.2 6.4 r 122 7.13 G4V 1 48 20.4 -41 29 43 11112 215660 L.530 1 42 58 -42 7.4 7.0 123 6.14 K1IV 1 50 20.2 -47 48 59 11332 215673 L.542 1 45 19 -48 26.3 6.4 124 5.94v A1V 1 50 54.4 -50 12 22 11413 232542 L.547 1 46 3 -50 49.5 6.1 125 6.5 K1IIICN* 1 51 26.3 -39 50 09 11421 215679 L.543 1 46 6 -40 27.2 6.7 126 Psi 4.41v M4III 1 53 38.8 -46 18 09 11695 215696 L.559 1 48 38 -46 54.9 4.8 r 127 Phi 5.12 A3V 1 54 22.0 -42 29 49 11753 215697 L.565, J.32 1 49 11 -43 6.6 5.5 128 4.83 G8III 1 57 10.0 -47 23 06 12055 215715 L.585 1 52 13 -47 59.8 5.1 129 5.57 K1III 1 59 38.8 -42 01 50 12296 215726 L.599 1 54 30 -42 38.1 5.9 * 7.2 G8III 1 59 26.1 -40 43 38 12268 215725 L.597 1 54 14 -41 20.0 7.1# * 7.36 G3V 2 00 32.1 -40 43 51 12387 215734 L.600 1 55 14 -41 19.3 7.6# 130 Chi 5.14 K5III 2 01 42.4 -44 42 48 12524 215739 L.610, J.37 1 56 42 -45 18.9 5.6 131 6.7 A4V 2 08 05.7 -41 52 50 13218 215777 L.641 2 3 1 -42 28.4 6.5 132 5.85 K1III 2 09 09.3 -43 31 00 13336 215785 L.647 2 4 10 -44 6.4 6.1 133 6.6 F3V 2 09 48.4 -40 51 59 13387 215793 L.653 2 4 41 -41 27.4 6.6 134 6.32 G8III 2 10 04.8 -43 48 56 13423 215794 L.659 2 5 6 -44 24.4 6.5 * 7.1 F0/F2IV 2 09 33.8 -45 28 01 13388 215789 L.657 2 4 39 -46 3.4 7.5# * 7.1 G8III 2 10 30.4 -45 26 50 13490 215798 L.663 2 5 36 -46 2.3 7.2# 135 5.91 G9III 2 14 32.0 -41 10 00 13940 215831 L.682 2 9 28 -41 45.0 6.1# 136 6.97 M1/M2III 2 15 25.1 -41 04 08 14057 215838 L.684 2 10 21 -41 39.1 7.0# 137 6.37 K2III 2 19 24.7 -41 50 54 14509 215860 L.703 2 14 26 -42 25.5 6.6 138 6.31 K0III 2 22 12.0 -43 11 59 14832 215878 L.721 2 17 18 -43 46.3 6.4 139 6.18 G5IV 2 24 33.8 -40 50 25 15064 215892 L.731 2 19 32 -41 24.7 6.3 Following 1 the stars HD220803=SAO247881 and HD220896=SAO247888 are connected with a brace to 1 without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. Preceding 9 the star HD221736=SAO231672 is connected with a brace to 9 with combined magnitude 4.4 without being assigned a number. Preceding 12 the star SAO231718 is connected with a brace to 12 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 12 The letter Theta was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered the star to be fainter than magnitude 6 and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However this letter does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. The combined spectrum of 12G and SAO231718 is A7III+A/F. 18 The variable star designation SX was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 23 and 24 three stars, HD223451=SAO231799, HD223480=SAO231800, and HD223633=SAO231811, are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to any of them. For HD223451= SAO231799 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 28 the star HD224464=SAO248082 is connected with a brace to 28 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 33 Right ascension corrected from 23 54 40. Preceding 36 the star HD225268=SAO231917 is connected with a brace to 36 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 38 and 39 the stars HD479=SAO231946 and HD480=SAO231947 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either or being provided designations from an earlier catalog. 62 Spectrum K0II/IIICNIV 63 Spectrum K1IIICNII 74 The variable star designation AZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 77 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 77 the star HD5311=SAO215285 is connected with a brace to 77 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 79 Spectrum K1IIICNII 80 Lacaille assigned the letter Omega to this star; however Gould dropped it because he considered the star to be fainter than magnitude 6 and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. Preceding 83 the star HD6367=SAO215350 is connected with a brace to 83 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 97, 98 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 106 Spectrum K5IIb-IIIa Between 108 and 109 the stars HD9207=SAO232437 and HD9293=SAO232443 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. Preceding 112 the star HD9528=SAO215545 is connected with a brace to 112 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum G1/G2IV/V. 116 Spectrum K2IIICNIa/b Following 118 the star HD10358=SAO215607 is connected with a brace to 118 without a combined magnitude, being assigned a number, or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. 125 Spectrum K1IIICNII Between 129 and 130 the stars HD12268=SAO215725 and HD12387=SAO215734 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. Between 134 and 135 the stars HD13388=SAO215789 and HD13490=SAO215798 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. 135, 136 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 18. - PICTOR G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.44 K2III 4 39 04.3 -51 40 22 29805 233605 L.1558 4 35 59 -51 55.1 6.7 2 6.91 G8/K0III 4 40 34.1 -48 32 17 29930 216928 L.1565 4 37 8 -48 46.8 6.9 3 6.76 G8III+G 4 41 46.1 -47 15 37 30042 216939 L.1572 4 38 12 -47 30.1 6.8# * 7.4 K5/M0III 4 43 20.3 -47 13 17 30218 216956 * 4 39 47 -47 27.3 7.5# 4 Lambda 5.31 K0/K1III 4 42 46.4 -50 28 52 30185 233638 L.1585* 4 39 34 -50 43.0 5.5 5 6.91 F6/F7V 4 43 49.5 -48 19 37 30292 216967 L.1589 4 40 23 -48 34.1 6.8 * 7.1 K3III 4 43 29.7 -52 32 47 30294 233646 L.1597 4 40 31 -52 46.7 7.1# 6 6.62 F3IV/V 4 43 44.4 -52 15 48 30317 233647 L.1599 4 40 44 -52 29.8 6.8# * 8.0 F0V 4 44 16.4 -52 37 42 30373 233653 L.1604 4 41 20 -52 51.6 7.6# 7 Iota 5.61 F0IV 4 50 55.2 -53 27 41 31203 233709 L.1650 4 48 8 -53 40.5 5.8# 8 6.42 F0IV 4 50 56.3 -53 27 35 31204 233710 * 4 48 9 -53 40.4 6.7# 9 6.5 G8III: 4 51 27.0 -51 43 33 31245 233715 L.1651 4 48 26 -51 56.1 6.9 10 Eta1 5.38 F2V 5 02 48.6 -49 09 05 32743 217140 L.1717 4 59 33 -49 19.7 5.5 11 Eta2 5.03 M2IIIvar 5 04 58.0 -49 34 40 33042 217164 L.1728 5 1 44 -49 44.9 5.3 r 12 6.27 M2III 5 05 00.7 -54 24 28 33116 233814 L.1732 5 2 24 -54 34.6 6.7 13 6.93v B5III 5 07 25.9 -44 49 18 33331 217185 L.1735 5 3 44 -44 59.1 6.9 14 6.05 K3III 5 13 53.3 -52 01 52 34347 233886 L.1791 5 10 59 -52 10.4 6.7 r 15 7.00v ApSi 5 16 38.0 -45 54 49 34631 217265 L.1797 5 13 3 -46 3.0 6.9 16 Zeta 5.45 F7III-IV 5 19 22.1 -50 36 22 35072 233926 L.1825 5 16 18 -50 44.5 5.8 17 Kappa* 6.08 B8/B9V 5 22 22.3 -56 08 03 35580 233952 L.1853 5 20 4 -56 15.1 6.4 18 6.08 K1III 5 24 55.5 -44 13 33 35765 217325 L.1850 5 21 12 -44 20.2 6.6 * 6.79 A2V 5 24 42.3 -52 18 46 35859 233964 B.961 5 21 52 -52 25.4 7 1/4# 19 Theta 6.27 A0V 5 24 46.2 -52 18 59 35860 233965 L.1863, B.962 5 21 56 -52 25.6 6 1/2# * 6.4 F2V 5 29 50.3 -47 04 36 36520 217365 L.1886 5 26 24 -47 10.3 7.5# 20 5.46 G3IV 5 30 09.5 -47 04 40 36553 217368 L.1888 5 26 43 -47 10.1 5.7# 21 5.86 K3III 5 31 36.1 -45 55 31 36734 217382 L.1896 5 28 3 -46 1.1 6.5 22 6.9 A6IV 5 30 44.9 -57 09 36 36789 234009 L.1907 5 28 38 -57 15.1 6.9 23 6.42 F8V 5 33 44.3 -54 54 08 37226 234026 L.1923 5 31 16 -54 59.2 6.6 24 6.7 F0II 5 33 34.5 -57 05 01 37227 234025 L.1932 5 31 27 -57 10.0 6.9 25 6.11 K1III+F 5 36 02.7 -47 18 50 37434 217422 L.1930 5 32 39 -47 23.5 6.7 26 6.75 K4III 5 35 02.4 -58 52 16 37462 234037 L.1947 5 33 14 -58 57.0 6.9 27 6.5 A0V 5 38 17.3 -50 38 28 37781 234059 L.1954 5 35 16 -50 42.7 6.5 28 7.1 A2V 5 38 16.5 -59 07 00 37933 234065 L.1971 5 36 31 -59 11.1 6.9 29 6.39v? F0IIIn 5 43 41.1 -45 49 59 38458 217497 L.1981 5 40 8 -45 53.5 6.7 30 5.31 K0/K1II 5 46 27.3 -46 35 49 38871 217521 L.2003 5 43 0 -46 38.6 5.8 31 6.7 G2V 5 46 28.0 -53 13 09 38973 234128 L.2019 5 43 47 -53 15.6 6.8 32 Beta 3.80 A3V 5 47 17.1 -51 03 59 39060 234134 L.2021 5 44 20 -51 6.8 3.9 33 6.18 K3III 5 47 13.1 -54 21 39 39110 234137 L.2030 5 44 42 -54 24.2 6.6 34 6.38 K1III 5 49 34.1 -44 52 31 39312 217559 L.2034 5 45 56 -44 54.8 7.0 35 Gamma 4.51 K1III 5 49 49.7 -56 10 00 39523 234154 L.2053 5 47 33 -56 11.9 4.7 36 6.35 K+A4V+A* 5 50 28.6 -52 46 04 39547 234162 L.2051 5 47 44 -52 48.1 6.7 * 7.5 F0IV/V 5 50 11.8 -55 04 52 39565 234158 * 5 47 47 -55 7.0 7 1/2# * 7.1 K2III 5 50 16.3 -55 03 13 39577 234160 L.2055 5 47 51 -55 5.3 7 1/2# 37 5.17 G8III 5 50 53.2 -52 06 32 39640 234169 L.2052 5 48 4 -52 8.3 5.6 38 5.92v? F7IV 5 52 20.3 -57 09 22 39937 234181 L.2080 5 50 15 -57 10.8 6.6 var? 39 6.52 K1V 5 54 10.7 -50 21 43 40105 234191 * 5 51 7 -50 24.2 7.0 40 6.10 B3V 5 54 41.3 -49 37 37 40200 217612 L.2082 5 51 34 -49 38.9 6.4 41* 7.0 A2V 5 53 14.9 -61 50 23 40201 249381 B.1099 5 52 3 -61 51.7 6.9 42 5.29 D Del* 5 54 50.2 -52 38 07 40292 234199 L.2087 5 52 5 -52 39.8 5.8 * 7.4 K1III 5 57 09.2 -53 25 04 40643 234222 * 5 54 31 -53 25.7 7 1/4# 43 6.45v? K5/M0III 5 57 14.4 -53 25 34 40665 234224 L.2104 5 54 35 -53 26.3 7 # 44 5.81 G8II 5 58 37.6 -44 02 04 40733 217648 L.2098 5 54 55 -44 2.7 6.5 * 7.0 B8V 5 59 01.8 -51 13 24 40909 234236 L.2114 5 56 6 -51 13.9 7.3# 45 5.64 A1mA3-A7 6 00 49.2 -51 12 59 41214 234251 L.2123 5 57 53 -51 13.3 6.2# 46 SW* 6.45v M4III 6 02 09.3 -60 05 49 41586 249424 L.2155 6 0 36 -60 5.6 7.0 47 5.05v? K2/K3III 6 07 03.4 -62 09 17 42540 249451 B.1172 6 5 55 -62 7.9 5.7 48 Delta 4.81v B0.5IV 6 10 17.9 -54 58 07 42933 234359 L.2201 6 7 52 -54 56.5 5.2 * 7.5 F0III/IV 6 10 52.8 -61 29 59 43199 249464 L.2215 6 9 36 -61 28.2 7.4# 49 6.8 B9.5V 6 12 32.2 -61 28 26 43519 249475 L.2224 6 11 15 -61 26.3 6.9# 50 6.43 G1V 6 16 18.6 -59 12 49 44120 234418 L.2242 6 14 35 -59 9.3 6.5 51 6.9 A7III 6 21 24.8 -60 01 20 45058 234464 L.2289 6 19 49 -59 57.6 7.0 52 Nu 5.61 Am 6 22 55.9 -56 22 12 45229 234473 L.2292 6 20 42 -56 18.2 6.0 53 6.6 G1V 6 22 30.5 -60 13 10 45270 249526 L.2301 6 20 57 -60 9.3 6.8 54 6.48 A3V 6 23 46.9 -58 32 38 45450 234482 L.2303 6 21 54 -58 28.5 6.7 55 6.27 M1III 6 23 01.4 -63 41 00 45461 249531 L.2312 6 22 13 -63 36.9 6.5 56 5.80 A0V 6 24 13.8 -60 16 52 45557 249535 L.2311 6 22 41 -60 12.7 6.1 57 6.45 G3III/IV 6 24 26.4 -63 25 44 45701 249539 L.2321 6 23 34 -63 21.1 6.8 58 6.27 B6V 6 24 55.7 -63 49 40 45796 249542 L.2329 6 24 9 -63 45.3 6.7 59 5.82 K3III 6 27 04.0 -58 00 08 45984 234519 L.2328 6 25 6 -57 55.4 6.3 60 6.7 A0V 6 27 48.6 -62 08 59 46190 249554 L.2348 6 26 38 -62 4.1 6.8 61 5.22v? K0III 6 29 28.5 -56 51 11 46355 234541 L.2343 6 27 19 -56 46.1 5.9* 62 6.8 F0III 6 29 55.2 -59 35 26 46479 234549 L.2356 6 28 13 -59 30.2 7.0 63 6.20 B3V 6 31 10.7 -61 52 47 46792 249572 L.2377 6 29 56 -61 47.2 6.4 64 Mu 5.69 B9V 6 31 58.4 -58 45 15 46860 234564 L.2373 6 30 7 -58 39.6 6.0 65 6.18 G1/G2V 6 38 00.7 -61 31 59 48189 249604 L.2432 6 36 40 -61 25.4 6.6 66 Alpha 3.30 A7IV 6 48 11.4 -61 56 29 50241 249647 L.2525, J.161 6 46 55 -61 48.5 3.5 67 6.10 F7III-IV 6 50 01.1 -60 14 57 50571 249654 L.2532 6 48 22 -60 6.3 6.4 Following 3 the star HD30218=SAO216956 is connected with a brace to 3 without a combined magnitude, being assigned a number, or a designation from an earlier catalog. 4 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from B.1585. Preceding 6 the star HD30294=SAO233646 and following 6 the star HD30373= SAO233653 are both connected with a brace to 6 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or numbers being assigned to either. 7, 8 The two components of the double star Iota Pictoris are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.4. 8 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 17 The letter Kappa was assigned by Lacaille. It was omitted from the Uranometria Argentina because Gould considered it to be fainter than sixth magnitude. However it is shown in most modern atlases and catalogs. Preceding 19 the star HD35859=SAO233964 is connected with a brace to 19 with combined magnitude 6.0 without being assigned a number. Preceding 20 the star HD36520=SAO217365 is connected with a brace to 20 with combined magnitude 5.6 without being assigned a number. 36 Spectrum K0/K1III+A4V+A Between 36 and 37 the stars HD39565=SAO234158 and HD39577=SAO234160 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned to either. For HD39565=SAO234158 Gould does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 39 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 41 This star was assigned by Gould to Pictor but now lies in Dorado. 42 Spectrum Delta Del Preceding 43 the star HD40643=SAO234222 is connected with a brace to 43 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number or having a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 45 the star HD40909=SAO234236 is connected with a brace to 45 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 46 The variable star designation SW was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Preceding 49 the star HD43199=SAO249464 is connected with a brace to 49 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 61 Magnitude corrected from 6.9. 57. - PISCES G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.2 F0 22 51 41.6 + 4 47 10 216296 127806 Ll.44712 22 45 21 + 4 7.4 6.9 2 6.9 A0 22 52 32.9 + 3 33 07 216400 127811 Ll.44743 22 46 11 + 2 53.4 6.7 3 1 6.11 A7III 22 54 59.5 + 1 03 53 216701 127836 Ll.44824 22 48 36 + 0 24.0 6.3 4 6.58 A0 22 57 06.9 - 3 14 42 216931 146402 Ll.44872 22 50 39 - 3 54.8 7.0# dpl. 7, 9 1/2 * 7.7 F8 22 57 25.9 - 3 09 27 216983 146405 Ll.44882 22 50 59 - 3 49.1 7.4# * 8.6 G5 22 57 37.2 - 3 10 56 217000 146406 WB.1040 22 51 16 - 3 51.0 7.5# 5 6.28 K1III 22 57 32.8 + 3 48 37 217019 127860 Ll.44888 22 51 11 + 3 8.5 6.5 6 6.16 G8IV 22 58 15.5 - 2 23 42 217107 146412 WB.1052 22 51 48 - 3 3.8 6.2 7 6.40 F1V 22 58 23.7 - 1 24 37 217131 146415 Ll.44904 22 51 57 - 2 4.6 6.5 8 6.35 A1V 22 58 42.6 + 7 20 23 217186 127874 Ll.44931 22 52 24 + 6 40.5 6.6 9 2 5.43 K1III: 22 59 27.5 + 0 57 47 217264 127881 Ll.44946 22 53 3 + 0 17.8 5.4 10 3 6.21 G4III 23 00 38.0 + 0 11 10 217428 146443 Ll.44983 22 54 13 - 0 29.1 6.4 11 5.83 K4III 23 00 43.0 + 3 00 42 217459 127894 Ll.44993 22 54 21 + 2 20.7 6.2 12 7.13 G0 23 01 39.5 + 4 27 40 217578 127907 Ll.45030 22 55 17 + 3 47.8 7.0 13 6.4 G5 23 01 43.6 + 3 31 51 217590 127908 Ll.45032 22 55 22 + 2 51.8 6.8 14 4 Beta 4.53 B6Ve 23 03 52.6 + 3 49 12 217891 127934 Ll.45105 22 57 31 + 3 8.9 4.4 15 6.41 F2V 23 04 01.0 + 6 37 00 217926 127937 WB.1198 22 57 42 + 5 56.6 6.6 16 6.39 G9III 23 05 17.7 + 1 18 25 218103 127960 Ll.45163 22 58 54 + 0 38.1 6.6 17 5 A 5.40 G8III-IV 23 08 40.9 + 2 07 40 218527 127993 Ll.45279 23 2 17 + 1 26.8 5.6 18 6.9 M3 23 11 14.1 + 5 00 15 218853 128019 Ll.45366 23 4 53 + 4 19.6 7.0 19 7.0 B0.5III 23 14 00.7 + 4 59 49 219188 128051 Ll.45471 23 7 39 + 4 19.1 6.9 20 6.77 F5 23 15 40.1 + 1 18 30 219420 128069 Ll.45525 23 9 15 + 0 37.7 6.8 21 6 Gamma 3.69 G7III 23 17 09.9 + 3 16 56 219615 128085 Ll.45565 23 10 41 + 2 36.0 3.6 22 7 b 5.05 K2III 23 20 20.6 + 5 22 53 220009 128126 Ll.45687 23 13 58 + 4 42.0 5.4 23 6.9 A0 23 22 53.2 + 2 49 06 220337 128150 Ll.45781 23 16 30 + 2 8.0 7.0 24 6.31 K2 23 23 32.0 + 0 17 30 220406 128156 Ll.45801 23 17 7 - 0 23.7 6.4 25 6.5 K2III* 23 24 16.6 + 3 42 55 220512 128160 Ll.45846 23 17 54 + 3 1.9 6.6 26 6.7 K0 23 26 43.6 + 2 28 42 220796 128184 Ll.45894 23 20 20 + 1 47.5 6.8 27 8 Kappa 4.94v A0pCr* 23 26 56.0 + 1 15 20 220825 128186 Ll.45895 23 20 31 + 0 34.3 4.7 28 9 6.25v? G7III 23 27 14.8 + 1 07 22 220858 128188 Ll.45905 23 20 51 + 0 26.2 6.6 r 29 10 Theta 4.28 K1III 23 27 58.1 + 6 22 44 220954 128196 Ll.45944 23 21 38 + 5 41.6 4.2 30 11 6.5 K0 23 29 27.0 - 1 47 28 221147 146733 Ll.45981 23 23 2 - 2 28.7 6.4 31 12 6.89 G0 23 29 30.3 - 1 02 09 221146 146735 T.10782 23 23 6 - 1 43.4 6.8 32 13 6.38 K1III 23 31 57.5 - 1 05 10 221409 146756 Ll.46080 23 25 33 - 1 46.6 6.4 33 6.81 F5 23 32 12.7 + 7 05 06 221445 128231 Ll.46134 23 25 51 + 6 23.9 6.7 34 7.0 A0 23 32 55.3 - 3 01 01 221530 146765 Ll.46117 23 26 30 - 3 42.4 6.6 35 14 5.87 A2m 23 34 09.0 - 1 14 51 221675 146780 Ll.46160 23 27 43 - 1 56.2 5.9 36 6.8 F2 23 34 25.2 + 5 28 14 221701 128260 Ll.46171 23 28 1 + 4 46.8 7.0 37 15 6.48 K0 23 35 28.6 + 1 18 47 221833 128270 Ll.46212 23 29 5 + 0 37.4 6.6 38 16 5.68 F6Vbvw 23 36 23.3 + 2 06 08 221950 128281 Ll.46248 23 30 1 + 1 24.5 5.8 39 17 Iota 4.13 F7V 23 39 57.0 + 5 37 35 222368 128310 Ll.46351 23 33 31 + 4 56.9 4.1 40 5.91 A3Vn 23 41 56.7 + 7 15 02 222602 128335 Ll.46442 23 35 35 + 6 33.6 5.9 41 18 Lambda 4.50 A7V 23 42 02.8 + 1 46 48 222603 128336 Ll.46445 23 35 40 + 1 5.7 4.5 42 19 TX* 5.05v C5II 23 46 23.5 + 3 29 12 223075 128374 Ll.46575 23 40 0 + 2 47.6 4.9 r var? 43 20 5.49 G8III 23 47 56.5 - 2 45 42 223252 146915 Ll.46618 23 41 31 - 3 27.4 5.5 44 7.0 G5 23 48 14.4 + 7 09 47 223292 128389 Ll.46630 23 41 52 + 6 28.3 7.0 45 6.40 F5III-IV 23 48 49.3 + 2 12 51 223346 128393 Ll.46646 23 42 25 + 1 31.3 6.6 46 21 5.70 A5m 23 49 27.5 + 1 04 34 223438 128401 Ll.46667 23 43 4 + 0 22.9 5.8 47 7.0 K2 23 51 40.2 + 4 41 52 223685 128424 Ll.46737 23 45 18 + 4 0.1 7.0# 48 6.7 A2 23 51 53.6 + 4 44 44 223707 128425 Ll.46742 23 45 30 + 4 3.0 6.5# 49 22 5.55 K4II 23 51 57.8 + 2 55 49 223719 128427 Ll.46744 23 45 34 + 2 14.2 5.6 r 50 24 5.93 G9III 23 52 55.5 - 3 09 20 223825 146954 Ll.46784 23 46 30 - 3 50.9 6.1 51 25 6.32 A1V 23 53 04.8 + 2 05 27 223855 128436 Ll.46788 23 46 41 + 1 23.7 6.4 52 XZ* 5.61v M5III 23 54 46.6 + 0 06 33 224062 146973 Ll.46859 23 48 23 - 0 35.1 5.9 53 26 6.21 B9V 23 55 07.8 + 7 04 16 224103 128466 T.10933 23 48 44 + 6 22.6 6.3 54 6.9 F0 23 56 47.3 + 4 43 30 224315 128487 WB.1006 23 50 23 + 4 1.7 6.9 * 7.1 K2 23 57 02.7 + 3 01 35 224331 128489 Ll.46935 23 50 39 + 2 19.9 7.2# * 7.5 K5 23 57 05.8 + 3 04 15 224346 128492 Ll.46938 23 50 42 + 2 22.6 7.6# * 7.9 F0 23 57 24.2 + 3 00 36 224382 128494 Ll.46951 23 51 1 + 2 18.9 7.6# 55 27 4.86 G9III 23 58 40.4 - 3 33 22 224533 147008 J.601 23 52 16 - 4 14.9 5.1 56 28 Omega 4.00 F4IV 23 59 18.7 + 6 51 48 224617 128513 Ll.47017 23 52 54 + 6 10.3 4.0 57 6.7 G5 23 59 40.7 - 5 53 35 224661 147017 Ll.47036 23 53 16 - 6 35.1 6.9 * 6.83 M0 23 59 46.5 - 0 16 48 224677 147018 Ll.47041 23 53 22 - 0 58.5 7.1# * 7.2 K0 0 00 11.7 - 0 21 35 224726 147023 Ll.47051 23 53 47 - 1 3.3 7.4# 58 29 5.10v? B7III-IV 0 01 49.4 - 3 01 39 224926 147041 J.603 23 55 25 - 3 43.4 5.0 59 30 4.41v M3III 0 01 57.6 - 6 00 51 224935 147042 J.604 22 55 33 - 6 42.5 4.4 r 60 31 6.32 A6V 0 02 24.2 + 8 57 25 224995 128544 Ll.47135 23 56 0 + 8 15.7 6.4 61 32 c 5.60 F0V 0 02 29.7 + 8 29 07 225003 128547 Ll.47138 23 56 7 + 7 47.5 5.7 62 6.29 G9III: 0 05 03.7 - 0 30 09 6 128569 Ll.47217 23 58 39 - 1 11.8 6.5 63 33 4.61 K0IIIb 0 05 20.1 - 5 42 27 28 128572 J.606 23 58 56 - 6 24.4 4.8 r 64 6.8 G5 0 05 22.3 + 3 36 23 43 109004 Ll.47229 23 58 58 + 2 54.6 7.0 65 4 Cet* 6.43 B8IIIpSi 0 07 44.1 - 2 32 55 315 128595 By., Ll.47300 0 1 20 - 3 14.7 6.5# 66 5 Cet* 6.07v K2III+F 0 08 12.1 - 2 26 52 352 128602 By., Ll.47314 0 1 48 - 3 8.6 6.4# 67 5.80 K1III 0 10 18.8 - 5 14 55 587 128621 Ll.1 0 3 55 - 5 56.6 6.1 68 7.3 K0 0 14 24.4 - 2 11 52 999 128654 Ll.155 0 8 1 - 2 53.5 7.0 69 6.8 K0 0 13 47.6 + 1 23 01 940 109078 Ll.134 0 7 24 + 0 41.3 7.0# * 7.0 F5 0 14 36.5 + 1 17 50 1031 109084 Ll.163 0 8 12 + 0 36.1 7.1# 70 35 UU* 6.01v F0IV 0 14 58.9 + 8 49 14 1061 109087 Ll.182 0 8 32 + 8 7.6 5.8 dpl. 6, 7 1/2 71 7.1 K0 0 15 38.6 + 5 50 37 1133 109091 WB.129 0 9 13 + 5 8.9 7.0 72 7.0 A0 0 15 57.3 + 4 15 04 1160 109094 Ll.205 0 9 32 + 3 33.4 6.8 73 36 6.11 G8II-III 0 16 34.0 + 8 14 25 1227 109100 Ll.218 0 10 9 + 7 32.8 6.3 74 7.05 M5III 0 16 39.4 + 1 51 03 1228 109101 Ll.225 0 10 15 + 1 9.3 7.0 75 38 6.68 F5 0 17 24.6 + 8 52 36 1317 109111 Ll.250 0 10 58 + 8 10.7 6.9 76 6.17 K0II 0 17 47.4 + 1 41 18 1367 109119 Ll.261 0 11 22 + 0 59.7 6.4 * 7.1 G5 0 17 48.4 - 1 51 46 1369 128685 Ll.265 0 11 25 - 2 33.5 7.1# * 7.3 K2 0 18 18.5 - 2 00 53 1421 128688 Ll.276 0 11 54 - 2 42.5 7.2# 77 7.1 F0 0 18 07.9 + 3 47 48 1393 109127 Ll.279 0 11 44 + 3 6.1 6.9 78 7.0 G5 0 19 50.9 - 2 28 44 1567 128698 Ll.341 0 13 27 - 3 10.5 7.0 79 7.1 K0 0 20 05.1 + 6 17 34 1585 109145 Ll.343 0 13 40 + 5 36.0 7.0 80 7.9 M0 0 20 09.6 + 3 02 01 1586 109146 Ll.349 0 13 45 + 2 20.4 7.0 r 81 41 d 5.37v? K3III 0 20 35.9 + 8 11 25 1635 109152 Ll.366 0 14 10 + 7 29.8 5.3 r 82 7.0 K0 0 21 04.2 - 2 54 33 1679 128707 Ll.390 0 14 40 - 3 36.2 7.0 83 7.1 A2 0 22 14.2 - 5 11 29 1788 128718 Ll.414 0 15 52 - 5 53.0* 6.7 84 6.07 K1III 0 24 29.6 - 2 13 08 2023 128743 Ll.477 0 18 7 - 2 54.6 6.4 85 44 5.77 G5III 0 25 24.2 + 1 56 23 2114 109192 Ll.512 0 19 0 + 1 14.9 5.9 86 45 6.78 K0 0 25 42.0 + 7 41 28 2140 109195 Ll.523 0 19 15 + 7 0.0 6.9 87 6.9 B8 0 26 16.5 + 3 49 33 2235 109206 Ll.546 0 19 51 + 3 8.0 6.8 88 6.04 F6Vavw 0 28 20.0 +10 11 23 2454 109224 Ll.617 0 21 52 + 9 30.6 6.1 89 6.61 F5 0 30 08.7 + 4 51 36 2648 109238 Ll.670 0 23 43 + 4 10.1 6.5 90 51 5.67 B9.5V 0 32 23.8 + 6 57 20 2913 109262 Ll.763 0 25 57 + 6 15.9 5.8 91 6.7 G5 0 34 10.8 +10 17 58 3088 91971 Ll.827 0 27 42 + 9 36.9 7.0 92 6.40 K4III 0 37 30.5 + 3 08 07 3457 109315 Ll.954 0 31 4 + 2 27.0 6.8 93 6.53 F5 0 41 11.8 + 9 21 19 3861 109369 Ll.1082 0 34 45 + 8 40.4 6.4 94 60 5.99 G8III 0 47 23.6 + 6 44 27 4526 109461 Ll.1273 0 40 56 + 6 3.5 6.2 95 62 5.93 G8III 0 48 17.4 + 7 18 00 4627 109470 Ll.1300 0 41 48 + 6 37.0 6.0 96 5.75 K2V 0 48 23.0 + 5 16 50 4628 109471 Ll.1299 0 41 49 + 4 38.5 5.9 r 97 63 Delta 4.43 K5III 0 48 41.0 + 7 35 06 4656 109474 Ll.1312 0 42 12 + 6 54.3 4.4 98 6.37 K0III 0 51 18.3 + 3 23 06 4928 109507 By.91, Ll.1407 0 44 52 + 2 42.5 6.7 99 6.8 G5 0 58 19.5 + 6 50 40 5654 109563 Ll.1651 0 51 51 + 6 10.2 6.8 100 6.11v M2III 0 59 49.7 + 6 28 59 5820 109581 By., Ll.1708 0 53 21 + 5 48.5 6.2 101 6.8 F0 1 02 29.6 + 8 49 17 6120 109618 Ll.1805 0 55 59 + 8 9.0 6.9 102 6.67 F5 1 02 42.7 + 9 07 59 6152 109623 Ll.1807 0 56 11 + 8 27.7 6.8 103 71 Epsilon 4.28 K0III 1 02 56.6 + 7 53 24 6186 109627 Ll.1819 0 56 27 + 7 13.0 4.2 104 6.9 A0 1 03 47.2 + 6 45 54 6277 109642 Ll.1848 0 57 17 + 6 5.7 7.0 105 73 6.00 K5III 1 04 52.6 + 5 39 23 6386 109656 T.327 0 58 24 + 4 59.1 5.9 106 77 6.35 F4Vcomp 1 05 49.2 + 4 54 30 6479 109666 Ll.1905 0 59 21 + 4 14.6 5.9 107 7.7 A3 1 06 54.0 + 8 39 08 6591 109681 Ll.1952 1 0 23 + 7 59.0 6.9 108 6.8 M 1 08 21.8 + 9 54 30 6761 109696 Ll.2001 1 1 50 + 9 14.4 7.0 109 80 e 5.50v? F0III-IV 1 08 22.3 + 5 39 00 6763 109697 Ll.2004 1 1 56 + 4 59.3 5.5 110 7.30 B9 1 08 55.9 + 9 43 48 6815 109700 Ll.2021 1 2 23 + 9 3.9 7.0 111 7.23 G0 1 10 54.3 + 9 33 50 7047 109718 Ll.2097 1 4 21 + 8 53.2 7.0 112 6.50 G5 1 11 29.0 +10 17 32 7107 92304 Ll.2123 1 4 56 + 9 37.6 6.6 113 86 Zeta 5.57v? F7V 1 13 45.3 + 7 34 41 7345 109740 Ll.2187 1 7 12 + 6 54.8 4.8 114 88 6.03 G6III: 1 14 42.4 + 6 59 44 7446 109753 Ll.2216 1 8 12 + 6 20.0 6.2 115 89 f 5.16 A3V 1 17 48.0 + 3 36 52 7804 109793 Ll.2329 1 11 21 + 2 57.4 5.2 116 7.0 F0 1 25 40.7 + 2 58 19 8686 109883 Ll.2589 1 19 13 + 2 19.3 7.0 117 6.58 B9V 1 26 53.5 + 3 32 07 8803 109895 Ll.2632 1 20 26 + 2 53.2 6.6 118 6.25 K1III 1 28 23.0 + 7 57 41 8949 109907 Ll.2677 1 21 50 + 7 18.8 5.9 119 96 6.7 F2 1 29 03.1 + 7 17 39 9024 109916 Ll.2702 1 22 32 + 6 38.9 6.6 120 98 Mu 4.84 K4III 1 30 11.1 + 6 08 38 9138 109926 Ll.2735 1 23 38 + 5 29.9 5.0 121 6.5 K0 1 33 18.3 + 8 12 31 9496 109964 Ll.2824 1 26 45 + 7 34.0 6.7 122 6.94 F8 1 36 02.8 + 7 38 42 9817 110001 Ll.2927 1 29 31 + 7 0.3 7.0# 123 6.6 M0 1 36 43.5 + 7 49 53 9889 110011 Ll.2945 1 30 10 + 7 11.5 6.7# 124 6.33 F2 1 40 34.9 + 8 45 39 10262 110046 Ll.3070 1 34 0 + 8 7.6 6.5 125 106 Nu 4.44 K3III 1 41 25.9 + 5 29 15 10380 110065 T.557 1 34 56 + 4 51.3 4.5 126 7.0 K0 1 44 36.0 + 3 13 26 10698 110104 WB.679 1 38 8 + 2 35.7 6.8 127 110 Omicron 4.26v? K0III 1 45 23.6 + 9 09 28 10761 110110 Ll.3212 1 38 48 + 8 31.7 4.3 128 UZ* 6.58v A2p 1 45 42.6 + 8 33 34 10783 110111 AB.275 1 39 8 + 7 55.9 6.7 129 6.9 A3 1 45 43.8 + 3 40 01 10795 110112 Ll.3226 1 39 15 + 3 2.4 6.8 130 6.9 A5 1 45 55.0 + 3 25 01 10809 110114 Ll.3230 1 39 27 + 2 47.5 6.7 131 5.91 G9III 1 48 26.1 + 3 41 08 11037 110138 Ll.3298 1 41 57 + 3 3.6 5.9 132 111 Xi 4.62 K0III 1 53 33.3 + 3 11 15 11559 110206 Ll.3478 1 47 5 + 2 34.2 4.7 133 6.54 M0 1 54 22.2 + 8 46 52 11640 110214 Ll.3504 1 47 46 + 8 9.9 6.8 var? 134 7.1 G5 1 59 58.4 + 6 02 08 12203 110264 Ll.3678 1 53 25 + 5 25.7 6.9 135 112 5.90v? G2IV 2 00 09.2 + 3 05 50 12235 110266 Ll.3688 1 53 39 + 2 30.1 6.0 var? 136 7.2 F2 2 01 52.5 + 7 51 51 12414 110286 Ll.3746 1 55 16 + 7 15.7 7.0 137 113 Alpha 4.3: A0pSiSr 2 02 02.8 + 2 45 49 12447 110291 Ll.3768 1 55 35 + 2 9.6 3.8 138 6.5 K0 2 04 51.1 + 7 44 08 12730 110325 Ll.3830 1 58 16 + 7 8.1 6.5 139 6.9 F0 2 05 48.5 + 7 01 44 12814 110332 Ll.3856 1 59 12 + 6 25.8 6.9 140 WZ* 6.31v M2III: 2 06 12.2 + 8 14 52 12872 110337 Ll.3866 1 59 36 + 7 39.1 6.6 Following 4 the stars HD216983=SAO164605 and HD217000=SAO146406 are connected with a brace to 4 with combined magnitude for all three stars 6.6 and without having numbers assigned to either. 25 Spectrum K2IIIcomp 27 Spectrum A0pCr(SrSi) 42 The variable star designation TX was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 47, 48 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 52 The variable star designation XZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 54 and 55 three stars, HD224331=SAO128489, HD224346=SAO128492, and HD224382=SAO128494 are all connected with a brace without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. Between 57 and 58 the stars HD224677=SAO147018 and HD224726=SAO147023 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either of them. 65 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Cetus and assigned the Flamsteed number 4 Ceti. Gould moved it to Pisces, where it remains. 65, 66 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 66 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Cetus and assigned the Flamsteed number 5 Ceti. Gould moved it to Pisces, where it remains. Following 69 the star HD1031=SAO109084 is connected with a brace to 69 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 70 The variable star designation UU was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 76 and 77 the stars HD1369=SAO128685 and HD1421=SAO128688 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 83 Declination corrected from + 5 53.0. 122, 123 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 128 The variable star designation UZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 140 The variable star designation WZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 38. - PISCIS AUSTRINUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5 6.50 A1V 21 29 03.8 -31 14 19 204394 213034 L.8825 21 21 35 -31 46.9 6.5 2 6 5.97v? A2V 21 32 14.6 -33 56 41 204854 213078 L.8837 21 24 41 -34 29.6 6.1 3 6.45 B8IIIw 21 34 53.0 -29 41 44 205265 190458 L.8849 21 27 30 -30 15.0 6.4 4 6.8 F5V 21 35 13.8 -34 19 45 205294 213115 L.8848 21 27 40 -34 52.8 6.8 5 8 5.73 A7/A8IV 21 36 11.0 -26 10 17 205471 190478 L.8853 21 28 56 -26 43.6 6.0 6 7 6.11 A5V 21 36 48.9 -33 02 53 205529 213136 L.8855 21 29 18 -33 36.3 6.2 7 7.3 F3V 21 36 58.1 -35 53 05 205530 213139 L.8854 21 29 20 -36 26.5 7.0 8 6.28 G8IV 21 39 06.1 -33 40 45 205872 213168 L.8867 21 31 35* -34 14.4 6.5 9 6.74 G2V 21 39 10.1 -27 18 24 205905 190520 L.8870, Ll.42113 21 31 51 -27 52.0 6.8 10 6.7 K0/K1III 21 40 27.2 -34 32 05 206063 213190 L.8873 21 32 56 -35 5.7 6.8 11 6.9 K2/K3III 21 41 18.5 -35 35 05 206181 213203 L.8880 21 33 44 -36 9.1 7.0 12 6.49 K0 21 41 46.1 -25 06 07 206291 190555 L.8890, Ll.42220 21 34 36 -25 40.1 6.8 13 6.8 G8III/IV 21 41 39.5 -32 31 52 206252 213206 Y.9466 21 34 12 -33 5.7 7.0# * 7.1 K1III 21 42 12.5 -32 30 22 206342 213215 L.8889, Y.9471 21 34 46 -33 4.5 7.2# 14 9 Iota 4.30 B9.5V 21 44 56.8 -33 01 33 206742 213258 L.8901, J.541 21 37 30 -33 35.7 4.4 15 6.7 K3III 21 46 24.1 -32 42 52 206958 213273 L.8911 21 38 58 -33 17.3 7.0 16 10 Theta 5.01 A1V 21 47 44.2 -30 53 54 207155 213292 L.8917, J.543 21 40 24 -31 28.5 5.2 17 7.12 A1V 21 49 53.9 -27 24 15 207480 190660 L.8934, Ll.42502 21 42 41 -27 59.0 7.0 18 6.6 K3III 21 54 19.1 -36 03 42 208033 213378 L.8952 21 46 49 -36 38.9 7.0 19 6.41 G8III 21 55 55.6 -30 36 23 208285 213406 L.8965 21 48 38 -31 11.7 6.7 20 7.0 B5III 21 59 55.5 -31 31 31 208886 213466 L.8985 21 52 38 -32 7.3 6.9 21 12 Eta 5.42 B8V+B8* 22 00 50.2 -28 27 13 209014 190822 Ll.42864 21 53 39 -29 3.2 5.7 22 6.6 F6/F7V 22 02 33.1 -32 07 59 209253 213495 L.9000 21 55 16 -32 44.1 6.8 * 7.10 F0IIIn 22 03 17.2 -29 54 15 209335 213502 L.(9004) 21 56 3 -30 30.4 7.2# 23 13 6.47 K5III 22 04 23.9 -29 55 00 209476 213517 L.9009 21 57 12 -30 31.2 7.0# 24 6.9 G8III 22 04 29.9 -25 53 00 209506 190862 L.9013, Ll.42990 21 57 24 -26 29.3 6.9 25 5.90v? B3V(+B) 22 04 36.8 -26 49 20 209522 190864 L.9014, Ll.42993 21 57 30 -27 25.6 6.1 26 Upsilon 4.99 M1III 22 08 25.9 -34 02 35 210066 213577 L.9030 22 1 7 -34 39.1 5.4 27 14 Mu 4.50 A2V 22 08 23.0 -32 59 19 210049 213576 L.9029 22 1 5 -33 35.8 4.7# 28 6.39 A2III/IV 22 08 42.7 -33 07 32 210111 213583 L.9033 22 1 25 -33 44.2 6.4# 29 5.37v? A5V 22 09 55.7 -34 00 53 210271 213599 L.9036 22 2 37 -34 37.7 5.7 r var? 30 15 Tau 4.92 F6V 22 10 08.8 -32 32 54 210302 213602 L.9037 22 2 49 -33 9.7 5.3 r 31 6.45 A5V 22 10 00.2 -28 17 33 210300 190930 L.9040, Ll.43174 22 2 52 -28 54.4 6.5 32 6.7 K1+A6* 22 11 38.2 -34 27 54 210525 213625 L.9046 22 4 19 -35 4.7 6.8 33 6.20 A3V 22 12 57.5 -26 19 40 210739 190967 L.9058, Ll.43294 22 5 55 -26 56.6 6.4 34 5.58 F6III-II 22 13 44.4 -25 10 51 210848 190976 L.9063 22 6 43 -25 47.9 5.9 r 35 16 Lambda 5.43 B7V 22 14 18.8 -27 46 01 210934 190985 L.9065 22 7 13 -28 23.1 5.6 36 6.15 K1II/III 22 16 37.5 -25 53 54 211291 191016 L.9080, Ll.43410 22 9 36 -26 31.2 6.5 37 6.7 K3III 22 17 10.0 -34 45 52 211367 213696 L.9081 22 9 53 -35 22.9 7.0 38 6.6 K5III 22 19 20.1 -28 12 30 211687 191053 L.9097, Ll.43521 22 12 16 -28 50.0 7.0 39 7.1 K1III 22 20 44.4 -34 31 00 211863 213751 * 22 13 31 -35 8.5 7.0 * 7.4 F3/F5V 22 21 57.5 -34 31 15 212025 213765 * 22 14 44 -35 9.0 7.1# * 7.5 F2/F3IV* 22 22 04.4 -34 29 21 212035 213767 * 22 14 51 -35 7.1 7.5# 40 5.95v? F0V 22 29 46.1 -27 06 27 213135 191182 L.9151, Ll.43880 22 22 46 -27 44.7 6.3 41 Zeta 6.43 K1III 22 30 53.7 -26 04 25 213296 191196 L.9160, Ll.43924 22 23 57 -26 42.7 6.7 42 17 Beta 4.29 A1V 22 31 30.3 -32 30 46 213398 213883 B.7176, J.564 22 24 24 -32 59.2 4.4 dpl. 4 3/4, 6 43 7.7 G1V 22 31 30.6 -32 21 17 213884 * 44 6.5 K0III 22 31 45.4 -35 17 27 213412 213887 L.9163 22 24 34 -35 55.9 6.8# * 8.1 K0 22 32 24.4 -35 02 51 213490 213893 * 22 25 14 -35 41.3 7.5# * 7.0 K4III 22 33 17.0 -35 08 18 213600 213903 L.9167 22 26 7 -35 46.8 7.1# 45 6.69 B7III 22 34 05.1 -32 08 30 213728 213918 L.9172 22 27 1 -32 47.1 6.8 46 6.86 K0/K1III 22 34 27.0 -34 40 31 213770 213924 L.9175 22 27 19 -35 19.1 7.0 47 5.82 K2III 22 36 35.4 -31 39 50 214122 213948 L.9184, Y.9919 22 29 33 -32 18.5 6.1# * 7.44 K2III 22 36 39.0 -31 38 29 214121 213950 Y.9920 22 29 37 -32 17.3 7.3# 48 6.47 K1III 22 38 44.7 -28 44 52 214462 191292 L.9199 22 31 47 -29 23.8 6.8 49 5.66 A0V 22 38 51.5 -33 04 53 214484 213981 L.9197 22 31 48 -33 43.9 5.9 50 6.31 K0/K1III 22 39 44.0 -28 19 31 214599 191308 L.9204, Ll.44254 22 32 46 -28 58.5 6.5 51 5.89v? K2/K3III 22 40 22.3 -30 39 32 214690 214000 L.9205 22 33 24 -31 18.1 6.3 52 18 Epsilon 4.20 B8V 22 40 39.4 -27 02 37 214748 191318 L.9206, J.568 22 33 44 -27 41.8 4.3 53 19 6.17 M3III 22 42 22.2 -29 21 39 214966 191337 By.2991 22 35 25 -30 0.8 6.5 r 54 20 6.9 A0 22 45 32.4 -25 14 12 215452 191382 L.9236 22 38 41 -25 53.6 6.5 55 6.9 G8/K0III 22 46 54.3 -33 10 57 215616 214074 L.9244 22 39 53 -33 50.4 7.0 56 6.28 K1III 22 47 19.1 -34 09 40 215669 214081 L.9248 22 40 18 -34 49.3 6.5 57 6.30 G5III 22 47 55.8 -25 54 38 215782 191412 L.9256, Ll.44563 22 41 4 -26 34.0 6.5 58 6.8 G8III/IV 22 48 28.0 -27 33 50 215852 191417 L.9261, Ll.44584 22 41 36 -28 13.2 6.8 59 6.33 F0V 22 49 59.0 -32 48 19 216042 214119 L.9271 22 43 1 -33 27.9 6.6 60 21 5.97 G8/K0III 22 51 21.0 -29 32 10 216210 191444 L.9281 22 44 27 -30 11.9 6.4 61 7.4 A5mA7-A8 22 51 45.4 -35 53 18 216237 214144 L.9282 22 44 43 -36 33.0 7.0 dpl. 10, 7 62 22 Gamma 4.50 A0III 22 52 31.5 -32 52 32 216336 214153 L.9287, J.572 22 45 34 -33 32.3 4.6 63 23 Delta 4.21 G8III 22 55 56.9 -32 32 23 216763 214189 L.9304 22 49 1 -33 12.4 4.4 dpl. 9, 4 1/2 r 64 6.10 K3III 22 55 51.4 -31 37 59 216761 214187 L.9301 22 48 57 -32 17.9 6.5# 65 TW* 6.48v K4Vp 22 56 24.0 -31 33 56 216803 214197 L.9307 22 49 27 -32 13.6 6.8# 66 24 Alpha 1.16 A3V 22 57 39.1 -29 37 20 216956 191524 L.9314, J.575 22 50 44 -30 17.0 1.4 67 6.13 F7V 22 58 35.0 -35 31 23 217096 214215 L.9316 22 51 37 -36 11.3 6.4 68 5.51 F0V 22 59 35.8 -29 27 44 217236 191550 L.9321 22 52 46 -30 7.9 5.9 69 5.65 K0III 23 00 05.8 -25 09 51 217303 191554 L.9329, Ll.44947 22 53 20 -25 49.8 6.1 r 70 6.29 K1III 23 00 24.6 -25 37 36 217358 191565 L.9331 22 53 37 -26 17.7 6.7 71 5.55 K3III 23 01 19.5 -28 51 13 217484 191581 L.9333 22 54 30 -29 31.4 5.9 r 72 Pi 5.11v A9V 23 03 29.8 -34 44 58 217792 214275 L.9350 22 56 34 -35 25.5 5.3 73 6.78v? M1III 23 03 38.2 -26 48 46 217825 191612 L.9357 22 56 52 -27 29.2 6.9 74 6.9 K0III 23 03 44.2 -30 26 41 217826 214278 L.9356 22 56 54 -31 7.1 7.0 75 6.9 A3III 23 04 50.2 -27 08 10 218003 191631 L.9359, Ll.45118 22 58 4 -27 48.5 7.0 8 Right ascension corrected from -21 31 25. Following 13 the star HD206342=SAO213215 is connected with a brace to 13 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 21 Spectrum B8/9V+B8/9 Preceding 23 the star HD209335=SAO213502 is connected with a brace to 23 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 27, 28 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 32 Spectrum K1/2III+A5/7V 39 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 39 and 40 the stars HD212025=SAO213765 and HD212035=SAO213767 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without either being numbered or having designations provided from earlier catalogs. For HD212035=SAO213767 the spectrum is F2/F3IV/V. 42, 43 The two components of the double star Beta Piscis Austrinus are assigned separate numbers but only a single set of designations from earlier catalogs, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Following 44 the stars HD213490=SAO213893 and HD213600=SAO213903 are connected with a brace to 44 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. The star HD213490=SAO213893 does not have a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 47 the star HD214121=SAO213950 is connected with a brace to 47 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 64, 65 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 65 The variable star designation TW was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 28. - PUPPIS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.35 G0IV-V 6 04 28.4 -45 02 12 41700 217702 L.2137 6 0 53 -45 2.2 5.8# 2 5.93 F4V 6 04 40.2 -45 04 44 41742 217706 L.2141 6 1 5 -45 4.7 6.4# dpl. 6 1/2, 9 3 6.5v? G6V 6 04 46.9 -48 27 31 41824 217708 L.2145 6 1 33 -48 26.9 6.9 dpl. 4 6.51 K1III 6 07 01.9 -45 05 29 42168 217724 L.2160 6 3 24 -45 4.6 7.0 5 6.7 F3V 6 06 59.8 -46 12 20 42190 217725 B.1151 6 3 31 -46 11.3 7.0 6 6.7 F0V 6 07 47.1 -44 43 45 42304 217729 L.2167 6 4 8 -44 42.7 6.7 7 6.26 B8II 6 08 34.6 -44 21 22 42448 217735 L.2174 6 4 54 -44 20.1 6.6 8 6.49 F8V 6 09 23.3 -49 33 45 42683 217747 L.2188 6 6 16 -49 32.5 6.7 9 6.31 A0V 6 10 39.9 -45 16 55 42834 217758 L.2191 6 7 4 -45 15.3 6.5 10 7.04 G2Ib 6 18 46.8 -50 21 33 44362 234442 L.2241 6 15 44 -50 18.4 7.0 11 6.61 G4V 6 20 06.1 -48 44 28 44594 217861 L.2247 6 16 49 -48 40.6 6.8 12 6.5 K1III 6 20 27.2 -49 06 16 44666 217867 L.2257 6 17 15 -49 2.8 7.0 13 6.8 B8IV 6 22 23.4 -45 57 40 44972 217889 L.2264 6 18 51 -45 53.9 6.8 14 6.6 K1III 6 22 55.1 -45 37 47 45056 217893 L.2267 6 19 21 -45 33.9 6.8 15 G 5.74 B9V 6 25 43.6 -48 10 38 45572 217922 L.2297 6 22 25 -48 6.2 5.9 16 5.22 F2V 6 29 49.1 -50 14 21 46273 234539 L.2333 6 26 45 -50 9.1 5.5 dpl. 5 1/2, 8 1/2 17 6.68 G8IV 6 31 04.4 -43 43 03 46415 217987 L.2331 6 27 19 -43 37.8 6.9 r 18 6.8 F5V 6 32 57.7 -48 32 40 46836 218012 L.2354 6 29 40 -48 26.7 6.9 19 6.88 B5III 6 37 19.9 -43 27 06 47601 218064 L.2384 6 33 32 -43 20.6 6.9 20 Nu 3.20v? B8III 6 37 45.7 -43 11 46 47670 218071 L.2386, J.156 6 33 56 -43 5.2 3.5 c 21 4.92v? G8III 6 38 37.6 -48 13 13 47973 218093 L.2402 6 35 18 -48 6.5 5.3 dpl. 7 3/4, 5 3/4, c 22 6.58 K1IIICN* 6 39 56.9 -38 09 32 48087 197064 L.2397 6 35 42 -38 2.6 7.0 23 6.12 B4V 6 41 14.0 -40 20 59 48383 218126 L.2411 6 37 10 -40 13.9 6.4 dpl. 6 1/2, 9 1/2 24 6.65 B5III 6 40 47.4 -47 37 16 48402 218123 B.1331 6 37 24 -47 30.2 6.5# 25 6.65 M2 6 40 49.3 -47 40 29 48403 218124 L.2421 6 37 26 -47 33.3 6.8# 26 6.28 A3V+F/G 6 42 16.3 -38 23 55 48543 197108 L.2418 6 38 3 -38 16.6 6.7 dpl. 8, 7 27 6.30 A8:me 6 43 23.3 -39 11 35 48797 197134 L.2430 6 39 13 -39 4.1 6.6 28 7.0 B4IV/V 6 42 48.6 -50 27 06 48857 234665 L.2444 6 39 44 -50 19.6 7.0 29 6.63 B4Vne 6 46 03.3 -39 32 24 49319 197192 L.2449 6 41 54 -39 24.5 6.7 30 6.21v B3Vne 6 46 12.1 -37 46 32 49336 197195 L.2447 6 41 55 -37 38.6 6.5 31 x 5.26 B8/B9V 6 47 21.4 -37 55 47 49591 197215 L.2455 6 43 5 -37 47.6 5.3 r 32 6.8 G8+F/G* 6 47 22.6 -48 33 48 49758 218197 L.2477 6 44 4 -48 25.6 7.0 33 7.41 A4V 6 48 18.2 -43 48 02 49850 218208 L.2475 6 44 31 -43 39.7 7.0# 34 7.34 B8V 6 48 43.0 -43 48 06 49942 218218 L.2481 6 44 56 -43 39.6 6.9# 35 6.8 F8V 6 49 33.9 -41 25 46 50078 218227 L.2483 6 45 34 -41 17.4 7.0 * 7.11 A0V 6 49 31.5 -45 34 02 50126 218228 L.2489 6 45 54 -45 25.4 7.2# 36 6.52v? K5III 6 49 57.8 -45 27 00 50196 218236 L.2491 6 46 19 -45 18.2 6.9# 37 4.99 K2/K3III 6 50 52.4 -34 22 02 50235 197277 L.2486 6 46 20 -34 13.2 5.4 r 38 5.13 F5III 6 49 54.6 -46 36 52 50223 218235 L.2492 6 46 23 -46 29.1 5.4 39 Tau 2.93 K0III 6 49 56.2 -50 36 53 50310 234735 L.2505, J.159 6 46 50 -50 28.0 3.2 r 40 5.95 A3V 6 51 42.3 -36 13 49 50445 197291 L.2493 6 47 18 -36 4.7 6.2 41 6.42 K2/K3III 6 51 32.8 -48 17 33 50621 218261 L.2517 6 48 11 -48 8.5 6.8 42 6.53 F5II/III 6 52 39.7 -42 30 16 50785 218272 L.2518 6 48 45 -42 21.1 6.7# * 7.5 GII+A/F* 6 52 59.6 -42 37 39 50882 218280 L.2521 6 49 5 -42 28.4 7.1# 43 6.47 B8V 6 52 47.0 -43 58 33 50860 218278 L.2522 6 49 0 -43 49.3 6.7 r 44 6.32v C3II 6 54 26.7 -42 21 55 51208 218296 L.2530 6 50 31 -42 12.5 6.7 r 45 6.26 K0/K1III 6 54 02.3 -50 36 42 51266 234774 L.2541 6 50 57 -50 27.7 6.7 46 6.29 K2III 6 56 45.7 -35 20 30 51682 197388 L.2539 6 52 16 -35 10.6 6.7 47 4.95 M1III 6 56 16.0 -48 43 16 51799 218324 L.2557 6 52 56 -48 33.4 5.5 r 48 6.23 F8IV-V 6 57 17.6 -35 30 28 51825 197402 L.2546 6 52 49 -35 20.5 6 1/2# * 7.1 K1III 6 57 35.8 -35 28 01 51901 197407 * 6 53 7 -35 17.9 7 1/2# 49 t 5.10 B4IV/V 6 58 25.1 -34 06 42 52092 197427 L.2554 6 53 51 -33 56.6 5.4 50 6.83 A0IV 6 58 00.6 -46 05 45 52196 218350 L.2569 6 54 25 -45 55.6 6.9 51 6.22 A0V 6 58 41.8 -45 46 05 52362 218360 L.2576 6 55 4 -45 35.8 6.6 52 7.27 A0V 6 59 00.1 -47 01 24 52470 218362 L.2583 6 55 29 -46 51.1 6.9 53 6.6 A5IV 6 59 41.6 -33 28 30 52414 197446 L.2565 6 55 4 -33 18.2 6.9# 54 6.40 G8II/III 7 00 49.8 -33 27 55 52703 197475 L.2578 6 56 12 -33 17.5 6.9# * 7.0 K1IV 6 59 50.8 -41 00 05 52574 218374 L.2580 6 55 47 -40 49.8 7.1# * 7.35 A0V 7 01 05.5 -40 47 42 52899 218385 L.2590 6 57 1 -40 37.1 7.5# * 7.91 B2V 7 01 46.7 -40 53 49 53071 218388 L.2593 6 57 42 -40 43.0 7.2# 55 6.5 G5III 7 00 23.5 -49 08 07 52902 218381 L.2595 6 57 6 -48 57.5 7.0 56 6.59 ApSi 7 01 47.2 -35 32 52 52993 197497 L.2589 6 57 18 -35 22.2 6.8 57 6.45 A0V 7 02 15.6 -43 24 15 53253 218396 L.2600 6 58 24 -43 13.3 6.8 58 7.00 B5V 7 02 20.7 -42 37 57 53252 218397 L.2599 6 58 25 -42 27.1 7.0 59 C 5.20 Am 7 04 02.8 -42 20 14 53704 218424 L.2607 7 0 5 -42 9.2 5.5 60 5.54 G3V 7 03 57.3 -43 36 29 53705 218421 L.2608, B.1464 7 0 7 -43 26.1 5.9# * 6.86 K0V 7 03 58.8 -43 36 42 53706 218423 B.1465 7 0 9 -43 26.3 7.4# 61 H 4.94 A4IV 7 03 53.7 -49 35 02 53811 218427 L.2624 7 0 39 -49 24.1 5.3 62 6.13 F2V 7 05 32.0 -34 46 40 53952 197557 L.2612 7 1 0 -34 35.4 6.6 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 3/4 63 6.10 G0III 7 06 02.3 -38 22 58 54153 197572 L.2625 7 1 45 -38 11.5 6.5 r 64 7.20 A0V 7 05 57.7 -42 19 39 54208 218447 L.2631 7 2 0 -42 8.2 7.0 65 6.6 A0V 7 06 21.1 -43 36 39 54341 218453 L.2636 7 2 29 -43 25.1 6.8 66 D* 5.79 B3V 7 07 07.1 -40 53 36 54475 218465 L.2638 7 3 2 -40 41.9 6.2 67 A 4.80v? B3IV/V 7 08 51.1 -39 39 21 54893 197632 L.2649, J.169 7 4 39 -39 27.4 5.3 68 5.09 K2III 7 10 47.5 -48 55 55 55526 218514 L.2673 7 7 26 -48 43.9 5.6 r 69 5.97v? B3V 7 12 25.7 -36 32 40 55718 197694 L.2668 7 8 0 -36 20.1 6.3 dpl. 6 1/4, 10 70 E 5.31 A3p: 7 12 15.8 -40 29 56 55719 218525 L.2672 7 8 7 -40 17.3 5.7 71 I 4.49v F0IV 7 12 33.6 -46 45 34 55892 218537 L.2687, J.172 7 9 0 -46 33.1 4.8 72 L1 4.89v Ap 7 13 13.4 -45 10 59 56022 218546 L.2690, J.173 7 9 29 -44 58.0 5.3 var.? 73 L2 5.10v M5e 7 13 32.3 -44 38 23 56096 218549 L.2691 7 9 43 -44 26.2 var. 3.6 - 6.3, r 74 7.22 B2.5V 7 14 47.0 -37 14 43 56284 197745 L.2693 7 10 23 -37 1.7 7 1/4# * 8.0 B9 7 14 55.9 -37 15 10 56346 197750 * 7 10 32 -37 2.1 8 # 75 6.8 B9V 7 13 58.2 -50 28 18 56318 235026 L.2709 7 10 46 -50 15.4 7.0 76 5.94 B4III/IV 7 14 57.1 -41 25 33 56410 218568 L.2700 7 10 52 -41 12.7 6.3 77 5.72v A0p 7 14 45.9 -46 50 59 56455 218570 L.2710 7 11 11 -46 37.9 6.2 78 4.76 B8/B9V 7 14 38.2 -48 16 18 56456 218567 L.2711 7 11 11 -48 3.2 5.0 * 6.99 B9V 7 15 24.0 -42 05 19 56531 218572 G.462 7 11 23 -41 52.1 7.1# * 7.3 K2III 7 15 37.6 -42 09 17 56585 218575 G.463 7 11 37 -41 56.0 7.5# * 7.3 B9V 7 15 55.0 -42 08 24 56641 218578 L.2712, G.464 7 11 54 -41 55.2 7.6# 79 5.80 B4V 7 16 31.8 -38 19 08 56733 197785 L.2713 7 12 13 -38 5.8 6.3 80 5.00 B3V 7 16 49.5 -36 35 34 56779 197790 L.2714 7 12 23 -36 22.2 5.6 81 5.66 K4III 7 16 15.5 -46 46 28 56813 218589 L.2732 7 12 39 -46 33.2 6.1 r * 8.1 B9 7 17 05.4 -37 06 48 56856 197794 * 7 12 41 -36 53.4 7 3/4# 82 Pi 2.70v? K4III 7 17 08.6 -37 05 51 56855 197795 L.2720, J.175 7 12 44 -36 52.5 2.7# r 83 v1 4.69v B2+B3n* 7 18 18.4 -36 44 03 57150 197824 L.2733 7 13 52 -36 30.4 5.3# 84 v2 5.11v A0V 7 18 38.2 -36 44 34 57219 197837 L.2736 7 14 12 -36 30.9 5.4# 85 M* 5.86 B8II/III 7 18 04.2 -43 59 12 57197 218618 L.2742 7 14 12 -43 45.6 6.3 86 6.30 K2/K3III 7 19 13.7 -33 43 38 57299 197842 L.2738 7 14 35 -33 29.9 6.9 87 F 5.25 A0V 7 18 33.6 -39 12 37 57240 197836 L.2739 7 14 18 -38 59.0 5.8 r * 7.09 F/G 7 22 16.5 -35 54 58 58038 197907 L.2767 7 17 46 -35 41.0 7.0 dpl. 8, 7 1/4 * 8.06 B9V 7 20 51.6 -48 30 49 57897 218662 L.2772 7 17 25 -48 16.7 8 1/4# dpl. 8 1/2, 9 88 6.83 B9V 7 21 22.1 -48 31 37 58017 218666 L.2781 7 17 55 -48 17.4 7 # * 7.95 A 7 21 23.1 -48 31 58 58018 218667 * 7 17 56 -48 17.8 7 1/2# 89 6.31 B5V 7 23 58.2 -35 50 16 58420 197951 L.2790 7 19 27 -35 35.8 6.6 90 7.1 F0V: 7 24 47.1 -37 17 24 58634 197974 L.2801 7 20 22 -37 2.8 6.7 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 90* 7.0 F0V: 7 24 47.3 -37 17 27 58635 197975 * 91 5.90 B4V 7 26 42.3 -34 08 27 59026 198000 L.2810 7 22 4 -33 53.4 6.5 92 5.95 B5V: 7 27 42.9 -22 51 35 59136 173778 Ll.14578 7 22 24 -22 36.4 6.7 93 5.54 B9V(pSi) 7 27 59.2 -29 09 21 59256 173799 L.2817 7 23 2 -28 54.1 6.3# * 6.7 K1III 7 28 41.0 -29 07 08 59411 173829 L.2819 7 23 43 -28 51.7 7.1# 94 6.04 F7V 7 29 21.9 -14 59 57 59438 152943 Ll.14619 7 23 41 -14 44.0 6.8 dpl. 8, 7 95 6.54 A1IV 7 28 22.8 -37 48 37 59466 198031 L.2824, G.502 7 23 59 -37 33.2 6.9 * 6.39 B2/B3V 7 28 51.3 -31 50 54 59499 198038 L.2821 7 24 3 -31 35.5 7 1/4# c * 7.12 B4V 7 28 51.5 -31 50 49 59500 198039 * 7 24 4 -31 35.4 7 1/4# 96 5.77 B2IV 7 29 04.9 -31 27 23 59550 198042 L.2823, B.1624 7 24 16 -31 12.0 6.4 97 4.84 A5Ib 7 29 51.4 -23 01 28 59612 173864 OA.6913 7 24 33 -22 46.0 5.7 98 y 5.41 B3V 7 29 05.6 -38 48 43 59635 198045 L.2832 7 24 46 -38 33.3 5.9 99 Sigma 3.25 K5III 7 29 13.8 -43 18 05 59717 218755 L.2837, J178 7 25 16 -43 3.0 3.5 dpl. 3 1/2 r, 9 100 4.60 G2Iab/b 7 30 42.5 -30 57 44 59890 198064 L.2834 7 25 51 -30 42.0 5.3 r 101 6.5 G8III 7 30 18.5 -40 59 21 59894 218764 L.2840 7 26 9 -40 43.6 6.9 102 6.6 A0V 7 30 28.6 -50 36 33 60130 235247 L.2850 7 27 12 -50 20.8 6.8 103 6.61v B8V 7 31 42.8 -35 53 16 60168 198093 L.2843 7 27 10 -35 37.4 6.7# 104 6.35 B8V 7 32 22.3 -35 57 41 60312 198104 L.2847 7 27 50 -35 41.7 6.5# 105 5.66 K3III 7 33 19.5 -19 24 45 60341 153062 OA.7014 7 27 49 -19 8.5 6.2 r 106 5.84 A7V: 7 33 09.7 -24 42 39 60345 173987 L.2844, Ll.14783* 7 27 56 -24 26.6 6.7 107 4.97v M2I+B2V* 7 33 47.9 -14 31 26 60414 153072 Ll.14776 7 28 3 -14 15.3 5.2 r 108 4.45 F6IV 7 34 03.2 -22 17 46 60532 174009 Ll.14810 7 28 42 -22 1.6 5.2 109 6.95 B2V 7 34 12.9 -20 08 16 60553 174014 Ll.14808 7 28 45 -19 52.0 7.0 110 6.26 B8IVp* 7 33 13.4 -40 03 32 60559 198120 L.2858 7 28 58 -39 47.3 6.6 111 n1* 5.83 F4V: 7 34 18.6 -23 28 25 60584 174019 L.2849, Ll.14823 7 29 2 -23 12.2 5.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 112 n2* 5.87 F6V: 7 34 19.1 -23 28 29 60585 174020 L.2849, Ll.14825 * * 7.35 B4IV 7 33 25.3 -33 24 01 60498 198121 L.2852 7 28 42 -33 7.8 7.6# 113 6.10 A9IV 7 34 12.8 -33 27 48 60646 198138 L.2859 7 29 31 -33 11.7 6.6# * 6.52 G8III 7 33 13.3 -43 05 11 60574 218792 L.2865, B.1654 7 29 13 -42 48.9 7 # * 6.8 M1III 7 33 50.3 -43 06 51 60687 218801 B.1656 7 29 50 -42 50.5 7 1/2# 114 6.65 A0V 7 34 28.8 -26 07 00 60629 174028 L.2854 7 29 20 -25 50.6 7.0 115 z 5.54v B2Vne 7 33 51.0 -36 20 18 60606 198130 L.2860 7 29 20 -36 4.1 6.0 116 5.77 K1III 7 34 34.9 -27 00 43 60666 174033 L.2857 7 29 29 -26 44.6 6.6 117 6.76 K2III 7 33 58.5 -39 54 21 60686 198137 L.2869 7 29 43 -39 38.1 7.0 118 6.70 B3IV 7 33 27.2 -50 35 04 60753 235291 L.2880 7 30 10 -50 18.8 6.9 119 p 4.64 B8V 7 35 22.8 -28 22 10 60863 174058 L.2867 7 30 22 -28 5.6 5.3 120 6.6 A1V 7 35 33.5 -26 37 40 60862 174065 OA.7083 7 30 26 -26 21.3 7.0 121 6.81 A0V 7 34 51.1 -44 17 47 60929 218818 B.1663 7 30 56 -44 1.3 7.0 122 5.70 B2Ve 7 36 03.9 -14 29 34 60855 153118 Ll.14868 7 30 19 -14 13.0 6.0# r * 7.76 B6V 7 36 36.1 -14 29 05 60998 153143 Ll.14884 7 30 51 -14 12.5 7.0# 123* 6.68 B7Vn 7 36 41.3 -14 26 36 61017 153145 Ll.14888 7 30 56 -14 10.0 7.3# 124 6.53 B9III 7 37 38.9 -14 26 28 61224 153172 Ll.14908 7 31 54 -14 9.7 7.0# 125 5.70v B2III 7 36 41.0 -19 42 08 61068 153149 Ll.14893 7 31 11 -19 25.5 6.2 126 6.35 F0II 7 37 16.8 -23 46 30 61227 174141 L.2876 7 32 0 -23 29.8 6.9 * 6.9 K2III 7 36 14.0 -44 57 27 61245 218831 B.1668 7 32 22 -44 40.7 7.3# * 7.19 B3V 7 36 37.7 -44 59 14 61333 218837 B.1672 7 32 46 -44 42.5 7.5# 127 f 4.53 B8IV 7 37 16.8 -34 58 07 61330 198195 L.2890 7 32 45 -34 41.3 4.8 128 m 4.70v B8IV 7 38 18.0 -25 21 53 61429 174175 L.2888, Ll.14934 7 33 6 -25 4.9 5.4 dpl. 5 1/2, 10 129 6.7v? F2V 7 37 57.6 -32 07 54 61431 198212 L.2893 7 33 9 -31 50.9 7.0 var? 130 5.72 B9V 7 36 43.9 -48 49 48 61391 218841 L.2904 7 33 14 -48 33.0 6.1 131 6.38 K4III 7 37 45.2 -38 00 38 61453 198210 L.2900 7 33 20 -37 43.8 7.0 132 6.72 B6Vn 7 39 07.1 -18 40 45 61554 153195 Ll.14946 7 33 34 -18 23.7 6.8 133 k 4.5: B6V 7 38 49.3 -26 48 07 61555 174198 L.2896, B.1679 7 33 42 -26 31.1 4 1/2# 134 4.6: B5IV 7 38 49.8 -26 48 13 61556 174199 B.1680 7 33 43 -26 31.2 5 # 135 6.5 K2 7 39 24.3 -16 50 50 61589 153204 Ll.14952 7 33 46 -16 33.7 7.0 136 6.59 B9V 7 38 24.2 -39 59 29 61623 198226 L.2907 7 34 7 -39 42.5 7.0 137 6.19 G8III 7 38 32.6 -38 46 52 61642 198229 L.2906 7 34 10 -38 29.8 7.0 138 5.80 B3III 7 38 43.9 -36 29 49 61641 198237 L.2903 7 34 12 -36 12.7 6.3 139 6.50 B6V 7 39 26.9 -26 51 47 61672 174219 OA.7198 7 34 20 -26 34.6 6.9# * 6.79 B4V 7 39 29.8 -26 55 10 61687 174223 OA.7201 7 34 23 -26 38.0 7.2# 140 4.94 K3II 7 40 23.1 -15 15 49 61772 153227 Ll.14974 7 34 40 -14 58.5 5.4 r 141 5.92 K0 7 40 13.6 -19 39 39 61774 153225 Ll.14980 7 34 43 -19 22.4 6.7 142 5.68v F4Iab 7 38 18.2 -48 36 04 61715 218852 L.2918 7 34 46 -48 19.0 6.0 143 d1 4.80 B3V 7 39 27.3 -38 18 30 61831 198253 L.2909 7 35 3 -38 1.3 5.4# 144 d2 5.73 B5V 7 39 43.8 -38 08 22 61878 198265 L.2912 7 35 19 -37 51.1 6.6# 145 d3 5.80 B3III 7 39 47.8 -38 15 39 61899 198268 L.2913 7 35 23 -37 58.4 6.5# 146 d4* 6.00 B4III 7 39 58.0 -37 34 46 61925 198273 L.2914 7 35 30 -37 17.5 6.7 147 6.92 B4V: 7 40 26.3 -30 04 43 61944 174266 L.2908, OA.7235 7 35 30 -29 47.5 7.0# * 7.4 A0V 7 40 28.8 -30 02 55 61943 174269 OA.7237 7 35 32 -29 45.6 7.3# 148 R 6.56v F8/G0Ia 7 40 52.7 -31 39 39 62058 198286 L.2916 7 36 2 -31 22.3 var. 6 1/2 - 7 1/2, cum. 149 6.18 M1III 7 41 23.6 -22 20 14 62082 174298 Ll.15017 7 36 1 -22 2.9 6.9# * 6.7 A3 7 41 45.7 -22 24 16 62171 174310 Ll.15040 7 36 24 -22 6.9 7.3# 150 5.40 B3V 7 41 15.8 -38 32 01 62226 198298 L.2924 7 36 52 -38 14.6 6.2 151 6.96 B4V 7 42 06.6 -30 11 13 62315 198312 OA.7286 7 37 10 -29 53.6 7.0 152 6.53 G5 7 42 58.9 -17 03 44 62351 153301 Ll.15063 7 37 21 -16 46.1 7.0 153 6.40 B7IV/V 7 41 21.8 -44 37 56 62318 218905 L.2934 7 37 27 -44 20.4 6.9 154 5.64 K1III 7 42 48.1 -26 21 04 62412 174356 L.2923 7 37 39 -26 3.4 6.5 r 155 1 4.59v? K5III 7 43 32.4 -28 24 40 62576 174391 L.2932 7 38 30 -28 6.9 5.0 c. var? 156 5.60 B5V 7 43 12.0 -36 03 01 62578 198343 L.2939 7 38 38 -35 45.2 6.2 157 3 l 3.96 A2Iab 7 43 48.4 -28 57 18 62623 174400 L.2938, J.180 7 38 47 -28 39.4 4.2 r 158 * 6.2 B4 7 44.6 -23 52 Messier 93 7 39 1 -23 35.5 7 cum. 159 5.04 G5IV 7 42 57.2 -45 10 24 62644 218923 L.2950 7 39 5 -44 51.4 5.6 r 160 6.40 B8IV 7 43 42.8 -38 12 07 62712 198352 L.2943 7 39 17 -37 54.3 7.0 161 5.60 B1.5III 7 44 34.0 -24 40 26 62747 174433 L.2940, Ll.15131 7 39 19 -24 22.5 6.4 162 5.17 K1III 7 43 41.9 -40 56 03 62713 218932 L.2945 7 39 26 -40 37.7 5.7 r 163 6.61 B3Vne 7 43 48.1 -40 18 33 62753 218935 L.2949 7 39 31 -40 0.6 7.0 164 5.79 F0IV 7 44 09.6 -36 03 46 62781 198366 L.2944 7 39 36 -35 46.0 6.2 165 6.57 A2V 7 43 06.9 -49 59 34 62756 218928 L.2960 7 39 42 -49 41.7 6.8 166 2 5.64 A2V 7 45 29.1 -14 41 27 62864 153363 Ll.15137 7 39 44 -14 23.1 6.4# 167 4 5.03 F0V 7 45 56.9 -14 33 50 62952 153372 Ll.15148 7 40 11 -14 15.7 5.5# 168 6.74 B5V 7 45 51.8 -24 15 21 63028 174475 L.2952, Ll.15176 7 40 35 -23 57.2 7.0 * 7.5 B8 7 46 01.4 -23 15 34 63046 174482 Ll.15180 7 40 41 -22 57.4 7.5# * 6.8 F8 7 46 03.6 -23 08 31 63045 174487 Ll.15185 7 40 44 -22 50.2 7.2# 169 6.64 F8V 7 44 12.4 -50 27 24 63008 235458 L.2976, B.1740 7 40 51 -50 9.6 6.8# * 7.57 G0 7 44 16.6 -50 27 59 63008B 235462 B.1741 7 40 56 -50 10.2 7.5# 170 6.40 A0V 7 46 44.9 -12 40 31 63112 153389 Ll.15175 7 40 54 -12 22.2 6.9 171 5.37 G0V 7 45 34.9 -34 10 23 63077 198404 L.2957 7 40 55 -33 55.7 6.0 172 6.7 B5V 7 44 40.2 -47 00 30 63007 218949 L.2973 7 40 57 -46 42.4 7.0 173 6.95 B9V 7 45 27.3 -37 35 44 63079 198401 L.2962 7 40 59 -37 17.6 6.8 174 5.88 B8V 7 44 34.2 -37 56 35 62893 198379 L.2954 7 40 7 -37 38.5 6.7# * 7.57 A0V 7 44 44.9 -38 03 13 62938 198386 * 7 40 18 -37 45.2 7.6# * 6.60 B2V 7 45 04.6 -37 53 16 62991 198390 L.2956 7 40 37 -37 35.1 7.2# 175 c 3.61v? K4III 7 45 15.3 -37 58 07 63032 198398 L.2958, J.181 7 40 48 -37 40.0 3.6# c 176 5.88 B5V 7 46 10.3 -37 56 02 63215 198416 L.2972 7 41 43 -37 37.7 6.6# * 6.22 K3III 7 46 33.4 -37 46 22 63291 198423 L.2978 7 42 6 -37 27.9 6.2# 177 6.03 B6IV 7 45 18.1 -43 45 08 63118 218955 L.2974 7 41 17 -43 26.9 6.5 178 5.90 B2IV-V 7 47 12.5 -22 31 11 63271 174533 Arg.Pos.Med. 161 7 41 50 -22 12.8 6.5 179 6.43v? M2II-III 7 47 45.2 -16 00 52 63323 153409 Ll.15219 7 42 4 -15 42.4 6.8 180 5 5.48 F5V: 7 47 56.7 -12 11 35 63336 153414 Ll.15215 7 42 6 -11 53.2 5.9 dpl. 6, 8 1/2 181 6.60 B2III 7 46 33.4 -40 03 35 63308 198424 L.2984 7 42 15 -39 45.2 7.0 182 6.31v ApSi 7 47 05.8 -39 19 53 63401 198435 L.2988 7 42 44 -39 1.4 6.9 183 o 4.50 B0V:pe: 7 48 05.2 -25 56 14 63462 174558 L.2981 7 42 54 -25 37.7 5.3 184 6.94 B2Ib/II* 7 47 07.1 -41 30 12 63425 218992 L.2992, B.1753 7 42 55 -41 11.7 7 # * 7.7 K7III 7 47 07.3 -41 31 03 63425B 218993 B.1754 7 42 55 -41 12.5 7 3/4# 185 5.10 B2IV/V 7 47 25.0 -38 30 41 63465 198442 L.2991 7 43 0 -38 12.2 5.9 r 186 6.23 B8III 7 49 28.6 -13 21 12 63655 153449 Ll.15268 7 43 39 -13 2.4 6.8 187 5.20 B1V 7 47 31.5 -46 36 31 63578 219000 L.3003 7 43 45 -46 17.9 5.9 188 5.33 G0III 7 49 01.7 -24 54 44 63660 174592 L.2990, Ll.15285 7 43 47 -24 36.1 6.3 r 189 T 6.14 M2III 7 48 08.5 -40 39 08 63640 219006 L.3001 7 43 52 -40 20.4 var. 6 1/2 - 7 1/4, r 190 6 5.18 K3III 7 49 41.2 -17 13 42 63697 153454 Ll.15287 7 44 2 -16 54.7 5.7 r 191 7 Xi 3.35 G3Ib 7 49 17.7 -24 51 35 63700 174601 L.2994, J.182 7 44 2 -24 32.8 3.5 r 192 6.56 G3V 7 49 45.2 -20 12 25 63754 174617 Ll.15304 7 44 16 -19 53.3 6.9 193 6.7 K0 7 49 40.9 -19 30 15 63734 153456 Ll.15298 7 44 10 -19 11.5 6.9# 194 6.12 K0 7 50 05.7 -19 31 25 63822 153468 Ll.15318 7 44 34 -19 12.5 6.7# 195 5.96v? B9V 7 49 14.6 -35 14 36 63786 198480 L.3002 7 44 36 -34 55.8 6.4 196 Q 4.71 K0III 7 48 20.3 -47 04 40 63744 219018 L.3017 7 44 37 -46 45.8 5.1 r 197 5.60 M0III 7 49 35.3 -33 17 20 63852 198487 L.3006 7 44 49 -32 58.5 6.3 r 198 6.50 B5V 7 49 14.5 -40 42 04 63868 219029 L.3015 7 44 58 -40 23.2 7.0 199 P 4.11 B0III 7 49 14.3 -46 22 24 63922 219035 L.3022, J.184 7 45 26 -46 3.5 4.3 200 5.80 B1.5IV 7 49 12.9 -46 51 28 63949 219034 L.3024 7 45 27 -46 32.6 6.5 201 6.32 K0III 7 49 28.2 -44 45 07 63948 219040 L.3023 7 45 32 -44 26.2 6.9 202 6.45 A0 7 51 00.0 -24 31 43 64042 174658 L.3012, Ll.15363 7 45 44 -24 12.6 7.0 203 8 6.36 F2 7 51 40.8 -12 49 10 64077 153499 Ll.15353 7 45 50 -12 30.1 6.8 204 5.63 G8III 7 51 42.9 -21 10 26 64152 174679 Ll.15382 7 46 16 -20 51.4 6.2 205 9 5.16 G0V: 7 51 46.3 -13 53 53 64096 153500 J.183 7 45 59 -13 34.5* 5.7# * 6.61 K2III 7 52 28.3 -13 51 45 64259 153522 Ll.15390* 7 46 40 -13 32.4 7.2# 206 10 5.70 F1Ia 7 52 18.8 -14 50 47 64238 153520 Ll.15388 7 46 34 -14 31.5 6.1 207 6.45 G6III 7 50 42.4 -44 34 47 64181 219059 L.3033 7 46 44 -44 15.7 6.9 208 5.91 K2III 7 50 23.9 -50 30 35 64225 235552 L.3043 7 47 0 -50 11.4 6.4 209 6.32 B2IV-V 7 51 20.5 -43 05 44 64287 219069 L.3039 7 47 15 -42 46.6 6.9# 210 6.00 B2IV 7 51 40.2 -42 53 18 64365 219076 L.3042 7 47 33 -42 34.1 6.6# 211 6.53 B3IIIk 7 51 14.2 -47 12 59 64318 219071 L.3047 7 47 30 -46 53.8 6.9 212 5.01 F5V 7 52 15.7 -34 42 19 64379 198540 L.3035 7 47 36 -34 23.5 5.7 dpl. 10, 5 3/4 213 a 3.73 K1/2+A0* 7 52 13.0 -40 34 33 64440 219082 L.3044, J.185 7 47 55 -40 15.3 4.0 r 214 b 4.49v? B2V 7 52 38.7 -38 51 47 64503 198545 L.3049, J.186 7 48 13 -38 32.4 4.9 * 6.8 A0 7 53 38.8 -23 18 51 64566 174742 Ll.15448 7 48 18 -22 59.4 7.4# * 7.1 B9 7 53 40.1 -23 11 16 64565 174744 Ll.15450 7 48 19 -22 51.8 7.2# 215 5.43 K1IIICN* 7 53 03.5 -36 21 50 64572 198553 L.3052 7 48 28 -36 2.4 6.0 r 216 4.60 B1.5Vp 7 53 03.7 -49 36 47 64740 219106 L.3069 7 49 32 -49 17.3 5.0 217 5.50 B2V 7 54 11.0 -35 52 40 64802 198575 L.3059 7 49 33 -35 33.0 6.1 218 J 4.20 B0.5Ib 7 53 18.2 -48 06 11 64760 219111 L.3068, J.187 7 49 38 -47 46.7 4.5 * 8.6 G5 7 54 36.6 -31 37 44 64842 198577 * 7 49 43 -31 18.1 7.8*# 219 7.19 B2III/IV 7 54 51.0 -31 32 03 64898 198583 L.3061 7 49 57 -31 12.4 7.0*# 220 6.15 K4III 7 54 39.9 -34 50 49 64876 198579 L.3063 7 49 58 -34 31.1* 6.8 * 6.9 B8II/III 7 54 44.6 -44 21 20 65013 219136 L.3075 7 50 44 -44 1.6 7.1# * 7.7 B8II 7 54 47.5 -44 22 42 65037 219137 * 7 50 47 -44 2.9 7.4# 221 6.33v? M5/M6III 7 56 22.8 -30 17 07 65183 198609 L.3072 7 51 24 -29 57.1 6.8 222 11 j 4.20 F7II 7 56 51.5 -22 52 49 65228 174852 Ll.15569 7 51 29 -22 32.9 4.9 223 6.03 B6V 7 55 46.5 -43 50 42 65211 219157 L.3080 7 51 43 -43 30.8 6.6 224 6.78 B2V 7 56 24.3 -40 44 11 65315 219169 L.3082 7 52 6 -40 24.2 7.0 225 4.79v? A7III 7 57 40.1 -30 20 04 65456 198636 L.3081 7 52 41 -30 0.0 5.5 var? 226 6.09 K3III 7 56 57.9 -42 24 22 65442 219186 L.3086 7 52 47 -42 4.3 6.8 227 5.35 B2.5V 7 56 57.8 -43 30 01 65460 219189 L.3087 7 52 52 -43 10.1 6 # * 7.5 G8III 7 57 07.7 -43 29 03 65491 219193 * 7 53 2 -43 8.9 7 1/4# r 228 N 5.10 B2.5IV 7 57 18.5 -44 06 35 65551 219197 L.3089 7 53 15 -43 46.5 5.7 r 229 6.22 B5V 7 57 19.9 -47 53 25 65598 219200 L.3094 7 53 37 -47 33.3 6.7 230 12 5.11 K2Iab: 7 59 05.7 -23 18 38 65699 174932 Ll.15651 7 53 44 -22 58.3 5.9 231 O 5.17 K2III 7 57 51.8 -45 34 40 65685 219218 L.3099 7 53 56 -45 14.5 5.6 r 232 4.60 A2Vn 7 59 52.0 -18 23 57 65810 153687 B.A.C.2666 7 54 16 -18 3.4 5.2 233 V* 4.30v B1Vp+B2 7 58 14.4 -49 14 12 65818 219226 L.3105 7 54 39 -48 54.4 5.0 234 5.24 F3V 7 59 28.4 -39 17 50 65925 198668 L.3103 7 55 4 -38 57.3 5.9 r 235 5.99 B4V 7 59 01.7 -45 12 58 65904 219240 L.3106 7 55 4 -44 52.5 6.6 236 6.32 B2IV-V 7 59 12.3 -49 58 36 66005 219249 L.3112 7 55 41 -49 38.2 6.2 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 237 6.34 B2IV-V 7 59 13.4 -49 58 25 66006 219250 * * 238 6.71 B8V 7 59 45.8 -47 18 13 66079 219265 B.1851 7 55 59* -46 57.7 7.0 * 7.27 B9V 8 00 05.5 -48 54 20 66192 219274 L.3119 7 56 27 -48 33.7 8 # 239 6.02 A2V 8 00 14.9 -48 58 52 66210 219283 L.3120 7 56 37 -48 38.3 6.6# 240 6.12v A0pSi 8 00 28.8 -48 52 17 66255 219292 L.3123 7 56 50 -48 31.6 6.7# 241 5.91 A3IV 8 01 37.4 -37 17 01 66358 198714 L.3118 7 57 3 -36 56.3 6.5 242 6.34v? M1III 8 02 06.2 -37 03 02 66435 198725 L.3121 7 57 31 -36 42.2 6.9 243 6.57 A7V 8 02 37.7 -36 24 04 66540 198734 * 7 58 0 -36 3.1 7.0 244 5.82 K2.5III 8 03 04.1 -32 27 50 66598 198743 L.3124 7 58 12 -32 6.8 6.6 * 6.55 K2IIICN* 8 01 51.2 -44 36 00 66478 219321 L.3125 7 57 49 -44 15.1 7.1# 245 QQ* 6.54v A0p 8 02 27.4 -44 40 02 66605 219333 L.3130 7 58 25 -44 19.1 7.0# 246 5.54v ApSi 8 02 44.8 -41 18 36 66624 219339 B.1872 7 58 27 -40 57.6 6.2 247 14 6.13 B3III 8 04 41.5 -19 43 41 66834 153796 Ll.15837 7 59 8 -19 22.5 6.7 248 Zeta 2.20 O5Iaf 8 03 35.1 -40 00 12 66811 198752 L.3136, J.189 7 59 12 -39 39.1 2.5 249 6.29 G8II 8 03 29.5 -42 56 55 66812 219355 L.3137 7 59 19 -42 35.8 6.9 250 MZ* 5.31v M2II 8 04 16.2 -32 40 30 66888 198764 L.3131 7 59 24 -32 19.3 5.8 r * 6.5 F3IV/V 8 05 03.3 -33 35 28 67078 198776 L.3141 8 0 14 -33 14.2 7.2# 251 6.14 G1Ib 8 05 44.9 -33 34 09 67243 198791 L.3146 8 0 55 -33 12.8 6.6# r 252 5.38 A5II 8 07 18.0 -20 33 17 67456 175206 Ll.15930 8 1 47 -20 11.6 5.9 253 15*Rho 2.81v D Del* 8 07 32.6 -24 18 15 67523 175217 L.3153, J.190 8 2 13 -23 56.7 3.2 254 6.62 B5Ve 8 08 19.3 -23 37 04 67698 175239 L.3157, Ll.15967 8 2 57 -23 15.3 6.7 255 6.39 A7IV 8 08 43.5 -20 21 48 67751 175250 Ll.15974 8 3 12 -20 0.0 7.0 256 16 4.40 B5IV 8 09 01.6 -19 14 42 67797 153890 Ll.15977 8 3 27 -18 52.8 5.1 257 5.68 B2.5V 8 09 28.5 -16 14 56 67880 153898 Ll.15988 8 3 46 -15 52.9 6.0 258 6.37v B3V 8 08 37.6 -37 40 54 67888 198848 L.3168 8 4 3 -37 19.0 6.7 259 6.65 K5III 8 09 06.7 -30 19 21 67921 198854 L.3165 8 4 5 -29 57.4 7.0 260 6.20 G8III 8 09 10.2 -35 27 18 67977 198859 L.3169 8 4 27 -35 5.4 6.8 261 6.6 F0 8 10 15.6 -22 32 01 68109 175306 Ll.16032 8 4 50 -22 9.9 7.0 262 18 5.54 F6V 8 10 39.9 -13 47 57 68146 153924 Ll.16027 8 4 53 -13 26.0 6.0 263 19 4.72 G9III 8 11 16.3 -12 55 37 68290 153942 Ll.16056 8 5 24 -12 33.4 5.2 264 6.26 B7V 8 09 47.7 -42 38 26 68242 219507 L.3179 8 5 33 -42 16.4 6.9 dpl. 7, 7 3/4 265 6.44 B0III 8 11 01.6 -37 17 32 68450 198898 L.3183 8 6 25 -36 55.3 6.8 266 6.6 K3III 8 11 07.3 -40 45 30 68512 219552 L.3189 8 6 45 -40 23.3 7.0 267 h1 4.45v K4III 8 11 21.5 -39 37 07 68553 198908 L.3191 8 6 54 -39 14.8 4.8 r 268 4.75 A5Ib 8 11 25.9 -42 59 14 68601 219569 L.3197 8 7 13 -42 36.9 5.3 var.? 269 20 4.99 G5II 8 13 20.0 -15 47 18 68752 153993 J.193 8 7 35 -15 24.8 5.7 270 6.54 A1V 8 12 46.1 -29 54 40 68758 175390 L.3192 8 7 43 -29 32.2 6.9 271 6.53 B1/B2III 8 12 27.1 -36 59 20 68761 198931 L.3199 8 7 49 -36 36.9 6.9 272 6.40 A3V 8 12 51.5 -37 55 28 68862 198942 L.3206 8 8 16 -37 32.9 6.8 273 6.75 G2V 8 13 34.4 -31 44 08 68978 198958 L.3209 8 8 40 -31 21.8 7.0 274 r 4.81v B2ne 8 13 29.5 -35 53 59 68980 198957 L.3212 8 8 46 -35 31.4 5.3 * 6.37 K2III 8 13 41.1 -33 34 09 69002 198960 L.3210 8 8 49 -33 11.6 7.0 275 6.06 B2V 8 14 11.0 -32 08 28 69080 198972 L.3217 8 9 15 -31 45.7 6.7 276 5.10v B2V: 8 13 58.4 -36 19 21 69081 198969 L.3219, B.1941 8 9 17 -35 56.7 5.9# 277 6.11 B2IV/V 8 13 58.8 -36 20 28 69082 198970 B.1942 8 9 17 -35 57.8 7.0# 278 5.78 K1III 8 14 13.2 -35 29 26 69123 198979 L.3221 8 9 29 -35 6.7 6.6 279 h2 4.44 K1II/III 8 14 02.9 -40 20 53 69142 219635 L.3223 8 9 37 -39 58.0 4.8 280 6.62 B4V 8 14 29.6 -40 49 33 69253 219651 L.3227 8 10 6 -40 26.8 7.0 281 6.21 G6+G:* 8 15 52.6 -30 55 33 69445 199010 L.3231 8 10 52 -30 32.6 6.9 282 6.16 K2III 8 15 58.9 -35 54 10 69511 199015 * 8 11 15 -35 31.1 6.8 r 283 6.60 A0 8 16 54.2 -21 19 13 69589 175497 Ll.16279 8 11 24 -20 56.2 6.9 284 21 6.16v? A2V 8 17 23.1 -16 17 06 69665 154076 Ll.16281 8 11 39 -15 53.9 6.8 285 5.95 G8V 8 18 23.8 -12 37 55 69830 154093 Ll.16304 8 12 28 -12 12.5 6.5 286 6.45 K0III 8 17 58.3 -30 00 12 69879 175543 B.1962 8 12 53 -29 37.0 7.0 287 5.58 K2III 8 18 17.4 -35 27 06 70002 199061 L.3257 8 13 31 -35 3.8 6.2 r 288 6.70 G:+A0/2 8 18 12.6 -37 22 27 70003 199059 L.3258 8 13 34 -36 59.1 7.0 289 q 4.40 A4m-A7* 8 18 33.3 -36 39 34 70060 199070 L.3259, J.195 8 13 53 -36 16.4 4.7 290 6.43 B8Ib/II 8 19 29.4 -34 35 25 70235 199084 L.3262 8 14 40 -34 11.9 6.9 291 6.13 K0 8 20 27.4 -22 55 29 70302 175634 * 8 15 1 -22 31.9 6.0 r 292 5.58 G8+A0V:* 8 21 21.2 -20 04 45 70442 154150 Ll.16428 8 15 47 -19 40.9 6.0 293 5.75 K1III 8 21 54.6 -17 35 11 70523 154159 Ll.16439 8 16 14 -17 11.3 5.9 294 w 4.83 K2/K3III 8 21 23.0 -33 03 16 70555 199118 L.3277 8 16 28 -32 39.5 5.7 r 295 5.20 B2IV/V 8 21 21.0 -36 29 04 70556 199119 L.3281 8 16 38 -36 5.2 5.9 296 22 6.13 G7III: 8 22 46.7 -13 03 17 70673 154177 Ll.16457 8 16 54 -12 39.2 6.7 297 6.16 A4V 8 21 24.2 -39 37 15 70612 199123 L.3287 8 16 53 -39 13.4 6.5# * 7.18 G9+F/G* 8 21 28.1 -39 42 18 70642 199126 L.3288 8 16 59 -39 19.0 7.7# 298 5.90 F2Iab 8 22 49.9 -26 20 54 70761 175709 L.3283 8 17 33 -25 56.9 6.5 299 6.64 A0V 8 23 49.5 -28 58 12 70963 175743 L.3298 8 18 40 -28 34.1 6.8 300 6.32v? M2III 8 23 17.2 -38 17 09 70946 199166 L.3300 8 18 40 -37 53.1 6.8 r 301 5.67 A2 8 24 55.1 -23 09 13 71141 175777 * 8 19 29 -22 45.0 5.9 302 5.28 K5+K1* 8 25 03.7 -24 02 46 71176 175783 L.3304, Ll.16579 8 19 40 -23 38.5 5.8 r 303 6.00 F3V 8 25 19.1 -21 02 45 71196 175792 Ll.16586 8 19 47 -20 38.6 6.5 304 6.44 K0 8 25 39.4 -17 26 22 71231 154240 Ll.16589 8 19 57 -17 1.9 6.9 305 5.97 A5m 8 25 55.6 -14 55 48 71267 154244 Ll.16593 8 20 7 -14 31.5 6.3 306 6.9 B8IV 8 25 10.8 -31 56 26 71255 199198 L.3312 8 20 11 -31 32.1 7.0 307 5.98 B3V 8 24 57.1 -42 46 10 71302 219890 L.3318 8 20 38 -42 21.8 6.5 308 5.54v? K2IIIvar 8 26 41.9 -12 32 04 71377 154257 Ll.16615 8 20 48 -12 5.7 5.9 r, var? 309 5.47 B3V 8 25 51.9 -42 09 12 71459 219910 L.3323 8 21 30 -41 44.7 6.0 310 6.67 B5III 8 27 26.8 -14 56 09 71518 154273 Ll.16647 8 21 38 -14 31.5 6.9 311 6.73 B9.5V 8 26 50.8 -29 12 55 71523 175851 L.3319 8 21 42 -28 48.4 6.9 312 6.7 B9IV/V 8 26 17.5 -39 03 34 71487 199222 L.3324 8 21 43 -38 39.0 6.5 dpl. 7, 7 1/4 313 6.56v? A2V 8 27 33.3 -20 50 38 71581 175870 Ll.16658 8 21 59 -20 25.9* 6.7 1, 2 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 22 Spectrum K1IIICNIb 24, 25 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 32 Spectrum G6/K0III+F/G 33, 34 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 36 the star HD50126=SAO218228 is connected with a brace to 36 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 42 the star HD50882=SAO218280 is connected with a brace to 42 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum (G)(II)+A/F. Following 48 the star HD51901=SAO197407 is connected with a brace to 48 with combined magnitude 6.4 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 53, 54 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 54 and 55 three stars HD52574=SAO218374, HD52899=SAO218385, and HD53071 =SAO218388 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to any of them. Following 60 the star HD53706=SAO218423 is connected with a brace to 60 with combined magnitude 5.8 without being assigned a number. 66 The letter D was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped this letter because he considered the star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However the letter D does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. Following 74 the star HD56346=SAO197750 is connected with a brace to 74 with combined magnitude 7.0 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 78 and 79 three stars HD56531=SAO218572, HD56585=SAO218575, and HD56641 =SAO218578 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to any of them. Preceding 82 the star HD56856=SAO197794 is connected with a brace to 82 with combined magnitude 2.7 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 83 Spectrum B2V+B3IVne 83, 84 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.8. 85 The letter M was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped this letter because he considered the star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However the letter M does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. Following 87 the star HD58038=SAO197907 is listed without being assigned a number. Preceding 88 the star HD57897=SAO218662 and following 88 the star HD58018 =SAO218667 are both connected with a brace to 88 with combined magnitude of all three stars 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either. For HD58018=SAO218667 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 90 The Uranometria Argentina provides a single number, designation from an earlier catalog, coordinates, and magnitude for the two components of the double star comprising HD58634=SAO197974 and HD58365=SAO197975. Following 93 the star HD59411=SAO173829 is connected with a brace to 93 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 95 and 96 the stars HD59499=SAO198038 and HD59500=SAO198039 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.6 without a number being assigned to either. For HD59500=SAO198039 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 103, 104 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 106 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from Ll.18783. 107 Spectrum M2Iabpe+B2V 110 Spectrum B8IV(pSi) 111, 112 For the double star n Puppis the Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers and designations Ll.14823, 5, respectively, from the LaLande (Ll) catalog but only a single set of coordinates, designation L.2849 from the Lacaille catalog, and magnitude. Preceding 113 the star HD60498=SAO198121 is connected with a brace to 113 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 113 and 114 the stars HD60574=SAO218792 and HD60687=SAO218801 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned numbers to either. 122, 123, 124 Gould listed the star HD60855=SAO153118 as 122 with magnitude 6.0, HD60998=SAO153143 as 123 with magnitude 7.0, HD61017=SAO153145 with magnitude 7.3, and HD61224=SAO153172 as 124 with magnitude 7.0, all connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. All modern sources show that HD610167=SAO153145 is much brighter than HD60998=SAO153145. It is likely that Gould accidentally switched the magnitudes of these two stars and intended that the brighter star be assigned the number 123. In this version the number 123 has been reassigned to HD610167=SAO153145. Between 126 and 127 the stars HD61245=SAO218831 and HD61333=SAO218837 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to either. 133 and 134 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 4.0. Following 139 the star HD61687=SAO174223 is connected with a brace to 139 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 143, 144, and 145 All three of these stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 146 The letter d4 was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped this letter because he considered the star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However the letter d4 does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. Following 147 the star HD61943=SAO174269 is connected with a brace to 147 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. Following 149 the star HD62171=SAO174310 is connected with a brace to 149 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 158 This is the open cluster M93. 166, 167 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.0. Between 168 and 169 the stars HD63046=SAO174482 and HD63045=SAO174487 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. Following 169 the star HD63008B=SAO235462 is connected with a brace to 169 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 174, 175, 176, and three stars to which Gould did not assign numbers: HD62938= SAO198386 (for which Gould does not assign a designation from an earlier catalog), HD62991=SAO198390, and HD63291=SAO198423, are connected with a brace with the notation cum. instead of a combined magnitude. 184 Spectrum B1/B2Ib/II Following 184 the star HD63425B=SAO218993 is connected with a brace to 184 with combined magnitude 7.0 without being assigned a number. 193, 194 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.5. 205 Declination corrected from -13 33.9 Following 205 the star HD64259=SO153522 is connected with a brace to 205 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. For this star the designation from an earlier catalog has been corrected from L.15390. 209, 210 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 213 Spectrum K1/2II+A0 Between 214 and 215 the stars HD64566=SAO174742 and HD64565=SAO174744 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 215 Spectrum K1IIICNII Preceding 219 the star HD64842=SAO198577 is connected with a brace to 219 without a combined magnitude, being assigned a number, or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Magnitude corrected from 7.0. 219 Magnitude corrected from 7.4. 220 Declination corrected from -34 31.7. Between 220 and 221 the stars HD65013=SAO219136 and HD65037=SAO219137 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. For HD65037=SAO219137 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 227 the star HD65491=SAO219193 is connected with a brace to 227 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 233 The designation V was assigned by Lacaille. Gould did not recognize the variability (which was subsequently confirmed) and removed it because he followed Argelander's suggestion that capital letters R through Z should be reserved for variable stars, and this letter does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it appears in some modern atlases and catalogs. 236, 237 The Uranometria Argentina assigns separate numbers to the components of this double star but provides only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and combined magnitude. 238 Right ascension corrected from 7 55 49. Preceding 239 and 240 the star HD66192=SAO219274 is connected with a brace to 239 and 240 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 243 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 245 the star HD66478=SAO219321 is connected with a brace to 245 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum K2IIICNII. 245 The variable star designation QQ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 250 The variable star designation MZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Preceding 251 the star HD67078=SAO198776 is connected with a brace to 251 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 253 Flamsteed assigned the number 15 to this star, as is now widely accepted, but this designation was omitted from the Uranometria Argentina. Spectrum Delta Del. Between 274 and 275 the star HD69002=SAO198960 was listed but not assigned a number in the Uranometria Argentina. 276, 277 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.4. 281 Spectrum G5-8III+G: 282 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 289 Spectrum A4(m)A5-A7 291 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 292 Spectrum G8III+A0:V Following 297 the star HD70642=SAO199126 is connected with a brace to 297 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Spectrum G8/K1(III+F/G). 301 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 302 Spectrum K5III+K1III 313 Declination corrected from -20 25.0. 39. - PYXIS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.33 G8III 8 27 16.4 -31 40 23 71622 199246 L.3325 8 22 15 -31 15.7 7.0 2 6.61 A2IV-V 8 27 53.5 -26 07 57 71688 175883 L.3326 8 22 35 -25 43.2 6.9 3 6.51 A2 8 28 35.9 -23 04 18 71815 175902 Ll.16702 8 23 9 -22 39.4 6.8 4 5.75v? B2V 8 27 59.3 -35 06 50 71801 199260 L.3336 8 23 9 -34 42.0 6.3 5 6.70 B8III 8 28 53.4 -20 57 01 71833 175912 Ll.16711 8 23 20 -20 32.1 6.9 6 6.70 B4V 8 29 27.6 -27 19 57 71997 175939 L.3344 8 24 12 -26 55.0 7.0 var? 7 5.65v? K2III 8 30 28.6 -32 09 34 72227 199308 L.3356 8 25 28 -31 44.4 6.1 r 8 6.69v? M3/M4Ib 8 30 29.6 -36 43 16 72268 199310 L.3364 8 25 45 -36 18.1 7.0 r * 7.6 F0 8 31 23.9 -19 30 19 72297 154358 Ll.16795 8 25 46 -19 5.0 7 3/4# 9 5.42 A0V 8 31 30.9 -19 34 39 72310 154359 Ll.16799 8 25 54 -19 9.4 5 3/4# 10 6.19 A8IV 8 33 04.8 -24 36 23 72626 176061 L.3377 8 27 41 -24 10.9 6.4 r 11 6.38 K0V 8 32 51.5 -31 30 03 72673 199352 L.3386 8 27 59 -31 6.1 6.9 r 12 6.36 K0III+F 8 32 56.8 -34 38 02 72688 199353 L.3389 8 28 5 -34 12.5 6.8 13 6.6 v? K3III 8 34 29.5 -27 05 54 72913 176103 L.3394 8 29 13 -26 40.2 7.0 14 6.43 G5IV-V 8 34 31.7 -32 35 55 72954 199388 L.3399 8 29 32 -32 9.9 7.0 15 5.95 A1+G/K* 8 35 28.8 -26 50 37 73072 176131 L.3406 8 30 11 -26 24.8 6.5 * 6.7 K0III 8 37 03.6 -26 24 59 73335 176170 L.3423 8 31 44 -25 58.9 7.3# 16 Eta 5.27 A0V 8 37 52.2 -26 15 18 73495 176189 L.3431 8 32 32 -25 49.1 5.6# 17 6.48 F0IV/V 8 37 29.7 -33 44 45 73476 199436 L.3434 8 32 32 -33 18.5 7.0 18 6.33 K5III 8 38 40.4 -19 44 14 73603 154492 Ll.17091 8 33 2 -19 17.9 6.9 dpl. 7, 9 1/2 19 5.05 G6IV 8 39 08.0 -22 39 43 73752 176226 Ll.17103 8 33 40 -22 14.2 5.6 20 Zeta 4.89v? G5III 8 39 42.5 -29 33 40 73898 176253 L.3450 8 34 31 -29 7.0 5.4 r var? 21 6.13 F3/F5V 8 39 22.1 -36 36 25 73900 199473 L.3456 8 34 35 -36 10.1 6.7 22 Beta 3.97 G5II/III 8 40 06.2 -35 18 30 74006 199490 L.3462, J.201 8 35 13 -34 51.9 4.4 r 23 6.43 A0V 8 42 57.0 -35 56 36 74475 199535 L.3485 8 38 5 -35 29.7 6.9 24 Alpha 3.70v? B1.5III 8 43 35.5 -33 11 11 74575 199546 L.3487, J.204 8 38 34 -32 44.2 3.8 25 6.12 A5V 8 44 55.2 -21 10 04 74706 176404 Ll.17283 8 39 20 -20 42.9 6.6 26 6.8 F0V 8 45 08.8 -32 14 58 74822 199578 L.3502 8 40 3 -31 47.6 7.0 27 5.76v? B2III 8 44 51.9 -37 08 50 74824 199573 L.3506 8 40 3 -36 41.6 6.3 28 6.08 A2V: 8 45 49.3 -25 23 15 74879 176439 L.3503 8 40 25 -24 56.0 6.5 29 6.37v? B3V 8 46 49.2 -34 37 22 75112 199607 L.3521 8 41 52 -34 9.9 6.6# 30 6.7 K4III 8 47 24.1 -34 36 03 75199 199619 L.3525 8 42 26 -34 8.5 7.0# c 31 6.7 M5III 8 48 14.5 -28 38 19 75306 176496 L.3529 8 42 59 -28 10.7 7.0 32 6.50 A7Vn 8 49 44.9 -21 02 55 75495 176535 Ll.17448 8 44 8 -20 34.9 6.9 33 5.21v? G8III 8 49 51.6 -32 46 50 75605 199678 L.3549 8 44 47 -32 18.9 5.8 34 5.87 G8III 8 50 02.2 -29 27 47 75629 176546 L.3548 8 44 48 -28 59.9 6.5 r 35 6.18 B9V 8 50 21.6 -28 37 05 75649 176554 L.3551 8 45 5 -28 9.1 6.4 36 Gamma 4.01 K3III 8 50 31.9 -27 42 36 75691 176559 L.3553 8 45 14 -27 14.8 4.4 37 6.9 B5IV 8 50 23.2 -35 55 49 75722 199690 Y.3739 8 45 29 -35 27.9 7.0 dpl. 10, 7 38 6.50 K2/K3III 8 52 26.1 -32 30 33 76001 199728 L.3574 8 47 20 -32 2.3 6.9 39 6.42v? G8+A4* 8 52 38.6 -36 32 44 76072 199731 B.2247, T.3878 8 47 45 -36 4.5 7.0 var. 40 Delta 4.89 A3IV 8 55 31.5 -27 40 55 76483 176697 L.3589 8 50 10 -27 12.1 5.4 41 6.39 A7V:n 8 55 56.0 -23 49 03 76512 176711 Ll.17677 8 50 25 -23 20.6 6.7 42 6.25 G8III 8 59 15.7 -28 48 22 77087 176789 L.3619 8 53 58 -28 19.3 6.8 43 7.2 F0 8 59 53.7 -22 41 31 77127 176806 Ll.17808 8 54 20 -22 12.5 7.0 44 7.4 F0 9 00 38.0 -21 12 56 77232 176820 Ll.17834 8 55 0 -20 43.8 7.0 45 7.1 A0 9 00 53.3 -24 09 13 77285 176822 L.3631 8 55 22 -23 39.9 7.0 46 6.20 K1IIICN* 9 01 11.4 -26 39 50 77361 176833 L.3636 8 55 46 -26 10.4 6.8# * 7.28 F7V 9 01 49.1 -26 33 49 77462 176847 L.3643 8 56 26 -26 5.0 7.3# 47 6.74 B8 9 03 08.8 -25 30 16 77665 176881 L.3652 8 57 41 -25 0.6 6.9 48 6.93 B9.5V 9 02 51.8 -32 26 24 77645 199917 L.3656 8 57 42 -31 56.8 7.0 * 6.6 A0V(+A) 9 03 16.1 -33 36 04 77737 199924 L.3660 8 58 10 -33 6.4 6.9# dpl. 7 1/4, 7 3/4 * 7.8 A2IV 9 03 38.6 -33 41 38 77788 199933 L.3664 8 58 32 -33 12.0 7.6# 49* Kappa 4.58 K4III 9 08 02.9 -25 51 30 78541 177002 L.3685 9 2 34 -25 21.3 4.9 c var? 50* 6.77 G1V 9 08 36.6 -25 50 23 78643 177018 L.3690 9 3 11 -25 20.1 6.9 51* 6.16 A4IV 9 08 43.6 -26 46 03 78676 177022 L.3692 9 3 17 -26 15.8 6.5 52* 6.7 G8/K0III 9 09 34.6 -29 48 59 78878 177048 L.3700 9 4 15 -29 18.6 7.0 53* 7.2 A0 9 09 45.8 -25 48 10 78876 177055 L.3698 9 4 17 -25 17.8 7.0 54* Epsilon 5.59 A4IV 9 09 56.4 -30 21 55 78922 200047 L.3702 9 4 39 -29 51.3 6.0 dpl. 6, 9 55* 6.53 A1.5V: 9 10 23.0 -23 10 37 78955 177066 Ll.18140 9 4 47 -22 40.1 6.7 56* 6.8 A0V 9 12 21.9 -28 56 52 79290 177110 L.3718 9 7 0 -28 26.1 6.8 57* 6.4 K5III 9 13 21.6 -29 39 51 79456 177127 L.3726 9 8 1 -29 9.0 7.0 58* 6.5 K1III 9 14 21.5 -32 33 24 79613 200135 L.3733 9 9 8 -32 2.3 7.0 59* 6.39 B8V 9 19 48.0 -34 06 12 80590 200241 L.3784 9 14 37 -33 34.5 6.7 * 6.82 A0V 9 20 44.2 -31 45 38 80773 200258 L.3790 9 15 27 -31 13.8 6.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 8 r 60* Theta 4.72 M1III 9 21 29.6 -25 57 56 80874 177322 L.3793, J.220 9 15 58 -25 26.1 5.2 r 61* Lambda 4.69 G7III 9 23 12.2 -28 50 02 81169 177374 L.3804 9 17 48 -28 18.0 5.3 62* 6.7 A3V 9 23 39.8 -33 12 00 81254 200314 L.3807 9 18 25 -32 39.9 6.9 63* 6.5 A1/A2IV 9 23 49.9 -35 14 51 81307 200322 L.3810 9 18 40 -34 42.7 6.7 64* 6.9 B9 9 25 37.1 -25 20 11 81542 177427 L.3819 9 20 3 -24 47.9 6.9 65* 6.10v? B6Ve 9 26 44.8 -28 47 15 81753 177461 L.3833 9 21 18 -28 14.8 6.5 var? SPECIAL NOTE The table of corrections on the final page of the printed Uranometria Argentina states that all stars numbered 50 - 66 should have these numbers changed to 49 - 65, respectively. These changes are all also stated individually below. Preceding 9 the star HD92297=SAO154358 is connected with a brace to 9 with combined magnitude 5.6 without being assigned a number. 15 Spectrum A1V+G/KIII Preceding 16 the star HD73335=SAO176170 is connected with a brace to 16 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 29, 30 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 39 Spectrum G6/K0III+A3/5V 46 Spectrum K1IIICNII Following 46 the star HD77462=SAO176847 is connected with a brace to 46 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 48 and 49 the stars HD77737=SAO199924 and HD77788=SAO199933 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 49 Gould number corrected from 50. 50 Gould number corrected from 51. 51 Gould number corrected from 52. 52 Gould number corrected from 53. 53 Gould number corrected from 54. 54 Gould number corrected from 55. 55 Gould number corrected from 56. 56 Gould number corrected from 57. 57 Gould number corrected from 58. 58 Gould number corrected from 59. 59 Gould number corrected from 60. Between 59 and 60 the star HD80773=SAO200258 is listed without being assigned a number. 60 Gould number corrected from 61. 61 Gould number corrected from 62. 62 Gould number corrected from 63. 63 Gould number corrected from 64. 64 Gould number corrected from 65. 65 Gould number corrected from 66. 17. - RETICULUM G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.8 K3III 3 14 53.0 -59 30 48 20485 233050 L.1057 3 12 2 -59 58.6 7.0 2 6.8 F5m 3 15 11.1 -64 26 38 20586 248764 L.1069 3 13 12 -64 54.2 6.8 dpl. 7, 8 1/4 3 Zeta1 5.54 G2V 3 17 46.2 -62 34 31 20766 248770 L.1074 3 15 4 -63 3.3 6.0# 4 Zeta2 5.24 G1V 3 18 12.9 -62 30 23 20807 248774 L.1077 3 15 30 -62 59.0 5.7# 5 6.05 A3V 3 17 59.3 -66 55 37 20888 248776 L.1092 3 16 35 -67 22.9 6.2 * 7.4 F7IV 3 19 00.5 -65 53 18 20958 248778 * 3 17 23 -66 20.2 7.2# * 7.4 A4IV/V 3 19 09.7 -65 43 40 20966 248779 * 3 17 31 -66 10.8 7.2# * 7.3 A9IV/V 3 20 34.5 -65 47 08 21115 248782 * 3 18 57 -66 14.2 7.3# * 7.7 A4mA7-F0 3 22 27.0 -65 46 55 21321 248789 * 3 20 51 -66 13.5 7.6# 6 Kappa 4.71 F5IV-V 3 29 22.7 -62 56 15 22001 248819 L.1143 3 27 12 -63 22.7 5.0 7 5.83 B8V 3 30 51.7 -66 29 23 22252 248825 L.1164 3 29 35 -66 54.8 6.1 8 6.41 K0III 3 32 51.6 -61 01 00 22382 248834 L.1159 3 30 29 -61 26.3 6.7 * 7.6 K0III 3 34 10.0 -54 30 43 22448 233163 L.1156 3 30 55 -54 55.8 7.4# 9 6.9 F3/F5IV 3 34 42.8 -54 19 22 22515 233169 L.1162 3 31 26 -54 44.4 7.0# 10 6.74 A3V 3 34 24.8 -65 45 52 22634 248842 L.1188 3 33 1 -66 10.8 7.0 11 6.94 F3V 3 38 10.3 -59 46 35 22989 233197 L.1197 3 35 41 -60 11.1 6.8 * 7.96 G6III 3 38 31.6 -56 08 35 22973 233199 * 3 35 31 -56 33.0 7.7# * 8.4 K0 3 39 41.3 -56 08 54 23099 233210 * 3 36 42 -56 33.1 7.7# 12 6.8 M2III 3 39 39.5 -56 14 05 23100 233209 * 3 36 40 -56 38.4 7.0# 13 6.30 K1III 3 44 33.9 -54 16 26 23697 233252 L.1237 3 41 23 -54 40.1 6.6 dpl. 6 3/4, 10 14 Beta 3.85 K0IV 3 44 12.0 -64 48 25 23817 248877 L.1253, J.74 3 42 38 -65 12.0 3.9 r 15 7.0 G1+A4* 3 48 25.0 -54 17 39 24185 233280 L.1260 3 45 16 -54 40.6 7.0 16 6.14 K1/K2III 3 56 04.0 -63 27 49 25170 248912 L.1327 3 54 27 -63 49.5 6.6 17 6.05 F2IV 3 58 42.9 -57 06 09 25346 233347 L.1330 3 56 2 -57 27.4 6.4 18 Delta 4.56 M2III 3 58 44.7 -61 24 01 25422 248918 L.1338, J.83 3 56 46 -61 45.2 4.7 19 6.9 A2mA5-F0 3 59 37.6 -56 28 22 25449 233350 L.1335 3 56 52 -56 49.6 6.9 * 7.7 A3V 4 00 59.1 -54 23 31 25590 233363 L.1342, B.645 3 57 58 -54 44.5 7 1/4# * 8.4 A2 4 01 04.0 -54 24 22 25591 233364 B.646 3 58 3 -54 45.3 7 1/2# 20 6.7 K4III 3 59 59.5 -61 53 42 25581 248922 L.1349 3 58 7 -62 14.7 7.0 21 7.0 A2V 4 00 44.8 -58 39 43 25614 233362 L.1347 3 58 19 -59 0.7 7.0 22 Gamma 4.51v M4III 4 00 53.8 -62 09 34 25705 248925 L.1357, J.84 3 59 6 -62 30.5 4.7 r 23 Iota 4.97 K4III 4 01 18.2 -61 04 44 25728 248927 L.1355 3 59 17 -61 25.8 5.1 24 6.37 G3V 4 07 21.7 -64 13 21 26491 248945 L.1392 4 6 0 -64 33.8 6.7 25 Alpha 3.35 G7III 4 14 25.5 -62 28 26 27256 248969 L.1423, J.91 4 12 49 -62 47.2 3.3 c 26 5.45 K0III 4 14 48.8 -62 11 31 27304 248973 L.1425 4 13 10 -62 30.3 6.1 r 27 Epsilon 4.44 K2IV 4 16 29.0 -59 18 07 27442 233463 L.1428, J.92 4 14 20 -59 36.2 4.6 c 28 6.37v ApEuCr* 4 16 21.1 -60 56 55 27463 248977 L.1430 4 14 28 -61 15.3 6.7 29 Theta* 5.87 B9V 4 17 40.2 -63 15 20 27657 248986 L.1443, J.93 4 16 17 -63 33.5 6.3 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 1/2 30 Eta 5.24 G7III 4 21 53.3 -63 23 11 28093 249009 L.1473, J.95 4 20 32 -63 41.0 5.8 31 5.94 K4/K5III 4 25 05.3 -61 14 18 28413 249016 L.1496 4 23 21 -61 31.3 6.4 32 5.75 K0III 4 27 46.0 -62 31 15 28732 249029 L.1523 4 26 19 -62 47.8 6.1 33 6.9 A7III 4 31 23.7 -59 46 01 29115 233550 L.1535 4 29 26 -60 1.9 7.0 34 5.79v? K1III 4 33 34.0 -62 49 26 29399 249054 L.1551 4 32 16 -63 4.9 6.2 r 3, 4 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 5 and 6 four stars, HD20958=SAO248778, HD20966=SAO248779, HD21115= SAO248782, and HD21321=SAO248789, are all connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog for any of them. Preceding 9 the star HD22448=SAO233163 is connected to 9 with a brace with combined magnitude 6.7. Preceding 12 the stars HD22973=SAO233199 and HD23099=SAO233210 are both connected with a brace to 12 without a combined magnitude or having numbers or designations from earlier catalogs assigned to either. 12 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 15 Spectrum G0/3III/IV+A3/5V Between 19 and 20 the stars HD25590=SAO233363 and HD25591=SAO233364 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. 28 Spectrum ApEuCr(Sr) 29 The letter Theta was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star to be fainter than magnitude 6. However it appears in most modern atlases and catalogs. 32. - SAGITTARIUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.60 F0 17 44 24.0 -22 11 42 161083 185678 Ll.32297 17 36 52 -22 8.2 6.8 2 3 X 4.22v F7II 17 47 33.6 -27 49 51 161592 185755 L.7440, J.448 17 39 41 -27 46.8 var. 4-6 3 6.18v? G3Iab-b 17 47 45.6 -22 28 41 161664 185765 Ll.32424 17 40 13 -22 25.8 6.7 4 6.35v B3Vn 17 48 27.8 -26 58 31 161756 185779 L.7450, Ll.32432 17 40 39 -26 55.7 6.7 5 6.8 A3V 17 50 21.2 -27 03 42 162083 185826 L.7461, Ll.32493 17 42 32 -27 1.1 7.0 6 6.9 F0 17 51 48.5 -19 31 31 162434 160868 Ll.32574 17 44 25 -19 29.2 6.9 7 6.8 A3III/IV 17 53 34.1 -27 16 57 162719 185900 L.7480, Ll.32614 17 45 44 -27 15.1 6.8 8 6.20 O8III 17 54 54.0 -24 53 14 162978 185928 By.2241, L.7491 17 47 13 -24 51.6 6.6 9 6.52 A4V 17 55 55.0 -18 48 08 163245 160909 Ll.32734 17 48 34 -18 46.6 6.7 10 5.78 A7III/IV 17 56 41.9 -28 03 56 163318 185975 L.7508, Ll.32727 17 48 48 -28 2.6 6.0 11 6.85 A1V 17 56 21.4 -21 57 21 163296 185966 T.8285 17 48 50 -21 55.9 7.0 12 5.74 G8III 17 58 55.6 -36 51 30 163652 209545 L.7513 17 50 26 -36 50.6 6.3 13 6.01 B3II/III 17 58 39.1 -28 45 33 163685 186025 L.7519, Ll.32807 17 50 43 -28 44.5 6.2 14 4.99 K5/M0III 17 59 05.6 -30 15 13 163755 L.7521, J.450 17 51 4 -30 14.3 5.4 dpl. 5 3/4r, 8 15 4 4.76 B9V 17 59 47.6 -23 48 58 163955 186061 L.7526, J.451 17 52 10 -23 48.1 5.4 16 6.21 K0II-III 18 00 00.1 -20 20 21 164028 186070 Ll.32898 17 52 34 -20 19.6 6.7 17 6.30 B7III* 18 01 48.3 -36 22 40 164245 209608 L.7531 17 53 21 -36 22.2 6.5 18 6 6.28 K3III 18 01 23.1 -17 09 25 164358 160998 T.8321 17 54 7 -17 9.0 6.9 19 6.81 B1V 18 02 37.3 -20 44 15 164581 186158 Ll.32994 17 55 10 -20 44.1 7.0 20 7 5.34 F3III 18 02 51.1 -24 16 56 164584 186163 L.7538 17 55 12 -24 16.7 5.9 21 5.77v? B0Ib 18 01 54.4 -22 46 50 164402 186135 Ll.32946 17 54 20 -22 46.5 6.3# * 7.63 O7 18 02 23.5 -23 01 50 164492 186145 Ll.32971 17 54 48 -23 1.6 7.4# dpl. 8 1/4, 7 1/2 * 7.42 A5Ia 18 02 31.8 -22 54 20 164514 186149 Ll.32977 17 54 57 -22 54.1 7.1# 22 6.74 B0.5III 18 03 01.7 -22 43 06 164637 186169 Ll.33000 17 55 28 -22 43.0 7.0# 23 7.28 B1V:n 18 04 12.6 -22 30 03 164883 186216 Ll.33058 17 56 39 -22 30.1 6.8# 24 9 5.97 O5 18 03 52.5 -24 21 38 164794 186204 L.7547 17 56 13 -24 21.7 6.0 cum. 25 6.00 K2III 18 04 50.3 -35 54 06 164870 209671 L.7542 17 56 25 -35 54.1 6.4 26 W 4.28v G0Ib/II 18 05 01.3 -29 34 48 164975 186237 L.7552, J.456 17 57 2 -29 35.0 var. 5 - 6 1/2 27 6.87 O7 18 05 10.6 -24 23 55 165052 186247 Ll.33084 17 57 31 -24 24.1 6.5 neb. 28 10 Gamma 2.99 K0III 18 05 48.5 -30 25 27 165135 209696 L.7557, J.457 17 57 47 -30 25.4 2.8 r, var. 29 5.95 G3V 18 06 23.7 -36 01 11 165185 209710 L.7555 17 57 57 -36 1.6 6.4 30 6.28 B0.5Ib 18 07 11.3 -21 26 38 165516 186302 Ll.33164 17 59 42 -21 27.3 6.7 31 4.57 K0IIICN* 18 08 05.0 -28 27 25 165634 186328 L.7579, J.458 18 0 10 -28 28.2 5.1 r 32 5.52 K1III 18 07 48.4 -17 09 15 165687 161093 OA.17670 18 0 33 -17 10.1 5.9 33 6.58 B1/B2Ib 18 09 22.4 -36 40 21 165793 209779 L.7580 18 0 54 -36 41.3 6.7 34 6.52 A2Ia 18 08 38.5 -21 27 00 165784 186343 Ll.33210 18 1 9 -21 27.9 7.0 35 7.61 G3V 18 09 15.0 -26 06 58 165896 186362 Ll.33220 18 1 30 -26 7.2 6.7 36 6.43 K0IV 18 09 59.9 -32 43 03 165978 209794 L.7588 18 1 48 -32 43.9* 7.0 37 5.53 K1III+F* 18 10 05.7 -30 43 43 166023 209803 L.7590 18 2 2 -30 44.8 5.9 dpl. 7 3/4, 6 1/4r 38 6.16v? B2II/III 18 10 55.2 -33 47 59 166197 209817 L.7592 18 2 39 -33 49.2 6.5 39 6.36 A4V 18 11 14.8 -19 50 32 166393 161153 L1.33327 18 3 50 -19 51.8 6.6 40 1* 4.98 K0III 18 11 43.4 -23 42 04 166464 186437 L.7613, Ll.33330 18 4 6 -23 43.4 5.7 r 41 13 Mu 3.86v B8Iap 18 13 45.8 -21 03 32 166937 186497 J.460 18 6 17 -21 5.3 4.3 42 14 5.44 K3III 18 14 15.9 -21 42 47 167036 186509 Ll.33449 18 6 45 -21 44.7 6.0 r 43 15 5.38 B0Ia 18 15 12.9 -20 43 42 167264 186543 Ll.33481 18 7 46 -20 45.8 5.8 r 44 16 5.95 O9II 18 15 12.9 -20 23 17 167263 186544 Ll.33482 18 7 47 -20 25.4 6.6 45 6.07 A0Ia 18 15 30.8 -18 39 41 167356 161227 Ll.33540 18 8 10 -18 41.9 6.5 46 Eta 3.11v M2III 18 17 37.6 -36 45 42 167618 209957 L.7643, J.461 18 9 10 -36 47.8 3.3 r 47 RS* 6.16v B3IV/V* 18 17 36.1 -34 06 26 167647 209959 L.7646 18 9 19 -34 8.8 6.5 var* 48 6.40 F8V 18 17 23.7 -28 17 21 167665 186593 L.7654, Ll.33536 18 9 28 -28 19.4 6.7 49 6.18 A5V 18 17 24.0 -28 39 09 167666 186594 L.7653, LL.33537 18 9 29 -28 41.5 6.6 50 5.75 K4II-III 18 17 11.6 -17 22 27 167720 161260 Y.7736 18 9 54 -17 24.9 6.4 c 51 4.65 K3III 18 18 03.2 -27 02 33 167818 186612 L.7659, Ll.33580 18 10 14 -27 5.1 5.1 r 52 6.54 O8 18 17 28.5 -18 27 49 167771 161267 Ll.33588 18 10 9 -18 30.3 6.9# * 6.71 B5 18 17 51.1 -18 47 53 167863 161278 Ll.33598 18 10 30 -18 50.5 7.1# * 6.84 B0Ib 18 18 43.3 -18 37 10 168021 161304 Ll.33642 18 11 23 -18 39.9 7.0# dpl. 7 1/4, 8 53 6.51 K1III: 18 18 41.7 -25 36 17 167979 186629 L.7660 18 10 58 -25 38.9 6.9 54 19 Delta 2.70 K3III 18 20 59.7 -29 49 41 168454 186681 L.7670, J.462 18 12 59 -29 52.7 2.8 r 55 6.7 A6V 18 21 12.4 -26 05 06 168525 186687 L.7676, Ll.33715 18 13 26 -26 8.3 7.0 56 6.25v M5III 18 21 31.4 -24 54 54 168574 186699 L.7681, Ll.33732 18 13 50 -24 58.1 var. 6 - 7 1/2, c 57 Y* 5.73v F8Iv 18 21 23.1 -18 51 36 168608 161376 Ll.33748 18 14 2 -18 54.8 6.0 58 6.16 A3III 18 22 00.2 -28 25 48 168646 186704 L.7682, Ll.33738 18 14 6 -28 29.1 6.5 59 5.34v B7Ib/II 18 22 53.1 -36 40 10 168733 210061 L.7677 18 14 25 -36 43.5 6.0 60 5.55 K0III 18 23 28.9 -36 14 18 168838 210075 L.7684 18 15 2 -36 17.8 6.2 61 20 Epsilon 1.80 B9.5III 18 24 10.3 -34 23 05 169022 210091 L.7689, J.464 18 15 53 -34 26.4 2.2 62 6.15 K0III 18 25 21.7 -35 59 30 169236 210119 L.7695 18 16 57 -36 3.4 6.7 63 18* 5.60 K0III 18 25 01.5 -30 45 24 169233 210116 L.7698 18 17 0 -30 49.0 6.0 64 6.30 B7III 18 25 54.6 -33 56 43 169398 210135 L.7701 18 17 38 -34 0.7 6.8 65 21 4.81 K2II+A5: 18 25 21.0 -20 32 30 169420 186794 Ll.33904 18 17 54 -20 36.3 5.1 rr 66 5.91 F8V 18 27 49.5 -29 48 59 169830 186838 L.7717 18 19 50 -29 53.4 6.2 67 22 Lambda 2.81 K0III 18 27 58.2 -25 25 18 169916 186841 L.7725, J.467 18 20 15 -25 29.3 2.7 r 68 6.31 A7V 18 27 43.8 -26 38 05 169851 186837 L.7722, Ll.33989 18 19 56 -26 42.4 6.8# dpl. 69 6.27 A3/A4V 18 28 06.2 -26 45 26 169938 186843 L.7724, Ll.34007 18 20 18 -26 49.8 6.6# 70 6.50 A3III 18 28 57.4 -26 34 54 170141 186863 L.7732, Ll.34047 18 21 10 -26 39.5 6.9# dpl. 8, 7 71 6.20v? B8V 18 27 56.5 -17 48 00 169990 161493 Ll.34035 18 20 39 -17 52.5 6.6 72 6.90 F5V 18 29 12.0 -29 15 35 170142 186867 L.7730, Ll.34045 18 21 15 -29 20.1 7.0 73 6.59v B2IVp 18 29 22.0 -25 15 23 170235 186873 L.7738, Ll.34071 18 21 39 -25 20.0 7.0 74 5.66 K0III: 18 30 11.9 -18 43 44 170433 161540 Ll.34138 18 22 51 -18 48.3 6.0 75 5.34 A5V 18 31 04.8 -32 59 21 170479 210257 L.7746 18 22 53 -33 4.1 5.8 76 5.14 A0Vn 18 31 26.3 -18 24 10 170680 161564 Ll.34188 18 24 7 -18 29.2 5.5 77 5.28 B2III/IV 18 33 57.8 -33 01 00 171034 210312 L.7761 18 25 46 -33 6.4 5.6 r 78 24 5.49 K4Iab: 18 33 53.5 -24 01 57 171115 186981 L.7769 18 26 15 -24 7.4 5.9 r 79 6.48 F0IV 18 35 21.3 -20 50 27 171369 187012 Ll.34336 18 27 54 -20 56.2 6.8 80 6.37 K1III 18 35 59.7 -29 41 56 171416 187024 L.7778 18 28 1 -29 47.7 6.9 r 81 M22* 5.10 F5 18 36.4 -23 54 L.7786 18 28 46 -24 1.0 6.1 neb. 82 6.79 K0IV 18 37 03.4 -28 30 47 171627 187048 L.7787, Ll.34380 18 29 9 -28 36.5 7.0 83 5.94 Am: 18 37 54.4 -21 23 52 171856 187071 By.2332,Ll.34444 18 30 25 -21 29.9 6.2 84 5.81 B8III 18 38 30.7 -23 30 18 171961 187080 By.2333, L.7806 18 30 55 -23 36.5 6.1 85 6.6 B9.5V 18 39 17.9 -34 10 00 172016 210408 L.7802 18 31 1 -34 16.3 6.9 86 5.86 G4V 18 38 53.4 -21 03 07 172051 187086 By.2335,Ll.34488 18 31 26 -21 9.2 6.0 87 6.7 A5 18 39 53.7 -20 04 16 172236 187108 OA.18508 18 32 29 -20 10.8 7.0 88 26 6.23 Am 18 41 51.6 -23 50 00 172546 187146 L.7825 18 34 14 -23 56.8 6.6 89 6.35v M4III 18 42 55.2 -19 17 03 172816 161754 OA.18577 18 35 33 -19 24.1 6.9 90 6.32 K0III 18 44 07.7 -36 43 07 172875 210507 L.7828 18 35 41 -36 50.2 6.8 91 4.87 B2V 18 44 19.4 -35 38 32 172910 210509 L.7830 18 35 57 -35 45.7 5.2 92 6.6 F2 18 44 08.9 -19 19 03 173059 161777 OA.18604 18 36 47 -19 26.5 7.0 93 6.5 K1III 18 45 18.6 -35 51 25 173122 210532 L.7838 18 36 55 -35 58.7 7.0 r 94 5.83 B5:V 18 44 49.6 -25 00 40 173117 187216 L.7842, Ll.34685 18 37 8 -25 8.0 6.2 95 27 Phi 3.20 B8.5III 18 45 39.4 -26 59 27 173300 187239 L.7844, J.475 18 37 51 -27 7.0 3.7 96 6.35 F5V 18 45 18.7 -21 00 05 173282 187234 Ll.34717 18 37 51 -21 7.6 6.7 97 6.6 K0III 18 46 03.8 -27 29 57 173378 187246 L.7849, Ll.34724 18 38 14 -27 37.7 7.0 98 6.42v? M4III 18 46 01.2 -19 36 23 173425 161803 Ll.34755 18 38 38 -19 44.1 6.9 99 28 5.37 K4III 18 46 20.6 -22 23 32 173460 187255 Ll.34761 18 38 48 -22 31.3 5.6 r 100 6.8 A3III 18 48 14.7 -33 54 31 173732 210583 L.7860 18 40 0 -34 2.4 7.0 101 6.5 K0/K1III 18 49 03.4 -32 42 38 173875 210597 L.7866 18 40 54 -32 50.8 7.0 102 6.62 K2IVCN* 18 49 17.2 -34 44 55 173902 210600 L.7865 18 40 59 -34 52.9 7.0 103 6.47 G5:+A0:* 18 48 45.3 -18 36 05 173928 161848 Ll.34884 18 41 26 -18 44.2 6.8# * 7.0 A2 18 48 48.7 -18 37 55 173940 161850 Ll.34889 18 41 29 -18 46.1 7.4# 104 29 5.24v? K4III 18 49 40.1 -20 19 29 174116 187324 Ll.34915 18 42 15 -20 27.9 5.5 var? 105 30 6.61 A7III 18 50 50.5 -22 09 44 174309 187342 Ll.34979 18 43 20 -22 18.2 6.6 106 31 6.8 A2 18 52 08.3 -21 55 17 174596 187381 Ll.35030 18 44 38 -22 3.9 7.0 107 6.63 B7/B8IV 18 52 41.7 -30 44 03 174632 210663 L.7898 18 44 40 -30 52.8 6.7 108 6.13 K1III 18 52 37.0 -29 22 46 174631 187389 L.7899, Ll.35018 18 44 41 -29 31.5 6.5 r 109 6.29 G8/K0III 18 52 28.5 -26 39 01 174630 187388 L.7900, Ll.35025 18 44 42 -26 47.7 6.8 110 33 5.69 K1Ib 18 54 00.1 -21 21 35 174947 187422 T.8674 18 46 32 -21 30.6 6.0 111 32 Nu1 4.83 K2:+B9:* 18 54 10.2 -22 44 42 174974 187426 L.7912, J.477 18 46 37 -22 53.8 5.0 112 34 Sigma 2.00 B2.5V 18 55 15.9 -26 17 48 175191 187448 L.7918, J.478 18 47 31 -26 26.9 2.4 113 35 Nu2 4.99 K3comp 18 55 07.1 -22 40 17 175190 187445 L.7920, J.479 18 47 34 -22 49.5 5.1 r 114 5.57 F4V 18 55 31.0 -16 22 36 175317 161984 OA.18841 18 48 19 -16 31.6 5.8 115 6.3 K2III 18 56 27.2 -31 41 19 175390 210733 L.7925 18 48 22 -31 50.8 6.9 116 5.93 B8 18 56 00.6 -23 10 25 175360 187468 L.7927, Ll.35201 18 48 26 -23 19.8 6.4 117* 6.6 G5 18 56 14.3 -18 42 33 175453 162001 Argel.BB. VI,138 18 48 31 -18 41.4 6.9 118 7.0 B6V 18 56 56.4 -33 19 47 175478 210749 L.7926 18 48 45 -33 29.3 6.7 119 36 Xi1 5.08 A0II 18 57 20.5 -20 39 23 175687 187498 Ll.35258 18 49 55 -20 49.1 5.7 120 37 Xi2 3.51 K1III 18 57 43.8 -21 06 24 175775 187504 J.480 18 50 16 -21 16.1 3.5 121 6.12 K3III 18 58 21.3 -31 02 10 175794 210773 L.7941 18 50 20 -31 11.9 6.5 122 6.62 A0 18 58 20.5 -24 52 36 175852 187517 L.7943, Ll.35285 18 50 41 -25 2.4 6.7 123 6.16 A2V 18 58 24.6 -22 31 46 175892 187519 * 18 50 53 -22 41.7 6.6 124 7.0 A0 18 59 01.4 -12 35 17 176078 162043 Ll.35362 18 52 0 -12 45.3 7.0 125 6.37 G3II 18 59 26.8 -18 34 01 176123 162050 Ll.35359 18 52 8 -18 44.0 6.9 126 5.53 B5IV 18 59 23.8 -12 50 26 176162 162052 Ll.35376 18 52 22 -13 0.5 5.6 127 6.36 K0III: 19 00 24.8 -24 56 32 176246 187562 L.7956, Ll.35372 18 52 45 -25 6.8 6.6 128 6.24 K5 19 01 37.8 -22 41 44 176537 187584 L.7965, Ll.35428 18 54 6 -22 52.1 6.8 129 6.32 G6III: 19 01 33.5 -15 16 57 176593 162097 T.8731 18 54 25 -15 27.4 6.6 130 38 Zeta 2.60 A3IV 19 02 36.7 -29 52 49 176687 187600 L.7966, J.481 18 54 39 -30 3.4 3.1 131 5.62 K3III 19 02 27.7 -24 50 49 176704 187599 L.7968, Ll.35458 18 54 49 -25 1.0 6.1 r 132 6.05 G6III 19 03 03.8 -19 14 43 176884 162130 Ll.35497 18 55 43 -19 25.4 6.4# dpl. 6 1/2, 9 133 6.38 F5IV-V 19 03 07.0 -19 06 12 176903 162133 Ll.35499 18 55 46 -19 16.9 6.8# 134 5.51 A0V 19 04 25.1 -31 02 49 177074 210883 L.7976 18 56 23 -31 13.7 5.9 135 6.7 A0 19 04 14.2 -22 53 47 177120 187632 L.7983, Ll.35530 18 56 42 -23 4.7 6.9 dpl. 8 1/4, 7 136 39 Omicron 3.77 G9IIIb 19 04 41.0 -21 44 30 177241 187643 J.482 18 57 11 -21 55.3 3.8 137 7.08 B9III(e) 19 05 47.0 -29 04 52 177427 187661 L.7989 18 57 53 -29 16.0 7.0 138 5.97 B9V 19 05 41.2 -15 39 37 177517 162177 OA.19053 18 58 32 -15 50.8 5.9 139 40 Tau 3.32 K1/K2III 19 06 56.4 -27 40 14 177716 187683 L.7994, J.484 18 59 8 -27 51.0 3.6 r 140 6.04 K3III 19 07 30.9 -28 38 13 177846 187701 T.8771 18 59 38 -28 49.6 6.5 r 141 6.03 B8IV 19 06 52.2 -16 13 44 177817 162201 OA.19082 18 59 41 -16 25.1 6.0 142 6.29v? B8III 19 07 08.5 -18 44 16 177863 162204 Y.8122 18 59 49 -18 55.7 6.7 var? 143 6.30 B9III 19 08 14.6 -24 39 25 178075 187718 L.8009, Ll.35713 19 0 36 -24 51.0 6.7 144 5.54v B2Ve 19 08 16.7 -19 17 24 178175 162229 By.2402,Ll.35735 19 0 56 -19 29.0 5.8 145 6.9 B9V 19 08 47.0 -25 04 45 178224 187728 L.8013, Ll.35734 19 1 7 -25 16.4 7.0 146 6.56 A0III/IV 19 09 36.3 -36 09 53 178299 210996 L.8008 19 1 15 -36 21.6 6.6 147 41 Pi 2.89 F3III 19 09 45.8 -21 01 25 178524 187756 J.489 19 2 20 -21 13.2 3.1 148 6.13 K1III 19 09 48.1 -19 48 13 178555 162260 T.8793 19 2 26 -19 59.9 6.8 149 6.4 F5V 19 10 27.6 -30 00 25 178606 211011 L.8019 19 2 30 -30 12.2 6.7 150 6.29 B8/B9V 19 11 18.9 -29 30 08 178840 187786 L.8024 19 3 24 -29 42.2 6.5 151 6.41 G8III: 19 12 28.0 -21 39 29 179201 187816 T.8810 19 5 0 -21 51.8 6.9 152 5.80 K2III 19 13 13.7 -25 54 24 179323 187835 L.8033, Ll.35947 19 5 32 -26 6.8 6.3 r 153 5.51v? K4III 19 13 15.5 -12 16 57 179497 162326 WB.91 19 6 16 -12 29.4 5.8 r 154 6.88 K5III 19 14 36.5 -29 49 52 179669 187862 L.8040 19 6 40 -30 2.5 7.0 c 155 42 Psi 4.85 G8:+A8* 19 15 32.5 -25 15 24 179950 187882 L.8052 19 7 52 -25 28.2 5.4 * 7.54 A0V 19 15 46.8 -33 31 49 179904 211100 L.8045 19 7 37 -33 44.7 7.4# 156 RY* 6.25v G0Ipe* 19 16 32.7 -33 31 18 180093 211117 L.8051 19 8 23 -33 44.3 6.9# 157 6.25 F9V 19 15 33.2 -24 10 45 179949 187883 L.8054, Ll.36069 19 7 56 -24 23.4 6.7 158 7.2 A3IV 19 16 13.5 -30 27 33 180068 211111 L.8053 19 8 15 -30 40.5 7.0 159 6.9 K0III 19 16 40.8 -31 53 07 180133 211119 * 19 8 38 -32 6.1 7.0 * 7.06 A3 19 17 40.0 -15 58 02 180562 162417 Ll.36205 19 10 30 -16 11.2 6.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 8 160 43 d 4.96 G8II 19 17 38.1 -18 57 11 180540 162413 J.491 19 10 19 -19 10.3 5.6# r * 7.4 F0 19 18 29.8 -18 41 49 180768 162442 Ll.36192 19 11 11 -18 55.2 7.2# 161 6.8 B9 19 18 11.0 -18 51 50 180699 162432 Ll.36218 19 10 53 -19 5.1 7.0# 162 5.59 B4III 19 19 40.0 -35 25 17 180885 211175 L.8067 19 11 23 -35 38.8 5.9 163 6.08 K3III 19 19 00.1 -15 32 11 180928 162462 T.8861 19 11 53 -15 45.1 6.7 r 164 6.58 K5/M0III 19 20 26.2 -31 49 04 181109 211191 L.8072 19 12 24 -32 2.7 6.9 165 5.58 F0III: 19 20 38.1 -22 24 09 181240 187992 B.6642, Ll.36327 19 13 9 -22 38.0 5.9 166 6.48 G1/G2V 19 21 29.9 -34 59 02 181321 211206 L.8077 19 13 14 -35 12.6 6.9 167 6.34 K1III 19 22 09.5 -42 00 58 181401 229643 L.8074 19 13 23 -42 14.8 6.7 168 Beta1 4.01 B9V 19 22 38.3 -44 27 32 181454 229646 L.8075, J.492 19 13 39 -44 41.5 3.8 dpl. 4, 6 3/4 169* Beta1 8.2 A3 19 22 40.8 -44 27 24 181484 229647 * 170 7.10 G1V 19 21 39.3 -29 36 19 181428 188014 L.8081 19 13 44 -29 50.2 7.0# 171 7.10 G1V 19 22 04.0 -29 31 24 181544 188025 L.8084 19 14 9 -29 45.3 7.0# 172 Beta2 4.30 F2III 19 23 13.2 -44 47 59 181623 229654 L.8079 19 14 11 -45 1.9 4.4 173 6.26 B5V 19 21 37.1 -19 14 03 181558 162511 Ll.36376 19 14 18 -19 27.9 6.6 174 44 Rho1 3.93v F0IV-V 19 21 40.4 -17 50 50 181577 162512 J.493 19 14 25 -18 4.8 4.2 175 45 Rho2 5.87 G9III: 19 21 50.9 -18 18 30 181645 162521 Ll.36392 19 14 33 -18 32.2 6.5 176 46 Upsilon 4.61v Ape+O9V 19 21 43.6 -15 57 18 181615 162518 Ll.36396 19 14 34 -16 11.2 4.9 177 Alpha 4.00 B8V 19 23 53.2 -40 36 58 181869 229659 L.8087, J.494 19 15 13 -40 50.9 4.0 178 6.17 M1/M2III 19 24 21.4 -43 43 23 181925 229660 L.8086 19 15 26 -43 57.6 6.6 r 179 6.04 B2Vnn 19 24 30.1 -27 51 56 182180 188079 L.8097, Ll.36484 19 16 42 -28 6.3 5.9 180 5.93 K3III 19 25 04.1 -29 18 33 182286 188093 L.8098 19 17 12 -29 32.9 6.1 181 47 Chi1 5.03 Am 19 25 16.5 -24 30 31 182369 188101 L.8100 19 17 40 -24 45.0 5.4 182 49 Chi3 5.43 K4III 19 25 29.7 -23 57 44 182416 188105 L.8103 19 17 56 -24 12.3 5.6 r var? 183 7.0v? K0 19 25 43.5 -22 27 04 182481 188112 Ll.36562 19 18 14 -22 41.6 7.0 184 5.69 K3III 19 25 21.7 -13 53 51 182477 162595 WB.408 19 18 18 -14 8.6 5.9 185 50 5.59 K3III 19 26 19.1 -21 46 36 182629 188121 Ll.36593 19 18 52 -22 1.3 5.9 r 186 5.67 B8/B9V 19 26 56.5 -29 44 36 182681 188127 L.8107 19 19 2 -29 59.3 5.8 187 5.72 B8Vn 19 26 11.1 -15 03 11 182645 162609 Ll.36617 19 19 4 -15 17.9 5.9 188 6.70 A1V 19 26 24.5 -14 33 04 182678 162615 Ll.36625 19 19 19 -14 47.8 6.8 189 5.71 Am 19 29 23.9 -43 26 45 183007 229712 L.8109 19 20 30 -43 41.6 5.9 * 7.30 F5 19 27 40.1 -18 21 02 182926 162637 Ll.36666 19 20 24 -18 35.9 7.3# 190 6.8 K2 19 28 05.3 -18 21 33 182998 162643 Ll.36688 19 20 49 -18 36.6 7.0# 191 6.78 B5V 19 28 35.3 -15 06 08 183133 162651 Ll.36719 19 21 29 -15 21.3 6.9 192 7.14 G2V 19 29 40.7 -30 47 52 183216 211305 L.8117 19 21 43 -31 2.6 7.0 193 5.52 K1/K2III 19 29 52.2 -26 59 09 183275 188192 L.8123, Ll.36737 19 22 8 -27 14.4 5.8 dpl., 6, 8 194 6.60 F3V 19 30 14.7 -32 05 32 183312 211315 L.8120 19 22 12 -32 20.7 6.7 195 6.8v? F8 19 29 38.1 -12 38 50 183347 162674 Ll.36783 19 22 37 -12 54.1 6.9 196 6.6 F6V 19 32 14.0 -44 32 48 183577 229734 L.8122 19 23 18 -44 48.5 6.8 197 6.13 A2 19 30 54.0 -21 18 44 183545 188219 Ll.36811 19 23 29 -21 34.2 6.2 198 6.8 M4III 19 32 28.6 -30 52 09 183799 211345 L.8136 19 24 31 -31 7.8 6.8 199 6.8 K5III 19 33 03.2 -30 21 49 183925 211355 L.8140 19 25 8 -30 37.5 6.8 200 6.96 A0IV/V 19 33 42.1 -34 11 53 183997 211361 L.8143 19 25 32 -34 27.7 6.9 201 5.89v? A3III 19 34 08.4 -40 02 05 184035 229746 L.8138 19 25 34 -40 18.0 6.0 202 6.43v? K5 19 34 33.9 -23 51 31 184268 188296 L.8154, Ll.36960 19 27 1 -24 7.6 6.9 r 203 6.7 G0 19 35 35.8 -20 46 55 184509 188317 T.8991 19 28 12 -21 2.8 7.0 204 51 h1 5.65 Am 19 36 01.7 -24 43 09 184552 188326 L.8162 19 28 26 -24 59.4 var. 5 1/4 - 6 3/4 205 6.9 B4III 19 36 36.1 -32 41 27 184597 211406 L.8159 19 28 33 -32 57.9 6.8 206 6.27 K0 19 35 33.6 -12 15 10 184574 162797 Ll.37048 19 28 35 -12 31.5 6.7 207 52 h2 4.60v? B9 19 36 42.4 -24 53 01 184707 188337 L.8166, J.497 19 29 6 -25 9.4 4.7 208 6.14 F0III 19 36 26.1 -18 51 10 184705 162809 Ll.37060 19 29 9 -19 7.6 6.4# * 7.9 F5 19 36 49.0 -18 47 00 184794 Ll.37080 19 29 32 -19 3.5 8 # 209 5.64 K3III 19 37 03.4 -18 13 52 184835 162816 Ll.37091 19 29 48 -18 30.4 5.8 r 210 7.0 K0III 19 38 00.4 -32 54 46 184922 211429 L.8169 19 29 56 -33 11.3 7.0 211 7.0 B9 19 37 02.5 -13 10 23 184890 162820 Ll.37114 19 30 2 -13 26.9 7.0 * 7.1 K0 19 37 10.9 -14 25 54 184918 162822 WB.723 19 30 7 -14 42.5 7.1# 212 5.47 F5V 19 37 34.4 -14 18 06 184985 162827 WB.734 19 30 32 -14 34.4 5.8# 213 6.9 K0 19 37 48.5 -13 57 21 185044 162831 * 19 30 46 -14 14.1 7.0 214 6.6v ApSi 19 38 56.3 -28 36 27 185183 188386 L.8175, Ll.37147 19 31 8 -28 53.3 6.4 215 6.61v A1mA6-F0 19 39 55.7 -39 26 00 185257 211451 L.8174 19 31 25 -39 42.8 6.8 * 7.6: F2III 19 39 12.6 -16 54 32 185344B 162852 Ll.37202 19 32 1 -17 11.5 7 3/4# * 7.1: F1IV 19 39 13.0 -16 54 27 185344 162853 Ll.37204 19 32 2 -17 11.4 7 3/4# 216 M55* 6.95 * 19 40.0 -30 58 L.8178 19 32 7 -31 14.8* 6.8 neb. 217 53 6.34 B9+A3* 19 39 49.4 -23 25 40 185404 188407 L.8182 19 32 19 -23 42.6 6.7# 218 5.97 K1III: 19 40 07.2 -23 25 43 185467 188419 By.2488, L.8183 19 32 36 -23 42.8 6.2# 219 6.8 B8 19 39 52.3 -15 10 03 185487 162862 Ll.37245 19 32 46 -15 27.0 6.8 220 7.0 A0 19 40 05.2 -14 02 40 185533 162870 Ll.37263 19 33 2 -14 19.7 7.0 221 54 e1 5.33 K2III* 19 40 43.4 -16 17 36 185644 162883 Ll.37277 19 33 34 -16 34.6 5.5 r 222 6.9 F5V 19 42 13.0 -36 38 00 185771 211487 L.8186 19 33 55 -36 55.2 6.9 223 6.6 A5 19 42 22.6 -24 51 34 185905 188470 L.8198, Ll.37319 19 34 47 -25 8.9 6.8 224 6.16 B8IV/V 19 43 37.4 -37 32 19 186042 211506 L.8196 19 35 16 -37 49.8 6.1 225 55 e2 5.06 F1III 19 42 31.1 -16 07 26 186005 162915 J.500 19 35 22 -16 24.9 5.4 226 5.49 F5IV 19 43 33.5 -15 28 12 186185 162931 Ll.37403 19 36 26 -15 45.5 5.8 227 6.7 A1V 19 45 24.4 -30 54 11 186417 211537 L.8208 19 37 29 -31 12.0 6.8 228 5.52 B8III 19 46 01.2 -31 54 31 186500 211541 L.8211 19 38 3 -32 12.5 5.7 229 56 f 4.86 K1III 19 46 21.7 -19 45 40 186648 162964 Ll.37512 19 39 4 -20 3.5 5.2 r 230 6.8 G8III 19 47 48.5 -28 29 29 186829 188571 Y.8493 19 40 2 -28 47.8 7.0 231 6.7 G0 19 47 59.9 -20 57 27 186938 188580 Ll.37577 19 40 38 -21 15.8 7.0 232 6.11 A6m 19 48 03.0 -13 42 12 186984 162998 T.9097 19 41 1 -14 0.6 6.3 233 6.05 F3V 19 49 11.6 -28 47 21 187098 188603 Ll.37596 19 41 23 -29 5.6 6.2 234 6.6 K5 19 48 50.4 -12 19 09 187150 163007 Ll.37638 19 41 53 -12 37.6 7.0 235 5.33v A0p 19 51 50.7 -39 52 28 187474 229903 L.8239 19 43 21 -40 11.3 5.6 236 6.8 K2III 19 51 46.1 -37 20 11 187518 211609 L.8242 19 43 28 -37 38.9 6.9 237 7.1 A2/A3IV 19 52 44.3 -31 58 36 187741 211624 L.8249 19 44 47 -32 17.7 7.0 238 57 5.92 G5III 19 52 12.0 -19 02 42 187739 163060 T.9126 19 44 56 -19 21.6 6.1 239 6.8 A2 19 51 41.8 -14 46 32 187664 163050 * 19 44 38 -15 5.6 7.0# 240 6.49v A2+(F7)* 19 53 06.4 -14 36 11 187949 163080 Ll.37797 19 46 3 -14 55.3 6.9# 241 Iota 4.13 K0III 19 55 15.7 -41 52 06 188114 229927 L.8255, J.502 19 46 38 -42 11.6 4.3 242 6.18 K2V 19 54 17.7 -23 56 28 188088 188692 L.8262, Ll.37813 19 46 48 -24 15.0 6.4 243 7.2 A3V 19 55 02.6 -36 12 07 188113 211651 * 19 46 49 -36 31.5 7.0 244 6.46 K2/K3III 19 55 05.1 -33 02 47 188158 211653 L.8260 19 47 4 -33 22.2 6.7 245 7.18 B8/B9V 19 56 05.5 -44 00 45 188246 229934 L.8258 19 47 18 -44 20.3 7.0 246 6.7 M1III 19 56 10.7 -38 19 35 188339 211664 L.8263 19 47 19 -38 39.1 7.0 247 6.9 F0 19 55 23.9 -19 17 35 188352 163107 Ll.37873 19 48 7 -19 37.1 6.9 248 58 Omega 4.70 G5V 19 55 50.4 -26 17 58 188376 188722 L.8268 19 48 11 -26 37.8 5.1 249 6.5 A4IV/V 19 56 49.1 -30 34 12 188548 211677 L.8274 19 48 57 -30 53.9 6.6 250 59 b 4.52 K3III 19 56 56.8 -27 10 12 188603 188742 L.8277, J.503 19 49 16 -27 29.9 4.6 r 251 6.55 F3V 19 57 41.3 -38 03 30 188642 211686 L.8271 19 49 20 -38 23.2 6.8 252 7.0 F2V 19 58 13.2 -36 41 13 188787 211696 L.8278 19 49 59 -37 1.1 6.9 253 61 g 5.02 A3IV 19 57 57.0 -15 29 29 188899 163141 Ll.37988 19 50 52 -15 49.2 5.3 254 6.28 K1III 19 58 56.4 -30 32 17 188981 211708 L.8288 19 51 4 -30 52.2 6.5 255 60 A 4.83 G8II/III 19 58 57.2 -26 11 44 189005 188778 L.8294 19 51 20 -26 31.9 5.3 256 Theta1 4.36 B2.5IV 19 59 44.2 -35 16 35 189103 211716 L.8291 19 51 36 -35 36.7 4.5 257 Theta2 5.30 A4/A5IV 19 59 51.3 -34 41 52 189118 211717 L.8292 19 51 44 -35 1.9 5.8 r 258 6.14 M0III 20 00 26.5 -43 02 36 189140 229977 L.8286 19 51 45 -43 22.9 6.7 259 5.81 A8III 20 00 48.3 -45 06 47 189198 229981 L.8285 19 51 57 -45 27.1 5.9 260 5.95 G8/K0III 20 00 15.9 -37 42 08 189195 211719 L.8293 19 51 58 -38 2.4 6.2 r 261 6.8 A2 19 59 34.1 -22 12 40 189193 188795 Ll.38048 19 52 10 -22 32.9 6.7 262 5.66v? F7V 20 00 20.3 -33 42 14 189245 211724 L.8296 19 52 17 -34 1.8 5.9 263 6.29 A2/A3V 20 01 26.4 -40 48 51 189388 229993 L.8297 19 52 56 -41 9.2 6.6 264 6.01 G7V 20 01 23.9 -22 44 14 189561 188829 L.8308, Ll.38123 19 53 58 -23 4.7 5.9 r 265 62 c 4.58v M4III 20 02 39.5 -27 42 35 189763 188844 L.8315, J.505 19 54 58 -28 3.3 4.7 r 266 63 5.71 A3V 20 01 58.6 -13 38 13 189741 163195 Ll.38178 19 54 58 -13 58.9 5.7 c 267 7.0v ApSiCrEu 20 03 35.2 -38 51 03 189832 211768 L.8309 19 55 13 -39 11.8 7.0 268 4.77 K5III 20 03 33.5 -37 56 27 189831 211767 L.8310 19 55 15 -38 17.0 5.0 r 269 6.45 F6V 20 03 44.3 -22 35 44 190009 188863 L.8325, Ll.38227 19 56 20 -22 56.7 6.5 270 4.99v? K1III 20 04 19.6 -32 03 22 190056 211782 L.8322, J.506 19 56 24 -32 24.3 5.4 r 271 7.0 A0IV 20 05 25.8 -34 40 00 190268 211796 L.8329 19 57 21 -35 1.0 7.0 272 6.53 B4III 20 05 32.1 -33 00 00 190306 211798 L.8330 19 57 34 -33 21.1 6.6 r 273 7.13 G6III 20 04 58.0 -21 18 51 190283 188889 Ll.38277* 19 57 37 -21 39.9 7.0 274 65 6.53 A1Vn 20 05 26.3 -12 39 55 190454 163253 Ll.38330 19 58 29 -13 1.0 6.7 * 7.85 K1III 20 09 26.6 -43 55 00 191007 230071 L.(8344) 20 0 44 -44 16.6 7.1# 275 6.94 K0III 20 10 05.7 -43 53 37 191117 230077 Rk.509 20 1 24 -44 15.4 6.6# 276 7.2 B8/B9V 20 09 24.8 -33 52 24 191091 211863 L.8354 20 1 24 -34 14.2 6.8 * 7.84 A3mA7-F2 20 10 50.2 -43 36 10 191273 230084 L.8355 20 2 10 -43 58.0 7.6# 277 7.70 A4V 20 11 04.8 -43 28 29 191305 230087 L.8356 20 2 25 -43 50.4 7.0# 278 6.55 G5/G6III 20 11 15.7 -43 39 43 191349 230089 L.8357 20 2 35 -44 1.7 6.6# 279 5.31 K2V 20 11 11.9 -36 06 04 191408 211885 L.8362 20 2 59 -36 24.8 5.7 r 280 6.22 K2III 20 12 23.9 -42 46 50 191584 230100 L.8366 20 3 48 -43 8.7 6.4 r 281 6.7 K1+(F)* 20 13 41.6 -34 07 08 191957 211916 L.8373 20 5 41 -34 29.4 6.9 dpl. 9 1/4, 7 282 6.30 K4III 20 15 50.7 -30 00 20 192433 211940 L.8386 20 8 4 -30 23.1 6.5 283 6.39v? M4III 20 16 23.7 -36 27 16 192472 211948 L.8385 20 8 15 -36 50.0 6.5 var? 284 7.1 F3V 20 16 50.3 -40 54 22 192509 230131 L.8382 20 8 23 -41 17.1 7.0 285 6.54 F2V 20 16 26.5 -35 11 52 192486 211950 L.8387 20 8 23 -35 34.8 6.5 286 7.0 F8+G0 20 17 49.3 -40 11 05 192724 230134 L.8390 20 9 27 -40 34.2 6.8 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 287 7.03 F0V 20 18 15.7 -42 51 34 192758 230140 L.8391 20 9 41 -43 14.5 7.0 288 6.6 F8V 20 20 14.4 -34 35 06 193194 212015 L.8404 20 12 14 -34 58.4 6.9 * 8.3 A0 20 20 26.8 -29 11 24 193256 189163 * 20 12 45 -29 34.9 7.4# 289 6.30 A5/A6V 20 20 28.1 -29 11 50 193281 189164 L.8409 20 12 46 -29 35.3 6.5# dpl. 6 1/2, 9 1/2 290 6.46 K3III 20 20 51.9 -35 40 25 193302 212025 L.8406 20 12 47 -36 4.0 6.8 291 7.2v? M3/M4III 20 21 48.1 -40 45 17 193437 230169 L.8410 20 13 24 -41 8.9 7.0 var? 292 Kappa1 5.59 A0V 20 22 27.5 -42 02 59 193571 230177 L.8415 20 13 58 -42 26.4 5.5 293 6.9 F2V 20 23 00.3 -35 22 39 193716 212062 L.8418 20 14 58 -35 46.4 7.0 294 Kappa2 5.64 A3V 20 23 53.2 -42 25 22 193807 230184 L.8417 20 15 23 -42 49.3 5.6 295 6.09 K3III 20 25 47.9 -40 47 47 194184 230197 L.8426 20 17 27 -41 11.8 6.3 r 296 5.85 G8II/III 20 25 26.8 -28 39 48 194215 189264 L.8433, Ll.39173 20 17 47 -29 4.0 6.1 297 6.25 K1IV 20 26 52.9 -37 24 11 194433 212126 L.8438 20 18 47 -37 48.3 6.7 298 6.62 G6/G8V 20 27 44.3 -30 52 05 194640 212140 L.8449 20 19 59 -31 15.5 6.6 17 Spectrum B7/B8II/III Between 21 and 22 the stars, HD164492=SAO186145, and HD164514=SAO186149 are connected with a brace to 21, 22, and 23, with combined magnitude 6.0 for all five of these stars without having numbers assigned to either of them. 31 Spectrum K0IIICNpvar 36 Declination corrected from -32 42.9. 37 Spectrum K1III+(F) 40 Gould does not show the Flamsteed number 1 in the Uranometria Argentina. Flamsteed made a 2 degree error in right ascension and a 10 degree error in declination in reducing his observations for his original catalog. Subsequent investigation of his notes has found the error and showed that Flamsteed did in fact observe this star, and the designation 1 Sagittarii does appear for this star in a few modern catalogs and atlases. 47 The variable star designation RS was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum B3/B4IV/V. The note var was inadvertently omitted from the original publication. Following 52 the stars HD167863=SAO161278 and HD168021=SAO161304 are connected with a brace to 52 without a combined magnitude for the three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 57 The variable star designation Y was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 63 The Flamsteed number 18 associated with this star is not shown in the Uranometria Argentina but does appear in most modern atlases and catalogs. 68, 69, 70 These three stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.3. 81 This object is the globular cluster M22. The designation M22 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. 102 Spectrum K2IVCNIII 103 Spectrum G5III:+A0V: Following 103 the star HD173940=SAO161850 is connected with a brace to 103 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 111 Spectrum K2Iab:+B9V: 117 The position of 117G Sgr in the Uranometria Argentina does not correspond to the position of HD175453=SAO162001 in 2000 coordinates. Given the systematic discrepancy between Gould's and modern magnitudes, these magnitudes do correspond. This is a likely identification as there are no other bright stars near the location of HD175453=SAO162001. There may be an unreported error in the position of this star in the Uranometria Argentina. 123 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 132, 133 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 155 Spectrum G8:III+A8V Preceding 156 the star HD179904=SAO211100 is connected with a brace to 156 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 156 The variable star designation RY was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum G0Ipe(C1,0). 159 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 159 and 160 the star HD180562=SAO162417 is listed without being assigned a number. Between 160 and 161 the star HD180768=SAO162442 is connected with a brace to both 160 and 161 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 168, 169 The Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers for the two components of the double star Beta1 Sagittarii, but only a single designation from earlier catalogs, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 170, 171 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 190 the star HD182926=SAO162637 is connected with a brace to 190 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 208 the star HD184794 is connected with a brace to 208 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. Preceding 212 the star HD184918=SAO162822 is connected with a brace to 212 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 213 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 215 and 216 HD185344B=SAO162852 and HD185344=SAO162853 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to either. 216 This object is the globular cluster M55. The designation M55 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. Spectrum is not given. Declination corrected from -31 13.8. 217 Spectrum B9.5V+A3IV 217, 218 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.8. 221 Spectrum K2IIIcomp 239 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 239, 240 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 240 Spectrum A2V+(F7III) 243 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 273 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from Ll.38227. Preceding 275 the star HD191007=SAO230071 is connected with a brace to 275 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 277 the star HD191273=SAO230084 is connected with a brace to both 277 and 278 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 281 Spectrum K1/2III+(F) 286 Spectrum F7/G0+F8/G2 Preceding 289 the star HD193256=SAO189163 is connected with a brace to 289 with combined magnitude 6.2 without being assigned a number or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. 30. - SCORPIUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.7 A0 15 48 26.6 -23 50 03 141164 183813 L.6537, Ll.28744 15 41 2 -23 26.7 6.9 2 1 b 4.70 B3V 15 50 58.7 -25 45 05 141637 183854 L.6557, J.373 15 43 28 -25 22.1 5.3 3 2 A 4.59 B2.5Vn 15 53 36.7 -25 19 38 142114 183896 L.6574, J.374 15 46 7 -24 57.1 5.2 dpl. 5 1/2, 7 1/2 4 5.40 B6IVn 15 53 53.8 -24 31 59 142165 183900 By.2009, L.6576 15 46 26 -24 9.5 5.8 5 5.42v? B2.5Vn 15 53 55.8 -23 58 41 142184 183901 L.6579, Ll.28891 15 46 30 -23 36.2 5.8 6 6.10 B7V 15 54 30.0 -27 20 19 142250 183907 L.6581 15 46 54 -26 57.9 6.9 7 3 5.87v B8IIIp 15 54 39.5 -25 14 37 142301 183914 L.6583 15 47 9 -24 52.2 6.7 8 4 5.62 A3V 15 55 30.1 -26 15 57 142445 183931 L.6586 15 47 57 -25 53.7 6.3 9 5 Rho 3.90 B2IV/V 15 56 53.1 -29 12 50 142669 183957 L.6601, J.377 15 49 10 -28 50.8 4.5 10 5.90v? B3V 15 57 40.4 -20 58 59 142883 183972 L.29001 15 50 22 -20 37.1 6.4 11 5.44v B5IV 15 58 34.9 -24 49 53 142990 183982 L.6621, Ll.29017 15 51 5 -24 28.1 6.1 r 12 6 Pi 2.89v? B1V+B2V 15 58 51.1 -26 06 51 143018 183987 L.6622, J.378 15 51 18 -25 45.1 3.4 13 7 Delta 2.30v B0.5IV 16 00 20.0 -22 37 18 143275 184014 Ll.29072, J.381 15 52 57 -22 15.8 2.4 14 6.03 K2/K3III 16 02 39.4 -29 08 09 143619 184049 L.6647 15 54 55 -28 47.0 6.7 15 5.00 K5III 16 03 20.6 -25 51 55 143787 184068 L.6659 15 55 48 -25 30.8 5.7 16 6.21 K0 16 03 54.7 -24 43 35 143900 184075 L.6663 15 56 24 -24 22.7 6.8 17 Xi1* 4.8: F5IV 16 04 22.3 -11 22 20 144070 J.383, WB.1061,2 15 57 30 -11 1.6 4 3/4# dpl. 4 3/4, 7 3/4 Xi2* 7.30 * 16 04 22.5 -11 22 19 159666 * * 7.46 G8Vcomp 16 04 25.9 -11 26 58 144087 159668 WB.1064,5 15 57 34 -11 6.2 7 1/2# dpl. 7 3/4, 8 18 8 Beta1* 2.62v? B0.5V 16 05 26.2 -19 48 19 144217 159682 Ll.29228, J.385 15 58 10 -19 27.7 2.5 dpl. 2 1/2, 7 3/4 8 Beta2* 4.92 B2V 16 05 26.5 -19 48 07 144218 159683 19 5.92v B8p 16 06 06.4 -23 36 23 144334 184113 L.6689, Ll.29247 15 58 39 -23 15.8 6.2 20 9 Omega1 3.96 B1V 16 06 48.4 -20 40 09 144470 184123 Ll.29285, J.386 15 59 30 -20 19.7 4.4 21 10 Omega2 4.32v? G3II-III 16 07 24.3 -20 52 07 144608 184135 J.387 16 0 5 -20 31.8 4.6 r 22 6.32 G4IV-V 16 07 03.4 -14 04 15 144585 159706 Ll.29314 16 0 6 -13 44.0 6.8 * 7.05v A8/A9 16 08 34.2 -39 06 19 144668 207367 * 16 0 12 -38 46.0 7 1/4# 23 6.65v A1/A2III 16 08 34.4 -39 05 35 144667 207368 L.6695 16 0 12 -38 45.3 7.0# 24 6.32 B7III(p) 16 07 51.9 -24 27 43 144661 184142 L.6700, Ll.29311 16 0 22 -24 7.5 6.7 25 m* 5.38 M2III 16 08 07.6 -26 19 36 144690 184144 L.6702 16 0 30 -25 59.4 6.0 r 26 11 5.78 B9.5Vnn 16 07 36.4 -12 44 44 144708 159715 Ll.29331 16 0 40 -12 24.4 6.0 27 5.87v? B9IV(p) 16 08 43.7 -23 41 07 144844 184164 L.6710, Ll.29345 16 1 16 -23 21.0 6.3 28 6.19 K1III 16 09 31.7 -32 38 59 144927 207396 L.6706 16 1 35 -32 18.8 6.6 dpl. 7, 7 1/4 29 6.70 F7V 16 08 27.2 -10 06 09 144892 140981 Ll.29365 16 1 37 - 9 45.8 7.0 30 5.54 B8V 16 09 52.6 -33 32 47 144987 207403 L.6711 16 1 52 -33 12.7 6.0 31 6.65v ApSi 16 10 16.1 -26 54 32 145102 184184 L.6719 16 2 38 -26 34.6 6.9 32 6.6 A0 16 10 09.9 -24 34 57 145127 184182 L.6720, Ll.29388 16 2 39 -24 15.0 6.9 33 6.44 F4V 16 09 55.1 -18 20 27 145100 159745 Ll.29395 16 2 43 -18 0.3 6.9 34 5.86 F2III+A* 16 11 17.5 -41 07 11 145191 226564 L.6715 16 2 47 -40 47.1 6.3 35 5.13 K0III 16 11 02.0 -29 24 59 145250 184197 L.6725 16 3 16 -29 5.0 5.8 r 36 12 c1 5.67v? B9V 16 12 15.9 -28 25 03 145483 184217 L.6729 16 4 33 -28 5.4 6.1 r, var? 37 13 c2 4.59 B2V 16 12 18.2 -27 55 35 145482 184221 L.6730, J.390 16 4 36 -27 36.0 5.3 * 6.30 A0IV 16 11 58.6 -19 26 59 145501 159763 Ll.29466 16 4 42 -19 7.4* 7 1/4# dpl. 7 1/2, 8 38 14 Nu 4.01 B3V 16 11 59.7 -19 27 38 145502 159764 J.391 16 4 44 -19 8.0 4 1/2# 39 15 Psi 4.94 A3IV 16 12 00.0 -10 03 51 145570 141022 J.392 16 5 10 - 9 44.3 5.2 40 16 5.45 A4V 16 12 07.3 - 8 32 51 145607 141024 Ll.29493 16 5 21 - 8 13.3 5.7 41 6.41 B5V 16 13 45.7 -24 25 19 145792 184241 L.6751 16 6 15 -24 6.0 6.7 42 6.69 G0 16 13 40.3 -21 24 00 145809 184240 Ll.29515 16 6 20 -21 4.7 7.0 43 5.92 K0III 16 14 22.3 -33 00 41 145838 207480 L.6745 16 6 23 -32 41.4 6.3 44 17 Chi 5.22 K3III 16 13 50.9 -11 50 16 145897 159793 Ll.29537 16 6 56 -11 31.0 5.6 r 45 6.42 A0V 16 14 28.8 -21 06 27 145964 184253 Ll.29535 16 7 8 -20 47.2 6.9 46 6.05 B7IV 16 14 53.6 -25 28 37 146001 184258 L.6755 16 7 19 -25 9.5 6.4 47 6.32 K2III 16 14 39.1 -18 32 07 145997 159807 Ll.29552 16 7 27 -18 12.8 6.9 48 6.09v? A0V 16 15 51.5 -14 50 55 146254 159821 WB.140 16 8 48 -14 32.0 6.3 var. 49 18 5.50v? G1V 16 15 37.3 - 8 22 11 146233 141066 J.394 16 8 48 - 8 2.2* 5.7 50 6.70 B8IV 16 16 26.8 -24 16 56 146284 184278 L.6767, Ll.29600 16 8 56 -23 58.1 6.9 51 6.63 B9V 16 16 58.8 -21 18 14 146416 184285 OA.15466 16 9 37 -20 59.4 7.0 52 6.5 K0 16 16 59.2 -20 06 14 146436 159829 Ll.29631 16 9 41 -19 47.5 6.9 53 d 4.80 A0V: 16 18 17.9 -28 36 51 146624 184301 L.6777 16 10 33 -28 18.1 5.5 * 7.3 K0 16 17 50.0 -13 22 20 146662 159834 Ll.29671 16 10 51 -13 3.7 7.3# * 7.35 F0 16 17 59.7 -13 26 42 146677 159836 Ll.29673 16 11 1 -13 8.0 7.3# 54 6.7 F3IV/V 16 19 17.0 -35 29 29 146745 207551 L.6781 16 11 7 -35 10.9 6.9 * 7.09 G1/G2 16 19 31.5 -30 54 07 146835 207557 T.7570 16 11 37 -30 35.8 7 1/4# 55 5.49 F5IV 16 19 32.7 -30 54 24 146836 207558 L.6788, T.7571 16 11 38 -30 36.1 6 # * 7.2 B9V 16 20 12.1 -39 30 01 146905 207566 L.6784 16 11 45 -39 11.7 7.3# * 7.0 K1III 16 20 14.7 -39 37 49 146906 207570 L.6785 16 11 47 -39 19.5 7.5# 56 6.12 B9V 16 20 32.6 -39 25 51 146954 207574 L.6787 16 12 6 -39 7.5 6.3# 57 5.94 K4III 16 19 00.4 -14 52 21 146850 159846 Ll.29689 16 11 57 -14 34.0 6.4 58 6.29 G5III 16 19 07.7 -20 13 04 146834 184309 Ll.29683 16 11 49 -19 54.7 6.8# * 8.8 B9 16 20 04.0 -20 02 40 147009 159858 Ll.29703 16 12 45 -19 44.3 8 # * 7.40v Ap 16 20 05.5 -20 03 22 147010 159860 Ll.29704 16 12 47 -19 45.1 7 1/4# * 7.56 A0V 16 20 30.3 -20 07 03 147103 159864 Ll.29720 16 13 11 -19 48.8 7.2# dpl. 7 1/2, 8 1/4 59 19 o 4.55v? A5II 16 20 38.2 -24 10 10 147084 184329 L.6798 16 13 7 -23 52.0 5.1 r * 7.3 F3V 16 21 26.1 -33 18 05 147149 207586 L.6796 16 13 24 -33 0.0 7.3# * 7.3 K3III 16 21 34.2 -33 14 07 147167 207587 L.6797 16 13 32 -32 56.0 7.2# 60 6.55 F0 16 20 28.2 -12 54 39 147135 159867 Ll.29737 16 13 30 -12 36.6 7.7 61 20 Sigma 2.88v B2+O9.5* 16 21 11.3 -25 35 34 147165 184336 L.6799, J.399 16 13 36 -25 17.4 3.4 r 62 5.40v? G3/G5V 16 24 01.3 -39 11 36 147513 207622 L.6810 16 15 34 -38 53.9 5.8 63 6.86 F0 16 22 53.6 -17 01 09 147473 159888 Ll.29778 16 15 43 -16 43.3 7.0 64 6.47 A0V+A0V 16 23 56.7 -33 11 58 147553 207625 L.6815 16 15 54 -32 54.3 6.5 dpl. 7, 7 1/4 65 M4* 5.93 F 16 23.6 -26 32 L.6820 16 15 56 -26 13.5 7 neb. * 9.05 G8III 16 23 01.0 -40 36 49 147328 * 16 14 33 -40 19.6 8 # * 8.75 G5 16 24 26.4 -40 45 38 325581 * 16 15 57 -40 28.7 7 3/4# * 9.2 K5 16 24 49.9 -40 45 31 147654 * 16 16 21 -40 28.6 8 1/4# * 8.7 B8III 16 25 04.2 -40 38 36 147686 226740 * 16 16 36 -40 21.7 8 # * 8.71 M0 16 25 45.2 -40 40 47 325543 L.6819 16 17 16 -40 24.0 8 1/4# * 8.89 G8III 16 26 15.7 -40 41 36 147893 * 16 17 47 -40 24.9 8 # 66 5.42 B8V 16 24 31.7 -37 33 57 147628 207637 L.6816 16 16 12 -37 16.3 5.7 67 5.94 F7V 16 24 39.7 -29 42 17 147723 184369 L.6826 16 16 49 -29 24.5 5.9 dpl. 6 3/4, 6 1/4 68 5.79 K1IIICN* 16 28 14.7 -37 10 46 148247 207688 L.6842 16 19 55 -36 53.8 6.4 69 21 Alpha 0.96 M1.5Iab 16 29 24.5 -26 25 55 148478 184415 L.6853, J.404 16 21 45 -26 9.1 1.4 dpl. 7, 1 1/2 r * 7.34 B9V 16 29 59.1 -25 08 52 148579 184425 OA.15671 16 22 24 -24 52.2 7 1/2# 70 22 i 4.80 B2V 16 30 12.5 -25 06 54 148605 184429 L.6858 16 22 37* -24 50.3 5.5# 71 5.33v? B1Ia 16 31 41.7 -41 49 01 148688 226855 L.6854 16 23 1 -41 32.6 5.9 72 N 4.23 B2III-IV 16 31 22.9 -34 42 16 148703 207732 L.6859, J.405 16 23 13 -34 25.8 4.6 73 6.10 K1III 16 31 22.8 -26 32 16 148760 184437 L.6866 16 23 43 -26 15.8 6.5 74 6.8 B9V 16 35 13.9 -35 43 28 149274 207794 L.6884 16 26 59 -35 27.6 7.0 75 23 Tau 2.82 B0V 16 35 53.0 -28 12 58 149438 184481 L.6897, J.409 16 28 6 -27 57.3 3.2 76 H 4.16 K5III 16 36 22.5 -35 15 20 149447 207814 L.6890, J.408 16 28 9 -34 59.7 4.4 c, var? 77 5.91 B9/A0V+B 16 39 05.1 -37 13 02 149886 207878 L.6910 16 30 44 -36 57.8 6.2 78 6.4 G8Ib 16 40 12.9 -33 44 35 150090 207903 L.6922 16 32 5 -33 29.6 7.0 79 6.64 B5III 16 40 37.9 -35 41 13 150151 207909 L.6924 16 32 22 -35 26.3 6.9 * 7.3 A0V 16 40 46.5 -37 09 13 150164 207912 L.6923 16 32 25 -35 54.3 7.3# 80 7.0 G3III 16 42 29.0 -37 04 48 150420 207943 L.6933 16 34 8 -36 50.0 6.9# * 7.1 G8V 16 42 46.6 -37 20 33 150474 207949 L.6934 16 34 25 -37 5.8 7.5# 81 5.87 G1II 16 41 45.5 -33 08 47 150331 207930 L.6930 16 33 40 -32 53.9 6.4 82 6.4 K1IIICN* 16 41 37.5 -27 48 35 150367 184547 L.6935 16 33 51 -27 33.8 7.0 83 6.20 A4V 16 43 45.5 -41 07 08 150573 227118 L.6941 16 35 6 -40 52.7 6.5# 84 6.12 B6/B7V 16 43 53.9 -41 06 47 150591 227123 L.6943 16 35 14 -40 52.4 6.5# 85 6.05 B9II-III 16 43 47.6 -38 09 24 150608 207966 L.6946 16 35 21 -37 54.9 6.4 86 6.48 B8V 16 43 38.7 -32 06 21 150638 207967 L.6950 16 35 37 -31 52.0 6.8 87 5.71 B3V 16 44 42.5 -40 50 23 150742 227146 L.6949 16 36 3 -40 36.1 5.9 88 6.8 G2/G3V 16 43 51.3 -26 48 32 150698 184581 L.6957 16 36 9 -26 34.0 6.9 89 6.58v? A2V 16 44 17.3 -27 27 23 150768 184591 L.6958 16 36 32 -27 13.2 6.8 90 6.02v? A3IV 16 45 00.2 -28 30 35 150894 184602 L.6966 16 37 11 -28 16.5 6.4 91 5.48 K0III 16 46 47.8 -39 22 38 151078 208020 L.6970 16 38 15 -39 8.7 6.0 r 92 25 6.71 G6III: 16 46 51.3 -25 31 43 151179 184630 Ll.30462 16 39 12 -25 17.9 7.0 93 6.81 B4V 16 48 24.7 -31 12 12 151395 208050 L.6984 16 40 25 -30 58.7 6.7 94 7.1 A1mF0-F0 16 49 19.2 -34 01 01 151511 208065 L.6987 16 41 9 -33 47.5 7.0 95 26 Epsilon 2.29 K2IIIb 16 50 09.8 -34 17 36 151680 208078 L.6996, J.415 16 42 5 -34 3.8 2.3 r 96 6.11 B8II/III 16 50 59.8 -37 30 52 151771 208089 L.6999 16 42 35 -37 17.7 6.7 dpl. 9 1/2, 6 3/4 97 5.22 O9e 16 51 33.7 -41 13 50 151804 227313 L.7000 16 42 51 -41 0.8 5.9 98 Mu1 3.00v B1.5IV+B 16 51 52.2 -38 02 51 151890 208102 L.7006, J.416 16 43 24 -37 49.8 3.6# 99 Mu2 3.60 B2IV 16 52 20.1 -38 01 03 151985 208116 L.7009, J.418 16 43 52 -37 48.1 3.9# 100 6.35v B9pSi 16 52 27.4 -40 43 22 151965 227332 L.7007 16 43 47 -40 30.4 7.0 101 5.45 B0.5Ia 16 54 01.8 -41 48 23 152234 227377 L.7017, T.7802 16 45 16 -41 35.7 6.6# 102 6.47 O9Ib 16 54 11.8 -41 51 01 152249 227383 T.7805 16 45 25 -41 38.3 6.8# 103 Zeta1 4.73v B1Iac 16 53 59.7 -42 21 44 152236 227375 L.7016 16 45 11 -42 9.1 5.8# c 104 Zeta2 3.62 K4III 16 54 35.0 -42 21 41 152334 227402 L.7025 16 45 48 -42 8.7 3.6# r 105 5.85 F5Ib-II 16 54 26.9 -42 28 44 152293 227392 L.7019 16 45 37 -42 16.6 6.6 106 5.77 O7:pe 16 54 58.4 -41 09 04 152408 227425 L.7029 16 46 16 -40 56.6 6.4 * 8.5 A2 16 54 06.3 -30 45 10 152348 208161 L.7037, Y.6979 16 46 8 -30 32.6 7 1/2# * 8.0 K3III 16 54 27.0 -30 43 13 152422 208170 Y.6981 16 46 29 -30 30.7 7 3/4# 107 6.34 A5III(M) 16 54 36.0 -30 35 14 152431 208176 T.7819, Y.6984 16 46 38 -30 22.8 6.8# 108 7.28 K2II/III 16 55 37.6 -39 30 19 152524 208191 L.7038 16 47 3 -39 17.9 7.0 r cum.* 109 7.18 F0III 16 55 28.1 -32 30 12 152574 208192 L.7047 16 47 23 -32 17.9 7.0 110 6.34 K5III 16 55 57.8 -33 30 26 152636 208205 L.7049 16 47 48 -33 18.2 7.0 r 111 6.73 A0/A1V 16 55 08.6 -31 24 09 152521 208187 L.7044, Y.6991 16 47 8 -31 11.7 6.9# * 7.72v? B7II 16 55 52.4 -31 28 13 152635 208204 L.7053, Y.6998 16 47 51 -31 15.9 7 1/4# * 8.0 A5IV 16 56 13.8 -31 31 09 152700 208213 Y.7003 16 48 12 -31 19.0 7 1/2# * 7.2 K1IV 16 56 16.8 -31 18 28 152720 208214 L.(7058), Y.7004 16 48 16 -31 6.2 7.1# 112 6.15v B0.5Ia 16 56 36.0 -40 49 25 152667 227473 T.7830 16 47 54 -40 37.2 6 1/2 cum. 113 27 5.48 K5III 16 57 11.1 -33 15 34 152820 208232 B.5901 16 49 3 -33 3.5 6.0 r 114 6.09 A3III 16 58 52.4 -37 37 16 153072 208259 L.7065 16 50 25 -37 25.4 6.6 115* B.5915 16 51 10 -40 47.6 7.0 116 5.97 K2IIICN* 17 00 36.9 -35 56 03 153368 208293 L.7076 16 52 17 -35 44.4 6.5 117 5.03 B8V 17 01 52.7 -32 08 37 153613 208324 L.7089 16 53 48 -31 57.3 5.7 118 5.92v F3V 17 03 50.8 -38 09 08 153890 208355 L.7099 16 55 20 -37 58.2 6.5 119 6.28 A2V 17 05 05.3 -45 30 06 154025 227601 L.7100 16 55 58 -45 19.3 6.7 120 k 4.87 B2Iab 17 04 49.4 -34 07 23 154090 208377 L.7109, J.422 16 56 36 -33 56.6 5.5 121 6.19 A4III 17 05 48.6 -44 06 18 154153 227615 L.7106 16 56 48 -43 55.7 6.6 122 5.98 A2IV 17 06 20.3 -37 13 39 154310 208406 L.7123 16 57 53 -37 3.2 6.5 123 6.13 O9.5Iab 17 06 28.4 -35 27 05 154368 208410 L.7125 16 58 9 -35 16.6 6.7 124 5.93 D Del* 17 08 47.7 -30 24 14 154783 208467 L.7150 17 0 49 -30 14.1 6.2 125 l 5.08 G9III+G* 17 10 42.3 -44 33 27 154948 227688 L.7147 17 1 39 -44 23.6 5.7 126 Eta 3.33 F3IIIp* 17 12 09.2 -43 14 21 155203 227707 L.7155, J.424 17 3 12 -43 4.3 3.6 127 5.67 A0/A1V 17 12 16.2 -39 30 25 155259 208521 L.7159 17 3 38 -39 20.8 5.9 128 6.30 K1IIICN* 17 12 16.5 -38 49 20 155276 208522 L.7160 17 3 42 -38 39.8 6.8 129 6.61 B8Iab/b 17 13 09.4 -37 57 09 155416 208541 L.7163 17 4 39 -37 47.9 6.9 130 6.01 B1Ib 17 12 58.7 -32 26 19 155450 208539 L.7166 17 4 51 -32 17.0 6.3 131 6.60v K0Ia 17 14 27.7 -39 46 01 155603 208569 L.7171 17 5 48 -39 36.9 7.0 r 132 6.75 F5V 17 13 53.8 -38 17 40 155536 208556 L.7168 17 5 21 -38 8.6 7.0# dpl. 7, 8 1/2 * 6.72 B1V 17 15 22.2 -38 12 47 155775 208582 L.7174 17 6 50 -38 3.9 7.1# 133 5.96 G0V 17 15 35.9 -38 35 39 155826 208591 L.7176 17 7 4 -38 25.9 6.4 134 5.53 O9 17 15 19.3 -33 32 54 155806 208585 L.7179 17 7 7 -33 24.1 5.8 r 135 6.54 B1/B2II* 17 15 50.7 -33 44 14 155889 208604 L.7187 17 7 38 -33 35.5 6.9 136 6.21 B9/B9.5V 17 15 51.5 -30 12 38 155940 208606 L.7191 17 7 52 -30 3.8 6.4 137 6.46 B0.5I 17 17 05.5 -44 46 43 155985 227778 L.7180 17 8 0 -44 38.1 6.8 138 6.12 F6V 17 16 21.5 -35 44 58 155974 208610 L.7189 17 8 11 -35 35.6 6.1 139 5.49 F6V 17 17 03.7 -32 39 46 156098 208626 L.7202 17 8 56 -32 31.1 5.9 140 6.38 B5III 17 18 20.4 -32 33 13 156325 208657 L.7216 17 10 12 -32 24.9 6.9 141* 6.65 A6+B9.5* 17 19 24.5 -44 13 23 156398 227821 L.7211 17 10 21 -44 5.2 6.3 142 5.91v? K4V 17 18 57.1 -34 59 25 156384 208670 L.7215 17 10 27 -34 50.8 6.1 143 6.41 B1/B2Ia 17 22 39.3 -37 48 17 157038 208740 L.7241 17 14 8 -37 40.7 6.9 144 6.44 F8V 17 22 38.0 -35 54 36 157060 208741 L.7244 17 14 14 -35 47.3 6.7 145 5.93 K1III 17 22 54.9 -37 13 14 157097 208747 L.7245 17 14 26 -37 5.7 6.5 r 146 5.12 B7III 17 24 13.0 -44 09 45 157243 227911 L.7247 17 15 10 -44 2.4 5.8 * 7.1 G0/G1V 17 24 08.8 -34 47 55 157338 208769 L.7259 17 15 50 -34 40.3 7.3# 147 6.16 ApSiCr 17 25 02.7 -34 41 47 157486 208786 L.7268 17 16 45 -34 34.6 6.3# 148 6.19 B5III 17 29 00.8 -43 58 27 158042 228010 L.7288 17 19 58 -43 52.0 6.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 8 1/2 149 6.02 K0III 17 28 56.1 -36 46 42 158105 208860 L.7299 17 20 29 -36 40.3 6.6 150 6.39 A1V 17 29 25.7 -38 31 00 158156 208870 L.7300 17 20 50 -38 24.7 6.9 * 7.65 F0V 17 28 40.9 -31 23 00 158103 208857 L.7302 17 20 37 -31 16.6 7.8# * 7.00 B2/B3II 17 29 12.7 -31 32 06 158186 208869 L.7305 17 21 8 -31 25.7 7.5# 151 6.67 B1/B2II* 17 30 05.5 -33 43 00 158320 208881 L.7312 17 21 51 -33 36.8 6.8 152 34 Upsilon 2.70 B2IV 17 30 45.8 -37 17 45 158408 208896 L.7313, J.437 17 22 16 -37 11.6 3.2 153 6.44 K2III 17 31 47.4 -33 42 10 158619 208921 L.7324 17 23 33 -33 36.2 6.6 r 154 6.17v F2IV 17 32 24.6 -34 16 47 158741 208935 L.7330 17 24 8 -34 10.9 6.4 155 5.84 B9Ib/II 17 33 07.4 -41 10 25 158799 228110 L.7325 17 24 19 -41 4.7 6.5 156 35 Lambda 1.60v B1.5IV+B 17 33 36.5 -37 06 14 158926 208954 L.7336, J.439 17 25 7 -37 0.6 2.0 157 5.68v? O5/6(e) 17 34 42.5 -32 34 55 159176 208977 B.6125 17 26 33 -32 29.6 5.8 158 6.48 A0V 17 35 43.0 -37 26 24 159312 209001 L.7349 17 27 12 -37 21.1 6.8 159 Q 4.29 G9IV* 17 36 32.8 -38 38 07 159433 209019 L.7350 17 27 56 -38 32.7 4.7 r 160 Theta 1.90 F1II 17 37 19.2 -42 59 52 159532 228201 L.7351, J.440 17 28 20 -42 54.9 2.1 r 161 6.26 G2Ib 17 37 26.8 -38 03 56 159633 209034 B.6138* 17 28 53 -37 59.1 6.7 162 6.10 B8V 17 38 08.5 -42 52 50 159707 228220 L.7354* 17 29 11 -42 47.9 6.9 * 7.17v? B3IV/V 17 39 37.7 -32 19 12 160124 209092 B.6154 17 31 28 -32 14.7 7 1/4# * 6.75v B7Ve 17 40 01.1 -32 12 03 160202 209105 L.7382, Y.3333 17 31 52 -32 7.7 7 # * 7.28 B6V: 17 40 11.2 -32 15 22 160221 209111 Y.7335 16 32 2 -32 11.0 7 1/2# * 7.28v B4V 17 40 43.5 -32 09 19 160335 209125 Y.7340 17 32 35 -32 5.1 7 3/4# 163 BM* 7.0: K3III+G* 17 40 58.4 -32 12 51 160371 209132 B.6163, Y.7341 17 32 50 -32 8.7 6.8# 164 6.67v A9Ia 17 41 59.0 -33 30 13 160529 209151 L.7395 17 33 45 -33 26.2 6.9 165 Kappa 2.40v B1.5III 17 42 29.3 -39 01 48 160578 209163 L.7393, J.444 17 33 50 -38 57.8 2.6 166 5.54 K5III 17 42 51.0 -36 56 45 160668 209172 L.7397 17 34 22 -36 52.8 6.2 rr 167 6.40 M1III 17 43 06.9 -33 03 04 160748 209176 L.7402 17 34 55 -32 59.2 6.7 r 168 5.87 A2IV/V* 17 44 42.0 -42 43 44 160928 228363 L.7404 17 35 44 -42 40.2 6.5 169 Iota1 3.00 F3Ia 17 47 35.1 -40 07 37 161471 228420 L.7425, J.447 17 38 51 -40 4.5 3.3 170 4.80 B8Ib/II 17 49 10.5 -31 42 12 161840 209303 L.7451 17 41 3 -31 39.5 5.5 171 6.7 F2IV/V 17 49 17.4 -30 35 51 161852 209307 L.7453 17 41 14 -30 33.1 6.8 172 G 3.21 K0/K1III 17 49 51.5 -37 02 36 161892 209318 L.7449, J.449 17 41 21 -37 0.0 3.4 173 Iota2 4.81 A6Ib 17 50 11.1 -40 05 26 161912 228466 L.7447 17 41 27 -40 2.8 5.6 174 6.67 K0III 17 50 51.9 -42 19 47 162021 228481 L.7452 17 41 56 -42 17.2 7.0 r 175 6.06 K1III 17 52 49.2 -34 06 51 162496 209397 L.7470* 17 44 32* -34 4.8* 6.9 176 5.96 M2III 17 51 32.7 -40 46 21 162189 228489 L.7458 17 42 45 -40 43.9 6.5 rr 177 6.66 B9.5IV/V 17 51 12.5 -30 33 26 162220 209357 L.7465 17 43 10 -30 31.0 6.7 dpl. 7, 7 3/4 178 6.20 F8V 17 52 52.7 -41 59 48 162396 228510 L.7463 17 43 57 -41 57.3 6.8 * 5.90v B6V 17 52 13.6 -34 47 57 162374 209383 B.6228 17 43 54 -34 45.8 7.2# * 5.85 G8/K0III 17 52 19.7 -34 25 00 162391 209390 L.7467 17 44 1 -34 22.8 7.1# * 6.17 B4III 17 53 19.6 -34 43 50 162586 209411 B.6236 17 45 0 -34 41.8 7.5# 179 5.59 K3III 17 53 23.3 -34 53 43 162587 209416 B.6238 17 45 3 -34 51.7 6.8# * 6.38 B9.5III* 17 53 45.5 -34 47 09 162678 209425 B.6240 17 45 25 -34 45.2 7.7# * 5.96v B9IV/V 17 53 54.9 -34 45 09 162724 209428 L.7478 17 45 35 -34 43.3 7.5# * 7.08 B9III/IV 17 54 22.2 -34 52 41 162804 209443 B.6243 17 46 3 -34 50.9 8.0# * 5.96 A0III* 17 54 27.2 -34 27 59 162817 209446 B.6246 17 46 9 -34 26.2 7.3# 180 6.06 B9.5III 17 55 07.9 -36 28 33 162926 209458 L.7483 17 46 40 -36 26.8 6.8 181 4.86 K2III 17 56 47.4 -44 20 32 163145 228562 L.7485 17 47 40 -44 19.1 5.4 182 6.43v O9.5Iab* 17 56 16.1 -32 28 30 163181 209489 L.7494 17 48 6 -32 27.0 7.0# * 6.7 B9III/IV 17 56 50.1 -32 41 20 163274 209503 L.7502 17 48 39 -32 40.0 7.2# 183 4.88 M0III 17 57 47.7 -41 42 58 163376 228578 L.7497 17 48 55 -41 41.7 5.3 r * 6.7 A0IV/V 17 57 40.8 -39 06 07 163375 209519 L.7499 17 49 1 -39 4.8 7.1# 184 6.29 A0IV/V 17 57 57.8 -39 08 13 163433 209524 L.7504 17 49 18 -39 6.9 6.9# 17 For the double star Xi Scorpii the Uranometria Argentina provides only a single letter Xi, set of designations from earlier catalogs, set of coordinates, and magnitude. For Xi2 Scorpii the spectral class is not available. Following 17 the star HD144087=SAO159668 is connected with a brace to 17 with combined magnitude 4.6 without being assigned a number. 18 For the double star Beta Scorpii the Uranometria Argentina provides only a single letter Beta, set of designations from earlier catalogs, set of coordinates, and magnitude. Preceding 23 the star HD144668=SAO207367 is connected with a brace to 23 with combined magnitude 6.6 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. 25 The letter m was assigned by Lacaille. Gould removed it because he considered this star to be 6th magnitude, and this letter does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 34 Spectrum F2III+(A) Preceding 38 the star HD145501=SAO159763 is connected with a brace to 38 with combined magnitude 4.3 without being assigned a number. Declination corrected from -19 7.0. 49 Declination corrected from - 8 1.7. Between 53 and 54 the stars HD146662=SAO159834 and HD146677=SAO159836 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to either. Preceding 55 the star HD146835=SAO207557 is connected with a brace to 55 with combined magnitude 5.8 without being assigned a number. Preceding 56 two stars HD146905=SAO207566 and HD146906=SAO207570 are connected with a brace to 56 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or numbers being assigned to either. Following 58 three stars, HD147009=SAO159858, HD147010=SAO159860, and HD147103 =SAO159864, are connected with a brace to 58 without a combined magnitude for all four stars or having numbers assigned to any of them. Between 59 and 60 the stars HD147149=SAO207586 and HD147167=SAO207587 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned to either. 61 Spectrum B2III+O9.5V 65 This object is the globular cluster M4. The designation M4 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. Between 65 and 66 six stars are connected with a brace. These six stars, in sequence of increasing right ascension, may be identified with HD147328, HD325581, HD147654, HD147686=SAO226470, HD325543, and HD147893, respectively, and only for HD325543 does the Uranometria Argentina provide a designation from an earlier catalog. These stars are systematically displaced more than one aracminute from their positions in the Uranometria Argentina, and therefore these identifications should be considered tentative. These stars are all members of the open cluster NGC 6124, and for the set the Uranometria Argentina provides the note cum. neb. instead of a combined magnitude. 68 Spectrum K1IIICNII Preceding 70 the star HD148579=SAO184425 is connected with a brace to 70 with combined magnitude 5.3 without being assigned a number. 70 Right ascension corrected from 66 22 37. Preceding and following 80, respectively, the stars HD150164=SAO207912 and HD150474=SAO207949 are connected with a brace to 80 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or having numbers assigned to either. 82 Spectrum K1IIICNII 83, 84 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.9. 98, 99 The two components of Mu Scorpii are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 3.2. 101, 102 These stars, both members of the open cluster NGC 6231, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude cum. 5 1/2. 103, 104 The two components of Zeta Scorpii are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 107 the stars HD152348=SAO208161 and HD152422=SAO208170 are connected with a brace to 107 with combined magnitude 6.4 for all three stars without having numbers assigned to either. 108 This is the brightest star in the open cluster NGC 6242. Following 111 three stars HD152635=SAO208204, HD152700=SAO208213, and HD152720 =SAO208214 are connected with a brace to 111 with the note cum. instead of a combined magnitude of all four stars without numbers being assigned to any of them. 115 This star is not identified. No star brighter than magnitude 9 lies near the position in the Uranometria Argentina. 116 Spectrum K2IIICNII 124 Spectrum Fm Delta Del 125 Spectrum G8/K0III+G 126 Spectrum F3III-IVp 128 Spectrum K1IIICNII Following 132 the star HD155775=SAO208582 is connected with a brace to 132 without a combined magnitude or a being assigned a number. 135 Spectrum B1/B2Ib/II 141 Spectrum A6III+B9.5V. The position listed by the Uranometria Argentina for this star corresponds closely to the position of HD156398=SAO227821 in modern catalogs. However, given Gould's magnitudes being systematically fainter than modern magnitude determinations, the magnitude listed in the Uranometria Argentina corresponds more closely with the star HD156293=SAO227813, with the following data from modern catalogs: Mag 5.76, spectrum B9V, 2000 coordinates 17 18 48.0, -44 07 47. One may speculate that Gould intended his 141G Scorpii to be HD156293=SAO227813 with HD156398=SAO227821 as an unnumbered star connected with a brace, and that he wrote into the Uranometria Argentina the coordinates of the wrong star. Preceding 147 the star HD157338=SAO208769 is connected with a brace to 147 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 150 and 151 the stars HD158103=SAO208857 and HD158186=SAO208869 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to either. 151 Spectrum B1/B2Ib/II 159 Spectrum G8/K0III/IV 161 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L.7354. 162 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from B.6138. Preceding 163 four stars, HD160124=SAO209092, HD160202=SAO209105, HD160221 =SO209111, and HD160335=SAO209125 are all connected with a brace to 163 with the note cum. instead or a combined magnitude for all five stars and without numbers being assigned to any of them. All five stars are members of the open cluster M6. 163 The variable star designation BM was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum K3III+(G). 168 Spectrum A2/A3IV/V 175 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from L.7459. Right ascension corrected from 17 42 37. Declination corrected from -33 39.9. The original coordinates are very close to the 7.5 mag star HD162106 =SAO209340. It seems that Gould decided after publication of the Uranometria Argentina to reassign the designation 175G to the much brighter star HD162496=SAO209397. Preceding 179 three stars, HD162374=SAO209383, HD162391=SAO209390, and HD162586 =SAO209411; and following 179 four stars, HD162678=SAO209425 (spectrum B9.5II/III), HD162724=SAO209428, HD162804=SAO209443, and HD162817 =SAO209446 (spectrum B9.5/A0III) are connected with a brace to 179 with the note cum. instead of a combined magnitude of the eight stars and without numbers being assigned to any of them. All eight of these stars are in the open cluster M7. 182 Spectrum O9.5Ia/ab Following 182 the star HD163274=SAO209503 is connected with a brace to 182 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 184 the star HD163375=SAO209519 is connected with a brace to 184 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 35. - SCULPTOR G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.6 F5IV/V 23 06 57.8 -30 02 49 218283 214314 L.(9373) 23 0 10 -30 43.4 6.7 2 5.60 G8III 23 08 21.0 -28 49 24 218434 191674 L.9376 23 1 35 -29 29.9 6.0 3 5.87 K2III 23 09 44.7 -28 05 18 218619 191686 L.9383, Ll.45299 23 2 59 -28 45.9 6.3 4 6.51 F0V 23 10 46.7 -29 31 30 218759 191703 L.9388 23 4 1 -30 12.1 6.6 5 6.56 K0III 23 15 44.7 -29 50 52 219409 214410 L.9414 23 8 59 -30 31.7 6.7 6 6.6 M1/M2III 23 17 08.7 -28 26 16 219580 191792 L.9429, Ll.45553 23 10 26 -29 7.0 6.5 7 Gamma 4.41 K1III 23 18 49.4 -32 31 55 219784 214444 L.9435, J.585 23 12 4 -33 12.8 4.4 8 6.94 K0III 23 18 55.0 -30 33 12 219804 214445 L.9437 23 12 11 -31 14.1 6.9 9 6.7 K5III 23 19 03.2 -28 23 15 219823 191816 Ll.45622 23 12 21 -29 4.3 6.8 10 6.37 K2III 23 19 43.2 -33 42 29 219912 214459 L.9444 23 12 57 -34 23.4 6.7 11 5.64 G5IV 23 21 15.5 -26 59 12 220096 191840 L.9448, Ll.45711 23 14 36 -27 40.2 6.0 12 6.6 G8III 23 26 12.3 -27 25 28 220717 191903 L.9473, Ll.45856 23 19 33 -28 6.7 6.6 13 6.32 K2III 23 28 00.7 -35 32 40 220929 214561 L.9485 23 21 18 -36 13.9 6.6 14 6.9 A3 23 28 25.3 -25 25 13 220978 191931 L.9489, Ll.45945 23 21 49 -26 6.5 6.4 15 6.7 K0III 23 31 56.0 -25 44 38 221387 191972 L.9508, Ll.46070 23 25 21 -26 26.1 6.7 16 Beta 4.37 B9.5IVp* 23 32 58.3 -37 49 06 221507 214615 L.9513, J.589 23 26 16 -38 30.5 4.8 17 7.2 F3V 23 33 45.9 -36 15 46 221609 214624 L.9517 23 27 4 -36 57.3 7.0 18 7.1 K1III 23 34 54.2 -35 05 05 221750 214634 L.9524 23 28 15 -35 46.4 6.9 19 6.64 F8V 23 35 40.2 -27 29 24 221839 192020 L.9527, Ll.46202 23 29 4 -28 10.6 6.5 20 6.5 A2mA5-F0 23 36 09.6 -26 52 34 221907 192030 L.9529, Ll.46228 23 29 36 -27 34.1 6.4 21 6.52 K1III 23 37 05.4 -31 52 16 222004 214659 L.9534 23 30 29 -32 33.7 6.6 dpl. 10, 6 1/2 22 7.19 K1V 23 39 51.2 -32 44 34 222335 214692 L.9547 23 33 15 -33 25.5 6.9 23 Mu 5.31 K0III 23 40 38.2 -32 04 23 222433 214701 L.9552, B.7316 23 34 4 -32 45.8 5.5# * 7.13 G1V 23 41 08.4 -32 04 14 222480 214707 B.7317 23 34 33 -32 45.9 7.2# 24 7.2 K0III 23 43 22.5 -33 04 57 222739 214735 L.9570 23 36 49 -33 46.5 6.9 25 7.0 F5V 23 43 51.7 -33 25 39 222801 214741 L.9576 23 37 19 -34 7.2 6.6 26 6.17 F3/F5V 23 44 28.9 -26 14 47 222872 192116 L.9579, Ll.46511 23 37 59 -26 56.4 6.3 dpl. 9 1/2, 6 1/4 27 Delta 4.57 A0V 23 48 55.6 -28 07 49 223352 192167 L.9603, J.597 23 42 25 -28 49.3 4.6 28 7.1 F6/F7V 23 49 19.5 -27 51 14 223408 192174 L.9605, Ll.46660 23 42 51 -28 32.8 6.8 29 6.42 A3V 23 49 49.6 -25 19 53 223466 192180 L.9610, Ll.46671 23 43 21 -26 1.5 6.5 30 6.6 K0III 23 51 39.3 -34 41 30 223666 214824 L.9620 23 45 9 -35 23.1 6.5 31 7.2 K0III 23 51 54.8 -33 07 18 223700 214829 L.9625 23 45 25 -33 49.0 6.8 32 6.8 K2 23 52 41.0 -24 59 06 223786 192211 L.9630, Ll.46767 23 46 13 -25 40.9 6.7 33 6.8 A2V+(F) 23 54 21.4 -27 02 32 223991 192231 L.9639, Ll.46838 23 47 53 -27 44.3 6.4 dpl. 7 3/4, 6 3/4 34 AL* 6.10v B6/B7 23 55 16.5 -31 55 17 224113 214860 L.9643 23 48 49 -32 37.0 6.0# var? 35 6.83 A 23 55 16.6 -31 53 03 224112 214861 L.9644 23 48 49 -32 34.8 6.7# 36 6.26 K3III 23 57 08.3 -26 37 25 224350 192262 L.9659, Ll.46932 23 50 41 -27 19.2 6.4 c 37 6.9 F6V 23 57 38.6 -33 11 19 224410 214878 L.9663 23 51 11 -33 53.1 6.7 38 5.62 K5III 23 59 27.9 -29 29 06 224630 192294 L.9675 23 53 2 -30 10.8 5.8 r 39 7.2 K0III 0 01 21.3 -28 43 31 224862 192323 L.9695 23 54 57 -29 25.2 6.9 40 7.2 K1III 0 01 55.1 -37 13 48 224936 214931 L.9697 23 55 31 -37 55.4 6.9 41 7.2 K0III 0 02 00.1 -37 54 08 224949 214933 L.9699 23 55 34 -38 35.8 6.9 42 5.01 B4V 0 02 19.7 -29 43 14 224990 L.9700 23 55 55 -30 25.0 5.2 43 7.0 F2V 0 03 26.5 -36 15 03 225101 192342 L.9703 23 57 1 -36 56.8 6.8 * 8.5 B9 0 03 37.1 -28 25 02 225119 166023 Ll.47175 23 57 13 -29 6.8 7.6# * 8.4 G5 0 03 41.5 -28 23 46 225118 166024 Ll.47176 23 57 15 -29 5.2 7.4# * 7.6 G5IV 0 03 53.5 -28 23 38 225155 166025 Ll.47184 23 57 28 -29 5.3 7.3# 44 7.10v? B8V 0 04 11.7 -30 08 05 225187 192345 L.9705 23 57 48 -30 49.9 6.9 45 6.39 A1V 0 04 20.3 -29 16 07 225200 166031 L.9706 23 57 56 -29 57.9 6.3# * 7.74 B8/B9V 0 04 23.0 -29 22 53 225206 166032 L.9707 23 57 59 -30 4.7 7.4# 46 7.1 K1III 0 05 10.2 -32 28 08 21 192350 L.9714 23 58 48 -33 9.7 7.0 47 7.0 G8III/IV 0 05 19.5 -38 51 25 32 192351 L.9715 23 58 56 -39 33.2 6.7 48 7.0 K0III 0 06 53.3 -38 52 41 213 192359 L.9725 0 0 31 -39 34.4 6.7 49 7.06 F5 0 07 22.6 -25 21 22 268 166063 L.9729, Ll.47284 0 0 58 -26 2.9 6.9 50 5.68 K1III 0 08 03.5 -33 31 46 344 192367 L.9735 0 1 42 -34 13.5 5.7 r 51 Kappa1 5.41 F2V 0 09 21.0 -27 59 16 493 166083 L.9741, Ll.47358 0 2 59 -28 41.0 5.5 52 Kappa2 5.41 K2III 0 11 34.4 -27 49 59 720 166103 L.9758, Ll.50 0 5 14 -28 29.7 5.4 r 53 Theta 5.24 F3/F5V 0 11 44.0 -35 07 59 739 192388 L.9760 0 5 22 -35 50.0 5.4 54 7.19 K3/K4III 0 13 13.8 -37 49 23 902 192406 L.6 0 6 56 -38 31.1 7.0 55 5.94 K5III 0 13 42.1 -26 01 19 942 166130 L.7, Ll.133 0 7 22 -26 42.9 6.0 56 6.13 K4III 0 13 44.2 -26 17 05 943 166131 L.9, Ll.137 0 7 24 -26 58.8 6.3 57 6.17 K3III 0 14 58.2 -34 54 16 1089 192418 L.18 0 8 39 -35 36.0 6.4 58 5.67 K2III 0 16 09.0 -31 26 47 1187 192430 L.22 0 9 49 -32 8.4 5.9 * 7.5 K0III 0 16 32.4 -32 45 38 1233 192437 L.26 0 10 14 -33 27.3 7.5# 59 6.9 K0III 0 16 42.1 -32 41 16 1259 192442 L.27 0 10 25 -33 22.9 6.5# 60 6.7 K2III 0 18 18.3 -36 30 36 1434 192453 L.34 0 12 2 -37 12.3 6.6 61 7.2 F6V 0 20 53.6 -39 14 24 1683 192474 L.50 0 14 41 -39 55.9 6.7 62 Iota 5.12 K0III 0 21 31.2 -28 58 54 1737 166207 L.54, Ll.402 0 15 14 -29 40.4 5.3 63 6.8 F2IV 0 22 48.2 -39 15 45 1856 192491 L.61 0 16 35 -39 57.3 6.6 64 7.1 M0III 0 22 51.8 -37 24 15 1855 192493 L.62 0 16 39 -38 5.8 6.9 65 6.57 B9IV 0 23 12.6 -31 02 09 1909 192495 L.65 0 16 57 -31 43.8 6.6 66 6.82 M2III 0 23 22.2 -29 50 50 1923 192498 L.66 0 17 6 -30 32.4 6.8 67 7.0 G8IV: 0 25 22.0 -39 15 36 2132 192512 L.81 0 19 11 -39 57.0 6.8 68 6.9 K2III 0 25 45.5 -27 42 39 2199 166262 L.83, Ll.540 0 19 30 -28 24.1 6.8 69 5.94 K0III 0 27 14.7 -25 32 50 2363 166282 L.90, Ll.585 0 20 59 -26 14.3 6.5 70 6.9 G8/K0III 0 27 22.0 -28 14 36 2376 166284 L.91 0 21 8 -28 56.1 6.8 71 Eta 4.81v M2/M3III 0 27 55.7 -33 00 26 2429 192545 L.94 0 21 44 -33 41.8 5.2 72 6.7 K1II 0 28 14.0 -29 02 25 2455 166295 L.96 0 22 1 -29 43.9 6.7 73 7.3 F5V 0 28 26.5 -29 17 04 2477 166299 L.98 0 22 12 -29 58.5 6.9 74 6.57 K2/K3III 0 29 48.9 -32 07 00 2632 192567 L.105 0 23 37 -32 48.3 6.5 75 6.8 K0 0 32 39.4 -25 21 34 2947 166344 L.121, Ll.785 0 26 26 -26 2.9 6.9 76 7.3 G1V 0 33 32.2 -38 06 50 3047 192606 L.124 0 27 25 -38 48.1 6.8 77 5.55 K1III 0 33 41.1 -29 33 30 3059 166367 L.125 0 27 30 -30 14.8 5.8 78 6.40 F8/G0V 0 33 43.9 -35 00 07 3074 192609 L.127 0 27 36 -35 40.4 6.5 dpl. 7, 7 1/2 79 7.5 K1III 0 34 40.4 -37 59 44 3173 192621 L.136 0 28 34 -38 41.1 7.0 80 6.9 K0III 0 40 33.3 -29 25 14 3809 166477 L.169 0 34 24* -30 6.5 6.6 81 6.40 K0 0 38 48.8 -25 06 28 3605 166443 L.157, Ll.1004 0 32 36 -25 47.7 6.5 82 6.7 K0 0 41 34.3 -25 11 47 3917 166490 Ll.1107 0 35 24 -25 52.9 6.8 83 Lambda1 6.06 A0V 0 42 42.9 -38 27 48 4065 192690 L.183 0 36 42 -39 8.9 6.0 84 Lambda2 5.96 K1III 0 44 12.1 -38 25 18 4211 192703 L.192 0 38 9 -39 6.6 5.8 85 6.9 K2III 0 46 37.2 -30 11 29 4471 192731 L.210 0 40 32 -30 52.5 6.5 86 7.0 K2III 0 47 41.1 -31 21 11 4595 192746 L.217 0 41 37 -32 2.1 6.8 87 6.78 F0V 0 48 41.4 -28 29 42 4691 166593 L.220 0 42 34 -29 10.5 6.5 88 7.2 G1V 0 51 22.1 -38 31 45 4975 192779 L.234 0 45 26 -39 12.5 6.9 89 7.16 K2V 0 53 00.9 -30 21 26 5133 192793 L.239 0 46 52 -31 2.3 6.8 90 6.10 M1/M2III 0 55 55.5 -27 46 32 5445 166686 L.256, Ll.1603 0 49 52 -28 27.2 6.3 91 7.9 K1III 0 58 12.3 -25 52 34 5676 166713 Ll.1672 0 52 8 -26 33.2 7.0 92 Alpha 4.30v? B7IIIp 0 58 36.4 -29 21 27 5737 166716 L.266, J.18 0 52 35 -30 2.0 4.2 93 6.9 K4III 1 00 35.3 -36 14 18 5963 192863 L.274 0 54 42 -36 54.7 6.9 94 Xi 5.59 K0III 1 01 18.4 -38 54 59 6055 192870 L.277 0 55 28 -39 35.5 5.6 95 6.6 K0IIICN* 1 01 34.1 -38 12 53 6080 192874 L.280 0 55 44 -38 53.1 6.6 96 Sigma 5.53 A1/A2IV 1 02 26.4 -31 33 07 6178 192884 L.282 0 56 28 -32 13.5 5.6 97 6.25 G8IIICN* 1 03 17.6 -29 31 33 6269 166774 L.287 0 57 19 -30 11.8 6.5 98 6.43 K0III 1 04 32.7 -33 31 58 6403 192907 L.296 0 58 39 -34 12.2 6.5 99 6.61 A1V 1 06 26.5 -35 39 39 6619 192925 L.305 1 0 35 -36 19.8 6.5 100 6.54 F5IV 1 12 23.4 -30 48 08 7259 192977 L.326 1 6 29 -31 27.8 6.6 101 7.0 K0III 1 12 46.7 -35 12 20 7311 192981 L.327 1 6 58 -35 52.1 6.9 102 AI* 5.91v A9+F/G* 1 12 45.4 -37 51 23 7312 192980 L.328 1 7 0 -38 31.2 6.1 103 7.67 G8III 1 18 14.9 -33 08 15 7909 193040 L.354 1 12 27 -33 47.8 7.0 104 7.48 A0V 1 20 15.7 -36 14 36 8130 193059 L.364 1 14 33 -36 53.9 7.0 105 7.1 K2III 1 21 39.2 -33 13 56 8294 193070 L.370 1 15 52 -33 53.3 6.9 106 6.8 A9V 1 22 09.3 -37 03 06 8351 193072 L.373 1 16 28 -37 42.4 6.6 107 6.8 K1III 1 22 43.0 -36 35 46 8410 193079 L.376 1 17 1 -37 15.0 6.6 108 6.9 K5III 1 23 17.1 -33 32 51 8474 193087 * 1 17 31 -34 12.1 6.7 109 5.84 M0III 1 23 31.0 -30 56 44 8498 193090 L.384 1 17 42 -31 35.8 6.0 110 6.86 F8V 1 24 12.4 -31 48 46 8581 193096 L.386 1 18 23 -32 27.7 6.8 111 6.7 K0III 1 24 40.5 -34 08 23 8629 193101 L.390 1 18 55 -34 47.6 6.6 * 7.5 K1III 1 26 29.2 -30 16 30 8832 193116 L.400 1 20 40 -30 55.6 7.5# 112 6.7 K0/K1III 1 27 04.9 -30 14 09 8887 193123 L.404 1 21 17 -30 53.0 6.9# dpl. 7, 9 113 R 5.77v C 1 26 58.0 -32 32 35 8879 193122 * 1 21 13 -33 11.5 var. 5 3/4 - 7 3/4, rr 114 WZ* 6.58v A9/F0V 1 28 43.3 -33 45 49 9065 193136 L.418 1 23 1 -34 24.6 6.7 115 6.5 K1III 1 29 42.8 -25 37 04 9151 167087 By.201, L.425 1 23 48 -26 15.9 6.6 c 116 5.93 K4III 1 30 22.9 -26 12 28 9228 167093 L.427, Ll.2767 1 24 29 -26 51.2 6.2 117 6.62 G8IV 1 31 29.9 -29 59 05 9349 193161 B.214 1 25 42 -30 37.8 6.8 118 5.82 K0III 1 31 43.3 -30 17 00 9377 193163 B.215 1 25 56 -30 55.5 6.0 119 5.51 K0III 1 32 56.1 -36 51 55 9525 193173 L.447 1 27 21 -37 30.4 5.8 120 6.12 K0.5III 1 34 50.7 -31 53 32 9742 193188 L.457 1 29 8 -32 31.9 6.4 121 Tau 5.69 F2V 1 36 08.4 -29 54 27 9906 193201 L.462 1 30 22 -30 32.9 5.9 dpl. 122 5.89 K0III 1 38 27.4 -36 31 42 10142 193224 L.476 1 32 54 -37 9.6 6.2 123 6.69 B9Vn 1 38 50.0 -25 01 19 10161 167199 L.475, Ll.3051 1 32 58 -25 39.5 6.6 124 7.41v? F0III 1 39 16.6 -29 01 22 10209 167202 L.480 1 33 30 -29 39.5 6.9 var.? 125 6.6 K2III 1 39 21.7 -33 33 50 10216 193229 L.482 1 33 43 -34 12.0 6.6 cum. 126 7.2 K0III 1 41 12.2 -33 23 52 10447 193253 L.492 1 35 34 -34 1.9 7.0 127 6.17 F3IV/V* 1 41 27.3 -38 07 59 10481 193255 L.496 1 35 58 -38 46.0 6.4 128 Pi 5.25 K0III 1 42 08.6 -32 19 37 10537 193263 L.500 1 36 30 -32 57.4 5.6 129 5.72 A0V 1 42 03.0 -36 49 57 10538 193261 L.501 1 36 32 -37 27.8 5.9 130 6.9 K3III 1 44 36.7 -34 24 21 10762 193280 L.508 1 39 2 -35 2.0 6.8 131 Epsilon 5.31 F1V 1 45 38.8 -25 03 09 10830 167275 L.511,Ll.3255 * 1 39 47 -25 40.6 5.4 16 Spectrum B9.5IVp(HgMnEu) Following 23 the star HD222480=SAO214707 is connected with a brace to 23 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 34 The variable star designation AL was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 34, 35 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.8. Between 43 and 44 three stars, HD225119=SAO166023, HD225118=SAO166024, and HD225155=SAO166025, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without having numbers assigned to any of them. Following 45 the star HD225206=SAO166032 is connected with a brace to 45 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 59 the star HD1233=SAO192437 is connected with a brace to 59 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 80 Right ascension corrected from 0 32 24. 95 Spectrum K0IIICNIV 97 Spectrum G8IIICNIV 102 The variable star designation AI was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum A9(IV)(+F/G). 108 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 112 the star HD8832=SAO193116 is connected with a brace to 112 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 113 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 114 The variable star designation WZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 127 Spectrum F2/F5IV/V 131 A designation from a third earlier catalog, J.29, is also provided. 52. - SCUTUM G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.33 B9.5V 18 23 02.2 -10 13 07 169009 161412 Ll.33843 18 16 8 -10 16.6 6.8 2 5.73 B8IV-V 18 23 12.1 -12 00 54 169033 161415 Ll.33845 18 16 13 -12 4.4 6.0 3 Zeta 4.68 K0III 18 23 39.5 - 8 56 03 169156 142267 Hev.1, WB.339 18 16 48 - 8 59.9 5.3 4 6.31 K0 18 24 42.1 - 7 04 31 169370 142288 Ll.33933 18 17 56 - 7 8.4 6.7 5 6.5 v? K0 18 27 08.8 - 8 02 26 169913 142326 Ll.34034 18 20 21 - 8 6.7 7.0 6 Gamma 4.68 A3Vn 18 29 11.9 -14 33 57 170296 161520 Hev.2, J.470 18 22 4 -14 38.6 4.8# 7 5.96v B9pSiCr 18 29 46.8 -14 34 54 170397 161528 By., Ll.34134 18 22 39 -14 39.7 6.5# 8 6.28 G8II-III 18 30 14.4 - 5 43 28 170547 142353 Ll.34178 18 23 33 - 5 48.3 6.5 9 5.72 B2V 18 31 25.7 -10 47 45 170740 161569 Ll.34218 18 24 30 -10 52.8 6.1 dpl. 8, 6 1/4 10 5.50 K5Ib 18 32 43.3 -14 51 56 170975 161587 By., Ll.34257 18 25 35 -14 57.2 5.9 rr 11 5.76 A2V 18 33 39.0 -14 51 13 171130 161605 By., Ll.34297 18 26 30 -14 56.6 6.4 12 6.36 A0Vn 18 33 22.9 - 5 54 41 171149 142386 WB.606 18 26 41 - 6 0.1 6.5 13 5.14 G8III 18 35 02.4 -10 58 38 171391 161632 By., Ll.34356 18 28 5 -11 4.3 5.7 14 Alpha 3.85 K2III 18 35 12.4 - 8 14 39 171443 142408 Hev.3, Ll.34374 18 28 24 - 8 19.8 3.6 var? 15 6.47 B9IV 18 38 04.6 -14 00 17 171957 161687 Ll.34476 18 30 59 -14 6.5 6.6 16 6.7 F2 18 37 45.3 - 4 48 25 171954 142446 Ll.34492 18 31 7 - 4 54.7 7.0 17 5.84 K4III 18 40 00.5 - 7 47 27 172348 142480 Ll.34569 18 33 14 - 7 54.0 6.4 r 18 6.42 F2Ib 18 41 42.5 -14 33 52 172594 161730 T.8589 18 34 35 -14 40.8 6.7 19 Delta 4.72v F2IIIp* 18 42 16.4 - 9 03 09 172748 142515 Hev.4, J.474 18 35 26 - 9 10.2 5.1 20 6.15 K0.5III 18 42 36.1 - 7 04 24 172831 142525 Ll.34664 18 35 51 - 7 11.5 6.7 21 Epsilon 4.90 G8II 18 43 31.3 - 8 16 31 173009 142546 Hev.5, Ll.34687 18 36 43 - 8 23.9 5.2 22 6.31 F7V 18 43 51.3 - 6 49 07 173093 142557 Ll.34709 18 37 7 - 6 56.3 6.7 23 5.71v? F2Ib-II 18 46 43.3 -10 07 30 173638 161817 Ll.34822 18 39 49 -10 15.3 6.2 24 Beta 4.20 G4+B9.5* 18 47 10.5 - 4 44 52 173764 142618 Hev.6, Ll.34866 18 40 32 - 4 52.8 4.5 25 R 4.45v K0Ibpvar 18 47 28.9 - 5 42 18 173819 142620 Ll.34875 18 40 49 - 5 50.2 var. 5 - 9, r 26 6.52 A2 18 48 39.4 - 6 00 16 174005 142640 Ll.34929 18 41 58 - 6 8.5 7.0 27 5.99 K2Ib 18 49 40.9 - 5 54 56 174208 142661 Ll.34984 18 43 0 - 6 3.2 6.5# r * 8.1 K0 18 49 42.2 - 5 56 37 174209 142662 Ll.34985 18 43 1 - 6 3.1 7.7# 28 6.4 K2 18 50 31.1 -13 34 20 174328 161893 Ll.34992 18 43 27 -13 42.9 7.0 29 5.83 F2Ib 18 50 58.5 - 9 46 27 174464 142692 Ll.35021 18 44 6 - 9 55.0 6.4 30 M11* 5.8 B8 18 51.1 - 6 16 Ll.35043 18 44 26 - 6 25.4 7 neb. 31 6.34 A7Vn 18 53 01.9 - 9 34 34 174866 142741 WB.1138 18 46 10 - 9 43.5 6.7 32 5.10 B5II 18 54 43.1 -15 36 11 175156 161964 Ll.35162 18 47 33 -15 45.4 5.5 33 Eta 4.83 K1III* 18 57 03.7 - 5 50 46 175751 142838 Hev.7, Ll.35301 18 50 22 - 6 0.4 5.4 r 6, 7 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 19 Spectrum F2IIIp Delta Del 24 Spectrum G4II+B9.5 Following 27 the star HD174209=SAO142662 is connected with a brace to 27 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 30 This object is the open cluster M11, a designation not shown in the Uranometria Argentina. 33 Spectrum K1IIIcomp 51. - SERPENS Serpens consists of two detached sections, Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda. Bayer in his lettering and Flamsteed in his numbering, as well as modern convention, consider these two sections as the single constellation Serpens. Gould, however, numbered them separately as Pars anterior, Caput, and Pars posterior, Cauda, respectively, in the Uranometria Argentina. He assigned 1G through 49G in Serpens Caput, and starting over 1G through 74G in Serpens Cauda. There are consequently two different stars with each of the Gould designations 1G through 49G. Even if we consider letters, Flamsteed numbers, and Messier or NGC numbers as primary designations and use Gould numbers as secondary designations only for stars (and deep sky objects) lacking primary designations, there are still two separate stars for each of the designations 4G, 5G, 6G, 10G, 14G, 16G, 18G, 22G, 23G, 26G, 33G, 36G, 37G, 38G, 40G, 43G, 44G, 46G, 47G Serpentis. It is suggested that modern users refer to these stars as 4G Serpentis Caput or 4G Serpentis Cauda, etc. Serpens is also a case in which Delporte did not adopt Gould's boundary. Gould considered Serpens Cauda to extend several degrees north of the modern boundary, and the embayment at the east end of Ophiuchus between +3 and +4 degrees declination was also considered by Gould to be in Serpens. As a consequence the stars 39G, 43G, 46G, 47G, 50G, 52G, 53G, and 64G of Serpens Cauda now lie in Ophiuchus, and 65G, 68G, 69G = Flamsteed 62 Serpentis, and 70G of Serpens Cauda now lie in Aquila. These are all included in the list which follows, with notes referencing the constellations within whose modern boundaries they now lie. Also the star 4G Ophiuchi, considered by Gould as being in Ophiuchus, is now in Serpens Caput. It is surrounded by other stars with Serpens Caput Gould numbers. Likely the usually very careful Gould by oversight placed 4G Ophiuchi in the wrong constellation. a). Pars anterior, Caput G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.60 K0V 15 13 50.3 - 1 21 07 135204 140392 Ll.27744 15 7 35 - 0 51.9 6.7 2 3 5.33 K0III 15 15 11.4 + 4 56 22 135482 120916 Ll.27790 15 8 59 + 5 24.3 5.8 3 4 5.70 A4V 15 15 49.1 + 0 22 20 135559 120920 Ll.27800 15 9 27 + 0 50.2 6.0 4 6.6 K0 15 15 53.6 + 6 27 54 135615 120923 Ll.27817 15 9 44 + 6 55.8 6.8 5 6.6 K0 15 18 22.6 + 0 56 21 136027 120938 Ll.27885 15 12 1 + 1 23.9 6.9 6 5.89 K5III 15 18 26.2 - 0 27 41 136028 140444 Ll.27884 15 12 2 - 0 0.1 6.4 r 7 M5 5.75 F5 15 18.6 + 2 05 Mess.5, Rk.5014 15 12 22 + 2 32.5 6.9 neb. 8 7.03 F8 15 18 55.5 - 1 35 33 136118 140452 WB.194 15 12 29 - 1 8.1 6.9 9 5 MQ* 5.10v F8III-IV 15 19 18.8 + 1 45 55 136202 120946 Ll.27917 15 12 55 + 2 14.6 5.3 r 10 6.35 K0V 15 20 47.2 - 2 24 50 136442 140473 Ll.27957 15 14 21 - 1 57.2 6.7 11 6 5.35v? K3III 15 21 02.0 + 0 42 55 136514 120955 Ll.27974 15 14 40 + 1 10.3 6.0 r 12 8 6.12 F0V 15 23 43.7 - 1 01 21 137006 140502 Ll.28049 15 17 17 - 0 34.5 6.4 13 10 5.17 A8IV 15 28 38.2 + 1 50 31 137898 121020 Ll.28200 15 22 20 + 2 16.7 5.5 14 6.57 F4Vw 15 30 55.4 + 8 34 45 138290 121038 Ll.28270 15 24 51 + 9 0.5 6.9 15 11 A1 5.51 K0III 15 32 58.0 - 1 11 11 138562 140596 Ll.28307 15 26 32 - 0 45.6 5.9 r 16 7.0 A2 15 34 31.6 + 4 43 51 138833 121067 Ll.28370 15 28 19 + 5 9.1 7.0 17 6.56 F0III 15 35 04.5 + 1 40 10 138936 121071 Ll.28381 15 28 45 + 2 5.4 6.7 18 6.7 F0 15 35 48.9 + 1 13 39 139044 121081 Ll.28401 15 29 29 + 1 38.7 6.9 19 14 6.51 G8:+A:* 15 36 33.8 - 0 33 41 139137 140643 T.7277 15 30 9 - 0 8.7 6.8 20 23 Psi 5.88 G5V 15 44 01.7 + 2 30 54 140538 121152 Ll.28673 15 37 45 + 2 55.1 6.2 21 24 Alpha 2.65 K2III 15 44 16.1 + 6 25 32 140573 121157 Ll.28690 15 38 7 + 6 49.2 2.6 22 5.58 A1V 15 45 23.5 + 5 26 49 140775 121170 Ll.28716 15 39 12* + 5 50.5 6.1 23 6.33 K0III 15 45 39.6 + 0 53 29 140815 121173 DM.3125 15 39 18 + 1 17.1 6.7 24 25 A2 5.39 B8III 15 46 05.6 - 1 48 16 140873 140740 Ll.28722 15 39 38 - 1 24.6 5.8 25 27 Lambda 4.43v? G0Vvar 15 46 26.6 + 7 21 11 141004 121186 Ll.28745 15 40 23 + 7 44.8 4.8 26 7.23 F5 15 47 17.1 - 0 16 12 141103 140761 Ll.28754 15 40 56 + 0 7.2 7.0 27 32 Mu 3.53 A0V 15 49 37.2 - 3 25 49 141513 140787 J.372 15 43 6 - 3 2.8 3.3 28 34 Omega 5.23 G8III 15 50 17.6 + 2 11 47 141680 121215 Ll.28841 15 43 58 + 2 34.9 5.5 r 29 37 Epsilon 3.71 A2m 15 50 49.0 + 4 28 40 141795 121218 Ll.28854 15 44 35 + 4 51.3 3.7 30 36 b 5.10 A3Vn 15 51 15.6 - 3 05 26 141851 140801 Ll.28859 15 44 45 - 2 42.6 5.7 31 7.0 K0 15 54 25.6 + 5 17 38 142443 121248 Ll.28955 15 48 14 + 5 39.8 7.0# * 7.6 K0 15 54 41.9 + 5 12 35 142478 121251 Ll.28962 15 48 30 + 5 34.8 7.5# 32 40 6.29v A7Vn 15 54 40.3 + 8 34 49 142500 121254 Ll.28967 15 48 38 + 8 57.0 6.4 33 6.6 G0 15 55 54.6 - 2 09 52 142661 140842 Ll.28987 15 49 26 - 1 47.6 6.9 dpl. 8 1/4, 7 34 5.83 K0III: 16 00 51.1 + 4 25 38 143553 121315 By.,Ll.29138 15 54 39 + 4 46.7 6.2 35 43 6.08 G9III 16 03 45.7 + 4 59 12 144046 121339 Ll.29235 15 57 35 + 5 20.0 6.4 * 7.9 K2 16 04 10.2 + 6 03 11 144151 121344 Ll.29254 15 58 2 + 6 24.0 7.5# * 7.0 K0 16 04 19.6 + 6 00 41 144171 121349 Ll.29261 15 58 11 + 6 21.4 7.1# 36 7.04 F8 16 04 29.6 + 0 40 20 144172 121350 Ll.29252 15 58 8 + 1 1.2 6.9 37 6.9 A0 16 05 08.5 - 3 31 39 144271 140938 Ll.29268 15 58 36 - 3 11.1 6.9 38 6.29 A3m 16 05 37.8 + 8 05 46 144426 121361 Ll.29318 15 59 34 + 8 26.2 6.5 39 47 5.73v M3III 16 08 28.0 + 8 32 03 145002 121383 Ll.29417 16 2 26* + 8 52.1 6.2# 40 6.45v M3 16 08 36.5 + 8 36 48 145050 121385 By.,LL.29423 16 2 35 + 8 56.9 7.0# 41 5.91 K5III 16 08 58.9 + 3 27 16 145085 121390 Ll.29424 16 2 44 + 3 47.2 6.3 42 5.94 K1comp 16 09 11.2 + 6 22 44 145148 121392 Ll.29437 16 3 2 + 6 43.9 6.4 43 5.37 K4III 16 09 50.5 - 3 28 01 145206 141001 Ll.29440 16 3 18 - 3 8.2 5.9 44 6.5 K0 16 10 12.3 + 1 36 04 145316 121403 Ll.29457 16 3 52 + 1 56.0 6.8 45 6.5 K0 16 13 38.6 - 1 28 32 145936 141040 Ll.29555 16 7 11 - 1 9.3 6.9 46 7.08 F5 16 14 22.1 + 2 38 50 146102 121445 WB.125 16 8 5 + 2 58.1 6.9 47 6.9 F8 16 16 19.6 - 1 38 55 146433 141069 Ll.29649 16 9 53 - 1 20.1 7.0 48 6.5 K0 16 17 43.4 + 1 29 48 146740 121478 Ll.29687 16 11 24 + 1 48.4 6.8 49 50 Sigma 4.80 F0V 16 22 04.4 + 1 01 45 147449 121540 T.7603 16 15 45 + 1 19.4 5.4 9 The variable star designation MQ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 19 Spectrum G8III:+A: 22 Right ascension corrected from 15 29 12 Following 31 the star HD142478=SAO212151 is connected with a brace to 31 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 35 and 36 the stars HD144151=SAO121344 and HD144171=SAO 121349 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned to either. 39 Right ascension corrected from 16 2 25 39, 40 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. b). Pars posterior, Cauda G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 53 Nu 4.33 A2V 17 20 49.6 -12 50 48 156928 160479 J.431 17 13 48 -12 43.1 4.6 2 6.46 F1III 17 20 52.7 -10 41 46 156971 160482 Ll.31500 17 13 56 -10 34.0 6.6 3 6.63 F5 17 23 36.2 -16 02 18 157379 160515 Ll.31585 17 16 25 -15 55.0 6.9 4 6.5 K0 17 27 09.8 -15 51 12 157969 160554 Ll.31712 17 19 59 -15 44.6 7.0 5 6.21 F7V 17 27 02.1 -12 30 45 157968 160553 By.,Ll.31721 17 20 1 -12 24.0 6.5 6 5.55 B8Vn 17 34 46.4 -11 14 31 159358 160653 Ll.31975 17 27 49 -11 9.3 5.8 7 6.8 A2 17 35 07.4 -13 38 13 159415 160660 * 17 28 3 -13 33.0 6.9 8 55 Xi 3.50 F0IV* 17 37 35.2 -15 23 55 159876 160700 J.441 17 30 26 -15 19.1 3.7# 9 5.94 F0IV 17 37 36.1 -15 34 16 159877 160701 T.8138 17 30 26 -15 29.5 6.8# 10 5.75 K0III 17 38 09.5 -10 55 35 160018 160708 Ll.32092 17 31 14 -10 50.9 6.1 11 56 Omicron 4.26v A2V 17 41 24.9 -12 52 31 160613 160747 J.445 17 34 23 -12 48.3 4.7 12 6.39 F0V 17 43 48.5 -13 30 31 161023 160784 Ll.32305 17 36 45 -13 26.7 6.6 13 5.94 B9pHgMn 17 47 36.8 -14 43 33 161701 160822 WB.780 17 40 30 -14 40.7 6.1 14 6.18 K1III: 17 53 03.6 -10 53 59 162757 160885 Ll.32651 17 46 7 -10 52.0 6.4 15 6.6 K0 17 54 07.5 -11 20 16 162956 160896 Ll.32694 17 47 10 -11 18.6 6.7 16 5.89 A1V 17 56 19.0 -15 48 45 163336 160915 Ll.32757 17 49 8 -15 47.3 5.9 17 57 Zeta 4.62 F3V 18 00 29.0 - 3 41 25 164259 142025 J.453 17 53 53 - 3 40.8 4.9 18 6.72 G0 18 02 28.5 - 3 09 26 164674 142043 Ll.33047 17 55 55 - 3 9.3 6.9 19 5.85 B8III-IV 18 06 07.5 - 8 19 26 165402 142083 T.8373 17 59 19 - 8 19.9 6.2 20 5.77 K1IV 18 06 15.2 - 4 45 05 165438 142085 Ll.33176 17 59 36 - 4 45.5 6.0 21 6.34 G8IIp 18 06 07.4 - 0 26 48 165462 142084 Ll.33183 17 59 42 - 0 27.2 6.7 22 6.91 F8 18 06 55.8 - 3 14 01 165610 142092 Ll.33200 18 0 22 - 3 14.9 7.0 23 6.8 G5 18 08 39.2 - 2 54 27 165965 142115 T.8397, WB.1302 18 2 6 - 2 55.5 6.8 24 6.39 K0 18 09 43.4 -13 56 04 166103 161125 * 18 2 38* -13 57.2 6.7 25 6.7 B9 18 11 26.8 - 5 12 17 166563 142140 Ll.33383 18 4 47 - 5 13.8 7.0 26 6.59 A2m 18 13 09.9 - 4 00 40 166960 142159 WB.94 18 6 34 - 4 2.6 6.8 27 6.35 A4V 18 15 58.0 - 3 37 03 167564 142185 WB.166 18 9 23 - 3 39.4 6.6 28 6.00 G3III 18 16 53.0 - 3 00 26 167768 142189 Ll.33617 18 10 20 - 3 2.3 6.3 29 6.31 A8V 18 17 24.2 - 9 45 31 167833 142192 Ll.33615 18 10 32 - 9 47.9 6.5 30* 7.50v O8e 18 18 05.8 -12 14 32 167971 161292 Ll.33634 18 11 6 -12 17.2 6 1/2 cum. 31 M16 * * 18 18.8 -13 47 Mess.16 18 12 -- -13 50.- 6 3/4 neb. 32 5.39 K4III 18 20 08.8 -15 49 54 168415 161348 By.2296 18 12 57 -15 52.7 5.8 r 33 6.5 F5 18 20 05.2 - 7 58 52 168459 142229 Ll.33731 18 13 17* - 8 1.9 6.6 34 58 Eta 3.26 K0III-IV 18 21 18.6 - 2 53 56 168723 142241 J.463 18 14 50 - 2 55.7 3.5 35 6.13v? B3Ve 18 21 28.5 + 5 26 09 168797 123385 Ll.33827 18 15 20 + 5 22.9 6.5 36 6.38 F6III-IV 18 24 03.5 - 3 35 00 169268 142274 Ll.33910 18 17 29 - 3 38.7 6.7 37 6.15 F6+A9* 18 24 57.0 - 1 34 36 169493 142294 L1.33959 18 18 28 - 1 38.8 6.4 38 6.74 B9V 18 25 08.8 + 5 05 05 169578 123453 T.8490 18 19 0 + 5 1.0 7.0 39* 5.65 G8+A0* 18 25 38.8 + 8 01 55 169689 123462 Ll.34021 18 19 38 + 7 57.8 5.9 40 6.9 A3 18 26 03.4 + 0 46 50 169725 123471 Ll.34015 18 19 41 + 0 42.7 6.9 41 59 d 5.21v G0+A6* 18 27 12.5 + 0 11 46 169985 123497 Ll.34063 18 20 49 + 0 7.4 5.5 42* NGC6633* 4.6 B6 18 27.7 + 6 34 WB.467, etc. 18 21 -- + 6 28.- 6 1/2 cum. 43* 6.07 K3III 18 27 50.3 + 3 44 55 170137 123513 Ll.34115 18 21 37 + 3 40.4 6.4 r 44 5.73 B8III-IV 18 27 58.8 + 6 11 39 170200 123516 Ll.34128 18 21 53 + 6 7.2 6.0 45 60 e 5.39 K0III 18 29 41.0 - 1 59 07 170474 142348 Ll.34167 18 23 11 - 2 3.8 5.8 r 46* 6.70 B2V 18 30 05.1 + 4 03 55 170580 123571 Ll.34208 18 23 53 + 3 59.1 6.9 47* 6.8 A2 18 30 41.1 + 4 30 40 170699 123585 Ll.34232 18 24 30 + 4 25.6 7.0 48 61 5.94 A4III 18 31 57.0 - 1 00 11 170920 142372 T.8542 18 25 30 - 1 5.4 6.3 49 6.43v A0pSiCr 18 32 07.0 + 3 39 35 170973 123610 Ll.34289 18 25 33 + 3 34.4 6.7 50* 6.42 B8IIIp* 18 33 23.3 + 8 16 06 171247 123634 Ll.34350 18 27 23 + 8 10.6 6.6 51 6.46v A2pvar 18 35 36.5 + 4 56 10 171586 123673 Ll.34438 18 29 26 + 4 50.4 6.7 52* 5.39 F5III 18 36 27.8 + 9 07 21 171802 123690 WB.710 18 30 30 + 9 1.6 5.7 53* 5.45 F3V 18 36 19.1 + 6 40 19 171834 123693 Ll.34486 18 30 35 + 6 34.7 5.8 54 6.5 K0 18 36 54.1 + 3 47 24 171852 123697 DM.3755 18 30 40 + 3 40.3 7.0 55 7.02 F8 18 37 09.5 + 0 57 04 171888 123699 Ll.34489 18 30 48 + 0 50.8 6.9 56 6.6 K0 18 37 29.7 - 2 55 12 171917 142439 WB.717 18 30 57 - 3 1.4 6.8 57 e 5.75v? A2V 18 37 35.9 - 0 18 33 171978 142444 Ll.34499 18 31 11 - 0 24.8 6.1 58 7.0 K0 18 37 57.0 - 2 35 26 172013 142452 Ll.34505 18 31 25 - 2 41.7 6.9 59 6.69 B8 18 37 48.6 + 5 53 01 172046 123726 DM.3846 18 31 42 + 5 45.9 6.8 60 6.49 F9IV 18 38 23.7 - 3 11 37 172088 142461 Ll.34524 18 31 50 - 3 18.0 6.7 61 6.66 F1IV-V 18 38 19.1 - 1 06 48 172103 142460 Ll.34527 18 31 52 - 1 13.1 6.8 62 6.72v? K0 18 38 39.9 + 4 51 17 172190 123756 Ll.34556 18 32 30 + 4 44.9 7.0 63 6.38 F8Ib-II 18 39 36.9 + 5 15 50 172365 123778 Ll.34590 18 33 28 + 5 9.3 6.6 64* 6.28 G8III 18 39 51.6 + 7 21 30 172424 123782 Str.Pos.M.2124 18 33 48 + 7 14.9 6.7 * 6.99 K0III 18 39 39.7 + 8 43 59 172401 123779 Ll.34596 18 33 41 + 8 37.3 7.2# * 6.92 A2III 18 40 22.6 + 8 52 08 172522 123793 Ll.34632 18 34 23 + 8 45.3 7.1# * 7.23 F0II-III 18 40 46.1 + 8 47 35 172588 123802 Ll.34643 18 34 47 + 8 40.6 7.2# 65* 6.8 K0 18 41 34.4 - 3 07 07 172654 142508 Ll.34638 18 35 0 - 3 14.1 6.9 66 5.83 A1V 18 45 28.4 + 5 29 59 173495 123886 Ll.34820 18 39 19 + 5 22.3 5.9 67 6.21 K5 18 48 02.7 + 4 14 28 173954 123928 WB.1024 18 41 51 + 4 6.3 6.4 r 68* 6.86 K4IIIp* 18 50 25.6 + 7 27 30 174487 123962 Ll.35058 18 44 23 + 7 19.0 6.9 69 62 Ser* 5.57v? G9III 18 55 27.5 + 6 36 55 175515 124050 Ll.35270 18 49 22 + 6 27.7 5.8 r 70* 6.7 K0III* 18 55 45.1 + 7 10 32 175580 124060 Ll.35284 18 49 41 + 7 0.1 6.8 dpl. 7, 9 1/4 71 63 Theta1* 4.62 A5V 18 56 13.2 + 4 12 13 175638 124068 Ll.35295 18 50 0 + 4 2.5 4.5# 72 63 Theta2* 4.98 A5Vn 18 56 14.6 + 4 12 07 175639 124070 By., WB.1255* 18 50 2 + 4 2.5 4.7# 73 6.15 G8III 18 56 25.6 + 2 28 16 175679 124073 Ll.35302* 18 50 8 + 2 18.7 6.7# 74 64 5.57 B9IIIp* 18 57 16.6 + 2 32 07 175869 124089 Ll.35330 18 50 59 + 2 22.4 6.0# 7 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 8 Spectrum F0IV Delta Sct 8, 9 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 24 Right ascension corrected from 18 2 41. The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 30 This is the brightest star in the open cluster NGC6604. 31 The magnitude and spectrum of M16 are not available. 33 Right ascension corrected from 18 13 57. 37 Spectrum F6III+A9III 39 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. Spectrum G8III-IV+A0V 41 Spectrum G0III+A6V 42 This object is the open cluster NGC6633, a designation not stated in the Uranometria Argentina. It was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. 43 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. 46 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. 47 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. 50 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. Spectrum B8IIIpSi(Sr). 52 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. 53 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. 64 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Ophiuchus. Between 64 and 65 three stars, HD172401=SAO123779, HD172522=SAO123793, and HD172588=SAO123802, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.8 without having numbers assigned to any of them. All of these stars now lie in Ophiuchus. 65 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Aquila. 68 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Aquila. Spectrum K4III-IVp. 69 Both Flamsteed and Gould assigned numbers associated with Serpens Cauda to this star, which now lies in Aquila. 70 This star was assigned by Gould to Serpens Cauda but now lies in Aquila. Spectrum K0IIIcomp. 71, 72 These are the two components of the double star Theta Serpentis, conencted with a brace with combined magnitude 4.2 var?. Gould assigned the Greek letter Theta to 71G, and left 72G unlettered. The letters Theta1 and Theta2, respectively, appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. 72 Designation from a previous catalog corrected from WB.1255. 73 Designation from a previous catalog corrected from By.Ll.35302. 73, 74 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 74 Spectrum B9III(p)(Hg) 56. - SEXTANS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.60 F4IV 9 46 23.6 + 1 47 08 84607 117901 Ll.19175 9 39 57 + 2 21.8 6.0 2 7.1 F2 9 47 05.0 -10 31 23 84751 155473 Ll.19215 9 40 59 - 9 56.8 6.9 3 7.11 F5 9 47 10.1 -10 44 37 84768 155476 Ll.19217 9 41 3 -10 10.0 7.0 4 3 7.1 B9 9 48 12.6 - 7 14 45 84882 137142 Ll.19241 9 42 0 - 6 40.0 6.8 5 6.7 F0 9 48 43.6 - 9 55 07 84984 137151 Ll.19261 9 42 35 - 9 20.3 6.8 6 6.9 K2 9 49 17.2 - 8 50 08 85055 137157 Ll.19272 9 43 7 - 8 15.3 7.0 7 4 6.20 F6V 9 50 30.1 + 4 20 36 85217 117937 Ll.19290 9 44 0 + 4 55.7 6.5 8 6 6.01 A8III 9 51 14.0 - 4 14 36 85364 137183 Ll.19319 9 44 56 - 3 39.5 6.2 9 6.42 F8V 9 51 21.6 - 6 10 54 85380 137185 WB.959 9 45 8 - 5 36.0 6.6 10 6.52 M0 9 51 41.2 -11 20 22 85461 155545 Ll.19342 9 45 34 -10 45.3 6.8 11 7 6.02v? A0Vs 9 52 12.2 + 2 27 15 85504 117959 Ll.19340 9 45 46 + 3 2.2 6.3 12 6.35 K2III 9 52 11.9 + 0 04 32 85505 117960 WB.970 9 45 48 + 0 39.8 6.6 13 8 Gamma 5.05 A1V 9 52 30.4 - 8 06 18 85558 137199 Ll.19361 9 46 19 - 7 31.0 5.4 14 5.95 M2III 9 53 42.9 + 5 57 30 85709 117975 Ll.19376 9 47 9 + 6 32.8 6.4 15 7.1 A0 9 53 22.0 - 9 54 14 85690 137206 Ll.19382 9 47 13 - 9 18.9 7.0 16 9 7.0 K5 9 54 06.7 + 4 56 43 85762 117980 Ll.19385 9 47 35 + 5 32.0 6.9 17 6.5 A3 9 55 45.0 - 8 50 12 86029 137234 Ll.19445 9 49 55 - 8 14.6 6.8 18 6.72 K4III 9 56 08.0 - 7 38 43 86082 137237 Ll.19465 9 49 55 - 7 3.3 6.9 19 6.80 F5 9 56 48.6 + 4 14 31 86147 118006 Ll.19473 9 50 20 + 4 50.2 6.9 20 6.7 G5 9 57 43.8 - 1 56 31 86341 137256 Ll.19512 8 51 22 - 1 20.8 6.7 21 12 6.70v? F0V 9 59 43.1 + 3 23 05 86611 118041 Ll.19542 9 53 14 + 3 58.9 6.8 var? 22 7.0 K0 10 02 49.2 - 1 04 04 87095 137312 Ll.19624 9 56 26 - 0 27.6 6.9 23 6.12 K0 10 03 41.0 - 9 34 26 87262 137326 Ll.19662 9 57 31 - 8 58.2 6.4 r 24 13 6.45 F4V 10 04 08.4 + 3 12 04 87301 118086 Ll.19659 9 57 40 + 3 48.6 6.7 25 14 6.21 K1III 10 06 47.4 + 5 36 41 87682 118111 Ll.19727 10 0 15 + 6 13.2 6.6 * 7.5 A2 10 07 23.8 - 7 43 29 87807 137360 WB.1291 10 1 10 - 7 7.0 7.4# 26 6.62 M0 10 07 45.8 - 7 37 53 87855 137364 WB.1300 10 1 32 - 7 1.2 6.8# 27 15 Alpha 4.49 A0III 10 07 56.3 - 0 22 18 87887 137366 Ll.19753 10 1 33 + 0 14.3 4.9 28 6.5 F0 10 08 41.2 + 1 09 38 87974 118131 WB.1314 10 2 15 + 1 46.2 6.9 29 6.54 A2V 10 08 45.7 -10 53 05 88024 155765 WB.4* 10 2 37* -10 16.4* 6.6 30 16 6.8 K0 10 09 14.9 + 6 10 15 88048 118135 Ll.19772 10 2 42 + 6 47.0 6.9 31 17 5.91 A1V 10 10 07.5 - 8 24 30 88195 137385 Ll.19811 10 3 55 - 7 47.6 6.2# 32 18 5.65v? K2III 10 10 55.8 - 8 25 06 88333 137395 Ll.19828 10 4 43 - 7 48.1 5.9# c 33 6.25 A2Vn 10 11 17.7 - 7 18 59 88372 137400 By.Ll.19836 10 5 3 - 6 42.1* 6.3 34 19 5.77 K0III: 10 12 48.4 + 4 36 53 88547 118164 Ll.19861 10 6 18 + 5 13.9 6.2 35 6.08 K0 10 16 09.1 -11 12 12 89033 155855 * 10 10 0 -10 34.9 6.5 36 22 Epsilon 5.24 F2III 10 17 37.8 - 8 04 08 89254 137469 Ll.19991 10 11 26 - 7 26.7 5.6 37 6.37 K0 10 19 32.2 - 5 06 21 89490 137490 Ll.20043 10 13 15 - 4 28.6 6.6# * 7.6 F2 10 19 35.7 - 5 13 39 89507 137493 Ll.20045 10 13 18 - 4 36.0 7.5# 38 6.32 F1IV 10 19 59.4 - 9 03 32 89565 137495 Ll.20059 10 13 47 - 8 25.7 6.6 39 23 6.68v? B2.5IV 10 21 02.0 + 2 17 23 89688 118248 Ll.20077 10 14 35 + 2 55.1 6.6 * 7.0 A2 10 20 44.2 - 5 22 55 89669 137505 Ll.20076 10 14 27 - 4 45.2 7.1# 40 6.9 K2 10 21 07.1 - 5 24 55 89720 137509 Ll.20086 10 14 50 - 4 47.3 6.9# 41 6.54 F6V 10 23 14.6 + 5 41 39 89995 118271 Ll.20142 10 16 46 + 6 19.7 6.8 42 24 6.6 G5 10 23 28.3 - 0 59 09 90043 137532 Ll.20150 10 17 4 - 0 16.2 6.7 43 25 5.97 B9pSi* 10 23 26.5 - 4 04 27 90044 137533 Ll.20154 10 17 8 - 3 26.6 6.2 44 6.6 K5 10 23 32.7 - 3 38 34 90057 137534 Ll.20156 10 17 13 - 3 0.7 6.8 45 6.32 G9V 10 24 13.2 + 2 22 05 90125 118278 Ll.20170 10 17 45 + 3 0.1 6.5# 46 6.6 K0 10 24 25.3 + 2 23 35 90155 118281 Ll.20171 10 17 58 + 3 1.6 6.7# 47 5.57 M0.5III 10 25 44.2 - 7 03 36 90362 137557 By., Ll.20222 10 19 30 - 6 25.9 6.0 r 48 6.8 A0 10 25 58.7 + 2 55 44 90361 118296 Ll.20216 10 19 31 + 3 33.8 6.8 49 6.6 v A2 10 26 09.2 + 3 55 55 90386 118299 Ll.20224 10 19 40 + 4 34.0 6.7 50 6.9 A0 10 26 18.4 - 6 25 38 90430 137563 By., Ll.20249 10 20 2 - 5 47.5 6.9 51 26 6.31 K0 10 26 36.9 - 0 59 17 90473 137565 Ll.20255 10 20 14 - 0 21.2 6.8 52 27 6.54v? K0 10 26 46.8 - 4 23 18 90485 137567 Ll.20263 10 20 28 - 3 45.2 6.8 53 6.04 A1p(Sr) 10 28 44.0 - 3 44 33 90763 137591 By., Ll.20320 10 22 24 - 3 6.2 6.3 54 29 Delta 5.21 B9.5V 10 29 28.7 - 2 44 21 90882 137600 Ll.20343 10 23 8 - 2 6.0 5.5 55 6.85 F5 10 29 42.2 + 1 29 27 90905 118333 Ll.20351 10 23 17 + 2 8.2 7.0 56 30 Beta 5.09 B6V 10 30 17.5 - 0 38 13 90994 137608 Ll.20358 10 23 54 + 0 0.2 5.2 57 31 6.99 K0 10 30 30.8 + 2 09 02 91011 118341 Ll.20367 10 24 3 + 2 47.6 7.0 58 6.20 K5+F6* 10 30 58.7 - 7 38 15 91106 137614 By., Ll.20383 10 24 44 - 6 59.8 6.6 59 6.5 K0 10 31 36.3 + 2 50 42 91165 118347 Ll.20388 10 25 9 + 3 29.3 6.9 60 6.8 K0 10 32 28.6 - 6 04 30 91318 137628 Ll.20428 10 26 11 - 5 25.9 7.0 61 6.62 F8 10 34 50.2 - 3 53 59 91638 137653 Ll.20483 10 28 30* - 3 14.8 6.8 62 6.6 K2 10 35 06.1 + 2 12 16 91657 118381 Ll.20484 10 28 39 + 2 51.0 7.0 63 6.57 F0V 10 36 17.3 -10 35 00 91858 156092 Ll.20521 10 30 4 - 9 56.1 6.8 64 7.03 G0 10 37 00.0 - 8 50 24 91962 137678 Ll.20539 10 30 46 - 8 11.4 7.0 65 33 6.26 K1IV 10 41 24.2 - 1 44 30 92588 137728 T.4804 10 35 3 - 1 5.0 6.5 66 34 6.6 v? F5 10 42 37.5 + 3 34 59 92749 118443 Ll.20672 10 36 10 + 4 14.1 6.7 67 6.9 K0 10 42 27.3 - 8 43 38 92753 137739 Ll.20677 10 36 11 - 8 4.5 6.9 68 35 5.79 K3+K0* 10 43 20.9 + 4 44 52 92841 118449 Ll.20692 10 36 51 + 5 24.2 6.2 69 36 6.28 K4III 10 45 09.4 + 2 29 17 93102 118473 Ll.20727 10 38 43 + 3 8.7 6.6 70 5.93 M2III 10 48 40.6 - 1 57 33 93655 137800 Ll.20823 10 42 18 - 1 17.9 6.4 71 39 7.1 K0 10 48 57.9 - 9 06 00 93704 137805 Ll.20835 10 42 42 - 8 26.3 6.9 72 40 6.61 A2IV 10 49 17.3 - 4 01 27 93742 137808 Ll.20839 10 42 57 - 3 21.8 6.7 73 5.86 G8III: 10 49 43.5 - 9 51 10 93833 137815 Ll.20850 10 43 28 - 9 11.4 6.4 74 41 5.80 A3m 10 50 18.1 - 8 53 52 93903 137823 T.4891 10 44 2 - 8 14.2 6.0 75 5.95 K2 10 51 05.4 - 3 05 33 94014 137834 Ll.20891 10 44 44 - 2 25.8 6.4 Preceding 26 the star HD87807=SAO137360 is connected with a brace to 26 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 29 Designation from an earlier catalog corrected from WB.1318, right ascension corrected from 10 2 20, declination corrected from -10 30.4. 31, 32 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 33 Declination corrected from - 7 42.1. 35 The Uranometria Argenina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 37 the star HD89507=SAO137493 is connected with a brace to 37 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 40 the star HD89669=SAO137505 is connected with a brace to 40 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 43 Spectrum B9pSi(CrSr) 45, 46 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 58 Spectrum K5III+F6V 61 Right ascension corrected from 10 28 20. 68 Spectrum K3III+K0III 59. - TAURUS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.38 G5III 3 23 39.0 + 4 52 55 21018 111161 Ll.6267 3 17 4 + 4 26.1 6.6 2 6.48 K0 3 23 36.3 + 0 54 35 21032 111162 Ll.6270 3 17 11 + 0 28.1 6.9 3 1 Omicron 3.60v? G8III 3 24 48.8 + 9 01 44 21120 111172 Ll.6287 3 18 5 + 8 35.3 3.4 r 4 2 Xi 3.73 B9Vn 3 27 10.2 + 9 43 58 21364 111195 Ll.6359 3 20 24 + 9 17.7 3.5 5 6.5 G5 3 29 03.8 + 3 14 55 21585 111215 Ll.6424 3 22 33 + 2 48.9 6.8 6 5.94 G8III 3 30 45.2 + 6 11 20 21755 111230 Ll.6475 3 24 7 + 5 45.5 6.3 7 6.6 A0 3 31 04.0 - 0 28 52 21822 130537 Ll.6500 3 24 42 - 0 54.5 7.0 8 6 t 5.76 B9IV 3 32 36.0 + 9 22 25 21933 111246 T.1198 3 25 50 + 8 57.0 6.0 9 6.49 G0 3 34 49.2 + 6 25 04 22211 111273 Ll.6603 3 28 10 + 5 59.9 6.8 10 5.71v G9V 3 36 47.4 + 0 35 16 22468 111291 By.496, Ll.6663 3 30 23 + 0 10.8 6.5 11 10 4.28 F9V 3 36 52.4 + 0 24 06 22484 111292 J.66 3 30 30 + 0 0.6 4.5 * 8.0 F2 3 38 42.9 + 2 43 40 22653 111314 WB.575 3 32 12 + 2 19.1 7.4# 12 7.1 A0 3 38 55.1 + 2 45 49 22686 111318 Ll.6719 3 32 25 + 2 21.3* 7.0# 13 12 5.57 G6III: 3 39 51.1 + 3 03 25 22796 111334 Ll.6744 3 33 21 + 2 39.0 6.1 14 6.12 G5 3 39 59.4 - 1 07 15 22819 130645 Ll.6760 3 33 38 - 1 31.7 6.6 15 6.7 G5 3 40 28.0 + 5 07 33 22878 111340 Ll.6765 3 33 52 + 4 43.2 7.0 16 6.71 F5 3 45 02.8 + 2 37 16 23412 111393 Ll.6932 3 38 33 + 2 13.7 6.7 17 29 u 5.35 B3V 3 45 40.4 + 6 03 00 23466 111400 T.1278 3 39 2 + 5 39.4 5.7 18 5.91 G9III 3 46 09.4 + 6 48 12 23526 111407 Ll.6962 3 39 30 + 6 24.9 6.4 19 6.69 K1III 3 48 30.5 + 9 38 45 23841 111430 Ll.7021 3 41 42 + 9 15.6 6.8 20 6.6 v? F0 3 50 42.0 + 1 33 51 24133 111453 Ll.7123 3 44 14 + 1 11.0 6.9# * 7.8 G5 3 51 03.8 + 1 43 31 24181 111460 Ll.7130 3 44 36 + 1 20.8 7.8# 21 31 5.67 B5V 3 52 00.2 + 6 32 05 24263 111469 Ll.7143 3 45 20 + 6 9.5 5.9 22 X* 7.3 :v F5 3 53 13.2 + 7 46 13 24400 111476 Ll.7172 3 46 29 + 7 24.1 var. 6 3/4 - 8 23 6.7 B9 3 53 30.1 + 2 07 08 24456 111480 Ll.7195 3 47 1 + 1 44.8 6.9 24 6.09 A2Vn 3 57 01.7 + 6 02 24 24817 111516 Ll.7291 3 50 23 + 5 40.7 6.4 25 6.40 F5V 3 59 40.7 +10 19 51 25102 93710 WB.1014 3 52 49 + 9 58.3 6.6 26 5.67 B5V 4 01 46.1 + 9 59 52 25330 111566 Ll.7444 3 54 47 + 9 38.7 5.9 r 27 6.9 B8 4 02 29.2 + 3 50 50 25412 111573 WB.1064 3 55 56 + 3 29.8 6.8 28 6.85 F8 4 02 59.6 + 9 12 30 25463 111577 Ll.7475 3 56 10 + 8 52.1 7.0 29 6.9 K0 4 03 10.5 + 8 52 57 25477 111578 WB.1073 3 56 24 + 8 32.1 6.8 30 38 Nu 3.91 A1V 4 03 09.4 + 5 59 21 25490 111579 Ll.7490 3 56 30 + 5 38.5 3.9 31* 7.1 F0 4 03 18.9 + 3 04 39 25521 111580 Ll.7503 3 56 48 + 2 43.7 7.3# * 7.3 K2 4 03 21.2 + 3 11 16 25520 111581 Ll.7505 3 56 49 + 2 50.4 7.0# 32 40 5.32 B3V 4 03 44.6 + 5 26 08 25558 111585 Ll.7519 3 57 7 + 5 5.3 5.4 33 5.50 F2V 4 03 56.6 + 8 11 50 25570 111586 Ll.7518 3 57 10 + 7 51.0 5.9 34 5.36 F6IV 4 04 09.9 + 2 49 37 25621 111590 Ll.7540 3 57 37 + 2 29.3 5.9 35 6.7 G5 4 05 41.6 +10 02 14 25800 111597 Ll.7587 3 58 52 + 9 41.6 6.9 36 6.8 B9 4 09 27.3 + 6 43 31 26256 111631 Ll.7723 4 2 46 + 6 23.8 6.8 37 6.5 F2 4 09 43.0 + 3 19 21 26292 111634 Ll.7742 4 3 11 + 2 59.6 7.0 38 45 5.70 F4V 4 11 20.3 + 5 31 23 26462 111648 Ll.7798 4 4 40 + 5 11.8 6.2 39 6.51 A2m 4 13 31.3 + 8 53 26 26677 111671 By.569, Ll.7871 4 6 44 + 8 34.3 6.7 40 6.23 B8Vn 4 13 34.7 +10 12 44 26676 93821 Ll.7866 4 6 44 + 9 53.6 6.5 41 46 5.29 F2V+F5V 4 13 33.1 + 7 42 58 26690 111672 T.1457 4 6 49 + 7 23.7 5.9 42 47 4.84 G5+A7* 4 13 56.4 + 9 15 50 26722 111674 Ll.7888 4 7 8 + 8 56.7 5.2 r 43 5.22 B9Vn 4 14 36.3 +10 00 40 26793 111680 Ll.7910 4 7 46 + 9 41.6 5.6 r 44 49 Mu 4.27 B3IV 4 15 32.1 + 8 53 32 26912 111696 Ll.7937 4 8 44 + 8 34.7 4.4 * 6.93v? G5IV 4 15 25.8 + 6 11 59 26913 111695 Ll.7939 4 8 46 + 5 53.4 7.2# 45 6.30v? G5IVcomp 4 15 29.2 + 6 11 12 26923 111698 Ll.7943 4 8 50 + 5 52.7 6.5# 46 6.54 A4III 4 18 24.5 + 9 29 12 27236 111729 Ll.8045 4 11 36 + 9 10.8 6.7 47 6.31 K0 4 19 37.5 +10 07 17 27386 93866 Ll.8094 4 12 46 + 9 49.1 6.7 48 6.53 A4V 4 20 49.0 + 9 13 32 27505 111759 Ll.8123 4 14 0 + 8 55.4 6.8 49 5.77 G8III-IV 4 20 41.2 + 6 07 50 27497 111756 Ll.8126 4 14 2 + 5 49.9 6.2 50 66 r 5.12 A3V 4 23 51.9 + 9 27 39 27820 111791 Ll.8254 4 17 3 + 9 10.1 5.4 51 6.08 B6IV 4 26 21.1 + 8 35 24 28114 111817 Ll.8343 4 19 34 + 8 18.3 6.4 52 6.23 K1III 4 27 00.7 + 2 04 45 28191 111827 Ll.8377 4 20 31 + 1 47.8 6.5 53 6.15 G9III 4 28 03.6 + 1 51 31 28322 111840 Ll.8414 4 21 34 + 1 34.7 6.5 54 44 Eri* 5.54 B3V 4 28 32.1 + 1 22 51 28375 111845 Ll.8427 4 22 4 + 1 6.2 5.8 55 6.52 G8III 4 30 02.4 +10 15 46 28505 93971 Ll.8465 4 23 11 + 9 58.4 6.7 56 7.0 G5 4 31 04.0 + 6 47 29 28630 111863 Ll.8513 4 24 23 + 6 31.4 7.0 57 6.7 B9 4 31 50.5 + 5 45 52 28715 111876 Ll.8535 4 25 11 + 5 29.7 6.9 58 6.40 F5V 4 32 04.8 + 5 24 36 28736 111879 Ll.8548 4 25 25 + 5 8.4 6.7 59 6.01 G8III 4 33 48.1 + 9 24 47 28930 111890 Ll.8595 4 26 59 + 9 9.0 6.6 60 5.69 A2Vs 4 34 08.2 + 5 34 07 28978 111896 Ll.8611 4 27 30 + 5 18.3 6.0 61 88 d 4.25v? A5m 4 35 39.3 +10 09 39 29140 94026 T.1604 4 28 47 + 9 54.2 4.6 62 49 Eri* 5.31v? B7V 4 37 13.6 + 0 59 54 29335 111928 By.640, Ll.8715 4 30 47 + 0 44.6 5.6 63 5.40 A5m 4 39 06.1 + 7 52 16 29499 111954 Ll.8759 4 32 20 + 7 37.3 5.8 64 6.74 F2 4 42 15.0 + 9 38 03 29819 111989 Ll.8845 4 35 24 + 9 23.8 6.9 Preceding 12 the star HD22653=SAO111314 is connected with a brace to 12 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 12 Declination corrected from + 2 31.3. Following 20 the star HD24181=SAO111460 is connected with a brace to 20 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 22 The variable star designation X was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 31 the star HD25520=SAO111581 is connected with a brace to 31 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 42 Spectrum G5III+A7V: Preceding 45 the star HD26913=SAO111695 is connected with a brace to 45 with combined magnitude 6.4 without being assigned a number. 54 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Eridanus and given the Flamsteed number 44 Eridani. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Taurus, where it remains. 62 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Eridanus and given the Flamsteed number 49 Eridani. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Taurus, where it remains. 24. - TELESCOPIUM G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.2 A2/A3V 18 11 51.2 -56 24 04 165987 245300 L.7564 18 1 16 -56 25.2 7.0# * 7.6 A1V 18 12 03.1 -56 25 40 166026 245304 L.7566* 18 1 27 -56 26.9 7 3/4# 2 6.07 K1III-IV 18 11 04.4 -47 30 47 166006 228774 L.7578 18 1 38 -47 31.9 6.6 3 Epsilon 4.53 G5III 18 11 13.8 -45 57 16 166063 228777 L.7581, J.459 18 1 57 -45 58.4 5.2 r 4 6.7 F0V 18 12 56.2 -50 33 32 166376 245320 L.7585 18 3 9 -50 34.8 6.9 5 6.7 G8III/IV 18 15 26.7 -48 51 07 166949 228845 L.7611 18 5 51 -48 53.1 6.9 6 5.33 B3IIIpe 18 17 07.5 -56 01 24 167128 245369 L.7608 18 6 36 -56 3.5 5.7 7 6.06 B9V 18 17 00.9 -51 04 07 167257 245372 L.7618 18 7 10 -51 6.3 6.5 8 6.7 A3IV/V 18 20 01.6 -48 45 54 167956 228910 L.7645 18 10 27 -48 48.6 6.9 9 6.47 G2V 18 24 33.2 -49 39 10 168871 228983 L.7674 18 14 52 -49 42.4 6.7 10 7.1 D Del* 18 25 49.0 -53 38 31 169058 245461 L.7675 18 15 39 -53 42.3 6 3/4# dpl. 10, 6 3/4 11 7.3 K0III 18 27 18.8 -53 38 01 169349 245482 L.7687 18 17 8 -53 42.0 6 3/4# r 12 5.46 K0+F/G* 18 26 53.9 -48 07 01 169405 229021 L.7690 18 17 24 -48 11.0 6.2 13 Alpha 3.50 B3IV 18 26 58.4 -45 58 06 169467 229023 L.7694, J.465 18 17 42 -46 2.1 3.5 14 Zeta 4.13 G8/K0III 18 28 49.9 -49 04 15 169767 229047 L.7702 18 19 12 -49 8.1 4.5 r 15 5.70 K2III 18 29 55.8 -47 13 13 170069 229064 L.7713 18 20 32 -47 17.8 6.5 16 Delta1 4.93 B6IV 18 31 45.4 -45 54 54 170465 229092 L.7729, J.468 18 22 30 -45 59.7 5.7 17 Delta2 5.07 B3III 18 32 02.0 -45 45 26 170523 229095 L.7734, J.469 18 22 47 -45 50.4 5.7 18 6.7 F3II 18 34 25.2 -54 05 18 170806 245556 L.7739 18 24 12 -54 10.5 6.9 19 6.22 K2III 18 34 31.2 -52 53 31 170873 245559 L.7743 18 24 28 -52 58.8 6.7 20 6.9 F0IV/V 18 37 25.9 -47 04 27 171502 229148 L.7770 18 28 4 -47 10.4 6.9 21 6.5 K3/K4III 18 38 31.6 -48 43 16 171648 229162 L.7775 18 28 59 -48 49.3 6.9 22 5.85 A3V 18 39 14.3 -47 54 35 171819 229165 L.7780 18 29 47 -48 0.9 6.3 23 6.8 A1IV/V* 18 40 44.0 -47 01 38 172128 229184 L.7795 18 31 22 -47 8.2 7.0 24 6.6 G8III 18 41 21.2 -50 28 20 172181 245637 L.7793 18 31 37 -50 34.9 6.8 25 6.49v? K3III 18 41 30.6 -48 05 42 172223 229194 L.7800 18 32 3 -48 12.1 6.9 26 6.7 F5V 18 42 22.2 -47 45 41 172416 229208 L.7809 18 32 57 -47 52.4 6.9 27 7.0 A9IV 18 45 36.8 -48 15 50 172995 229248 L.7826 18 36 8 -48 23.2 7.0 28 6.4 B8/B9II 18 45 55.9 -50 52 22 173047 245693 L.7824 18 36 9 -50 59.8 6.5 29 6.54 F0V 18 46 59.1 -50 05 40 173263 245702 L.7833 18 37 18 -50 13.2 6.8 30 5.81 G6IV 18 49 27.2 -45 48 36 173791 229306 L.7855 18 40 13 -45 56.8 6.3 31 Kappa 5.17 G8/K0III 18 52 39.6 -52 06 27 174295 245772 L.7867 18 42 44 -52 14.9 5.7 r 32 6.31 B4III 18 53 12.1 -51 55 52 174430 245783 L.7870 18 43 19 -52 4.6 6.9 r 33 5.54 M0III 18 52 27.1 -46 35 42 174387 229336 L.7872 18 43 10 -46 44.3 5.9# c 34 6.19 A1IV/V 18 52 59.6 -46 35 09 174500 229343 L.7878 18 43 43 -46 43.9 6.9# 35 6.19 A2V 18 53 02.5 -48 21 36 174474 229342 L.7876 18 43 34 -48 30.2 6.4 36 7.1 F5V 18 54 01.6 -47 16 27 174691 229354 L.7889 18 44 41 -47 25.3 6.8# * 7.2 A0IV/V 18 54 09.1 -47 15 48 174713 229356 L.7891 18 44 48 -47 24.7 7.1# 37 6.59 A2V 18 54 32.3 -49 52 43 174730 229358 L.7888 18 44 54 -50 1.7 6.8 38 6.8 K5III 18 55 45.6 -56 25 25 174851 245809 L.7882 18 45 15 -56 34.6 6.9 39 6.65 ApSi 18 54 29.2 -45 29 11 174779 229359 L.7894 18 45 19 -45 38.2 7.0 40 6.7 G8III 18 56 32.1 -48 59 31 175145 229384 L.7904 18 47 0 -49 8.8 6.8 41 Lambda 4.87 A0V 18 58 27.7 -52 56 19 175510 245834 L.7910 18 48 27 -53 5.9 5.2 42 6.65 K3IIICN* 18 58 52.7 -48 30 21 175674 229410 B.6535 18 49 25 -48 40.1 6.9 43 5.93 K0/K1III 19 03 57.5 -51 01 06 176664 245899 L.7949 18 54 13 -51 11.5 6.2 44 6.6 K0III 19 04 39.8 -48 24 14 176862 229472 L.7959 18 55 13 -48 35.0* 7.0 45 Rho 5.16 F7V 19 06 19.9 -52 20 27 177171 245921 L.7963 18 56 26 -52 31.3 5.7 46 6.31 B9V 19 06 54.6 -50 19 23 177365 245925 L.7970 18 57 16 -50 30.5 6.7 47 5.97 A0V 19 06 55.6 -48 17 57 177406 229493 L.7973 18 57 30 -48 29.1 6.4 48 6.49 K1IV 19 08 52.1 -55 43 12 177693 245937 L.7974 18 58 31 -55 54.4 6.6 * 8.5 F8 19 12 17.0 -51 48 44 178710 245968 B.6590 19 2 29 -52 0.8 7.8# * 7.05 K5III 19 12 24.1 -51 48 20 178734 245970 L.8006 19 2 36 -52 0.4 7.1# r 49 6.13 G8III 19 12 46.1 -50 29 11 178845 245976 L.8012 19 3 7 -50 41.3 6.5 50 6.77 K0III 19 16 36.5 -52 26 17 179775 246003 L.8030 19 6 45 -52 39.1 7.0 51 5.40 K3III 19 16 21.7 -45 27 59 179886 229584 L.8037 19 7 15 -45 40.9 5.9 52 6.38 F7V 19 18 09.4 -53 23 12 180134 246017 L.8038 19 8 11 -53 36.1 6.7 53 6.82 B3Vn 19 18 41.6 -56 08 41 180183 246019 L.8035 19 8 21 -56 21.8 6.9 54 6.59 A1V 19 19 37.4 -51 34 21 180575 246028 L.8050 19 9 53 -51 47.6 6.5 55 Eta 5.05 A0Vn 19 22 51.1 -54 25 25 181296 246055 L.8062 19 12 46 -54 39.2 5.4 56 6.4 F0V 19 22 37.5 -51 13 52 181295 246053 L.8068 19 12 56 -51 27.8 6.5 57 6.6 K0III 19 23 36.9 -53 56 47 181517 246065 L.8069 19 13 36 -54 10.8 7.0 58 6.6 K0III 19 25 56.2 -49 50 32 182215 229672 L.8089 19 16 29 -50 4.9 6.9 59 5.69 K4III 19 27 48.1 -54 19 31 182509 246110 L.8091 19 17 45 -54 34.3 5.9 c 60 6.13 K0/K1III 19 29 52.6 -55 26 29 182893 246125 L.8099 19 19 41 -55 41.5 6.4 61 Mu* 6.30 F5V 19 30 34.5 -55 06 36 183028 246131 L.8101 19 20 26 -55 21.8 6.7 62 5.75 Am 19 32 53.8 -53 11 09 183552 246151 L.8115 19 32 1 -53 26.7 6.1 63 5.61v A0p 19 33 21.6 -45 16 18 183806 229741 L.8129 19 24 21 -45 32.0 6.0 64 Iota 4.90 G9III 19 35 13.0 -48 05 57 184127 229751 L.8137 19 25 56 -48 21.9 5.4 65 6.26 K0III 19 40 18.3 -54 25 03 185075 246204 L.8157 19 30 19 -54 41.9 6.6 66 6.26v Am 19 39 42.0 -45 16 41 185139 229800 L.8167 19 30 43 -45 33.6 6.7 67 Nu 5.35 A9Vn 19 48 01.2 -56 21 45 186543 246271 L.8200 19 37 48 -56 39.6 5.5 68 6.25 K1III 19 48 55.1 -52 53 17 186756 246277 L.8206 19 39 11 -53 11.5 6.6 69 5.94v? M1III 19 50 13.8 -47 33 26 187086 229887 L.8221 19 41 5 -47 52.0 6.3 r 70 6.8 F6V 19 51 42.8 -50 58 43 187294 246305 L.8228 19 42 13 -51 17.3 6.7 71 5.74 G8/K0III 19 52 37.6 -54 58 16 187420 246311 L.8227 19 42 40 -55 17.2 6.1# 72 6.50 A2V 19 52 39.0 -54 58 36 187421 246312 * 19 42 41 -55 17.5 7.0# 73 6.7 F2IV/V 20 00 08.5 -50 12 58 188986 246379 L.8275 19 50 47* -50 33.4 6.7 74 6.17 K0III 20 00 25.3 -49 21 05 189080 229973 L.8280 19 51 11 -49 41.2 6.4 75 6.96 F2IV 20 01 25.4 -47 23 48 189307 229991 L.8289 19 52 21 -47 44.2 6.9 76 6.58 K1III 20 02 35.9 -45 11 46 189563 230002 L.8303 19 53 45 -45 32.3 6.9 77 6.26 F8V 20 07 35.1 -55 00 59 190422 246444 L.8320 19 57 44 -55 22.3 6.5 78 Xi 4.94 M1II 20 07 23.2 -52 52 51 190421 246443 L.8321 19 57 48 -53 14.1 5.5 c 79 6.47 K5III 20 09 03.9 -47 04 03 190879 230067 L.8339 20 0 5 -47 25.5 6.6 80 6.5 K2III 20 13 32.2 -47 42 49 191732 230106 B.6813 20 4 32 -48 5.0 6.8 81 5.65 K4III 20 14 19.0 -52 26 44 191829 246495 L.8367 20 4 50 -52 49.0 6.1 r 82 6.6 F5IV 20 17 43.8 -51 55 03 192530 246517 L.8378 20 8 20 -52 17.8 6.9 83 6.31 M1III 20 18 56.0 -47 42 39 192827 230144 L.8388 20 9 58 -48 5.8 6.5# r 84 6.13 F5V 20 19 17.9 -47 34 49 192886 230150 L.8393 20 10 18 -47 57.6 6.3# 85 6.27 M0/M1III 20 20 32.3 -55 03 05 193002 246535 L.8389 20 10 48 -55 26.3 6.6 r * 7.4 A2/A3V 20 21 02.1 -50 01 04 193177 246542 L.8397 20 11 52 -50 24.4 7.6# 86 6.28 G2IV-V 20 21 41.0 -49 59 59 193307 246546 L.8400 20 12 37 -50 23.0 6.5# 87 6.74 A9III/IV 20 26 04.4 -46 39 36 194188 230199 L.8423 20 17 15 -47 3.8 6.8 Following 1 the star HD166026=SAO245304 is connected with a brace to 1 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. The designation from an earlier catalog was omitted from the original Uranometria Argentina and shown in a corrigendum published later. 10 Spectrum Fm Delta Del 10, 11 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.3. 12 Spectrum K0/1III+F/G 23 Spectrum A1/A2IV/V 33, 34 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Following 36 the star HD174713=SAO229356 is coneccted with a brace to 36 with combined magniutde 6.7 without being assigned a number. 42 Spectrum K3IIICNII 44 Declination corrected from -48 34.6. Between 48 and 49 the stars HD178710=SAO245968 and HD178734=SAO245970 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without having numbers assigned to either. 61 The letter Mu was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star to be fainter than magnitude 6 and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However it appears in many modern star atlases and catalogs. 71, 72 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.8. 72 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 73 Right ascension corrected from 19 50 43. 83, 84 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Preceding 86 the star HD193177=SAO246542 is connected with a brace to 86 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 13. - TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 T 6.85v? B9IV 15 09 36.5 -68 43 18 133638 253029 L.6193 14 58 9 -68 14.2 var. 7.0 - 7.4* 2 5.77 F8Iab-b 15 09 30.0 -67 05 03 133683 253031 L.6197 14 58 25 -66 36.0 6.3 3 X* 5.81v N0 15 14 19.2 -70 04 46 134453 253062 L.6222 15 2 22 -69 36.3 6.2 r 4 6.8 F5IV 15 15 59.0 -70 24 48 134735 257258 L.6234 15 3 53 -69 56.5 7.0 5 Gamma 2.90v? A1V 15 18 54.6 -68 40 46 135382 253097 L.6255, J.353 15 7 16 -68 12.9 3.1 6 R 6.35v F7Ib/II 15 19 45.7 -66 29 47 135592 253107 L.6264 15 8 37 -66 2.1 var. 6.6 - 7.5 7 6.28 B3V 15 20 40.8 -67 28 53 135737 253115 L.6268 15 9 17 -67 1.3 6.6 8 5.89v? K0III 15 26 14.8 -68 18 33 136672 253155 L.6308 15 14 29 -67 51.8 6.5 var? 9 5.71 K5/M0III 15 27 32.9 -64 31 54 137066 253174 L.6336 15 16 41 -64 5.3 6.3 c 10 6.51 F0III 15 36 17.5 -65 36 48 138498 253222 L.6397 15 25 5 -65 11.3 7.0 11 Epsilon 4.11 K0III 15 36 43.2 -66 19 01 138538 253226 L.6398, J.362 15 25 18 -65 53.6 4.6 r 12 6.44 A5V 15 40 11.7 -70 13 39 138965 257308 L.6403 15 27 39 -69 48.7 6.8# * 7.7 A0V 15 43 31.7 -70 16 01 139508 257312 L.6423 15 30 54 -69 51.6 7.7# 13 6.5: A5III/IV 15 47 53.4 -65 26 27 140483 253297 L.6477 15 36 31 -65 2.8 6.1 dpl. 13* 6.5: F0/F2IV 15 47 53.5 -65 26 29 140484 * 14 6.55 A5IV 15 52 56.8 -65 09 09 141413 253323 L.6507 15 41 33 -64 46.3 7.0 15 6.19v? K3III 15 53 22.9 -62 36 25 141585 253328 L.6523 15 42 31 -62 13.6 6.9 16 Kappa 5.09 G6VII 15 55 29.6 -68 36 11 141767 253342 L.6518 15 43 10 -68 13.1 5.7 r 17 Beta 2.85 F2III 15 55 08.5 -63 25 50 141891 253346 L.6533, J.371 15 44 9 -63 2.5 3.1 18 6.15v? B9II 15 54 52.7 -60 44 36 141913 253344 L.6540 15 44 19 -60 22.1 6.4 19 5.76 A3V 15 56 06.0 -60 28 58 142139 253353 L.6550 15 45 35 -60 6.5 6.2 20 Lambda* 5.75 B7III 15 58 58.2 -65 02 17 142514 253362 L.6559 15 47 31 -64 40.3 6.1 21 S* 6.41v F8II 16 01 10.7 -63 46 36 142941 253377 L.6578 15 49 59 -63 25.0 7.0 var.? 22 6.26 B9.5V 16 02 52.4 -62 32 30 143238 253390 L.6595 15 51 55 -62 11.1 6.7 23* 7.29 B3IV 16 03 44.4 -60 29 54 143448 253406 L.6612 15 53 8 -60 8.8 6.8 cum. 24 6.49 A3mA7-F2 16 09 59.4 -62 58 01 144481 253444 L.6652 15 58 51 -62 37.7 6.9# * 7.45 B9.5III 16 10 27.4 -62 55 22 144596 253446 B.5589 15 59 18 -62 35.2 7.3# 25 Delta 3.80 G5II 16 15 26.3 -63 41 08 145544 253474 L.6701, J.389 16 4 5 -63 21.8 4.3 r 26 5.75 A4V 16 17 05.6 -67 56 30 145689 253481 L.6698 16 4 39 -67 37.2 6.3 27 6.71 B9/B9.5V 16 20 00.5 -64 38 57 146349 253500 L.6731 16 8 23 -64 20.2 7.0 28 6.9 B8III* 16 22 54.6 -66 53 16 146827 253522 L.6749 16 10 41 -66 35.0 6.9 29 6.15 A1V 16 25 22.1 -63 07 29 147349 253539 L.6779 16 14 2 -62 49.8 6.6 30 6.8 B9IV 16 27 29.8 -69 19 35 147465 253549 L.6769 16 14 26 -69 2.0 7.0 31 Zeta 4.91 F9V 16 28 28.1 -70 05 04 147584 253554 L.6771 16 15 3 -69 47.9 5.6 32 Iota 5.27 F4IV 16 27 57.3 -64 03 29 147787 253555 L.6795 16 16 22 -63 46.2 5.8 33 5.20 K0IIICN* 16 30 49.4 -61 38 00 148291 253582 L.6824 16 19 44 -61 21.2 5.8 r 34 6.8 B9III 16 31 44.9 -64 28 25 148359 253586 * 16 20 2 -64 11.7 7.0 35 Theta 5.52 G8/K0III 16 35 44.8 -65 29 44 148890 253614 L.6844 16 23 44 -65 13.6 6.0 36 7.2 A1V 16 36 32.1 -67 00 17 148976 253618 L.6846 16 24 7 -66 44.3 7.0# * 7.4 K1+A3/5* 16 36 44.4 -66 59 01 148992 * 16 24 19 -66 43.1 7.3# 37 Eta1 5.91 B7IV 16 41 23.4 -68 17 46 149671 253649 L.6865 16 28 31 -68 2.6* 6.4 38 6.03 A0Vn 16 43 22.2 -67 25 57 150026 253673 L.6881 16 30 44 -67 11.1 6.6 39 6.1v? K3III 16 42 48.6 -62 33 15 150097 253672 L.6895 16 31 25 -62 18.4 6.9 r 40 Eta2 6.7 A1III 16 46 55.7 -68 06 07 150550 253689 L.6900 16 34 3 -67 52.0 6.9 41 5.12 Ap 16 46 40.1 -67 06 35 150549 253688 L.6906 16 34 6 -66 52.3 5.6 42 Alpha 1.92 K2II* 16 48 39.9 -69 01 40 150798 253700 L.6911, J.412 16 35 27 -68 47.6 2.2 r 43 6.32 K2III 16 52 17.5 -67 40 55 151404 253718 L.6947 16 39 31 -67 27.5 7.0 44 6.13 B8II/III 16 51 53.9 -65 22 31 151441 253717 L.6954 16 39 46 -65 9.3 6.5 45 5.79 ApSi 16 59 33.9 -69 16 06 152564 253756 L.6989 16 46 10 -69 4.0 6.2 46 6.5 B9.5V 17 09 10.3 -68 50 49 154140 253810 L.7069 16 55 50 -68 40.4 6.9 1 Magnitude variation corrected from 7.0-7.4 3 The variable star designation X was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Following 12 the star HD139508=SAO257312 is connected with a brace to 12 with combined magnitude 6.7 without being assigned a number. 13 To this double star the Uranometria Argentina assigns a single number, designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 20 The letter Lambda was assigned by Lacaille. Gould dropped this letter because he considered the star fainter than sixth magnitude and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However this letter does appear in some modern atlases and catalogs. 21 The variable star designation S was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 23 This is the brightest star in the open cluster NGC 6025, whose collective magnitude the note cum. presumably references. Following 24 the star HD144596=SAO253446 is connected with a brace to 24 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number. 28 Spectrum B8/B9II/III 33 Spectrum K0II/IIICNIb/II 34 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 36 the star HD148992 is connected with a brace to 36 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. Spectrum K1II+A3/5. 37 Declination corrected from -68 1.6. 42 Spectrum K2IIb-IIIa 8. - TUCANA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 7.0 F5V 22 18 02.3 -62 48 42 211299 255187 L.9067 22 9 10 -63 26.0 6.8 2 Alpha 2.86 K3III 22 18 30.1 -60 15 35 211416 255193 L.9074, J.555 22 9 55 -60 52.9 2.8 r 3 6.7 F7/F8V 22 21 03.9 -62 32 54 211729 255205 * 22 12 15 -63 10.4 6.8 4 6.34 K3/K4III 22 20 36.3 -57 30 36 211726 247410 L.9092 22 12 16 -58 8.1 6.8 5 5.31 F9V 22 24 56.3 -57 47 50 212330 247441 L.9112 22 16 37 -58 25.0 5.7 r 6 Delta 4.50 B8V 22 27 20.0 -64 57 59 212581 255222 L.9114, J.559 22 18 25 -65 36.1 4.8 dpl. 10, 4 3/4 7 6.8 A1mA5-F0 22 27 21.3 -58 00 03 212661 247451 L.9125 22 19 7 -58 38.1 6.9 * 7.9 K0III 22 27 41.9 -58 00 45 212709 247453 * 22 19 27 -58 38.9 7.6 8 Nu 4.81v M4III 22 33 00.1 -61 58 56 213442 255247 L.9153 22 24 32 -62 37.4 5.5 r 9 6.23 F0Vn 22 35 52.9 -57 53 01 213884 247505 L.9170 22 27 46 -58 31.7 6.2 10 5.97 K4III 22 40 49.0 -57 25 20 214632 247544 L.9198 22 32 50 -58 4.3 6.1 11 6.29 F3V 22 44 16.6 -60 29 58 215121 255299 L.9213 22 36 10 -61 9.3 6.3 12 7.0 A1V 22 44 34.0 -63 57 14 215131 255300 L.9212 22 36 12 -64 36.5 6.9 13 6.8 K0/K1III 22 44 37.4 -62 32 55 215158 255301 * 22 36 22 -63 12.1 7.0 14 6.4 K1III 22 47 35.6 -65 33 38 215562 255316 L.9227 22 39 10 -66 13.1 6.7 15 6.37 K0III 22 48 21.4 -61 41 03 215682 255321 L.9238 22 40 14 -62 20.6* 6.5 16 6.5 B9.5V 22 48 55.1 -63 43 06 215769 255324 L.9240 22 40 41 -64 22.6 6.5 17 6.46 * 22 51 45.1 -59 52 52 216169 255336 L.9267 22 43 51 -60 32.6 6.4 * 7.6 G2IV 22 50 54.7 -62 48 52 216043 255333 L.9259 22 42 47 -63 28.5 7.1# 18 6.12 K0III 22 52 09.9 -63 11 19 216187 255339 L.9268 22 44 2 -63 51.0 6.2# r * 7.5 G8III 22 52 50.9 -62 48 57 216272 255344 L.(9272) 22 44 45 -63 27.7 7.4# 19 6.7 F2IV 22 57 59.3 -59 05 22 216910 247657 L.9306 22 50 14 -59 45.3 6.7 20 7.2 F5V 22 59 44.3 -62 46 19 217155 255370 L.9312 22 51 48 -63 26.4 6.9 21 7.0 A6IV 23 01 01.0 -58 26 15 217346 247681 L.9320 22 53 21 -59 6.4 7.0 22 6.6 A7III 23 10 27.2 -60 33 50 218631 255421 L.9377 22 2 53 -61 14.5 6.8 23 6.12 G5IV 23 14 06.6 -62 42 00 219077 255435 L.9396 23 6 23 -63 21.9 6.4 24 6.8 F0III 23 15 23.4 -56 41 29 219301 247798 L.9406 23 8 5 -57 22.3 6.6 25 5.66 F7V 23 16 57.7 -62 00 04 219482 255446 L.9412 23 9 26 -62 40.9 5.7 26 Gamma 3.99 F1III 23 17 25.8 -58 14 09 219571 247814 L.9420, J.583 23 10 7 -58 55.2 4.0 * 7.4 A3 23 17 54.5 -60 59 53 219621 255452 * 23 10 30 -61 40.9 7.6# 27 6.9 * 23 18 00.8 -61 00 13 219631 255453 L.9423 23 10 35 -61 41.0 6.9# 28 6.09v? M3III 23 22 56.9 -60 03 21 220263 255474 L.9449 23 15 39 -60 44.4 6.4 r 29 5.59 K0III 23 25 19.4 -56 50 57 220572 247867 L.9463 23 18 11 -57 32.1 5.7 r 30 6.45 K4III 23 27 07.3 -66 34 53 220759 255486 L.9469 23 19 41 -67 16.1 6.6 31 6.9 M0II/III 23 27 09.3 -62 44 14 220780 255488 L.9471 23 19 53 -63 25.5 7.0 * 7.1 K3IIICN* 23 26 58.8 -58 25 26 220757 247878 L.9472 23 19 50 -59 6.6 7.8# 32 5.63 G8III 23 27 14.9 -58 28 34 220790 247882 L.9474 23 20 7 -59 10.0 5.7# 33 5.68v ApSivar 23 29 01.0 -63 06 38 221006 255497 L.9483 23 21 46 -63 47.9 5.8 34 6.62v? G8III 23 38 43.6 -62 53 07 222167 255531 L.9538 23 31 43 -63 34.7 6.8 var? 35 6.07 G8IV 23 44 25.5 -70 29 26 222805 258178 L.9566 23 37 15 -71 11.2 6.4 36 5.72 K3II 23 44 12.1 -64 24 17 222820 255557 L.9571 23 37 18 -65 6.0 6.0# * 6.9 K1/K2III 23 44 17.5 -64 20 21 222830 255558 L.9572 23 37 23 -65 2.0 7.7# 37 6.89 F2V 23 47 23.2 -68 23 39 223148 255567 L.9588 23 40 28 -69 5.2 7.0 38 6.5 F5V 23 47 56.0 -66 34 04 223226 255571 L.9592 23 41 7 -67 15.7 6.7 39 7.1 F7/F8V 23 49 32.1 -66 15 26 223400 255576 * 23 42 38 -66 57.0 7.0 40 6.59 K5III 23 49 44.7 -62 50 22 223444 255578 L.9604 23 43 0 -63 32.0 6.9 41 6.6 G0V 23 53 39.7 -65 56 51 223913 255594 B.7341 23 47 1 -66 38.8 6.7 * 7.1 A9V 23 56 08.6 -62 52 18 224213 255603 L.9648 23 49 34 -63 34.1 7.1# 42 5.96 A2p 23 57 19.7 -62 57 23 224361 255606 L.9658 23 50 46 -63 39.2 6.2# * 6.9 G8IV 23 58 21.9 -63 00 10 224472 255612 L.9668 23 51 51 -63 42.0 7.1# 43 Eta 5.00 A1V 23 57 35.2 -64 17 54 224392 255609 L.9661, J.600 23 51 0 -64 59.5 5.3 44 Epsilon 4.50 B9IV 23 59 55.0 -65 34 38 224686 255619 L.9678, J.602 23 53 24 -66 16.3 4.3 45 5.59 B8III 0 04 41.3 -71 26 13 225253 255631 L.9710 23 58 20 -72 7.9 5.9 46 6.3 A6V 0 09 52.3 -62 17 47 565 248130 L.9749 0 3 37 -62 59.6 6.6 47 6.64 A/F 0 10 38.8 -73 13 28 661 255642 L.9755 0 4 30 -73 55.2 6.8 48 6.5 M1III 0 14 20.8 -62 46 18 1022 248139 * 0 8 13 -63 28.0 7.0 49 Zeta 4.20 F9V 0 20 04.3 -64 52 59 1581 248163 L.40, J.4 0 13 32 -65 36.6 4.1 c 50 Pi 5.51 B9V 0 20 38.9 -69 37 30 1685 248167 L.53 0 14 50 -70 19.1 5.7 51 Xi* 4.03 G3 0 24.1 -72 05 L.80 0 18 28 -72 46.6 cum. 4 1/2 52 Beta1 4.40 B9V 0 31 32.8 -62 57 29 2884 248201 L.119, J.10 0 25 48 -63 38.8 4.3# 53 Beta2 4.54 A2V+A7V 0 31 33.6 -62 57 57 2885 248202 L.120, J.11 0 25 49 -63 39.3 4.7# 54 Beta3* 5.08 A0V 0 32 43.9 -63 01 52 3003 248208 L.123, J.12 0 27 1 -63 43.2 5.5 55 Theta 6.09v A7IV 0 33 23.5 -71 15 59 3112 255679 L.139 0 28 4 -71 57.3 6.4 56 6.9 F2V 0 36 01.0 -59 43 02 3375 232105 L.146 0 30 17 -60 24.3 6.9 57 6.42 K2/K3III 0 36 37.5 -65 07 29 3444 248225 L.151 0 31 7 -65 48.7 6.8 58 6.8 F5IV/V 0 39 11.3 -57 58 05 3698 232134 L.163 0 33 29 -58 39.2 6.7 59 6.87 A1mA3-A7 0 38 41.1 -73 08 15 3719 255690 L.173 0 33 46 -73 49.5 6.8 60 5.88 G1V 0 40 25.8 -59 27 16 3823 232143 L.172 0 34 34 -60 9.4 6.0 61 5.98 K5III 0 42 41.9 -60 15 45 4088 248238 L.186 0 37 4 -60 56.8 6.1 62 Rho 5.38 F6V 0 42 28.4 -65 28 05 4089 248237 L.188 0 37 8 -66 9.3 5.7# r 63 7.0 A6V 0 42 41.3 -65 36 32 4125 248239 L.191 0 37 21 -66 17.6 7.0# 64 6.06 F5III/IV 0 44 32.3 -62 29 52 4294 248243 * 0 39 5 -63 10.9 6.4 dpl. 6 3/4, 8 65 6.54 G3V 0 44 39.2 -65 38 59 4308 248244 L.206 0 39 20 -66 18.5 6.6 66 6.86 F5V 0 50 52.4 -71 09 04 5028 255713 L.244 0 46 13 -71 50.0 6.8 67 7.0 F5V 0 52 35.8 -63 44 29 5168 248270 L.246 0 47 25 -64 25.3 7.0 68 Lambda1 6.22v? F7IV/V 0 52 24.4 -69 30 16 5190 248269 L.250 0 47 38 -70 10.8 6.4 dpl. 6 1/2, 7 1/4 69 5.70v M4III 0 53 37.8 -62 52 17 5276 248276 L.253 0 48 26 -63 33.0 6.0 c 70 Lambda2 5.45 G7III 0 55 00.3 -69 31 37 5457 248281 L.262 0 50 20 -70 12.2 5.5 71 6.69 K1IV 0 54 59.5 -74 18 11 5499 255721 L.267 0 50 51 -74 59.0 6.6 72 6.24 Am 0 58 22.4 -60 41 47 5771 248293 L.271 0 53 10 -61 22.3 6.3 73 6.90 G1/G2V 1 01 19.3 -60 51 36 6107 248301 L.285 0 56 11 -61 32.2 6.9 74 6.21v M2III 1 02 43.0 -65 27 22 6311 248308 L.298 0 57 55 -66 7.7 6.7 * 6.82d F5V 1 03 18.0 -60 05 52 6334 248309 L.297 0 58 13 -60 45.9 6.8 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 1/2 * 6.8 d F5 1 03 18.4 -60 05 52 6334B 248310 * 75 NGC362* 6.58 F8 1 03.2 -70 51 L.306,7 0 58 59 -71 31.3* neb. 6.8 76 Iota 5.37 G5III 1 07 18.7 -61 46 31 6793 248324 L.316 1 2 21 -62 26.6 5.6# r * 7.45v A2IIwp 1 08 04.1 -61 52 18 6870 248325 B.157 1 3 7 -62 32.3 7.3# 77 7.15 A1/A2V 1 10 01.6 -72 57 27 7187 255748 L.332 1 6 20 -73 37.4 6.7 * 7.22 K2V 1 15 00.9 -68 49 10 7693 248342 L.353 1 10 45 -69 29.0 7.3# 78 Kappa 4.86 F6IV 1 15 46.2 -68 52 34 7788 248346 L.356 1 11 30 -69 32.4 5.1# dpl. 5 1/2, 7 79 7.0 F2IV/V 1 16 29.2 -67 25 52 7858 248347 L.359 1 12 12 -68 5.5 6.9 80 6.24 A0V 1 17 03.7 -66 23 53 7916 248350 L.361 1 12 43 -67 3.4 6.5 81 6.9 A0mA7-A9 1 21 48.8 -66 23 04 8437 248369 L.391 1 17 38 -67 2.3 6.9 3 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 7 the star HD212709=SAO247453 is connected with a brace to 7 without a combined magnitude, being assigned a number, or having a designation from an earlier catalog. 13 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 15 Declination corrected from -66 20.6. 17 Spectrum K1IIICNII Preceding and following 18, respectively, the stars HD216043=SAO255333 and HD216272=SAO255344 are connected with a brace to 18 and to each other without numbers being assigned to either and with combined magnitude of all three stars 6.1. Preceding 27 the star HD219621=SAO255452 is connected with a brace to 27 with combined magnitude 6.8 without being assigned a number or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 27 Spectrum K1III(CNIV) Preceding 32 the star HD220757=SAO247878 is connected with a brace to 32 with combined magnitude 5.7 without being assigned a number. Spectrum K3IIICNII. Following 36 the star HD222830=SAO255558 is connected with a brace to 36 with combined magnitude 5.9 without being assigned a number. 39 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding and following 42, respectively, the stars HD224213=SAO255603 and HD224472=SAO255612 are connected with a brace to 42 and to each other without numbers being assigned to either and with combined magnitude of all three stars 5.9. 48 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 51 This object is the globular cluster NGC 104. The popular designation 47 Tucanae derives not from the Uranometria Argentina but from Johann Elert Bode's "Allgemeine Beschreibung und Nachweisung der Gestirne nebst Verzeichniss," a catalog of over 17,000 stars published in Berlin in 1801. Like the Uranometria Argentina this catalog lists each star numbered separately by constellation. The letter Xi was originally assigned by Bode, not Lacaille. It appears in the Uranometria Argentina but is little used in modern atlases and catalogs. 52, 53 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 3.7. 54 The designation Beta3 was assigned by Lacaille. It does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina, but is shown in most modern atlases and catalogs. 62, 63 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 64 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Between 74 and 75 the double star HD6334=SAO248309 and HD6334B=SAO248310 is listed on a single line without being assigned a number. The components of this double star are listed here on separate lines. 75 Declination corrected from -71 30.6 This object is the globular cluster NGC 362, which designation is not provided in the Uranometria Argentina. Following 76 the star HD6870=SAO248325 is connected with a brace to 76 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Preceding 78 the star HD7693=SAO248342 is connected with a brace to 78 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 26. - VELA G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 5.95 G5II 8 04 42.4 -50 35 27 67249 235730 L.3156 8 1 12 -50 14.1 6.6 r 2 6.19 B3Vnp 8 05 20.4 -46 58 44 67341 219400 L.3159 8 1 29 -46 37.3 6.7 3 5.05v? K3III 8 06 40.4 -45 15 59 67582 219422 L.3163 8 2 40 -44 54.4 5.7 c 4 6.34 B3III 8 06 41.3 -48 29 51 67621 219427 G.709 8 2 58 -48 8.2 6.7 r 5 6.6 B8V 8 07 42.0 -49 00 39 67847 219451 B.1908 8 4 1 -48 38.8 7.0 6 5.70 B8Ib/II 8 09 09.6 -48 41 04 68161 219493 L.3181 8 5 26 -48 19.0 6.2 r 7 5.21 B2IV-V 8 09 35.9 -44 07 23 68217 219502 L.3180 8 5 29 -43 45.3 5.9 8 Gamma1* 4.27v? B1IV 8 09 29.3 -47 20 45 68243 219501 B.1916, J.191 8 5 38 -46 58.7 6 1/4# 9 Gamma2* 1.80v WC+O7e* 8 09 32.0 -47 20 12 68273 219504 L.3185, J.192 8 5 41 -46 58.1 3 # cum. * 9.5 A0 8 09 34.9 -47 21 07 219505 B.1918 8 5 44 -46 59.0 9 # 10 5.23 B1IVe 8 09 43.2 -47 56 15 68324 219515 L.3187 8 5 55 -47 34.1 5.9 11 6.5 B3IV 8 10 20.5 -49 14 16 68478 219538 L.3195 8 6 40 -48 52.0 7 # * 7.9 B6V 8 10 27.2 -49 09 50 68496 219541 B.1927 8 6 46 -48 47.6 7 1/2# * 7.89 B5III 8 10 59.4 -49 17 05 68608 219559 * 8 7 19 -48 54.8 7 1/4# 12 5.82 B3V 8 11 11.1 -48 27 43 68657 219565 L.3205 8 7 25 -48 5.4 6.3 13 5.76v F7p 8 12 00.0 -46 38 39 68808 219587 L.3213 8 8 4 -46 16.2 6.3 14 6.03 B5V 8 12 30.9 -46 15 51 68895 219602 L.3218 8 8 33 -45 53.3 6.6 15 5.10 B2.5IV 8 13 36.2 -46 59 31 69144 219629 L.3228 8 9 42 -46 36.8 5.8 16 5.51v? M1III 8 13 34.1 -50 11 46 69194 235819 L.3236 8 9 57 -49 49.0 6.0 r 17 5.83 B2IV-V 8 14 23.8 -45 50 04 69302 219657 L.3237 8 10 23 -45 27.2 6.4 18 6.47 B3V 8 13 45.6 -46 34 44 69168 219631 B.1945 8 9 49 -46 11.9 7.0# 19 6.37 B3Vnne 8 14 51.0 -46 29 08 69404 219674 L.3240 8 10 54 -46 6.3 6.8# 20 6.44 K3/K4III 8 15 23.3 -50 26 58 69596 235838 L.3252 8 11 47 -50 3.9 7.0 21 6.7 A4IV 8 15 52.9 -46 18 44 69650 219696 L.3250 8 11 54 -45 55.8 7.0 22 6.63 G1V 8 15 25.5 -52 03 37 69655 235839 L.3255 8 11 59 -51 40.5 7.0 23 6.45 B3V 8 19 05.7 -48 11 52 70309 219785 L.3276 8 15 15 -47 48.3 6.9 24 6.7 A5+F/G* 8 19 57.8 -51 56 31 70510 235888 L.3291 8 16 29 -51 32.9 6.9 25 6.5 A0/A1V 8 21 00.5 -52 13 41 70703 235908 L.3301 8 17 32 -51 49.9 6.9 26 B 4.82 B1V 8 22 31.6 -48 29 25 70930 219848 L.3308 8 18 41 -48 5.4 5.4 27 5.85 A0V 8 22 55.3 -52 07 26 71043 235933 L.3317 8 19 25 -51 43.3 6.6 28 5.17 B2V 8 25 31.1 -51 43 41 71510 235962 L.3337 8 21 58 -51 19.2 5.7 29 6.05 A0V 8 26 25.4 -52 48 28 71722 235976 B.2034 8 22 58 -52 23.8 6.8# * 6.50 F5V 8 26 57.6 -52 42 19 71805 235988 B.2039 8 23 31 -52 17.5 7.1# 30 F 5.09v A9III* 8 27 36.6 -53 05 19 71935 236002 L.3359 8 24 11 -52 40.5 5.7 31 6.28 B3Vnne 8 28 52.0 -42 35 15 72014 219977 L.3353 8 24 30 -42 10.3 6.8 32 5.79 B2V 8 29 07.7 -44 09 37 72067 219982 L.3360 8 24 53 -43 44.6 6.4 33 A 5.33 B2IV 8 29 04.8 -47 55 45 72108 219985 L.3367 8 25 8 -47 30.7 6.0 34 4.99 B2IV 8 29 27.5 -44 43 30 72127 219996 L.3366 8 25 15 -44 18.5 5.5 dpl. 7 3/4, 6 1/4 35 5.99 B7IV 8 29 45.6 -46 19 55 72232 220007 L.3368 8 25 41 -45 54.8 6.7 36 6.30 B4V 8 30 39.2 -44 44 14 72350 220025 L.3376 8 26 26 -44 19.0 6.9 * 7.4 B6III/IV 8 31 05.8 -39 03 40 72384 199324 L.3373 8 26 29 -38 38.4 7.5# 37 6.52 B5V 8 31 24.6 -39 03 51 72436 199329 L.3375 8 26 48 -38 38.6* 6.6# dpl. 9, 6 1/2 * 7.6 B7/B8II 8 31 56.9 -39 04 00 72514 199340 B.2071 8 27 20 -38 38.6 7.5# 38 6.39 B2.5V 8 31 10.8 -47 52 00 72485 220039 L.3391 8 27 13 -47 26.7 7.0 39 5.69 G8+A0* 8 32 04.8 -53 12 44 72737 236062 L.3410 8 28 37 -52 47.3 6.4 40 6.49 B2/B3V 8 33 19.9 -38 22 16 72787 199363 L.3395 8 28 40 -37 56.7 6.9 41 6.45 B3III 8 33 01.7 -45 45 10 72798 220086 G.848 8 28 53 -45 19.6 7.0 42 5.94 B5III 8 33 38.3 -38 50 56 72832 199370 L.3398 8 29 0 -38 25.3 6.4 * 6.49 K2III 8 32 40.6 -47 02 30 72752 220080 L.3401 8 28 38 -46 37.0 7.3# 43 6.24 K3III 8 33 30.4 -46 58 16 72900 220103 L.3413 8 29 26 -46 32.6 6.9# 44 6.30v? M1+G7* 8 34 29.3 -37 36 41 72993 199389 L.3408 8 29 46 -37 10.9 6.9 45 6.59 B5Vn 8 34 29.0 -51 05 36 73127 236093 L.3427 8 30 46 -50 39.8 6.9 46 C 5.01 K1/K2II 8 34 43.8 -49 56 39 73155 220138 L.3428 8 30 55 -49 30.8 5.6 r 47 E* 5.80v B8Si 8 35 52.1 -50 58 12 73340 236110 L.3443 8 32 8 -50 32.2 6.4 48 e 4.10 A6II 8 37 38.7 -42 59 21 73634 220204 L.3446 8 33 15 -42 33.2 4.6 49 6.47 B8Vn 8 38 44.9 -53 05 26 73952 236142 L.3467 8 35 12 -52 39.0* 7.0 50 5.20v? Ap(SiCr) 8 40 19.2 -40 15 51 74067 220252 L.3463 8 35 44 -39 49.3 6.0 dpl. 6 1/4, 8 51 5.48v B5V 8 39 23.8 -53 26 23 74071 236151 L.3472 8 35 53 -52 59.9 6.2 * 7.73 G0 8 40 20.8 -42 21 11 74104 220256 B.2133 8 35 54 -41 54.6 8 # * 6.89 F3V 8 40 21.1 -42 23 21 74105 220257 L.3466, B.2134 8 35 54 -41 56.8 7 1/2# * 9.5 * 8 40 51.8 -42 21 47 220269 B.2137 8 36 24 -41 53.5 7 3/4# 52 5.71v? M0III 8 40 35.3 -45 11 29 74167 220261 L.3468 8 36 19 -44 44.8 6.4 r 53 b 3.88v? F3Ia 8 40 37.6 -46 38 56 74180 220265 L.3470, J.202 8 36 29 -46 12.3 4.1 54 5.19v? B4IV 8 39 57.6 -53 03 18 74146 236157 L.3476, B.2143 8 36 24 -52 36.7 6.1# dpl. 6, 9 1/2 55 5.61v? B7Vn 8 40 17.4 -53 00 55 74196 236165 L.3484, B.2149 8 36 43 -52 34.3 6.4# 56 Omicron 3.63v B3IV 8 40 17.6 -52 55 19 74195 236164 L.3482, J.203 8 36 43 -52 28.7 4.0 cum. 57 5.90 B1.5V 8 41 05.3 -48 55 21 74273 220282 L.3483 8 37 7 -48 28.6 6.6 58 n 4.77 A5II 8 41 13.1 -47 19 01 74272 220284 L.3478 8 37 7 -46 52.3 5.2 r 59 5.23 B5Iab 8 41 56.9 -45 24 39 74371 220300 L.3486 8 37 42 -44 57.8 5.9 60 5.50v B1.5Vn 8 42 16.0 -48 05 57 74455 220313 L.3492 8 38 14 -47 39.1 5.9 neb. 61 5.49v B8Si 8 42 18.9 -53 06 00 74535 236202 L.3505 8 38 44 -52 39.1 6.6# 62 4.86v B3IV 8 42 25.5 -53 06 50 74560 236205 L.3507 8 38 51 -52 40.0 6.3# 63 D 5.16 B0IIIn 8 43 40.5 -49 49 22 74753 220361 L.3514 8 39 46 -49 22.3 5.8 64 d 4.07 G5III 8 44 24.0 -42 38 57 74772 220371 L.3508 8 39 56 -42 11.9* 4.4 65 Delta 1.95 A1V 8 44 42.2 -54 42 30 74956 236232 L.3532, J.206 8 41 15 -54 15.1 2.2 66 a 3.90 A1III 8 46 01.7 -46 02 30 75063 220422 L.3526, J.207 8 41 47 -45 35.1 4.1 67 6.21 B9V 8 46 23.8 -41 07 32 75081 220432 L.3524 8 41 49 -40 40.1 6.8 68 5.46 B3Ia 8 46 30.6 -45 54 46 75149 220442 B.2200 8 42 15 -45 27.3 6.2 * 6.98 B9.5V 8 47 40.4 -38 59 31 75272 199626 L.3538 8 42 57 -38 31.9 7.2# * 7.0 B2V 8 47 44.0 -38 56 30 75271 199628 L.3539 8 43 0 -38 28.9 7.1# 69 5.74 F0Ib 8 47 18.9 -46 09 20 75276 220464 B.2212 8 43 4 -45 41.8 6.3 70 6.36 G0Ia-0: 8 47 40.5 -41 44 14 75289 220481 * 8 43 7 -41 16.0 7.0 * 7.09 B4V 8 46 32.9 -42 33 59 75126 220439 B.2199 8 42 4 -42 6.5 7 1/2# * 8.8 A0 8 47 17.7 -42 36 04 220462 * 8 42 48 -42 8.5 7 1/4# dpl. 8, 8 * 7.20 B4V 8 47 26.0 -42 27 10 75258 220466 B.2208 8 42 56 -41 59.6 7 1/4# * 8.3 A0 8 47 33.6 -42 29 07 75290 220476 B.2210 8 43 4 -42 1.5 7 3/4# * 8.0 A0 8 47 52.6 -42 32 54 75346 220487 * 8 43 23 -42 5.3 7 3/4# * 9.3 B9 8 48 01.0 -42 33 58 220492 * 8 43 31 -42 6.3 8 # 71 6.43 B2IV 8 48 08.8 -42 27 50 75387 220495 B.2214 8 43 39 -42 0.1 6.9# * 7.39 B6V 8 48 30.6 -42 24 02 75446 220504 B.2220 8 44 0 -41 56.3 7 1/4# * 9.5 B9 8 48 41.1 -42 30 00 75477 220506 * 8 44 11 -42 2.3 7 1/2# 72 6.7 F5IV/V 8 48 00.8 -49 34 31 75426 220498 * 8 44 3 -49 6.6 7.0 73 6.30 B8V 8 48 00.2 -52 51 02 75466 236284 L.3560 8 44 20 -52 23.3 7.0 74 h* 5.48 A2/A3IV 8 49 39.2 -40 19 14 75630 220531 L.3556 8 45 0 -39 51.3 6.2 75 6.39v A2II* 8 49 52.2 -39 08 31 75654 199682 L.3557 8 45 9 -38 40.7 7.0 76 g 4.95 A2III 8 49 47.8 -45 18 28 75710 220540 L.3565 8 45 28 -44 50.6 5.7 77 6.00 O9V 8 50 20.9 -42 05 24 75759 220552 L.3566 8 45 48 -41 37.4 6.5 78 f 5.10 B0III 8 50 33.4 -46 31 45 75821 220561 L.3572 8 46 19 -46 3.7 5.6 79 6.49 ApSi 8 51 55.7 -40 59 12 75989 220592 L.3577 8 47 18 -40 31.0 7.0 80 6.38 B3V 8 51 49.9 -44 09 06 76004 220591 L.3579 8 47 25 -43 40.9 6.9 81 5.82 M0III 8 52 48.0 -38 43 27 76110 199737 L.3580 8 48 2 -38 15.2 6.5 82 5.90 B3Vn 8 52 38.6 -48 21 33 76161 220609 L.3584 8 48 32 -47 53.2 6.5 83 6.39 A0V 8 52 40.7 -52 07 45 76230 236362 L.3593 8 48 54 -51 39.4 7.0 dpl. 7, 9 84 5.33 Am 8 53 50.7 -47 31 15 76360 220636 L.3596 8 49 39 -47 2.7 5.8 85 6.26v B3IV 8 55 19.3 -45 02 30 76566 220664 L.3604 8 50 56 -44 33.9 6.9 86 7.3 A5/7+G8* 8 55 00.5 -54 41 59 76612 236400 L.3612 8 51 27 -54 13.3 6.8 87 5.71 F6V 8 55 11.9 -54 57 56 76653 236405 L.3614 8 51 39 -54 29.1 6.4 r 88 H 4.69 B5V 8 56 19.4 -52 43 25 76805 236417 L.3620 8 52 33 -52 14.6 5.4 89 5.87 G8/K0II 8 57 55.8 -48 34 23 77020 220703 L.3628 8 53 47 -48 5.4 6.6 90 5.18v Am 8 58 52.3 -47 14 05 77140 220717 L.3635 8 54 38 -46 45.1 5.9 91 w 4.40 G8/K1+A* 9 00 05.4 -41 15 14 77258 220730 L.3638 8 55 26 -40 46.1 5.2 92 6.07v? B3Vne 9 00 22.2 -43 10 24 77320 220738 L.3646 8 55 49 -42 41.1 6.6 * 7.2 A3V 8 59 45.3 -51 30 15 77305 236476 L.3650 8 55 51 -51 1.1 7.4# * 6.70v B2V+B2V 9 00 38.0 -51 33 20 77464 236495 L.3658 8 56 42 -51 4.0 7.1# 93 5.60v B5V 9 01 20.8 -41 51 52 77475 220760 L.3651 8 56 42 -41 22.5 6.2 94 5.23 ApSi 9 01 44.6 -52 11 18 77653 236518 L.3667 8 57 52 -51 41.8 5.9 95 6.41 B6V 9 03 05.2 -53 32 59 77907 236542 L.3678 8 59 19 -53 3.4 7.0 96 6.44v? B4V 9 04 05.7 -47 26 29 78005 220802 L.3676 8 59 49 -46 56.7 6.8 97 c 3.75 K2III 9 04 09.3 -47 05 52 78004 220803 L.3677, J.212 8 59 51 -46 36.0 4.6 r 98 6.9 A2V 9 04 49.9 -46 48 59 78133 220819 L.3681 9 0 30 -46 19.1 7.0 99 6.10 B2IV-V 9 06 34.0 -55 48 12 78548 236611 L.3703 9 2 59 -55 18.0 6.7 100 Lambda 2.21v K4Ib-II 9 07 59.8 -43 25 57 78647 220878 L.3699, J.214 9 3 24 -42 55.7 2.5 r 101 6.48 A9Vn 9 09 45.1 -49 25 29 79025 220910 L.3715 9 5 33 -48 54.9 6.8# * 7.03 B3III 9 10 06.0 -49 17 24 79072 220916 L.3719 9 5 53 -48 46.8 7.2# 102 6.22v? K1III 9 09 57.0 -52 04 59 79091 236673 G.1026 9 5 59 -51 34.5 7.0 103 5.00v B5Ia 9 11 04.4 -44 52 04 79186 220928 L.3723 9 6 32 -44 21.4 5.6 104 6.00 B5III 9 11 41.0 -39 15 32 79241 200084 L.3721 9 6 49 -38 44.8 6.7 105 5.79 B2IV-V 9 11 33.2 -46 35 02 79275 220937 L.3727 9 7 8 -46 4.3 6.2 106 5.57v B8Vp:Si: 9 12 30.6 -43 36 49 79416 220952 L.3729 9 7 53 -43 6.0 6.3 dpl. 7 1/4, 6 3/4 107 6.72 B9V 9 11 37.5 -54 02 14 79387 236704 L.3734 9 7 49 -53 31.5 7.0# * 7.73 B5II/III 9 12 03.3 -53 57 44 79446 236712 L.3737 9 8 13 -53 26.9 7.7# 108 6.31v? A0V 9 13 25.8 -38 36 59 79523 200119 L.3731 9 8 31 -38 6.0 7.0 109 6.29 K2III 9 13 18.6 -42 16 25 79524 220962 L.3732 9 8 36 -41 45.6 6.9 110 5.91 B9V 9 13 34.5 -47 20 19 79621 220965 L.3743 9 9 11 -46 49.4 6.3 111 5.85v? B6IV 9 14 08.1 -44 08 46 79694 220972 L.3744 9 9 32 -43 37.8 6.6 112 z 5.25 B4V 9 14 24.5 -43 13 39 79735 220978 L.3749 9 9 45 -42 42.6 5.9 113 k1* 5.86 K0+A3/7* 9 14 57.2 -37 36 09 79807 200152 L.3748 9 9 58 -37 5.0 6.6 114 5.27v? G8II/III 9 14 18.0 -55 34 11 79846 236749 L.3762 9 10 36 -55 3.1 6.0 r 115 l 4.94 K0III 9 15 36.7 -38 34 12 79917 200159 L.3756 9 10 41 -38 3.0 5.5 116 6.25 B8V 9 15 14.6 -45 33 21 79900 220998 L.3758 9 10 43 -45 2.2 6.8 117 k2* 4.62 F3/F5V 9 15 45.1 -37 24 48 79940 200163 L.3755 9 10 45 -36 53.6 5.1 118 5.12v? K3Ib 9 16 23.0 -44 15 57 80108 221014 L.3764 9 11 46 -43 44.6 5.6 c 119 6.04v? A1Ib 9 16 04.2 -44 53 55 80057 221010 L.3763 9 11 29 -44 22.7 6.7# * 6.74v? A0V 9 16 58.0 -45 00 40 80205 221026 L.3771 9 12 23 -44 29.4 7.5# 120 5.33 K2III 9 16 57.2 -39 24 05 80170 200185 L.3765 9 12 3 -38 52.7 5.8 121 6.33 K3III 9 17 42.3 -54 29 43 80435 236819 L.3789 9 13 51 -53 58.2 7.0 r 122 K 5.27 B7/B8III 9 18 05.8 -51 03 03 80456 236824 L.3786 9 13 56 -50 31.5 5.8 c 123 5.87v? B7Iab 9 18 42.2 -51 33 38 80558 236837 L.3794 9 14 35 -51 2.0 6.3 124 6.05 K3/K4III 9 20 29.6 -37 34 53 80774 200257 L.3795 9 15 29 -37 3.1 6.7 125 6.30 B5V 9 19 32.6 -55 11 12 80781 236851 L.3800 9 15 44 -54 39.5 6.8 126 5.58 M3Ib 9 21 50.9 -42 11 42 81034 221103 L.3803 9 17 3 -41 39.6 6.4 r 127 5.75v? G6/G8III 9 22 24.0 -46 02 52 81136 221109 L.3808 9 17 50 -45 30.9 6.4 128 5.62 A3IV(s) 9 21 50.0 -55 30 54 81157 236887 L.3813 9 18 2 -54 59.1 6.4 129 Kappa 2.50 B2IV 9 22 06.8 -55 00 39 81188 236891 L.3816, J.221 9 18 15 -54 28.6 2.7 130 6.48 A1mA5-F0 9 23 44.8 -37 45 26 81309 200320 L.3812 9 18 43 -37 13.3 6.9 131 6.28v? B5V 9 23 25.5 -48 17 15 81347 221126 L.3820 9 19 0 -47 45.1 6.7 132 6.22 B7III 9 23 39.7 -46 54 32 81369 221131 L.3821 9 19 9 -46 22.4 6.6 133 6.06 A6/A7III 9 24 16.2 -39 25 33 81411 200330 L.3815 9 19 19 -38 53.3 6.5 134 6.07 A7Iab 9 23 59.5 -51 44 14 81471 236930 L.3830 9 19 49 -51 12.0 6.6 135 6.19 A7III 9 26 28.5 -40 30 07 81780 221167 L.3836 9 21 33 -39 57.6 6.8 136 I 5.10 B6V 9 26 18.1 -53 22 45 81848 236972 L.3854 9 22 14 -52 50.3 5.8 137 6.83 B9II/III 9 26 58.9 -48 41 40 81921 221177 L.3852 9 22 33 -48 9.1 7.0 138 7.14 B5V 9 28 33.9 -45 29 52 82109 221199 L.3867 9 23 55 -44 57.1 6.9 139 6.60 F5IV 9 29 22.6 -43 11 24 82224 221214 L.3875 9 24 35 -42 38.6 6.9 * 7.00 G0V 9 29 18.5 -44 32 24 82207 221213 B.2511 9 24 37 -43 59.6 7 1/4# * 6.98 F8V 9 29 28.4 -44 31 57 82241 221216 L.3879, B.2512 9 24 46 -43 59.1 7 1/4# 140 Psi 3.60 F2IV 9 30 42.0 -40 28 00 82434 221234 L.3885, J.224 9 25 47 -39 55.2 3.7 141 5.45 B8V 9 30 05.2 -51 31 02 82419 237042 L.3894 9 25 49 -50 58.1 5.9 142 6.54 A9IV/V 9 31 18.9 -47 57 10 82578 221246 L.3897 9 26 48 -47 24.1 6.8 143 5.35 G8III 9 32 19.3 -40 38 58 82694 221262 L.3900 9 27 22 -40 5.8 6.0 144 N 3.13v K5III 9 31 13.3 -57 02 04 82668 237067 L.3910, J.225 9 27 25 -56 29.0 3.2 c, var. 145 5.12 B4IV 9 33 44.5 -49 00 18 82984 221288 L.3917 9 29 16 -48 27.0 5.6 146 L 5.00 B1.5IV 9 34 08.7 -51 15 21 83058 237107 L.3925 9 29 49 -50 42.0 5.5 147 6.17v ApSrEuCr 9 36 25.3 -48 45 05 83368 221339 L.3950 9 31 53 -48 11.4 6.7 dpl. 6 3/4, 10 148 M 4.40 A5V 9 36 49.7 -49 21 18 83446 221344 L.3952 9 32 21 -48 47.7 4.9 149 6.19 K1III 9 36 46.4 -52 56 39 83465 237144 L.3958 9 32 34 -52 23.2 6.9 150 5.45 A2/A3V 9 37 12.3 -53 40 07 83520 237149 L.3961 9 33 2 -53 6.4 6.0 151 y 5.50 G8II 9 38 01.5 -43 11 27 83548 221355 L.3956 9 33 9 -42 37.6 6.0 152 6.00 B4V 9 41 47.8 -55 12 51 84228 237237 L.3994 9 37 41 -54 38.6 6.5 153 6.15v B6V 9 43 27.5 -51 13 42 84400 237260 L.3998 9 39 1 -50 39.4 6.8 154 O 5.56 A0V 9 43 42.2 -53 53 29 84461 237268 L.4003 9 39 28 -53 19.2 5.8 155 6.69 B6/B7V 9 44 37.2 -48 32 56 84552 221446 L.4004 9 39 59 -47 58.5 7.0 * 7.9 A9III 9 45 38.9 -45 54 41 84712 221465 B.2649 9 40 51 -45 20.1 7.8# 156 6.67 G8II/III 9 46 08.9 -45 55 05 84774 221480 B.2655 9 41 21 -45 20.5 7.0# dpl. 7, 10 157 5.60 B2.5IV 9 46 30.4 -44 45 18 84816 221484 L.4022 9 41 38 -44 10.7 6.0 158 6.46v A2IV(m) 9 47 43.9 -49 56 38 85037 221496 L.4034 9 43 9 -49 21.8 7.0 159 6.05 K0III 9 48 40.1 -56 24 43 85250 237370 L.4049 9 44 34 -55 49.8 6.7 160 u 5.08 B7III 9 49 57.1 -45 43 58 85355 221523 L.4047 9 45 6 -45 9.0 5.6 161 5.73 K0IIICN* 9 50 42.0 -46 56 04 85483 221538 L.4053 9 45 55 -46 21.0 6.4 r 162 5.62 K2III 9 51 19.8 -46 11 38 85563 221547 L.4055 9 46 30 -45 36.6 6.2 r * 7.4 B8/B9V 9 51 38.6 -46 30 44 85604 221551 B.2703 9 46 49 -45 55.6 7 1/4# r 163 m 4.58v? G5Ib 9 51 40.8 -46 32 52 85622 221553 L.4057, B.2704 9 46 51 -45 57.7 5 # 164 6.48v? B1V 9 53 00.0 -55 22 23 85871 237448 L.4067 9 48 44 -54 47.1 6.8 165 5.90 B2V 9 53 50.2 -51 08 49 85953 237464 L.4070 9 49 15 -50 33.4 6.2 166 5.71 B3V 9 54 17.6 -45 17 02 85980 221592 L.4068 9 49 22 -44 41.6 6.1 dpl. 8, 6 1/4 167 5.72 A0V 9 54 51.3 -50 14 37 86087 237483 L.4075 9 50 12 -49 39.2 6.1 168* 7.6 B9IV 9 55 30.1 -40 26 05 86110 221607 L.4073 9 50 21 -39 50.6 7.0 169 6.37 B2IV-V 9 56 22.0 -51 20 11 86352 237514 L.4085 9 51 46 -50 44.5 6.7 170 6.81 B7V 9 56 13.9 -53 37 11 86353 237511 L.4088 9 51 47 -53 1.6 6.9 171 Phi 3.50 B5Ib 9 56 51.8 -54 34 04 86440 237522 L.4093, J.232 9 52 29 -53 58.4 3.9 c 172 6.12 B3IV 9 57 10.9 -52 38 20 86466 237526 L.4094 9 52 39 -52 2.6 6.5 173 6.05 B3V 9 57 42.6 -48 24 51 86523 221644 L.4092 9 52 55 -47 49.1 6.3 dpl. 9 1/2, 6 1/4 174 6.73 B8/B9V 9 59 26.0 -44 57 21 86754 221668 L.4101 9 54 27 -44 21.4 6.9 175 6.52 K0III 10 00 34.4 -56 56 48 87030 237586 L.4118 9 56 20 -56 20.8 6.8 176 6.41 B8 10 01 12.0 -56 05 48 87122 237603 B.2789 9 56 52 -55 29.7 6.8 177 6.20 B2.5V 10 01 40.5 -53 21 52 87152 237612 L.4123 9 57 9 -52 45.7 6.5 178 6.12 A0V 10 03 20.5 -46 38 10 87363 221728 L.4131 9 58 24 -46 1.9 6.5 179 6.5 K0III 10 05 12.8 -42 10 20 87627 221760 L.4144 10 0 1 -41 33.9 7.0 180 6.5v? B8/B9III 10 05 01.8 -51 18 49 87652 237675 L.4152 10 0 19 -50 42.4 6.5 181 6.9 F2III/IV 10 05 01.8 -56 53 53 87700 237677 L.4155 10 0 42 -56 17.5 6.9 182 5.08 K0IV 10 06 11.3 -47 22 12 87783 221773 G.1186 10 1 14 -46 45.6 5.7 r 183 R 6.62v K0III 10 06 07.1 -52 11 16 87816 237690 L.4156 10 1 27 -51 34.8 var. 6 1/2 - 7 1/2 184 6.38 B3V 10 07 35.8 -48 15 37 88015 221792 B.2849 10 2 41 -47 39.0 6.7 185 6.7 F3/5+A* 10 09 05.6 -48 18 25 88223 221809 L.4171 10 4 10 -47 41.7 6.9 186 Q 4.90 B3IV 10 08 56.3 -51 48 40 88206 237736 L.4172 10 4 12 -51 11.9 5.3 187 5.98 K3III 10 10 37.9 -41 42 54 88399 221832 L.4178 10 5 22 -41 5.8 6.7 188 6.16 K2IIICN* 10 12 23.0 -52 09 48 88693 237784 L.4198 10 7 38 -51 32.8 6.7 189 5.28 A7V 10 13 22.8 -51 14 00 88824 237804 L.4206 10 8 34 -50 36.8 5.8 190 5.78v? A3IV/V 10 13 28.0 -51 45 22 88842 237807 L.4208 10 8 41 -51 8.2 6.2 191 q 3.80 A2V 10 14 44.2 -42 07 19 88955 221895 L.4212, J.234 10 9 30 -41 30.2 4.0 192 6.57 A0IV 10 14 50.0 -41 43 35 88976 221898 L.4213 10 9 34 -41 6.4 6.9 193 5.60 K4III 10 15 31.4 -43 06 45 89062 221910 L.4222 10 10 17 -42 29.3 6.2 r * 7.48 B4V 10 14 06.1 -54 59 38 88945 237819 * 10 9 30 -54 22.4 7 3/4# 194 6.20 B2IV-V 10 15 16.7 -54 58 27 89104 237834 L.4229 10 10 39 -54 21.2 6 3/4# 195 6.7 K1IVCNII 10 15 07.6 -55 32 58 89077 237832 L.4230 10 10 33 -54 55.7 6.9# * 7.6 M3/M4III 10 15 10.4 -55 39 26 89095 237833 G.1219 10 10 35 -55 2.2 7.6# r * 7.90 B9III 10 15 17.9 -55 41 23 89105 237835 G.1221 10 10 43 -55 4.1 7.8# * 6.86 ApCrEuSr 10 15 56.8 -55 31 10 89192 237851 L.4235 10 11 21 -54 53.9 7.2# 196 6.30v M4/M5III 10 16 40.2 -51 12 18 89273 237858 L.4236 10 11 48 -50 34.9 6.9 197 6.6 A8V+F3/5 10 17 20.2 -46 50 08 89328 221934 L.4237 10 12 15 -46 12.6 6.8 198 5.96 B9V 10 18 28.2 -41 40 06 89461 221948 L.4244 10 13 9 -41 2.6 6.5 199 5.80 F6V 10 18 37.8 -56 06 36 89569 237902 L.4256 10 14 5 -55 29.3 6.5 200 6.8 A3V 10 19 51.7 -47 57 41 89681 221961 L.4258 10 14 47 -47 20.0 7.0 201 GZ* 4.57v K3II 10 19 36.9 -55 01 46 89682 237916 L.4263 10 14 55 -54 24.1 5.4 r 202 5.65 K5/M0III 10 20 16.7 -47 41 57 89736 221970 L.4260 10 15 11 -47 4.3 6.3 r 203 J 4.50 B3III 10 20 54.8 -56 02 35 89890 237959 L.4272, J.237 10 16 16 -55 24.8 5.0 dpl. 5, 8 1/2 * 8.0 K0 10 20 42.2 -51 40 18 89819 237944 * 10 15 48 -51 2.6 8 # * 8.8 A0 10 21 11.3 -51 44 55 89901 237963 * 10 16 17 -51 7.2 8 1/4# * 8.3 A0 10 21 13.9 -51 42 53 89900 237966 * 10 16 20 -51 5.1 8 1/2# * 7.90 A0V 10 21 20.0 -51 44 29 89915 237969 L.4270 10 16 26 -51 6.7 8 1/4# * 9.2 A 10 21 30.9 -51 45 17 89938 237979 * 10 16 37 -51 7.6 9 # * * 10 16 41 -51 6.4 8 3/4# 204 r 4.83v? K1IIIvar 10 22 19.6 -41 39 00 89998 221998 L.4271, J.238 10 16 58 -41 1.3 5.3 r var. 205 6.27 K0IV 10 23 40.4 -41 57 12 90170 222016 L.4281 10 18 20 -41 19.3 6.8 206 6.18 G8III 10 25 17.2 -42 28 05 90393 222041 L.4289 10 19 56 -41 50.0 6.7 207 6.8 F3/F5V 10 25 06.6 -50 06 26 90412 222040 L.4293 10 20 3 -49 28.3 6.8 208 6.13 K1III 10 26 09.5 -42 44 20 90518 222047 * 10 20 49 -42 6.1 6.5 209 5.58 K3II/III 10 26 49.0 -54 52 40 90677 238067 B.3017 10 22 0 -54 14.5 6.2 r 210 7.11v? G8III 10 27 41.2 -44 20 33 90740 222071 L.4303 10 22 23 -43 42.3 7.0 211 6.10v? K4III 10 28 02.0 -49 24 19 90798 222081 L.4305 10 22 55 -48 46.0 6.6 212 6.7 A1V 10 28 42.4 -43 50 19 90898 222084 L.4308 10 23 22 -43 12.0 6.8 213 6.65v? B3III 10 30 22.6 -57 04 39 91188 238130 L.4332 10 25 38 -56 26.2 6.7 var? * 8.3 A2 10 31 06.2 -42 13 16 91223 222112 B.3047 10 25 41 -41 34.7 7 3/4# 214 7.37 ApEuCr* 10 31 13.2 -42 13 46 91239 222113 L.4329, B.3048 10 25 48 -41 35.2 7 # 215 4.89 F6V 10 31 21.9 -53 42 56 91324 238146 L.4336 10 26 31 -53 4.8 5.6 dpl. 5 3/4, 8 1/2 216* s 6.11 B4 10 31 56.6 -45 04 10 91356 222125 L.4334 10 26 37 -44 25.6 5.4 dpl. 6 3/4, 6 1/4 217* s 5.74 B9 10 31 57.5 -45 04 00 91355 222126 * 218 5.91 G6/G8III 10 32 33.6 -44 37 07 91437 222129 L.4339 10 27 12 -43 58.5 6.4 r 219 t 5.02 K4III 10 32 56.9 -47 00 12 91504 222136 L.4344 10 27 41 -46 21.6 5.6 dpl. 5 3/4, 9 1/2 220 6.68 G5 10 33 15.1 -55 23 14 300791 238176 L.4350, G.1280 10 28 22 -54 44.6 7 # * 7.33 A1V 10 33 16.7 -55 22 50 91593 238180 G.1281 10 28 23 -54 44.2 7 1/2# 221 6.08 G9IIICN* 10 35 10.5 -43 39 53 91805 222170 L.4361 10 29 46 -43 1.2 6.6 222 p 3.84 A3m+A4* 10 37 18.1 -48 13 33 92139 222199 L.4378, J.243 10 32 3 -47 34.6 4.1 223 6.40 B3V 10 37 16.2 -53 51 19 92155 238260 L.4381 10 32 14 -53 12.4 7.0 224 6.11 Am+Am: 10 38 50.2 -42 45 13 92328 222222 L.4386 10 33 21 -42 6.2 6.4 225 x 4.28 G2II 10 39 18.4 -55 36 12 92449 238309 L.4398, B.3135 10 34 20 -54 57.1 5 # * 6.24 B8V 10 39 24.3 -55 36 26 92463 238313 B.3136 10 34 26 -54 57.3 7 1/2# 226 6.8 K0III 10 45 50.9 -40 58 26 93316 222305 L.4450 10 40 14 -40 19.0 7.0 227 7.0 M3/M4III 10 45 41.1 -47 27 37 93336 222303 L.4453 10 40 16 -46 48.1 7.0 c * 7.0 F3IV/V 10 46 27.4 -42 38 37 93412 222314 L.4456 10 40 54 -41 59.2 7.1# * 7.2 K0III 10 46 37.6 -42 36 39 93452 222319 L.4458 10 41 3 -41 57.1 7.5# 228 6.23 A4IV 10 46 37.1 -43 11 34 93453 222318 L.4459 10 41 4 -42 31.9 6.5 229 Mu 2.69 G5+F8* 10 46 46.2 -49 25 12 93497 222321 L.4461, J.249 10 41 24 -48 45.6 2.9 230 5.23 B8/B9III 10 46 57.6 -56 45 26 93563 238468 L.4468 10 41 55 -56 5.9 5.8 231 6.9 A0V 10 47 55.5 -52 14 47 93668 238484 L.4472 10 42 40 -51 35.2 7.0 232 6.6 G8III 10 48 41.5 -47 45 00 93773 222347 L.4478 10 43 16 -47 5.4 7.0 233 6.6 F7V 10 51 53.3 -49 09 28 94243 222385 L.4496 10 46 26 -48 29.6 6.9 234 7.8 A0IV/V 10 53 05.2 -40 25 03 94376 222400 L.4503 10 47 24 -39 45.2 7.0 235 6.11v A0p: 10 55 01.0 -42 15 04 94660 222422 L.4518 10 49 21 -41 35.1 6.4 236 6.35 A0V 10 55 27.1 -43 01 13 94724 222423 L.4520 10 49 48 -42 21.3 6.8 * 7.3 F3V 10 56 40.6 -50 36 30 94920 238616 L.4532 10 51 12 -49 56.3 7.4# 237 5.92 A4V 10 57 07.8 -50 45 56 94985 238622 L.4533 10 51 41 -50 5.8 6.4# 238 5.82 B8/B9V 10 59 59.4 -43 48 26 95347 222485 L.4549 10 54 19 -43 8.2 6.2 239 i 4.40 A3IV 11 00 09.3 -42 13 33 95370 222487 L.4550 10 54 25 -41 33.3 4.5 240 6.16 A3III/IV 11 00 08.6 -51 49 04 95429 238674 L.4557 10 54 42 -51 8.8 6.5 241 6.79 F7V 11 00 51.2 -40 29 52 95506 222499 L.4558 10 55 7 -39 49.6 6.9 242 6.4 K3III 11 00 36.1 -53 06 43 95509 238687 L.4562 10 55 12 -52 26.5 6.9 243 6.9 A0V 11 00 49.7 -52 04 29 95534 238692 L.4563 10 55 22 -51 24.2 7.0 244 6.6 M4III 11 02 13.8 -41 06 51 95716 222508 L.4567 10 56 27 -40 26.5 6.9 r 245 6.75 F0V 11 03 42.6 -51 21 10 96008 238720 L.4577 10 58 14 -50 40.8 7.0 246 6.5 G8III 11 04 03.0 -54 11 53 96068 238729 L.4581 10 58 37 -53 31.4 7.0 247 5.67 A8III/IV 11 04 31.2 -47 40 43 96113 222538 L.4584 10 58 54 -47 0.3 6.0 248 6.13 B9V 11 05 04.2 -49 23 33 96224 222548 L.4588 10 59 28 -48 43.1 6.4 8 The Uranometria Argentina does not assign a letter to this star; however it is designated Gamma1 in most modern atlases and catalogs. 9 The Uranometria Argentina assigns the letter Gamma; however it is designated Gamma2 in most modern atlases and catalogs. Spectrum WC8+O7.5e. Following 9 the star SAO219505 is connected with a brace to both 8 and 9, with the notation cum. instead of a combined magnitude assigned to 8, 9, and this star collectively, without being assigned a number. Following 11 the stars HD68496=SAO219541 and HD68608=SAO219559 are connected with a brace to 11 with combined magnitude cum. 6.2, without either being assigned numbers. For HD68608=SAO219559 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 18, 19 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 24 Spectrum A5(IV)+F/G Following 29 the star HD71805=SAO235988 is connected with a brace to 29 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 30 Spectrum A9/F0III/IV Respectively preceding and following 37 the stars HD72384=SAO199324 and HD72514 =SAO199340 are connected with a brace to 37 without a combined magnitude or being assigned numbers. 37 Declination corrected from -38 33.6. 39 Spectrum G8III+A0/1V Preceding 43 the star HD72752=SAO220080 is connected with a brace to 43 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 44 Spectrum M1IIIa+G7IIIb 47 The letter E was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star fainter than magnitude 6 and does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation E appears in many modern star atlases and catalogs. 49 Declination corrected from -52 40.0. Between 51 and 52 three stars HD74104=SAO220256, HD74105=SAO220257, and SAO220269, are all connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9 without numbers being assigned to any of them. The spectrum of SAO220269 is not given. 54, 55 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 61, 62 These stars are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 5.7. 64 Declination corrected from -42 10.9. Between 68 and 69 the stars HD75272=SAO199626 and HD75271=SAO199628 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.8 without having numbers assigned to either. 70 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding and following 71 eight stars are connected with a brace to 71 without numbers being assigned to any of them. All of these stars including 71G Velorum are members of the open cluster Trumpler 10. These 8 stars are HD75126=SAO220439, SAO220462, HD75258=SAO220466, HD75290=SAO220476, HD75346=SAO220487, SAO220492, HD75446=SAO220504, and HD75477=SAO220506. Of these the Uranometria Argentina does not provide designations from earlier catalogs to SAO220462, HD75346=SAO220487, SAO220492, and HD75477 =SAO220506. 72 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 74 The letter h was assigned by Lacaille. It was removed by Gould because he considered this star to be fainter than magnitude 6, and the letter h does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation h does appear in many modern atlases and catalogs. 75 Spectrum A2/A3II/III 86 Spectrum A5/7+G8III 91 Spectrum G8/K1III+A Between 92 and 93 the stars HD77305=SAO236476 and HD77464=SAO236495 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or numbers being assigned to either. Following 101 the star HD79072=SAO220916 is connected with a brace to 101 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Following 107 the star HD79446=SAO236712 is connected with a brace to 10 without a combined magnitude or being assigning a number. 113 The designation k1 was assigned by Lacaille. Gould removed it because he considered this star to be fainter than 6th magnitude, and it does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation k1 appears in many modern star atlases and catalogs. Spectrum K0/1III+A3/7. 117 The designation k2 was assigned by Lacaille. It appears as k in the Uranometria Argentina because Gould shortened it after removing entirely the designation k1 from 113G. However the designation k2 appears in many modern star atlases and catalogs. Following 119 the star HD80205=SAO221026 is connected with a brace to 119 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. Between 139 and 140 the stars HD82207=SAO221213 and HD82241=SAO221216 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.9, but without numbers being assigned to either. Preceding 156 the star HD84712=SAO221465 is connected with a brace to 156 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 161 Spectrum K0IIICNIb Preceding 163 the star HD85604=SAO221551 is connected with a brace to 163 with combined magnitude 4.8 without being assigned a number. 168 The 1875 coordinates supplied by Gould in the Uranometria Argentina precess to the 2000 coordinates of the very faint 7.6 magnitude star HD86110=SAO221607. A much brighter star HD86211=SAO221617 magnitude 6.41, spectral class M1III lies at 2000 coordinates 9 56 05.5, -40 49 30 with no star in a corresponding position in the Uranometria Argentina. As Gould rarely erred by a full magnitude, one may speculate that he intended 168G Vel to be HD86211=SAO221617 and by mistake entered the coordinates of the much fainter star HD86110=SAO221607. 185 Spectrum F3/5IV(+A) 188 Spectrum K2IIICNII Preceding 194 the star HD88945=SAO237819 is connected with a brace to 194 with combined magnitude 6.6 without being assigned a number or a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 195 three stars HD89095=SAO237388, HD89105=SAO237835, and HD89192 =SAO237851 are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude or having numbers assigned numbers to any of them. 201 The variable star designation GZ was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Between 203 and 204 six stars, all of them members of the open cluster NGC 3228, are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0 without numbers being assigned to any of them. These are HD89819=SAO237944, HD89901=SAO237963, HD89900=SAO237966, HD89915=SAO237969 with the designation L.4270 from an earlier catalog, HD89938=SAO237979, and a star not in the SAO Catalog. The other five stars do not have designations from earlier catalogs. 208 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Preceding 214 the star HD91223=SAO222112 is connected with a brace to 214 with combined magnitude 7.0 without being assigned a number. 214 Spectrum ApEuCr(Sr) 216, 217 The Uranometria Argentina provides separate numbers for the two components of the double star s Velorum but only a single set of coordinates and designation from an earlier catalog. To the pair is assigned the note dpl. 6 3/4, 6 1/4. Following 220 the star HD91593=SAO238180 is connected with a brace to 220 with combined magnitude 6.9 without being assigned a number. 221 Spectrum G8/K0II/IIICNVp 222 Spectrum A3mF0-F2+A4 Following 225 the star HD92463=SAO238313 is connected with a brace to 225 with combined magnitude 4.8 without being assigned a number. Between 227 and 228 the stars HD93412=SAO222314 and HD93452=SAO222319 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.8 but without numbers being assigned to either. 229 Spectrum G5III+(F8V) Preceding 237 the star HD94920=SAO238616 is connected with a brace to 237 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. 50. - VIRGO G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.17 K1III 11 38 09.8 + 8 53 03 101112 118961 Ll.22058 11 31 43 + 9 34.5 6.4 2 1 Omega 5.36v M4III 11 38 27.6 + 8 08 04 101153 118965 Ll.22066 11 32 1 + 8 49.6 5.9 r 3 6.22 G9III 11 38 24.1 - 2 26 10 101154 138314 Ll.22068 11 32 1 - 1 44.7 6.7 4 6.8 A3 11 40 24.1 + 0 57 08 101445 118981 Ll.22109 11 34 0 + 1 38.7 7.0 5 6.07 G8III: 11 43 55.1 - 6 40 38 101933 138375 Ll.22190 11 37 32 - 5 58.9 6.4 6 2 Xi 4.85 A4V 11 45 17.1 + 8 15 30 102124 119029 Ll.22223 11 38 50 + 8 57.2 5.3 7 3 Nu 4.03v? M0III 11 45 51.6 + 6 31 46 102212 119035 Ll.22242 11 39 26 + 7 13.8 4.0 8 4 A1 5.33 A1 11 47 54.9 + 8 14 45 102510 119058 Ll.22292 11 41 30 + 8 56.4 5.8 9 6.15 F7V 11 49 01.2 - 0 19 07 102634 138420 Ll.22312 11 42 39 + 0 22.6 6.5 10 6.6 K0 11 49 07.1 + 5 11 00 102649 119061 Ll.22322 11 42 43 + 5 53.1 7.0 11 5 Beta 3.61 F8V 11 50 41.7 + 1 45 53 102870 119076 Ll.22343 11 44 11 + 2 28.1 3.7 12 5.64 K0III 11 51 02.2 - 5 20 00 102928 138445 Ll.22361 11 44 39 - 4 38.3 6.1 13 6.30 F0V 11 53 50.3 + 0 33 07 103313 119100 Ll.22421 11 47 27 + 1 14.8 6.6 14 6 A2 5.58 K0III: 11 55 03.3 + 8 26 38 103484 119111 Ll.22447 11 48 39 + 9 8.3 6.1 15 7.1 F2 11 55 23.8 + 1 05 44 103548 119114 Ll.22458 11 48 59 + 1 47.7 7.0 16 6.87 F5 11 57 00.3 - 4 46 57 103773 138496 Ll.22506 11 50 38 - 4 5.3 6.7 17 6.58 G0 11 57 45.4 - 8 32 57 103891 138501 Ll.22527 11 51 23 - 7 51.2 6.8 18 7.1 F2 11 58 06.7 - 4 22 12 103929 138508 Ll.22536 11 51 44 - 3 40.6 6.9 19 6.17 K2IV 11 59 03.6 + 0 31 49 104055 119147 Ll.22555 11 52 40 + 1 13.5 6.6 20 6.7 K2 11 59 09.3 -10 28 35 104078 157028 WB.887 11 52 46 - 9 46.8 7.0 21 7.0 K0 11 59 24.0 + 1 49 36 104101 119150 WB.889 11 53 0 + 2 31.5 7.0 22 7.1 K0 11 59 34.0 - 1 55 07 104130 138521 Ll.22562 11 53 10 - 1 13.3 7.0 23 7 b 5.37 A1V 11 59 56.9 + 3 39 18 104181 119156 Ll.22571 11 53 33 + 4 21.1 5.8 24 5.54 K0IV 12 00 44.5 -10 26 46 104304 157041 Ll.22585 11 54 20 - 9 43.9 5.9 25 8 Pi 4.60 A5V 12 00 52.4 + 6 36 51 104321 119164 Ll.22590 11 54 28 + 7 18.7 4.9 26 6.31 G8III: 12 01 01.8 - 1 46 05 104356 138533 Ll.22594 11 54 38 - 1 4.0 6.6 27 6.22 K5 12 02 51.6 - 7 41 01 104625 138551 Ll.22642 11 56 28 - 6 59.3 6.6 28 7.2 A0 12 03 35.4 - 5 28 47 104728 138556 Ll.22656 11 57 12 - 4 46.9 7.0 29 6.52 F5 12 03 44.5 + 5 33 28 104755 119189 Ll.22660 11 57 22 + 6 15.5 6.7 30 6.6 A2 12 04 00.4 -10 17 46 104788 157069 Ll.22664 11 57 36 - 9 36.0 6.8 31 6.9 M0 12 05 35.2 - 5 50 46 105036 138579 Ll.22708 11 59 11 - 5 9.0 6.7# * 7.59 K0 12 05 48.9 - 5 51 30 105061 138582 Ll.22710 11 59 25 - 5 9.6 7.4# 32 9 Omicron 4.13 G8III 12 05 12.5 + 8 43 59 104979 119213 T.5542 11 58 51 + 9 25.7 4.2 33 6.37 G8III: 12 05 59.8 - 3 07 53 105089 138585 Ll.22715 11 59 36 - 2 26.1 6.7 34 10 5.95 K3III 12 09 41.3 + 1 53 52 105639 119245 Ll.22807 12 3 17 + 2 36.0 6.4 35 11 5.73 Am 12 10 03.4 + 5 48 25 105702 119249 Ll.22818 12 3 42 + 6 30.1 6.1 36 6.6 A0 12 10 27.2 - 7 46 26 105759 138625 Ll.22833 12 4 2 - 7 4.8 6.7 37 7.1 K0 12 11 22.0 - 2 41 57 105900 138637 WB.45 12 4 58 - 2 0.0 6.9 38 6.9 F5 12 11 21.8 - 3 46 44 105912 138638 Ll.22862 12 4 58 - 3 4.8 7.0 39 6.93 A0 12 11 40.2 + 4 03 21 105967 119262 WB.51 12 5 17 + 4 45.1 7.0 40 6.57v A5 12 14 15.5 - 5 42 59 106384 138664 Ll.22935 12 7 52 - 5 1.6 6.6 41 6.11 F5V 12 15 10.6 -10 18 45 106516 157168 Ll.22954 12 8 44 - 9 34.9* 6.2 * 6.99 F3Vcomp 12 18 09.1 - 3 57 16 106975 138703 Ll.23035 12 11 45 - 3 15.6 7 1/4# 42 6.54 F2V 12 18 09.6 - 3 56 55 106976 138704 Ll.23039 12 11 45 - 3 15.3 6 1/2# 43 13 5.90 A5Vn 12 18 40.3 - 0 47 14 107070 138710 Ll.23052 12 12 16 - 0 5.5 6.1 * 7.4 v? G0 12 18 32.2 - 8 54 15 107038 138706 T.5640 12 12 7 - 8 12.4 7.5# 44 14 6.84 K0III 12 19 20.2 - 8 54 53 107161 138716 Ll.23073 12 12 54 - 8 13.2 6.9# 45 15 Eta 3.89v? A2IV 12 19 54.4 - 0 40 01 107259 138721 Ll.23088 12 13 31 + 0 1.7 4.0 46 16 c 5.00v? K1III 12 20 21.0 + 3 18 45 107328 119341 Ll.23113 12 14 0 + 4 0.6 5.5 47 17 6.40 F8V 12 22 32.0 + 5 18 20 107705 119360 Ll.23167 12 16 11 + 6 0.1 6.6 48 7.0 K0 12 23 09.6 - 7 17 57 107780 138747 Ll.23181 12 16 44 - 6 36.3 7.0 49 6.6 K0 12 23 15.3 - 4 58 28 107794 138750 Ll.23184 12 16 50 - 4 16.8 6.6 50 5.96 A1V 12 25 11.7 -11 36 37 108107 157272 Ll.23228 12 18 45 -10 54.9 6.1 51 6.37 G8III 12 27 42.1 + 8 36 37 108471 119413 Ll.23299 12 21 20 + 9 18.2 6.6 52 6.22v A8n 12 27 51.6 - 4 36 56 108506 138798 Ll.23307 12 21 27 - 3 55.4 6.3 53 6.69 G0 12 27 55.5 - 8 40 42 108510 138799 B.4066, Ll.23312 12 21 31 - 7 59.0 6.7 54 6.8 A0 12 28 18.3 + 4 23 47 108561 119420 WB.344 12 21 56 + 5 5.3 6.9 55 7.1 F2 12 29 28.2 + 4 50 19 108723 119428 Ll.23352 12 23 7 + 5 31.7 7.0 56 6.05 K5 12 31 21.4 + 7 36 15 108985 119453 Ll.23410 12 25 0 + 8 17.7 6.4 57 6.19 G9III: 12 31 38.7 - 5 03 09 109014 138832 Ll.23416 12 25 13 - 4 21.8 6.5 58 6.91 K0 12 33 32.9 + 7 40 43 109285 119466 Ll.23466 12 27 13 + 8 22.0 7.0 59 21 q 5.48 A0V 12 33 46.7 - 9 27 07 109309 138845 Ll.23471 12 27 20 - 8 45.7 5.7 60 7.1 K2 12 34 23.2 - 1 24 28 109403 138853 Ll.23496 12 27 59 - 0 43.1 7.0 61 6.70 K2 12 34 30.6 + 7 44 07 109417 119479 Ll.23503 12 28 9 + 8 25.6 6.9 62 7.02 F5 12 35 16.0 + 2 15 40 109521 119485 Ll.23525 12 28 54 + 2 56.9 7.0 63 25 f 5.88 A3V 12 36 47.4 - 5 49 55 109704 138873 Ll.23576 12 30 21 - 5 8.6 6.0 64 6.98 F5 12 37 06.8 - 2 19 19 109756 138876 Ll.23581 12 30 40 - 1 37.6 6.7 65 6.59 A2 12 37 07.6 + 8 47 48 109764 119497 Ll.23588 12 30 48 + 9 29.1 6.7 66 6.9 A0 12 37 21.2 - 8 18 00 109772 138878 Ll.23590 12 30 54 - 7 36.6 6.7 67 7.0 A2 12 37 51.8 + 4 17 20 109840 119502 Ll.23605 12 31 31 + 4 58.7 6.9 68 6.34 A1V 12 38 04.4 + 3 16 57 109860 119503 Ll.23608 12 31 42 + 3 58.2 6.3 69 5.71v M3IIIb 12 38 22.4 + 1 51 16 109896 119508 Ll.23616 12 32 0 + 2 32.6 6.1 r 70 R 7.08v M4.5IIIe 12 38 29.9 + 6 59 17 109914 119509 DM. 7deg 2561* 12 32 9 + 7 40.6 var. r, 6 1/2 - 10 1/2 71 6.67 K5 12 38 43.3 - 4 22 25 109944 138885 WB.518 12 32 18 - 3 41.1 6.8 72 7.2 A0 12 38 56.3 - 0 51 17 109969 138889 Ll.23625 12 32 33 - 0 9.9 7.0 73 26 Chi 4.66 K2III 12 39 14.8 - 7 59 44 110014 138892 Ll.23634 12 32 48 - 7 18.4 5.2 74 6.8 K2 12 39 30.8 - 6 06 03 110069 138897 Ll.23649 12 33 3 - 5 24.7 7.0 75 29 Gamma 3.5 F0V 12 41 39.5 - 1 26 58 110380 J.289 12 35 20 - 0 45.8 3.1 dpl. 5 1/2, 5 1/4 76* 29 Gamma 3.5 F0V 12 41 39.6 - 1 26 58 110379 138917 * 77 28 6.78 K5 12 41 57.7 - 7 30 01 110418 138920 Ll.23691 12 35 30 - 6 48.7 7.0 78 31 d1 5.59v? A2V 12 41 57.2 + 6 48 24 110423 119538 Ll.23697 12 35 37 + 7 29.6 5.8 79 5.90 G8IIIp 12 43 38.1 - 1 34 37 110646 138933 Ll.23732 12 37 13 - 0 53.3 6.1 80 6.7 A2 12 44 11.2 - 2 50 33 110746 138942 Ll.23744 12 37 47 - 2 9.4 6.7 81 6.9 A3 12 45 17.3 - 3 53 17 110886 138952 Ll.23767,8 12 38 52 - 3 12.3 6.8 dpl. 8, 7 82 32 d2 5.22v A8m 12 45 37.1 + 7 40 24 110951 119574 Ll.23787 12 39 18 + 8 21.4 5.7 83 EP* 6.34v A0p* 12 47 02.4 + 5 57 02 111133 119585 Ll.23824 12 40 41 + 6 38.2 6.5 r var? 84 6.86 K0 12 47 02.3 + 9 03 51 111132 119586 Ll.23830 12 40 43 + 9 44.9 7.0 85 6.26 F7V 12 47 33.4 - 6 18 07 111199 138967 Ll.23839 12 41 6 - 5 37.0 6.6 86 35* 6.41v? M4III 12 47 51.4 + 3 34 22 111239 119596 Ll.23854 12 41 29 + 4 15.4 6.8# * 8.1 F5 12 48 4.0 + 3 27 20 111274 119598 Ll.23860 12 41 42 + 4 8.3 7.8# 87 6.9 F5 12 50 05.1 - 7 37 56 111545 138986 Ll.23922 12 43 39 - 6 57.0 7.0 88 6.41v? G8III 12 51 22.9 -10 20 18 111720 157550 Ll.23948 12 44 53 - 9 39.4 6.6 89 37 6.02 K4III: 12 51 37.0 + 3 03 24 111765 119633 Ll.23964 12 45 15 + 3 44.2 6.4 r 90 38 6.11 F5V 12 53 11.2 - 3 33 11 111998 139022 Ll.24005 12 46 47 - 2 52.4 6.2 91 6.44 K0 12 53 38.1 - 4 13 26 112048 139027 Ll.24015 12 47 11 - 3 32.5 6.6 92 6.00v? A2V 12 54 18.6 -11 38 55 112131 157584 Ll.24034 12 47 49 -10 58.2 6.1 93 40 Psi 4.79v M3+F6* 12 54 21.2 - 9 32 20 112142 139033 Ll.24035 12 47 51 - 8 51.5 5.2 r 94 6.78 K0 12 55 38.5 + 0 03 19 112281 119673 Ll.24072 12 49 15 + 0 44.0 6.8 95 43 Delta 3.38v? M3III 12 55 36.2 + 3 23 51 112300 119674 Ll.24078 12 49 18 + 4 4.6 3.5 96 6.9 A0 12 56 15.0 - 4 51 52 112372 139049 WB.831 12 49 49 - 4 11.3 6.8 dpl. 7, 8 1/2 97 6.5 v? F5 12 56 26.6 - 0 57 18 112398 139053 Ll.24098 12 50 2 - 0 16.4 6.7 * 7.4 K5 12 56 42.8 -11 56 37 112433 157613 Ll.24099 12 50 11 -11 16.0 7.5# 98 6.4 K5 12 57 12.8 -12 04 01 112495 157618 Ll.24116 12 50 40 -11 23.3 6.8# 99 6.8 B9 12 57 18.9 - 8 54 37 112504 139060 Ll.24119 12 50 48 - 8 14.0 6.9 100 6.77 F5 12 57 13.6 + 8 17 39 112503 119683 WB.852 12 50 56 + 8 58.2 7.0 101 7.0 F2 12 57 26.3 + 1 25 40 112542 119684 Ll.24126 12 51 5 + 2 6.4 6.9 102 6.64 K2 12 58 39.9 - 2 54 13 112696 139072 Ll.24155 12 52 13 - 2 13.6 6.9 103 6.6 K0 12 58 57.9 -21 32 48 112709 181284 Ll.24154 12 52 18 -20 52.2 6.9 104 44 k 5.79 A3V 12 59 39.5 - 3 48 43 112846 139086 Ll.24185 12 53 13 - 3 8.2 5.9 105 46 5.99 K2III 13 00 35.9 - 3 22 07 112992 139096 Ll.24206 12 54 10 - 2 41.8* 6.1 106 5.58 F7V 13 03 46.1 -20 34 59 113415 181357 Ll.24275 12 57 5 -19 54.7 5.9 107 48 6.59 F0V 13 03 54.4 - 3 39 48 113459 139131 Ll.24295 12 57 28 - 2 59.4 6.7 108 7.1 K0 13 04 44.5 + 0 17 42 113595 119756 Ll.24309 13 58 22 + 0 58.2 7.0 * 7.05 F5V 13 07 19.7 + 0 35 16 113984 119774 WB.1027 13 0 57 + 1 15.6 6.9 dpl. 7 1/4, 7 3/4 109 49 5.19 K2III 13 07 53.8 -10 44 25 114038 157739 Ll.24375 13 1 21 -10 4.3 5.6 r 110 g 5.55 K3III 13 08 32.5 - 8 59 04 114113 139175 Ll.24399 13 2 1 - 8 18.7 5.9 111 6.80 G5IV 13 08 51.0 + 5 12 25 114174 119789 Ll.24414 13 2 31 + 5 53.8 6.9 112 6.32 K0 13 09 14.4 - 9 32 18 114203 139183 Ll.24418 13 2 43 - 8 52.3 6.7 113 6.7 A2 13 09 42.3 -16 30 55 114268 157759 B.4343 13 3 5 -15 50.9 6.8 114 50 5.94v? K5III 13 09 45.3 -10 19 46 114287 157760 Ll.24435 13 3 13 - 9 39.7 6.3 r 115 51 Theta 4.38 A1V 13 09 57.0 - 5 32 20 114330 139189 J.297 13 3 29 - 4 52.3 4.7 116 7.0 F0 13 11 05.2 -17 05 22 114482 157772 Ll.24471 13 4 27 -16 25.4 7.0 117 53 5.04v? F5III-IV 13 12 03.5 -16 11 55 114642 157788 J.298 13 5 24 -15 31.4 5.3 118 54* 6.9: B9III 13 13 26.8 -18 49 36 114846 157798 Ll.24533 13 6 47 -18 9.7 6.4 dpl. 7, 6 3/4 119 54* 7.3: * 13 13 27.0 -18 49 30 157799 * 120 55 5.33 G6V 13 14 10.9 -19 55 51 114946 157806 Ll.24554 13 7 30 -19 16.5 5.8 121 6.59 K5III 13 13 57.6 + 1 27 23 114960 119822 Ll.24564 13 7 36 + 2 7.3 6.8 122 56 6.94 K5 13 14 45.0 -10 22 14 115062 157811 Ll.24575 13 8 12 - 9 42.4 7.0 123 7.04 G0 13 14 55.8 -11 22 10 115080 157815 Ll.24582 13 8 24 -10 41.6 6.9 124 57 5.22 K1IV 13 15 58.8 -19 56 35 115202 157823 Ll.24595 13 9 13 -19 16.6 5.7 125 6.68v F1IV 13 16 25.4 - 1 23 25 115308 139254 Ll.24621 13 10 1 - 0 43.6 6.8 126 6.7 A2 13 17 22.0 -11 29 00 115446 157836 Ll.24650 13 10 48 -10 49.4 6.9 127 6.7 K0 13 17 31.7 -15 32 53 115467 157838 Ll.24653 13 10 54 -14 53.1 6.9 128 58 7.2 F0 13 17 27.3 -10 32 47 115466 157837 Ll.24656 13 10 54 - 9 53.2 7.0 129 6.37 F0V 13 17 29.9 - 0 40 35 115488 139264 Ll.24660 13 11 7 - 0 1.0 6.5 130 60 Sigma 4.80v? M2III 13 17 36.3 + 5 28 11 115521 119855 Ll.24666 13 11 18 + 6 7.7 5.4 131 61 4.74 G6V 13 18 24.3 -18 18 41 115617 157844 J.299 13 11 52 -17 36.9 5.3 132 6.62 A1IV 13 18 51.1 + 3 41 15 115709 119867 Ll.24703 13 12 31 + 4 20.7 6.5# * 7.0 K2III: 13 19 06.6 + 3 43 22 115753 119872 Ll.24708 13 12 46 + 4 22.8 7.1# 133 62 6.73 K0 13 20 20.0 -11 18 15 115903 157869 Ll.24730 13 13 46 -10 38.8 7.0 134 6.26 A3V 13 20 41.6 + 2 56 30 115995 119889 Ll.24747 13 14 21 + 3 36.0 6.7 135 6.21 A2V 13 21 29.8 -19 29 20 116061 157879 T.6150 13 14 47 -18 50.0 6.4 136 5.69 A2V 13 21 41.6 + 2 05 14 116160 119899 WB.229 13 15 21 + 2 44.7 6.0 137 64 5.87 A2m 13 22 09.7 + 5 09 17 116235 119905 Ll.24783 13 15 52 + 5 48.7 6.1 138 6.7 K0 13 22 30.9 - 6 12 07 116249 139304 Ll.24785 13 16 2 - 5 32.3 6.9 139 63 5.37v? K1II 13 23 01.1 -17 44 07 116292 157899 Ll.24792 13 16 20 -17 4.8 5.5 r var 140 65 5.89 K3III 13 23 18.9 - 4 55 28 116365 139308 Ll.24804 13 16 50 - 4 16.2 6.1 141 6.5 K0 13 23 57.1 -20 55 27 116429 181615 Ll.24812 13 17 11 -20 16.2 6.9 142 7.06 G5 13 23 39.1 + 2 43 14 116442 119909 WB.259 13 17 19 + 3 22.0 6.8 143 66 5.61 F3V 13 24 33.2 - 5 09 50 116568 139324 T.6178 13 18 3 - 4 30.6 6.0 144 67 Alpha 0.98v B1V 13 25 11.6 -11 09 41 116658 157923 J.302 13 18 37 -10 30.5 1.5 145 6.6 K2 13 26 06.3 -16 51 31 116768 157932 Ll.24861 13 19 24 -16 12.6 6.9 146 6.00 A7III 13 26 11.5 - 1 11 33 116831 139337 Ll.24872 13 19 48 - 0 32.5 6.2 147 68 i 5.26v? M0IIIvar 13 26 43.2 -12 42 28 116870 157938 J.303 13 20 7 -12 3.4 5.7 148 69 4.76v? K1IIIvar 13 27 27.2 -15 58 25 116976 157946 Ll.24891 13 20 47 -15 19.5 5.0 var? 149 6.89 K4III 13 29 29.2 -18 43 44 117246 157962 Ll.24931 13 22 44 -18 4.8 7.0 150 6.43 K0III 13 29 15.1 - 1 21 49 117267 139359 Ll.24939 13 22 50 - 0 42.8 6.8 151 6.7 v A2 13 29 47.1 + 1 05 43 117362 119959 Ll.24963 13 23 25 + 1 44.8 6.9 152 6.51 K0 13 29 57.7 + 6 00 48 117405 119961 Ll.24967 13 23 40 + 6 39.5 6.7 153 6.17 K5 13 30 00.1 + 7 10 44 117404 119962 WB.365 13 23 44 + 7 49.5 6.5 154 72 l1* 6.10v? F2V 13 30 25.7 - 6 28 13 117436 139370 Ll.24975 13 23 55 - 5 49.4 6.7 r var? 155 6.9 F0 13 31 13.4 -13 26 55 117544 157978 Ll.24990 13 24 36 -12 48.2 7.0 156 73 6.01 F0IV-V 13 32 02.8 -18 43 44 117661 157987 Ll.25004 13 25 19 -18 5.0 6.2 157 74 l2* 4.69v? M2.5III 13 31 57.9 - 6 15 21 117675 139390 Ll.25014 13 25 28 - 5 36.6 5.1 r 158 75 5.55 K1.5IIIb 13 32 51.7 -15 21 47 117789 157998 Ll.25030 13 26 11 -14 43.2 6.0 159 76 h 5.21 K0III 13 32 58.1 -10 09 54 117818 139401 Ll.25037 13 26 23 - 9 31.2 5.8 160 S 6.0 v M7IIIe 13 33 00.7 - 7 11 42 117833 139403 Ll.25039 13 26 28 - 6 33.1 var. rr, 6-12 * 7.21 G0 13 33 11.3 - 8 26 36 117860 139405 WB.421 13 26 40 - 7 48.1 7.3# * 7.6 G5 13 33 27.5 - 8 26 07 117905 139408 WB.427 13 26 54 - 7 47.5 7.2# 161 77* 7.1 F0 13 33 24.5 - 7 37 21 117878 139407 Ll.25049 13 26 53 - 6 58.8 7.0 162 6.8 G8IIIa 13 33 09.3 + 5 51 12 117877 119993 Ll.25050 13 26 51 + 6 29.7 6.7 163 78 o 4.94v A1p* 13 34 07.9 + 3 39 32 118022 120004 Ll.25082 13 27 48 + 4 18.1 5.3 164 7.4 A3 13 34 28.2 -13 20 48 118026 158014 Ll.25075 13 27 49 -12 42.3 7.0# * 7.9 G0 13 34 29.9 -13 26 05 118039 158016 Ll.25077 13 27 53 -12 47.5 7.4# 165 5.91v? A2pSr* 13 34 40.4 -13 12 52 118054 158021 Ll.25086 13 28 2 -12 34.3 var.# 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 166 7.38 K4III 13 34 16.2 - 0 18 51 118036 139416 Ll.25087 13 27 55 + 0 19.5 7.0 167 79 Zeta 3.40 A3V 13 34 41.6 - 0 35 45 118098 139420 Ll.25101 13 28 19 + 0 2.7 3.6 168 7.11 F8 13 35 31.7 -22 01 28 118187 181777 OA.12971 13 28 43 -21 22.9 6.9 169 80 5.73 G6III 13 35 31.3 - 5 23 46 118219 139428 Ll.25119 13 29 1 - 4 45.5 6.1 170 7.04 F8 13 36 14.6 - 0 55 52 118330 139437 Ll.25146 13 29 52 - 0 17.4 6.9 171 6.7 K0 13 37 47.0 - 3 14 10 118559 139449 WB.512 13 31 19 - 2 35.9 6.9 172 6.7 K0 13 37 44.0 + 2 22 55 118578 120042 Ll.25177 13 31 23 + 3 1.2 6.8 173 82 m 5.01v? M1.5III 13 41 36.8 - 8 42 11 119149 139490 Ll.25258 13 35 3 - 8 4.3 5.7 174* 6.16 F3Vp 13 42 12.7 + 8 23 18 119288 120075 Ll.25288 13 36 4 + 9 1.5 6.4 175 84 5.36 K2III 13 43 03.7 + 3 32 16 119425 120082 Ll.25297 13 36 48 + 4 10.3 5.8 r 176 7.10 K2III 13 43 30.3 - 4 16 28 119461 139507 T.6367 13 37 2 - 3 38.6 7.0 177 6.51 A1V 13 43 54.2 - 5 29 56 119537 139516 Ll.25314 13 37 24 - 4 52.1 6.5 178 83 5.57 G0II-III 13 44 29.8 -16 10 45 119605 158131 T.6372 13 37 45 -15 33.0 6.0 179 85 6.19 A2Vn 13 45 35.1 -15 46 03 119786 158147 T.6383 13 38 51 -15 8.3 6.5 180 86 5.51 G7+(F1)* 13 45 56.3 -12 25 36 119853 158152 T.6387 13 39 17 -11 48.0 5.9 181 7.16v G0 13 46 06.8 + 5 06 55 119931 120102 Ll.25380 13 39 50 + 5 44.7 7.0 182 6.71 Am 13 47 13.3 -19 15 20 120025 158161 Ll.25387 13 40 24 -18 37.6 6.9 183 6.05 K5III 13 47 13.4 - 9 42 34 120033 139544 Ll.25396 13 40 37 - 9 4.9 6.6 184 87 5.43v? M2comp 13 47 25.4 -17 51 36 120052 158165 Ll.25391 13 40 37 -17 14.0 5.8 185 6.30 G0.5IV-V 13 46 57.2 + 6 21 01 120066 120108 Ll.25404 13 40 47 + 6 58.9 6.4 186 6.9 A3 13 47 25.3 - 6 42 19 120088 139548 Ll.25403 13 40 54 - 6 4.7 7.0 187 88 6.5 K0 13 48 18.0 - 6 50 15 120235 139559 Ll.25428 13 41 46 - 6 12.7 6.8 188 6.8 K2 13 48 38.9 - 2 50 25 120297 139564 Ll.25440 13 42 12 - 2 13.0 7.0 189* 6.6 F2 13 48 34.7 + 7 57 37 120317 120121 Ll.25447 13 42 21 + 8 35.0 6.9 190 89 4.97 K1III 13 49 52.3 -18 08 03 120452 158186 Ll.25445 13 43 5 -17 30.6 5.4 191 6.8 A0 13 49 29.5 + 6 20 37 120448 120127 Ll.25466 13 43 14 + 6 58.1 6.7 192* 6.61 A0 13 49 44.2 + 8 24 31 120500 120130 Ll.25471 13 43 32 + 9 1.8 6.7 193 6.53 G5+A5:* 13 50 34.5 -19 53 50 120544 158192 OA.13179 13 43 44 -19 16.6 6.7 194 6.01 K0 13 50 24.7 + 5 29 50 120602 120132 Ll.25485 13 44 8 + 6 7.1 6.3 195 7.1 v F2 13 52 38.8 -18 42 30 120902 158210 Ll.25510 13 45 49 -18 5.4 6.9 196 6.7 K0 13 54 21.3 -17 10 48 121221 158225 Ll.25556 13 47 33 -16 33.8 6.8 197 6.7 K0 13 54 31.7 -22 14 44 121223 182070 * 13 47 36 -21 37.5 6.8 198 90 p 5.15 K2III 13 54 42.2 - 1 30 12 121299 139613 Ll.25586 13 48 17 - 0 53.2 5.6 199 7.6: F8V+G0 13 54 58.2 - 8 03 32 121325 139618 By., Ll.25588 13 48 26 - 7 26.5 6.4 200 6.8 K5 13 55 47.9 - 9 33 35 121481 139626 WB.825 13 49 11 - 8 56.7 6.8# 201 6.85 F5 13 55 53.1 - 9 45 19 121496 139627 WB.826 13 49 16 - 9 8.5 7.0# 202 92 5.90 A8V 13 56 27.9 + 1 03 02 121607 120185 Ll.25633 13 50 6 + 1 39.8 6.2 203 6.7 G5 13 58 29.9 -14 07 19 121883 158269 Ll.25665 13 51 45 -13 30.7 7.0 204 6.40 F8V 13 59 49.3 - 3 32 59 122106 139666 WB.894 13 53 20 - 2 56.4 6.7 205 6.6 K0 14 00 04.7 - 8 09 42 122135 139669 Ll.25706 13 53 29 - 7 33.1 6.8 206 93 Tau 4.30 A3V 14 01 38.8 + 1 32 40 122408 120238 Ll.25747 13 55 17 + 2 9.0 4.4 207 6.4 K0 14 03 04.1 -17 22 00 122577 158306 Ll.25774 13 56 16 -16 45.8 6.6 208 6.31 F5III 14 03 53.1 -22 25 19 122703 182204 Ll.25795 13 56 55 -21 49.2 6.3 209 6.24 F4V 14 03 55.7 + 4 54 04 122797 120265 Ll.25827 13 57 39 + 5 30.2 6.5 210 6.28 G6III 14 04 27.0 -14 58 18 122837 158325 Ll.25813 13 57 41 -14 22.1 6.5 211 6.39 K0 14 04 14.6 - 5 22 53 122815 139711 Ll.25824 13 57 43 - 4 46.8 6.7 212 6.6 A0 14 04 21.5 - 9 15 27 122816 139713 Ll.25823 13 57 44 - 8 39.4 6.8 213 6.28 K0 14 04 37.6 + 2 17 51 122910 120269 Ll.25849 13 58 18 + 2 53.8 6.8 214 6.58 A4V 14 05 14.0 -16 20 09 122958 158331 Ll.25842 13 58 25 -15 44.2 6.8 215 94 6.53 A0 14 06 17.8 - 8 53 30 123177 139732 Ll.25879 13 59 41 - 8 17.6 6.8 216 ER* 6.6 v M3 14 06 41.6 -14 12 18 123214 158357 Ll.25880 13 59 56 -13 36.4 6.8 217 95 5.46 F2IV 14 06 42.8 - 9 18 48 123255 139736 T.6569 14 0 6 - 8 42.9 6.0 r 218 96 6.47 G8III 14 09 00.6 -10 20 04 123630 158385 Ll.25931 14 2 21 - 9 44.5 6.9 219 ET* 4.91v M2IIIa 14 10 50.5 -16 18 07 123934 158401 Ll.25965 14 4 1 -15 42.6 5.6 r 220 6.7 A2 14 10 47.8 + 0 47 58 123980 120326 Ll.25990 14 4 26 + 1 23.6 7.0 221 6.43 F7V 14 11 31.2 + 1 21 44 124115 120334 Ll.26017 14 5 11 + 1 57.0 6.7 222 CU* 5.01v B9pSi 14 12 15.8 + 2 24 34 124224 120339 Ll.26031 14 5 56 + 3 0.0 5.4 var 223 98 Kappa 4.19 K3III 14 12 53.8 -10 16 25 124294 158427 J.321 14 6 14 - 9 41.5 4.2 224 5.90 F7Vw 14 13 40.8 - 0 50 44 124425 139798 Ll.26056 14 7 13 - 0 15.2 6.2 225 6.36 F9V 14 14 21.3 - 5 56 51 124553 139806 Ll.26072 14 7 52 - 5 22.0 6.7 226 CS* 5.43 A1V 14 15 24.1 -18 12 03 124683 158448 Ll.26082 14 8 31 -17 37.0 5.8 227 FS* 6.45v M4III 14 14 53.0 + 3 20 10 124681 120364 Ll.26093 14 8 34 + 3 55.2 6.8 228 99 Iota 4.10v? F7V 14 16 00.9 - 6 00 02 124850 139824 J.322 14 9 28 - 5 24.1 4.1 229 6.45 A9III 14 16 21.5 - 6 37 19 124915 139828 WB.135 14 9 48 - 6 2.4 6.8 230 6.16v? A1V 14 16 30.1 - 3 11 47 124931 139830 WB.143 14 10 2 - 2 36.8 6.5 var? 231 6.22 G5 14 17 03.8 -18 35 07 124990 158462 OA.13507 14 10 9 -18 0.3 6.7 232 6.9 F0 14 16 49.4 - 5 38 40 124988 139835 * 14 10 17 - 5 3.8 6.9# * 7.7 K0 14 17 05.6 - 5 44 21 125043 139840 * 14 10 34 - 5 9.6 7.2# 233 6.5 K0 14 16 48.7 - 8 53 05 124973 139834 WB.145 14 10 11 - 8 18.1 6.7# 234 6.6 K0 14 17 22.5 - 9 01 22 125059 139847 WB.157 14 10 44 - 8 26.5 6.8# 235 6.50 F9V 14 18 00.6 - 7 32 33 125184 139856 Ll.26147 14 11 23 - 6 57.3 6.8 236 5.90v A0pCrEu 14 18 38.3 -18 42 58 125248 158481 Ll.26150 14 11 44 -18 8.1 6.2 237 100 Lambda 4.52v? A2m 14 19 06.6 -13 22 16 125337 158489 J.324 14 12 21 -12 47.7 5.0 238 102 Upsilon 5.14v? G9III 14 19 32.5 - 2 15 56 125454 139866 Ll.26191 14 13 6 - 1 41.2 5.6 var? 239 6.19 A7V 14 19 41.0 + 0 23 04 125489 120400 Ll.26200 14 13 18 + 0 57.7 6.5 var? 240 6.5 G5 14 19 53.2 - 6 44 46 125490 139868 Ll.26198 14 13 19 - 6 10.1 6.6 241 103 6.8 A2 14 21 58.5 - 1 59 17 125817 139890 Ll.26249 14 15 32 - 1 24.9 6.9 * 6.7 G0 14 22 38.6 - 7 46 05 125906 139897 Ll.26267 14 16 1 - 7 11.5 7.0 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 1/2 242 6.7 A0 14 22 46.4 - 0 38 14 125981 139902 Ll.26273 14 16 22 - 0 3.9 6.8 243 6.30 G1V 14 23 15.3 + 1 14 30 126053 120424 Ll.26289 14 16 51 + 1 49.7 6.5 244 5.10 A5V 14 24 11.3 + 5 49 12 126248 120434 Ll.26315 14 17 58 + 6 23.3 5.6 245 104 6.19 A2IV 14 27 24.4 - 6 07 13 126722 139942 Ll.26386 14 20 51 - 5 33.3 6.5 246 105 Phi 4.82v? G2IV 14 28 12.1 - 2 13 41 126868 139951 J.330 14 21 46 - 1 40.0 5.4 var. 247 106 5.42 K5III 14 28 41.7 - 6 54 02 126927 139957 Ll.26422 14 22 6 - 6 20.2 5.9 r 248 7.10 F8 14 28 31.1 + 2 47 20 126961 120481 Ll.26427 14 22 15 + 3 20.8 7.0 249 6.6 K0 14 28 48.1 - 5 13 06 126962 139959 Ll.26426 14 22 16 - 4 39.6 6.9 250 5.94 A5IV 14 29 50.4 + 0 49 44 127167 120499 Ll.26464 14 23 28 + 1 23.2 6.4 251 7.02 F2 14 30 00.2 - 4 14 50 127168 139969 Ll.26459 14 23 30 - 3 41.2 6.9# * 7.30 F5 14 30 30.6 - 4 03 55 127265 139974 Ll.26477 14 24 0 - 3 30.4 7.1# 252 6.02 K4III 14 30 45.4 + 4 46 20 127337 120504 Ll.26492 14 24 30 + 5 19.8 6.4 253 6.9 G5 14 33 03.0 + 5 19 24 127742 120522 Ll.26544 14 26 48 + 5 52.8 6.9 254 6.6 F8 14 37 28.5 + 2 16 38 128563 120569 Ll.26653 14 31 9 + 2 49.5 6.8 255 107 Mu 3.90 F2III 14 43 03.6 - 5 39 30 129502 140090 J.340 14 36 28 - 5 6.8* 4.0 256 6.60 F5 14 44 13.7 - 8 15 07 129698 140100 Ll.26826 14 37 37 - 7 43.5 6.8 257 6.07 M1III 14 45 11.7 - 1 25 04 129902 140116 Ll.26869 14 38 46 - 0 53.4 6.4 258 108 5.70 B9.5V 14 45 30.2 + 0 43 02 129956 120642 T.6893 14 39 8 + 1 14.8 6.0 259 109 3.72v? A0V 14 46 14.9 + 1 53 34 130109 120648 Ll.26902 14 39 56 + 2 25.3 4.0 260 6.84v? F6V 14 48 53.2 + 5 57 16 130604 120673 Ll.26980 14 42 41 + 6 28.9 6.8 261 6.18 K3III 14 51 00.1 - 0 15 26 130970 140177 Ll.27039 14 44 37 + 0 15.6 6.3 262 6.63 K0 14 53 39.8 + 6 14 30 131476 120719 Ll.27135 14 47 29 + 6 45.2 6.8 263 6.9 K5 14 55 22.9 + 6 47 05 131786 120739 Ll.27162 14 49 12 + 7 17.6 6.9 264 5.53 K2III* 14 57 33.3 - 0 10 03 132132 120758 By., Ll.27233 14 51 8 + 0 20.2 6.0 265 5.93 M1III 14 59 23.1 + 4 34 04 132525 120774 Ll.27297 14 53 8 + 5 4.1 6.4 266 6.81 F5 15 01 01.4 + 2 53 52 132832 120794 Ll.27337 14 54 44 + 3 23.9 7.0 267 2 Ser* 5.71v? M0.5IIb 15 01 49.0 - 0 08 25 132933 120798 By., Ll.27352 14 55 25 + 0 21.3 6.1 268 110 4.40 K0III 15 02 54.1 + 2 05 28 133165 120809 Ll.27393 14 56 35 + 2 35.0 4.9 269 7.13 F0V 15 04 06.4 + 5 29 33 133408 120822 Ll.27430 14 57 54 + 5 59.2 6.7 dpl. 7 1/2, 7 270 6.7 K2 15 07 06.9 + 2 21 45 133948 120845 Ll.27507 15 0 48 + 2 50.8 6.9 271 6.16 K0III 15 07 40.3 + 5 29 53 134047 120852 Ll.27541 15 1 28 + 5 58.9 6.6 Following 31 the star HD105061=SAO138582 is connected with a brace to 31 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 41 Declination corrected from - 9 34.9. Preceding 42 the star HD106975=SAO138703 is connected with a brace to 42 with combined magnitude 6.3 without being assigned a number. Preceding 44 the star HD107038=SAO138706 is connected with a brace to 44 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 70 The degree symbol, a small elevated circle, was used in the designation from an earlier catalog; this cannot be represented here with digital alphanumeric symbols. Users should note that this is equivalent to BD+07 2561. 75, 76 Gould assigned separate numbers to the two members of the double star system Gamma Virginia, but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, and magnitude. 83 The variable star designation EP was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. Spectrum A0pSrEuCr 86 The Flamsteed number 35 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. Following 86 the star HD111274=SAO119598 is connected with a brace to 86 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 93 Spectrum M3IIIb+F6V Preceding 98 the star HD112433=SAO157613 is connected with a brace to 98 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 105 Declination corrected from - 2 42.8. Between 108 and 109 the star HD113984=SAO119774 has not been assigned a number. 118, 119 Gould assigned separate numbers to the two members of the double star system 54 Virginis, but only a single designation from an earlier catalog, set of coordinates, an magnitude. The Flamsteed number 54 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. For SAO157799 the spectral class is not available. Following 132 the star HD115753=SAO119872 is connected with a brace to 132 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 154 This star does not have a letter in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation l1 is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 157 The letter l appears in the Uranometria Argentina. However the designation l2 is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. Between 160 and 161 the stars HD117860=SAO139405 and HD117905=SAO139408 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 7.0. 161 The Flamsteed number 77 does not appear in the Uranometria Argentina but is shown in many modern atlases and catalogs. 163 Spectrum A1pSrCrEu Between 164 and 165 the star HD118039=SAO158016 is connected with a brace to 164 and 165 without a combined magnitude for all three stars or being assigned a number. 165 Spectrum A2pSrEu:Cr: 174 This star was assigned by Gould to Virgo but now lies in Bootes. 180 Spectrum G7III+(F1V) 189 This star was assigned by Gould to Virgo but now lies in Bootes. 192 This star was assigned by Gould to Virgo but now lies in Bootes. 193 Spectrum G5III-IV:+A5: 197 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 200, 201 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. 216 The variable star designation ER was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 219 The variable star designation ET was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 222 The variable star designation CU was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 226 The variable star designation CS was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 227 The variable star designation FS was assigned after publication of the Uranometria Argentina and does not appear therein. 232 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. Following 232 the star HD125043=SAO139840 is connected with a brace to 232 without a combined magnitude, being assigned a number, or provided a designation from an earlier catalog. 233, 234 These stars are connected with a brace without a combined magnitude. Between 241 and 242 the star HD125906=SAO139897 is listed without being assigned a number. Following 251 the star HD127265=SAO139974 is connected with a brace to 251 without a combined magnitude or being assigned a number. 255 Declination corrected from - 5 6.6. 264 Spectrum K1IIIcomp 267 This star was assigned by Flamsteed to Serpens and given the Flamsteed number 2. Gould did not state the Flamsteed number and switched the star to Virgo, where it remains. 9. - VOLANS G F,Letter Mag Spec RA 2000 Dec HD SAO Gould desig RA 1875 Dec G Mag Notes 1 6.9 B9.5/A0V 6 42 25.6 -67 50 34 49306 249631 L.2495 6 42 44 -67 42.9 6.8 2 6.51 K2IIICN* 6 40 57.9 -71 46 32 49268 256326 L.2515 6 42 51 -71 38.8 6.9 3 6.37 G8III 6 43 37.4 -73 07 07 49947 256330 L.2547 6 46 10 -72 58.7 6.7 4 6.11 K3III 6 44 56.2 -70 26 02 50002 256331 L.2536 6 46 11 -70 17.8 6.5 5 Iota 5.41 B7IV 6 51 27.0 -70 57 48 51557 256344 L.2597 6 52 52 -70 48.4 5.6 6 5.17 K3III 6 59 50.6 -67 54 59 53501 249704 L.2646 7 0 3 -67 44.6 5.7 r 7 6.47 K0III 7 06 14.2 -68 50 15 55151 249740 L.2704 7 6 41 -68 38.3 6.8 8 Gamma1 5.67 F2V 7 08 42.3 -70 29 50 55864 256373 * 7 9 46 -70 17.6 6 # 9 Gamma2 3.78 G8IIIvar 7 08 44.9 -70 29 56 55865 256374 L.2746, J.174 7 9 48 -70 17.7 4 # var? 10 Delta 4.00 F6II 7 16 49.8 -67 57 26 57623 249809 L.2809, J.176 7 16 53 -67 43.7 4.1 11 6.6 A3V 7 24 37.0 -71 28 13 59640 256408 L.2885 7 25 54 -71 13.2 6.8 12 6.39 K5III 7 28 51.5 -64 30 36 60150 249864 L.2877 7 27 50 -64 14.8 7.0 13 6.8 A1/A2V 7 33 21.9 -68 46 04 61312 249881 L.2935 7 33 30 -68 29.5 6.8 14 6.9 B8V 7 36 19.1 -69 03 23 61950 249895 L.2966 7 36 31 -68 46.3 7.0 15 6.34 B9 7 35 21.9 -74 16 32 62153 256428 L.3010 7 37 54 -73 59.4 6.4 dpl. 6 3/4, 7 16 Zeta 3.95 K0III 7 41 49.2 -72 36 22 63295 256438 L.3056 7 43 21 -72 18.3 4.3 17 6.38 G6/G8III 7 44 44.0 -66 04 19 63513 249944 B.1777 7 43 56 -65 46.0 6.8 18 6.18 A0IV/V 7 44 13.1 -69 49 18 63584 249943 L.3057 7 44 35 -69 30.9 6.5 19 5.79 B9V 7 49 41.0 -66 11 46 64484 249978 L.3083 7 48 51 -65 52.6 6.2 20 6.33 A3III 7 59 16.2 -73 14 41 66920 256463 L.3188 8 0 47 -72 53.7 6.7 r 21 6.6 B8III 8 03 21.3 -69 58 16 67559 250098 L.3203 8 3 27 -69 36.9 6.9 22 Epsilon 4.40 B6IV 8 07 55.9 -68 37 02 68520 250128 L.3242, J.194 8 7 33 -68 15.0 4.5 dpl. 4 3/4, 7 1/2 23 6.7 A8III 8 14 42.7 -73 48 24 70270 256489 L.3329 8 16 11 -73 25.3 6.8 24 5.07 K1III 8 18 19.0 -65 36 48 70514 250186 L.3313 8 16 55 -65 13.2 5.7 r 25 Kappa1 5.37 B9III/IV 8 19 49.2 -71 30 54 71046 256497 L.3355 8 20 10 -71 7.0 5.2# 26 Kappa2 5.65 A0p 8 20 00.8 -71 30 19 71066 256499 L.3357 8 20 21 -71 6.4 5.7# * 7.92 * 8 20 04.7 -71 29 48 71046C 256500 * 8 20 25 -71 5.8 8 # 27 Eta 5.29 A0IV/V* 8 22 04.7 -73 24 02 71576 256505 L.3396, J.198 8 23 11 -72 59.7 5.7 28 5.97 G8/K0III 8 25 51.7 -64 36 03 71863 250226 L.3378 8 24 9 -64 11.4 6.4 29 Beta 3.77v? K2IIIvar 8 25 44.2 -66 08 13 71878 250228 L.3384, J.199 8 24 22 -65 43.2 3.9 c 30 5.51 A0V 8 27 17.1 -70 05 36 72337 250235 L.3424 8 26 58 -69 40.7 6.0 31 6.9 A2V 8 27 34.3 -75 21 30 72719 256516 L.3464 8 29 33 -74 56.4 6.9 32 6.6v? K0/K1III 8 31 44.6 -74 51 18 73391 256522 L.3499 8 33 19 -74 25.5 6.8 var? 33 6.12 G8III 8 32 42.3 -73 21 24 73468 256524 B.2129 8 33 32 -72 55.7 6.6 34 6.9 B7/B8V 8 36 20.9 -70 40 36 73990 256527 L.3510 8 36 2 -70 14.2 7.0 35 Theta 5.19 A0V 8 39 05.3 -70 23 13 74405 256535 L.3536 8 38 37 -69 56.4 5.6 36 6.6 A6IV/V* 8 37 56.0 -74 34 30 74461 256532 * 8 39 12 -74 7.7 7.0 37 6.82 K1III 8 38 37.3 -74 04 27 74543 256536 L.3555 8 39 35 -73 38.1 6.9 38 6.7 B8V 8 41 04.6 -66 49 02 74638 250304 L.3535 8 39 36 -66 22.0 6.9 39 7.0 B8III* 8 41 32.6 -73 36 51 74985 256540 L.3578 8 42 15 -73 9.8 7.0 40 6.32 K3III: 8 43 54.4 -68 12 42 75116 250315 L.3568 8 42 43 -67 45.4 6.8 r 41 6.04 A9V 8 44 30.0 -65 49 32 75171 250317 L.3562 8 42 46 -65 22.4 6.5 42 6.6 K2III 8 44 42.8 -74 47 16 75590 256550 L.3608 8 45 53 -74 19.7 7.0 r 43 5.35 F5IV 8 50 34.9 -66 47 35 76143 250347 L.3609 8 48 53 -66 19.6 5.9 44 6.11 A3mA6-A7 8 49 50.4 -72 33 03 76270 256556 L.3629 8 49 53 -72 4.9 6.6 * 6.92 B7V 8 58 55.9 -68 08 21 77493 250412 * 8 57 25 -67 39.1 7.1# * 7.6 A0V 8 59 54.6 -68 05 34 77656 250416 L.3683 8 58 23 -67 36.1 7.4# 45 5.88 M1III 9 01 08.6 -68 41 02 77887 250421 L.3694 8 59 43 -68 11.4 6.5 46 Alpha 4.00 Am 9 02 26.8 -66 23 46 78045 250422 L.3696, J.213 9 0 28 -65 53.8 4.2 2 Spectrum K1IIICNII 8 The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 8, 9 The two components of the double star Gamma Volantis are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 3.8. Following 26 The star HD71046C=SAO256500 is connected with a brace to both 25 and 26 with combined magnitude of all three stars 4.7, without being assigning a number or provided with a designation from an earlier catalog. The spectrum of this star is not available. 27 Spectrum A0/A1IV/V 36 Spectrum A6/A7IV/V. The Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. 39 Spectrum B8/B9III/IV Between 44 and 45 the stars HD77493=SAO250412 and HD77656=SAO250416 are connected with a brace with combined magnitude 6.8 but without having numbers assigned to either. For HD77493=SAO250412 the Uranometria Argentina does not provide a designation from an earlier catalog. ENUMERATION OF THE STARS Following the list of stars for the separate constellations is an enumeration of the number of stars for each magnitude in each constellation which appers in a separate table, and is copied below from the Uranometria Argentina. This is preceded by the explanatory text copied word for word from the Uranometria Argentina. This table should be used with some caution by 21st century astronomers. Its magnitudes are those from the Uranometria Argentina, which in most cases differ by a few tenths from the modern values. For constellations which lie partly north of +10 degrees declination it includes only those stars south of that parallel in the 1875 coordinate system. In the distribution in northern and southern hemispheres precession has moved a small number of stars from one hemisphere to the other since the equator and equinox of 1875 used by the Uranometria Argentina. Also a small number of constellation boundaries were moved by Delporte in the 1930 IAU adoption from those assigned by Gould in the Uranometria Argentina. It is hoped that this list will motivate someone to redo this entire listing with the modern precise magnitudes and constellation boundaries, and for the whole sky, not just that part south of +10 degrees. ENUMERATION OF THE STARS DISTRIUTED ACCORDING TO THEIR MAGNITUDES AND CONSTELLATIONS The foregoing catalog contains 7730 stars which properly belong within its scope, as being above the magnitude 7.1. In this number are included such variable stars as have been seen to attain this limit; but not those nebulas or clusters which comprise no such star. Of the number mentioned, 6733 belong to the Southern hemisphere, and 997 to the belt which comprises the first ten degrees of North declination. The positions of all the southern stars have been determined at Cordoba. For facilitating general investigations concerning the distribution of stars of different degrees of brightness, the number in each constellation is assorted by magnitude, with full detail, in the appended enumeration. In this table those components of double stars for which the magnitudes could not be estimated more closely than to the quarter-unit, are of course arranged in the same way in which they were estimated. The number of stars below 7M0 which have been included in our catalogue, because their light reinforces that of brighter ones, as seen by the unassisted eye, is given in the column headed "debiles." It need scarcely be mentioned that in the column of "variables" are counted only those whose limits of vriation have been so nearly determined, that these, rather than the mean values of the magnitude, are given in the Catalogue. Some entirely independent determinations of relative brilliancy, deduced from observed sequences of the order of brightness of a considerable number of the principal stars visible in Cordoba, will be given at the end of the notes contained in the following chapter. ENUMERATION, BY CONSTELLATIONS, ACCORDING TO MAGNITUDE 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 1 OCTANS . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . . . 2 MENSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 HYDRUS . . 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 4 CHAMAELEON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 1 . 5 APUS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 6 PAVO . 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . . . 2 . 1 7 INDUS . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 . . . 8 TUCANA . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . 2 . . . . 1 1 . . . . 9 VOLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . 10 CARINA 1 2 1 1 . 1 . 1 2 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . . 2 1 . 4 1 1 . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 11 MUSCA . . . 1 . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 12 CIRCINUS . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 13 TRIANGULUM AUS. . 1 . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . 14 DORADO . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . 1 1 . . 15 ARA . . . 3 . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 HOROLOGIUM . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 RETICULUM . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . . . 1 . 18 PICTOR . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 19 CENTAURUS 2 1 4 2 1 2 . 1 . 1 . . . . . 1 2 . 3 3 3 . 1 1 . 2 2 4 1 20 CRUX . 4 . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . 1 2 . . . . . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 21 NORMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 22 PHOENIX . . 1 . 1 1 . . . . . 1 1 1 . . . 1 . . 2 1 1 1 . 1 . . . 23 ERIDANUS 1 . . 3 2 1 1 . 1 2 . 1 2 3 . 3 2 . . 4 2 . 2 5 1 2 2 2 . 24 TELESCOPIUM . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 25 GRUS . 2 . 1 . . 1 . . . . . 1 1 . . 2 . . 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 . 26 VELA . 1 2 3 . . . . . 1 . . 1 2 . 3 . . . 1 1 . 2 . . . 1 . 3 27 LUPUS . . 1 2 . . . . 2 1 2 1 . . . . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 2 . 1 2 1 1 28 PUPPIS . . 2 2 . . 2 1 1 . . . . 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 4 2 4 1 29 CAELUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . 1 . 30 SCORPIUS . 3 4 2 1 3 . . 3 . . . 1 . . . . . . 2 1 1 2 1 1 . . . . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 31 CORONA AUSTRINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . 32 SAGITTARIUS . 1 2 4 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 2 1 1 . 1 2 . . 1 2 . 33 MICROSCOPIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 34 COLUMBA . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . 35 SCULPTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . 1 . . 1 . . . 36 FORNAX . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 2 . 1 37 ANTLIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 38 PISCIS AUSTRINUS 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . . . . 39 PYXIS . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 1 . . 40 HYDRA (austr.) . 1 . 2 . 1 . . 1 1 . 1 1 2 . . . . . 1 1 . 1 . . 5 2 1 . " (bor.) . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 . . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 41 CANIS MAJOR 1 3 . 2 . 1 . . 1 . . . 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 2 . . 1 1 1 2 . 1 42 OPHIUCHUS (austr.) . . 3 . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 3 2 . 1 . . . " (bor.) . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . 1 1 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 43 LIBRA . . . 2 . . 1 . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 2 . 1 . 44 CAPRICORNUS . . . 2 . . . . 1 2 . . . . . 2 . . 1 1 1 . . 2 . 1 . 1 . 45 LEPUS . . 1 2 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . 46 AQUARIUS (austr.) . . 2 1 . . . . 1 . 1 1 2 . . 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 . 1 1 2 3 3 . " (bor.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 47 CETUS (austr.) . . 1 1 . 1 3 . . . . . 1 1 . 1 . . 2 . . . 2 . . 2 . 1 . " (bor.) . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 . . . . . 1 . . . 48 CRATER . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . . 1 . 49 CORVUS . . 2 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 50 VIRGO (austr.) . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . 2 . " (bor.) . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 . . . 3 . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . 2 . . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 51 SERPENS: CAPUT (austr.) . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " (bor.) . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . CAUDA (austr.) . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . " (bor.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . 52 SCUTUM . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . 53 AQUILA (austr.) . . . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . " (bor.) 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 ORION (austr.) 1 2 2 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . " (bor.) . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 3 . 1 . 4 . 55 MONOCEROS (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 . . " (bor.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 56 SEXTANS (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " (bor.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 57 PISCES (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . 1 . " (bor.) . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 2 . 1 2 2 . . 1 . 1 1 1 . 58 LEO (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . " (bor.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 59 TAURUS (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " (bor.) . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 . . . . . . 60 CANIS MINOR 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 61 DELPHINUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 EQUULEUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 2 . . . . . . . . . 63 PEGASUS . . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 64 HERCULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 CANCER . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 BOOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 2.3 2.8 3 3 4 4 4 CONSTEL. 1 - - - 3.3 3.4 3.5 1/2 3.6 3.7 3/4 3.8 3.9 4.0 4 4.1 4.2 1/4 4.3 4.4 4.5 1/2 4.6 4.7 3/4 4.8 4.9 5.0 5 2.2 2.7 3.2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Australes 7 23 30 47 12 15 14 5 19 15 3 17 20 22 3 22 23 4 19 34 29 6 30 38 8 35 31 33 11 Boreales 2 1 3 5 . 3 4 1 4 4 . 3 4 4 . 2 7 . 3 8 6 . 2 5 . 7 7 8 . Total 9 24 33 52 12 18 18 6 23 19 3 20 24 26 3 24 30 4 22 42 35 6 32 43 8 42 38 41 11 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 1 OCTANS . . . . 1 1 . 3 3 1 3 4 3 . 4 2 . 6 8 6 1 5 8 1 6 10 9 . . . 88 9 1 Oct 2 MENSA . . . 1 . 1 . 3 2 . 4 1 2 . 3 . . . 3 . . 1 4 . 6 7 6 . . . 44 3 2 Men 3 HYDRUS 1 1 . . . . 1 2 . . 1 3 2 . 2 2 1 5 4 2 . 1 5 . 5 11 8 1 1 . 64 11 3 Hyi 4 CHAMAELEON . . . . . 1 . 2 . . 1 . 1 . 1 3 . 2 1 2 . 4 5 . 5 6 10 . . . 50 1 4 Cha 5 APUS . 1 . 1 1 2 . . . . 2 1 1 1 3 . . 2 5 3 . 3 10 . 9 6 11 . 2 . 67 3 5 Aps 6 PAVO . . . 1 1 4 . 3 4 . 2 4 2 . 2 5 . 2 7 10 2 9 13 . 10 19 15 . 1 . 129 21 6 Pav 7 INDUS . 1 . 1 . . . 1 2 . 2 1 6 . . 2 . 5 7 7 . 9 3 . 7 9 16 . . . 84 8 7 Ind 8 TUCANA . . . 1 . 3 1 1 6 . 1 1 3 . 2 3 . 2 5 3 1 5 7 1 9 9 8 . . 2 81 16 8 Tuc 9 VOLANS . 1 . . . . . 2 4 . . 1 1 1 . 1 . . 1 4 . 2 2 1 8 5 6 . . . 46 5 9 Vol 10 CARINA 2 4 . 3 3 4 2 2 7 1 2 4 7 1 8 3 1 9 14 10 1 20 15 1 26 41 41 5 5 2 268 50 10 Car 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 11 MUSCA . . . 2 . 2 . 2 1 . 3 . 1 1 2 1 . 1 1 4 . 8 7 . 6 9 16 1 1 . 75 8 11 Mus 12 CIRCINUS . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 3 2 . 2 1 . 2 5 2 1 4 5 1 7 4 3 . . . 48 5 12 Cir 13 TRIANGULUM AUS. . . . . . . . 2 1 . 2 . 1 . 2 3 . 3 2 2 . 3 1 . 2 6 9 . 2 . 46 3 13 TrA 14 DORADO 2 1 . . . 1 . 2 1 . . 2 1 . 1 . . 1 2 1 . 3 1 . 4 5 5 2 1 1 43 6 14 Dor 15 ARA . . . . . 1 . 1 1 . 3 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 8 5 . 9 5 1 5 9 10 5 . 1 86 14 15 Ara 16 HOROLOGIUM . 1 . 2 . 1 . 2 1 . 2 1 . . 4 2 1 1 4 2 . 4 6 . 5 16 10 2 . . 68 7 16 Hor 17 RETICULUM 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . 1 . 3 2 . . 2 . . 1 3 2 1 1 8 1 . . 34 12 17 Ret 18 PICTOR . 1 . 1 . 2 . 1 2 . 4 . 2 . 1 1 . 1 4 5 1 5 9 . 7 11 5 1 . . 67 10 18 Pic 19 CENTAURUS . 6 1 2 5 3 2 1 11 3 9 9 7 1 13 10 3 7 17 19 . 33 35 3 28 46 66 7 2 3 389 57 19 Cen 20 CRUX . . . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 2 . 2 1 . 4 2 2 . 4 7 . 4 2 7 1 . . 54 11 20 Cru 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 21 NORMA . 1 . . 2 2 1 . 1 . 1 2 5 . 1 . 2 2 2 4 . 9 3 1 3 10 7 1 . 1 64 9 21 Nor 22 PHOENIX 1 2 . 1 1 1 . 4 3 . 3 4 . . 5 4 . 3 11 7 1 13 12 1 12 12 24 1 . . 139 25 22 Phe 23 ERIDANUS 1 2 2 6 6 3 1 7 7 1 9 7 7 1 10 11 3 14 14 11 1 12 23 2 21 28 36 3 2 . 293 23 23 Eri 24 TELESCOPIUM . 2 . . 2 2 . . 5 . . 3 1 . 3 2 . 4 4 9 . 6 8 2 7 17 8 . . . 87 6 24 Tel 25 GRUS 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 4 1 5 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 1 7 10 2 8 17 8 2 . . 106 15 25 Gru 26 VELA 1 2 . 2 3 2 . 6 5 2 9 8 8 1 1 12 6 7 17 14 1 13 15 4 20 27 35 5 1 . 248 59 26 Vel 27 LUPUS 4 2 1 1 . 3 . 2 2 . 6 3 2 . 1 7 1 3 5 9 3 7 11 3 12 15 32 4 . . 159 25 27 Lup 28 PUPPIS 2 4 . 10 6 4 2 4 8 2 3 13 10 2 4 11 1 8 4 17 3 16 23 3 27 35 52 11 3 . 313 62 28 Pup 29 CAELUM 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 1 3 4 1 2 5 . 2 2 2 . . . 28 6 29 Cae 30 SCORPIUS 1 1 . 3 1 4 1 2 6 . 8 5 5 1 4 4 1 9 11 10 . 6 11 3 16 23 17 4 . 3 185 57 30 Sco 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 31 CORONA AUSTRINA 1 1 . . 1 2 . 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 . . . 2 2 1 1 7 3 3 . . 49 4 31 CrA 32 SAGITTARIUS 5 2 . 2 5 4 . 7 5 1 10 15 11 1 6 9 1 5 8 16 2 20 27 1 24 25 51 4 4 2 298 28 32 Sgr 33 MICROSCOPIUM . . . . 1 1 . 1 3 . 3 1 3 2 3 2 . 2 3 3 . 2 8 1 5 12 6 3 . . 69 8 33 Mic 34 COLUMBA 1 1 . 2 2 . . 1 2 . 6 5 3 1 4 4 . 2 7 5 . 6 4 2 12 14 18 3 . . 112 14 34 Col 35 SCULPTOR . 2 . 1 3 2 . 3 1 . 4 3 7 . 1 2 1 4 6 13 1 16 13 1 15 17 8 2 1 . 131 12 35 Scl 36 FORNAX . 1 . . 3 1 . 3 3 . 1 4 3 . 4 5 . 5 12 8 1 6 11 . 9 9 14 2 . . 110 9 36 For 37 ANTLIA 2 . . . . . . 1 1 . 3 2 1 1 . 1 . 1 7 3 1 6 5 1 7 20 18 1 1 . 85 11 37 Ant 38 PISCIS AUSTRINUS . 1 . 2 1 . . 1 2 . . 4 1 1 4 1 . 2 5 10 . 1 3 . 11 3 14 1 . . 75 9 38 PsA 39 PYXIS . 1 . 1 2 . . 2 . 1 1 . . 1 1 . . 2 2 5 . 2 5 . 5 10 18 2 . . 65 11 39 Pyx 40 HYDRA (austr.) 1 1 2 6 5 1 . 7 6 1 5 6 10 3 6 11 3 13 19 20 1 19 45 3 39 44 49 2 1 . 350 50 40 Hya (austr.) " (bor.) 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 4 1 . 4 3 . 8 4 8 . . . 43 6 Hya (bor.) 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 41 CANIS MAJOR . . 1 2 2 2 1 3 5 1 4 5 6 . 4 5 3 5 5 11 1 16 13 2 20 18 18 3 . 1 178 37 41 CMa 42 OPHIUCHUS (austr.) 3 2 . 1 1 2 1 . 2 3 4 3 2 1 6 1 . 7 6 13 . 10 11 2 12 15 15 1 . . 138 5 42 Oph (austr.) " (bor.) 1 . . . 1 1 . 1 . . 4 2 . . 2 4 . 2 7 3 . 6 4 . 7 6 11 . . . 71 15 Oph (bor.) 43 LIBRA . . . 1 1 4 . 2 5 . 4 5 2 . 6 3 1 3 4 10 1 13 7 3 12 9 14 2 1 . 122 17 43 Lib 44 CAPRICORNUS 1 1 . 1 2 3 1 3 4 . 1 1 4 . 5 4 1 7 7 8 . 7 9 . 17 11 18 3 1 . 134 13 44 Cap 45 LEPUS . 1 . . 2 3 . . 2 1 2 5 6 1 3 2 . 5 5 6 . 8 11 . 3 10 12 2 1 . 103 7 45 Lib 46 AQUARIUS (austr.) 2 3 . 2 3 . 2 5 5 . 10 5 4 2 4 14 . 9 16 18 1 11 18 2 26 30 32 3 2 1 260 24 46 Aqr (austr.) " (bor.) . . . . . 1 . 1 . . . 1 1 . . 1 . 1 . 2 . . 2 . 2 1 2 . . . 16 4 Aqr (bor.) 47 CETUS (austr.) 3 3 . 5 5 6 . 1 9 2 11 14 7 1 6 10 . 12 10 16 3 17 25 1 24 21 35 5 2 . 270 20 47 Cet (austr.) " (bor.) 2 . . . . . . 1 2 . . 2 1 . 3 1 . 5 3 2 1 3 4 . 6 5 4 . . . 51 3 Cet (bor.) 48 CRATER . 1 . . 2 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 3 . 3 4 2 . 4 5 . 6 6 5 . . . 53 3 48 Crt 49 CORVUS . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 . 2 1 2 . . 5 . 1 3 2 2 2 4 . 4 8 6 2 . . 53 4 49 Crv 50 VIRGO (austr.) 2 2 1 3 2 . 1 4 4 . 4 6 5 . 8 6 . 3 4 8 1 9 19 1 20 22 23 3 2 . 170 13 50 Vir (austr.) " (bor.) . . . 2 1 2 . 1 1 . 4 1 3 . 5 1 . 3 9 6 . 6 8 . 10 10 16 1 1 . 101 5 Vir (bor.) 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 51 SERPENS: CAPUT (austr.) . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 2 . . . . . . 2 . . . 2 . 1 3 1 1 . . 15 1 51a Ser (austr.) " (bor.) . . . 1 1 2 . . . . 1 . 2 . 1 3 . 1 3 1 . . 2 . 3 5 4 . . 1 34 3 Ser (bor.) CAUDA (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 1 . 3 1 . 2 2 1 . 4 5 . 5 5 3 . . 2 43 . 51b Ser (austr.) " (bor.) . . . . . 1 . . 1 . 2 2 2 . . . . . 2 2 . 2 4 . 1 4 4 1 . 1 31 4 Ser (bor.) 52 SCUTUM 1 1 . 1 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 1 . 3 4 . 1 5 . 1 . 4 . 1 1 33 2 52 Sct 53 AQUILA (austr.) 1 . . 1 1 . . 3 1 . 4 5 . . 2 1 1 2 4 5 . 4 7 . 11 6 14 3 . . 81 12 53 Aql (austr.) " (bor.) . . . 2 1 1 . . 3 . 2 1 . . 2 2 . 2 2 3 . 8 8 . 10 2 11 . 2 . 65 9 Aql (bor.) 54 ORION (austr.) 2 3 . . . 2 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 4 1 . 2 3 8 . 8 11 1 13 6 3 3 2 . 88 13 54 Ori (austr.) " (bor.) 1 . . 1 2 1 . . 1 . 1 6 3 . 4 5 . 5 5 9 . 4 7 . 10 8 10 . 1 . 98 6 Ori (bor.) 55 MONOCEROS (austr.) . 1 . . 2 1 . 4 4 . 1 5 5 . 4 7 1 9 5 3 . 11 14 . 9 17 11 . 1 . 120 13 55 Mon (austr.) (bor.) . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 1 . 4 4 2 . 4 8 . 5 2 6 . 1 2 45 9 Mon (bor.) 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 56 SEXTANS (austr.) . . . . 1 1 . 1 . . . 1 2 . . 3 . 2 4 2 . 5 3 . 10 7 5 . . . 47 3 56 Sex (austr.) " (bor.) . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 2 . 1 1 2 . 4 4 . 3 5 3 . . . 28 . Sex (bor.) 57 PISCES (austr.) 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . 2 . . 2 1 . . 6 3 . 1 . . 1 1 4 . . . 27 6 57 Psc (austr.) " (bor.) . 1 . 1 2 1 . 2 1 . 3 7 2 1 1 4 . 3 4 5 . 11 8 . 11 10 20 . . . 113 5 Psc (bor.) 58 LEO (austr.) . . . 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 2 . 1 2 . 2 4 5 . . . 21 2 58 Leo (austr.) " (bor.) . 1 . 3 1 1 . . 2 . . 2 3 . 1 2 . 5 1 5 . 1 2 . 4 4 8 . . . 49 . Leo (bor.) 59 TAURUS (austr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . 2 . 59 Tau (austr.) " (bor.) . 1 . . 2 . . 2 1 . 2 5 2 . 1 2 . 1 3 5 . 3 6 . 7 6 6 . 1 . 62 4 Tau (bor.) 60 CANIS MINOR 1 . . . . . . 1 1 . . 3 2 . 1 1 . 2 4 4 . 7 2 . 3 8 8 . . . 51 1 60 CMi 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const 61 DELPHINUS . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . 1 4 2 . 1 3 . 2 3 3 . . . 21 . 61 Del 62 EQUULEUS . . . . . 1 . 1 1 . . . 2 . 1 2 . . 1 2 . 2 1 . 4 4 5 . . . 30 8 62 Equ 63 PEGASUS . . . 4 3 . . 1 1 . 4 2 1 . 1 1 . 4 1 . . 3 3 . 2 11 6 . . . 52 . 63 Peg 64 HERCULES . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 1 3 . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 3 2 4 . . . 17 1 64 Her 65 CANCER . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 2 . . . 2 . . 2 . 2 1 4 . . . 15 . 65 Cnc 66 BOOTES . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 2 1 . . 1 1 . . . 8 . 66 Boo 5 5 5 6 6 6 Cum CONSTEL. 5.1 5.2 1/4 5.3 5.4 5.5 1/2 5.6 5.7 3/4 5.8 5.9 6.0 6 6.1 6.2 1/4 6.3 6.4 6.5 1/2 6.6 6.7 3/4 6.8 6.9 7.0 7 Var Neb Total Deb. Const _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Australes 44 63 8 72 83 88 16 114 161 22 175 192 179 30 178 205 37 218 339 385 33 447 556 54 613 778 918 111 41 20 6755 898 Boreales 6 6 . 15 16 12 . 12 17 . 25 36 28 1 24 36 . 42 58 58 1 71 83 . 103 102 144 2 6 4 1001 83 Total 50 69 8 87 99 100 16 126 178 22 200 228 207 31 202 241 37 260 397 443 34 518 639 54 716 880 1062 113 47 24 7756 981 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________